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332 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No.

4, October 2008

JPE 8-4-6

Phase Angle Control in Resonant Inverters with Pulse Phase


Zhongming Ye, Praveen Jain* and Paresh Sen*

Intersil Corporation, Milpitas, CA95035, USA
Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Queens University, Canada


High frequency AC (HFAC) power distribution systems delivering power through a high frequency AC link with
sinusoidal voltage have the advantages of simple structure and high efficiency. In a multiple module system, where
multiple resonant inverters are paralleled to the high frequency AC bus through connection inductors, it is necessary for
the output voltage phase angles of the inverters be controlled so that the circulating current among the inverters be
minimized. However, the phase angle of the resonant inverters output voltage can not be controlled with conventional
phase shift modulation or pulse width modulation. The phase angle is a function of both the phase of the gating signals
and the impedance of the resonant tank. In this paper, we proposed a pulse phase modulation (PPM) concept for the
resonant inverters, so that the phase angle of the output voltage can be regulated. The PPM can be used to minimize the
circulating current between the resonant inverters. The mechanisms of the phase angle control and the PPM were
explained. The small signal model of a PPM controlled half-bridge resonant inverter was analyzed. The concept was
verified in a half bridge resonant inverter with a series-parallel resonant tank. An HFAC power distribution system with
two resonant inverters connected in parallel to a 500kHz, 28V AC bus was presented to demonstrate the applicability of
the concept in a high frequency power distribution system.

Keywords: Resonant inverter, Pulse phase modulation, High frequency AC power distribution system, Circulating current

1. Introduction delivery systems [4-6], desktop computers and

telecommunication power supply systems [7-15]. An HFAC
High frequency alternative current power distribution PDS includes a front-end, a full-bridge resonant inverter
systems (HFAC PDS) have been developed for a number (FBRI) or half-bridge resonant inverter (HBRI). The
of specific applications to deliver power to points-of-use. HFAC bus and AC VRM are shown in Fig.1. A resonant
One example is the space power distribution architectures inverter is used to generate the HFAC sinusoidal
. Other examples include airplane entertainment, waveform, differing from the traditional sinusoidal
engine power supply systems [2-3], contact-less power pulse-width-modulated (SPWM) inverters. Hence the
HFAC bus frequency determines the switching frequency
Manuscript received May 21, 2008; revised Aug. 12, 2008 of the DC/AC inverters. The overall efficiency of the

Corresponding Author: yezhongming@ieee.org

front-end and the inverter can be 95%, while the AC VRM
Tel: +1-408-546-3742, Intersil Corporation, USA
Queens University, Canada can achieve efficiency of 90% or more. In order to
Phase Angle Control in Resonant Inverters with Pulse Phase Modulation 333

increase the power density, HFAC power distribution

architecture has evolved from tens of kilohertz systems to
hundreds of kilohertz systems, and the 1MHz is expected
to go further beyond 1MHz. The high frequency DC/AC
resonant inverter is used to generate high frequency AC
voltage for the HFAC bus, with features like
soft-switching of the main switches and low THD in the
output voltage. One half-bridge resonant inverter
topology[11] is shown in Fig. 2. It consists of a
half-bridge switch network, a series-parallel resonant tank,
Fig. 2 Simplified schematics of a resonant inverter system
and a high frequency transformer. The feedback control
includes the control error detection KDV, a linear voltage
controller KV, and an asymmetrical pulse width modulator 2. Principal Mechanism of the Pulse Phase
(APWM). With proper design, both switches achieve Modulation
zero voltage switching. The waveform quality of the
output voltage can be improved by using an additional The phase angle of the resonant inverter is determined
high pass filter. by the phase of the modulation pulses as well as the
The current sharing in a HFAC system requires tight impedance of the equivalent load and the resonant tank.
control of the phase angle of the output voltage of For different load conditions, the phase angles of
individual resonant inverters. Unlike the sinusoidal individual inverters differ because of the component
PWM inverters, the resonant inverters use pulse shift tolerances of the resonant tanks, connection inductances
modulation or pulse width modulation to control the and gate delay time of the gate drivers. However, the
inverters. In these conventional modulation methods, the phase angle between the load terminal and the bridge
phase angle of the inverter output voltage is free of control. voltage is solely determined by the impedance of the
Therefore, even for the same pulse modulation signal, the network; such an angle is fixed for a given load condition.
output voltage phases can be different because of power Therefore, by controlling the pulse phase, the phase angle
stage diversity such as load conditions and component of the output voltage can be regulated against the load or
tolerance of the resonant and switch components. the line perturbation and component tolerance. In this
Another source of phase difference is the time delays in way, the inverter behaves as a pulse phase modulated
the control and gate drive circuits. (PPM) voltage source. A PPM controlled resonant
A pulse phase modulation concept was investigated inverter is shown in Fig. 3, where the power stage is the
based on the phase angle control of the output voltage of same as the voltage controlled half-bridge resonant
the resonant inverters. The mechanism of the pulse inverter (Fig. 2), while the control includes three basic
phase modulation will be described. Based on the blocks, a phase angle detector KD, a phase angle controller,
topology of the half-bridge resonant inverter in Fig. 2, a and a pulse phase modulator.
phase angle controlled resonant inverter will be designed,
analyzed, simulated and prototyped.

Fig. 1 Conceptual HFAC power supply system

334 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 4, October 2008

Ls, Cs Series resonant tank inductor and capacitor AC term, with frequency twice the switching frequency,
Lp, Cp Parallel resonant tank inductor and capacitor which can be easily filtered out by a low pass filter.
S1, S2 Two switches in the half bridge Therefore, if the harmonics are filtered out, then the output
KD Phase angle detector
of the multiplier is related to the phase difference between
Kp Phase angle controller
the reference signal vr and the real inverter output voltage
PPM Pulse phase modulator
Vp Phase modulation signal
v0 by a sinusoidal function as given in (5). It is noted that
Ve Phase error because the phase angle of the output voltage is time
Vo Output voltage varying, the phase error after the low pass filter, Ve, is still
a function of time.
Fig. 3 PPM controlled resonant inverter system

Ve = 0.5V r Vo sin( o (t ) + r ) (5)

2.1 Phase angle detection
Assume the reference signal of the resonant inverter is
The sine function can be linearized near zero. For
sinusoidal with amplitude Vr and phase angle r as given
small phase difference, Ve is approximately in proportion
in (1), where r is constant, although in a current sharing
to the phase difference by a factor KD, which is the gain of
control system, it is time varying and responds to the input
the phase detector.
of the controller. The output voltage of inverter vo
should follow the phase of reference signal vr as closely as
Ve (t ) K D ( r 0 (t ) ) , r 0 (t ) 0 (6)
possible. Also assume that the filtering performance of the
inverter resonant tank is so perfect that all of the
harmonics are well attenuated in the inverter output Hence the phase angle difference between these two
terminal. Therefore, only the fundamental frequency signals can be easily detected with an analog multiplier
(operation frequency) component is considered. and a low pass filter of cut-off frequency lower than the
operation frequency of the resonant inverter.
vr = Vr sin(t + r ) (1)
2.2. Pulse phase modulation
Suppose the output voltage has amplitude Vo and phase The logic scheme for the pulse phase modulation is
angle o, as represented by cosine in (2), where o is time shown in Fig. 4(a), which consists of a DFF, a SR FF, two
varying during transient. comparators and 2 XOR gates. The input signals to the
PPM include the carrier signal vc, which is a saw-tooth
vo = Vo cos(t + o (t ) ) (2) waveform, and the phase modulation signal vp. The
carrier waveform modulates the phase modulation signal
The actual phase error e between these two signals is and generates a PWM signal in reverse proportion to the
given in (3). Therefore, the objective of the phase angle modulation signal, which is then used to generate the gate
control is to minimize the phase angle difference between signals.
the reference signal vr and inverter output voltage vo in
both the steady state and transient state. From (1) and (2),
apply the multiplier operation to the two signals, and the
output voltage of the multiplier is derived in (4).

e (t ) = o (t ) r (3)

ve = 0.5VrVo (sin(o (t) + r ) + sin(2t + o (t) + r )) (4)

The expression in (4) has two terms, a DC term, and an (a) The logic circuit for the PPM
Phase Angle Control in Resonant Inverters with Pulse Phase Modulation 335

The pulse reduction 1 corresponding to the

modulation signal change is determined by KM, and is
given by (9).

1 = K M V p1 (9)

Then vp(t) intersects the successive pulse of the carrier

signal vc at t2. At t2, the modulation signal is given by
(10), corresponding to phase reduction 2 (11).

v p (t 2 ) = v p (t1 ) V p 2 (10)

2 = K M V p 2 (11)

(b)Principal waveforms of the pulse phase modulation Altogether, the phase angle is shifted forward by ,
which is given in (12), or in the time domain, this
Fig. 4 Schematic of PPM controller and the operation waveforms
corresponds to the reduction of the switching period by
The mechanism to shift the phase angle for a change of T, which is given in (13), together with the new PPM
the phase angle modulation signal is explained with the period. The final phase angle with respect to the clock
operation waveforms in Fig. 4(b), where the modulation signal is 2, as indicated in Fig. 4(b).
signal has a transient within one operation period. For
one complete PPM pattern of period T0, it needs two = K M (V p1 + V p 2 ) (12)

pulses of the carrier signal to finish. The modulation V p1 + V p 2

T = T0 (13)
signal is assured consistency before and after the transient. 2V pp
The PPM for the inverter has a duty ratio of D=0.5. The
2V pp V p
initial phase angle with respect to the clock signal is 0. T1 = T0 T = T0
2V pp
The initial switching period is T0. The phase modulation
signal vp is time varying.
Let the gain KM be the change of the PPM phase angle Therefore, the equivalent frequency of this switching
to the modulation signal variation vp, which is the slope period is different from the original one, and the increase
of the carrier signal vc, according to the geometry of frequency is , which is given in (14)
relationship in Fig. 4(b).
V p (14)
= 0
(7) 2V pp V p
KM = = / V pp or = K M v p ,
v p

where v p < V pp The corresponding equivalent frequency of the PPM for

this period is increased and given in (15). After the
Assume at t0 transient begins. The phase modulation transient, the frequency restores to the original frequency
signal is vp(t0 ) at t0. vp(t) intersects with the carrier signal 0.
vc at t1. The corresponding modulation signal at t1 is
vp(t1), which is given in (8). (1) = (0) + (15)

v p (t1 ) = v p (t 0 ) V p1 (8) The duty ratio during this transient period is time
336 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 4, October 2008

varying, and is determined by the modulation signal

variations, as is given in (16). Since Vp changes from
zero to Vpp, the range of the duty ratio D is from 0 to 1
during transient.

V pp V p1 (16)
D(1) =
2V pp V p1 + V p 2 )
Since the inverter can be treated as an LTI network, the
frequency of the output voltage is the same as the PPM
Fig. 5 Relationship between modulation signal and PPM phase
signal. Therefore, the output voltage can be written in
(17) for the next period. Obviously, the phase angle of the
output voltage can be controlled through the phase angle 2.3 Small signal analysis
modulation signal vp. The phase angle with respect to the The system of the PPM controlled resonant inverter (in
clock signal is 2. Fig. 3) is nonlinear because of the pulse phase modulation
and the multiplier operation for the phase angle detection.
vo = Vo cos(0 t + + 0 ) (17) It is necessary to derive a linear model so that the
controller can be designed. Assume at a certain
The phase angle controller Kp calculates the phase operation point the system reaches a steady state. If
modulation signal vp from the phase error signal Ve which small perturbations and linearization are applied to the
is from the phase angle detector circuit. As long as the system, it can be simplified as a small signal linear
phase angle of the output voltage approximates that of the system.
reference signal, the output of the phase detection will be The phase angle error between the inverter output
approximately constant after a certain time. Then the voltage and the reference signal is detected by a multiplier
frequency change of the PPM will be zero also, indicating and a low pass filter in combination and represented as a
the end of the transient. voltage signal, according to (5). Around any steady state
The theoretical range of phase angle control is from 0 to operation point, the phase difference is very small, that
. However, it is noted that there is no interval overlap is, o r << 1 .
between the PWM pulse and the clock signal. And the In the small signal sense the phase error is linearly
modulation signal should be kept below the peak of carrier related to the phase angle difference of the two signals.
vc. Therefore, the relationship between the modulation Therefore, the error signal or the phase modulation signal
signal and the phase shift angle is shown in Fig. 5. min is is given in (19), where KF(s) is the transfer function of the
given in (18) where VCLK is the voltage level compared low pass filter.
with the carrier signal and it generates the clock signal.
Ve = FF ( s) K D ( o r ) (19)

VCLK T (18)
min = Since the resonant tank of the inverter has no
amplification on the phase shift angle, it is treated as a
unity gain unit and the impedance phase angle of the
In order to adjust the phase angle towards both positive
resonant tank is treated as perturbation.
and negative directions to /2, it is suggested that the
The small signal model of the system is shown in Fig. 6,
saw-tooth waveform rises from Vpp/2 to +Vpp/2. Then
where KD is the gain of the multiplier, Kp(s) is the phase
the phase angle control range is [-/2,/2].
angle controller, FM(s) is the transfer function of the PPM,
Phase Angle Control in Resonant Inverters with Pulse Phase Modulation 337

FF(s) is the low pass filter. The closed loop system The frequency responses of the PPM-controlled
transfer function is hence given in (20). resonant inverter are plotted for different parameters of Kc,
Tc and KF in Fig. 7. The damping factor can be increased
with large time constant Tc. And the bandwidth of the
system can be increased with a large Kc.

KD Phase angle detector gain

FF(s) Low pass filter transfer function
Kp(s) Phase angle controller
FM(s) PPM modulator transfer function

Fig. 6 Small signal model of PPM controlled resonant inverter

K D FF ( s ) K P ( s ) FM ( s )
H (s) = (20)
1 + K D FF ( s ) K P ( s ) FM ( s ) (a) Kc=.01, 1; Kf=10k

The transfer function of the inverter output voltage

phase angle tracking error is given by (21), from which the
phase angle tracking error can be evaluated.

H e ( s) = 1 H ( s) = (21)
1 + K D FF (s) K P (s) FM (s)

The phase angle controller can be designed with the

gain-phase margin approach. A simple design is to use a
PI controller with proportion Kc and time constant Tc, for
the detection and control. The low pass filter can be (b) Kc=1; Kf =10k; Tc=10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6
replaced with an integral KF/s. The transfer function Fig. 7 Frequency domain response of the PPM-controlled system
from the input phase angle to output phase angle can be
written in (22), which is a 2nd order system. 3. PPM-controlled Half-bridge Resonant
K D K F K c K M s + K D K F K M / Tc (22)
H (s) = 2
s + K D K F K c K M s + F M K D F F K c / Tc A PPM-controlled half-bridge (HB) series-parallel
resonant inverter as shown in Fig. 3 is designed. The
The natural resonant frequency of the system is given in input to the HB resonant inverter module is 38V. The
(23), and the damping factor is given in (24), which are two switches in the half bridge are driven by
solely determined by the controller parameters Tc and Kc, complementary gate signals of frequency 500 kHz. To
and the integral time constant KF. prevent a short in the DC source, enough dead time is
mandatory. The output power of the inverter is 100W.
n = KM KD K F K c / Tc (23) The output voltage is 500 kHz sinusoidal with amplitude
39V (Peak). A high frequency transformer of
= KM KD K F K c Tc (24) turns-ratio 1:2.2 is used. Ls= 3.9 H, Cs = 27nF; Lp =
338 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 4, October 2008

0.98H, Cp = 85 nF from the secondary side of the transformer to the primary

The resonant tank not only filters out the harmonics in side.
the semi-square voltage, but also offers soft-switching for
the power switches. A resonant tank with two energy Z sh = Rs + j (hX Ls X Cs / h) (27)
storage components is usually used in DC/DC conversion Re h 1 X
topologies, for example, the parallel resonant converter Z ph = 2 2
+ j( 2 eh 2 ) (28)
R + X eh
e X Cp X Lp h Re + X eh
and the series resonant converter. A sinusoidal voltage
waveform with very small THD is desirable in an HFAC
In a general case with a non-resistive equivalent load of
system to avoid Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) in the
the AC bus, the AC gain of the resonant tank Ah is given in
HFAC bus. The series-parallel resonant tank with four
energy storage components gives more design freedom in
the soft-switching design. Such a resonant tank also has 1/ 2
Z p,h 2
Rp,h + X p,h

better filtering performance than an LCC or LC tank. Ah = = (29)
Z s,h + Z p,h ( Rs + R p , h ) + ( X s , h + X p , h )
2 2
Therefore, it is a reasonable choice for HFAC applications.
In Fig. 3, Ls and Cs are the series resonant network
inductor and capacitor, respectively. Lp and Cp are the In the above, Rp,h is the equivalent resistance of the
parallel resonant network inductor and capacitor, parallel resonant tank, Rs is the equivalent resistance of the
respectively. The resonant frequencies of the series and series resonant tank, Xs,h is the equivalent reactance of the
parallel resonant tank are determined by the series and series resonant tank, and Xp,h is the equivalent reactance of
parallel inductor and capacitors as given in (25). the parallel resonant tank.
The instantaneous voltage of the primary winding of the
s = 1 / Ls Cs ; p = 1 / LpC p (25) transformer can be expressed in (30), where h is the phase
difference between the bridge voltage Va,h and the voltage
The series resonant tank is tuned to above 0.95 of the of the parallel resonant tank V1,h of hth order harmonic
operation frequency. The parallel resonant tank is tuned components, and is given in (31).
to 1.2 of the operation frequency. Therefore, the
impedance viewed from the input port of the resonant tank 2Vin h
v1,h (t ) = Ah sin sin(h o t h ) (30)
is inductive at operation frequency. Since the pulses are h h 2
symmetrical, there is no even order harmonics in the X p , h ( Rs + R p , h ) R p , h ( X s , h + X p , h )
h = a tan (31)
chopped voltage. Therefore, no high order filter is R p , h ( Rs + R p , h ) + X p , h ( X s , h + X p , h )
The impedance viewed from the input port of the The phase angle difference between a nominal
resonant network depends on both the parameters of the inverter and that with a different series inductor Ls (= Ls0 +
resonant tank and equivalent load of the HFAC bus, and is Ls) are plotted in Fig. 8 for different load conditions. It
given in (26), where Zs and Zp represent the impedances of is obvious that both the load impedance and the
the series resonant tank and parallel resonant tank, impedance of the resonant tank determine the value of the
respectively. phase angle difference . For the same bridge voltage,
the phase angle of the output voltage can be different
Z ih = Z sh + Z ph (26)
because of the component tolerance of the power circuit,
and the load variations.
The impedance of the series and parallel resonant tanks A prototype PPM controlled half-bridge resonant
are given in (27) and (28), respectively, in which the inverter was built in the lab. The circuit specifications
equivalent resistance Re and equivalent reactance Xe are and component parameters are given in Table 1. The
the equivalent load impedances of the HFAC bus reflected MOSFET devices are IRF540N. The resonant capacitors
Phase Angle Control in Resonant Inverters with Pulse Phase Modulation 339

are Wima FKP, and the magnetic core of the transformer Therefore, the resonant current flows in the anti-parallel
is TDKPC44LP22/13. The thermal resistors are used in diode of the switch S1, and the voltage across the drain and
parallel as the equivalent load for the resonant inverter. source is clamped to zero. Therefore, S1 is turned on
The power factor of the equivalent load at the operation under zero voltage. The turning off of the switches is
frequency is corrected by series connection capacitors. softened with snubber capacitors. The magnetizing
inductance current of the high frequency transformer
Table 1 Circuit specifications and component parameters offers enough current for open-load conditions.
Specifications & Component Parameters
Output voltage Vo 18V (Peak)
Input voltage Vin 38V (Average)
Frequency fs 0.5 MHz
Efficiency 92%
Output Power Po 100W
Series resonant tank Ls=3.9 H, Cs=27nF
Parallel Resonant tank Lp=0.98H, Cp=85 nF
Switches IRF540N
Transformer T 1:2.2, Input 18V/Output 38V
Core TDKPC44LP22/13
Gate drivers HIP2101
Fig. 9 Circuit diagram for the PPM

Fig. 8 Phase angle difference = 1 - 0, where, 0 is the phase
shift angle of the nominal inverter (Ls0), 1 is that of the
inverter with a different Ls, Ls = Ls0 + Ls

The circuit diagram of the pulse phase modulation is

given in Fig. 9, where the commercial available discrete
components including 74F08, 74F86, and 74F74 have
very small time delays. The dead time is set to 80ns by
the RCD circuit.
The verification waveforms are given in Figures 10 and
11. In Fig. 10, the voltages across the drain and source
of the main switches, and the currents are shown. From (b)
these waveforms, it is observed that both of the switches
achieve zero voltage switching. For instance, at the instant Fig. 10 Voltages and currents of the main switches (a) FET S2,
switch S1 is turned on, the resonant current is negative. (b) FET S1 in the second stage R0 =2.5
340 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 4, October 2008

The operation waveforms for the resonant inverter with

different phase modulation levels are given in Fig. 11,
where the phase modulation signal, clock signal and the
output voltages of the inverters are given. The top
waveforms are the phase modulation signals VP, the
middle ones are the Clock signals Clock, which are
synchronized to the same for all inverter modules, and the
bottom ones are the output voltages VO. For a large
modulation signal (VP =0.8V), the phase angle of the
output voltage with respect to the clock signal is 1
365ns. For a small modulation signal (VP =0.1V), the
phase angle of the output voltage with respect to the clock (a) vp=.8V
signal is 2 250ns.
Obviously with the PPM control, the output voltage
phase angles can be controlled through a phase angle
feedback control. Some application examples of the
PPM control include: synchronize the output voltage
phase angles of the inverters; control the active and
reactive power flow by controlling the phase angles;
minimize the circulating current by combining the PPM
with certain current sharing control scheme. In the next
section, it will be shown through experiments that by
controlling the phase angles of the output voltages of
individual inverters in a multiple inverter system, the
circulating current can be reduced. (b) vp= 0.1V
Fig. 11 Waveforms for the pulse phase modulation
4. Two-stage Resonant Inverter with Phase
and Magnitude Control similar efficiency, while offering much more flexibility in
the topology and pulse modulation design.
Two resonant inverter modules as shown in Fig. 12 Although both inverters use the same parameters, there
were built in the lab to make up a two-inverter system. are component tolerances. For instance, the component
Each resonant inverter consists of two stages. The tolerance for the commercial resonant inductors is above
second stage of each resonant inverter module is the 10%. The internal conduction resistance of the MOSFET
same as the half-bridge resonant inverter that we have can be as high as 50%.
discussed in the previous section. It operates at 500
kHz, and the output of each inverter module is 100W,
28V (RMS). To avoid the phase shift problem, this stage
is not for voltage magnitude control. Since the duty ratio
is kept 50%, the switches in this stage are always
soft-switched. The resonant tank and the switches are
optimized for minimum conduction loss. The first stage
is a two-switch buck converter running at 1 MHz, and is
solely for voltage magnitude control. Compared with the
single-stage full-bridge topology, the two-stage provides Fig. 12 Simplified circuit schematics of a 2-stage inverter system
Phase Angle Control in Resonant Inverters with Pulse Phase Modulation 341

the connection inductor should be compromised for output

voltage regulation as well as for space and cost.
Furthermore, the conduction resistance must be very small
to minimize thermal losses. Generally, the connection
inductors should meet the following conditions in (33) and

X LK 1 X L K 2 (33)

X LK 1 >> Rk1 ; X LK 2 >> Rk 2 (34)

In practice, the connection inductance consists of both

the leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer,
and external inductance, both of which have large
Fig. 13 Control and power stage layout of the system component tolerance. The measured inductances are as
follows: L1 = 0.23H, L2 = 0.27H. The discrepancy of
The two resonant inverters are connected to the high the connection inductance is an important cause of
frequency AC bus through small connection inductors. circulating current, according to (32).
The system layout is shown in Fig. 13, where the topology In order to reduce the circulating current between the
of each inverter module is shown in Fig. 12. A inverter modules, three possibilities exist. 1) Using large
connection inductor ZK is used and is modeled as a connection inductors. However, this causes large voltage
resistance and reactance in series, Zk = Rk +jXk. drop over the connection inductors. 2) Using
Assuming that the equivalent load of the HFAC bus is components (including the connection inductors) with
resistive, based on AC analysis, the circulating current small component tolerance. This increases the cost of
between the two inverter modules is given in (32), where the system, and can not eliminate the circulating current
C is a coefficient, VO1 and VO2 are the terminal voltages of caused by the control circuit discrepancy. 3) Using
the resonant inverters, which are functions of the input proper current sharing control with PPM.
voltages, impedance of the resonant tanks, and the
switching functions of the switching networks, according 1) Output voltage magnitude is controlled through the first
to (30). R is the equivalent load resistance of the HFAC stage with PWM
bus. In the PWM-controlled inverter, the first-stage voltage
is regulated through Vg1,n, Vg1,n, n = 1,2. The second
2I& Z Z (32) stage is free of control, but uses the same gate drive pulses
= 2VO11 2VO21 + j K2 VO11 K1 VO21
C R R as the other module. Vg3,1 = Vg3,2, Vg4,1 = Vg4,2. Because
of the component tolerance in the second stage, there is
Obviously, both the discrepancy of phase angles and phenomenal phase discrepancy between the output
magnitudes of the output voltages of the inverters cause voltages V01 and V02. Together with the connection
circulating current. In addition, the difference in the inductance difference, it will cause large circulating
connection inductors can also cause uneven current current. In Fig. 14(a), the DC inputs VDC1 and VDC2 are
distribution. Therefore, paralleling multiple resonant different. VDC1 = 55V, VDC2 = 75V. With the PWM
inverters in a high frequency AC system is much more control in the first stage, the first stage output voltages of
complicated than paralleling multiple converters in a DC both the two inverters are 38V. However, the circulating
system. current is about 25% of the load current.
The connection inductance is critical to limit the The circulating current is caused by the asymmetry
circulating current in the HFAC power system. The size of existing in the second stages of the two inverter modules.
342 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 4, October 2008

As can be seen from (31) and Fig. 8, phase discrepancy

may be a result of the component tolerance of the power
stage, even using the same pulses to drive the two second
Another factor is the delay in the control, including the
gate drive circuit, and the modulation circuit. The rising
time and falling time of the commercial gate drivers
change with operation conditions, like temperature,
operation voltages, and output capacitances. Delay
differences also exist in the modulation circuit. For
example, the component tolerance in the RCD dead-time
setting circuit can cause the drive pulses to differ from (b) With PPM control

each other, even with the same modulation signal. Fig. 14 Current sharing improvement with phase angle control

2) Output voltage phase angle is controlled with PPM

In contrast, the PPM-controlled resonant inverter
regulates the phase angle of the output voltage against any
possible perturbations and defects of the circuits, as shown
in Fig. 14(b). The first stages are controlled with PWM
control Vg1,n, Vg1,n, n = 1,2. The DC voltages applied to
the second stages are 38V. The magnitudes of the output
voltage are, however, free of control. The second stage
is PPM-controlled. The circulating current between the
two modules is effectively reduced to about 12% of the
load current. The remaining small current distribution (a) Gating signals
error is caused by the voltage magnitude discrepancy of
the two modules, and the connection inductor difference.
The corresponding voltage V01, V02, and the gating signals
Vg3,1, Vg3,2, Vg4,1, and Vg4,2 are given in Figures 15(a) and
(b), respectively.

(b) Output voltages of two modules

Fig. 15 Detailed experimental waveforms of the inverters

5. Conclusions

The phase angles of the output voltage of the resonant

(a) Without PPM control inverters are different from each other, making it very
Phase Angle Control in Resonant Inverters with Pulse Phase Modulation 343

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Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. engineer and production engineer at Brown Boveri Company and
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[15] Hamar. J., Nagy. I., Asymmetrical operation of dual channel considerable consulting experience within the industry. Dr. Jain
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[16] Z. Ye, P. Jain, P. Sen, Analysis and Design of Full Bridge interests are power electronics applications for space,
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Power Supply Application, Proceedings of 31st Annual Professional Engineers of Ontario and an Associate Editor of
Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Raleigh, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. He is the recipient of the
NC, USA, pp. 11891196, Nov. 2005. 2004 Engineering Medal (R&D) of the Professional Engineers
Ontario and is also a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of
Zhongming Ye (M01, SM07) was born in Canada.
Jiangsu, China. He received his PhD from
Zhejiang University at Hangzhou, China, Paresh C. Sen (M67-SM74-F89) was
and Queens University at Kingston, ON, born in Chittagong, Bangladesh. He
Canada in 1998 and 2005, respectively. received his B.Sc. degree (with honors in
From 1998 to 1999, he worked in the physics) and M.Sc. (Tech.) degree in applied
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at The physics from the University of Calcutta,
University of Hong Kong, China. From 1999 to 2001, he India, in 1958 and 1961, respectively, and
worked in the Department of Electrical and Computer his M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
Engineering at Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada. He University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in 1965 and 1967,
is now an Applications Engineer, at Intersil, Milpitas, CA, USA. respectively. Presently, Dr. Sen is an Emeritus Professor of
His fields of interest include high frequency power conversion, Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queens University,
power electronics control, power distribution systems, electrical Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He has written more than 160
machine fault diagnostics, power quality, artificial intelligence, research papers in the area of power electronics and drives. He
neural network and fuzzy logic. He has published over 70 is the author of two internationally acclaimed textbooks:
papers on these topics in various peer reviewed journals and Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics (New
conferences. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of the York: Wiley, 1989, 2nd ed., 1997) and Thyristor DC Drives
IEEE Power Electronics Society, and a member of the IEEE (New York: Wiley, 1981). His fields of interest include
Industrial Electronics Society. power electronics, electric drive systems, switching power
supplies, power factor correction circuits, modern control
techniques for high performance drive systems, and applications
Praveen K. Jain (S'86, M'88, M'91, F02)
of fuzzy logic control in power electronics and drive systems. Dr.
received his B.E. (Hons.) degree from the
Sen was the recipient of the IEEE Canada Outstanding
University of Allahabad, India, his M.A.Sc.
Engineering Educator Award in 2006 for his outstanding
and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto,
contributions over four decades as an author, teacher, supervisor,
Canada, in 1980, 1984, and 1987,
researcher and consultant. He received the Prize Paper Award
respectively, all in Electrical Engineering.
from the Industrial Drives Committee for technical excellence at
Presently, he is a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Power
the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Annual Meeting in
Electronics at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
1986. Dr. Sen has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE
From 1994 to 2000, he was a Professor at Concordia University,
Montreal, Canada, where was engaged in teaching and research in
Chairman of the Technical Committees on Power Electronics
the field of power electronics. Prior to this (1989-1994) he was a
(1979-1980) and Energy Systems (1980-1982) of the IEEE
Technical Advisor with the Power Group, Nortel Networks,
Industrial Electronics Society. He served as an NSERC
Ottawa, Canada, where he was providing guidance for research
(Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
and development of advanced power technologies for
Scientific Liaison Officer evaluating University-Industry
telecommunications. During 1987-1989, he was with Canadian
coordinated projects (1994-1999). As Emeritus Professor, Dr.
Astronautics Ltd., Ottawa, Canada, where he played a key role in
Sen continues to be active in research, and in several IEEE
the design and development of high frequency power conversion
equipment for the Space Station Freedom. He was a design

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