Solar Power Factor
Solar Power Factor
Solar Power Factor
Current for inductive loads
Current for resistive loads
power (VA) Reactive
power (var)
90 180 270 360
angle ()
Phase difference
Active power (W)
Figure 1: AC power system with a lagging power factor Power factor = cos
(current is lagging the voltage) and unity power factor
Figure 2: Phase diagram of AC power showing
A non-unity power factor means a load is active power, reactive power, and apparent power
consuming both active and reactive power. Active
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Copyright 2015 Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
A common analogy of AC power is to a glass of about the direction of energy flow. A positive sign
beer (Figure 3). Reactive power is analogous with indicates import mode and a negative sign indicates
the head of the beer, while the liquid beer is active export mode.
power (that does the work), giving apparent power
In quadrants 1 and 4, a positive reactive power
as everything contained in the glass.
indicates an inductive load and a negative reactive
power indicates a capacitive load in the import
Reactive power (var)
mode. On the other hand in export mode quadrants
2 and 3, an inductive generator is indicated by a
positive reactive power and a capacitive generator
Apparent is indicated by a negative reactive power.
Active power (VA)
Positive reactive power
power (W) Export mode, inductive
Import mode, inductive
negative active power positive active power
negative cos phi positive cos phi
positive reactive power positive reactive power
Quadrant 1
Quadrant 2 S
Negative active Positive active
power power
Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
Export mode, capacitive Import mode, capacitive
Figure 3: The beer analogy of apparent power negative active power
negative cos phi
positive active power
positive cos phi
negative reactive power negative reactive power
Negative reactive power
Copyright 2015 Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
this to be performed is by using banks of capacitors from the grid has been reduced to 40kW, while the
that can be shunted in and out of the system reactive power imported from the grid remains
depending on the operation of the load. constant at 32.9kVAr. As can be seen from the phase
diagram, this has the effect of reducing the power
Residential customers do not consume enough
factor to 0.77 - lagging.
energy to warrant the additional costs of metering
equipment to measure power factor. Large industrial
and commercial customers however are billed for Active power = 60 kW
Active power
consuming power at a poor power factor. There = 40 kW
is therefore an incentive for these customers to
improve the power factor of their loads and reduce
the amount of reactive power they draw from Reactive power
the grid. Grid = 32.9 kvar
Power Factor and Grid Connected PV
Most grid connected PV inverters are only set up to Apparent Power Reactive Power consumed
inject power at unity power factor, meaning they (from grid) (from grid) Q = 32.9kVAr
S = 51.79kVA
only produce active power. In effect this reduces the
power factor, as the grid is then supplying less active 39.4 Active Power offset
power, but the same amount of reactive power. (solar) P = -60kW
Copyright 2015 Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Active power = 57 kW
Reactive power = 18.7 kvar
Active power
= 43 kW
Reactive power
Grid = 14.2 kvar
Reactive Power
Consumed total
Q = 32.9kVAr
Reactive Power
Apparent Power offset (solar)
(from grid) Q=-18.7kVAr
S = 45.28kVA
Active Power offset
18.27 (solar) P = -57kW
Copyright 2015 Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.