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ACI 544.3R-08 Guide For Specifying, Proportioning and Production of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

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ACI 544.


Guide for Specifying,

Proportioning, and Production
of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Reported by ACI Committee 544

First Printing
November 2008

American Concrete Institute
Advancing concrete knowledge

Guide for Specifying, Proportioning, and Production

of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

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ISBN 978-0-87031-311-0
ACI 544.3R-08

Guide for Specifying, Proportioning,

and Production of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
Reported by ACI Committee 544

Nemkumar Banthia
Neven Krstulovic-Opara Melvyn A. Galinat*
Secretary Membership Secretary

Ashraf I. Ahmed Graham T. Gilbert Pritpal S. Mangat Venkataswamy Ramakrishnan

Corina-Maria Aldea Vellore S. Gopalaratnam Peter C. Martinez Roy H. Reiterman
Madasamy Arockiasamy Antonio J. Guerra Bruno Massicotte* Klaus Alexander Rieder*
P. N. Balaguru Rishi Gupta James R. McConaghy Pierre Rossi
Joaquim Oliveira Barros* Carol D. Hays* Christian Meyer Surendra P. Shah
Gordon B. Baston George C. Hoff Nicholas C. Mitchell, Jr. Konstantin Sobolev
Vivek S. Bindiganavile Allen J. Hulshizer Barzin Mobasher Jim D. Speakman, Sr.*
Peter H. Bischoff* Akm Anwarul Islam Henry J. Molloy Chris D. Szychowski
* *
Marvin E. Criswell John Jones Dudley R. Morgan Pater C. Tatnall
James I. Daniel Jubum Kim Antoine E. Naaman Houssam A. Toutanji
Xavier Destre* Katherine G. Kuder Antonio Nanni Jean-Franois Trottier*
Ashish Dubey* David A. Lange Nandakumar Natarajan George J. Venta
Philip J. Dyer John S. Lawler Jeffery Novak Gary L. Vondran
Gregor D. Fischer Mark A. Leppert Mark E. Patton Robert Wojtysiak
Dean P. Forgeron* Maria Lopez de Murphy Max L. Porter Robert C. Zellers
Sidney Freeman Clifford N. MacDonald John H. Pye Ronald F. Zollo*
Richard J. Frost

Members of subcommittee who drafted this report.

Chair of subcommittee who drafted this report.

This guide covers specifying, proportioning, mixing, placing, and finishing to assure adequate consolidation, and finishing techniques to assure satis-
of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC). Much of the current conventional factory surface textures. A listing of references is provided covering
concrete practice applies to FRC. The emphasis in the guide is to describe proportioning, properties, applications, shotcrete technology, and general
the differences between conventional concrete and FRC and how to deal information on FRC.
with them. Sample mixture proportions are tabulated. Guidance is provided
in the mixing techniques to achieve uniform mixtures, placement techniques Keywords: fiber; fiber-reinforced concrete; production; proportioning;

ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Manuals, Standard

Practices, and Commentaries are intended for guidance in CONTENTS
planning, designing, executing, and inspecting construction. Chapter 1Introduction and scope, p. 544.3R-2
This document is intended for the use of individuals who are 1.1Introduction
competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its 1.2Scope
content and recommendations and who will accept
responsibility for the application of the material it contains. 1.3Typical uses of FRC
The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all 1.4Specifying FRC
responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not
be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
ACI 544.3R-08 supersedes ACI 544.3R-93 and was adopted and published
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract November 2008.
documents. If items found in this document are desired by the Copyright 2008, American Concrete Institute.
Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, they All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction
the Architect/Engineer. or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing
is obtained from the copyright proprietors.


Chapter 2Notation and definitions, p. 544.3R-4 are defined as fibers with diameters or equivalent diameters less
2.1Notation than 0.012 in. (0.3 mm), and macrosynthetic fibers have
2.2Definitions diameters or equivalent diameters greater than 0.012 in.
(0.3 mm). Polypropylene fibers can be either microsynthetic or
Chapter 3Materials, p. 544.3R-4 macrosynthetic, and have a specific gravity of 0.91. Nylon
3.1General fibers, generally microfibers, have a specific gravity of 1.14.
3.2Fibers Microsynthetic fibers are typically used in the range of 0.05
3.3Admixtures to 0.2% by volume, while steel fibers and macrosynthetic
3.4Storage of fibers fibers are used in the range of 0.2 to 1% by volume, and some-
times higher in certain applications. For example, 2% by
Chapter 4Mixture proportioning, p. 544.3R-5 volume and higher of steel fibers is common for security
applications such as vaults and safes. These dosages equate to
0.75 to 3 lb/yd3 (0.44 to 1.8 kg/m3) for microsynthetic fibers,
4.3Proportioning methods
3 to 15 lb/yd3 (1.8 to 9 kg/m3) for macrosynthetic fibers, and
26 to 132 lb/yd3 (15 to 78 kg/m3) for steel fibers.
Chapter 5Formwork and conventional
reinforcement, p. 544.3R-6 Glass fibers for use in concrete should be alkali-resistant
5.1Formwork (AR) glass to prevent loss of strength due to the high alkalinity
5.2Conventional reinforcement of the cement-based matrix. Glass fibers need to contain a
minimum of 16% by mass of zirconium dioxide (zirconia) to
Chapter 6Batching, mixing, delivery, and be considered as alkali resistant. AR glass fiber monofilaments
sampling, p. 544.3R-6 are either 0.0005 or 0.0007 in. (13 or 18 m) in diameter,
6.1General with specific gravity of 2.7.
6.2Mixing AR glass fiber chopped strands can be provided in two
6.3Causes of fiber balling basic types: dispersible fibers and internal strands. Dispersible
6.4Delivery fibers quickly disperse into individual monofilaments when
6.5Sampling mixed into the concrete. These fibers are considered to be
6.6Production quality assurance and quality control microfibers. The addition rate for this type of AR glass fiber
is typically 0.5 to 1.5 lb/yd3 (0.29 to 0.88 kg/m3). This corre-
Chapter 7Placing and finishing, p. 544.3R-8 sponds to a range from 0.01 to 0.03% by volume. This type
7.1General of glass fiber is used mostly for plastic shrinkage crack control.
7.2Placing Integral strands are bundles of monofilaments that stay integral
7.3Transporting and handling equipment as bundles through mixing and into the cured concrete. Integral
7.4Finishing strands are available in bundles of 50, 100, and 200 monofila-
7.5Hot and cold weather requirements ments. These strands are considered as macrofibers, and can be
7.6Repair of defects added at higher fiber contents, typically 4 to 8 lb/yd3 (2.35
7.7Contraction joints to 4.7 kg/m3) corresponding to 0.09 to 0.17% by volume.
Addition rates of up to 25 lb/yd3 (14.7 kg/m3) or 0.55% by
Chapter 8Curing and protection, p. 544.3R-10 volume have also been used with higher cement contents.
Natural fibers and synthetic fibers, such as carbon, acrylic,
and aramid fibers, have been used in specialized FRC and are
Chapter 9References, p. 544.3R-11
9.1Referenced standards and reports not discussed in this guide. The use of glass fibers in the
9.2Cited references spray-up process is also not discussed in this guide. Information
on these fiber types may be found in ACI 544.1R.
CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE The addition of fibers affects the plastic and hardened
1.1Introduction properties of mortar and concrete. Depending on the fiber
Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) is a composite material material, length and diameter, deformation geometry, and
made of hydraulic cements, water, fine and coarse aggregate, the addition rate, many properties are improved, notably
and a dispersion of discontinuous fibers. In general, fiber plastic shrinkage cracking, impact resistance, and toughness
length varies from 0.25 to 2.5 in. (6 to 64 mm). FRC may or ductility. Flexural strength, fatigue and shear strength, and
also contain supplementary cementitious materials and the ability to resist cracking and spalling can also be
admixtures commonly used with conventional concrete. enhanced by providing the composite material with some
The most common steel fiber diameters are in the range of postcracking (residual) strength in either the plastic or hardened
0.02 to 0.04 in. (0.5 to 1.0 mm) and a specific gravity of 7.85. state. More detailed information on properties may be found
Steel fiber shapes include round, oval, polygonal, and crescent in ACI 544.1R and 544.2R.
cross sections, depending on the manufacturing process and
raw material used. 1.2Scope
Two general sizes of synthetic fibers have emerged: This guide covers specifying, proportioning, mixing,
microsynthetic and macrosynthetic fibers. Microsynthetic fibers placing, and finishing of conventional FRC. The fiber types

included in this guide are steel, glass, and synthetic. Not 1.4Specifying FRC
included are FRC produced using the shotcrete method, by 1.4.1 GeneralFRC is often specified by strength, either
extrusion, by slurry infiltration, by roller compaction, or by compressive or flexural, and fiber type (material) and
spray-up process. content (dosage or percent by volume). This prescriptive
method is appropriate for many applications, such as lower
1.3Typical uses of FRC dosages of microsynthetic fibers for control of plastic
When used in structural applications, fiber reinforcement shrinkage cracking, or where testing for fiber performance is
not practical. For a performance specification, the compressive
is generally only used in a supplementary role to distribute
or flexural strength and flexural performance parameters
cracking, to improve resistance to impact or dynamic
should be specified. Flexural parameters include post-
loading, and to resist material disintegration. Under certain D D
cracking residual strength f XXX and toughness T XXX as
conditions stated in Section of ACI 318-08, the
defined in ASTM C1609/C1609M, average residual strength
use of steel fiber-reinforced concrete to resist shear forces (ARS) as defined in ASTM C1399, toughness as defined in
without conventional shear reinforcing steel is permitted. In ASTM C1550, and the equivalent flexural strength and
structural members where flexural tensile or axial tensile toughness as defined by JSCE SF-4 (Japan Society of Civil
stresses will occur, such as in beams, columns, and Engineers 1983). These parameters are discussed in ACI
suspended slabs, continuous conventional reinforcing steel 544.2R and in this chapter. It is noted that the postcracking
is typically designed to resist the tensile forces. With a performance parameters are dependent on many variables,
dosage rate of 76 to 84 lb/yd3 (45 to 50 kg/m3), however, such as specimen size, testing speed, and sawed versus
more than 75 million ft2 (7 million m2) of suspended ground molded specimens; therefore, ASTM C1399 and C1609/
floor slabs without conventional reinforcing steel with span- C1609M require a minimum specimen size that depends on
depth ratios up to 20 that are reinforced with steel fibers have the fiber length. ASTM C1609/C1609M advises users that
been successfully completed since 1990 in Europe, the U.S., the magnitude of the energy absorption capability of the
and Canada (Destre 2006). specimen is dependent upon both the geometry of the test
In applications where the presence of continuous conven- specimen and the loading configuration.
tional reinforcement is not essential to resist tensile stresses, The flexural strength (modulus of rupture) is normally
for example, pavements, overlays, some precast products, specified for slabs-on-ground, paving, and shotcrete applica-
and shotcrete liningsthe improvement in flexural toughness tions, whereas compressive strength is specified for structural
associated with the fibers can be used to reduce section applications. A flexural strength of 500 to 800 psi (3.4 to
thickness, improve performance, or both. The following are 5.5 MPa) and a compressive strength of 4000 to 6000 psi
some examples of structural and nonstructural uses of FRC: (27.5 to 41.4 MPa) at 28 days are typical values. In general,
the addition of fibers does not significantly decrease or
Airport and highway paving and overlaysBoth full-
increase compressive or flexural strength at low to moderate
depth pavements and overlays on concrete and asphalt
dosages, but can increase the strain at ultimate load and the
bases (white topping) (Johnston 1984; Loper and Henry postcracking residual strength and toughness. Therefore,
2003; Task Force 36 2001; Cole 1999); specifying compressive or flexural strength provides general
FlooringResidential, commercial, and heavy industrial guidelines for concrete proportioning, but does not allow
slabs-on-ground (Gervickas 2000; Suprenant and for assessment of improvements in properties, such as post-
Malisch 1999; Roesler et al. 2004, 2006; ACI 360R); cracking load capacity and toughness, that are directly
Bridge decksFor repairs, overlay resurfacing and attributable to fibers and other improvements such as
steel free bridge decks where loads are resisted increased tensile strain capacity and resistance to cracking.
through an internal compressive arch in the slab and Toughness, which is the concrete property represented by
external tension tie (Melamed 1985; Newhook and Mufti the area under a load-deflection curve, a postcracking load,
1996; Banthia and Bindiganavile 2001; Banthia et al. or strength, may be specified to help define the performance
2004, 2006; Banthia and Gupta 2006; Naaman and requirements of FRC intended for use where postcracking
Chandrangsu 2004); energy absorption or resistance to failure after cracking are
important. The properties are important in applications such
Shotcrete liningsUnderground support in mines and
as structures subjected to earthquakes or explosive blasts,
tunnels, slope stabilization and ground coverings, and
impact loads, cavitation loading, and other dynamic loads
structural repairs (Morgan and Heere 2000; Morgan and
such as those that occur with pavements and industrial floors.
McAskill 1984; Tatnall and Brooks 2000; ACI 506.1R);
As noted in subsequent chapters, the manufacture and
Precast productsSegmental tunnel liners, vaults, safes, placing of FRC is similar to conventional concrete. ASTM
dolosse, equipment vaults, utility boxes, and septic tanks C1116/C1116M covers the manufacture and delivery of
(Court 2003; Novak and Greenhalgh 2007); and FRC, and is similar to ASTM C94/C94M. Most existing
Explosive spalling and seismic-resistant structures concrete specifications can be used for placements of FRC
Seismic upgrade applications and resistance to explosive with some added requirements to account for the differences
spalling from fire (Henager 1983; Forrest et al. 1995; in material and application techniques. Subsequent chapters
Tatnall 2002). point out those differences.

1.4.2 Guidelines for specifying FRC using ASTM C1116/ propagation of macrocracks, therefore resulting in a
C1116MASTM C1116/C1116M covers the manufacture substantial improvement in the fracture toughness of
of FRC by any method (with the exception of packaged, dry the composite;
FRC materials), for example, transit mixing, central batch Hybrids based on fiber functionOne type of fiber is
plant mixing, and continuous mixing. Packaged FRC materials intended to improve the fresh and early-age properties,
for shotcrete are covered in ASTM C1480/C1480M. ASTM such as ease of production and plastic shrinkage crack
C1116/C1116M is similar to ASTM C94/C94M in that it control, while the second fiber leads to improved
allows ordering the concrete by one of three alternative mechanical properties. Some of these hybrids are
methods, including: commercially available with a low (~0.1% by volume)
Alternative 1The purchaser assumes responsibility dosage of polypropylene fiber that is combined with a
for mixture proportions and specifies them, including higher (~0.25% by volume) dosage of steel fiber. These
cement content, maximum allowable water content, the hybrids include the combination of microsynthetic fibers
type and amount of fibers to be used, and the type, with steel macrofibers, or microsynthetic fibers with
name, and dosage of admixtures (if admixtures are to macrosynthetic fibers. These systems are typically
be used); provided with the different fibers prepacked in proprietary
Alternative 2The purchaser requires the concrete blends ready to add to the concrete mixture. There is no
supplier to assume responsibility for selecting mixture easy way to specify these hybrids using ASTM C1116/
proportions, and specifies minimum flexural toughness C1116M, except to specify a particular hybrid product,
or postcracking load or strength, flexural strength, or a and then use the performance criteria as described in 1.4.2.
combination of these, or, at the purchasers option,
compressive strength, but does not permit compliance CHAPTER 2NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS
on the basis of compressive strength alone; and 2.1Notation
Alternative 3Similar to Alternative 2, except that a This section not used.
minimum allowable cement content is specified.
ASTM C1116/C1116M provides for four types of FRC: 2.2Definitions
1) Type I is steel FRC (SFRC) that contains stainless steel, aspect ratio, fiberthe ratio of length to diameter of a
alloy steel, or carbon steel fibers; 2) Type II is glass FRC fiber in which the diameter may be an equivalent diameter.
(GFRC) that contains AR glass fibers; 3) Type III is synthetic (See also fiber, equivalent diameter.)
FRC (SynFRC) that contains synthetic fibers with documented fiber, equivalent diameterdiameter of a circle having
long-term performance in concrete; and 4) Type IV is natural an area equal to the average cross-sectional area of a fiber.
FRC (NFRC) that contains natural fibers with documented texthe mass in grams of 1 km (3280 ft) of strand or roving.
long-term performance in concrete. ASTM C1116/C1116M
has extensive information and guidance for the purchaser on CHAPTER 3MATERIALS
the nature of FRC and the ordering requirements for it. 3.1General
Any level of performance related to toughness or post-cracking When ASTM C1116/C1116M is used to purchase FRC,
behavior may be specified using Alternatives 2 and 3. An FRC the cement, aggregates, fibers, and admixtures are automati-
specifier should obtain a copy of ASTM C1116/C1116M, as cally required to meet the appropriate ASTM specifications.
this document provides extensive and valuable guidance. When purchasing fiber-reinforced shotcrete, the specifier
1.4.3 HybridsCombinations of fiber sizes, fiber materials, should require the aggregates to meet the requirements of
or both have been increasingly introduced to the market. ASTM C1436. ASTM C1116/C1116M defaults to common
These combinations are known as hybrid fibers. In well- materials, such as Type I cement. If different material speci-
designed hybrid composites, there is positive interaction fications are desired, they should be named in the project
between the fibers, and the resulting hybrid FRC performance specifications or purchase order.
exceeds the sum of the individual fiber performances. This
phenomenon is termed synergy. Many fiber combinations 3.2Fibers
may provide synergy (Banthia and Gupta 2004; Banthia and 3.2.1 Steel fibersASTM A820/A820M covers five types
Soleimani 2005); the most commonly recognized include: of steel fibers for SFRC, and should be referenced when
Hybrids based on fiber constitutive responseOne type specifying steel fibers. It covers types commonly used in
of fiber is stronger and stiffer and provides reasonable concrete, and it is necessary to specify the fibers type,
first-crack strength and ultimate strength, while the length, diameter, or aspect ratio, straight or deformed, and a
second type of fiber is relatively flexible and leads to minimum ultimate tensile strength if a strength of more than
improved toughness and strain capacity in the post- 50,000 psi (345 MPa) is desired. Fibers are commonly available
cracking zone; with strengths up to 160,000 psi (1100 MPa), and in excess
Hybrids based on fiber dimensionsOne type of fiber of 300,000 psi (2068 MPa) on special order.
is smaller so that it bridges microcracks and therefore Steel fibers should be clean and free of rust, oil, and
controls their growth and delays coalescence. This deleterious materials. Steel fibers in the common length
leads to a higher tensile strength of the composite. The range of 0.5 to 2.5 in. (13 to 64 mm) should preferably have
second fiber is larger and is intended to arrest the an aspect ratio in the range of 30 to 100.

3.2.2 Synthetic fibersASTM C1116/C1116M covers Table 4.1Range of mixture proportions for
synthetic fibers for use in FRC and shotcrete, and should be normalweight macrofiber-reinforced concrete
referenced when specifying synthetic fibers. It covers all 3/8 in.* 3/4 in. 1-1/2 in.
Maximum aggregate size
available types commonly used in concrete or shotcrete. (9.5 mm) (20 mm) (38 mm)
Under this specification, it is necessary to specify the type of Mixture parameters
material required, such as polyolefin, nylon, or other, and Cementitious material, 600 to 1000 500 to 900 470 to 700
whether micromonofilament, macromonofilament, or lb/yd3 (kg/m3) (356 to 593) (297 to 534) (279 to 415)

fibrillated fibers are required. The length, and sometimes the w/c 0.35 to 0.45 0.35 to 0.50 0.35 to 0.55
diameter, of fiber should also be specified. Many synthetic Percent of fine to coarse aggregate 45 to 60 45 to 55 40 to 55
fibers are available in lengths from 0.25 to 2.5 in. (6 to 64 mm). Fiber content, volume % 0.3 to 2.0 0.2 to 0.8 0.2 to 0.7
For macrosynthetic fibers, the tensile strength and elastic shotcrete mixtures.

modulus should also be specified.

3.2.3 AR glass fibersASTM C1666/C1666M covers AR
glass fibers for use in concrete. AR glass fibers are C138/C138M and C173/C173M or C231. Other methods for
commonly used in lengths of 0.5 to 1.5 in. (13 to 38 mm). measuring workability of FRC are summarized in ACI 544.2R.
Under this specification, it is necessary to specify the type or In general, the slump for FRC determined from ASTM
types permissible, and the tex or length required. The required C143/C143M should be at least 1 in. (25 mm), but not greater
minimum tensile strength of AR glass fiber monofilaments than 7 in. (175 mm). Factors that influence the measured
is 145,000 psi (1 GPa), and can range up to 246,000 psi slump include the fiber type, length, aspect ratio, amount,
(1.7 GPa). cement content, fine aggregate content, aggregate shape, and
3.2.4 Hybrid fibersHybrid fiber products are comprised grading. When these factors change, such as in self-consoli-
of the fibers described in Section 1.4.3. The ratios of blends dating concrete, a different range may be acceptable. In any
and sizes used are typically proprietary. case, the specified maximum water-cement ratio (w/c)
should be maintained.
All admixtures meeting ASTM specifications for use in 4.3Proportioning methods
concrete or shotcrete are suitable for use in FRC. Air- 4.3.1 GeneralIn many cases, no changes are necessary
entraining admixtures are recommended for FRC exposed to to conventional concrete mixture proportions when adding
freezing-and-thawing conditions, and applications where fibers at low to moderate dosages. Adding fibers at less than
deicing salts are used. Calcium chloride and chlorides from approximately 0.25% by volume will typically not require
other sources should be limited to amounts permitted to be adjustment to conventional mixtures as far as cementitious
added to conventional structural concrete as per ACI 318. content and fine and coarse aggregate ratios are concerned.
Depending on the fiber type and amount, it may be required
3.4Storage of fibers to adjust the water content, or preferably to add or increase
Care should be taken to ensure that fibers are stored in a water-reducing admixture quantities to maintain workability,
manner that will prevent their deterioration or the intrusion slump, and w/c. Guidance for proportioning concrete
of moisture or foreign matter. If fibers deteriorate or become mixtures can be found in ACI 211.1, 211.2, and 211.4R.
contaminated, they should not be used. 4.3.2 Steel FRCProcedures for proportioning steel FRC
mixtures, with emphasis on good workability, are available
CHAPTER 4MIXTURE PROPORTIONING (Schrader and Munch 1976; Schrader 1989; Ounanian and
4.1General Kesler 1976; ACI 544.1R). Some typical previously used
As with conventional concrete, FRC mixtures employ a proportions are shown in Table 4.1.
variety of mixture proportions depending on the application. In many projects, steel fibers have been added without any
They should be specially proportioned for a project or changes to the conventional mixture proportions used by
selected to be the same as a mixture used previously. In ready mixed concrete suppliers for the required concrete
either case, they should be adjusted for yield, workability, compressive strength. Where fibers are above approximately
and other factors as noted in Section 1.4.2. 0.33% by volume, some mixture adjustments may be
required. In these instances, more paste may be needed to
4.2Slump provide better workability. Therefore, fine-to-coarse
FRC slump requirements may be somewhat different from aggregate ratio is adjusted upward accordingly. Guidance
those of conventional concrete. Acceptable slump of FRC on combined aggregate grading for macrofiber FRC
should be determined by the following method, and its use provided in Table 4.2 is taken from ACI 544.1R. The tendency
should be specified in the contract documents. for wet steel fibers to ball during mixing increases with
The slump test may be specified in the contract documents increases in the maximum size aggregate, the coarse-to-fine
to serve as a control test for consistency of FRC from batch aggregate ratio, the fiber aspect ratio, and the amount and the
to batch. In addition to the slump test described in ASTM rate of addition of fibers to the mixer (Tatnall 1984). It also
C143/C143M, it may be appropriate to also gather information depends on the method of addition of fibers to the mixer,
on unit weight, yield, and air content as described in ASTM geometry of the fiber, and whether or not they are collated.

Table 4.2Recommended combined aggregate content up to 2% volume has a density in the same range as
grading for macrofiber-reinforced concrete* normalweight conventional concrete (144 to 150 lb/ft3 [2306 to
(ACI 544.1R) 2403 kg/m3]). Stiff fibers, such as steel, glass, or some
Percent passing for maximum size of macrosynthetic fibers, have a tendency to protrude from sharp
U.S. standard 3/8 in. 1/2 in. 3/4 in. 1 in. 1-1/2 in. corners of formed concrete. These may be hazardous to
sieve size (10 mm) (13 mm) (19 mm) (25 mm) (38 mm)
personnel. To minimize this, sharp corners and edges may be
2 in. (51 mm) 100 100 100 100 100
chamfered. Alternately, a rounded corner or edge may be
1-1/2 in. (38 mm) 100 100 100 100 85 to 100
formed by applying pressure-sensitive tape, or caulking to
1 in. (25 mm) 100 100 100 94 to 100 65 to 85
the inside of sharp corners and edges of the form. On formed
3/4 in. (19 mm) 100 100 94 to 100 76 to 82 58 to 77
surfaces, use of a form vibrator will cause fibers to back away
1/2 in. (13 mm) 100 93 to 100 70 to 88 65 to 76 50 to 68
from the form, leaving them covered by approximately 0.125 in.
3/8 in. (10 mm) 96 to 100 85 to 96 61 to 73 56 to 66 46 to 58
(3 mm) of concrete. ACI 347 provides further information.
No. 4 (5 mm) 72 to 84 58 to 78 48 to 56 45 to 53 38 to 50
No. 8 (2.4 mm) 46 to 57 41 to 53 40 to 47 36 to 44 29 to 43
No. 16 (1.1 mm) 34 to 44 32 to 42 32 to 40 29 to 38 21 to 34 5.2Conventional reinforcement
No. 30 (600 m) 22 to 33 19 to 30 20 to 32 19 to 28 13 to 27 Fabricating and placing conventional reinforcing steel
No. 50 (300 m) 10 to 18 8 to 15 10 to 20 8 to 20 7 to 19 should be in accordance with ACI 301. FRC is routinely used
No. 100 (150 m) 2 to 7 1 to 5 3 to 9 2 to 8 2 to 8 in conjunction with conventional reinforcing steel. Consid-
No. 200 (75 m) 0 to 2 0 to 2 0 to 2 0 to 2 0 to 2 eration should be given to the spacing of bars, spacing of
Combined grading for shotcrete should be in accordance with ACI 506R or
wires in welded wire reinforcement, and fiber dosage.
ASTM C1436. Unless otherwise shown in full-scale tests, the fiber length
for stiff fibers, such as steel, glass, or some macrosynthetic
fibers, should not exceed 1/2 the clear spacing between bars,
In early applications, coarse aggregate larger than 0.75 in. welded wire reinforcement, or other embedded materials.
(19 mm) was not recommended for steel FRC. Based on work
by Tatro (1987), however, many successful placements have CHAPTER 6BATCHING, MIXING,
used aggregates as large as 1.5 in. (38 mm) (Rettberg 1986). DELIVERY, AND SAMPLING
Another method of improving SFRC workability is to use 6.1General
supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) such as fly Batching, mixing, delivery, and sampling of FRC should
ash, slag, and silica fume in addition to or as a partial be in accordance with ASTM C1116/C1116M and appli-
replacement of cement. cable portions of ACI 304R, as modified and supplemented
4.3.3 Glass FRCLow dosages of AR glass fibers, less by the following.
than 1.5 lb/yd3 (0.88 kg/m3), can be added without changing Appropriate equipment and a suitable technique should be
conventional concrete mixture proportions. Higher fiber provided for dispersing fibers in the mixer. Many fiber
contents may require adjustments to maintain good workability manufacturers have developed equipment to automatically
and compaction of the concrete. Higher cement contents, dispense and account for the required amount of fibers and
smaller aggregate size, and the use of SCMs and water- add them to the batch stream. Devices such as conveyor belts,
reducing admixtures are usually required when higher fiber chutes, loss-in weight dispensers, blowers, and pneumatic
contents are used. tubes can be used to add fibers to the mixer on the job site or
4.3.4 Microsynthetic FRCLow dosages of microsynthetic at the batch plant. Figures 6.1 through 6.6 illustrate many of
fibers, less than 3 lb/yd3 (1.8 kg/m3), can generally be added these devices.
without changing conventional concrete mixtures. For The batching procedure is critical to obtaining a good
higher volumes, adjustment of the fine-to-coarse aggregate blend of fibers with the concrete. Several methods have been
ratio may be required. Procedures for proportioning used with success; information to assist the contractor in the
microsynthetic FRC mixtures are available in ACI 544.1R. choice of a suitable procedure is discussed in ACI 544.1R, or
4.3.5 Macrosynthetic FRCProportioning macrosynthetic may be obtained from fiber manufacturers.
FRC is similar to proportioning steel fibers. As the fiber Many manufacturers of synthetic fibers and fiber blends
volumes increase to greater than 0.5% by volume, adjustments have developed special packaging that allows for adding the
to aggregate ratios and use of water-reducing admixtures complete bag of fibers into the mixer, where the moisture
become more necessary. and mixing action disintegrates the package. These package
4.3.6 Hybrid FRCProportioning of these mixtures can systems are designed to provide uniformly dispersed fibers
follow the general aforementioned recommendations with throughout the mixture. Any FRC that is not properly
the added recommendations of the fiber supplier. batched and that develops dry fiber balls or a significant
number of wet fiber balls (which includes fibers and matrix)
CHAPTER 5FORMWORK AND CONVENTIONAL should be discarded and removed from the site.
5.1Formwork Fibers should be dispersed uniformly throughout the mixture.
Design and construction of formwork should be done Reducing the batch size, increasing mixing time, or both, may
according to ACI 347. Normalweight FRC with a fiber be necessary when a uniform dispersion is not achieved.

Fig. 6.1Manual synthetic fiber feeder system.

Fig. 6.3Glass roving chopper and negative-mass dispenser

on continuous mixer.

Fig. 6.2Multi-strand glass roving chopper/feeder.

6.2Mixing Fig. 6.4Loss-in-mass macrofiber dispenser.

Generally fibers should be added to a concrete mixture.
Methods 1 and 2 describe procedures used to mix FRC by
adding the fibers to a fluid mixture. Microsynthetic fibers and or the special-packaged or collated fiber bundle of fibers
macrofibers with aspect ratios less than about 50 can generally should be added to the mixer. Clumped fibers should be
be added to a fluid mixture without balling problems to avoided in this step, as clumps, once introduced to the mixer,
achieve uniform dispersion. Rigid macrofibers with aspect tend to remain clumps. The mixer drum should rotate fast
ratios greater than 60 may require a fiber blower or collation enough to carry the fibers away as they enter the mixer. After
of the fibers into bundles of fibers to prevent balling. all the fibers have been introduced into the mixer, it should
6.2.1 Method 1: Adding fibers last to a transit mixerThe be slowed to the rated mixing speed and mixed for a minimum
wet mixture to be used is prepared first without the fibers. of 40 revolutions, or until the mixture is satisfactory.
The slump of the concrete before fiber addition should be 1 This method has been used successfully by a number of
to 3 in. (25 to 76 mm) greater than the final slump desired, ready mixed concrete producers and contractors. The use of
depending on the fiber type and dosage. The mixture would an auxiliary conveyor belt and manual addition of fibers
typically be prepared using the w/c found to give the best from scaffolding has also produced good results with a
results and to meet the project specifications. The use of mid- variety of fiber types. It has been found, however, that intro-
or high-range water-reducing admixtures can be advanta- ducing synthetic fibers to self-consolidating concrete earlier
geous, but is not essential. in the batching process prevents fibers from floating in the
With mixers operating at normal charging speed, the mixtures, and promotes better distribution of the fibers. Fibers
individual fibers, ball-free (that is, as a rain of individual fibers), should be added before the final addition of admixtures.

the desired length directly into the mixer or conveyor. Fiber

content is controlled either by a preset timer or by loss-in
weight of the roving. The rate of fiber dispensing can be
varied by changing the speed of the chopping device.

6.3Causes of fiber balling

The following discussion of possible causes of fiber
balling may be useful in designing a plant or mixing
sequence for FRC or correcting the problem in a mixing
operation. Most fiber balling occurs before the fibers get into
the mixture. Once the fibers get into the mixture ball-free,
they generally stay ball-free. This means that when balls
form, it is because fibers were added in such a way that they
fell on each other and stacked up (in the mixer, on the belt,
or on the vanes). This typically happens when the fibers are
added too fast at some point in the procedure. The mixer
Fig. 6.5Adding fibers to transit truck mixer with conveyor. should carry the fibers away into the mixture as fast as they
are added. Balls can form by hanging up on a rough loading
chute at the back of a truck mixer. Fibers should not be allowed
to pile up or slide down the vanes of a partially filled drum.
Other potential causes of balling are adding too many
fibers to a mixture (more than about 2% by volume or even
1% of a fiber with a high aspect ratio); adding fibers too fast
to a harsh mixture (the mixture is not fluid enough or work-
able enough, and the fibers do not get mixed in fast enough;
therefore, they pile up on each other in the mixer); adding
some fibers first to the mixer (the fibers have nothing to keep
them apart, they fall on each other and form balls); and using
equipment with worn-out mixing blades. The most common
causes of wet fiber balls is overmixing and using a mixture
with too much coarse aggregate (more than 55% of the total
combined aggregate by absolute volume).

Fig. 6.6Blower/pneumatic tubes adding fibers to transit The delivery of FRC is specified in ASTM C1116/
truck mixer. C1116M, and all precautions and procedures used for
conventional concrete delivery should be adopted.
6.2.2 Method 2: Adding fibers to aggregatesIn a batch
plant set up to charge a central mixer or transit mixers, the 6.5Sampling
Sampling of FRC should follow the applicable portions of
fibers or special packages should be added to the aggregates
ASTM C172 or C1140.
on a conveyor belt during aggregate addition and mixed in
the normal manner. This method does not require the same
6.6Production quality assurance and quality
care as Method 1 concerning where the fibers land in the control
mixer, but fibers should not be allowed to pile up and form Quality assurance and quality control of the production,
clumps on their way to the mixer. If possible, the fibers delivery, and placement of FRC should generally follow the
should go into the mixer with the aggregates, or, if this is not guidelines developed in ACI 121R. A reference to ASTM
possible, after the aggregates are introduced to the mixer. C1116/C1116M should be added to the list of recommended
As an alternative, individual fibers may be added to the references in ACI 121R.
aggregate weigh hopper in the plant after the aggregates have
been weighed. A conveyor belt normally facilitates this alter- CHAPTER 7PLACING AND FINISHING
native. Fibers then flow with the aggregates into the mixer. 7.1General
6.2.3 Method 3: Adding AR glass fibers by chopping All of the conventional methods for placing conventional
directly into the mixer or onto a conveyorAR glass fibers concrete have been successfully used to place FRC,
are available in roving form, which comprise parallel, including chutes, buckets, buggies, conveying, pumping,
continuous strands (usually between 28 and 56 strands) tremie, and shotcreting. After placement of the FRC, manual
wound into a bobbin. Roving strands can easily be cut by movement of the FRC should always be handled by a hoe-
simple chopping devices. The chopping device is mounted like tool (come-along). Tined rakes should not be used. In
over the mixer or conveyor, and the roving strands are cut to general, FRC should be consolidated with mechanical

Fig. 7.1Placing slab-on-ground from transit mix truck with laser screed machine.

vibrators, such as vibrating screeds; however, lower volume 7.3.2 Concrete bucketsConcrete buckets should have
addition rates of microsynthetic FRC have been successfully steep hopper slopes, be clean and smooth inside, and have a
placed without vibration. The basic guide for placing minimum gate opening dimension of 12 in. (300 mm). Some
concrete, ACI 304R, should be used for placing and finishing fibers may bridge smaller gate openings, and the mixture
FRC, along with the different techniques noted in the following will not fall out of its own weight. A remedy for bridging and
sections. Figure 7.1 illustrates placing FRC for a slab-on- an aid to placement is to provide a vibrator at the bucket
ground application. Information for placing FRC with the when discharging. To facilitate placement of stiff mixtures,
shotcreting method is available in ACI 506R and 506.1R. a form vibrator can be attached to the side of the bucket and
activated when the gate is opened. Another procedure is to
7.2Placing weld pieces of pipe to the bucket exterior. Internal vibrators can
Some FRCs that contain macrofibers can appear relatively then be placed into the pipes to assist in emptying the bucket.
stiff and unworkable compared with conventional concrete. 7.3.3 Powered buggiesThe buckets of the buggies
The use of mechanical vibrators or water-reducing admixtures, should be smooth and clean inside. Occasional manual help
however, allows placement of seemingly unworkable may be required to discharge the concrete, but well-
concrete. The material exhibits apparent cohesion and tends proportioned concrete will generally easily slide into place.
to resist movement during consolidation if an attempt is 7.3.4 PumpingPumping has been used to transport
made to handle it without vibration or water-reducing microfiber- and macrofiber-reinforced concrete and shotcrete
admixtures. Batch plant operators and truck drivers should on many projects (Tatnall 1984). A mixture that will pump
be instructed not to add additional water to the mixture based satisfactorily without fibers will generally pump well when
on its appearance and their experience with conventional fibers are added. Combined aggregate gradings recom-
concrete. FRC containing microfibers generally allows mended for macrofiber reinforced concrete in Table 4.2 are
placement without the aforementioned methods. also compatible with good pumping properties. A few
important points about pumping FRC should be considered:
7.3Transporting and handling equipment 1) A pump capable of handling the volume and pressures
Transporting and placing of FRC can be accomplished should be used;
with most conventional equipment that is properly designed, 2) A large-diameter line should be used for fibers 2 in.
maintained, and clean. (50 mm) and longer (preferably at least 5 in. [125 mm]),
7.3.1 Transit trucksDischarging from transit truck although some flexible macrosynthetic FRC has been
mixers is usually accomplished with little trouble. A mixture successfully pumped through small-diameter lines;
that is too stiff or a truck that is in poor condition will prevent 3) The amount of flexible hose should be minimized
the mixture from being easily discharged from the drum onto where possible;
the chute. A well-proportioned mixture usually slides down 4) The chutes from the concrete truck should be about 12 in.
the chute by itself, but may need to be pushed by the truck (300 mm) above the grate on the hopper of the pump; this
operator. The truck can be driven up on blocks or a ramp to will reduce any potential for the FRC to restrict the flow of
help discharge. the concrete through the grate. The grate on the hopper

should not be removed when pumping FRC. A small vibrator drags are not recommended for surface texturing because
attached to the hopper grate can facilitate the flow of FRC they tend to pick up and expose fibers.
through the grate. Some pump manufacturers have developed Mechanical placing equipment, such as laser screeds, slip
hopper grates specifically for FRC; form pavers, slip form barriers, and curb and sidewalk
5) Gap grading of combined aggregates should be machines, is well-suited to placing and finishing FRC. The
avoided, as macrofibers will tend to be pushed out of the mechanical vibration normally provided with these
mixture in the line, causing plugs; and machines is generally sufficient to consolidate the FRC and
6) Pumping a fibrous mixture that is too wet should not be ensures that fibers are not exposed at the surface.
attempted. Pump pressures can cause the fluid paste and fine
mortar to squeeze out ahead of the rest of the mixture, 7.5Hot and cold weather requirements
resulting in a mat of fibers and coarse aggregate without Placement of FRC should be done according to the recom-
mortar. It should be noted that this is the result of a mixture mendations of ACI 305R for hot weather, and ACI 306R for
that is too wet, not too dry. A maximum 7 in. (175 mm) cold weather.
slump is recommended. The same type of plugging can
occur with conventional concrete, with a plug that consists of
7.6Repair of defects
coarse aggregate devoid of paste and fine mortar. Additional
The repair of defects, such as voids and honeycombing, is
information on pumping is available in ACI 304.2R.
Ounanian and Kesler (1976) describe proportioning of steel done in much the same manner as for conventional concrete.
FRC for pumping. Further information on repair of defects in concrete
construction may be found in ACI 546R. Where removal of
7.4Finishing some FRC is required, however, the removal operation can
FRC can be finished with conventional equipment, but be significantly more difficult because of the greater toughness
minor refinements in techniques and workmanship may be of the FRC.
needed. For flat-formed surfaces, no special attention is Removal of FRC with jackhammers is generally hindered
typically needed. To provide consolidation and bury surface because the material may not fracture easily. Sawing may be
fibers, open slab surfaces should be struck off with a a more effective method of cutting and removing FRC.
vibrating screed or laser screed. Where a laser screed is used,
the operator should adjust the magnitude of vibration and 7.7Contraction joints
control the speed of the retracting leveling head to ensure Sawed contraction joints in flat slabs are more easily
adequate consolidation of the concrete and embedment of made, particularly when using macrofibers, than cast or
the fibers. Magnesium floats in the form of a bullfloat, tooled joints. New, clean saw blades are recommended for
channel radius float, or highway straightedge should be used crisp saw cuts. The sawing can be done shortly after final set,
to establish a surface and close tears or open areas. Wood but timing of the sawing is critical so as not to pull up
floats tend to tear the surface and expose macrofibers, and macrofibers. A 5 ft (1.5 m) long cut should be attempted and
are not recommended. Float finishes and hard steel trowel evaluated for spalling or raveling before the contractor cuts
finishes for FRC flat slabs should follow the recommendations the entire section of the slab. If fibers are pulled up, the
found in ACI 302.1R. Either walk-behind or ride-on trowels sawing should be delayed until no fibers are exposed when
may be used to finish FRC. Fiber-free surfaces are desirable, sawing. At joints where it is desired to have a controlled
but some fibers may be exposed on the surface. The timing
shrinkage crack occur below the sawed portion of the joint,
of finishing operations is important in achieving the desired
it has been found that for higher contents of macrofibers and
result. Finishing operations should not begin with mechanical
thicker slabs, the saw cut may have to extend to 1/3 of the
equipment until the surface has stiffened so that footprints
way through the slab to activate the crack. Otherwise, the
are barely perceived on the surface. With walk-behind
depth of saw cutting and filling of the contraction joints
trowels, float blades should be used first. The blades should
should follow the recommendations found in ACI 302.1R.
be as flat as possible against the surface. Where ride-on
trowels are used, pans should be used in the initial finishing
operations. After the floating operation, the float blades or CHAPTER 8CURING AND PROTECTION
pans are removed, and either combo or finish blades are 8.1General
installed on the machine. As with floating, the blades on both Curing of FRC and protection from freezing or excessively
pieces of equipment should be kept as flat as possible for as hot or cold temperatures should be done the same way as for
long as possible. The tilting of the blades at too great an conventional concrete. Guidance can be found in ACI 308R.
angle will expose fibers on the surface. Where a texture is Many times FRC is placed in thin sections (for example, as
required for flatwork, a broom, roller, and tines may be used. overlays), and may have a high cementitious content and be
The broom and tines should be held at a small angle to the vulnerable to plastic shrinkage cracking. This may occur
horizontal surface to prevent lifting and exposing fibers. For when the rate of surface evaporation is high. In such condi-
best results, the texturing equipment should be pulled in one tions, placements should be shaded from the sun and shel-
direction only. The equipment should never be pulled in the tered from wind to prevent this type of damage. Guidance
opposite direction or across the established pattern. Burlap can be found in ACI 305R.

CHAPTER 9REFERENCES C1436 Specification for Materials for Shotcrete

9.1Referenced standards and reports C1480/C1480M Specification for Packaged, Pre-
The standards and reports listed below were the latest Blended, Dry, Combined Materials for
editions at the time this document was prepared. Because Use in Wet or Dry Shotcrete Application
these documents are revised frequently, the reader is advised C1550 Test Method for Flexural Toughness of
to contact the proper sponsoring group if it is desired to refer Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using
to the latest version. Centrally Loaded Round Panel)
American Concrete Institute
C1609/C1609M Test Method for Flexural Performance
121R Guide for Concrete Construction Quality Systems
of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using
in Conformance with ISO 9001
Beam with Third-Point Loading)
211.1 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for
C1666/C1666M Specification for Alkali Resistant (AR)
Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete
Glass Fiber for GFRC and Fiber-Rein-
211.2 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for
forced Concrete and Cement
Structural Lightweight Concrete
211.4R Guide for Selecting Proportions for High-Strength
These publications may be obtained from these organizations:
Concrete with Portland Cement and Fly Ash
301 Specifications for Structural Concrete
American Concrete Institute
302.1R Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction
304R Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and P.O. Box 9094
Placing Concrete Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094
304.2R Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods www.concrete.org
305R Hot Weather Concreting
306R Cold Weather Concreting ASTM International
308R Guide to Curing Concrete 100 Barr Harbor Dr.
318 Building Code Requirements for Structural West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
Concrete www.astm.org
347 Guide to Formwork for Concrete
360R Design of Slabs-on-Ground 9.2Cited references
506R Guide to Shotcrete Banthia, N., and Bindiganavile, V., 2001, Repairing with
506.1R Guide to Fiber-Reinforced Shotcrete Hybrid-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, Concrete International,
544.1R Report on Fiber Reinforced Concrete V. 23, No. 6, June, pp. 29-32.
544.2R Measurement of Properties of Fiber Reinforced Banthia, N.; Biparva, A.; Woo, D.; and Reimer, J., 2004,
Concrete Field Performance and Internet-Based Monitoring of an
546R Concrete Repair Guide FRC Overlay, Proceedings, International Conference on
Advances in Concrete through Science and Engineering,
ASTM International Evanston, IL. (CD-ROM)
A820/A820M Specification for Steel Fibers for Fiber- Banthia, N., and Gupta, R., 2004, Hybrid Fiber Rein-
Reinforced Concrete forced Concrete: Fiber Synergy in High Strength Matrices,
C94/C94M Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete Materials and Structures, RILEM 37 (274), pp. 707-716.
C138/C138M Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Banthia, N., and Gupta, R., 2006, Repairing with Fiber
Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Reinforced Concrete Repairs, Concrete International, V. 28,
Concrete No. 11, Nov., pp. 36-40.
C143/C143M Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic- Banthia, N.; Gupta, R.; and Mindess, S., 2006, Development
Cement Concrete of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Materials, Canadian Journal of
C172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Civil Engineering, V. 33, No. 2, Feb., pp. 126-133.
Concrete Banthia, N., and Soleimani, S. M., 2005, Flexural Response
C173/C173M Test Method for Air Content of Freshly of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites, ACI
Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Materials Journal, V. 102, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., pp. 382-389.
Method Cole, L., 1999, Withstanding the Test of Time, Roads
C 231 Test Method for Air Content of Freshly and Bridges, Mar., pp. 48-50.
Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method Court, D., 2003, Channel Tunnel Rail Link: Contract
C1116/C1116M Specification for Fiber-Reinforced 250, Concrete, Oct., pp. 9-10.
Concrete Destre, X., 2006, Concrete Free Suspended Elevated
C1140 Practice for Preparing and Testing Speci- Slabs Reinforced with Only Steel Fibres: Full Scale Testing
mens from Shotcrete Test Panels Results and ConclusionsDesignExamples, Proceedings,
C1399 Test Method for Obtaining Average RILEM 49, pp. 287-294.
Residual-Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Forrest, M. P.; Morgan, D. R.; Obermeyer, J. R.; Parker,
Concrete P. L.; and LaMoteaux, D. D., 1995, Seismic Retrofit of

Littlerock Dam, Concrete International, V. 17, No. 11, Rettberg, W. A., 1986, Steel-Reinforced Concrete Makes
Nov., pp. 30-36. Older Dam Safer, More Reliable, Hydro Review, Spring,
Gervickas, V., 2000, Adding Fibers to the Concrete pp. 18-22.
Mix, Florida Concrete, Winter, pp. 48-50. Roesler, J. R.; Altoubat, S. A.; Lange, D. A.; Rieder, K.-A.;
Henager, C. H., 1983, Use of Steel Fiber Reinforced and Ulreich, G., 2006, Effect of Synthetic Fibers on Structural
Concrete in Containment and Explosive Resistant Struc- Behavior of Concrete Slabs on Ground, ACI Materials
tures, Symposium Proceeding, Interaction of Non-Nuclear Journal, V. 103, No. 1, Jan.-Feb., pp. 3-10.
Munitions with Structures, U.S. Air Force Academy, CO, Roesler, J. R.; Lange, D. A.; Altoubat, S. A.; Rieder, K.-A.;
May, pp. 199-203. and Ulreich, G., 2004, Fracture Behavior of Plain and
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1983, Method of Tests Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Slabs under Monotonic
for Flexural Strength and Flexural Toughness of Fiber Loading, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE,
Reinforced Concrete, JSCE SF-4, Specification of Steel V. 16, Sept.-Oct., pp. 452-460.
Fibers for Concrete, JSCE Standard III-1, Concrete Library Schrader, E. K., 1989, Fiber Reinforced Concrete,
No. 50, Mar. ICOLD Bulletin 40, International Committee on Large
Johnston, C. D., 1984, Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Dams, Paris, May, 22 pp.
Pavement Trials, Concrete International, V. 6, No. 12, Schrader, E. K., and Munch, A. V., 1976, Deck Slab
Dec., pp. 39-43. Repaired by Fibrous Concrete Overlay, Proceedings,
Loper, J. H., and Henry, C. P., 2003, Steel BeltedSteel ASCE, V. 102, Mar., pp. 179-196.
Fibers Reinforce Houstons Beltway 8, Innovations in
Suprenant, B. A., and Malisch, W. R., 1999, The Fiber
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Value, SP-216, N. Banthia,
Factor, Concrete Construction, Oct., pp. 43-46.
M. Criswell, P. Tatnall, and K. Folliard, eds., American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 95-114. Task Force 36, 2001, The Use and State of The Practice of
Melamed, A., 1985, Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, Task Force 36 Report, Chapter 4,
Alberta, Concrete International, V. 7, No. 3, Mar., pp. 47-50. AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA Joint Committee, Subcommittee on
Morgan, D. R., and Heere, R., 2000, Evolution of Fiber New Highway Materials, American Association of State
Shotcrete, Shotcrete, V. 2, No. 2, May, pp. 8-11. Highway Officials, Washington, DC, Aug.
Morgan, D. R., and McAskill, N., 1984, Rocky Mountain Tatnall, P. C., 1984, Steel Fibrous Concrete Pumped for
Tunnel Lined with Steel Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete, Burst Protection, Concrete International, V. 6, No. 12,
Concrete International, V. 6, No. 12, Dec., pp. 33-38. Dec., pp. 48-51.
Naaman, A. E., and Chandrangsu, K., 2004, Innovative Tatnall, P. C., 2002, Fibre Reinforced Sprayed Concrete:
Bridge Deck System Using High-Performance Fiber- The Effect on Anti-Spalling Behavior During Fires,
Reinforced Cement Composites, ACI Structural Journal, Proceedings, Fourth International Symposium on Sprayed
V. 101, No. 1, Jan.-Feb., pp. 57-64. ConcreteModern Use of Wet-Mix Sprayed Concrete for
Newhook, J. P., and Mufti, A. A., 1996, A Reinforcing Underground Support, Davos, Sept. 22-26, pp. 320-328.
Steel-Free Concrete Deck Slab for the Salmon River Bridge, Tatnall, P. C., and Brooks, J., 2000, Developments and
Concrete International, V. 18, No. 6, June, pp. 30-34. Applications of High Performance Polymer Fibres in Shot-
Novak, J., and Greenhalgh, J., 2007, Out of the crete, Shotcrete: Engineering Developments Proceedings,
Darkand Into the Light, Tunnels and Tunnelling Interna- International Conference on Engineering Developments in
tional, Dec., pp. 37-39. Shotcrete, Hobart, Apr., pp. 231-235.
Ounanian, D. W., and Kesler, C. E., 1976, Design of Tatro, S. B., 1987, Performance of Steel Fiber Reinforced
Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Pumping, Report No. DOT- Concrete Using Large Aggregates, Transportation
TST 76T-17, Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, Research Record 1110, Transportation Research Board,
DC, 53 pp. Washington, DC, pp. 127-129.

American Concrete Institute
Advancing concrete knowledge

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38800 Country Club Drive
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Phone: 248-848-3700
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Guide for Specifying, Proportioning,
and Production of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete


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