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High School Edition

September 5, 2017
Dear Imagine Parents/Guardians and Students,
We invite you to participate in the Tenth Annual Imagine Schools National Advanced Reading Challenge
(ARC). This initiative is designed to challenge students to choose high quality literature, to read as much
and as often as they are able, and to share their love for reading with peers and adults on their Imagine
Schools Campus. The ARC fosters students acquiring and owning their education by developing
academic and character habits to increase learning opportunities and becoming independent, self-
directed learners. (pp. 20-21, Imagine Schools Academic Excellence Framework).
Many students are capable of moving ahead academically with only limited direction and attention from
teachers. What they need is encouragement to take risks, to develop perseverance, and to venture out into
the world of ideas and knowledge. We also believe that one of the best ways to become a life-long learner
is to develop a love of reading. Each year we survey students about the challenge and this is what a few of
them said:
The ARC got me used to reading and I also enjoy reading because I get to know more things for school.
We get to talk about what we read and how we feel about the book.
The Advanced Reading Challenge is open to Imagine Schools students in grades 3-12 who are at or above
grade level in reading, and who can assume responsibility for independent work beyond their class and
homework assignments. The ARC book list is comprised of high quality, classic and award winning books at
or above grade level. The 25 books must come from the grade level lists, however, there are two ways
provided for students to personalize their selection. Students can select up to three books that are not on
the lists to read towards the challenge or students may read from lists higher than their grade level, but not
below their grade level. Books selected by students must have coordinator approval.
Grade-level book lists have been updated to provide more choices to students. This year, we encourage
students to select books in a purposeful way, either through an author study, series completion or genre
study. As was the case in past years, by accepting this challenge students pledge to read each book and
complete a reflection about their book in order to certify their accomplishment. Imagine Schools will give a
$50 Barnes and Noble Gift Card to each student who reads and reports on the designated number of books
(25 for grades 3-8 and 15 for grades 9-12) during the school year. These students will be recognized
nationally by Imagine Schools. Last year, close to 2,000 Imagine students participated in the ARC, and 318
were given awards for completing the challenge.
We hope that by taking on this challenge, students will stretch themselves to accomplish more than they
might have in an ordinary year, enjoy some great new books, and model achievement and excellence for
their friends and peers.

Dr. Nancy Hall
Dr. Nancy Hall
Chief Academic Officer
Imagine Schools
Imagine Schools 2017-18

Advanced Reading Challenge

Grades 9-12

Congratulations on your decision to challenge yourself through reading! We hope that by taking on
this CHALLENGE, you will stretch yourself to accomplish more than you might have in an ordinary
year, enjoy some great new books, and model achievement and excellence for your friends and peers.

Your Role as a Student:

1. Sign the commitment form to read the designated number of books (25 for grades 3-8) not
previously read. These books must come from the Advanced Reading Challenge grade level list.
1. However, you may choose books from a list on a higher grade level. So, you may read
up on the lists but not down (you cannot choose books from a lower grade level list).
2. Also, you can choose two or three books you select on your own to count towards the
challenge. These books must be appropriate, challenging and approved by your
Advanced Reading Challenge Coordinator or classroom teacher.
3. In addition, you can listen to 2-3 books towards the challenge on tape or CD. Your local
library should have some of your ARC books in an audio version.
2. Prepare a reading portfolio in which a table of contents with a list of books read and all
corresponding projects are stored/showcased (*see attached table of contents)
3. Participate in school initiated activities (e.g., after school book club to present projects, etc.) as
designated by your school of attendance.
4. Submit all materials upon completion to your schools Advanced Reading Coordinator.

Helpful Adults:
Advanced Reading Challenge Coordinator: This person will receive guidelines from the Imagine
Schools office and will help you with the expectations and materials needed to complete the reading
challenge. He/she may hold meetings to share information with you and your parents, answer
questions that you might have along the way, and will find ways to help you complete this

Teachers: Your teachers should be able to help you get started, share information with your
parent/guardian, remind you of deadlines, and help you make contact with the Advanced Reading
Challenge coordinator throughout the school year.

Parent/Guardian: Your parent or guardian should talk with you about the expectations of the
Advanced Reading Challenge and support you by signing the reading contract, helping you find
books (at the public library if needed), and asking you about the books you are reading and
responses you are completing. Your parent/guardian may participate as an audience for your book
summaries, discussions, and project presentations at school or home.

Librarian/Media Specialist: Your school librarian or media specialist can help you find books in
your school library or identify books on the reading lists that are in the public library collection.

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools partners with
parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students for lives of leadership,
accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Imagine Schools 2016-17

Advanced Reading Challenge

Important Dates

Your school will start whenever your

Start coordinator is ready. All students participating
in the challenge should return their contract to
the ARC Coordinator by the first week of
October at the latest. Begin reading your first

End Tuesday, May 1st: All student portfolios must be

turned in to your Advanced Reading Challenge
Coordinator by Tuesday, May 1st, 2018.

Suggested Pacing Guide

2017 - 2018

Congratulations on taking the Advanced Reading Challenge!

Use this schedule as a guideline to pace your reading & project completion. Try to keep on or ahead of schedule.
ALL fifteen books and projects are due before May 1, 2018. Happy Reading!

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools partners with
parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students for lives of leadership,
accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Imagine Schools 2017-18
Advanced Reading Challenge
Creative Responses to Literature (Grades 9-12)

After reading each book from the Imagine Schools Advance Reading Challenge list,
create a new entry in your Reading Portfolio Table of Contents (*see attached). Then
choose a way to present your understanding of the book you just read. Use the table
below and pages that follow for ideas. Include each finished product in your portfolio to
share with your class and school. If your finished product is not written, be sure to get a
picture or include notes from an oral presentation so that there is record of what you
have done for each book. Keep all finished products organized neatly in your portfolio.
Remember, the goal of this challenge is to enjoy some great new books and help your
friends to enjoy them too!

Oral Written Graphic Technological

Monologue Character The What Chart Glog

Correspondence (3Ws)

Tell Along Boards Quotable Quotations Mapping the Way Prezi or PowerPoint

The Press Conference Publishers Promotion Recipe for a Good Book Blog Entry

Book Club Alternatives The Plot Chart Cartoon

Point of Decision Current Events Top Ten List Short Video clip

The Power of Author Interview Double Bubble Book Character Avatar

Creative Responses to Literature Descriptions
1. Monologue: Perform a monologue, pretending you are the main character
(or another significant character) in your book.

2. Tell-Along Boards: Use puppets and art to create a Tell-Along Board to

later use during storytellingto retell the most important parts of the
story or book you read.

3. The Press Conference: Pretend you are the main character in your book
and hold a press conference to answer your classmates prepared

4. Book Club: Participate in a book club discussion with other students

and/or teachers in your school who are reading the same book.

5. Point of Decision: List important decisions made by book characters and

explain what happens in the story as a result of those decisions.

6. Power of Persuasion: Write a 2 to 3-minute radio advertisement

persuading the public that they should buy and read this book.

1. Character Correspondence: Write and address two friendly letters to characters in


your book.

2. Quotable Quotations: Identify important quotations made by different book

characters, and explain why each quotation is important in the story.

3. Publishers Promotion: As a literary agent, write a letter to the publishing company

designed to persuade them to publish this book.

4. Alternatives: Think of a new turn of events for the plot in your story. Rewrite the
ending like the choose your own adventure books.

5. Current Events: Create a news report that highlights your storys main characters
and events.

6. Authors Interview: Write a letter to the author asking questions about the book
and/or what it is like to be an author.

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools partners with
parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students for lives of leadership,
accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Creative Responses to Literature Descriptions

1. The What Chart (3Ws): List information about a topic youre interested in under
three headings. What I know already. What I want to know and What Ive
learned from reading.

2. Mapping the Way: Create maps or plot routes in the form of a map. Create a key
to clearly show the symbolism.

3. Recipe for a Good Book: Follow a recipe format to put the main idea (dish) and the
supporting ideas (ingredients) on an index card and decorate with the tasty delight.

4. The Plot Chart (SWBS): Identify plot elements and write them on a Plot Chart.

5. Top Ten List: Create a Top Ten List of the things you learned from this book.

6. Double Bubble: Create a Thinking Mapping comparing the book to another book
you have read.

1. Glog: Create your own interactive blog or glog at www.glogster.com. Find


creative ways to share your glog with others.

2. Prezi Presentation: Create a PowerPoint or Prezi Presentation at prezi.com. with

information about your favorite parts of the book, a summary of the book, and
other interesting information. Be sure to present your new creation to your ARC
club or classmates, family or friends!

3. Book Blog Entry: Create a book blog and complete an entry about a book youve
read towards the ARC. Include a summary of the book and your personal reaction
to the book in your entry. You can create a free blog at www.blogger.com. Share
your blog with friends, your ARC club, or your class!

4. Cartoon: Using a tool like Creaza www.creaza.com or Piki Kids www.pikikids.com

create a cartoon version of the book.

5. Short Video Clip Summary: Using a tool like Powtoons at www.powtoons.com or

Animoto at www.animoto.com

6. Book Character Avatar: Create an avatar for a book character using a tool such as

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools partners with
parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students for lives of leadership,
accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Imagine Schools
Advanced Reading Challenge (ARC) Rubric

4 = Advanced Mastery Students who receive a rating of 1 or 2 in

3 = Mastery a select area will revise their portfolio to
2 = Nearing Mastery meet the expectations of that area.
1 = Emerging

Rating Portfolio Criteria Rating Understanding Rating Presentation

Projects display a Student Student work
variety of creative demonstrates a clear exemplifies an
approaches. Student knowledge of main effective editing
utilizes a specific ideas and themes; process. The project
project type a maximum evident in all is free from
of three times. projects. grammatical or
spelling errors that
would hinder their
Student selects texts Student Student graphics and
from the prescribed demonstrates a deep pictures support and
booklists according to understanding of extend their
rules of the ARC (or themes, events, and message.
receives approval for 2- details in the text;
3 choice books). evident in all
Parents, teachers or Student interprets Student effectively
ARC leaders may symbols, phrases and presents portfolio
provide guidance but sentences to projects to peers,
reading and project understand meaning parents, and
completion must be of text; evident in all teachers.
students own work. projects.
Student includes a Student analyzes text Student work
completed cover page to express depicts the sequence
with each title, type of relationships between of events, an
creative response, date actions, characters, engaging visual
completed, and events or ideas; appearance, and
confirmation signature. evident in all clear and organized
projects. format.
Students explain their
thinking in their own
words no plagiarized
excerpts from book
reviews or internet

Imagine Schools: Developing Character, Enriching Minds!

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools partners with
parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students for lives of leadership,
accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Imagine Schools 2017-2018

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools partners with
parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students for lives of leadership,
accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Imagine Schools 2017-18
Advanced Reading Challenge
Portfolio Table of Contents Grades 9-12
Name ___________________________________ Grade_______ Teacher__________________

Author Genre Type of creative Date Initials
# Title of Book
Response to







Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools
partners with parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students
for lives of leadership, accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Advanced Reading Challenge Book List Grades 9-12
Title Author
Going Bovine Bray, Libba
Don Quixote Cervantes
Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel
The Three Musketeers Dumas, Alexandre
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Angelou, Maya
Gandhi: An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments Gandhi, Mahatma
with Truth
Hole in My Life Gantos, Jack
Kaffir Boy Mathabane, Mark
Living up the Street Soto,Gary
The President's House: A First Daughter Shares the History Truman, Margaret
and Secrets of the World's Most Famous Home
The Autobiography of Malcolm X X, Malcolm
America's Constitution: A Biography Amar, Akhil Reed
The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler Cross Giblin, James
Eagle Blue: A Team, a Tribe, and a High School Basketball D'Orso, Michael
The in Arctic
Longitude Alaska
Prize Dash, Joan
Lincoln Donald, David Herbert
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Douglass, Frederick
Gandhi: Fighter Without a Sword Eaton, Jeanette
What is the What Eggers, David
Zeitoun Eggers, David
The Starry Messenger Galilei, Galileo
Into the Wild Krakaurer, Jon
Into Thin Air Krakaurer, Jon
Mornings on Horseback McCullough, David
Three Cups of Tea Mortenson, Greg
Feynman Ottaviani, Jim & Leland Myrick
John Lennon: All I Want Is the Truth Partridge, Elizabeth
This Land Was Made for You and Me: The Life and Songs Partridge, Elizabeth
of Woody Guthrie
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Skloot, Rebecca
Jessie De La Cruz: A Profile of a United Farm Worker Soto,Gary
Night Wiesel, Elie
Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned Winick, Judd
Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray
The Illustrated Man Bradbury, Ray
The Martian Chronicles Bradbury, Ray
Brave Story Miyabe, Miyuki
Translated by Alexander O. Smith

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools
partners with parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students
for lives of leadership, accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Advanced Reading Challenge Book List Grades 9-12
Title Author
The White Tiger Adiga, Aravind
Emma Austen, Jane
Mansfield Park Austen, Jane
Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane
Places I Never Meant to Be Blume, Judy
Dandelion Wine Bradbury, Ray
To Sir, With Love Braithwaite, E.R.
Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte
Wuthering Heights Bronte, Emily
The Plague Camus, Albert
The Stranger Camus, Albert
The Awakening Chopin, Kate
The Living de la Pea, Matt
A Tale of Two Cities Dickens, Charles
David Copperfield Dickens, Charles
Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles
Brothers Karamazov Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Crime and Punishment** Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Tears of a Tiger Draper, Sharon M.
Invisible Man Ellison, Ralph
As I Lay Dying Faulkner, William
Intruder in the Dust Faulkner, William
The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald, Francis Scott
Madame Bovary Flaubert, Gustave
If I Stay Forman, Gayle
A Lesson Before Dying Gaines, Earnest J.
Lord of the Flies Golding, William
An Abundance of Katherines Green, John
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Haddon, Mark
The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Catch 22 Heller, Joseph
A Farewell to Arms Hemingway, Ernest
The Old Man and the Sea Hemingway, Ernest
The Sun Also Rises Hemingway, Ernest
The Book of Unknown Americans Henriquez, Christina
Les Mis rables Hugo, Victor
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Hugo, Victor
Their Eyes Were Watching God Hurston, Zora Neale
A Prayer for Owen Meany Irving, John
The World According to Garp Irving, John
The Remains of the Day Ishiguro, Kazuo
Over a Thousand Hills I Walk with You Jansen, Hanna
The First Part Last Johnson, Angela
Dubliners Joyce, James

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools
partners with parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students
for lives of leadership, accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Advanced Reading Challenge Book List Grades 9-12
Title Author
The Metamorphosis Kafka, Franz
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Kesey, Ken
The Secret Life of Bees Kidd, Sue Monk
A Separate Peace Knowles, John
Tales from Shakespeare Lamb, Charles and Mary
Mere Christianity Lewis, C.S.
Pilgrim's Regress Lewis, C.S.
Moby Dick Melville, Herman
Tiger Moon Michaelis, Antonia
Translated by Anthea Bell.
Gone with the Wind Mitchell, Margaret
1984 Orwell, George
The Fountainhead Rand, Ayn
Eleanor & Park Rowell, Rainbow
Frankenstein Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Smith, Betty
Cannery Row Steinbeck, John
East of Eden Steinbeck, John
Of Mice and Men Steinbeck, John
Treasure Island Stevenson, Louis Robert
The Joy Luck Club Tan, Amy
Vanity Fair Thackeray, William Makepeace
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain, Mark
Cats Cradle Vonnegut, Kurt
Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut, Kurt
The Color Purple Walker, Alice
All the Kings Men Warren, Robert Penn
Where Things Come Back Whaley, John Corey
The Picture of Dorian Gray Wilde, Oscar
The Native Son Wright, Richard
Welcome to the Monkey House Vonnegut, Kurt
A Midsummer Night's Dream** Shakespeare, William
Hamlet Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar** Shakespeare, William
Macbeth (Unabridged version)** Shakespeare, William
Much Ado About Nothing** Shakespeare, William
Romeo and Juliet** Shakespeare, William
The Taming of the Shrew** Shakespeare, William
Twelfth Night** Shakespeare, William
Two Gentlemen of Verona** Shakespeare, William
Othello Shakespeare, William
Antigone Sophocles
The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays Wilde, Oscar
A Streetcar Named Desire Williams, Tennessee

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools
partners with parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students
for lives of leadership, accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Advanced Reading Challenge Book List Grades 9-12
Title Author
The Glass Menagerie Williams, Tennessee
The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media Gladstone, Brooke & Josh Neufold
This One Summer Tamaki, Mariko
March: Book One Lewis, John, Andrew Ayden & Nate
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Anderson, M.T.
Nation: Volume 1
The Good Earth Buck, Pearl
The Pilgrim's Progress Bunyan, John
Death Comes for the Archbishop Cather, Willa
My Antonia Cather, Willa
The Deerslayer Cooper, James Fenimore
The Last of the Mohicans Cooper, James Fenimore
The Farming of Bones Danticat, Edwidge
Reading in the Dark Deane, Seamus
Cold Mountain Frazier, Charles
An Innocent Soldier Holub, Josef
Translated by Michael Hofmann
The Kite Runner Hosseini, Khaled
Beloved Morrison, Toni
Song of Solomon Morrison, Toni
Cry The Beloved Country Paton, Alan
Dodger Pratchett, Terry
All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque, Erich Maria
I Had Seen Castles Rylant, Cynthia
Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck, John
Anna Karenina** Tolstoy, Leo
Code Name Verity Wein, Elizabeth
War and Peace** Tolstoy, Leo
The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights Burton, Richard

Anpao: An American Indian Odyssey Highwater, Jamake

Legends of Sleepy Hollow, Unabridged Irving, Washington
Rip Van Winkle, Unabridged Irving, Washington
Warriors Don't Cry: A Searing Memoir of the Battle to Beals, Melba Pattillo
Integrate Little Rock's Central High
Out of Africa Dinesen, Isak
Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts Kingston, Maxine Hong
Marzi: A Memoir Sowa, Marzena & Sylvain Savoia
Travels with Charley: In Search of America Steinbeck, John
Black Boy Wright, Richard
Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools
partners with parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students
for lives of leadership, accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Advanced Reading Challenge Book List Grades 9-12
Title Author
When I Was a Soldier Zenatti, Valrie
How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less Glidden, Sarah
A Game for Swallows: To Die, To Leave, To Return Abirached, Zeina Translated by
Edward Gauvin.
Rebecca Du Maurier, Daphne
The Magus Fowles, John
On the Jellicoe Road Marchetta, Melina
Ketchup Clouds Pitcher, Annabel
The Fall of the House of Usher Poe, Edgar Allan
The Gold Bug Poe, Edgar Allan
The Tell Tale Heart Poe, Edgar Allan
Murder at the CIA Truman, Margaret
Murder at the FBI Truman, Margaret
Murder at Union Station Truman, Margaret
Murder in the Smithsonian Truman, Margaret
Band of Brothers Ambrose, Stephen
Algebra Unplugged Amdahl, Kenn & Jim Loats
Joy at Work Bakke, Dennis
Mirror of the World: A New History of Art Bell, Julian
Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Beschloss, Michael
Electric America Bodanis, David
The Secret Family Bodanis, David
Flags of our Fathers: Heroes of Iwo Jima Bradley, James
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the Brown, Dee
In Cold Blood Capote, Truman
Between the World and Me Coates, Ta-Nehisis
Son of the Morning Star Connell, Evan S.
On the Origin of Species Darwin, Charles
The Mystery of Capital De Soto, Hernando
Democracy in America, Vol. 1 De Tocqueville , Alexis
Life by the Numbers Devlin, Keith
Google Hacks: Tips & Tools for Finding and Using the Dornfest, Rael
World's Information
Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb Fetter-Vorm, Jonathon
The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion & The Fall of Fleming, Candace
Imperial Russia
Hexaflexagons and Other Mathematical Diversions Gardener, Martin
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Gladwell, Malcolm
The Story of Art Gombrich, Ernst Hans Josef
Economix: How and Why Our Economy Works (And Goodwin, Michael & Dann E. Burr
The Work) inofWords
Declaration and Pictures
Independence and other Great Grafton, John (editor)
Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools
partners with parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students
for lives of leadership, accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Advanced Reading Challenge Book List Grades 9-12
Title Author
Black Like Me Griffin, John Howard
The Story of Science: Newton at the Center Hakim, Joy
Black, Blue & Gray: African Americans in the Civil War Haskins, James
The Tao of Pooh Hoff, Benjamin
The Race to Save the Lord God Bird Hoose, Phillip
Shooting Under Fire: The World of the War Photographer Howe, Peter
Profiles in Courage Kennedy, John F.
Death at an Early Age Kozol, Jonathan
Ordinary Resurrections: Children in the Year's of Hope Kozol, Jonathan
Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World Kurlansky, Mark
Dressed: A Century of Hollywood Costume Design Landis, Deborah Nadoolman
To Be a Slave Lester, Julius
Of Civil Government Locke, John
Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 Mann, Charles C.
Animals Charles Darwin Saw: An Around-the-World Markle, Sandra
1776 McCullough, David
The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama McCullough, David
Canal 1870-1914
Truman McCullough, David
Our Movie Heritage McGreevey, Tom & Joanne L. Yeck
What They Fought For 1861-1865 McPherson, James
The American Language Mencken, H.L.
Circumference: Eratosthenes and the Ancient Quest to Nicastro, Nicholas
Measure the Globe
The Audacity of Hope Obama, Barack
Common Sense Paine, Thomas
Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences Paulos, John Allen
The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story Preston, Richard
The American Reader: Words That Moved a Nation Ravitch, Diane
Ghost Soldiers: The Forgotten Epic Story of World War II's Sides, Hampton
Most Dramatic Mission
Local News Soto,Gary
The City of God St. Augustine
The Great Composers Thompson, Wendy
Civil Disobedience Thoreau, Henry David
Walden Thoreau, Henry David
Frida Viva La Vida! Long Live Life! Bernier-Grand, Carmen T.
The Canterbury Tales Chaucer, Geoffrey
Poems Dickinson, Emily
Beowulf Heaney, Seamus
The Iliad Homer
The Odyssey Homer
The Raven and Other Poems and Stories Poe, Edgar Allan
Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools
partners with parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students
for lives of leadership, accomplishment, and exemplary character.
Advanced Reading Challenge Book List Grades 9-12
Title Author
Selected Poems Whitman, Walt
Go Tell it on the Mountain Baldwin, James
The White Bicycle Brenna, Beverley
The Sound and the Fury Faulkner,William
Air Gattis, Ryan
Goodbye, Mr. Chips Hilton, James
Lockdown Myers, Walter Dean
Monster Myers, Walter Dean
Slam Myers, Walter Dean
Sunrise Over Fallujah Myers, Walter Dean
Franny and Zooey Salinger, J. D.
The Catcher in the Rye Salinger, J. D.
Nothing Teller, Janne
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Adams, Douglas
The Handmaids Tale Atwood, Margaret
Parable of the Sower Butler, Octavia. E.
Jurassic Park Crichton, Michael
Brave New World Huxley, Aldous
Island Huxley, Aldous
Flowers for Algernon Keyes, Daniel
The Left Hand of Darkenss Le Guin, Ursula K.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Verne, Jules
The War of the Worlds Wells, H.G.

AR Readability (ATOS formula): Measures the textual difficulty of a whole book, not just a single passage.

Interest Level: LG=Lower Grades (K-3), MG=Middle Grades (4-8), UG=Upper Grades (9-12): Maturity
level of a book's content, ideas, and themes based on publisher's recommendations about the content.
All classic books should be read in an unabridged form unless otherwise noted.
Books that are highlighted have been added to the ARC list during the 2016 - 2017 School Year.

Imagine Schools Mission Statement: As a national family of nonprofit public charter school campuses, Imagine Schools
partners with parents and guardians in the education of their children by providing high quality schools that prepare students
for lives of leadership, accomplishment, and exemplary character.

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