ANSYS FLUENT Getting Started Guide
ANSYS FLUENT Getting Started Guide
ANSYS FLUENT Getting Started Guide
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This preface is divided into the following sections:
1.The Contents of This Manual
2.The Contents of the FLUENT Manuals
3.Technical Support
FLUENT Getting Started Guide contains general information about getting started with using
FLUENT User's Guide contains detailed information about using FLUENT, including information
about the user interface, reading and writing files, defining boundary conditions, setting up
physical models, calculating a solution, and analyzing your results.
FLUENT in Workbench User's Guide contains information about getting started with and using
FLUENT within the Workbench environment.
FLUENT Theory Guide contains reference information for how the physical models are imple-
mented in FLUENT.
FLUENT UDF Manual contains information about writing and using user-defined functions
FLUENT Tutorial Guide contains a number of example problems with detailed instructions,
commentary, and postprocessing of results.
FLUENT Text Command List contains a brief description of each of the commands in FLUENTs
text interface.
FLUENT Adjoint Solver Module Manual contains information about the background and usage
of FLUENT's Adjoint Solver Module that allows you to obtain detailed sensitivity data for the
performance of a fluid system.
FLUENT Battery Module Manual contains information about the background and usage of
FLUENT's Battery Module that allows you to analyze the behavior of electric batteries.
FLUENT Continuous Fiber Module Manual contains information about the background and usage
of FLUENT's Continuous Fiber Module that allows you to analyze the behavior of fiber flow,
fiber properties, and coupling between fibers and the surrounding fluid due to the strong inter-
action that exists between the fibers and the surrounding gas.
FLUENT Fuel Cell Modules Manual contains information about the background and the usage
of two separate add-on fuel cell models for FLUENT that allow you to model polymer electrolyte
membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), and electrolysis with FLUENT.
FLUENT Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Module Manual contains information about the back-
ground and usage of FLUENT's Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Module that allows you to analyze
the behavior of electrically conducting fluid flow under the influence of constant (DC) or oscil-
lating (AC) electromagnetic fields.
FLUENT Migration Manual contains information about transitioning from the previous release
of FLUENT, including details about new features, solution changes, and text command list
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FLUENT Population Balance Module Manual contains information about the background and
usage of FLUENT's Population Balance Module that allows you to analyze multiphase flows in-
volving size distributions where particle population (as well as momentum, mass, and energy)
require a balance equation.
Running FLUENT Under LSF contains information about the using FLUENT with Platform Com-
putings LSF software, a distributed computing resource management tool.
Running FLUENT Under PBS Professional contains information about the using FLUENT with
Altair PBS Professional, an open workload management tool for local and distributed environ-
Running FLUENT Under SGE contains information about the using FLUENT with Sun Grid Engine
(SGE) software, a distributed computing resource management tool.
3. Technical Support
If you encounter difficulties while using ANSYS FLUENT, please first refer to the section(s) of the
manual containing information on the commands you are trying to use or the type of problem you are
trying to solve. The product documentation is available from the online help, or from the ANSYS Cus-
tomer Portal (
If you encounter an error, please write down the exact error message that appeared and note as much
information as you can about what you were doing in ANSYS FLUENT.
Technical Support for ANSYS, Inc. products is provided either by ANSYS, Inc. directly or by one of our
certified ANSYS Support Providers. Please check with the ANSYS Support Coordinator (ASC) at your
company to determine who provides support for your company, or go to and select
About ANSYS> Contacts and Locations. The direct URL is:
portlist.asp. Follow the on-screen instructions to obtain your support provider contact information. You
will need your customer number. If you don't know your customer number, contact the ASC at your
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ciently from the ANSYS Customer Portal, which is available from the ANSYS Website (
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Chapter 1: Introduction to ANSYS FLUENT
ANSYS FLUENT is a state-of-the-art computer program for modeling fluid flow, heat transfer, and
chemical reactions in complex geometries.
ANSYS FLUENT is written in the C computer language and makes full use of the flexibility and power
offered by the language. Consequently, true dynamic memory allocation, efficient data structures, and
flexible solver control are all possible. In addition, ANSYS FLUENT uses a client/server architecture, which
enables it to run as separate simultaneous processes on client desktop workstations and powerful
compute servers. This architecture allows for efficient execution, interactive control, and complete
flexibility between different types of machines or operating systems.
ANSYS FLUENT provides complete mesh flexibility, including the ability to solve your flow problems
using unstructured meshes that can be generated about complex geometries with relative ease. Sup-
ported mesh types include 2D triangular/quadrilateral, 3D tetrahedral/hexahedral/pyramid/wedge/poly-
hedral, and mixed (hybrid) meshes. ANSYS FLUENT also enables you to refine or coarsen your mesh
based on the flow solution.
After a mesh has been read into ANSYS FLUENT, all remaining operations are performed within ANSYS
FLUENT. These include setting boundary conditions, defining fluid properties, executing the solution,
refining the mesh, and postprocessing and viewing the results.
The ANSYS FLUENT serial solver manages file input and output, data storage, and flow field calculations
using a single solver process on a single computer. ANSYS FLUENT also uses a utility called cortex
that manages ANSYS FLUENTs user interface and basic graphical functions. ANSYS FLUENTs parallel
solver enables you to compute a solution using multiple processes that may be executing on the same
computer, or on different computers in a network.
Parallel processing in ANSYS FLUENT involves an interaction between ANSYS FLUENT, a host process,
and a set of compute-node processes. ANSYS FLUENT interacts with the host process and the collection
of compute nodes using the cortex user interface utility.
Figure 1.1 (p. 2) and Figure 1.2 (p. 3) illustrate the serial and parallel ANSYS FLUENT architectures.
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Chapter 1: Introduction to ANSYS FLUENT
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2 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Program Capabilities
For more information about ANSYS FLUENTs parallel processing capabilities, message passing interfaces
(MPI), and so on, refer to "Parallel Processing" in the User's Guide.
All functions required to compute a solution and display the results are accessible in ANSYS FLU-
ENT through an interactive interface.
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Chapter 1: Introduction to ANSYS FLUENT
ANSYS FLUENT is ideally suited for incompressible and compressible fluid-flow simulations in complex
geometries. ANSYS FLUENTs parallel solver enables you to compute solutions for cases with very large
meshes on multiple processors, either on the same computer or on different computers in a network.
ANSYS, Inc. also offers other solvers that address different flow regimes and incorporate alternative
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4 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS FLUENT Documentation
physical models. Additional CFD programs from ANSYS, Inc. include CFX, Airpak, ANSYS Icepak, and
To view the documentation, you can use the help viewer or the PDF files available from the installation
1.2.1. Accessing the ANSYS FLUENT Documentation
1.2.2. Viewing and Printing the PDF Documentation Accessing the Documentation Files Using the ANSYS Help Viewer
To start the ANSYS help viewer, go to the following location from the Windows Start menu:
Start > Program Files > ANSYS 14.0 > Help > ANSYS Help
The ANSYS help viewer provides access to documentation for most ANSYS products.
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Chapter 1: Introduction to ANSYS FLUENT
Index entries that partially match your typing will be displayed. You can continue
typing, or scroll through the list to find specific entries.
On Windows:
path\ANSYS Inc\v140\commonfiles\help\en-us\pdf\
where path is the directory in which you have installed ANSYS FLUENT (by default, the path is
C:\Program Files).
On Linux:
where path is the directory in which you have installed ANSYS FLUENT.
Note that you can select the paper size to which you are printing in Adobe Acrobat Reader by selecting
the File/Print Setup... menu item and choosing the desired Paper size. If the page is too large to fit
on your paper size, you can reduce it by selecting the File/Print... menu item and choosing the Reduce
to Printer Margins option under Page Scaling.
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Chapter 2: Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using ANSYS FLUENT
Before you begin your CFD analysis using ANSYS FLUENT, careful consideration of the following issues
will contribute significantly to the success of your modeling effort. Also, when you are planning a CFD
project, be sure to take advantage of the customer support available to all ANSYS FLUENT users.
Step 2 of the solution process requires a geometry modeler and mesh generator. You can use the
geometry and meshing capabilities within ANSYS Workbench, or a separate CAD system for geometry
modeling and mesh generation. Alternatively, you can use supported CAD packages to generate volume
meshes for import into ANSYS FLUENT (see the Users Guide). For more information on creating geometry
and generating meshes using each of these programs, refer to their respective manuals.
The details of the remaining steps are covered in the Users Guide.
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Chapter 2: Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using ANSYS FLUENT
ANSYS FLUENT uses unstructured meshes in order to reduce the amount of time you spend gener-
ating meshes, to simplify the geometry modeling and mesh generation process, to enable modeling
of more complex geometries than you can handle with conventional, multi-block structured meshes,
and to enable you to adapt the mesh to resolve the flow-field features. ANSYS FLUENT can also
use body-fitted, block-structured meshes (for example, those used by ANSYS FLUENT 4 and many
other CFD solvers). ANSYS FLUENT is capable of handling triangular and quadrilateral elements (or
a combination of the two) in 2D, and tetrahedral, hexahedral, pyramid, wedge, and polyhedral
elements (or a combination of these) in 3D. This flexibility enables you to pick mesh topologies
that are best suited for your particular application, as described in the Users Guide.
You can adapt all types of meshes (except for polyhedral) in ANSYS FLUENT in order to resolve
large gradients in the flow field, but you must always generate the initial mesh (whatever the ele-
ment types used) outside of the solver, or one of the CAD systems for which mesh import filters
The following questions should be considered when you are generating a mesh:
Can you benefit from other ANSYS, Inc. products such as CFX, ANSYS Icepak, or Airpak?
Can you use a quad/hex mesh or should you use a tri/tet mesh or a hybrid mesh?
How complex is the geometry and flow?
Will you need a non-conformal interface?
What degree of mesh resolution is required in each region of the domain?
Is the resolution sufficient for the geometry?
Can you predict regions with high gradients?
Will you use adaption to add resolution?
Do you have sufficient computer memory?
How many cells are required?
How many models will be used?
Setting Up the Solver and Physical Models
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8 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Planning Your CFD Analysis
Examine the results to review the solution and extract useful data.
Visualization tools can be used to answer such questions as:
What is the overall flow pattern?
Is there separation?
Where do shocks, shear layers, and so on form?
Are key flow features being resolved?
Numerical reporting tools can be used to calculate the following quantitative results:
Forces and moments
Average heat transfer coefficients
Surface and volume integrated quantities
Flux balances
Revising Your Model
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Chapter 2: Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using ANSYS FLUENT
Once your solution is converged, the following questions should be considered when you are
analyzing the solution:
Are physical models appropriate?
Is flow turbulent?
Is flow unsteady?
Are there compressibility effects?
Are there 3D effects?
Are boundary conditions correct?
Is the computational domain large enough?
Are boundary conditions appropriate?
Are boundary values reasonable?
Is the mesh adequate?
Can the mesh be adapted to improve results?
Does the solution change significantly with adaption, or is the solution mesh independent?
Does boundary resolution need to be improved?
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Chapter 3: Guide to a Successful Simulation Using ANSYS FLUENT
The following guidelines can help you make sure your CFD simulation is a success. Before logging a
technical support request, make sure you do the following:
There are two basic things that you should do before you start a simulation:
Perform a mesh check to avoid problems due to incorrect mesh connectivity, and so on.
Look at maximum cell skewness (for example, using the Compute button in the Contours dialog
box). As a rule of thumb, the skewness should be below 0.98.
If there are mesh problems, you may have to re-mesh the problem.
2. Scale the mesh and check length units.
In ANSYS FLUENT, all physical dimensions are initially assumed to be in meters. You should scale
the mesh accordingly. Other quantities can also be scaled independently of other units used.
ANSYS FLUENT defaults to SI units.
3. Employ the appropriate physical models.
4. Set the energy under-relaxation factor between 0.95 and 1.
For problems with conjugate heat transfer, when the conductivity ratio is very high, smaller values
of the energy under-relaxation factor practically stall the convergence rate.
5. Use node-based gradients with unstructured tetrahedral meshes.
The node-based averaging scheme is known to be more accurate than the default cell-based
scheme for unstructured meshes, most notably for triangular and tetrahedral meshes.
6. Monitor convergence with residuals history.
Residual plots can show when the residual values have reached the specified tolerance. After the
simulation, note if your residuals have decreased by at least 3 orders of magnitude to at least
. For the pressure-based solver, the scaled energy residual must decrease to . Also,
the scaled species residual may need to decrease to to achieve species balance.
You can also monitor lift, drag, or moment forces as well as pertinent variables or functions (for
example, surface integrals) at a boundary or any defined surface.
7. Run the CFD simulation using second order discretization for better accuracy rather than a faster
A converged solution is not necessarily a correct one. You should use the second-order upwind
discretization scheme for final results.
8. Monitor values of solution variables to make sure that any changes in the solution variables from one
iteration to the next are negligible.
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Chapter 3: Guide to a Successful Simulation Using ANSYS FLUENT
After the simulation, note if overall property conservation has been achieved. In addition to
monitoring residual and variable histories, you should also check for overall heat and mass balances.
At a minimum, the net imbalance should be less than 1% of smallest flux through domain
10. Check for mesh dependence.
You should ensure that the solution is mesh-independent and use mesh adaption to modify the
mesh or create additional meshes for the mesh-independence study.
11. Check to see that the solution makes sense based on engineering judgment.
If flow features do not seem reasonable, you should reconsider your physical models and
boundary conditions. Reconsider the choice of the boundary locations (or the domain). An inad-
equate choice of domain (especially the outlet boundary) can significantly impact solution accuracy.
You are encouraged to collaborate with your technical support engineer in order to develop a solution
process that ensures good results for your specific application. This type of collaboration is a good in-
vestment of time for both yourself and the ANSYS FLUENT support engineer.
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12 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Glossary of Terms
This glossary contains a listing of terms commonly used throughout the documentation.
case files Files that contain the mesh, boundary conditions, and solution
parameters for a problem. A case file also contains the information
about the user interface and graphics environment.
cell types The various shapes or units that constitute the base elements of a
mesh. ANSYS FLUENT can use meshes comprised of tetrahedral,
hexahedral, pyramid, wedge, or polyhedral cells (or a combination
of these).
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Glossary of Terms
computational fluid dynam- The science of predicting fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer (as
ics (CFD) in perspiration or dissolution), phase change (as in freezing or boil-
ing), chemical reaction (e.g., combustion), mechanical movement
(e.g., fan rotation), stress or deformation of related solid structures
(such as a mast bending in the wind), and related phenomena by
solving the mathematical equations that govern these processes
using a numerical algorithm on a computer.
console The console is part of the ANSYS FLUENT application window that
allows for text command input and the display of information.
convergence The point at which the solution is no longer changing with each
successive iteration. Convergence criteria, along with a reduction in
residuals, also help in determining when a solution is complete.
Convergence criteria are pre-set conditions on the residuals that
indicate that a certain level of convergence has been achieved. If
the residuals for all problem variables fall below the convergence
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14 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
criteria but are still in decline, the solution is still changing to a
greater or lesser degree. A better indicator occurs when the residuals
flatten in a traditional residual plot (of residual value vs. iteration).
This point, sometimes referred to as convergence at the level of
machine accuracy, takes time to reach, however, and may be beyond
your needs. For this reason, alternative tools such as reports of forces,
heat balances, or mass balances can be used instead.
cortex A utility that manages ANSYS FLUENTs user interface and basic
graphical functions.
data files Files that contain the values of the flow field in each grid element
and the convergence history (residuals) for that flow field.
dialog boxes The separate windows that are used like forms to perform input
tasks. Each dialog box is unique and employs various types of input
controls that make up the form.
discretization The act of replacing the differential equations that govern fluid flow
with a set of algebraic equations that are solved at distinct points.
GUI The graphical user interface, which consists of the main ANSYS
FLUENT application window, dialog boxes, graphics windows, etc.
mesh A collection of points representing the flow field, where the equa-
tions of fluid motion (and temperature, if relevant) are calculated.
node The distinct points of a mesh (p. 15) at which the equations of fluid
motion are solved.
postprocessing The act of analyzing the numerical results of your CFD simulation
using reports, integrals, and graphical analysis tools such as contour
plots, animations, etc.
residuals The small imbalance that is created during the course of the iterative
solution algorithm. This imbalance in each cell is a small, non-zero
value that, under normal circumstances, decreases as the solution
skewness The difference between the shape of the cell and the shape of an
equilateral cell of equivalent volume. Highly skewed cells can de-
crease accuracy and destabilize the solution.
solvers ANSYS FLUENT has two distinct solvers, based on numerical precision
(single-precision vs. double-precision). Within each of these categor-
ies, there are solver formulations: pressure based; density based ex-
plicit; and density based implicit.
TUI The text user interface, which consists of textual commands that
can be entered into the terminal emulator.
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