This document provides an abstract for an international workshop on punching shear capacity of reinforced concrete slabs held in Stockholm in 2000. It includes session topics on punching prevention and reinforcement methods, numerical analysis of shear reinforced flat slabs, analytical load prediction models, and design standards/models. Presentations were given on innovative reinforcement systems, repair techniques, the effectiveness of different reinforcement configurations, and learning from structural failures. The workshop addressed the ongoing revision of punching shear provisions in Eurocode 2.
This document provides an abstract for an international workshop on punching shear capacity of reinforced concrete slabs held in Stockholm in 2000. It includes session topics on punching prevention and reinforcement methods, numerical analysis of shear reinforced flat slabs, analytical load prediction models, and design standards/models. Presentations were given on innovative reinforcement systems, repair techniques, the effectiveness of different reinforcement configurations, and learning from structural failures. The workshop addressed the ongoing revision of punching shear provisions in Eurocode 2.
This document provides an abstract for an international workshop on punching shear capacity of reinforced concrete slabs held in Stockholm in 2000. It includes session topics on punching prevention and reinforcement methods, numerical analysis of shear reinforced flat slabs, analytical load prediction models, and design standards/models. Presentations were given on innovative reinforcement systems, repair techniques, the effectiveness of different reinforcement configurations, and learning from structural failures. The workshop addressed the ongoing revision of punching shear provisions in Eurocode 2.
This document provides an abstract for an international workshop on punching shear capacity of reinforced concrete slabs held in Stockholm in 2000. It includes session topics on punching prevention and reinforcement methods, numerical analysis of shear reinforced flat slabs, analytical load prediction models, and design standards/models. Presentations were given on innovative reinforcement systems, repair techniques, the effectiveness of different reinforcement configurations, and learning from structural failures. The workshop addressed the ongoing revision of punching shear provisions in Eurocode 2.
VU1 International Wrokshop on Punching Shear Capacity of RC Slab - Stockholm 2000
Broms CE A method to avoid the punching failure 117
AB Jacobson & Widmark, Lidingo (SE) mode R a m o s A '1, Liicio V & Regan P Repair and strengthening methods of flat 125 1 2 Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon (PT) slabs for punching University of Westminster, London (UK) Pilakoutas K & Ioannou C Verification of a novel punching shear 135 University of Sheffield, Sheffield (UK) reinforcement system for flat slabs
Session 4 - Shear reinforcement II
Alander C Punching prevention in flat RC slabs 145 Fundia Betoniterakset Oy, Espoo (FI) Melo G, Coelho AEG & Oliveira DRC RC flat slabs with inclined stirrups as 155 University of Brasilia, Brasilia (BR) shear reinforcement Andra H-P ' & Matthaei O 2 Effectiveness of punching shear 163 1 2 Leonhardt, Andra und Partner, Stuttgart (DE) reinforcement a question of rotational Matthaei + Schotte, Stuttgart (DE) capacity BeutelR'&HeggerJ1'2 Punching behaviour of shear reinforced 171 1 2 Hegger und Partner, Aachen (DE) flat slabs at interior columns: effective University of Technology, Aachen (DE) and economic shear systems Beutel R, Schmidt M, & Landauer A 3D numerical punching analysis of shear 181 University of Technology, Aachen (DE) reinforced flat slabs: variation of quantity and arrangement of stirrups Menetrey P Analytical model for punching load 191 Emch + Berger AG, Bern (CH) prediction Ghali A & Megally S Stud shear reinforcement for punching: 201 University of Calgary, Calgary (CA) North American and European practices
Session 5 - Design models & issues I
Walraven, JC* Design of structures for punching: present 211 Delft University of Technology, Delft (NL) status of revision of EC-2 Gardner NJ \ Jungsuck H ' & Chung L 2 What can we learn from the Sampoong 225 1 University of Ottawa, Ottawa (CA) department store collapse 2 Dandook University, Chunan (KR) SherifA^DilgerW2 Punching failure of a full scale high 235 1 2 Helwan University, Cairo (EG) strength concrete flat slab University of Calgary, Calgary (CA) Braestrup M Eurocode 2 approach to punching shear 245 Ramb0ll, Copenhagen (DK) design KlymovY New design model for punching shear 253 State Research Institute of Building Constructions, capacity of RC slabs Kiev (UA)