IELTS Reading Resolutions: Is It True, False or Not Given?
IELTS Reading Resolutions: Is It True, False or Not Given?
IELTS Reading Resolutions: Is It True, False or Not Given?
Resolutions: Is it True,
False or Not Given?
A successful strategy to defeat
these tricky questions
I find a simple strategy but effective which could help you answer these
questions correctly.
In this presentation, I will show you:
The information in
the passage can not
No information
be used to
regarding it can be OR
determine whether
found in reading
the statement in a
question is true or
Dont worry about the difference between
T/F/NG and Y/N/NG question because you can
use the same technique to solve them
Adopting the 2-step approach to solve these types
02 of questions
Any questions?
More techniques can be found @