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Power Managed
Tips n Tricks
Featuring nanoWatt Technology
M Tips n Tricks
Table of Contents

Tips n Tricks With Hardware

TIP #1 Switching Off External Circuits/Duty Cycle... 3
TIP #2 Power Budgeting......................................... 5
TIP #3 WDT Alternative Wake-ups......................... 7
TIP #4 Stretched Dog ............................................. 8
TIP #5 Low Power Timer1 Oscillator ...................... 9
TIP #6 Ultra Low-Power Wake-Up........................ 10
TIP #7 Low Energy Power Supplies ..................... 11
TIP #8 Low Power Timer1 .................................... 12
Tips n Tricks with Software
TIP #9 Configuring Port Pins .................................. 14
TIP #10 I/O Initialization............................................ 16
TIP #11 Two-Speed Start-Up ................................... 17
TIP #12 How to Use a Comparator Reference
as a D/A ...................................................... 19
TIP #13 How to Detect a Loss of Crystal/Resonator
Oscillator ..................................................... 20
TIP #14 Enabling IDLE Modes.................................. 21
TIP #15 How to Eliminate an External Crystal,
Resonator, or RC Timing Network .............. 22
Tips n Tricks with Hardware/Software
TIP #16 Clock Switching PIC16F Dual Clock ........... 24
TIP #17 Calibration ................................................... 25

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Tips n Tricks


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Tips n Tricks


Microchip continues to provide innovative
products that are smaller, faster, easier to use and
more reliable. The Flash-based PIC
microcontrollers (MCU) are used in an wide range
of everyday products, from smoke detectors,
hospital ID tags and pet containment systems, to
industrial, automotive and medical products.
The PIC16F/18F Power Managed family featuring
nanoWatt Technology merge all of the advantages
of the PIC MCU architecture and the flexibility of
Flash program memory with several new power
management features. The devices become a
logical solution for intelligent small systems, or
complex systems that require extended battery life
and energy efficient operation.
The flexibility of Flash and an excellent development
tool suite, including a low cost In-Circuit Debugger,
In-Circuit Serial Programming and MPLAB ICE
2000 emulation, make these devices ideal for just
about any embedded control application.
The following series of Tips n Tricks can be
applied to a variety of applications to help make
the most of the PIC16F/18F Power Managed
family featuring nanoWatt Technology.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 1

Tips n Tricks


Making the most out of supplied hardware can
eliminate external components which in turn
reduces overall cost. Here are some tips that can
help make the most out of the nanoWatt family.

DS41200C-page 2 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.

Tips n Tricks

TIP #1 Switching Off External Circuits/

Duty Cycle
All the low power modes in the world wont help
your application if you are unable to control the
power used by circuits external to the
microprocessor. Lighting an LED is equivalent to
running most PIC microcontrollers (MCUs) at
5V-20 MHz. When you are designing your
circuitry, decide what physical modes or states
are required and partition the electronics to
shutdown unneeded circuitry.
The application is a long duration data recorder. It
has a sensor, an EEPROM, a battery and a
microprocessor. Every two seconds, it must take a
sensor reading, scale the sensor data, store the
scaled data in EEPROM and wait for the next
sensor reading.
Solution 1:


0.1 uF





3.3V 1k RA2 RB2 WP A1

0.1 uF


22 pF

R1 RB7

10k VSS 32.768 kHz

33 pF

33 pF


2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 3

Tips n Tricks

TIP #1 Switching Off External Circuits/

Duty Cycle (Cont.)
The system shown above is very simple and
clearly has all the parts identified in the
requirements. Unfortunately, it has a few problems
in that the EEPROM, the sensor, and its bias
circuit, are energized all the time. To get the
minimum current draw for this design, it would be
advantageous to shutdown these circuits when
they are not required. See Solution 2.
Solution 2:


0.1 uF




1k RA2 RB2 WP A1
0.1 uF



22 pF


10k VSS 32.768 kHz

33 pF
33 pF



In Solution 2, I/O pins are used to power the

EEPROM and the sensor. Because the I/O pins
can source 20 mA, there is no need to provide
additional components to switch the power.

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Tips n Tricks

TIP #2 Power Budgeting

Power budgeting is a technique that is critical to
predicting current consumption and battery life.
Time in Current (mA) Charge
Mode Mode By Current * Time
(mS) Part (Amp * Sec)
Sleeping 1989 0.001 1.989 e-6
CPU Sleep 0.001
Sensor off 0.000
EEPROM off 0.000
Sensor Warm-up 1 0.166 0.166 e-6
CPU Sleep 0.001
Sensor on 0.165
EEPROM off 0.000
Sensing 1 0.213 0.213 e-6
CPU run 0.048
Sensor on 0.165
EEPROM off 0.000
Scaling 1 0.048 0.048 e-6
CPU run 0.048
Sensor off 0.000
EEPROM off 0.000
Storing 8 2.048 16.384 e-6
CPU run 0.048
Sensor off 0.000
EEPROM on 2.000

Total Time Total Charge

2000 18.800 e-6
(mS) (Amp*Sec)

Average Current Total Charge

(mA) Total Time

18.8 e-6 Amp*Sec

2000 e-3 Sec

= 0.009 mA

Peak Current = 2.048 mA

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 5

Tips n Tricks

TIP #2 Power Budgeting (Cont.)

The following example shows the power budget for
Solution 2 in Tip #1.
Computing Battery Life
Assuming an average current = .009 mA
(Based on Previous Power Budget)

Capacity Life
(mAHr) Hours Days Months Years
CR1212 18 2000 83 2.8 0.23
CR1620 75 8333 347 11.6 0.96
CR2032 220 24444 1019 34.0 2.83

After completing a power budget, it is very easy to

determine the battery size required to meet the
application requirements. If too much power is
consumed, it is very easy to determine where
additional effort needs to be placed to reduce the
power consumption.

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Tips n Tricks

TIP #3 WDT Alternative Wake-ups

Most applications control the power of the
microprocessor by periodically going to Sleep.
There are three ways to wake-up a sleeping PIC
1. Receive an interrupt
2. Wait for the Watchdog Timer
3. Use an Ultra Low-Power Wake-Up (ULPWU)
The new nanoWatt PIC16F/18F devices have a
low current Watchdog Timer (WDT) that draws
2-3 A. Additionally, the same devices can
dynamically turn on/off the WDT for even more
current savings.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 7

Tips n Tricks

TIP #4 Stretched Dog

The Watchdog Timer (WDT) is commonly used for
waking up a sleeping PIC MCU. The longer the
PIC MCU stays asleep, the less power most
applications will take. Therefore, it is appropriate to
have a watchdog time-out duration that is long
enough for your application. If the application
requires data samples once per minute, then the
Watchdog Timer should wake-up the PIC MCU
once per minute. Newer PIC devices, such as the
PIC18F1320 and PIC16F684, have an extended
Watchdog Timer that allows the watchdog period
to be stretched up to two minutes.

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Tips n Tricks

TIP #5 Low Power Timer1 Oscillator

nanoWatt devices also offer a robust low power
Timer1 oscillator which draws 2-3 A. The Timer1
counter and oscillator can be used to generate
interrupts for periodic wakes from Sleep and other
power managed modes, and can be used as the
basis for a real-time clock. The normal two second
Timer1 overflow (using a 32.786 kHz watch
crystal) can be extended to 16 seconds by
selecting the 1:8 prescaler.
Some nanoWatt devices can also use the Timer1
oscillator as the system clock source in place of
the main oscillator on the OSC1/OSC2 pins. By
reducing execution speed, total current
consumption can be reduced.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 9

Tips n Tricks

TIP #6 Ultra Low-Power Wake-Up

Newer devices have a modification to PORTA that
creates an Ultra Low-Power Wake-Up (ULPWU)
peripheral. A small current sink and a comparator
have been added that allows an external capacitor
to be used as a wake-up timer.

Pin wake-on-change
C I interrupt

If the accuracy of the Watchdog Timer is not

required, this peripheral can save a lot of current.

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Tips n Tricks

TIP #7 Low Energy Power Supplies

Designing the power supply for a low power device
can be very tricky. There are many factors to
consider including:
1. Voltage/Current Requirements
2. Battery Chemistry
3. Battery Performance
4. Battery Capacity
5. Battery Size/Weight
6. Battery Cost
Batteries come in all shapes, sizes and
chemistries. High capacity batteries typically have
a higher internal resistance, so they are less useful
for high current applications. Batteries good for
high current generally have lower capacity or
greater weight than a similarly sized high
resistance battery. Primary batteries (discharge
only) also have much higher capacity than
secondary batteries (rechargeable).
If VDD must be kept constant, a battery chemistry
with a flat discharge voltage may be used - two
examples include LiMg (primary) and NiMH
(secondary). If better control of a supply voltage is
needed, a voltage regulator may be used.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 11

Tips n Tricks

TIP #8 Low Power Timer1

Applications requiring Timer1 to have a clock
crystal connected to its T1OSO and T1OSI pins
must take PCB layout into consideration. The new
low power Timer1 consumes very little current,
and this sometimes makes the oscillator circuit
sensitive to neighboring circuits. The oscillator
circuit (crystal and capacitors) should be located
as close as possible to the microcontroller.
No circuits should be passing through the
oscillator circuit boundaries. If it is unavoidable to
have high-speed circuits near the oscillator circuit,
a guard ring should be placed around the oscillator
circuit and microcontroller pins similar to the figure
below. Placing a ground plane under the oscillator
components also helps to prevent interaction with
high speed circuits.







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Tips n Tricks


To reduce costs, designers need to make the most
of the available program memory in MCUs. Since
program memory is typically a large portion of the
MCU cost, optimizing the code helps to avoid
buying more memory than needed. Here are some
ideas that can help reduce code size.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 13

Tips n Tricks

TIP #9 Configuring Port Pins

All PIC MCUs have bidirectional I/O pins. Some of
these pins have analog input capabilities. It is very
important to pay attention to the signals applied to
these pins so the least amount of power will be
Unused Port Pins:
If a port pin is unused, it may be left
unconnected but configured as an output pin
driving to either state (high or low), or it may be
configured as an input with an external resistor
(about 10k Ohm) pulling it to VDD or VSS. If
configured as an input, only the pin input
leakage current will be drawn through the pin
(the same current would flow if the pin was
connected directly to VDD or VSS). Both options
allow the pin to be used later for either input or
output without significant hardware
Analog Inputs:
A digital input pin consumes the least amount of
power when the input voltage is near VDD or
VSS. If the input voltage is near the midpoint
between VDD and VSS, the transistors inside the
digital input buffer are biased in a linear region
and they will consume a significant amount of
current. If such a pin can be configured as an
analog input, the digital buffer is turned off,
reducing both the pin current as well as the total
controller current.

DS41200C-page 14 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.

Tips n Tricks

TIP #9 Configuring Port Pins (Cont.)

Analog inputs have a very high-impedance so
they consume very little current. They will
consume less current than a digital input if the
applied voltage would normally be centered
between VDD and VSS. Sometimes it is
appropriate and possible to configure digital
inputs as analog inputs when the digital input
must go to a low power state.
Digital Outputs:
There is no additional current consumed by a
digital output pin other than the current going
through the pin to power the external circuit. Pay
close attention to the external circuits to
minimize their current consumption.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 15

Tips n Tricks

TIP #10 I/O Initialization

Although the following practice may seem routine,
PORT I/O initialization is often overlooked. On a
POR (Power-on Reset), the PORT registers (for
example) have an unknown value. If the TRISB
registers are configured before the PORTB
registers are set or cleared, output pins could
generate glitch pulses during port initialization.
The instruction sequence below is an example of
how I/O initialization should be handled.
Example: Clear PORTB and configure all
PORTB I/O as outputs:


CLRF TRISB ;configure for outputs

DS41200C-page 16 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.

Tips n Tricks

TIP #11 Two-Speed Start-Up

This feature is new to the PIC Microcontroller
family and is available on some of the nanoWatt
Technology devices. Using the internal oscillator,
the user can execute code while waiting for the
Oscillator Start-up (OST) timer to expire (LP, XT or
HS Modes). This feature (called Two-Speed Start-
up) is enabled using the IESO Configuration bit. A
Two-Speed Start-up will clock the device from the
INTRC (32 kHz) until the OST has expired.
Switching to a faster internal oscillator frequency
during start-up is also possible using the OSCCON
register. The example below shows several stages
on how this can be achieved. The number of
frequency changes is dependent upon the
designers discretion. Assume a 20 MHz crystal
(HS Mode) in the PIC16F example found on the
following page.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 17

Tips n Tricks

TIP #11 Two-Speed Start-Up (Cont.)

(Instruction Time) Instruction
ORG 0x05 ;Reset vector

125 s @ 32 kHz BSF STATUS,RP0 ;bank1

125 s @ 32 kHz BSF OSCCON,IRCF2 ;switch to 1 MHz

4 s @ 1 MHz BSF OSCCON,IRCF1 ;switch to 4 MHz

1 s @ 4 MHz BSF OSCCON,IRCF0 ;switch to 8 MHz

500 ns application code

500 ns application code
(eventually OST Expires, 20 MHz crystal clocks the device)

200 ns application code


DS41200C-page 18 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.

Tips n Tricks

TIP #12 How To Use A Comparator

Reference As A D/A
The voltage reference module normally used to set
a reference for the comparators may be used as a
simple D/A output with limited drive capability on
pin RA2.
Set the CVROE bit (CVRCON<6>), and configure
the pin as an analog input.
Due to the limited current drive capability, an
external buffer must be used on the voltage
reference output for external connections to VREF.
See example below:

R(1) RA2


Note 1: R is dependent upon the Voltage Reference

Configuration CVRCON<3:0> and CVRCON<5>.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 19

Tips n Tricks

TIP #13 How To Detect A Loss of Crystal/

Resonator Oscillator
The Fail-Safe Clock Monitor feature can be used
to detect the loss of a crystal/resonator oscillator or
other external clock source. When loss is
detected, an internal clock source will provide
system clocks, allowing for either a graceful
shutdown or a limp-along mode if shutdown is
not needed.
Just set the FCMEN bit in the Configuration Word
(CONFIG1H<6>). A higher limp-along speed can
be selected by setting some of the IRCF bits
(OSCCON<6:4>) before or after the loss occurs.

DS41200C-page 20 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.

Tips n Tricks

TIP #14 Enabling IDLE Modes

The PIC18F nanoWatt family of devices feature
multiple IDLE modes that can be used to reduce
overall power consumption. By setting the IDLE bit
(OSCCON<7>) and executing a SLEEP
instruction, you can turn off the CPU and allow the
peripherals to keep running. In these states, power
consumption can be reduced by as much as 96%.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 21

Tips n Tricks

TIP #15 How To Eliminate An External

Crystal, Resonator, or RC Timing
If a precision frequency clock is not required, use
the internal clock source. It has better frequency
stability than external RC oscillators, and does
away with the external crystal, resonator, or RC
timing network.
The internal clock source can also generate one of
several frequencies for use by the controller,
allowing for reducing current demand by reducing
the system frequency. When higher speed is
required, it can be selected as needed under
program control.

DS41200C-page 22 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.

Tips n Tricks


This section combines both hardware and
software tips to help reduce external component
count and reduce code size.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 23

Tips n Tricks

TIP #16 Clock Switching PIC16F Dual

The PIC16F62X family of devices is equipped with
a second low speed internal oscillator. This
oscillator is available when the configured clock
source is one of internal RC (INTRC), External
RC* (EXTRC) or External Resistor** (ER) modes.
The internal oscillator can be used to operate the
microcontroller at low speeds for reduced power
consumption. The actual speed of this oscillator is
not calibrated, so expect 20%-40% variability in
the oscillator frequency.
To change oscillators, simply toggle bit 3 (OSCF)
in the PCON register. When OSCF is clear, the low
speed oscillator is used. When OSCF is set, the
oscillator selected by the CONFIG bits is used.
* EXTRC mode only available on A parts.
** ER mode only available on the non-A parts.
Newer devices have a multi-speed internal clock.
They can switch from 8 MHz down to 31 kHz in 8
steps. The speed is selected using the OSCCON

DS41200C-page 24 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.

Tips n Tricks

TIP #17 Calibration

An internal RC oscillator calibrated from the
factory may require further calibration as the
temperature or VDD change. Timer1 can be used
to calibrate the internal oscillator by connecting a
32.768 kHz clock crystal. Refer to AN244, Internal
RC Oscillator Calibration for the complete
application details.

C1 PIC 16F818/819
33 pF

32 .7 6 8 kH z

33 p F

The calibration is based on the measured

frequency of the internal RC oscillator. For
example, if the frequency selected is 4 MHz, we
know that the instruction time is 1 s (FOSC/4) and
Timer1 has a period of 30.5 s (1/32.768 kHz).
This means within one Timer1 period, the core can
execute 30.5 instructions. If the Timer1 registers
TMR1H:TMR1L are preloaded with a known
value, we can calculate the number of instructions
that will be executed upon a Timer1 overflow.

2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41200C-page 25

Tips n Tricks

TIP #17 Calibration (Cont.)

This calculated number is then compared against
the number of instructions executed by the core.
With the result, we can determine if re-calibration
is necessary, and if the frequency must be
increased or decreased. Tuning uses the
OSCTUNE register, which has a 12% tuning
range in 0.8% steps.

Visit the low power design center at

www.microchip.com for additional design

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Tips n Tricks


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Tips n Tricks


DS41200C-page 28 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.

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