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Tugas Cybercrime

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1.1. Background

The development of the internet world at this moment has reached a stage that is so fast, so
it's not surprising in every corner of the city is found the internet site termpat, which serves a wide
range of internet services. The history of the internet from travel began to be a found human needs at
the moment is very long. The Internet is a network of information that at first (around the late 1960s
beginning in 1969, to be exact) was developed by the Department of Defense and security of the
United States (DoD = Department of Defense USA) as a strategic project which aims to be much
observed (countermeasures) if there is a disruption on public communications network, particularly its
influence on their military communication systems.

At the time of the cold war between the United States with the Soviet Union being peaked, so
they make the anticipation over all possibly due to the war that will probably happen. Initially the
internet was used only to a limited extent in laboratory research and technology at some educational
institutions and research institutes, which are directly involved in the project are DARPA (Defence
Advanced Research Projects Agency). But the annual 45 later (now), the internet has spread to the
rest of the world, from the Government, large and small companies, NGOs to individuals have much
to use it, because of its versatility as a means of communication and for information searches. Data on
the internet in 1998 States that the e-mail has been sent to 150 more countries in this world, file
transfer (ftp) can reach to 100-an State, and users around the world is estimated to have up to 60
millions of people, or 5% of the total amount of the entire population of the world. Then, based on
1999 data, internet users around the world through May 1999 has reached 163 million people.

At first, the internet had predicted would suffer destruction by some observers of the
computer in the 1980s because of his ability at that time only exchange information in one direction
only. But getting to the future, the estimates turned out to be a fumble, and now even be a need for the
information that is there is no consistently used.

Lately we hear many security issues related to the world of the internet. In Indonesia itself
some people have been arrested for using a stolen credit card to buy goods over the internet. A result
of this alleged activities of credit card Indonesia hard use on the internet (or even in ordinary shops in
foreign countries). Similarly, buyers from Indonesia will be suspected and not trusted by the seller on
the internet.

In the era of global as now, Internet-based information system security becomes a necessity
for more of note, due to the nature of the public internet network and global are basically insecure. At
the time data is sent from one computer to the other in Internet, data that will pass through a number
of other computer which means it will give the user the opportunity to take over one or several
computers. Unless a computer is locked in a room that has limited access and the computer is not
connected to the outside of the room, then that computer will be safe. The security system on the
Internet break-ins occur almost every day around the world.

But the beauty of the internet is not as beautiful as its name promised can provide a variety of
information that is in any other parts of the world, for a variety of crimes that exist in real life turns

out to be more in the world of internet. found Crime on the internet is popular with the name of cyber
crime. The existence of cyber crime will be the impact of the bad for the progress and development of
our country and in the world at large. Currently, the internet has become part of our daily lives as one
vehicle of communication in the business or for the private. But behind it is still a lot of holes in the
internet system weaknesses that could be exploited by the cracker for the purpose, such as mail
bombs, weapon-unkempt home page, data theft, passwords or credit card numbers, etc.

The existence of the security holes in operating system causes the unfolding weaknesses and
holes that can be used by hackers, crackers and script kiddies to infiltrate into the computer. Crimes
that occur can be:

1. data against Theft

2. Access to the internal network

3. Changes to critical data

4. Theft of information and leads to sales information

I. 2. Formulation of the problem

1. The definition of Hacking

2. The history of hacking

3. Basic capabilities of hackers

4. Types of Hacking Activity

5. Hacking techniques

6. the Case of hackers

7. The Act ITE



2.1 definition of Hacker

What is hacking? ' Hacking ' is an intrusion into a computer system or network with the intent
of damaging or misusing existing system. The definition of the word "abuse" has a very wide
meaning, and can be defined as the theft of confidential data, as well as the use of an improper e-mail
such as spamming or looking for loopholes that allow the network to enter.

Hacking is an activity break through computer programs belongs to the people/the other
party. A hacker is a person who was fond of ngoprek computer, have the skills to create and read a
particular program, and obsessed observe security (security). Hackers have double face; There dear
friend there's the burglar [Poskota 2009].

Currently, lively people who have dabbled in hanging around with the peculiarities of the
robustness of network security system of a company or person. Some of them did have lofty goals,
namely sharpening their skills in the field of network security technology and usually after they
managed to break through the security systems that exist, those with readiness of existing security
gaps to inform to concerned for enhanced. But there is also a completely pure because of the whim,
supported by motives of revenge or malicious intent wants to steal something valuable.

One thing that must be understood here that the reason any ' hacking ' is the melangar law,
and there is no rule anywhere in the world that justifies this action. However, the reality that runs in
the current conditions is no guarantee of any kind that can ensure that there are no gaps or weaknesses
in the network system or our computer using any operating system. That is, it is pretty clear there is
no network system which is really pretty safe that is able to guarantee 100% security of data and
information contained therein. This is precisely the condition triggering rampant hacking activities in
a variety of scales and levels of activity, began to level just a whim to professional. The most
important thing we can do at this time is simply ensuring that all security gaps have been covered and
idle conditions always be treated.

2.2 the history of Hacking

History of hacking itself has started since the presence of computers and the use of computers
has not been used en masse. At the end of the 1950s, an organization called the MIT (Massachusets
Institute of Technology) model railroad set of telephone equipment had help. Then a member of this
group to install a system that is more complicated on the tool so that the tool is capable of allowing
some operators to control simultaneously the parts to do the dialing the right number. They call their
apayang do as hacking

And the public when it referred to them as The Original Hackers Group's Next move with the make
and model of computer programs to improve early like IBM 704 and TX-0. If the beginning hacking
intended only to address the problem of padasuatu system, hardware or programs. When inihacking is
done with the fix and close the weakness of hardware, system software, but with a better hasilyang. If
someone is capable of processing a row of language programming examples show the person in
question has a mastery of the art of computer.

In 1994 could be said still very few expert or professional in the field of computer security.
"Story" about the hacking and hackers when it just became mere spectacle in filmHollywood. Then it
happened a little people respond to serious problems.

2.3. Basic Hacking Abilities

1. learn the programming language

Mastering just one programming language alone will not achieve the level of ability of a
hacker or even a programmer, need to learn how to programming in General, not dependent on any
one language. You need to reach the stage where it can learn a new language in a few days, by
connecting what's in the manual to what you already know. Need to study some language that is far
different from the one with the other. The most important languages in the hacking is Pyton, C, Perl,
and LISP but most good actually studying them all because each represents a different way of
programming approaches and each language would provide valuable lessons.

2. the Master operating system

Learn about operating systems, especially Linux and BSD Unix operating system is the most
widely used on the internet and was instrumental in the development of the internet. Anyway Linux is
an Open Source operating system. Learn Unix to run Unix, Unix crunch, connect internet via Unix,
read its code and modifications. Under Unix you will find a better programming tool (including C,
Lisp, Pyton, and Perl). You will have fun and get more knowledge than you realize.

3. learn the Worl Wide Web

That is to say more than just using a browser, but learn how to write HTML, the markup language of
the Web.

4. learn computer networking

A computer network that connects us with others on the internet, so it needs to be memplejari
computer network.

More and more of the things above you already do, the more likely you are the prospective talented

2.4. Types of Hacking Activity

Social Hacking, you need to know: information about what system is used by the server, who owns
the server, the Admin who manages the server, connection used what type of server it then how to

connect the internet, using connections who then what information is provided by the server, whether
the server is also connected to the LAN in an organization and other information

Technical Hacking, technical actions is to perform an intrusion into the system, either with the tools
(tool) or using the facilities of the system itself which was used to attack the weakness (security holes)
contained in the system or service. The core of this activity is to get full access into the system in any
way and however

2.5. Hacking techniques

At this time there have been many cases of data theft happens on social networking websites
such as facebook, friendster, myspace and others. The results of the data stolen can be a full profile,
account password, and even one's credit card number, all of which can be used for evil.

Here is how the hacking the hackers do

1. Social Engineering Tools.

How to tricks to cheat the victims by telephone or the internet, the media concentrate on computer
network system of terlamah chains, i.e., humans. How to initelah known since a long time and the
most easy to do the hackers to gain information about the target, by means of requesting such
information to the victim or other party who has that information

2. Phising Tools.

The Act of cheating by way of posing the original forge. usually with media email, instant messenger
and fraudulent websites

3. The Sniffing Tools

How to sniff out tricks and tap the information on wireless computer network cable or using software
such as cain able, aircrack, snort, nmap.

4. Keylogger Tools

Almost the same as the Act of tapping sources however snifing directly from tejadi on the activity of
typing keyboard. Typically hackers installing it on the public internet access, such as in the Cafe and
others. The results of the intercepts be nfile log or record that can be stored on the hard drive or sent
directly to the email hacker.

5. Brute Force Tools

This action is a direct attack is done to a website hacker victim profile, with software-based
programming in php upload to a hosting sebuahweb then run by hackers of sanadan wear English-to
shoot the victim's account password.

6. Facebook Application Tools

The trick is a hacker can access your important data to your computer when you install the application
on your profile.

7. Exploits a Vulnerability Tools.

This is a hacking technique that is always updated, that is by looking for the weaknesses of the system
infrastructure, such as a website or network operating system, database or script programingnya to
know the share update any weaknesses found in the site.

8. Plagiarism

This is a hacking tricks by way of asking for ID and password in a way the hackers on behalf of
developers, master, admin and others on the gaming websites and so on. For example on the
facebook.com many users who are using the name of the name of a great man.

All acts of hacking at the top is a hacking technique that is often used by hackers to break the
password of the account mauoun profile ID website game which can bring in lots of money. Article
above about hacking technique that is often used by hackers in stealing the account is simply to
knowledge rather than to commit cyber crime. If you are trying to learn, please be careful with files
on the internet referred to as hacking software but it was a computer virus.

2.6 Hacking Case

2.6.1 example case

Jakarta-the Press Council Site compromised by hackers. The site is compromised with the
symbol resembling a bird garuda red accompanied with red writing black background. The radar
detikcom, Wednesday (31/5/2017), 7:00 PM EST, the site dewanpers.or.id is still compromised. On
the site there is an inscription that States:

When Lions back hurt because provocation sentient iniquitous. When the motto "Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika" neglected back because the action of the person wrote on behalf of religion. When
sacred texts so contentious material by people who feel have heaven. When the hero of the
independence struggle were already forgotten it by those who feel most meritorious. Please stop this
split, Mr. For my country, not one State religion or cultural customs of the destroyer group owned,
also does not belong to one group. #DamailahIndonesiaku #JayalahBangsaku #KitaIndonesia.

At the end of the writing, the hackers wrote ' M2404 ~ 2017 ' alleged initials from hackers.
Not yet known since when the site was compromised. Meanwhile, members of the Press Council of
Imam Wahyudi, said currently the hack site is being handled. "Yeah right is being handled," said the
priest told the detikcom, Wednesday (31/5/2017). In addition, the website of the Attorney General's
Office with the address www.Kejaksaan.go.id is also compromised. When the browse the site
detikcom at 7:00 PM EST, the site was never open. State Attorney sites compromised with the image
of Harley Quinn who is a lover of the Joker in the movie Suicide Squad. In the site there are also
writings which invites the community back together.

2.7. The Act ITE

The CRIME of HACKING law number 11 YEAR 2008 of the INFORMATION and ELECTRONIC

Hacking a crime according to law number 11 Year 2008 Of the information and electronic
transactions contained in section 30 subsection (1), (2) and (3) that basically hacking criminal act is an
act of any person intentionally and without rights or unlawfully accessing computers and/or electronic
systems of others with the aim of obtaining information and/or electronic documents in any way by
breaking , break through, bypassing, or break down the security system. Where can is a hacking early
action for perpetrators of cybercrime to do other crimes in cyber space. The settings regarding
criminal acts of cyber crime that can be started with the crime of hacking has also been regulated in
law number 11 Year 2008 Of the information and Electronic Transaction i.e. include
tapping/interception (article 31), law number 11 Year 2008 Of the information and Electronic
Transaction set also on Jurisdiction in criminal acts of hacking. Arrangements regarding the
jurisdiction provided for in 2 (two) Article, that contained in article 2 and article 37 where this
legislation has a range of Jurisdictions are not solely for the deeds of the law in Indonesia and/or done
by the citizens of Indonesia, but also applies to legal deeds performed outside the jurisdiction
(jurisdiction) of Indonesia by Indonesia citizens as well as foreign citizens or legal entities or foreign
legal entity Indonesia which has legal consequences in Indonesia , considering the utilization of
information technology for electronic information and electronic transactions are cross-territorial or

In the ACT ITE discuss hacking mainly about access to other people's computers without
permission. It is set in 30 markets and article 46 regarding sentencing will be accepted. The following
is the content of the article:

Article 30

Any person intentionally and without rights or unlawfully accessing computers and/or electronic
systems belong to others in any way.

Any person intentionally and without rights or unlawfully accessing computers and/or electronic
system by whatever means for the purpose of obtaining electronic information and/or electronic

Any person intentionally and without rights or unlawfully accessing computers and/or electronic
systems in any way by breaking, break through, bypassing, or break down the security system.

Article 46

any person who fulfills the elements referred to in article 30 paragraph (1) are convicted with
imprisonment of not longer than 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp 600,000,000.00 (six
hundred million rupiah).

any person who fulfills the elements referred to in article 30 paragraph (2) are convicted with
imprisonment of not longer than 7 (seven) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp 700,000,000.00 (seven
hundred million rupiah).

any person who fulfills the elements referred to in article 30 paragraph (3) are convicted with
imprisonment of not longer than 8 (eight) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp 800,000,000.00 (eight
hundred million rupiah)


3.1 Conclusions

The virtual world does not vary much with the real world. Hopefully the tech connoisseur can
change the mindsetnya that the hacker was not always evil. Not all Hacking we know doing the
crimes and negative, because of the hacking can be distinguished into 2 character of positive and
negative i.e. Hacker and Cracker

Becoming a hacker was a kindness but being a cracker is a crime. Everything depends on
each individual. The hacker is using its expertise in terms of computer to view, find and correct the
weaknesses of the security system in a computer system or in a software. Therefore, thanks to the
Internet there is a hacker and we can enjoy it as it is now, even continuing on the fix to be a better
system again. Then the hacker can be referred to as a hero of the network is a cracker may be referred
to as a network of criminals because doing do intrusion with the intention of favouring her
personallity in with the intent of harming others. Hackers are often called white hacker (who is the
true nature of hackers build) and black hacker (cracker which is unpacked and damaging) from the
evil Motiv diinternet among others is (try and curiosity, economic factors, self-performance event,
even heartache).

3.2 Advice

Many criminals in this world of the internet, and they're always trying to find kelengahan us
while surfing the internet, let alone at this point in the business world of the internet is very
promising. It is therefore to be strongly preferred not to hatian intruders got into the system and

Here are some tips to avoid hands ignorant in cyberspace.

1. use the Favorites or Bookmarks

Pengguanaan Favorites or Bookmarks are intended to ensure the website grid is a really
website internet business that has followed, for the many efforts of the theft of usernames and
passwords with how to create a fake website which is exactly the same as the original, with a URL
that is similar to the original. If any discrepancy in the conduct of activities i.e. page views are
changing and the connection drops and then appear a page that asks enter username and password

2. Use Antivirus

Make sure your Antivirus is already installed on the computer, use a professional such as
Norton Antirus Antivirus, McAfee Antivirus, Kaspersky, F-Secure antivirus and vendors who are
already licensed. The use of antivirus will greatly help in anticipation of the entry of the virus into the
PC. Antivirus update is also very useful to handle if there are new viruses in circulation.

3. use anti Spyware and anti Adware


In addition to Viruses exists to look out for IE Spyware and Adware, Spyware is a small
program that goes into our computer with the intention of spying on our Internet activities and steal all
important data including usernames and passwords, Adware is also so but more on promotional
purposes which will bring up a window/pop-up on our computers while browsing, usually a porn
website advertising.

4. use a Firewall

To further optimize your computer's defense then use firewall, for Windows XP and Vista can
use standard firewall that exists, there are currently some firewall which is quite capable to prevent
intruders, such as Comodo Firewal, Zone Alarm, or enable default Fireall Windows.

5. use a better Internet Browser

Rather than using the default WIndows Internet Explorer, the Browser is better to use a safer
alternative and has protection against more sophisticated hackers. At this time several competing
providers of browsers always provide the best for the user, such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google
Chrome and more.

6. Eliminate the traces

Windows and the browser will usually save files cookies, history or user activity records
when the surf, this is a great source of information for hackers to figure out user activities and also to
steal usernames and passwords that have been used in the Internet, in addition to the usual hacker also
requiring a data thief files them in folders that store cookies and history is on the computer. (Cookies
= file that goes into the computer when we visit a website.

History = the list of us when the Internet is stored by the browser that we use). Always remove all
traces of the Internet so that hackers can't creep into your computer.

7. Change password as often as possible

The most important thing is to change the password that is used as often as possible, because
as powerful as anything the hackers can steal usernames and passwords will not be useful. If the
password has changed when the hackers were trying to get into the internet business website that

8. create a password that is difficult to guess

Hides the create a password that contains a date of birth, surname


1. Source : http://cyber4sh.blogspot.com/2013/02/teknik-hacking-yang-sering-

2. http://plakernel.blogspot.com/2010/12/apa-itu-hacking.html

3. https://news.detik.com/berita/d-3516014/situs-dewan-pers-dan-kejaksaan-agung-diretas











1.1. Background ................................................................................... 1

2.1 Definition of hacker ........................................................................ 3

2.2. The History Of Hacking ............................................................... 3

2.3. Basic Hacking Abilities ............................................................... 4

2.4. Types of Hacking Activity ............................................................. 4

2.5. Hacking techniques ....................................................................... 5

2.6. Hacking Case ................................................................................ 6

2.6. The Act ITE .................................................................................. 7

BAB III : CLOSING ..................................................................................... 9

3.1. Conclusions ......................................................................... 9

3.2. Advice ................................................................................ 9

Bibliography ............................................................................. 9

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