Asokan P PDF
Asokan P PDF
Asokan P PDF
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D., Environmental Science & Engineering, 2007- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
M.Tech., Public Health &Env. Engg, 2000- Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India
B.E., Civil Engineering, Annamalai University, 1989-Tamil Nadu, India
Recycling industrial wastes (thermal power plants fly ash, aluminium. copper, zinc, steel industry wastes,
GRP waste, mineral processing & mining wastes, rubber tire wastes) and agro-wastes) into an advanced
composite materials.
Synthesis and development of innovative construction materials in commercial scale (Timber / wood, bricks,
block, concrete, ceramics, plastic and FRP products)
Development of fibres reinforced composites, particulates reinforced composites, glossy finish and
lightweight polymer composites, hybrid composites as an alternative to plastic, timber, synthetic wood (MDF,
particle board, rice husk board, play wood), FRP / GRP products.
Creates opportunities for setting-up industry for manufacturing advanced composites for application in floor
tiles, false ceiling, roofing, portions, wall panels, furniture, architectural exterior and interior cladding panels in
building construction and locomotive industry (birth and partition panels, bath room toilet door, floor tiles) and
in transport system.
Natural fibres (jute, sisal, banana, palm, coconut coir, hemp and pineapple, flax fibres) processing, fine yarn
and textile preparation for making advanced composite, fully biodegradable composite materials for
automotive applications.
Sisal fibre potential for rural employment and income generation and engineering applications
Fly ash utilisation in building materials, converting wasteland into a fertile land, land reclamation, improve the
agricultural productivity, studies on long-term impact of fly ash on ground water quality, soil fertility, crops
yield, food quality and environmental impact assessment.
Sustainable natural resources management for construction industry and contribution to prevent
environmental contamination and climate change & global warming issues.
Toxic and hazardous waste immobilization, safe management and recycling into a value added engineering
Fellowship and International Exposure
Fulbright- Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship, United States India Education
Foundation (USIEF) New Delhi and USA, 2014-2015. Adjunct faculty, Washington State University, USA.
Sir CV Raman Research Fellowship, National Fellowship, CSIR, Government of India, 2010-2011. Visiting
Academic, the University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Industrial Poster Award of 2015 World of Coal Ash. Awarded by American Coal Ash Association
(ACAA), the University of Kentucky and the Electric Power Research Institute, USA for the Excellence in
the field of Fly ash research for the most outstanding presentation. Tennessee, USA.
The best paper Award. Synthesis of biodegradable polymer polylactide (PLA) by ring opening
polymerization using Tin catalyst. National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research, Bhopal.
The best poster presentation Award. Investigation of fibre treatment on fibre / matrix adhesion and
physico-mechanical properties of sisal reinforced polyester composites. Materials Research Society of India.
The best paper Award: The most cited paper between 2005 and 2008: Asokan, P., Saxena, M., Asolekar,
SR., Solid Wastes generation in India and their recycling potential in building materials. Elseviers Jr. Building
and Environment, 2008.
The best poster presentation Award. Reclamation of water sheds with bulk utilization of fly ash for
sustainable agriculture. Indian Society of Soil Survey and land Use Planning, Nagpur. 2008.
Three CSIR Foundation Day Awards by CSIR-AMPRI for (i) The best initiated project of societal / rural
impact, (ii) Highest external cash flow received from external sponsor / industry, (iii) Best completed project.
The best paper Award among all environmental related Elsevier journals: Asokan P., Saxena M.,
Asolekar SR., Coal Combustion Residues- Environmental Implications and Recycling Potentials. Virtual
Journal of Environmental Sustainability, Elsevier Science Press. 2005-2006.
The best poster presentation Award. Non-hazardous building materials from hazardous waste. Indian
Environnemental Association (IEA), Mumbai 2005.
National Award. Ministry of Power, MOEF and DST for R&D work done in the country in the area of fly ash
utilization in building materials, agriculture and value added applications (Institutional Award). 2005.
Young Scientist Award. Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, Government of Madhya
Pradesh, India, 1998.
Professional Experience: 26 years Research & Development
Overview: Basic & applied research. R&D and technology demonstration project planning, implementation and
execution in laboratory and in pilot scale at different parts of the country. Testing, characterisation, evaluation,
validation and process optimisation; Industrial interaction, services to research & consultancy programme.,
Writing reports, publications. Establishment of lab facilities, infrastructure, equipment for R&D, technology
enabling center. Services to institutes activities to improve the performance and progress of the Institute. Details
of the work done and my research strength is as shown below.
Successfully completed 16 R&D and Technology demonstration projects having value of more than 105 million
INR and currently working on hybrid natural fibre polymer composites, particulates composites, light weight
composites, biodegradable composites, sandwich composites using natural fibres reinforced polymeric skin
materials with aluminium foam core for general engineering applications on the CSIR 12th plan programme
Publications (Highlights)
1. Thakur MK., Thakur VK., Gupta RK., Asokan P.. Synthesis and Applications of Biodegradable Soy Based
Graft Copolymers: A Review. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 4 (1), 117, 2016. Impact Factor 4.64
2. Asokan P., Patil V., Jain S., Mahindrakar A., Thakur VK. Advances in industrial prospective of cellulosic
macromolecules enriched banana biofibre resources: A review. International Journal of Biological
Macromolecules. 79: 449458, 2015. Impact factor 3.22.
3. Haque R., Saxena M., Shit SC., Asokan P. Fibre-matrix Adhesion and Properties Evaluation of Sisal
Polymer Composite. Fibers and Polymers. 16(1): 146-152, 2015. Impact Factor 1.113.
4. Asokan P., Saxena M., Haque R., Sharma A. Recent Advances on Fly ash Particulates and Biofiber
Reinforced Lightweight Hybrid Sandwich Composites. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and
Technology. 2 (10): 2914-2923, 2013. Impact Factor 1.76.
5. Ruhi H, Saxena M., Shit SC., Asokan P. N-methyl benzyl amine Thallium cyclometallic compound as a
catalyst for ring opening polymerization. Research journal of Chemistry and Environment. 17(2): 35-41,
2013. Impact Factor 0.6.
6. Ruhi H, Saxena M., Shit SC., Asokan P. Cyclometallic Zirconium compound in ring opening polymerization
of L-Lactide to Biodegradable Polylactide. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 25(17), 2013. Impact Factor 0.3.
7. Asokan P., Firdous M., Sonal W. Properties and potential of bio fibres, bio binders and bio composites.
Rev. Advanced Materials Science. 30(3):254-261, 2012. Impact Factor 1.017.
8. Asokan P., Saxena M., and Asolekar S. R. Recycling hazardous jarosite waste using coal combustion
residues. Materials Characterisation, 61: 1342-1355, 2010. Impact Factor 1.88.
9. Asokan P., Osmani M., Price ADF. Improvement of the mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced
plastic waste powder filled concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 24 (4): 448-460, 2010. Impact
Factor 2.293.
10. Ansarifar A., Osmani M., Wang L., Yoong KK. and Asokan P. Characterisation and use of glass fibre
reinforced plastic waste powder as filler in styrene-butadiene rubber. Journal of Rubber Research, 133: 19-
33, 2010. Impact Factor 0.64.
11. Asokan P., Osmani M., Price ADF. Assessing the recycling potential of glass fibre reinforced plastic waste
in concrete and cement composites. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17 :821829, 2009. Impact Factor
12. Ansarifar A., Wang L., Osmani M., Asokan P. Assessing the Effect of thermoset polyester resin waste
powder on the processing and mechanical properties of natural rubber. Journal of Rubber Research, 12(1):
12-26, 2009. Impact Factor 0.64.
13. Saxena M., Morchhale RK., Asokan P. and Prasad B.K. Plant fibre-industrial wastes reinforced polymer
composites as a potential wood substitute material. Composite Materials, 42(4), 367-384, 2008. Impact
Factor 1.068
14. Asokan P., Saxena M., and Asolekar SR. Solid wastes generation in India and their recycling potentials for
developing building materials. Building and Environment, 42, 2311-2320, 2007. Impact Factor 2.430.
15. Asokan P., Saxena M., and Asolekar SR. Hazardous jarosite use in developing non-hazardous product for
engineering application. Journal of Hazardous Materials, B137, 1589 1599, 2006. Impact Factor 4.144.
16. Asokan P., M. Saxena and S.R. Asolekar. Jarosite characteristics and its utilisation potentials. Science of
the Total Environment. 359: 232-243, 2006. Impact Factor 3.399.
17. Asokan P., Saxena M., and Asolekar SR. Coal Combustion Residues- Environmental Implications and
Recycling Potentials. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 43 (4): 239-252, 2005. Impact Factor 2.319.
18. Asokan P., Saxena M., Aparna and Asolekar SR., Characteristics variation of coal combustion residues in
an Indian ash pond. Waste Management & Research, 22, 265-275, 2004. Impact Factor 1.222.
19. Aparna A., Saxena M., Asokan P. Fungal Erogosterol as an indicator of Heavy metal accumulation in soils
amended with Coal ash. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 13(1): 16-20, 2004. Impact Factor 0.43.
20. Gupta, N., Jain, A.K., Asokan. P. Mechanical characterization of fully bio-degradable jute fabric reinforced
polylactic acid composites. Int. Journal of Adv. Eng. Res. and Studies, E-ISSN22498974, 111-113, 2014.
21. Preeti V., Savita D., Asokan P. Biodegradation of Coir - Epoxy Composites. Applied Polymer Composites
1(2): 75-84, 2013.
22. Asokan P., Saxena M., and Asolekar SR. Waste to Wealth -Cross Sector Waste Recycling Opportunity and
Challenges. Canadian Journal on Environmental, Construction and Civil Engineering, 2 (3): 14-23, 2011.
23. Saxena M., Asokan P., Murali S., Yadav B., and Sangeeta S. Pilot-scale demonstration study of the impact
of fly ash on soil fertility and crop yield. Land Contamination & Reclamation, 18 (4): 345-353, 2011.
24. Saxena M., Mehrotra P., and Asokan P. Innovative building materials from natural fibre and industrial
waste. Land Contamination & Reclamation, 18 (4):355-363, 2011.
25. Osmani M and Asokan P. An Assessment of the Compressive Strength of Glass Reinforced Plastic Waste
Filled Concrete for Potential Applications in Construction. Concrete Research Letters. 1(1): 1-5, 2010.
26. Yadav B., Saxena M., and Asokan P. Influence of the physical properties of coal combustion residues on
primary nutrients, heavy metals, crop yield and food quality. Indian Journal of Applied Life Sciences, 3 (2), 1-
7, 2007.
27. Asokan P., Saxena M.,Yadav B., and Verma M. Wheat crop (Triticum aestivum) productivity of
waterlogged soil inflenced by physical properties of coal combustion residues. Ecology Environment and
Conservation, 12 (1): 25-34, 2005.
28. Saxena M., Dhimole L., Tiwari S., and Asokan P. Blue dust and fly ash as raw materials for paints. Metal
Materials and Processing, 17(.2): 141-148, 2005.
29. Aparna A., Saxena M., Asokan P. Soil health of sandy soil profile amended with fly ash- A case study.
Chemical & Environmental Research, 13 (3&4): 181-194, 2004.
30. Saxena M., Asokan P. and Aparna C. Effect of fly ash on clay soil. Clay Research. 17(2): 109-144, 1998.
31. Saxena M., Aparna C. and Asokan P. Flyash Vermi-compost from non eco friendly organic waste. Pollution
Research. 17 (1):5-11, 1998.
32. Saxena M., Asokan P., Srimanth S., Aparna C. and Sangeeta M. Influence of fly ash on vegetation. Journal
of Environment Studies and Policy. 1(1):55-60, 1998.
33. Saxena M., Asokan P., Sangeeta M. and Aparna C. Impact of fly ash phase constituents on wasteland
soils. Environment & Energy Conservation. 4 (4): 229-234, 1998.
34. Saxena M., Asokan P., Srimanth S., Aparna C. and Sangeeta M. Mobilisation of nutrients in black cotton
soil amended with fly ash. Chemical and Environmental Research.6 (3&4):217-228, 1997.
1. Asokan P. and Osmani M. Potential of Glass Reinforced Plastic Waste- an additive in rubber and concrete
composites for construction activities. Construction World. 15(10), pp.156-160, 2013.
2. Saxena M., and Asokan P. Wood substitute materials from industrial wastes. Science Tech Entrepreneur.
Bhopal India. pp 1-8, Mar. 2011.
3. Saxena M., and Asokan P. Sisal-Potential for Employment Generation. Science Tech Entrepreneur.
Bhopal, India. pp 1-8, Jan.2011.
4. Saxena M., and Asokan P. Utilisation of bauxite red mud in wood substitute composites. In: The
International Committee for the Study of Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium (eds.). ICSOBA Newsletter. India.
pp3: 9-19, 2010.
5. Saxena M. and Asokan P. Fly ash Generation, characterization and recycling potential. In: Sayed Aftab.
Iqbal (Ed.). Pollution The Ugly face of Environment. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. pp. 65-
79, 2010.
6. Saxena M., Asokan P. and Morchhale RK. Agro- industrial wastes: Recycling and utilization for the
development of new millennium building materials RRL Bhopal expertise. In: Building Materials &
Technology Promotion Council. Building Materials News letter. World Habitat Day, The millennium
Development Goals and the City. BMTPC, India. pp. 26-29. 2005.
7. Saxena M., and Asokan P. Alternative building construction materials. Science Tech Entrepreneur, India,
11(12), pp. 3-6, 2003.
8. Saxena M., Asokan P. and Murali S. Banjar Bhumi Vikas evam Krishi hetu Udan Rakh ka Upayog. Krishi
Panchang. 5(2), pp. 15-19, 2002.
Book Chapters
1. Osmani M. and Asokan, P. Sustainable composites: Glass reinforced plastic waste filled concrete. Wiley
Encyclopedia of Composites, Second Edition. Edited by Luigi Nicolais and Assunta Borzacchiello. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2011.
2. Saxena M., Asokan P., Anusha, S, Ruhi, H., and Sonal W. Composite Materials from Natural Resources:
Recent Trends and Future Potentials. In: Pavla Tesinova(Eds.). Advances in Composite Materials - Analysis
of Natural and Man-Made Materials. InTech, publisher, Croatia. ISBN 978-953-307-449-8. pp. 6:121-162,
3. Saxena M., Asokan P., Ruhi B., and Sharma A. Sisal fibre based polymer composites and their
applications. In: Susheel Kalia, B.S. Kaith, Inderjeet Kaur, (eds) Cellulose Fibers, Bio-, and Nano- Polymer
Composites, Springer- Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN: 3642173691. pp. 22: 21-75, 2011.
4. Asokan P., Saxena M., Asolekar SR., Pickering KL., and Gupta Anil K. Design and Optimization for
Hazardous Jarosite Waste Recycling in Environmentally Suitable Composite Products Using Response
Surface Methodology. In: Balart Murria, M.J. (ed.). Management of Hazardous Residues, Nova Science
Publishers Inc. ISBN 978-1-61209-526-4, 2011.
5. Saxena M., Asokan P., Ruhi B., and Verma A. Incorporation of industrial wastes along with natural fiber for
the development of innovative building materials. In: Mishra, B., Ludwig, C., and Das, S. (Eds.). Recycling,
Waste Treatment and Clean Technology, TMS, Cancun, Mexico, pp 451-462, 2008.
6. Saxena M., Asokan P., Murali S., Yadav B., and Hemraj D. Demonstration study on impact of fly ash on soil
fertility and crop yield. In: Mishra, B., Ludwig, C., and Das, S. (Eds.). Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean
Technology, TMS, Cancun, Mexico, pp 475-485, 2008.
7. Saxena M., Asokan P., and Payal B. Sisal Potential for Engineering Applications-An Overview. In: Nandan,
M. J., Ahirwar, R.S., Navin Chand and Ramakrishnan, N. (eds.). Sisal fiber technologies for sustainable
rural employment generation, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp 112-154, 2008.
8. Asokan P., Osmani M., Price ADF. and Saxena, M. Industrial solid wastes recycling potentials in
construction materials. In: I. Zandi, R.L. Mersky and W.K. Shieh, W.K. (eds.). Solid Waste Technology and
Management, Philadelphia, USA. ISSN: 1091-8043. pp 976-986, 2008.
9. Asokan P., Saxena M., Asolekar SR Application of coal combustion residues and marble processing
residues for immobilising and recycling of hazardous Jarosite waste. In: I. Zandi, R.L. Mersky and W,K.
Shieh (eds.). Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, USA. ISSN: 1091-8043. pp 1298-
1317, 2008.
10. Asokan P., Saxena M. and Asolekar SR. Coal combustion residues for safe management of hazardous
jarosite waste. In: Jadhav, G.N., and Khosla, N.K. (eds.). Mineral Processing Technology, IIT, Bombay.
India, 709-713M, 2007.
11. Saxena M., Asokan P., Srimanth S., Aparna C., and Sangeeta M. Utilization of flyash in converting
wasteland to an agriculturally productive land. In: R.K.Trivedy and Arvind Kumar, Eco-technologies for
Pollution control and environmental management. Enviro Media, India, 20: 311 322, 1997.
11. Asokan, P., Saxena, M., Murali, S., Srimanth, S., Hemaraj., D., K. Gupta, AK. Bulk use of fly ash to
increase the agricultural productivity -Demonstrated Technology and opportunity. Souvenir of Consultation
program on fly ash utilisation. Shriram Institute for Industrial Research. Delhi, p 16, 2011.
12. Firdoous, AM., Asokan, P., Saxena, M., Yadav., AS., Ruhi, H. Emerging Techniques for synthesis and
characterization of nano-materials. In: Proc. National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and
Devices. Amity University, Noida. pp. 159, 2011.
13. Ruhi, H., Saxena, M., Shit, SC., Asokan, P., Firdoous, AM. Physico chemical, mechanical and thermal
properties of sisal fibre and sisal reinforced polymer composite. In: Proc. National Conference on Recent
Trends in Materials and Devices. Amity University, Noida. pp. 159, 2011.
14. Osmani, M. and Asokan, P. Utilisation of Glass Reinforced Plastic Waste in Concrete and Cement
Composites. In: Zochar J., Claisse P., Naik T.R. and Ganjian E. (Eds.) Proc. International Conference on
Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, Ancona, Italy, pp 1127-1137, ISSN: 978-1-4507-
1490-7, 2010.
15. Murali, S., Saxena, M., Asokan, P., and Morchhale, R. K. Fly ash use in agriculture- Appropriate strategies.
Proc. Indian Power Stations 2010, Power plant operation and maintenance strategies: NTPC, New Delhi. pp
176-186, 2010
16. Asokan, P., Saxena, M., Asolekar, S.R and Sharma, A. Cross sector waste recycling opportunities.
International Seminar Waste to Wealth, BMTPC, New Delhi. pp 278-292, 2009.
17. Saxena, M., Tiwari, S., Asokan, P., and Verma, A. Potential of industrial wastes as raw materials for paints.
International Seminar Waste to Wealth, BMTPC, New Delhi. pp121-131, 2009.
18. Osmani, M. and Asokan, P. An assessment of the compressive strength of glass reinforced plastic waste-
filled concrete for potential applications in construction. Proc. of the Joint APSEC-EACEF 2009 Structural
Engineering and Construction International Conference, Langkawi, Malaysia, 2009,
19. Asokan, P. Osmani, M., Price, A.D.F., and Ansarifar, A. Glass reinforced plastic waste characterisation
and recycling potential. The GREEN5 International Conference,July 2008 at Lithuania, pp.1-5, 2008.
20. Asokan, P., Osmani, M., Price, A.D. and Saxena, M. Industrial solid wastes recycling potentials in
construction materials. In: Zandi,I., Mersky, R.L., and Shieh, W.K. (eds.). Proc. 23rd International
Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, USA, April 2008, pp 976-986,
ISSN: 1091-8043, 2008.
21. Asokan, P., Saxena, M., Asolekar, S.R Application of coal combustion residues and marble processing
residues for immobilising and recycling of hazardous Jarosite waste. In: Zandi,I, Mersky, R.L., and Shieh,
W.K. (eds.). Proc. 23rd International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management,
Philadelphia, USA, April 2008, pp 1298- 1317, ISSN: 1091-8043, 2008.
22. Saxena,M., Asokan, P., Yadav, B. Increasing the agricultural productivities by application of coal
combustion residues (CCRs). Proc. Bharatiya Vigyan Sammelan, organized by Vijnana Bharati, MP
Council of Science & Technology, Rajeev Gandhi Technological University, pp 65, 2007.
23. Haque, R., Saxena, M., Asokan P. Yadav, B., Ahmed, M., and Asati, R. K. Production and current
application of biodegradable polymer polylactide (PLA) A Review. Proc.International Congress of
Environmental Research, ICER-2007, Bhopal, pp 92, 2007.
24. Saxena, M., Murali,S., Asokan,P., and A.K. Chaudhari. Technology demonstration on bulk utilization of
pond ash in agriculture. National Seminar cum Business meet on use of Fly ash in agriculture, Fly Ash
Utilization Programme, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, pp 24-36, 2005.
25. Asokan, P., Saxena, M., and Asolekar, S.R. Utilisation of coal combustion residues for immobilising and
recycling hazardous jarosite. International Congress on Fly Ash India 2005, Fly Ash Utilization Programme,
TIFAC, DST, New Delhi, pp VII (16). 1-16, 2005.
26. Saxena, M., Murali, S. Asokan, P., and Yadav, B. Bulk Utilization of Pond ash in agriculture: a review on
Technology Demonstration by RRL, Bhopal. International Congress on Fly Ash India 2005, Fly Ash
Utilization Programme, TIFAC, DST, New Delhi, pp XII 7.1-13, 2005.
27. Saxena, M., Asokan, P., Murali, S.,Yadav, B., and Sangeeta, B. Pilot scale demonstration study on
impact of fly ash on soil fertility and crop yield. International Conference on Energy, Environment
and Disasters (INCEED 2005). (UNESCOISEGGADR), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, pp 24-28, 2005.
28. Asokan,P., Saxena, M., and. Asolekar,S.R. Value addition and utilisation of hazardous jarosite in
developing bricks. International Conference on Energy, Environment and Disasters (INCEED2005).
(UNESCOISEGGADR), Charlotte, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA, pp. 29-33, 2005.
29. M. Saxena, S. Murali, P. Asokan and A.K. Chaudhari. Technology demonstration on bulk utilization of pond
ash in agriculture. National Seminar cum Business meet on use of Fly ash in agriculture, Fly Ash Utilization
Programme, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 2005
30. Saxena, M., Murali, S., Asokan, P., Mishra, C.R. and Pal, H.K., Clean technology for bulk utilisation of coal
ash in agriculture. Recycling, waste treatment and clean technology, TMS Mineral, Metals and Materials,
Spain, pp. 655-664, 2004.
31. Asokan, P., Saxena, M. and Asolekar, S. R. Non hazardous building materials from hazardous waste. Proc.
seventh annual conference Advances in environmental management and technology. Envirovision 2004,
Indian Environmental Association (IEA), Mumbai, Pune. pp 4: 1-15, 2004.
32. Saxena, M., Asokan, P. and Morchhale, R.K.. Durability characteristics of Fired Clay and Clay-Fly ash
Bricks. Proc. Seminar on Recent Trends in Building Materials (RTBM-2004). MRSI Bhopal Chapter and
RRL, Bhopal, pp.328-333, 2004.
33. Saxena, M., Asokan, P. and Tiwari, S. New Raw materials for Bio-composites and Paint. Proc. Seminar on
Recent Trends in Building Materials (RTBM-2004). MRSI Bhopal Chapter and RRL, Bhopal, pp 17-27, 2004.
34. Asokan, P., Saxena, M. and Asolekar, SR. Potential of Jarosite in Developing Bricks. Seminar on Recent
Trends in Building Materials (RTBM-2004). MRSI, Bhopal Chapter and RRL, Bhopal, pp 105-113, 2004.
35. Saxena, M., Murali, S. and Asokan, P. Fly ash Management in Agriculture Sector Appropriate strategies.
National workshop on Scientific Solutions for Waste management and Pollution Control, SATI, Vidisha,
pp167-174, 2004.
36. Asokan, P., Saxena, M., and Asolekar, SR. Hazardous Waste Disposal and Recycling- Regulatory
strategies and issues. In: Centre for Rural Development & Environment, Proc. National workshop on
Implementation of Environmental Legislations for Protection and conservation of Environment, Bhopal,
India, pp. 243-251, 2003.
37. Saxena,M., Asokan, P. And Murali, S. Fly Ash- to convert the wasteland into productive land and in
developing alternative building materials. Workshop on fly ash utilization. Dist Administration Korba and
Chittishgarah Environmental Conservation Board, Chittishgarah, pp. 1-14, 2003.
38. Saxena, M., Murali, S. and Asokan, P., C.R. Mishra and H.K.Pal. Safe and Bulk utilization of NALCO pond
ash in agriculture. 3rd international Conference on fly ash utilization and disposal. CBIP and FAM New Delhi,
Vol. II. pp 45-53, 2003.
39. Asokan,P., Saxena, M. and Asolekar, SR. Hazardous waste recycling potentials for environmental
protection. International Conference on Water and Environment (WE-2003). Regional Research Laboratory,
Bhopal, pp.59, 2003.
40. Saxena, M., and Asokan, P. Timber Substitute Products from Industrial Solid Wastes. In: 18th National
Convention of Environmental Engineers. Proc. National Seminar on Solid Waste Management. IEI,
M.P.State centre, Bhopal, India, pp. 192-200, 2002.
41. Asokan, P., Saxena, M., and Asolekar, S. R. Environmental implications of fly ash disposal. Proc. 5th
annual conference Advances in environmental management and technology. Envirovision 2002, Indian
Environmental Association (IEA), Mumbai, pp 8: 1-33, 2002.
42. Saxena, M. and Asokan, P. Fly ash: A Versatile resource for Development of alternative building materials.
Workshop on fly ash Manage it as Resource, Not as waste. Jindal Steel and Power Ltd., Raigarh.
Chattisgarh, pp7-8, 2002.
43. Saxena, M., Murali, S. and Asokan, P. Fly ash: A Potential resource for Wasteland Development and
Agriculture. Workshop on Fly ash Manage it as Resource, Not as waste. Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.,
Raigarh, Chattisgarh, pp13-14, 2002.
44. Saxena, M., Asokan, P. and Murali, S. Effective Management of coal ash and wasteland for sustainable
agriculture. National workshop on Energy Env. Management for sustainable development of Agricultural
sector. IEI, M.P.State center, Bhopal, pp. A- 215-218, 2002.
45. Saxena, M., Asokan, P. and Murali, S. Coal ash utilisation strategies for environmental management.
National Conference on Thermal Power Plant Operation: Maintenance and Strategies Maulana Azad
College of Technology, Bhopal (India), pp 186-196, 2001.
46. Saxena, M., Murali,S., Asokan, P. and Yadav,B.. Ash Back haul: Reclamation of mine spoil areas- a fruitful
approach. National workshop on Energy Env. Management for sustainable development of Agricultural
sector. IEI, M.P. State center, Bhopal, pp 212-214, 2001.
47. Saxena, M. and Asokan, P Effect of coal ash (NTPC, Rihand Nagar) on soil fertility and various agricultural
products. Proc.International Conference on Fly Ash Disposal and Utilisation. CBIP, New Delhi. Vol.II (IX-
7):pp 47-62, 2000.
48. Saxena, M. and Asokan, P. Bulk Utilisation of fly ash for wasteland development. Proc. Workshop on
Identification of Barrier and Utilisation Options: Large volume Application of Fly Ash in India. USAID, Sycom,
New Delhi, pp 116-124, 2000.
49. Saxena, M. and Asokan, P., Prabhakar, J. and Gowri, VS. Effective Utilisation of coal ash and barriers for
its usage. Proc. Workshop on Fly Ash Utilisation: Issues and Strategies. Institution of Engineers (India) M.P.
State center, Bhopal, pp 31-40, 2000.
50. Asokan, P., Saxena, M and Iyer, MVS. Strategies for quality assessment of Coal Combustion Residues.
Proc. Workshop on Fly Ash Utilisation: Issues and Strategies. Institution of Engineers(India) M.P.State
center, Bhopal. pp 76-85, 2000.
51. Saxena, M., Murali,S., Asokan, P. Wasteland Development using Fly Ash RRL, Bhopal Experience.
Experience Souvenir Seminar on Fly Ash. Visakapattinam, Andhra pradesh, 2000, p.p. 63-74, 2000.
52. Vijayan, V., Behera, SN., Asokan, P. and Saxena, M. Analysis of Heavy metals and Radionuclides in
Crops Grown on Fly Ash Applied Soils. Proc. National Seminar on Fly Ash Characterisation and its
Geotechnical Applications, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, pp 145-150, 1999.
53. Saxena, M., Asokan, P. and Aparna, C. Potential of Coal Ash for the Upgradation of Indian soils. Proc.13th
International Symposium on use and management of coal combustion products (CCPs). American Coal Ash
Association, Orlando, USA., 1(8), pp 1-16, 1999.
54. Asokan, P., Saxena, M. And Aparna, C. Contribution of coal ash in the enhancement of vegetation.
Proc.13th International Symposium on use and management of coal combustion products (CCPs). American
Coal Ash Association, Orlando, USA., 1(13), pp 1 -13, 1999.
55. Asokan, P. Improvement of the fertility of wasteland by the application of fly ash. Proc. XIII th Madhya
Pradesh Young Scientist Award Congress. Gwalior. M.P., 1998 pp 4
56. Saxena, M., Asokan, P., Alka, M.,and Srimanth, S. Utilisation of Coal Ash for sustainable development in
converting wasteland into agriculturally productive land. Proc. Conference on Industrial wastes in
developing of building materials. RRL, Bhopal, BMTPC and IEI, M.P. State centre, Bhopal, pp.40-45, 1998.
57. Saxena, M., Asokan, P. And Shrimanth, S.. Converting wasteland to agriculturally productive land - a coal
ash management. Proc. Work shop on Fly Ash Utilisation. Kota Thermal Power Station, Rajasthan State
Electricity Board, Kota, pp 64-101, 1998.
58. Aparna, C., Saxena, M. and Asokan, P. Organic wastes vermicompost admixed with fly ash - an enriched
medium for agro-ecosystem. Proc. International Conference on Fly ash Disposal & Utilisation, CBIP, TIFAC,
New Delhi. Vol. I (VI-9): pp76-89, 1998.
59. Saxena, M., Asokan, P. Fertility improvement of wasteland by fly ash application. Proc. International
Conference on Fly ash Disposal & Utilisation, CBIP and TIFAC New Delhi, Vol. I (VI-10): pp 90-104, 1998.
60. Saxena, M., Asokan, P., Alka M, Srimanth, S. and Aparna, C. Mobilisation of physico-chemical
characteristics of wasteland soil using NALCO coal ash. Proc. International Conference on Fly ash Disposal
& Utilisation, CBIP and TIFAC, New Delhi, Vol. II (VI-10): pp. 1-12, 1998.
61. Saxena,M., Asokan, P., Meshram, A. and Shrimanth, S. Utilisation of coal ash for sustainable development
in converting the wasteland into agricultural land. Proc. Conference on Industrial wastes in development of
building materials (IWDBM-98), In: RRL, Bhopal, BMTPC, New Delhi and Institution of Engineers (India),
Bhopal, pp.40-45, 1998.
62. Asokan, P., Saxena, M., Aparna, C. and Sangeeta, M. Utilization of coal ash to improve the soil fertility and
in building application. Symposium on utilization of coal ash. Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd & ACC,
Bangalore, pp 11-16, 1997.
63. Saxena, M., Asokan P, Sangeeta M and Aparna Chouhan, Property evaluation of flyash and nutrients
management to increase soil fertility, Proc. Seminar on Flyash Utilization, Organised by CBIP, New Delh in
association with United State Agency for International Development, pp. V 65- V-II, 1996.
64. Asokan, P., Saxena, M., Aparna, C. and Sangeeta, M. Use of Flyash conditioning wasteland soil and its
impact on vegetation. Proc. Seminar on Flyash Utilization, Organised by CBIP, New Delh in association with
United State Agency for International Development, Vol. V: pp 1 - 4, 1996.
65. Saxena, M., Asokan P., Karade, SR. Effect of flyash on the mobility of nutrients of black cotton soil, Proc.
3rd International Conference on Power Generation Strategies for 21st Century, Organised by The
International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission & Distribution in association with Nepal
Electricity Authority, Kathmandu, Nepal, Vol. 3, pp. 1621-1625, 1996.
66. Saxena, M., Asokan P., Karade, SR. Bulk Utilization of fly ash for wasteland development at NTPC, Rihand
Nagar, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Strategies for 21st Century, Organised by
The International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission & Distribution in association with
Nepal Electricity Authority, Kathmandu, Nepal, Vol. 3, pp. 1613-1619, 1996.
67. Asokan, P. Saxena, M., Bose, S.K., and Khazanchi, AC. Reactivity of Ash in Black Cotton Soil for
Agricultural Application, Proc. Workshop on Fly ash Utilisation organised by CBIP at RRL, Bhopal, p. 106,
19. Fly ash utilisation in wood Corporate Social Jindal Steel and JSPL, Raigarh, 13
substitute composites, Responsibility (CSR) Power Limited Oct 2012
alternative building materials workshop (JSPL), Raigarh, CG.
and wasteland reclamation
and agriculture
20. Fly Ash - Promising Industry Meet on Fly CSIR-(NML CSIR-NML
Engineering Material - The Ash based products / Jamshedpur and Jamshedpur, 24
Technologies developed by technologies. Centre for Fly Ash Aug 2012.
CSIR AMPRI Bhopal. Research and
Management, New
21. Current Perspectives in National Seminar on Sarojini Naidu Gov. Sarojini Naidu
Qualitative Research Current Perspectives Girls Post Graduate Gov. Girls Post
As a Chief Guest lecturer at in Qualitative College, Bhopal Graduate College,
the Valedictory Function Research. 9- Bhopal
10Feb.12. 10Feb2012
22. Composite Materials Science The 2nd International Vellore Institute of School of
and Technology: Recent Conference on Technology (VIT) Mechanical &
trends and future challenges. Advances in University, Vellore, in Building Sciences,
Key note lecture Mechanical, association with VIT University,
Manufacturing and Queensland Vellore, Chennai
Building Science, 9-11 University of 10 Jan2012
January 2012. Technology,
23. Management of hazardous Programme on Capacity International Institute of Bridgestone India
jarosite waste released from zinc Building on Hazardous Waste Management Pvt. Ltd, Pithampur,
Industry and Recycling low Waste Management and (IIWM), Bhopal M.P on 29 Dec.
toxicity and high volume waste Practices. 29-30 Dec. 2011
arising from Aluminium industry in 2011
composite materials- Case
24. Effective use of fly ash in International Fly Ash Mission Energy NDCC Convention
manufacturing timber Utilization Meet. 24- Foundation Mumbai, Centre, New Delhi
substitute products and 25th Nov.2011. on 24Nov 2011
increase in agricultural
25. Wood substitute composites Interactive Business DRDO, R&D Center, DRDO, R&D
for storage of ammunition meet with the officials New Delhi Center, New Delhi
pallets in place of currently of CFEES, DRDO on on 23 Nov2011
used wooden pallets made of wood substitute
26. Bulk use of fly ash to increase National Consultation Shriram Institute for University of Delhi
the agricultural productivity Programme on Fly ash Industrial Research, on
and opportunity Utilisation New Delhi 21-22 July 21- 22 Jul 2011
Fly ash in Composites: 2011
Prospects and Challenges
27. Potential of natural fibre Interactive meeting on CSMST, CSIR-NAL, CSMST, NAL,
particulate composite 12th Five Year Plan Bangalore Bangalore on
developed by CSIR-AMPRI for project on Natural 19Aug.2011
use in a small wind turbine Fibre Composites for
blade Wind Energy Blades.
18-19 Aug 2011
28. Detoxification and Workshop and training CEQIP and CESE, IIT Bombay on
Management of Low toxicity programme on IIT Bombay. Mumbai. 27June 2011
and High Volume Wastes. Hazardous Waste 24-28 June 2011
Management to
Andhra Pradesh
Pollution Control
29. Management of low toxicity Workshop and training CEQIP and CESE IIT IIT Bombay on 12
and high volume waste programme on Bombay. Mumbai. April 2011
Hazardous Waste 11-14 April2011
Management to
Andhra Pradesh
Pollution Control Board
30. Industrial waste recycling in Special programme of ESR New Zealand University of
India Engineers Social Waikato, New
Responsibility (ESR), Zealand 24 Aug
New Zealand 2010
31. Alternative construction National Conclave on CII, New Delhi. 13-14 India Habitat
materials using industrial Construction & August 2009 Centre, New Delhi
wastes Exhibition- Future on 13 Aug. 2009
Directions for Capacity
Development in
Construction Industry
32. Waste Utilization Workshop on Waste Oriental Institute of Oriental College of
utilisation Science and management
Technology, Bhopal Research, Bhopal.
20 Nov. 2006.
33. Solid waste generation in India Workshop on solid Patel College of Patel College of
and their recycling potential in waste management Science and Science and
building materials Technology, Bhopal Technology,
Bhopal. 20
34. New building construction National workshop on Training Programme SATI, Vidisha,
Materials from Industrial solid Waste to Technical 16 Dec. 2004
Waste. Management - A need Teachers, SATI,
Vidisha, MP
35. Utilization of fly ash in Workshop on Ash NTPC, Singrauli NTPC, Singrauli.
developing wood substitute Utilization. 31 Mar.2004
products, bricks, wasteland
development and agriculture
36. Hazardous Waste All India seminars on MPPCB and IEI MP State Centre,
Management- Regulatory hazardous Waste (India), MP State Bhopal. 20 Mar.
Framework and Challenges. Management in Centre, Bhopal 2004
Chemical Industries.
37. Hazardous Waste Disposal National workshop on Centre for rural Barkatullah
and Recycling- Regulatory Implementation of Development & University, Bhopal.
strategies and issues. Environmental Environment, Bhopal. 14 Oct. 2003
Legislations for 12-16 Oct. 2003
Protection and
Conservation of
38. Fly ash - To convert the waste National Workshop on District Administration NTPC, Korba. 29
land in to productive land and Fly ash Utilization. Korba and Jan. 2003
in developing alternative cost Chhatisgarh Env.
effective building materials Cons., Board, Korba.
29-30 Jan. 2003
39. A Versatile resource in Workshop on Fly ash Jindal Steel and Jindal Steel and
Development of Alternative Manage it as Power Ltd., Raigarh, Power Ltd.,
Building Materials. Resource, Not as Chattisgarh. Chattisgarh
waste 22-23 Nov. 2002 23 Nov. 2002
40. Timber Substitute Products 18th National IEL Bhopal Chapter, MP State Centre,
from Industrial Solid Wastes. Convention of Bhopal Bhopal.
Environmental 19-20 Oct. 2002 20 Oct. 2002
Engineers & National
Seminar on Solid
Waste Management.
41. Fly ash utilization for (i) land National workshop on Power Management Power
reclamation (ii) long term fly ash utilization Institute, NTPC, Management
effect of bulk utilisation of fly NOIDA. Institute, NTPC,
ash on soil fertility and crop 19-20 Sep. 2002 NOIDA.
yield and (iii) developing 19 Sep. 2002
alternative building materials.
42. Effective Management of coal National workshop on Institution of IEI, Bhopal
ash and wasteland for Energy Environment Engineers (India) MP Chapter
sustainable agriculture. Management for State Centre, Bhopal. 8 July, 2002
sustainable 8-9 July, 2002
development of
agricultural sector
43. Bulk utilization of Fly ash for National workshop on RRL Bhubaneswar RRL,
wasteland development fly ash management in and Orissa Bhubaneswar,
the State of Orissa. Environmental 11 April 1995
11 April 1995
44. Pilot scale implementation on Workshop on Ash PMI, NTPC, Noida NTPC, Noida, 26
use of fly ash to improve the Utilisation and E7 Group July 1995
soil fertility and crop yield. countries (CFGIJ) 25-
27 July 1995
45. National Seminar on Ash National Seminar on And Korba Super NTPC, Korba May,
Utilization Ash Utilization ThermalPower Plant, 1993
46. Fly ash utilisation in building National Dialogue on BMTPC, HUDCO and Jubilee Hall,
application and wasteland utilisation of fly ash APIDO, Hyderabad. Hyderabad 16
development and Phospogypsum 16 July1993 July1993
Patent granted / Filed
1. A process for recycling hazardous jarosite waste released from zinc industries in developing non-hazardous
building blocks. Indian Patent Grant No. 259781, 2014. Asokan P., Saxena M., and Asolekar SR.
2. A Novel Machine for making fine thin yarn from sisal fibres. Asokan P., Goel MD., Morchhale RK,. Murali S.,
Khan A., Deepti M., Ajay K., and Amritphale, SS. Applied, 2012.
Countries Visited: UK, USA, Singapore, Riga, Lithuania, Japan, New Zealand, Australia
Guest editor for the following journals
(i) Environment and Waste Management, (ii) Risk Assessment and Management, (iii) Global Environmental
Issues, (iv) Public Policy, (v) Environmental Technology and Management, (vi) Environment and Sustainable
Development, (vii) Environment and Pollution.
Procurement, operation and maintenance of sophisticated equipment (AAS, CHNS analyzer, Flow Injection
analyzer, Microwave digester, Thermal analyser, HPLC, HPTLC, Zero Head Space Extractor (USEPA- TCLP
apparatus), high purity water system, field moisture meter, high temperature furnaces, ovens, impact tester,
compression testing machine, fibre testing machine, universal testing machine, hydraulic press, compression
moulding machine etc.,)
Physico- chemical and micro structure characterization and data analysis of engineering materials, minerals,
soil, agriculture, industrial, domestic, tannery and hazardous waste
Project planning, initiation and execution
Arranging workshops, get-togethers, training programme
Setting-up of laboratory facilities and infrastructure for developing natural fibre composites and advanced
R&D for waste management and waste recycling and advanced manufacturing.
Setting-up of pilot plant facility for manufacturing wood substitute products
Leadership quality experience
Acquired advanced training of CSIR Leadership Development Program on leadership roles, competence
and applications for senior level leaders organized by CSIR at HRDG Ghaziabad. India, 2008- 2009.
NCC: A, B and C certificates holder. NCC Cadet Under Officer at College level NCC and CPL in high
school level NCC. Attended nine 9 NCC camp all over India and also one month Indian Army attachment
camp in the MEG Army Center Bangalore in 1988.
NCC camp commandant for Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry regiment camp at Pondicherry in 1988, at
Coimbatore in 1987 and NCC platoon leader in Trichy in 1981.
Industrial waste (Fly ash, red mud, marble waste, metallurgical, mineral and mining wastes) - natural fibre
polymer composites as timber and plastic substitute materials
Immobilisation & recycling hazardous waste released from Zinc industry using fly ash
Use of fly ash in fired clay bricks, blocks and other building materials
Bulk use of fly ash to increase agricultural productivity and long terms impact of fly ash on soil fertility, crop
yield and food quality
Lightweight and glossy finish particulates composites, sandwich composites
Sisal fibre potentials for rural development and green technologies
Bully biodegradable and sustainable composites
Lightweight metallic materials and natural fibres reinforced sandwich composites
Establishment of technology enabling centre for manufacturing fibres & particulates reinforced composites
Technology Developed to meet the Nations Mission on Make in India and Clean India Programme
Title: Hybrid composite materials from industrial wastes for multifunctional applications
- Opportunity for start-up industries
Salient features
Utilization of industrial wastes, natural fibres
Solution to avoids deforestation
Reduction in environmental pollution
Composites are:
Durable and stronger than wood
High strength to weight ratio
Weather resistance (Moisture, UV, heat, cold)
Resistance to termite, corrosion, fire, moisture
Maintenance free green composite
Cost effective
Use in versatile applications
New class of composite materials to society
1. Know-How on Hybrid Wood Substitute Composite Materials (CM-Wood). Technology transfer to VSM
Industry, Surat, Gujarat on 28 Aug. 2015.
An alternative to:
Wood / Timber
Synthetic wood (MDF, Particle Board, Rice husk board
CSIR- AMPRIs hybrid composites technology licensed for Rs. 7.00 lakhs
2. Know- How on High-Performance Hybrid Composite Materials (HP- Composites). Technology
transferred to M/s. Siddhi Poly Matrix, Chandrapur, and Maharashtra on 26 Sep. 2015.
An alternative to:
Wood / Timber
Synthetic wood (MDF, Particle Board, Rice husk board)
Plastic and FRP / GRP Products
CSIR- AMPRIs high-performance and hybrid composites Technology licensed for Rs. 20.00 lakhs
CSIR- AMPRIs Composites - An emerging materials to fulfill wider range of multifunctional applications
Date: 20 March 2016
Place: CSIR- AMPRI, Bhopal (Asokan Pappu)