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The Rise and Spread of Islam Study Guide

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The Rise and Spread of Islam Study Guide

Bedouins: Nomadic people of Arabia who eventually became Islamic.

Kaaba: Place believed where Abraham had worshipped. When Mohammed prayed there with the people, it became
a place of pilgrimage for Muslims around the world.

Allah: The one and only God worshipped in Islam.

Mecca: The birthplace/home of Muhammad, and the location of the Ka'aba.

Medina: The place where Mohammed, creator of Islam, migrated to after being driven from Mecca.

Quran: Holy book of Islam.

Mosque: Islamic place of worship (temple). There are no priests are religious composers, rather, the people pray

Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims must make at least once in their life.

Sunna: Mohammeds way of life believed to be the proper Muslim life.

Shariah: Law that regulates family life, moral conduct, business, and community life of the Muslims.

Caliph: successor or deputy. Used in relation to those who rule after Mohammad.

Abu-Bakr: First of the caliphs who ruled after Muhammad's death. He was known a "defender of the faith"
People of the Book: Jews or Christians who have the belief in one God. This is the name given to them by the
Muslim people.

Shia: Party of Ali. They believed that the caliph had to be a relative of Mohammad.

Sunni: Followers of Mohammads example. These were those who went along with the Umayyads control.

Calligraphy: Art of beautiful handwriting.

1. Who was the founder of Islam?

Muhammed was the founder of Islam.

2. Where did Islam originate?

Islam originated on the Arabian Peninsula.

3. What holy city are Muslims expected to make a pilgrimage to at least once in their lives?

Muslims are expected to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lives.

4. Where did Islam spread?

Islam spread from Mecca to Medina and then through central Asia, North Africa, Spain, and parts of the old Byzantine and Persian empires.

5. What type of religion is Islam?

Islam is a monotheistic religion.

6. What is the Arabic word for God?

Allah is the Arabic word for God.

7. What is the holy book of Islam called?

The Koran is the holy book of Islam.

8. What are the similarities and differences between Christians, Jews, and Muslims?

Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in one God, the existence of prophets (like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus), and final judgment. They each
have a holy book (Jews have the Torah, Christians have the New Testament, and Muslims have the Koran). Islam believes that Jesus is just a
prophet and that Muhammed is the final messenger of God.

9. What are the two holy cities of Islam where Muhammad first gained followers?

The two holy cities of Islam are Mecca and Medina.

10. What are the basic tenets of the Islamic faith called?

The Five Pillars (faith, prayer, alms, fasting, pilgrimage) are the basic beliefs of Islam.

11. What facilitated trade and stimulated intellectual activity in the Muslim world?

The Arabic language helped make trade and intellectual scholarship easier in the Muslim world.

12. What two weakened empires helped Islamic religion and culture spread?

The weakened Byzantine and Persian empires helped Islamic religion and culture spread.

13. What was also spread along with the Islamic religion?

The Arabic language was spread along with the Islamic religion.

14. What were the unifying forces in the Muslim world?

The unifying forces in the Muslim world were religion (Islam) and trade.

15. What battle stopped the spread of Islam into Europe?

The Battle of Tours stopped the Muslims from spreading Islam into the rest of Europe.
16. Where did the Battle of Tours take place?

The Battle of Tours took place in France.

17. What are the three historical turning points in Islam?

Three major turning points in Islam are the division of Islam between Shia and Sunni, the conquest of Jerusalem and Damascus, and the Battle of
Tours (which kept Islam from spreading into Europe).

18. What is an example of an Islamic contribution in architecture?

A famous contribution of Islam to architecture is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.

19. What mathematical contributions is Islam credited with?

Algebra and Arabic numerals are two Islamic mathematical advancements.

20. Where did Islam originate? Describe the people and their lifestyle.

Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula (also known as Southwest Asia or the Middle East). The people living there were nomads called
Bedouins who lived in tribes or clans. They developed fierce fighting skills and took pride in their ability to defend their families. Most of the area
was desert so they moved around and eventually settled in one of the few farming communities or a market town.

21. Why was Arabia a crossroads of trade?

Arabia is located between Asia (to the east), Europe (to the north), and Africa (to the west). Goods moving from one area to the other passed
through Arabia and allowed the Muslim Arabs to establish a wealthy empire.

22. What religion was practiced before Islam?

Before Islam the Arabic peoples practiced a polytheistic religion. Some people believed in one God called Allah and some people practiced
Christianity or Judaism, but most believed in many different gods.

23. Who is Mohammed? Who is Allah? What does Islam mean? What does Muslim mean?

Mohammed is the prophet who founded Islam.

Allah is the one true God of Islam.
Islam means submission to the will of Allah.
Muslim (people who follow Islam) means one who submits to Allah.

24. What is the importance of Mecca and Medina?

Mecca is the city where Mohammed was born and where he founded Islam. It is the center of Islam.
Medina is the city where Mohammed and his first followers fled to because they were forced out of Mecca. After Mohammed and his followers
gained power they went back and took over Mecca.

25. What is the holy book of Islam? What are the major beliefs?

The Quran (Koran) is the holy book of Islam.

Islam is monotheistic. Muslims believe everyone must take personal responsibility for their actions and that there will be a final judgment and
people will go either to heaven or hell based on their actions. They also believe that all Muslims must follow the Five Pillars.

26. What are the Five Pillars?

The Five Pillars are:

Faith-Muslims must testify that there is only one God (Allah) and that Mohammed is the last prophet.
Prayer-Muslims must pray five times per day facing Mecca.
Alms-Muslims must support the poor through a special alms tax.
Fasting-Muslims must fast during the holy month of Ramadan (they only eat one meal at sundown).
Pilgrimage-Muslims must travel to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if they are able.

27. What language is used in the Quran?

Arabic is the language used in the Quran.

28. How does religion affect the daily lives of Muslims?

The Five Pillars and the Muslim law (called the shiria) dictated what people did-when to pray, how to pray, how to dress, what to eat, etc.

29. How is Islam related to Judaism and Christianity?

They are all religions of the book because they all have holy books and they all believe in one God and the prophet Abraham. They also all
believe in a final judgment and heaven and hell.
What were Mohammeds revelations?
He believed that the only God, Allah, spoke to him through the angel Gabriel
and told him that he was a messenger of God.
Why were Mohammeds ideas unpopular in Mecca?
- People believed that ideas would lead to neglect of tradition Arab gods
- Feared Mecca would lose its position as a pilgrimage center
In what way(s) was the Hijrah a turning point?
- Many converted to Islam
- Mohammed gained legitimacy, power, and support
Why was Mohammeds return to Mecca important?
This return greatly increased the Muslim population, and it showed how
Mohammed had grown stronger over the years.
What does Islam teach its followers?
That Allah is the one and only God, there is good and evil, each person is
responsible for their own actions.
How does carrying out the Five Pillars and other laws of Islam affect the
daily lives of Muslims?
It compromises their time because they have to pray five times a day. They
are also constantly reminded about religion during the day.
How did observing Islamic teachings create unity among Muslims?
Following the same teachings brought common unity to people with once
less concrete beliefs. They prayed together and connected to Allah together.
How did Islamic law affect Muslim attitudes toward Christians and Jews?
It accepted Christians and Jews as people of the book.
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