Deadline: Friday 5Pm: Agree
Deadline: Friday 5Pm: Agree
Deadline: Friday 5Pm: Agree
Sasha In the context of the (a) In the context of Article 354, Agree.
law on libel, (a) privileged communication is
discuss the notion of defined as exceptions to the
privileged presumption that every
communication, its defamatory imputation is
types and the legal malicious. These are:
consequences (i) A private communication made by
thereof; (b) when is any person to another in the
proof of truth a performance of any legal, moral, or
defense? social duty; and
(ii) A fair and true report, made in
good faith without any comments or
remarks, of any judicial, legislative,
or other official proceedings which
are not of confidential nature, or of
any act performed by public officers
in the exercise of their function.
A communication is said to be
absolutely privileged when it is not
actionable, even if the actor has
acted in bad faith. It is practically
limited to legislative and judicial
proceedings and other acts of the
state. Conditionally or qualified
privileged communications are those
which, although containing
defamatory imputations would not
be actionable unless made with
malice or bad faith.
Kim Discuss the crime of Piracy is committed when any - High seas or in
piracy. person who, on the high seas, shall Philippine waters
attack or seize a vessel or, not being - Art. 122, RPC
a member of its complement nor a - Do offenders for
passenger, shall seize the whole or BOTH modes of
part of the cargo of said vessel, its piracy be NOT
equipment, or personal belongings members of the
of its complement or passengers. vessels
complement or
passengers of
the vessel or no?
says yes. :o
Jana SU, a field agent of SU is liable for falsification of public People v. Uy, 101
the National Bureau documents under Art. 171, RPC Phil. 159
of Investigation because the PDS was a public and
What crime, if any, official document and also, SU took
was committed by advantage of his official position
SU if he indeed when he filled up the PDS with false
made those false statements.
statements in his
PDS. Why?
Idem KD, who appears to Yes the crime can be classified as Yes. There is no
be an area leader of rebellion only given the political complex crime of
the New Peoples motive behind the murder of RA. In rebellion with
Army (NPA)... Can it this case, the crime of murder is murder.
be contended, in this absorbed because it is in
appeal, that the furtherance of rebellion. Citing Enrile v
crime committed is Amin: Acts
not murder but An imperative fact of the case is that committed in
rebellion only? the crime of murder in killing RA was furtherance of
Why? politically motivated, namely to rebellion though
eliminate a suspected Philippine crimes in
Army (PA) informer; murder thus themselves are
was used as a means for carrying deemed absorbed
out rebellion. in one single crime
of rebellion.
Art. 134
Art. 148-149
Paolo RM, as Vice No, RM is not liable for perjury for Art. 183
President of the the statements he made in the GIS
MHADC Can RM which he later asserted to be
be held liable for erroneous in a counter-affidavit filed
perjury for the in connection with the preliminary
statements he made investigation of a case before the
in the GIS? prosecutors office. This is because
perjury cannot be committed by
Ervin Two rival groups of No, the crime of sedition was not Art. 139
jeepney drivers committed by them because,
did the rival groups although there was a tumultuous
of jeepney drivers uprising, its object was not to
commit sedition? prevent the policemen from freely
Why? exercising their functions, or to
attain any other object of sedition.
Objectives of sedition:
a. o To prevent the
promulgation or execution of
any law or the holding of any
popular election
b. o To prevent the National
Government, or any
provincial or municipal
government, or any public
officer thereof from freely
exercising its or his
functions, or prevent the
execution of any
administrative order
c. o To inflict any act of hate or
revenge upon the person or
property of any public officer
or employee
d. o To commit, for any political
or social end, any act of hate
or revenge against private
persons or any social class
e. o To despoil, for any political
or social end, any person,
municipality, or province, or
the national Government, of
all its property or any part