Random Matrix Theories and Chaotic Dynamics: Oriol Bohigas
Random Matrix Theories and Chaotic Dynamics: Oriol Bohigas
Random Matrix Theories and Chaotic Dynamics: Oriol Bohigas
Unit de Recherche des Universits Paris XI et Paris VI associe au CNRS
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1 i}
TT ~ 3+ 7+ 15+ 1+ 292+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 2+ 1+ 3+ 1+ 14+
One can show that they are statistically independent, i.e. for all real
ai,. -,Qf n one has
and let A n (O 11 O 2 ) be the relative time that xn(t) spends between O1 and
O2. One has that
which is the normal law. As M. Kac phrases it, "that we are led here to
the normal law, usually associated with random phenomena, is perhaps
an indication that the deterministic and probabilistic points of view are
not as irreconcilable as they may appear at first sight" . And the bon mot
of Poincar concerning the normal law ( " Tout It monde y croit pare que
les mathmaticiens s'imaginent que c'est un fait d'observation, et les
observateurs que c'est un thorme de mathmatiques7'} appears now
transparent: the normal law proves to be both "un fait d'observation"
and "un thorme de mathmatiques" .
In what follows we shall mainly discuss the description of the statisti-
cal laws governing a sequence of points 1, 2, . . - , Cn distributed on the
real axis. We shall denote by {,} the ordered sequence, |, < |1+1, and
by {&} the sequence when the ordering (labelling) is disregarded. The
axis may be the energy, the points corresponding to the discrete energy
levels of a quantum system (an atomic nucleus, an atom or a molecule);
or it may be the frequency axis, the points corresponding, for instance,
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 7
The simplest estimate of < N(E) > can be obtained by applying the
semiclassical rule that each quantum state is associated with a phase-
apace volume hd where k is Planck's constant. One has therefore
E1 (2.12)
<N(E)>^SE. (2.13)
This estimate of < N(E) > is called in the literature the Thomas-
Fermi estimate or, for boxes, the Weyl term of an expansion of < N(E) >.
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 9
One desirable feature from a. semiclassical point of view is the following
exact association of the trace of an operator with a (pseudo) phase-apace
one gets
< N(E) > = tt(0 Lj- + .j(, 6) + 0(AE- 3 / 2 ) , (2.21)
where the functions a() and "/(,&} can be explicitly determined [24).
The leading term is, as it should be, consistent with (2.10).
Because of discontinuities, the Wigner-Weyl calculus cannot be
naively applied to problems with hard walls, and the methods and re-
sults obtained in this case to go beyond (2.12) are reviewed 'in [25]. For
the billiard case one has
where is the perimeter of the boundary 3D. The minus (plus) sign
applies when Dirichlet (Neumann) boundary conditions are used. XT is a
constant term containing information on the geometrical and topological
properties of the domain D.
The geometrical features contributing to the constant term are:
i) Curvature contribution
where /c() denotes the local curvature; for the circle, for instance, this
contribution is 1/6.
ii) Corner contribution; for a square (or a rectangle), it is 4 x (1/48).
The topological features concern the connectivity of the surface; for a
multiply connected domain containing r smooth holes, the contribution
to the constant term is (l - r) x (1/6) [26].
There are interesting cases for which the above methods fail. Consider,
for instance, the domain enclosed by the positive 1- and 2-axes and the
hyperbola q^qz 1 in the first quadrant,
a = 2(-r-ln2:r) , 6 = 47r s /Vr 2 (l/4) . (2.26)
Notice that if in (2.24) one takes qrfi < 2, then the leading term in (2.25)
coincides with the leading term of the asymptotic expansion for the
number of non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function with imaginary
part less than E [12|.
A similar problem has been studied by Tomsovic [29], but now with
a smooth potential instead of hard walls, namely
for which again the quantum spectrum is purely discrete [27]. If one
takes the symmetry properties into account, one can easily see that
(2.27) is a particular case of (2.20) for b - 1 and f = -1. This Hamilto-
nian has received particular attention for its relevance to certain simple
field theoretical models and for its dynamical properties. This last point
deserves a. short digression.
Examples of systems where global ergodicity and instability has been
rigorously proven (hard chaos in Gutzwiller's terminology) are billiards
and free motion on Riemann surfaces of negative curvature [16,20,30,31].
The question whether there exist analytic Hamiltonians in Euclidean
space with this property has focused much attention but still remains
open. There have been for a long tune two candidates for that (both for
d = 2). One is the Hamiltonian corresponding to the anisotropic Kepler
problem [20]
H = A- + A --- -L= (2.28)
2Tn1 2m, ^+ qz
hard chaos. But Broucke discovered a few years ago, for Jn^m2 = 3/2, a
very small stability island which disappears when the mass ratio attains
the value 2. The challenge is now to find for mi/mj > 2 a stability
island, or to prove that there is none. A similar fate occurred with the
Hamittonian (2.27), which was thought to have global ergodicity but for
which recently Dahlqvist and Russberg [32) have found the presence of
at least one small stable island, which occupies a fraction of the order
of 5 x 10~5 of the surface of section area. Although these questions
are interesting from a mathematical point of view, as a physicist one is
still tempted to qualify the dynamics of Hamiltonians (2.27) or (2.28) as
showing hard chaos, especially in their transition to quantum mechanics.
Except,, of course, if the phenomenon under consideration would have
an ^resolution of the order of the dimension of the stability islands, an
unlikely circumstance.
Adapting the method used for the case (2.24), Tomsovic finds for
(2.27) [29)
<N(E}>~ (E^lnE + a'E5!2) (2.29)
a' = (2/3) (27 + 5 In 2 -4) (2.30)
4 1/s
and energy is measured in units of (fe x/16m ) . Due to the presence
of the "horn-shaped regions", (2.29) differs from (2.21) in a similar way
as (2.25) differs from (2.22), namely by the presence of a logarithmic
It is often necessary to take explicitly into account the exact symme-
tries of the problem and one is then Interested in decomposing < N[E] >
, (2.31)
stadium, to the right (or left) half of the stadium, to the upper (or lower)
half of the stadium and to the quarter of the stadium respectively. One
N(E) = Nt+(E) + jV_ + () + N+.(E) + N_.(E)
JV 1 (JS)= N,.(E)+N._(E)
N-(E)= N.+ (E) +N-(E) '
N+(E)= N-(E).
For the functions < N(E) >, < N\(E) >, < N-(E) >, < N+(E) >,
(2.22) is valid. Therefore, by inverting (2.32) and taking the smooth
parts, one obtains < NV(E) > [33]. The leading term (surface term) of
< NV(E) > is just one fourth of the corresponding term of < N(E) >
and is independent of v. The !/-dependence comes only through the
perimeter and constant terms in (2.22).
Analogously, the hyperbola billiard (2.24) is invariant under reflection
about the straight line 91 = qt and, correspondingly, states can be clas-
sified according to their parity = 1. The average symmetry-resolved
counting function < N e ( E ) > reads then as [28]
lf, ,
4 71 ft 4
As for the stadium case, the leading term is just one fourth of the leading
term of < N(E) > (see (2.21)), but the counting function now contains a
next-to-leading term E3t*/h analogous to the perimeter term in (2.22),
which cancels out when summing over the four symmetry classes.
14 Oril Bohigaa
k/E>+* (2.36)
and the leading term is given by (2.10). This is consistent with the
billiard results for /* > oo, although one should notice that the limit of
the potential V(q) = c2n, n -^ oo, is not the "one-dimensional" billiard
with the wall located at q = 1. Indeed, the boundary conditions are
different. In the semiclassical limit, the difference of phase between the
incoming and outcoming waves at turning points is jr/2 for the potential,
whereas it is TT (O) for the billiard with Dirichlet (Neumann) boundary
In summary, semiclassical methods allow to perform the separation
(2.6) in a systematic way. On Fig. 1 are reproduced two examples where
the exact staircase function is compared to the smooth part. It is a
remarkable fact that the ft-expansions of < N(E) > we have been dis-
cussing, although asymptotic, work extremely well down to the ground
state, even when only the first few terms are included in the expansion.
Before we deal with fluctuations, let us describe the operation of un-
folding the spectrum. The aim is to get rid of < N(E) > when com-
paring the fluctuation patterns of different systems labelled w, whose
corresponding smooth behaviours are not the same. Let {Et} be the
original spectrum corresponding to a system u with average counting
function < N^ (E) > ; one "unfolds" it (we are using this terminology
waiting for a better one; Voros suggests "rectifying the spectrum") by
the mapping [8]
As a result, the ordered sequences {,} have the same average behaviour
<N(x)> = x, (2.38)
c t \ I O fO QQ^
~ 2J - I ' I
will fluctuate around zero. How to characterise the behaviour of {<} or
of (Ai) is the subject of the next Section.
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 15
10 20 30 40 50 60 _ 70
3. Characterisation of fluctuations
I1, xj,..., XN (3.1)
be the positions of N points on the real axis, with average density unity
and let
PN(Xl,...txN)dXl---dxN (3.2)
be the probability regardless of labelling of having one point at X1, an-
other at Z1, ..., another at x# within each of the intervals [x,-, x, + ir,].
The statistical properties of the sequence {i,} are characterised, by
the set of n-lcvcl correlation functions Rn(Xi,* . . , Xn)
N\ r
Rn(Z1,..., xn) = --JdX n + 1 - --dxtt PN(Xl,..., XN) . (3.3)
From the definition it follows that by integrating /Zn+ 1 once, one obtains
Here G stands for any division of the indices [I1 2, . . . , n] into subgroups
[Gi, G1, ... Gm\. For instance,
n=l m = l [(I)] , .
therefore Y1(X1) = B1(X1) = 1 ; >
n =2 m= 1 [(1,2)]
m = 2 [(1)(2)1 (3.7)
therefore Y2(X1, X2) = -JZ2(X1, X2) +
n=3 m = l [(1,2,3)1
etc. The advantage of the cluster functions over the correlation functions
is that they have the property of vanishing when any one (or several) of
the separations (x, - x,\ becomes large. The function Fn describes the
correlation properties of a single cluster of re levels, isolated from more
trivial effects of lower order correlations.
What we are doing is just transposing what is done in statistical me-
chanics to the study of points (3.1) on the real axis (a one-dimensional
system). To get a better insight on the different correlation functions
and on what physical information they carry, let us, for the sake of anal-
ogy and comparison in later Sections, make some comments related to
the study of equilibrium properties of classical fluids.
The probability distribution for observing the system at the configu-
ration space point r lt . . . , r^ is
...., FJV)J
(3 9)
Krfr,...,^)! '
where U is, for instance, a pair potential
"KO. (3-10)
rij = JFj r,-|, and ft 1/fcT is the inverse temperature. Notice that
when studying the positions of points on the real line (the spectrum) we
have not yet specified how to determine a probability PH in (3.2) and
that, for the tune being, nothing like a pair potential v(r,-y) is at our
One also introduces the n-point correlation functions
Nl f
Pn(F1,..., Tn)= / j y j x , J dr n + 1 ---dr A r P f t r (ri,...,rAf) (3.11)
- r
a \fla \/3a
Fig. 2. Schematic plot of the radial distribution function. Left: for a simple
Quid. Right: angle average of g(r) for a highly ordered solid. (Taken from
Most of the time, p(s) is used to characterise short range level correla-
tions. However, this information is also contained in measures definable
in terms of pure ra-potnt functions [36 j, like
n(L) = L , (3.24)
From (3.25) one sees that E2 (L) starts linearly at the origin, with slope
unity independent of the correlations. S7 is connected to RI through
= (n(L)-L)* , }
= s(L)-3(L-l)E2(L)-L(L-l)(L-2) l
Rn(X1,..., xn) = l
Y1(X1) = 1 (3.32)
Yn(X1,..., Xn) = O n > 2 ;
and for the spacing distribution, Rn, the number variance, the Dyson-
Mehta statistic, the skewness and the excess:
P(ri,...,T n ) = pn . (3.34)
Pig. 3. Total ciosa section for the reaction n +2M Th as a function of the
neutron energy En. The peaks show the resonances of the compound nucleus
Th at an excitation energy S 4-.En, where S is the neutron separation energy
of "3Th (~ 5.1 MeV). (Taken from the compilation Neutron Cross Sections
(1964) [4O]).
24 Oriol Bohigaa
(see Fig. 3). The aim of nuclear models at this and higher excitation
energies is rather to describe special states, like giant resonances and
other collective states, which have a peculiar structure. But the detailed
description of the sea of background states around the collective ones
must and should be abandoned. Almost thirty years ago, Dyson made
an eloquent rsum of the situation [41] :
"Recent theoretical analyses have had impressive success in interpret-
ing the detailed structure of the low-lying excited states of complex
nuclei. Still, there must be a point beyond which such analyses of in-
dividual levels cannot usefully go. For example, observations of levels
of heavy nuclei in the neutron-capture region give precise information
concerning a stretch of levels from number N to number (N + n), where
N is an integer of the order of 108. It is improbable that level as-
signments based on shell structure and collective or individual-particle
quantum numbers can ever be pushed as far as the millionth level. It
is therefore reasonable to inquire whether the highly excited states may
be understood from the diametrically opposite point of view, assuming
as working hypothesis that all shell structure is washed out and that no
quantum numbers other than spin and parity remain good. The results
of such an inquiry will be a statistical theory of energy levels. The sta-
tistical theory will not predict the detailed sequence of levels 'in any one
nucleus, but it will describe the general appearance and the degree of
irregularity of the level structure that is expected to occur in any nucleus
which is too complicated to be understood in detail.
"In ordinary statistical mechanics a comparable renunciation of exact
knowledge is made. By assuming all states of a very large ensemble to
be equally probable, one obtains useful information about the over-all
behavior of a complex system when the observation of the states in all its
detail is impossible. This type of statistical mechanics is clearly 'inade-
quate for the discussion of nuclear energy levels. We wish to make state-
ments about the fine detail of the level structure, and such statements
cannot be made in terms of an ensemble of states. What is required is
a new kind of statistical mechanics, in which we renounce exact knowl-
edge not of the state of a system but of the nature of the system itself.
We picture a complex nucleus as a "black box" in which a large number
of particles are interacting according to unknown laws. The problem is
then to define in a mathematically precise way an ensemble of systems
in which all possible laws of interaction are equally probable." (The un-
derlining is ours). This programme, Initiated by Wigner, has been to a
large extent successfully accomplished. And partial justification of the
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 25
( I 0\ 0 -1 \ O
* = o i)' 1 oj ' -i
H0 is a real symmetric NxN matrix and HI, H?, Hy are real antisymmet-
ric NxN matrices. Notice that e; (t = 1,2,3) are essentially the Pauli
matrices OV- In the same way that the Hermitian property is preserved
by a unitary transformation or the property of reality and symmetry
by a real orthogonal transformation, the property of being "quaternion
real" is preserved by the 2N x 2N unitary matrices B which satisfy
Z = BZB* , (4.4)
so that
dH = 2"'"-1'/4 H dfl* n dHu . (4.12)
l<t<W l<i<i<N
Any automorphism of the studied matrix space which leaves the metric
(4.8) invariant will leave the associated measure dH invariant. For in-
stance, in the case of real symmetric matrices, the invariance of (4.8),
(4.11) under a real orthogonal transformation implies the invariance of
The Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) in the space of N x JV real
symmetric matrices is defined by requiring that
1. The ensemble is invariant under every orthogonal transformation
H' = W* HW , (4.13)
tr H* = Hl + 2 Hi , (4.16)
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 29
and u defines the scale. For the GOE one therefore has that the matrix
elements are statistically independent and that each matrix element JT1-,-
is zero-centered Gaussian distributed, with zero mean
Wj = O i < j (4.17)
and the same variance v 2 , except for the diagonal elements which have
twice that variance
= JN dEl
where JN is the Jacobian
j _ 9(Hu, Sn, -, HNN, Ha, , HN-I-N) / . ,%
d(EitEj,- - , EN, Pi, PJ,- --,Pw(W-I)/!)
fli,-=*j-*. (4-22)
the first N columns of the determinant of the Jacobian are independent
of the eigenvalues whereas the remaining ones are linear. Consequently,
in the expansion of the determinant, each term contains N(N l)/2
factors, each of which is linear in the eigenvalues. This means that
the Jacobian is a polynomial of degree N(N l)/2 in the eigenvalues.
Furthermore this polynomial vanishes whenever two eigenvalues, say Ei
and EJ, are equal, as can be easily seen. Indeed, assume the opposite,
namely that JN ^ Q when J?, = Ej. Then, there would exist a one-to-one
correspondence between the matrix elements JT,-,- and the eigenvalues
and eigenvectors, i.e., the latter would be completely determined by
30 Oriol Bohigas
the matrix elements. But we know that when 2?, = E,, the matrix
elements define only an eigenplane and not the individual eigenvectors,
and therefore JN = O. We then conclude that (4.21) is a polynomial
of degree N(N - l)/2 in the eigenvalues, which vanishes whenever two
eigenvalues are equal, leading to
Integrating over the variables p,-, one anally obtains, from (4.15) and
(4.23), the joint probability distribution PJV(EI,. . . , E N ) for the spec-
(4.24) is the equivalent of (3.9) and contains all the information con-
cerning the distribution of eigenvalues and the correlations among them.
The last factor in (4.24), which has its origin in the Jacobian (4.21), is
particularly important and exhibits the phenomenon of level repulsion,
namely that small spacings are ruled out.
Once Pff (El, ..., Eff) is specified, one can follow the scheme outlined
in the previous Section. The first step is, by integrating (4.24) over
all the variables except one, to determine the ensemble averaged level
density p(E). In fact, there are many ways to determine p ( E ) , which we
shall not describe. The result, in the large-JV limit, is
f (21)-1 - (4JW - E*Y for \E\ <
P{ l
' (Q for \E\ > 2V^JV , '
where p(E) is normalised to JV. Notice that the level density at E O
increases like JV1/2, the mean level spacing D(E) = 1/p decreases like
JV~1/2 and the spectrum span increases like N1/*, implying that the ratio
of the mean level spacing at the center of the semicircle (4.25) to the
spectrum span decreases like 1/W (see Fig. 4a).
By measuring energies E in appropriate units, namely
x = -A= , (4.26)
and normalising p to unity, one has
P( E)
Fig. 4. (a): the level density pfi(E], approximated by the semicircular level
density (4.25), of eigenvalues of random matrices for N = 10 (dashed line) and
50 (full line), (b): the density of real roots of a random polynomial (4.38) for
N = 10 (dashed line) and 50 (full line).
32 Oriol Bohigaa
_ f \E\ <
~\ O \E\>
x = E/Jpv'N (4.32)
and the semicircle law (4.27) is still valid. In (4.29), (4.30), (4.31), (4.32),
P =1, 2, 4 for GOE, GUE and GSE respectively. From (4.29) one sees
that the matrix elements of the components of H are:
0 = 1, H=S (4.33)
/3=2, H = S + iA (4.34)
/3 = 4 (see (4.2)) , H = 50eo + A1C1 + A2e: -t- A3C3 . (4.35)
In (4.33), (4.34), (4.35), S (A) denotes a real symmetric (antisymmetric)
matrix. The independent matrix elements of the symmetric matrices are
zero-centered normally distributed like (4.17), (4.18), and those of the
antisymmetric matrices are zero-centered normally distributed with the
same variance v2 except for the diagonal matrix elements which are zero.
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 33
which has equal probabilities for directions within equal solid angles.
This is equivalent to assume that the coefficients a; are statistically
independent and that each is normally distributed with zero mean and
variance 1. One of the simplest problems is to determine the density
of real roots of (4.36). The answer is
E = l
1 1
l JT\ f AT I -t\E*Nfi
^ wl-fi) = (Jv + L)EI [L litE ZX/!
)(i hE 2JV+2\) 1 . I jt Of\\
The total number of real roots, given by the integral of PN(E), tends
asymptotically (large W) to
-hijV (4.40)
34 Oriol Bohigas
which means that there are few real roots. In fact, the fraction of real
roots tends to zero. The function ptf(E), displayed en Fig. 4b, shows
that the real roots tend to concentrate very strongly on +1 and 1.
More precisely, from (4.38) one sees that
= det H .
In other words, choose the x principal sub-matrices of H in all possible
ways. The sum of their determinants, to within a sign, is at. (Definition:
a principal sub-matrix of an N x N matrix H is obtained from H by
suppressing symmetrically (N t) rows and columns. There are
(N\ Nl
\t ) ~
principal x sub-matrices of H).
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 35
To proceed further, one should work out, assuming that the matrix
elements of H are distributed independently according to (4.17), (4.18),
the joint probability density of the a<'s, etc. This line of inquiry, as far
as we know, has not been explored.
In connection with random polynomials, let us finally mention that
there is, as for the semicircle law, a certain insensitivity of the results to
the precise assumptions concerning the distribution of coefficients. For
instance, (4.40) holds also if the coefficients at are taken at random 1
with equal weights.
4.2. Generalisations
The frequent appearance of the semicircle law or related densities as
well as of joint probability distributions of eigenvalues with a structure
similar to (4.30) can be further illustrated in a more general context.
Following Ginibre [46] [4], consider now an ensemble of complex (in
general not Hermitian) NxN matrices J. The eigenvalues will now be
complex. Define the ensemble by
PN(J)dJ (4.45)
and Pff(J) is the Gaussian invariant measure
In (4.46) the superscripts denote the real and imaginary part. The en-
semble (4.45) is invariant under all unitary transformations and (4.47)
implies that the real and imaginary parts of the matrix elements of J are
all independent, zero-centered normally distributed with the same vari-
ance. The joint probability distribution PN(ZI, , 2jv) for the spectrum
,-2,| 2 (4-48)
where z,- are the (generally complex) eigenvalues. The density of eigen-
values PN(Z) is, in the large- N limit, constant in the complex plane
within a circle of radius oc JV1/2 centered at the origin, and zero outside
the circle.
36 Oriol Bohigaa
PN(J) oc exp - - t r ( J 7 - rJJ) J . (4.49)
It is the last relation (4.50) which shows, through the parameter 1 <
T < 1, that correlations among the matrix elements are allowed. One
recovers for T = 1 the case of symmetric matrices (GOE) and for T = 1
the case of antisymmetric matrices. In the N * oo limit, the eigenvalue
density PK(Z) in the complex plane is, similarly to the case (4.47), con-
stant within an ellipse with semiaxes a (real direction) and b (imaginary
direction) given, by choosing appropriate units proportional to JV1/2, by
with a similar law along the imaginary axis. In the limit of symmetric
matrices (r 1), the eigenvalues concentrate on a (real) line and
have been discussed [47]. The average density PN(Z) depends only on
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 37
0 =1 IT
2 S
T5 1.047...
/3 = 2 5*
TT 2
pa A1
-4 0.995...
36TT3" 135 "
Table 2. Small-s behaviour of the spacing distribution p(s) for the Gaussian
Orthogonal (/3 = 1), Unitary (0 = 2) and Symplectic (/3 = 4) Ensembles.
Fu-st column: 2 x 2 matrices. Second column: asymptotic. Third column:
ratio of the first non-vanishing derivative at the origin of the asymptotic over
the 2 x 2 case.
Fig. 5. (a): Spacing distribution p(s) for the 2 x 2 Gaussian ensembles, see
(A.1), (A.2), (A.3). (b): Rz(L), see (3.27), for the Gaussian ensembles (asymp-
totic) as well as for a Poissonian spectrum.
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 39
and, in particular
"y,(i)dx=l, (4.59)
Ort'o/ Bohigas
-0-25 r
b(k) r
-1 O
0-30 !<
Fig. 7. Orthogonal (/3 = 1), Unitary (ft 2) and Symplectic (/? = 4) Ensem-
ble results for: (a) the number variance E2, see (3.25), (G.17), (C.18), (G.19) ;
(b) the Dyson-Mehta statistic A, see (3.30).
42 Oriol Bohigas
where Wj is the surface area of the unit sphere hi Rrf. It follows that the
potential V between two point charges which are |x| apart is
ff=l>?-I>|--y|, (4-67)
* i >
where the first term represents the confining potential which attracts
the charges towards the origin and the second one the electrostatic re-
pulsion between each pair of charges. Let this gas be in thermodynamic
equilibrium at a temperature T. The probability density of the positions
of the N charges is given by
which coincides with (4.30) if we choose appropriate units and make the
identification of ft in (4.30) with 1/kT in (4.68). We therefore have that
44 Oriol Bohigaa
x, - N1I2XiJR , (4.71)
-ln|z,--*|, (4.72)
with et given by (4.3), the dual (or time reversed) of Q, denoted by QR,
has quaternion matrix elements
(QR)0 - fr - (4-75)
In (4.75) the conjugate quaternion q of q is (90, 9i, 92 9s) r
X ~" /j frs*\
9 = 9oeo ~ / s 9/G< i v.4. (D;
a (4.77)
One looks for the function P(H) that minimises J, which is equivalent to
assuming the least possible knowledge about P (H) . In order to confiae
the eigenvalues to a finite range, one imposes a condition on the square
of its norm tr H2. One has then that P (H) should minimise J subject
to the constraints
I Ci (normalisation), (4.79)
j P(H) tr H2 UH = C2 , (4.80)
which leads to
P(H) = 6Xp(A 1 + A2 tr ff2} . (4.81)
By Inserting (4.81) into (4.79), (4.80), one determines the Lagrange mul-
tipliers A1, A2. (4.81) coincides with the GOE joint probability distribu-
tion (4.29). The only information used here has been the invariant mea-
sure (4.12) and the constraints (4.79), (4.80). The statistical indepen-
dence of the matrix elements, instead of being assumed as in Wigner's
original derivation, follows here as a result. Considering the symmetry
properties of the matrix H, one can similarly derive the GUE, GSE as
well as the circular ensembles.
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 49
P(H) = det fi(H) , (4.86)
t,(E)=exp{X(E)). (4.87)
By integrating over the parameters specifying the eigenvectors, as for
(4.20), (4.23), one obtains the joint probability for the eigenvalues
(4.88) contains the Jacobian factor responsible for the fluctuation prop-
erties discussed above. It differs from (4.30) by the argument of the
exponential, which contains the information concerning p(E). In princi-
ple, the function X(E) can be determined by integrating (4.88) over all
variables except one and equating the result to p(E). A simpler approx-
imate method can be used [52,18] leading to an explicit expression for
X(E) ~ -| I dE'p(E') In \E - E'\ . (4.89)
The similarity between the Weyl-Balian ensembles and the Gaussian
ensembles permits, in a small energy range A around E (but large
50 Oriol Bohigas
enough to contain many levels), to fit locally the latter to the former
[18]. Indeed, by choosing
one has
X(E) = -(4CT2)-1 (E - E)2 (4.91)
up to first order in the Taylor expansion about any point inside A.E.
That the orthogonal (or unitary, or symplectic) invariance can be kept
for the Weyl-Balian ensembles can be seen by noticing that, by a proper
choice of a function
The limit in (5.1), (5.2), (5.3) means the large-TV limit. Pandey has
shown [38] not only the ergodic properties of the Gaussian and circular
ensembles but, furthermore, that the n-level cluster functions Yn are sta-
tionary, namely they are translation invariant over the entire spectrum.
Would ergodicity or translation invariance be lacking, it would make no
sense, as we have done, to collect data corresponding to different nuclei
at different excitation energies to form a NDE and then to compare with
GOE predictions.
The results of the analysis of the NDE for the spacing distribution
p ( s ) , the Dyson-Mehta statistic A, the variance E2, the skewness 71 and
excess ^2 of the number statistic, and the two-level form factor b, are
displayed on Figs. 8, 9 and 10 (as we know, there are some redundancies).
52 Oriol Bohigaa
Fig. 8. Left: nearest neighbour spacing histogram for the nuclear data ensemble
(NDE) (taken from [53]). Right: Dyson-Mehtastatistic A for NDE (taken from
[54]). GOE and Poisson predictions are plotted for the sake of comparison.
(L > 1) . (5.5)
(5.4) and (5.5) are consistent with an independent superposition of a
Poissonian and a GOE spectrum (see Appendix D)1 and in (5.5), a is
given by
y2(r) dr . (5.6)
/ 00
For long-range order one must have a = O (see (4.59)). The results are
reproduced in Table 3.
To see pure three- and four-body effects, the values of R^ and R^ (see
(3.23)) have also been extracted from the NDE (see Table 4). In Tables
3 and 4, error bars attached to the theoretical value ( one sample error)
are also shown.
The results of these analyses are quite conclusive and go a considerable
distance toward confirming Wigner's suggestion [56] that "the Hamilto-
nian which governs the behavior of a complicated system is a random
symmetric matrix, with no particular properties except for its symmetric
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 53
NDE (experiment)
2 3 4 L
NDE (experiment)
Fig. 9. Variance S2, skewness 71 and excess "fa of the number statistic for the
nuclear data ensemble (NDE). GOE and Poisson predictions are plotted for the
sake of comparison. (Taken from [36]).
54 Oriol Bohigaa
Fig. 10. Measure of the two-level form factor 6(fc), see (3.21), from the nuclear
data ensemble (NDE). GOE prediction is plotted for the sake of comparison.
(Taken from [55]).
a O -0.02
/3 0.55 0.52
a O 0.005 -0.007
6 0.10 0.02 0.11
C O 44 0.02 0.45
Table 4. Values of R3 and Aj, see (3.23), from the nuclear data ensemble
(NDE) and GOE ( one sample error). (Taken from (36j).
with Dirichlet boundary conditions, say, is discrete and infinite, and ef-
ficient methods have been devised to compute long sequences of levels.
(When referring to "the spectrum of a billiard", it should be under-
stood the spectrum of (5.7) with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the
boundary 3D of the domain D denning the billiard).
On Fig. 11 are displayed the domains of several billiards that we will
find as the story unfolds. On the left are shown the circular and elliptic
billiards, which are integrable. Indeed, besides the energy, the angular
momentum with respect to the center, for the former, and the product
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 57
Pig. 11. Different billiard domains discussed in the text. On the left, regular
billiards: circle and ellipse. On the right, chaotic billiards: Sinai's billiard,
Bunknovich's stadium and a desyrametrised version of it.
58 Oriol Bohigaa
of the angular momenta with respect to the foci, for the latter, is con-
served, leading thus to two independent conserved quantities. On the
right of Fig. 11 are shown three fully chaotic billiards, namely Sinai's
billiard, whose boundary is a square with a reflecting disk at the center,
the Bunimovich stadium already mentioned in Section 2, and a desym-
metrised version of it, where instead of two semicircles as boundaries
one has one semicircle of radius RI and two quarter circles of radii R2
and RZ. This desymmetrised stadium in the presence of a magnetic
field will be discussed in Section 6, when studying time-reversal break-
ing effects. The origin of the chaotic behaviour of Sinai's billiard is the
negative curvature of the obstacle, whereas for the stadium the instabil-
ity mechanism is somewhat less intuitive. small bundle of trajectories
contracts after reflecting on a circular focusing part of the bound-
ary, but subsequently expands in such a way that the synchronisation
of successive contractions is made impossible: expansions prevail over
contractions, producing the stochastic properties of the billiard. More
technically, both Sinai's and Bunimovich's billiards have positive KoI-
mogorov entropy (K-systems). This entropy provides a measure of the
mixing rate of the system, and is related to the mean rate of exponential
separation of trajectories.
What are the fluctuation properties of the spectra corresponding to
these different billiards? Special care must first be paid to (non-generic)
exact symmetries, as with exact quantum numbers when discussing com-
pound nucleus resonances. For the circular billiard, the eigenfunctions
iTi / A\ _ JlL \~imo
(O if
- \\ j.i.,1
M if:t ,.^0 .' 5 = 1,2,... .
In (5.8), Jv is the i/-th Bessel function and kv ,R is the s-th zero of the
j/-th Bessel function
Jv(kVi>R) = O , (5.9)
where R is the radius of the circle. To avoid twofold degeneracies as
implied by (5.8), one considers a semicircular billiard, whose spectrum
is given by the nondegenerate quantised values kv>, with v / O. For
the stadium billiard, as discussed hi Section 2, there are four symme-
try classes and the fluctuation properties, except for the lowest part of
Fig. 13, are analysed considering separately each symmetry class, as im-
plied by the (uncoupled) block structure of the Hamiltonian. For Sinai's
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 59
P(X) A,
5IHQ I'i. LlIIiOI (J
i /Ii /IJ
i: ,A_
Fig. 12. Spectral fluctuations for Sinai's billiard (see Fig. 11). (a) spacing dis-
tribution histogram; (b) Dyson-Mehta statistic. GOE and Poisson predictions
are plotted for the sake of comparison. (Taken from [62]).
2 x
I i ^ ' I
05 Stadium
(mixea \
a i 2 *
Fig. 13. Spacing distribution histogram for the semicircular and stadium bil-
liards (see Fig. 11). Top: semicircular billiard. Middle: stadium billiard with
separate analysis for each symmetry class. Bottom: stadium billiard, disregard-
ing symmetries. GOE and Poisson predictions, as well as, for the last case, the
nrediction corresponding to the superposition of four independent GOE spec-
tra (see (D.10), (D.12)-(D.15)), are plotted for the sake of comparison. (Taken
from [33]).
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 61
HLJj Poisson
o semi.circle
Fig. 14. Variance E2, skewnesa ^i and excess "ft of the number statistic for the
semicircular and stadium billiards (see Fig. 11). GOE and Poisson predictions
are plotted for the sake of comparison. (Taken from [33]).
62 Or/ Bohigas
T2 = 1 and THT l
=H , (5.11)
Fig. 15. Spacing distribution histogram for the spectrum of the Hamiltonian
(5.12). Top: without the last term in (5.12). Middle: with a ^ O or b ^ O in
(5.12). Bottom: with a ^ O and b + O. The GOE, GUE and GSE predictions
(see Fig. 5 and (A.1), (A.2), (A.3)) are also plotted for the sake of comparison.
(Taken from [65]).
66 Oriol Bohigas
p(s,Nmax)=^NPN(S)/N^N ? (5.18)
i / i
Fig. 16. Spacing distributions p(-*} for two uncoupled harmonic oscillators
(5.13), with frequency ratio eqir.. t-~ the golden mean. See text for Turther
explanation. (Taken from [67]}.
7.0 :-
21.0 -
23.0 E-
200 L
21.0 22.0 23.C Zi.D x 25.G 25.3
Fig. 17- Upper part: fitted potential V(x) to eigenvalues of a 500 X 500 GOE
matrix. Lower part: V(x) in the interval 21 < ar < 26, to show the details of
the potential. (Taken from [69]).
70 OrM Bohigaa
the smooth behaviour of V (x). The experiment has been performed for
JV = 500. Would the algorithm converge in the limit of large N ? In
the affirmative, how singular would be the resulting V(x) ? This exper-
iment, literally, seems to provide a counterexample to the universality
conjecture. Clearly, a better understanding, in particular of the above
questions, is needed.
Concerning non-generic chaotic systems not fitting the general scheme,
we mention tiling billiards on surfaces of negative curvature [34], [7O].
Despite being chaotic, these systems show Poissonian fluctuations, as
discussed in detail by Schmit [16]. It is important to notice that these
tiling billiards are also non-generic, among a large class of chaotic bil-
liards, from two further points of view. Namely, they constitute the
only case for which the Gutzwiller trace formula is exact, and they are
most probably the only systems of bounded geodesic motion that can
be exactly coded with both finite alphabet and grammar rules [70,71].
These three exceptional features are certainly not disconnected.
A very special and interesting case, discussed in detail in Berry's
lectures [12], deserves here a brief comment. The Riemann Hypoth-
esis states that all the non-trivial zeros (zeros different from s =
2, 4, 6,...) of Riemann's f-function, defined by
Y 2 (L)
2.0 GUE
L 3
Fig. 18. Skewness ^i and excess -72 of the number variance corresponding to
the imaginary part En of the zeros Sn = 1/2 + iEn of the Riemann f function,
compared to the result of eigenvalues of random matrices of the unitary ensem-
ble. The data, provided by A.M. Odlyzko [72], correspond to the analysis of a
stretch of 10s consecutive zeros starting at the (2 X 1011 + l)-th zero.
72 OnW Bohigas
Until now, with the exception of some non-generic cases, we have ex-
clusively given evidence which is consistent with the general scheme of
universality classes. We shall now give evidences which show departures
from it. For that purpose, it is convenient to study the level deviation ,
see (2.39). On Fig. 19 is compared the behaviour of a Poissonian spec-
trum and of an integrable (separable) system; on Fig. 20 the behaviour
of eigenvalues of a random matrix and of eigenvalues of a quantum sys-
tem whose classical analogue is chaotic. Notice the difference in scale
for the ordinates in Figs. 19 and 20. With no need of sophisticated
statistical measures, the mere inspection of the figures reveals that the
n 6n plot does not fit the previous general scheme. The long excursions
of 6n far from zero for a Poissonian spectrum are typical of Brownian
motion. In contrast, eigenvalues of the integrable system are not allowed
to wander far from zero and rather exhibit periodicities with military
precision. Similarly, although less visible, the deviations from zero for
the eigenvalues of the chaotic system show periodic components which
are not present in the spectrum of the random matrix; notice also that
the amplitude of the deviations Sn in Fig. 20 are smaller than in Fig. 19.
Before we discuss the origin of this phenomenon, let us mention that
the n Sn plot, as first pointed out by Schmit et al. [74] when studying
the spectrum of a billiard in the presence of a magnetic field, provides
an efficient detector of missing or spurious levels especially suited for
chaotic systems. This may be important from an experimental as well
as from a computational point of view. Observe first that the levels
deviate with a small amplitude from zero. Assume, for instance, that
the 1400-th level has been missed. As a consequence, from n =: 1400
onwards, the computed value of Sn would not fluctuate around zero,
as it should, but rather around 1, and this would be clearly visible on
the plot. Analogously, would there be around 1400 a spurious level, Sn
would not fluctuate from n ~ 1400 onwards around zero, as it should,
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 73
t ..,,..,
OO UOO 1400
. i
, , I
Fig. 19. Fluctuating part of the counting function N(E) as expressed by the
level deviation Sn, see (2.39), for a slice [1000-2000] of 1000 levels, (a) from a
Poiflsonian spectrum with the centroid adjusted, (b) from the two uncoupled
anisotropic quartic oscillators b = 7T/4, ^ = O in (2.20) for levels with
reflection symmetry (+,+); the unfolding is performed using (2.35). (Taken
from [24]).
74 Oriol Bohigaa
-'JOO UOO 1400 1600 iaoo 2000
Fig. 20. Fluctuating part of the counting function N(E) as expressed by the
level deviation 6n, see (2.39), for a slice [1000-2000] of 1000 levels, (a) from
a 5000-dimensional GOE matrix; the spectrum is unfolded analytically using
Wigner's semicircle law (4.30). (b) from the two coupled anisotropic quartic
oscillators 6 7T/4, g=-0.60 in (2.20) for levels with reflection symmetry
(+, +); the unfolding is performed using (2.35). (Taken from [24]).
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 75
where p(E) is the level density of the (scaled) energy spectrum, will
show distinct peaks, which can be identified with the periods of the short
periodic orbits whose instability is relatively weak. Two examples are
given in Fig. 21. The upper part of the figure corresponds to the stadium
billiard. For the particular case of billiards, the periods are, of course,
directly proportional to the length of the periodic orbit. The first and
most prominent peak can be identified with the family of non-isolated
two-bounce orbits which hit the straight-line boundary perpendicularly
(see Fig. 11). The subsequent peaks correspond to longer (and isolated)
orbits. Similar features can be seen for the power spectrum of the two
coupled quartic oscillators displayed on the lower part of the figure.
76 Oriol Bohigaa
30 -
10 15
0.9 -
0.8 -
0.7 -
0.6 -
0.5 -
0.4 -
0.3 -
0.2 -
0.1 -
Fig. 21. Power spectra corresponding to two chaotic systems, illustrating the
role of periodic orbits. Upper part: for the stadium billiard (taken from [76]).
Lower part: for the Hamiltonian (2.27), from the lowest 60 states of a given
symmetry class (taken from [77]).
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 77
for regular and chaotic systems [82]. The information contained in these
sum rules can be translated in terms of some of the two-point fluctua-
tion measures discussed above. For instance, the large-r (at the inner
scale) behaviour OfV 2 (O 3^ predicted by RMT, see (C.4), (C.5), can be
recovered for chaotic systems with or without time reversal invariance
[82], [18]. Concerning the two-level form factor 6(A:), see (3.21), Berry
obtains [78]
, ... .... ( 1- k non time-reversal - .
for small A; b(k)
v = < , . .. , v(5.23)
' ^ 1 - 2fc time-reversal '
for large k b(k) -> O , (5.24)
in agreement with GUE and GOE predictions (see (C.1O)-(C.12)). It
should be understood that small k does not mean k close to zero but
rather k > k', where fc* is estimated from the period of the shortest
periodic orbit (see Berry's lectures [12]).
In summary, the semiclassical Gutzwiller trace formula has been very
successfully used to predict spectral fluctuations at the outer-scale en-
ergy resolution. To achieve inner-scale resolution, problems remain. Fur-
ther progress made to better understand the validity of the uniformity
principle may indicate, for instance, how to interpolate between the
small- and large-fc regime for 6(A;), and to investigate if higher than two-
point functions can be semiclassically derived. It is worth noticing that
level repulsion, i.e. small inner-scale behaviour, has resisted until now
semiclassical analysis. And it may turn out that the periodic orbit for-
malism is not the ideal probe for the study of such fine scales of the
spectrum [18].
(U i-
U >
Oj O
Fig. 22. Resonances of microwave cavities, (a) Part of the spectrum of a sta-
dium shaped cavity, the abscissa corresponds to the frequency in GHz. (b)
Histogram of the spacings between successive eigenfrequencies for a Sinai
billiard shaped cavity, shown in the inset of (c); a total of 1002 eigenfrequen-
cies has been registered hi the range 1-18 GHz. The dotted line corresponds
to a Wigner distribution, Eq. (A.I). Inset: histogram of spacings of eigenfre-
quencies for a rectangular shaped cavity (integrable), compared to a Poisson
distribution, Eq. (3.33); 314 eigenfrequencies below 11 GHz are included. The
loss of close-lying eigenfrequencies can be experimentally understood, (c) Power
spectrum of the Sinai billiard shaped cavity, shown at the inset. Each peak in
the power spectrum corresponds to a classical periodic orbit. (Taken from [83]).
Fig. 22c the measured power spectrum is displayed, showing the role of
the classical periodic orbits (compare, for instance, to Figs. 12a and 21).
This experiment should not only be viewed as confirming what we
already knew from numerical computations, but rather as opening the
door to measurements which can go far beyond present computing abil-
ities. For instance, resonance frequencies of cavities with complicated
shapes, "amoeba shapes", can be probably measured and the evolution
of the eigenfrequencies when the shape changes is attainable. Com-
plicated shapes, reminiscent of the succession of shapes of an atomic
nucleus when undergoing fission, for instance, should be investigated.
One should also remark that it is much easier to go from two to three-
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 81
O 5. 000
IO. 000
0 (1KHz)
Fig. 23. Power spectral densities of ultrasound acoustic emission of a small
alumin um block, a) 20-fcHz span of the spectrum, b) 20-kHz span of the
spectrum of the same block, with a different orientation of the structure. (Taken
from [87]).
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 83
Fig. 24. Statistical properties of natural frequencies of alumin urn blocks, (a)
Histogramme of 313 spacings between successive eigenfrequencies obtained from
the combined spaciaga of two blocks; GOE (solid curve), GUE and Poisson
(dotted curves) predictions are displayed for the sake of comparison, see Fig. 5a.
(b) Number variance E2 from the eigenfrequencies of one alumin um block;
GOE and Poisson predictions are displayed for the sake of comparison, see
Fig. 7a. See text for further explanation. (Taken from [87]).
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 85
H = HO + -fffaraak (6-1)
H0 = S(vz) (6.2)
. (6.4)
(6.4) is valid when the dimensionality of the matrix is even, but the
result can be extended for the odd case. It is convenient to use the
normalisation 2u2(l + a2) = 1.
86 Or to I Bohigas
Notice that the structure of (6.4) is similar to (4.30). The last factor
in (6.4), in the a > O limit, is equal to one, whereas in the a * 1 limit, it
is proportional to |A|. Therefore, one recovers the /3 = 1 and 2 !uniting
cases, see (4.30). Notice also that (6.4) has not the structure corre-
sponding to a Coulomb gas with an inverse temperature intermediate
between /3 = 1 and /3 = 2, see (4.30), (4.68).
As for the GOE and GUE case, the density of eigenvalues of (6.4), in
the large-JV limit, is a semicircle. The n-level correlation functions Rn
are known for arbitrary a, n and W.
What is important, physically, is to identify the transition parameter X
which interpolates the n-level cluster functions between GOE and GUE.
As first derived by French and collaborators [92]-[94], it is given by the
ratio of the root mean square of a typical symmetry-breaking matrix
element over the mean level spacing D
RMS (gbreak)
Remember, in (6.7) Hbreak means that part of H which breaks the sym-
metry of HO, see (6.1). In terms of the parameters denning the ensemble,
see (6.1)-(6.3), the transition parameter is given by
(6 8)
The expressions for the n-level cluster functions Yn(Xi, . . . , Xn; A) for the
large- N limit of the unfolded spectrum are reproduced in Appendix E.
As can be checked, for A = O one recovers the GOE expressions, and the
A > oo limit gives the GUE expressions.
For fixed a and v, the local mean spacing D(E) = l/p(E) decreases
like JV"1/2, hence A is proportional to i/N and tends to infinity for
large JV. Therefore, in the large-JV limit, when TRI is broken (a ^ O),
the ensemble (6.l)-(6.3) undergoes an instantaneous transition to GUE
fluctuations. However, when going to the large JV limit, but keeping
the ratio av/D finite, the transition is not abrupt. For instance, on
Fig. 25 is plotted the two-level cluster function, see (E.6), for two values
of A. The results corresponding to /3 = 1 (A = O) and ,0 = 2 (A -* oo),
see Fig. 6a, are smoothly interpolated. Notice that the effects of the
symmetry breaking tire, for a fixed value of A, much stronger for small
than for large values of r (remember that r is measured in units of the
mean spacing D). In fact, in terms of A, the transition in the slope of V2
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 87
\=0 1
: 15 2
i -ti
Y,(r) - \
\ \=0.3
03 *
Fig. 25. The two-level cluster function for two values of the transition parame-
ter A describing the GOE > GUE transition (see (E.6)). Upper part: A = 0.1 ;
lower part: A = 0.3.
88 Oriol Bokigaa
Fig. 26. Some periodic orbits in Bunimovich's stadium. Except for the top-
right orbit, which is self-retracing, the others are non-self-retracing. (Taken
from [97]).
These types of billiards have simple scaling properties. If one scales
the size of the billiard Ln such a way that the surface 5 is multiplied
by 7, S' = T/S, the spectrum changes by E\ = r\~lEi provided that the
magnetic field is scaled by B' i]~lB. The parameter characterising the
system is therefore the magnetic flux $ = eBS which has dimensions
of an action and which will be measured in units of h. Keeping $ < 1
ensures that, even for the low energy part of the spectrum, see (6.12),
the circular (regular) orbits will not affect the quantum spectrum.
In Berry's semiclassical approach [12,78,79], the difference between
GOE and GUE arises from the general existence of pairs of periodic or-
bits. Indeed, as shown on Fig. 26, in the absence of magnetic field, there
are two types of periodic orbits, self-retracing and non-self-retracing
ones. Most of the periodic orbits are pairs of non-self-retracing ones and
they contribute in phase to the periodic orbit sum. The factor of two
difference in the slope of the form factor b(k) at the origin, see (5.23), be-
tween TRI and NTRI systems, can be traced back to the following fact:
when TRI is broken, the phase coherence among orbit pairs is destroyed.
However, when a weak magnetic field is applied, one expects that the
breaking of phase coherence among orbit pairs /ill occur smoothly and
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 91
In (6.15), L(t) is the orbital angular momentum and the integral is taken
over a full period of the unperturbed orbit. The effect of the perturba-
tion on the two-level cluster function can be estimated semiclassically.
One is led to an expression which is identical to the one describing the
GOE > GUE transition, namely Eq. (E.7), if one identifies the transition
parameter A with the magnetic flux $, to within a multiplicative factor
[96]. Results for the Dyson-Mehta statistic are displayed on Fig. 27. As
can be seen, the GOE > GUE transition seems to reproduce the calcu-
lated values very well and A is indeed proportional to $, as predicted by
the semiclassical theory. However, it should be noticed that at scales of
one mean spacing or less, as seen for instance in Ri(L), there seem to
be some inconsistencies which are not fully understood.
The previous discussion differs, in several respects, from Berry and
Robnik [98] who found, and explained, some GUE fluctuation properties
for the case of a billiard perturbed by a single magnetic flux line
the Aharonov-Bohm billiard. In Rf. [98], what was considered is the
semiclassical limit of magnetic flux fixed and h > O, in which case the
transition GOE > GUE is abrupt, as when taking a ^ O in (6.3).
What we have considered here is h small (but fixed) and a small flux $,
corresponding to A finite in (6.8).
Let us finally point out that for the problem just discussed, what mat-
ters is the (linear) paramagnetic term in (6.14). Indeed, both periodic
orbits of a degenerate pair have equal and opposite angular momenta so
that, for a pair, the paramagnetic term generates a difference in action
(6.15). However, both periodic orbits have the same q coordinates, so
92 Oriol Bohigas
Fig. 27. Illustration of the GOE > GUE transition. Dyson-Mehta statistic
A(L) from the spectrum of a charged particle in a deaymmetrised stadium,
see Fig. 11, with a constant magnetic field. The small circles denote values
obtained from the computed spectrum for different values of the magnetic &\ix:
(a) $ = O ; (b) $ = 0.05 ; (c) $ = 0.10 ; (d) $ = 0.20. The thin continuous
Une corresponds to different valu . of the transition parameter A (see (E.6) and
(3.3O)) : (a) A = O ; (b) A = 0.75 ; (c) A = 0.15 ; (d) A = 0.30. Poisson
(P), GOE (0 = 1) and GUE (ft = 2) curves are displayed for the sake of
comparison. (Taken from [96]).
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 93
that the (quadratic) diamagnetic term does not break the degeneracy in
action and is uninteresting from the point of view of TRI breaking. In
contrast, when studying the regular towards chaotic transition for the
diamagnetic Kepler problem, the term generating chaotic dynamics is
the diamagnetic ona, quadratic in the field, whereas the paramagnetic
term is uninteresting from the point of view of that transition [14] .
Fig. 30. Poincar surfaces of section showing the effect of rotations on billiards:
(a) elliptic billiard, without rotation (taken from [106]) ; (b) stadium billiard ro-
tating around its center (taken from [104]) ; (c) elliptic billiard rotating around
its center (taken from [104]).
10 15 20
Fig. 32. Moment of inertia as a function of the angular velocity for 27 particles
in an elliptic billiard rotating around its center. (Taken from [105]).
very high. In the limit where the hole is closed, the two billiards act
independently and the resulting spectral fluctuations can be interpreted
by superposing two GOE spectra, weighted by the relative density of
levels (i.e. at the semiclassical approximation the energy-shell Liouville
measure) of each billiard. The independent superposition of two GOE
spectra is of course equivalent to an ensemble of block diagonal GOE
matrices, each block having a size proportional to the relative density
of levels of the billiard it is associated to. At the opposite, if the hole
is very large, a full GOE matrix will be appropriate. In-between, it is
natural to look for a transition ensemble [94], namely an ensemble of
block diagonal GOE matrices connected via a weak GOE-like coupling
provided by the off-diagonal blocks.
As shown by French et al. [94], once the relative dimensionalities
of the diagonal blocks are fixed (here by the energy-shell volume of
each billiard), the only parameter entering the transition theory is the
transition parameter, given by (6.7), where the numerator is the root
mean square of the off-diagonal block elements and D the total mean
spacing. In other words, once A is fixed, all the statistical quantities
are determined, being those of two uncoupled GOE for A = O and of a
full GOE in the limit A > oo. When a chaotic region is separated by
two slightly connected regions, it can be shown [110] that the transition
parameter A is related to the flux <p (i.e. the energy-shell volume per
unit time) exchanged from one region to the other. Namely, one has to
leading order in k
jor role, giving an effective separation of the chaotic phase space in five
slightly connected subrogions. By measuring the energy-shell volume of
these regions and the flux connecting them, it is possible to predict for
instance the number variance S 2 (r) and the two-point function Ri(f)
which are compared to the actual data on Fig. 34. As can be seen, the
statistical theory correctly reproduces the results of the actual compu-
Besides spectral statistics, there are some consequences of classical
transport having direct physical interest, such as the localisation of wave-
functions. Indeed, for small enough fluxes, the eigenfunctions will be
localised in one region. The square norm of the projection of a function
<&/ localised in region / onto the subspace associated with region J is
on the average
The Random Matrix Theories we have discussed were invented by
Wigner in the SO's to describe properties of the compound nucleus res-
onances. These theories have permeated a considerable amount of at
first sight unrelated physical phenomena as well as of purely mathe-
matical objects. They have, in particular, led to discover new properties
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 103
R 2 (r)i
Fig. 34. Results for the spectral fluctuations and comparison with different
models. Top: number variance S2(r). Bottom: the measure RZ(T) (see
Eq. (3.27)); notice the difference in abscissa, (a) one GOE; (b) five GOE blocks
weighted according to the fractions of total phase space volume, the blocks are
decoupled; (c) from the theory discussed in Subsection 6.4, namely like (b) but
within blocks coupled by the XH as given by the classical dynamics; (d) from
the 16000-th to the 22000-th eigenenergies of the coupled quartic oscillators,
case (f, 6) = (-0.35, JT/4) the regular leveb (~ 12%) have been subtracted
out; (e) from a Poissonian spectrum, for the sake of comparison. See text for
further explanation. (Taken from [24,110]).
104 Oriol Bofiigaa
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 105
19 A
Unitary (ft = 2) P(B) = ^s2 exp(--s2) (A.2)
218 64
Symplectic (ft = 4) p() = 5 <exp(- s2) (A.3)
.M--:= (B.!)
O i=0 (B.5)
The n-level cluster functions Yn(xi,..., Xn) are given by
0 1 Vl \ I \ fo-l \ I \\
0 = 1 F 2 (X) = .'(X) - (S1(TTX) - TTE(X))
Small-a; behaviour
7 2 7 4 3 4
v I T T 3 T 4 ir> \
Large-x behaviour
Small-x behaviour
Large-x behaviour
(7T/2)sin2rx l + cos22rx
^j fc >x
SmalW: behaviour 6(fc) = 1 - 2fc + 2fc + (C.10)
Large-fc behaviour b(k) = (l/12fc2) + (l/80fc4) + - (C.ll)
ft = 2 (L) - (
^ -4 B2(L) = (163T4/2025)L6 + - - - (C.16)
0 =2 E| = ^?[ln(2rL)+-+l-cos(27rL)-Ci(27rL)l+L[l--Si(27rL)l
0=1 E^(L)- 2S^(L) + (Si(TrL) /Tr)2 -Si(7rL)/7T (C.18)
^=4 E2(L) = (1/2)E2(2L) + (Si(27rL)/27r)2 (C.19)
Large-L behaviour
For the number statistic S2(L) and the Dyson-Mehta least square devi-
ation A(L),
Random matrices and chaotic dynamics 109
The nearest neighbour spacing distribution p ( s ) , in terms of P(J)(S),
is [4]
* (D.ll)
^w= n ()(/")
D(x; A)
V 1 e-2A**3dA; ; (E.3)
' TT JT Jb
and, for GSE - GUE (A = O, GSE; A-KJO, GUE),
1 f* sin fci 2Aata
;; A) = -ir!^e^ad)fc (E.4)
fc . (E.5)
For GOE -* GUE,
sin JTI \ a
vrz /
JT Jo J, t
fc a
- -- i- [k sintee*f* /') dJbx
jr'a;2 Jo
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