Consumer Behavior Macinnis Summary
Consumer Behavior Macinnis Summary
Consumer Behavior Macinnis Summary
Marketers study consumer behavior to gain insights that will lead to more effective
marketing strategies and tactics. Consumers and society can both benefit as marketers learn
to make products more user-friendly and to show concern for the environment. Finally,
studying consumer behavior helps marketers understand how to segment markets and how
to position an offering, and which marketing-mix tactics will be most effective.
High effort behavior: outcome of motivation is behavior that takes considerable effort.
Moreover, motivation creates willingness to expend time en energy engaging in these
High effort information processing and decision making: when consumers are highly
motivated, they are more likely to pay attention to it, think about it, comprehend
information and evaluate it.
Motivated reasoning: processing information in a way that allows consumers to reach the
conclusion they want to reach. Informatie verdraaien zodat het motivatie ondersteunt.
Consumers can be involved with a brand, with ads and with a medium.
Values: the extent to which it matches your beliefs about what is right, important, or good
Needs: internal state of tension caused by disequilibrium from an ideal or desired state.
According to Maslows Pyramid, lower-level needs must be satisfied before higher-level
needs. However, Maslow ignores the intensity of needs and is not consistent across cultures.
Social Non-Social
Modeling Functional: need that motivates the search Safety
Support for offerings that solve consumption- Order
related problems Physical well-being
Status Symbolic: need that relates to how we Self-control
Belonging perceive ourselves and how were Independence
Achievement perceived by others
Sex Hedonic: need that relates to sensory Sensory stimulation
Play pleasure Cognitive stimulation
Goals: outcome that we would like to achieve more specific and concrete than needs.
Consumer behavior is a continuous cycle of setting goals, pursuing them, determining
success and failure of goal pursuit, and adapting the goals. The more we visualize our goals,
the more motivated and committed we are to putting in effort towards the goals. When
people are close to attaining one of their goals, people tend to reduce effort on pursuing
that goal and redirect it to other goals. Type of goals:
Concrete: specific to a given behavior, determined by the situation (op tijd komen)
Abstract: over a longer period of time (een goede student zijn)
The appraisal theory states that our emotions are determined by how we think about a
situation or outcome. Positive emotions when an outcome is consistent with our goals and
vice versa.
Self-control: to regulate feelings, thoughts and behaviors in line with long-term goals.
Ego depletion: the idea that people get tired of making decisions because it is a process that
requires energy leads to reducing decision quality.
Consumers have psychological conflict between desire (short term)/hedonic force (you want
it now, even if you regret later) & will-power (long term)/utilitarian force (not doing it now)
Embodiment: connection between mind and body that influences consumer self-control and
Consumer ability
Ability: the extent to which consumers have the resources needed to make an outcome
happen. Resources that affect abilities:
Financial: lack of money might constrain consumers
Cognitive: experts are better able to think deeply about information than novices
Emotional: empathy and sympathy can affect decisions
Physical: can affect where when and how we take actions and make decisions
Social and Cultural: who consumers know and cultural knowledge and experience
Education and Age: better-educated will lead to more cognitive resources
Consumer opportunity
Time: consumers whom are under time pressure to make a decision will engage in limited
information processing. They also put more weight on negative information and will more
quickly reject a brand.
Control: consumers remember more when they can control the flow of information by
determining what information is presented, for how long, and in what order
Selective exposure:
Zipping: fast-forwarding through commercials on a program recorded earlier
Zapping: avoiding ads by switching to other channels
Focal and nonfocal attention: when we focus on a stimulus (focal) while simultaneously
being exposed to other stimuli (nonfocal). Characteristics:
Preattentive processing: most of our attentional resources are devoted to one
thing, leaving limited resources for something else
Marketers often take steps to attract consumers attention by making the stimulus:
Personally relevant
Pleasant: music, humor, attractive model
Surprising: novelty, unexpectedness, puzzle
Easy to process: prominence (to stand out), concreteness (being imagined)
Habituation: when a stimulus becomes familiar, it can lose its attention-gaining ability.
alter this stimulus periodically to encounter this
Webers law: the stronger the initial stimulus, the greater the additional intensity needed
for the second stimulus to be perceived as different.
s = de kleinste verandering van een stimulus om gedetecteerd te worden
S = de waarde van de initile stimulus
K = constante proportie
Perceptual organization: the process by which stimuli are organized into meaningful units
Figure and ground: people interpret stimuli in the context of a background
Closure: need to organize perceptions so they form a meaningful whole
Grouping: group stimuli to form unified picture of impression easier to process
Bias for the whole: more value in the whole than in parts that are equivalent
(you would rather spend 1x10 + 2x5 than 1x20)
Source identification: the process of determining what the perceived stimulus actually is
What is memory
Consumer memory: the persistence of learning over time, via the storage and retrieval of
information, which can occur consciously or unconsciously
Retrieval: the process of remembering or accessing what was previously stored in memory
Sensory memory: input from the five senses stores temporarily in memory
Iconic: what you see
Echoic: what you hear
Olfactory: memory at play
Long-term memory: part of memory where information is permanently stored for later use.
Episodic memory: knowledge we have about ourselves and our experiences
Semantic memory: general knowledge about an entity
Explicit memory: when consumers are consciously aware that they remember something
Recognition: remembering something after being exposed to it
Recall: remembering something without being exposed to it
Knowledge flexibility: the content and structure are flexible and adaptable to the requirements
Scripts: type of schema that represents knowledge of actions involved in performing activity
form of episodic memory
Priming: the increased sensitivity to certain concepts and associations due to prior
experience based on implicit memory
Brand image: specific type of schema that captures what brand stands for and how
favorably it is viewed
Brand personality: the way that the consumer would describe the brand if it were a person
Goal-derived category: things viewed as belonging in the same category because they serve
the same goals may belong to a different taxonomic category
Construal level theory: theory describing the different levels of abstractness in the
associations that a consumer has about concepts (people, products, brands, and activities)
and how the consumers psychological distance from these concepts influences his or her
Enhancing retrieval:
Characteristics of the stimulus that affect retrieval:
salience: salient objects attract attention and thus create stronger memories
prototypicality: have been frequently rehearsed and are linked in memory
redundant cues: memory is enhanced when information items to be learned
seem to go together naturally (peanut butter/jelly; sponsor/event)
medium in which the stimulus is processed: certain media are more effective
Retrieval affected by what the stimulus is linked to:
retrieval cue: a stimulus that facilitates the activation of memory
internal (in mind) or external (memo, ads)
Retrieval affected by how a stimulus is processed in working memory: messages
processed through imagery are better remembered than processed discursively
dual coding: mental images are processed as pictures and words
Consumer characteristics affecting retrieval: mood and expertise can affect
Characteristics of attitudes:
Favorability: the degree to which we like or dislike something
Attitude accessibility: how easily an attitude can be remembered
Attitude confidence: how strongly we hold an attitude
Central-route processing: the attitude formation and change process when effort is high
Peripheral-route processing: the attitude formation and change process when effort is low
Expectancy-value models: widely used models that explain how attitudes form and change
Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA): a model that provides an explanation of how,
when, and why attitudes predict behavior
Normative influences: how other people influence our behavior through social pressure
Regulatory fit: attitude can also be formed through an emotional route to persuasion
Affective response: when consumers generate feelings and images in response to a message
(opposite of cognitive response, probably also stronger than cognitive response)
For feelings to have a direct impact on their attitudes, consumers must cognitively link them
to the offering.
Factors that affect whether someones attitude will influence his/her behavior:
Level of involvement/elaboration
Knowledge and experience
Analysis of reasons
Accessibility of attitudes
Specificity of attitudes
Attitude confidence
Attitude-behavior relationship over time
Emotional attatchment
Situational factors
Normative factors
Personality variables
low self-monitors: people who are guided by their own internal dispositions
more consistent attitude-behavior relationships
high self-monitors: people who are guided by view and behaviors of others
adapt to every unique situation
Peripheral route to persuasion: aspects other than key message arguments that are used to
influence attitudes like visuals
Peripheral cues: easily processed aspects of a message like music, picture, or humor
Body feedback: consumers must know the meaning of the body feedback they experience in
order to explain their behavior; if they dont recognize it, the feedback cue will have no
Heuristics: simple rules of thumb that are used to make judgments; require little thought
Truth effect: when consumers believe a statement simply because it has been repeated a
number of times using familiarity to judge its accuracy
Problem recognition
Problem recognition: the perceived difference between an actual and an ideal state
ideal state: the way we want things to be
actual state: the way things actually are
Internal search
Internal search: the process of recalling stored information from memory
Much of the research on the role of internal search in consumer judgment and decision
making has focused on what is recalled. There are four major types of information recalled:
Recall of brands
consideration set: subset of top-of-mind brands evaluated when making choices
factors that increase possibility of recalling a brand in their consideration set:
brand familiarity
goals and usage situations
brand preference
retrieval cues
Recall of attributes
variables that influence the recall of attributes:
accessibility or availability
diagnosticity: that which helps us discriminate among objects, like price
salience salient attribute is attribute that is more important
attribute determinance: attribute that is both salient and diagnostic
vividness concrete information
Recall of evaluations
online processing: actively evaluating a brand as the consumer views an ad for it
Recall of experiences
associate products with positive events like the Macys Thanksgiving Day parade
External search
External search: the process of collecting information from outside sources (magazines, ads)
Pre-purchase search: a search for information that aids a specific acquisition decision is
involvement in purchase, to make better purchase decisions.
Ongoing search: a search that occurs regularly, regardless of whether the consumer is
making a choice is involvement with product, to build bank of information for future use.
Researchers have examined five key aspects of the external search process:
Source of information
retailer search
media and social media search
interpersonal search
independent search
experiential search
Extent of external search
motivation to process information:
involvement and perceived risk
perceived costs and benefits
consideration set
relative brand uncertainty
attitudes toward the search
level of discrepancy of new information
ability to process information:
consumer knowledge
cognitive abilities
opportunity to process information:
amount of information available
information format
time available
number of items being chosen
Content of external search
brand name information
price information
information about other attributes
Search typologies
Process or order of the search
orientation (overview) evaluation (key attributes) verification (confirm)
search stages: first simple criteria, later detailed decisions
searching by brand: compare all information of one brand before moving on
searching by attitude: compare one attribute at the time, like price
Anchoring and adjustment process: starting with an initial evaluation and adjusting it with
additional information
Mental accounting: categorizing spending and saving decisions into accounts mentally
designated for specific consumption transactions, goals, or situations
vacation account, emergency account, credit card account
Emotional accounting: the intensity of positive or negative feelings associated with each
mental account for saving or spending
money received under negative circumstances will often be spent on utilitarian purchase
counters for the negative feelings
Attraction effect: when the addition of an inferior brand to a consideration set increases the
attractiveness of the dominant brand
Before consumers can choose a specific offering from among a set of brands in a
consideration set, they need to determine which criteria are relevant to the decision and
how important each criterion is to their decision:
Goals: clearly affect criteria for example: buy a car that impresses friends
Time: short-term: low-level construals, long-term: consider hedonic aspects
Framing: decision framing: initial reference point or anchor in decision process
Thought-based decisions
Cognitive decision-making model: the process by which consumers combine items of
information about attributes to reach a decision. Types of cognitive choice models:
Compensatory Noncompensatory
Processing by Brand Multi-attribute model Conjunctive model
Disconjuntive model
Processing by Attribute Additive difference Lexicographic model
model Elimination-by-
aspects model
Affective decision-making model: the process by which consumers base their decision on
feelings and emotions
Compensatory model: a mental cost-benefit analysis model in which negative features can
be compensated for by positive ones
Cut-off level: for each attribute, the point at which a brand is rejected with a
noncompensatory model
Prospect theory: losses loom larger than gains for consumers, even when the two outcomes
are of the same magnitude
feelings. We tend to buy offerings that make us feel good more often and for longer periods
than we buy offerings that do not have these effects.
Affective forecasting: prediction of how you will feel in the future. We can forecast (1) how
we think we will feel, (2) how intensely this will be, and (3) how long this feeling will last.
Base-rate information: how often an event really occurs on average we ignore this
Law of small numbers: the expectation that information obtained from a small number of
people represents the larger population
Under low motivation and low processing opportunity, a negatively framed marketing
message is more effective than a positively framed message. Two factors influence the low-
MAO decision process:
The goal is not necessarily to find the best brand, called optimizing, as in the case
with high-elaboration decisions. Instead:
satisfice: finding a brand that satisfies a need even though the brand may not
be the best brand
Most low-elaboration decisions are made frequently and repeatedly, where
consumers rely on previous information and judgments of satisfaction or
dissatisfaction from past consumption:
choice tactics: simple rules of thumb used to make low-effort decisions
Post-decision regret: a feeling that one should have purchased another option The regret
goes away over time
even if you change your decision, and feel regret over the new alternative, consumers will
feel less regret because they believe that their decision to switch was justified
Top dog: a market leader or brand that has a large market share
limitations on learning are advantageous to top dogs because consumers will simply confirm
existing beliefs and expectations and be overconfident, particularly when the motivation to
learn is low
Dissatisfaction: the feeling that results when consumers make a negative evaluation or are
unhappy with a decision
Responses to dissatisfaction
Complaints: more likely when MAO is high. Four customer characteristics when
preparing complaints-resolution policies and practices:
customers perceptions of the problem
customer-company relationship
customer psychographics
personal characteristics
Responding to service recovery
Responding by negative word of mouth: the act of consumers saying negative
things about a product or service to other consumers
Disposition options: disposition often means throwing things away; however, there are
many additional ways of disposing of an offering (e.g., give away, trade, recycle). In addition,
disposition can involve one person (personal focus), two or more people (interpersonal
focus), or society in general (societal focus). Disposition can be temporary (loaning or renting
the item) or involuntary (losing or destroying the item)
Motivation to recycle: consumers are more likely to recycle when they perceive
that the benefits outweigh the costs, including money, time, and effort
Ability to recycle: consumers who know how to recycle are more likely to do so
than those who do not
Opportunity to recycle: if separating, storing, and removing recyclable materials is
difficult or inconvenient, consumers will usually avoid doing so
Sources of Influence
Marketing source: influence delivered from a marketing agent, for example, advertising,
personal selling.
Marketing sources delivered via mass media
Marketing sources delivered personally
Marketing sources delivered via social media
Opinion leader: an individual who acts as an information broker between the mass media
and the opinions and behaviors of an individual or group
Market maven: a consumer on whom others rely for information about the marketplace in
Embedded market: market in which the social relationships among buyers and sellers
change the way the market operates
Normative influence
Normative influence: social pressure designed to encourage conformity to the expectations
of others. It implies that consumers will be sanctioned, punished, or ridiculed if they do not
follow the norms, just as it also implies that they will be rewarded for performing the
expected behaviors.
Informational influence
Informational influence: the extent to which sources influence consumers simply by
providing information
The way in which cultures differ can affect how consumers think:
Individualism versus collectivism
Western cultures focus on individualism, Eastern cultures focus on collectivism
Horizontal versus vertical orientation
Horizontal orientation value equality, vertical orientation value hierarchy
Masculine versus feminine
Masculine cultures are more aggressive, feminine cultures social relationships
Multicultural marketing: strategies used to appeal to a variety of cultures at the same time
Intensity of ethnic identification: how strongly people identify with their ethnic group
Accommodation theory: the more effort one puts forth in trying to communicate with an
ethnic group, the more positive the reaction
Family life cycle: different stages of family life, depending on the age of the parents and how
many children are living at home
these stages do not capture all types of households, like same-sex couples and never-
married single mothers
Five main factors are altering the basic structure and characteristics of households:
Delayed marriage and cohabitation
single people spend more on alcohol, clothes, cars, shoes and entertainment
Dual careers
these people spend more on child care, eating out and services
leads to disposing of old possessions, leading to buying new things
Smaller families
a smaller family means more discretionary income to spend on vacation etc
Same-sex couples
the number of same-sex couples is growing, particularly in certain urban areas
Instrumental roles: roles that relate to tasks affecting the buying decision
Social class
Social class hierarchy: the grouping of members of society according to status, high to low
Values: abstract, enduring beliefs about what is right/wrong, important, or good/bad
Value system: our total set of values and their relative importance
value conflict: something that is consistent with one value but inconsistent with another,
equally important
Acculturation: the process by which individuals learn the values and behaviors of a new
Global values: a persons most enduring, strongly held, and abstract values that hold in
many situations. Seven domains: maturity, security, prosocial, self-direction, achievement,
enjoyment, and restrictive conformity. Two types within these domains:
Terminal values: highly desired end states such as social recognition and pleasure
Instrumental values: the values needed to achieve the desired end states such as
ambition and cheerfulness
Domain-specific values: values that may only apply to a particular area of activities
Influences on values:
Individualism versus collectivism: whether focus is on individuals or group
Uncertainty avoidance: if a culture prefers structured or unstructured situations
Masculinity versus femininity: if a culture stresses masculine or feminine values
Power distance: if societys members are equal in terms of status
Social class
Personality: an internal characteristic that determines how individuals behave in various
internal struggles within the mind oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage
Trait theories: propose that personality is composed of characteristics that
describe and differentiate individuals (1) agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability, openness, and extraversion. (2) unstable/stable vs
introverted/extroverted. (3) melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic, and sanguine
Phenomenological approaches: personality is largely shaped by an individuals
interpretations of life events
Locus of control: how people interpret why things happen (internal/external)
Social-psychological theories: individuals act in social situations to meet their
needs (1) compliant: dependent on others, (2) aggressive: need power, (3)
detached: self-sufficient. Distinguish state-oriented consumers who are more likely
to rely on subjective norms, and action-oriented consumers whose behavior is
based on their own attitudes
Behavioral approaches: differences in personality are a function of how
individuals have been rewarded or punished in the past
Lifestyles: peoples patterns of behavior. Three components: