Al Qaeda Jihad Manual
Al Qaeda Jihad Manual
Al Qaeda Jihad Manual
[E] 19/220
To those champions who avowed the truth day and night ...
... And wrote with their blood and sufferings these phrases
*** ...
Islamic governments have never and will never be established
through peaceful solutions and cooperative councils. They are
established as they [always] have been
Pledge, O Sister
To the sister believer who’s body has been abused by the human
Pledge, O Sister
[Koranic verses]:
The most truthful saying is the book of Allah and the best
guidance is that of Mohammed, God bless and keep him.
[Therefore,] the worst thing is to introduce something new,
for every novelty is an act of heresy and each heresy is a
They [the rulers] tried, using every means and [kind of]
seduction, to produce a generation of young men that did not
know [anything] except what they [the rulers] want, did not
say except what they [the rulers] think about, did not live
except according to their [the rulers’] way, and did not dress
except in their [the rulers’] clothes. However, majestic
Allah turned their deception back on them, as a large group of
those young men who were raised by them [the rulers] woke up
from their sleep and returned to Allah, regretting and
The confrontation that Islam calls for with these godless and
apostate regimes, does not know Socratic debates, Platonic
ideals nor Aristotelian diplomacy. But it knows the dialogue
of bullets, the ideals of assassination, bombing, and
destruction, and the diplomacy of the cannon and machine-gun.
I present this humble effort to these young Moslem men who are
pure, believing, and fighting for the cause of Allah. It is
my contribution toward paving the road that leads to majestic
Allah and establishes a caliphate according to the prophecy.
: The book “Tharwat Al-Sinam Fe Al-Ta’at wa Al-Nizam,” by
Ibrahim Al-Masri, copying from Al-Fannawi Ibn Taimi’a
collection, 28-380.
3- Maturity:
The requirements of military work are numerous, and a
minor cannot perform them. The nature of hard and
continuous work in dangerous conditions requires a great
deal of psychological, mental, and intellectual fitness,
which are not usually found in a minor. It is reported
that Ibn Omar - may Allah be pleased with him - said,
“During Ahad [battle] when I was fourteen years of age, I
was submitted [as a volunteer] to the prophet - God bless
and keep him. He refused me and did not throw me in the
battle. During Khandak [trench] Day [battle] when I was
fifteen years of age, I was also submitted to him, and he
permitted me [to fight].
4- Sacrifice:
He [the member] has to be willing to do the work and
undergo martyrdom for the purpose of achieving the goal
and establishing the religion of majestic Allah on earth.
7. Free of Illness
The Military Organization’s member must fulfill this
important requirement. Allah says, “There is no blame
for those who are infirm, or ill, or who have no
resources to spend.”
8. Patience
[The member] should have plenty of patience for
[enduring] afflictions if he is overcome by the enemies.
He should not abandon this great path and sell himself
and his religion to the enemies for his freedom. He
should be patient in performing the work, even if it
lasts a long time.
1. This story is found in the book A’n Tarik Al-Khida’ “By Way
of Deception Methods,” by Victor Ostrovsky [PH]. The author
claims that the Mossad wants to kill him for writing that
book. However, I believe that the book was authorized by the
Israeli Mossad.
Definition of Bases:
Means of Transportation
Communication Means:
Transportation Means:
The Place:
The Trainees:
The Trainers:
Important Note:
4. creative.
5. flexible.
6. secretive.
B. The Members:
It is possible to also say “kidnaping an important
person.” All security measures and arrangements in
assassination and kidnaping are the same.
C. Method of Operating:
Review in detail the notebook: Lessons in Special
Importance of Special Operations:
2. Planning stage.
3. Execution stage.
2. Planning Stage:
After receiving information about the target, the operational
plan is created. The commander who makes the operation’s
tactical plan should consider the following:
1. The type of required weapons
2. Number of required members and their training
3. An alternative to the original plan
4. Type of operation from a tactical perspective. It is a
silent or loud elimination operation?
5. Time specified for the execution of the operation
6. The target of the operation. Is it one individual or
7. Team meeting place prior execution of the operation
8. Team meeting place after execution of the operation
9. Securing withdrawal of the team after the execution and
routes of withdrawal
10. Difficulties that the team may encounter
The prophet - Allah bless and keep him - had local informants
in Mecca who told him everything, big and small, that might
harm the Muslims’ welfare. Among those [enemies] were his
uncle Al-Abbas Ibn Abd Al-Mutlib, and Bashir Ibn Soufian Al-
Atki. Al-Khulafa Arrashidun [Mohammed’s successors] advised
their commanders about the importance of using scouts and
informants to learn the enemy’s secrets. Abou Bakr Al-Siddik
- may Allah be pleased with him - said to his commander Amro
Ibn Al-A’ss - may Allah be pleased with him -, “Send your
informants to bring you Abou Obeida’s news. If he is
victorious over his enemy, then you fight those that are in
Palestine. If he needs soldiers, then dispatch one battalion
after another for him.”
For details, refer to The Spying Journal: Religious Duty
and Human Necessity.
Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may Allah be pleased with him - advised
his commander Saad Ibn Abou Wakkas - may Allah be pleased with
him - saying, “If you step foot on your enemies’ land, get
spies for them. Choose those whom you count on for their
Al-Morabitoun Magazine, Issue No. 6
Importance of Information:
Abdullah Ali Al-Salama: Military Espionage in Islam, pp.
Surveillance on foot:
Surveillance by car:
2. If the target gets out of his car and starts to walk, one
of the surveillance team members should get out and
observe him.
1. Location
2. Exterior shape
3. Transportation to it
4. Space [area]
5. Weapons used
6. Unit using the camp
7. Fortifications and tunnels
8. Guard posts
9. Amount and periods of lighting
10. Number of soldiers and officers. Officers’ ranks
11. Ammunition depot locations
12. Vehicles and automobiles
13. Leave policy
14. Commander’s name, rank, arrival and departure times
15. Degree and speed of mobilization
16. Brigades and names of companies
17. Sleeping and waking times
18. Telephone lines and means of communication
1. Smugglers
2. Those seeking political asylum
3. Adventurers
4. Workers at coffee shops, restaurants, and hotels
5. People in need
6. Employees at borders, airports, and seaports
5. When meeting with the agent, make sure neither you or the
meeting place are being monitored. Do not enter a place
to meet with an agent before he does. There could be a
trap for you.
and Romans used ciphers and code. [They were also used] during
the Middle Ages, simple though they may have been, like simply
putting every letter in the place of the letter that followed
it in a specific arrangement of the alphabet. Specific letters
only might have been substituted. Secret writing developed
and took on more complicated forms. America entered World War
II because of a secret message that fell into the hands of
British Intelligence in 1937, which was sent by the German
Foreign Minister (Zimmermann) to the German Ambassador to
Mexico. The British learned from the deciphered letter that
the Germans were planning to wage all-out submarine warfare
using. The letter contained a proposal that Mexico enter the
war on the side of the Germans, with the provision that after
the victory, Mexico would acquire Texas, Arizona, and New
Mexico. The British Foreign Minister (Balfour) turned the
letter over to the American Ambassador in London, who in turn
passed it on to the White House, which confirmed the
authenticity of the letter [by checking] the [original]
ciphered letter and correlating it with the code.
Consequently, America entered the war against Germany.
Both Roosevelt and Churchill escaped death because of a German
translator’s ignorance. He was deciphering an enciphered
message in Spanish. Both Roosevelt and Churchill had agreed to
meet in Casablanca in 1943. Spanish spies in Washington
learned of the news, and they sent this in an enciphered
message to Hitler. The German translator received it for
deciphering, and he read the name as two words: (Casa), which
means (house), and (Blanca), which means (white). So he
translated the message
T=600 C=700 O=800 Z=900 V=1000 Y=1500
Important Note: Some may ask, how can a brother (the receiver)
know what the sender wants, when he sends a letter with
nothing but numbers placed next to each other. Like in the
previous example: QAM ALAOW? BQTL REIS ALJM?WRI? [The brothers
killed the President of the Republic.]
Sixth Group Fifth Group Fourth Third Group Second First Group
Group Group
I W ? N M L K Q F G “ Y U V X : S ; R Z D O H J C T B A
3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Sixth Group Fifth Group Fourth Third Group Second First Group
Group Group
_ _ _ _ o ¡
Then after that, every group has a specific symbol, and every
letter in the group has a specific number, so the cipher will
be as follows:
_ _ _ _ o ¡
I W ? N M L K Q F G “ Y U V X : S ; R Z D O H J C T B A
3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
AL?JWM 1 ¡ 3 _ 1 _ 5 ¡ 2 _ 4 _
ALSA”? 1 ¡ 3 _ 2 _ 1 ¡ 3 _ 1 _
ALSAB”? 1 ¡ 3 _ 2 _ 1 ¡ 2 ¡ 3 _ 1 _
XBAHA 4 _ 2 ¡ 1 ¡ 1 o 1 ¡
Another method for symbols and numbers: For this, we use seven
circles, and each circle contains four letters, as follows:
? N
Example: AQTL ?ZA ALUAGWT [Kill this devil.]
M “ : O A
? Q V R T
W K U ; J
Note: the Arrows found to the right of the chart indicate that
we must take the last horizontal letter. [See original for
ALUAGWT A=MH L=I” U=WY A=MH G=IS also not found in the
chart, so we deal with it as if it is an(“), and when the
cipher is broken, put it in its original form (G) G=ML W=JI
The enciphered sentence would be as follows:
We must use one of the three letters that were cancelled (C-G-
Z) to separate between each word from the [following] one.
Note: It would be incorrect to use this chart the same way as
the previous one, because it is [too easy] for an enemy to
figure out the context of the message and its cipher.
Therefore, we make a specific key for this chart, which no one
knows except for the (sender) and the (receiver).
An Example of the Key: The sender and receiver may agree that
the key to the cipher (the table) [be] a word or a name: ABW
ALFRJ (for example), and so the cipher table would be as
“ S T R A
Q : H J B
? Y ; I F
Note: We took [something] away from the word [ABW ALFRJ] ABW
LFRJ. We removed the Alef [A] found in ALFRJ, [therefore] the
word was: ABW LFRJ, and after writing it in the cipher key
(ABW ALFRJ), we write the 25 letters of the alphabet that we
know, noticing that we have removed the letters which were
written in the key (ABW ALFRJ) [sic] as in the previous table.
5 4 3 2 1
M “ : O A A
? Q V R T M
W K U ; J W
96 70 34 32 20 9
? L J O W R
I B A R ;
Y “ ; X ?
F : S D
The key of the cipher is KRM ;?DI [Karem Zouhdi] (May God
release him).
There are also letters which did not have any [others] above
or below, like the (K-H-N-?-W). Therefore, we apply the same
steps which were followed. We look for the letter which is
above it, so for example, with the letter (K), the letter (U)
is considered higher than it. With the letter (W), the letter
S is considered higher than it, and so forth.
Introduction to Pistols:*
The pistol was invented in the fifteenth century AD, and it is
now merely in the most recent of its phases of development.
At the beginning, pistols were made by hand in various sizes.
They were fired using a gunpowder fuse which ignited the
gunpowder charge, thrusting the bullet forward through the
The pistol underwent long phases of development until one
called “the revolver” was produced. The credit for making it
popular goes to Samuel Colt, but it would be a mistake to
consider him the inventor of this pistol, because he was not
an expert in weapons. Rather, he was very wealthy and he
expended his wealth to satisfy his desire to acquire weapons.
He produced the first revolver in 1835. It was made by hand,
and then by machines in large quantities.
Innovations [continued] developing until the automatic pistol
designed by an Austrian appeared in 1883 AD. Thirteen years
later in 1896 another pistol came on the scene called the
“Mauzer,” which is still in use to this day.
A larger number of pistols have appeared, and there are still
continuous developments and innovations. Pistol manufacturers
prefer the automatic pistol over the revolver, which has
largely fallen into disuse.
The Characteristics and Shortcomings of the Revolver and
Automatic Pistol:
1- Characteristics of the Automatic-action Pistol:
We would call a pistol an automatic when there is more than
one mechanical movement taking place. When the pistol is
fired, it returns the moving components to the rear, expels
the empty cartridge, and loads a new round in its firing
chamber. This continues until the magazine is empty.
It is likewise possible to call a pistol a semi-automatic,
according to the type of firing when it fires one round at a
Its characteristics are:
1- The magazine holds a number of rounds (from 8-16).
above the locking device and not beneath it, and it should be
on the left side of the pistol, so that it doesn’t push the
locking device inside the groove of the upper part and cause
the mechanical movement to malfunction.
2- The fleshy part between the thumb and index finger of the
right hand holding the pistol should be behind and beneath the
[moving] parts, so as not to disturb them with your hand when
moving; the pistol should be centered vertically in the palm
of the hand.
3- The index finger should be around the trigger, and the rest
should be on the pistol grip.
4- The left thumb should be centered on the right thumb, and
both of them should be centered on the locking device, neither
[too] tight or [too] loose but with a medium [grip]. The other
fingers of the left hand should be on the grip over the
fingers of the right hand and intertwined with them to control
the grip on the pistol.
5- Don’t leave any space between your hand and the pistol, but
control your grip on it. It should not be part of you, so
don’t grip it too hard, because that will affect the nerves
and muscles which could cause the hand to waiver and make the
shot miss.
See the drawing below:
Introduction to Rifles:*
The rifle developed significantly during World War II, when
combatants used bolt action rifles. A few years after the war,
the Soviets began producing a famous automatic rifle called
the Kalashnikov, which uses 7.62 mm rounds. Then the Americans
produced a rifle called the “Armalite”, which uses a 5.6 mm
round, while the British produced the “Infield” rifle. Italy
produced the “Beretta”, and Germany produced the “Hechler and
Koch” rifle. Belgium produced the “SIG” rifle, and Spain
produced the “Cetme”. All of these were 7.62 caliber rifles.
Developments and innovations continue to be made in the
production of lightweight small rifles.
The Kalashnikov is still the best and most famous rifle used
in the field since World War II. It was designed by Mikhail
Kalashnikov, who was born in 1920 in Siberia. He entered the
Soviet armed forces in 1939 and was seriously wounded, for
which he received the Red Star Medal.
The design of the first Kalashnikov, the AK47, was influenced
by a German rifle which he [Kalashnikov] came across while he
was in the hospital. He was also influenced by a Soviet
automatic weapon, the “BBS” machine gun.
Kalashnikov developed and improved upon his rifle and
presented it to the Inspection Commission of the Defense
Ministry in Moscow, which recommended using this 7.62 mm
In 1935 a modification was made to the design of the first
rifle, the “AK47", and the automatic “AK10” rifle was produced
according to design modification. The production of the
Kalashnikov spread to the arsenals of several former Warsaw
Pact countries. The number of pieces produced or used is
estimated at ten to twenty million.
The Kalashnikov is still competitive with the American M-16
which, was designed in 1964 and was brought into service in
the mid sixties.
[*]Review the Kalashnikov lesson in detail.
Important Notes:
1. If the round hits above the target, this means that you are
holding the pistol grip too firmly.
2. If the round hits to the right of the target, this means
that you are gripping the pistol too tightly, which results in
pulling the pistol to the right because it is pressing against
the other grip from nervousness.
The assassins, Abdul Hafez and Mahmoud Saeid, were waiting for
Al-Khazander when he was leaving his house, and Hassan
assassinated him with a pistol while Mahmoud was standing
guard and protecting him with a pistol and percussion bombs as
he got away. They escaped to the home of Abdul Rahman Al-
Sandi, the chief of the organization.
After Al-Khazander left his house, walking resolutely, Hassan
Abdul Hafez approached him and fired several rounds which did
not hit Al-Khazander. When Mahmoud Saeid saw that, he left his
place, approached Al-Khazander, seized him, threw him to the
ground, and emptied several rounds into him. He and his
companion left [the victim] and departed.
Hassan Abdul Hafez and Mahmoud Saeid were caught because of
several mistakes.
1- It is best that one of the brothers participating in the
assassination or kidnaping fire at the automobile’s tires so
that it can not evade or run away.
2- Most of the brothers participating in the operation should
be very skilled drivers to avoid problems if the driver is
wounded or killed.
[It was not] known that the crime was committed by the
organization until one of its members (the brother of the
organization’s leader) turned himself in to the American
Embassy and disclosed all the secrets of the operation which
the Egyptian Revolution Organization undertook.
Positive [Aspects]
1- The assassins killed an Israeli person they found on the
way back.
2- The purchase of a car just for the operation and a
counterfeit identification.
3- Concealing the weapons in tennis racket covers.
4- Choosing a good method to stop the Israeli Mosad man’s car.
Negative [Aspects]
1- Failure to inspect the car prepared for the operation with
sufficient time before the execution.
2- Undertaking the operation even though the car was
malfunctioning, which could have broken down and failed to run
after executing the operation.
3- Failure to remove the traces of blood found on the car.
Important Observations:
When the brothers went to the location near Abu Basha, they
hadn’t gone to kill him but to do reconnaissance (gather
information on him).
1- One of the brothers was bearded while doing the
2- The brothers were armed while gathering information about
the minister.
3- There was no established plan for the assassination.
Explosives are believed to be the safest weapon for the
Mujahideen [TN: Mujahideen does not refer to a specific group
but rather is a generic term for holy warriors.] [Using
explosives] allows them to get away from enemy personnel and
to avoid being arrested. An assassination using explosives
doesn’t leave any evidence or traces at the operation site. In
addition, explosives strike the enemy with sheer terror and
Defining Explosives:
They consist of chemical compounds or mixtures capable of
being converted into large quantities of hot gas in a very
short period of time. It is affected by a specific external
agent that produces increasing pressure, resulting in a chain
Methods of Detonation:
This means pyrotechnics or electronic devices used for
detonation. They are divided into means of generating - means
of transferring - means of stabilizing
A- Means of Generating
Divided into:
1- Combustible Means
2- Mechanical Means
B- Means of Transferring
Types of fuses-
1- Ignites with sparks or flames.
2- Ignites quickly, at about one centimeter per second.
3- Ignites under water.
4- Cutting it is a way to stop combustion.
White fuses are used in coal mines. Green fuses are used in
the military, and they have more safety [features]. Black and
orange [fuses] are for general civilian use.
a slow one, then the burning will reach the blasting cap and
the charge will explode before you leave the location.
1- Speed of explosion varyies between five and seven
kilometers a second.
2- It could explode with the force of 15 kilograms, or the
round of a weapon.
3- [Can be] used underwater for not more than 15 hours.
4- It is used to explode several charges at the same time.
5- It is affected by moisture, the sun, electric shocks, and
mechanical jolts.
6- It is used as an explosive belt to fell trees as well as
cement and iron pillars.
7- It is in the shape of a coil varying in length from 100 to
200 meters.
8- It can be substituted for a large number of fuses.
9- It is used as an open cord to clear the way in a mine field
and to increase the width by doubling the number of detonating
cords which form the cord.
Blasting Caps
Consist of a metal capsule [made] of copper or aluminum
containing a small amount of catalyst and other stimuli. Care
and caution must be used while handling because it is very
sensitive to external factors (bumping, shaking, friction).
Third: Connecting the Detonating Cord with the End of the Cap:
The two detonating cords can be connected to one of the
1- Place the two cords one above the other [overlapping] by 15
cm, and tie them with strong tape or cord.
Booby Traps:
These consist of creative, innovative methods aimed at
planting anti-personnel and anti-vehicle explosive charges,
and the enemy is blown up as a result of normal movement
without paying attention to what is around him. Booby traps
are considered one of the best ways to execute an
assassination operation against enemy personnel because we
have gotten a long distance away from the site of the incident
without leaving any evidence or trace enabling the enemy to
know who were the perpetrators.
However, a brother should not be allowed the opportunity to
work with setting booby traps until after he has mastered the
use of explosives and has successfully worked in the
electrical and mechanical fields, because the first mistake a
brother makes could be his last mistake.
One of the most important considerations in placing a booby
trap is to make the right choice of the appropriate switch
that the enemy would not notice [and avoid his detecting] and
removal of the charge.
Any sign of our work or presence in the area where the booby
trap was placed must be removed, because any tools, pieces of
electrical wire, tape etc. would put the enemy on the alert,
and the plan and operation would fail.
Electrical Switches:
They can be divided into four groups:
A- For manual use: Pull - push - loosen - raise - drop.
B- Delayed (timed): Alarm clock - Temperature - Closed circuit
(pressure placed on the insulator until it burns and contact
is made.)
1- The charge goes off when the door opens after the target
has pulled the insulation from between the contact points, and
the electrical circuit is broken. If we want to kill the
target, we put [the booby trap] over the door; if we want to
cut off his legs or bring about permanent injuries to various
parts of the body, we put it in the vicinity of the door.
4- Booby-Trapping a Car:
Close the electrical circuit and cause the explosion when the
ignition key is turned to start the car. It is possible to use
the car battery when setting this type of trap. Explosives
placed in locations inside the car, in the back or front,
cause the explosion to be centered inside the car.
8- There are very many things one could use in a very simple
way to set a trap, like: shoes, bed etc.
An Actual Example:
Some of the brothers in Egypt tried to blow up the motorcade
of the former Minister of the Interior’s vehicle (Z I B ) by
putting 200 kilograms of TNT in a pick-up truck. When the
minister’s car was seen, the brother approached in his car and
blew up the car.
However, it didn’t cause an explosion in the car, and it was
confirmed afterward that the explosives didn’t go off because
no catalyst was placed with the large quantity of explosives.
The explosives ignited but they did not explode.
An Actual Example:
Personnel from the Covert Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood
threw some bombs into [some] stores and bars on the evening of
January 7, 1947 at 11:00 pm.
into the pot until there is surface tension at the lip of the
pot. Cover the pot tightly. If you do that correctly, there
will be no air trapped in the pot. Leave the pot in a dark,
moderately warm room for 15 days. At the end of that period,
you will notice a substance on the edge of the pot and a small
amount of rottenness. These are known bacteria colonies, which
secrete their external poison as a result of the process of
bacterial digestion. You can make three or four pots at the
same time.
During the time of the destroyer, Jamal Abdul Nasser, someone
who was being severely tortured in prison (he had no
connection with Islam), ate some feces after losing sanity
from the severity of the torture. A few hours after he ate the
feces, he was found dead.
1. Summoning:
Steps of Interrogation:
O young men waging a holy war for the sake of Allah, there is
still hope in you. Your country awaits you, your brothers
await you, your wives wait you, the Muslim hostages await you.
This book is the memoirs of an Iranian Communist. All
brothers should read it.
21. The security personnel may leave you for long periods of
time without asking you any questions in order to break
your will and determination.
22. During the interrogation, say only the things that you
agreed upon with your commander. Do not be concerned
about other brothers.
Lesson Eighteen