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Checklist For Minimum Technical Requirements For Pipeline Applications

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Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements

for Pipeline Applications

See the following Users Notes for details on these technical requirements.

1 Resumption, No Change in Licence Conditions Yes No NA

1.1 External pipeline condition

1.1.1 Cathodic protection has been maintained.

1.1.2 Pipeline external coating integrity has been assessed.

1.2 Internal pipeline condition

1.2.1 Pipeline internal coating integrity has been assessed.

1.2.2 Pipeline internal condition has been assessed.

1.3 Road or rail crossings: sufficient wall thickness or suitability of the casing has been assessed.

1.4 Class location has been assessed.

1.5 Hydrotest: The pipeline will be rehydrotested before use.

1.6 Sour service requirements: The pipeline and its components satisfy sour service requirements.

1.7 Reason for discontinuation/abandonment: Applicant can demonstrate reason for discontinuation/abandonment.

1.8 Downstream effects: The pipeline MOP and H2S level will be compatible with those of connecting pipelines.

2 Increase in Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP)

2.1 Materials pressure rating: There is adequate pressure rating of all pipeline components.

2.2 MOP is compatible with that of other connecting systems.

2.3 MOP increase will reclassify the pipeline as sour service (see Section 3).

2.4 Notch toughness requirements have been met, if steel pipe.

2.5 Hydrotesting requirements: The applicant will rehydrotest the pipeline.

3 Change of Service: H2S Content Increase

3.1 Nonsour service gas to gas >10 mol/kmol, or sour service to gas >10 mol/kmol

3.1.1 Minimum distance (setback) requirements separating pipelines from residential and other developments,
based on the new H2S release volume, are met.

3.1.2 Pipeline will be rehydrotested to 1.4 x MOP.

3.1.3 Stress calculation: Design stress limitations are met.

3.1.4 Sour service material requirements: The pipeline and its components satisfy sour service requirements.

3.1.5 Downstream effects: The pipeline H2S level will be compatible with that of connecting pipelines.

3.1.6 Corrosion mitigation, monitoring, evaluation, and record-keeping programs are in place prior
to operation under new service conditions.

F-2003-09 Alberta Energy and Utilities Board 640-5 Avenue SW, Calgary Alberta T2P 3G4
Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements
for Pipeline Applications (page 2)

Yes No N/A

4 Substance Change from Less to More Corrosive

4.1 Downstream effects: The pipeline operating conditions will be compatible with those of connecting pipelines.

4.2 Corrosion mitigation, monitoring, evaluation, and record-keeping programs are in place prior to operation under
more corrosive conditions.

4.3 Flow analysis has been completed to determine flow regime.

5 Liner Installation

5.1 Freestanding liner

5.1.1 Freestanding liner: meets the requirements listed in the user notes

5.1.2 Downstream effects: pipeline MOP and H2S level will be compatible with those of connecting pipelines.

5.2 Tight liner

5.2.1 Tight liner: meets the requirements listed in the user notes

5.2.2 Downstream effects: pipeline MOP and H2S level will be compatible with those of connecting pipelines.

6 Standalone Composite Pipeline Installation

6.1 Pipeline liner material rated MOP is greater than licensed MOP.

6.2 Natural gas service restrictions are satisfied.

6.3 Downstream effects: The pipeline MOP and H2S level will be compatible with those of connecting pipelines.

F-2003-09 Alberta Energy and Utilities Board 640-5 Avenue SW, Calgary Alberta T2P 3G4
Users NotesChecklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline Applications

The checklist reviews the typical information that the EUB requires to evaluate nonroutine applications
involving resumption, MOP increase, substance change or H2S increase, liner installation, or composite
pipeline installation. This section indicates the type of information that the applicant must attach with an
application, as well as what information it must keep on file and have available for EUB review upon
request. Depending on specific circumstances, an applicant may be requested to provide additional
information. However, in most cases, submitting the information indicated should be sufficient.
The applicant may include one engineering assessment that addresses all the necessary issues in one
report instead of separate reports for each individual issue.

The flowchart on the next page indicates the section of the checklist that deals with each specific issue.


1.1 External pipeline condition

1.1.1 Cathodic protection has been maintained.

Yes means the applicant has maintained and monitored cathodic protection during the
discontinued or abandoned period. Areas of concern such as shorts or shorts in casings
are absent.

No means the applicant has not maintained and monitored cathodic protection or the
cathodic protection did not provide adequate protection. Attach an engineering
assessment (CSA Z662, Clause 10.11.6: Engineering Assessments) of the external
condition of the pipeline validating its suitability for service and outlining any measures
necessary to mitigate and repair any damaged areas.

NA means the pipeline is nonmetallic.

1.1.2 Pipeline external coating integrity has been assessed.

Yes means the applicant has demonstrated the integrity of the external coating and
demonstrated that it is suitable or acceptable for the proposed service by assessing areas
such as coating holidays or disbonded coating.

No means the applicant cannot demonstrate the integrity of the external coating. Attach
an engineering assessment of the external condition of the pipeline validating its
suitability or acceptability for the proposed service.

NA means the pipeline does not have an external coating. It also means the pipeline is

An engineering assessment of external coating should include investigative digs at

locations that are representative of the worst-case condition of the pipeline.

Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003) 1
Is pipeline currently
in service ? NO Section

YES Increase
MOP? YES Section


S? YES Section


corrosive? YES Section


install? YES Section


YES Section



2 Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003)
1.2 Internal pipeline condition

1.2.1 Pipeline internal coating integrity has been assessed.

Yes means the applicant has demonstrated the integrity of the internal coating and that it
is suitable or acceptable for the proposed service.

No means the applicant cannot demonstrate the integrity of the internal pipeline coating.
Attach an engineering assessment of the internal pipeline coating condition validating its
suitability or acceptability for the proposed service.

NA means the pipeline does not have an internal coating.

1.2.2 Pipeline internal condition has been assessed.

Yes means the applicant can demonstrate the integrity of the internal condition of the
pipeline through techniques such as cutouts, line logging, radiography, or ultrasonic
inspection and can demonstrate the suitability or acceptability of the pipeline for the
proposed service.

No means the applicant cannot demonstrate the integrity of the internal condition of the
pipeline through techniques such as those indicated in the Yes answer. Attach an
engineering assessment outlining measures taken to demonstrate that the pipeline is
suitable or acceptable for the proposed service.

1.3 Road or rail crossings: Sufficient wall thickness or suitability of the casing has been

Yes means the pipeline material is of sufficient thickness or is suitably cased.

No means the crossing is not in accordance with CSA Z662. Attach an engineering
assessment indicating measures taken to make the pipeline suitable for service given the
loading at the crossing.

NA means the pipeline does not have any road or rail crossings.

1.4 Class location has been assessed.

Yes means the class location has not changed while the pipeline was abandoned or

No means the class location has changed. Attach supporting documentation addressing
any additional requirements that the class change creates.

While such documents as emergency response plans (ERPs) may be required, a note
indicating the existence of updated versions of these documents is generally

Refer to CSA Z662, Section 4.3.2 Class Locations.

Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003) 3
1.5 Hydrostatic test: The pipeline will be rehydrotested before use.

Yes means the applicant will rehydrotest the pipeline as outlined in CSA Z662. For gas
>10 mol/kmol H2S 1.4 x MOP, as outlined in Section 41(3) of the Pipeline Regulation .

No means the pipeline will not be rehydrotested. Attach an engineering assessment

describing the measures that will be taken to demonstrate the integrity of the pipeline.

NA means hydrostatic retesting of the pipeline was completed.

A legible copy of the original test chart is generally acceptable. Refer to CSA Z662,
Section 8.6: Pressure Test Records.

1.6 Sour service requirements: The pipeline and its components satisfy sour service

Yes means that the pipeline meets current sour service requirements for resumption of
abandoned pipeline.

No means changes were made to the design standards or modifications were made to the
pipeline during the abandonment period. Attach an engineering assessment indicating
that the pipeline and its components satisfy all of the current sour service requirements.

NA means the pipeline is not licensed for sour service substances.

For resumption of discontinued pipelines, any modifications must meet the current
CSA requirements for sour service.

For pipe, fittings, flanges, and valves, refer to CSA Z245.1, CSA Z245.11,
CSA 245.12, and CSA Z245.15 respectively.

1.7 Reason for discontinuation/abandonment: Applicant can demonstrate reason for


Yes means the applicant has documented the history of the pipeline and the reasons for
the discontinuation/abandonment, demonstrating that the pipeline was not discontinued or
abandoned due to an integrity concern.

No means the applicant cannot demonstrate why the pipeline was discontinued/
abandoned. Attach an engineering assessment describing the potential problems a
pipeline operating in this environment could encounter.

1.8 Downstream effects: The pipeline MOP and H2S level will be compatible with those
of connecting pipelines.

Yes means the proposed pipeline H2S content is the same as that of other connecting
pipelines or that a flow-stopping device is in place to protect the pipeline from higher
H2S content. It also means the proposed pipeline MOP is the same as that of other
connecting pipelines or that pressure control devices are in place to protect the pipeline
from overpressuring.

4 Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003)
No means the proposed pipeline H2S content is not the same as that of other connecting
pipelines and that a flow-stopping device is not in place to protect the pipeline from
higher H2S content. It also means the proposed pipeline MOP is not the same as that of
other connecting pipelines or that pressure control devices are not in place to protect the
pipeline from overpressuring. Attach an engineering assessment outlining the details for
addressing the dissimilar H2S content and or MOP.

NA means the service conditions of connecting upstream and downstream pipelines have
not changed while the pipeline was discontinued or abandoned.

Both the H2S and MOP of connecting pipelines must be compatible.

Check valves are flow-controlling devices only and cannot be used to control


2.1 Materials pressure rating: There is adequate pressure rating of all pipeline

Yes means all pipeline, fittings, flanges, and valves are rated for the new MOP.

No means pipeline, fittings, flanges, and valves pressure rating is unknown or they are
not adequately rated for the new MOP. Attach an engineering assessment outlining the
measures that will be taken to address the deficiency.

2.2 MOP is compatible with that of other connecting systems.

Yes means the proposed pipeline MOP is the same as that of other connecting pipelines
or that pressure-controlling devices are in place to protect the pipeline from

No means the MOPs are not the same and that pressure-controlling devices to protect the
pipelines from overpressuring are absent. Attach an engineering assessment explaining
the adequacy of the design.
Check valves are flow-controlling devices only and cannot be used to control

2.3 MOP increase will reclassify the pipeline as sour service.

Yes means the increase in MOP raises the partial pressure of H2S in the gas phase to the
point where sour service materials are required.

No means the MOP increase does not raise the partial pressure of H2S in the gas phase to
the point where sour service materials are required. Attach supporting calculations and
gas analysis.
N/A means the substance does not contain H2S in the gas phase.
Refer to Section 3: Change of ServiceH2S Content Increase.
MOP increase may increase the release volume and therefore require changes to the

Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003) 5
2.4 Notch toughness requirements have been met, if steel pipe.

Yes means proven notch toughness requirements are satisfied.

No means proven notch toughness requirements are not satisfied. Attach an engineering
assessment indicating measures that will be taken to address the deficiency.

Refer to CSA Z662, Section 5.2.2: Notch Toughness RequirementsSteel Pipe.

Proven notch toughness is not required where the operating stress is 50 MPa or
pipe OD is 114.3 mm or with a nominal wall thickness of 6.0 mm.

2.5 Hydrotesting requirements: The applicant will rehydrotest the pipeline.

Yes means the applicant will hydrotest the pipeline to 1.4 x MOP for gas pipelines >10
mol/kmol H2S or in accordance with the requirements of CSA Z662 for all other

No means the applicant will not hydrotest the pipeline to 1.4 x MOP for gas pipelines
>10 mol/kmol H2S or in accordance with the requirements of CSA Z662 for all other
pipelines. Attach an engineering assessment with rationale and supporting documents.

NA means the increase in MOP does not result in the need to rehydrotest. Attach an
engineering assessment with rationale and supporting documents.

If hydrotesting results in a test pressure that exceeds 100% SMYS, see requirements
in Section 39(1) of the Pipeline Regulation.

Refer to CSA Z662, Section 8.2: Strength and Leak Tests.

Consideration must be given to

- water availability/disposal and class location, and
- public safety during the test, including traffic and roadways in the vicinity of the
test section.


3.1 Nonsour service gas to gas >10 mol/kmol, or sour service to gas >10 mol/kmol

3.1.1 Minimum distance (setback) requirements separating pipelines from

residential and other developments, based on the new H2S release volume,
are met.

Yes means the minimum distance requirements between facilities and developments are

No means the minimum distance requirements between facilities and developments are
not satisfied. Attach a description of the variance and the proposed measures to be taken
to address the variance, such as reducing the level of sour gas in the pipeline.
Refer to Section 6.9.2: Setback Requirements in Guide 56.

6 Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003)
3.1.2 Pipeline will be rehydrotested to 1.4 x MOP.

Yes means the applicant will hydrotest the pipeline to 1.4 x MOP for gas pipelines >10

No means the applicant will not hydrotest the pipeline to 1.4 x MOP for gas pipelines
>10 mol/kmol. Attach an engineering assessment outlining the rationale for not
performing the hydrotest.

N/A means records exist to demonstrate that the pipeline has previously been qualified
for the MOP.

MOP refers to the MOP of the pipeline for the new H2S level. In some cases an
increase in H2S is accompanied by a reduction in MOP. If the original hydrotest
pressure was greater than 1.4 x new MOP, a hydrotest may not be required.

A legible copy of the original strip chart is generally acceptable. Refer to CSA Z662
for record-keeping requirements.

Consideration must be given to water availability/disposal and public safety during

the test, including traffic and roadways in the vicinity of the test section.

3.1.3 Stress calculation: Design stress limitations are met.

For gas pipelines >10 mol/kmol, the stress level does not exceed 60% SMYS for
those located underground or 50% SMYS for those located at the surface.

See the additional requirement in Section 13: Stress level limitations in the Pipeline

3.1.4 Sour service requirements: The pipeline and its components satisfy sour
service requirements.

Yes means all pipelines that were not previously in sour service meet current sour service
requirements and any modifications meet current sour service requirements.

No means an engineering assessment was used to demonstrate that sour service

requirements have been met. Attach the engineering assessment.

Pipe, fittings, flanges, and valves comply with CSA Z245.1, CSA Z245.11,
CSA 245.12, and CSA Z245.15.

For non-CSA pipe, a mill certification indicating dual stamp or a letter of compliance
from the manufacturer is required.

Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003) 7
3.1.5 Downstream effects: The pipeline H2S level will be compatible with those of
connecting pipelines.

Yes means the proposed pipeline H2S content is the same as those of other connecting
pipelines or that a flow-stopping device is in place to protect the pipeline from higher
H2S content.

No means the proposed pipeline H2S content is not the same as those of other connecting
pipelines and that a flow-stopping device is not in place to protect the pipeline from
higher H2S content. Attach an engineering assessment outlining the steps taken to protect
the connecting pipelines.

Both H2S and MOP of connecting pipelines must be compatible.

3.1.6 Corrosion mitigation, monitoring, evaluation, and record-keeping programs

are in place prior to operation under new service conditions.

The applicant must demonstrate that its corrosion program provides effective
mitigation, monitoring, evaluation, and record keeping prior to operation under the
proposed service conditions. Attach an engineering assessment.


from oil effluent to produced salt water; increases in H2S content are covered in Section 3)

4.1 Downstream effects

The pipeline operating conditions will be compatible with those of connecting

upstream and downstream pipelines.

4.2 Corrosion mitigation, monitoring, evaluation and record-keeping programs are in

place prior to operation under more corrosive conditions.

Yes means the applicant has validated that its corrosion program is suitable for the new
service conditions.

No means the applicant has not validated that its corrosion program is suitable for the
new service conditions. Attach an engineering assessment.

The applicant must demonstrate that its corrosion program provides for effective
mitigation, monitoring, evaluation, and record keeping.

4.3 Flow analysis has been completed to determine flow regime.

Yes means the flow regime for the system is known and its effects on corrosion rate are
No means the flow regime is unknown. Attach an engineering assessment explaining how
the corrosion mitigation, monitoring, evaluation, and record keeping plan described in
question 4.2 will be effective for an unknown flow regime.

8 Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003)

5.1 Freestanding liner

5.1.1 Requirements for freestanding liners

The carrier pipe, or liner, is the pressure-containing device.

Barlows formula cannot be used to calculate the stress level of composite, fibreglass,
or polyvinyl chloride pipe material. On Schedule 3.1 of Guide 56, leave the stress
field blank for the outer casing pipe.

The rated working pressure must be greater than or equal to the licensed MOP.

Strength and leak testing required in accordance with CSA Z662. Refer to CSA
Z662, Section 8.2, for steel pipe, Section 13 for fiber-reinforced composite pipe, and
Section 12 for polyethylene pipe.

When installing a freestanding liner in an abandoned pipeline, the ability to

demonstrate the integrity of the abandoned or discontinued carrier pipe is not

Attach a product specification sheet for the grade of liner material being installed.

Thermoset composite materials are not considered experimental, and the EUB may
issue a licence with conditions depending on the established performance of the

Thermoplastic composite materials are and will remain experimental, and the EUB
will issue a licence with conditions.

The rated working pressure must be greater than or equal to the licensed MOP.

For natural gas service, the following restrictions are imposed:

1) Pipeline is installed in Class 1 locations only.
2) H2S content must not be greater than 10 mol/kmol.
3) The MOP is 4960 kPa (PN50), regardless of composite pipe pressure rating.

5.1.2 Downstream effects: The pipeline MOP and H2S level will be compatible
with those of connecting pipelines.

Yes means the proposed pipeline H2S content is the same as that of other connecting
pipelines or that a flow-stopping device is in place to protect the pipeline from higher
H2S content. It also means the proposed pipeline MOP is the same as that of other
connecting pipelines or that pressure control devices are in place to protect the pipeline
from overpressuring.

No means the proposed pipeline H2S content is not the same as that of other connecting
pipelines and that a flow-stopping device is not in place to protect the pipeline from
higher H2S content. It also means the proposed pipeline MOP is not the same as that of
other connecting pipelines or that pressure control devices are not in place to protect the

Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003) 9
pipeline from overpressuring. Attach an engineering assessment outlining the details for
addressing the dissimilar H2S content and/or MOP.

NA means there are no connecting pipelines.

5.2 Tight liner

5.2.1 Requirements for tight liners

Calculate the stress level based on the outer casing pipe OD and wall thickness.

Attach a product specification sheet for the grade of liner material being installed.

Strength and leak testing required in accordance with CSA Z662, Section 12.

While tight liners are not pressure-containing devices and therefore do not have a
maximum restriction on MOP relative to their normal maximum rated pressure, the
outer casing pipe and its components must be suitable for the licensed MOP.

While tight liners do not have a maximum restriction on H2S content, the outer casing
pipe and its components must be suitable for service for the licensed H2S content.

When installing a tight liner in an abandoned pipeline, the ability to demonstrate the
integrity of the abandoned or discontinued carrier pipe is required (see Section 1).

5.2.2 Downstream effects: The pipeline MOP and H2S level will be compatible
with those of connecting pipelines.

Yes means the proposed pipeline H2S content is the same as that of other connecting
pipelines or that a flow-stopping device is in place to protect the pipeline from higher
H2S content. It also means the proposed pipeline MOP is the same as that of other
connecting pipelines or that pressure control devices are in place to protect the pipeline
from overpressuring.

No means the proposed pipeline H2S content is not the same as that of other connecting
pipelines and that a flow-stopping device is not in place to protect the pipeline from
higher H2S content. It also means the proposed pipeline MOP is not the same as that of
other connecting pipelines or that pressure control devices are not in place to protect the
pipeline from overpressuring. Attach an engineering assessment outlining the details for
addressing the dissimilar H2S content and/or MOP.

NA means there are no connecting pipelines.


6.1 Pipeline liner material rated MOP is greater than licensed MOP.

Include a product specification sheet for the grade of liner material being installed.

The rated working pressure must be greater than or equal to the licensed MOP.

Barlows formula cannot be used to calculate the stress level of composite, fibreglass,
or polyvinyl chloride pipe material. Leave the stress field blank for these materials.

10 Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003)
Thermoset composite materials are not considered experimental, and the EUB may
issue a licence with conditions depending on the established performance of the

Thermoplastic composite materials are and will remain experimental, and the EUB
will issue a licence with conditions.

6.2 Natural gas service restrictions are satisfied.

Yes means all three of the following conditions are satisfied:

1) Pipeline is installed in Class 1 locations only.
2) H2S content is not greater than 10 mol/kmol.
3) The MOP is 4960 kPa (PN50), regardless of composite pipe pressure rating.

No means any or all of the natural gas service restrictions listed above are not satisfied.
Attach an engineering assessment outlining proposed mitigation plan.
NA means the pipeline does not transport natural gas.

6.3 Downstream effects: The pipeline MOP and H2S level will be compatible with those
of connecting pipelines.

Yes means the proposed pipeline H2S content is the same as that of other connecting
pipelines or that a flow-stopping device is in place to protect the pipeline from higher
H2S content. It also means the proposed pipeline MOP is the same as that of other
connecting pipelines or that pressure control devices are in place to protect the pipeline
from overpressuring.

No means the proposed pipeline H2S content is not the same as that of other connecting
pipelines and that a flow-stopping device is not in place to protect the pipeline from
higher H2S content. It also means the proposed pipeline MOP is not the same as that of
other connecting pipelines or that pressure control devices are not in place to protect the
pipeline from overpressuring. Attach an engineering assessment outlining the details for
addressing the dissimilar H2S content and/or MOP.

NA means there are no connecting pipelines.

Checklist for Minimum Technical Requirements for Pipeline ApplicationsUser Notes (September 2003) 11

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