Elegance in Flight PDF
Elegance in Flight PDF
Elegance in Flight PDF
Albert C. Piccirillo
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Piccirillo, Albert C.
Elegance in flight : a comprehensive history of the F-16XL experimental
prototype and its role in NASA flight research / Albert C. Piccirillo.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. F-16 (Jet fighter plane) 2. Fighter planes--United States. 3. Airplanes,
Military--United States--Prototypes. 4. United States. National Aeronautics
and Space Administration--Research. I. Title.
UG1242.F5P53 2015
Author Dedication v
Foreword vii
Elegance in Flight
Acknowledgments 394
Bibliography 396
About the Author 431
Index 433
The first F-16XL cruising over the Texas countryside on its first test flight, piloted by General
Dynamics test pilot James A. McKinney. (Lockheed Martin)
One of the most elegant American fighters ever built took to the skies over
Fort Worth, TX, on July 3, 1982. Based on the combination of a stretched
F-16 fuselage and a highly tailored cranked-arrow wing, the F-16XL began
as an initiative of the General Dynamics Corporation (GD). GD recognized
that the standard F-16 increasingly was being committed by the Air Force to
a multirole mission that the aircraft had never been intended for. Originally
designed as a lightweight air combat fighter, the aircraft was more and more
often being tasked to perform ground attack missions. The F-16 was far from
optimal for that role. Weight and drag penalties, imposed by air-to-ground
ordnance and related targeting sensors, severely reduced its speed and range
capabilities. The aircraft was also seriously limited in the number of weapons
that it could carry compared to a larger aircraft. Initially known as Supersonic
Cruise and Maneuver Prototype (SCAMP), the GD initiative was also intended
to address emerging Air Force interest in supersonic combat capability. By
independently developing an experimental prototype that would inexpensively
validate the concept of transonic/supersonic cruise and maneuverability along
with improved air-to-ground capabilities, GD hoped to interest the Air Force
in supporting development and production of what was essentially a new air-
craft, but one that shared much in common with the basic F-16.
GD was well aware of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) supersonic transport and fighter research efforts based on the use of
cranked-arrow wing planforms. During both the YF-16 Lightweight Fighter
technology demonstrator program and the follow-on F-16 full-scale develop-
ment programs, GD and NASA had established a highly productive working
relationship. That arrangement had proven immensely effective in quickly and
effectively resolving a number of very difficult technical issues related to the
F-16. Based on those successes, GD established an arrangement with NASA for
SCAMP research that was so effective that it can truly be stated that the F-16XL
prototype configurations were in many significant ways the direct result of
the joint research effort with NASA. At the same time, the company was able
to obtain Air Force support and partial funding for a flight demonstration
program. Early on, this evolved into a competitive evaluation with the aircraft
Elegance in Flight
that the senior leadership within the Air Force really wantedan air-to-ground
version of the F-15 Eagle air superiority fighter known as the F-15E. General
Dynamics attempted to convince the Air Force that a production variant of the
F-16XL was complementary to the standard F-16 and did not need to be in
competition with the larger F-15. However, Congress directed that only one of
these aircraft was to be funded for production as what the Air Force termed its
Dual-Role Fighter (DRF). Additional complicating factors were the ongoing
and covert development and production of the F-117 stealth attack aircraft and
the emerging Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program, first funded in fiscal
year 1983. The ATF was focused on developing a supersonic cruisecapable air
superiority fighter with both high maneuverability and all-aspect stealth. Both
the F-117 and the ATF enjoyed extremely high priorities within the Air Force.
The Air Force flight-test evaluation of the F-16XL was conducted during
the 19821983 timeframe. It was based on a Combined Test Force (CTF)
approach that was similar to what had been used very successfully during
the YF-16 evaluation. Under this concept, a combination of developmental-
and operational-utility-type testing was conducted by a flight-test team that
included both military and contractor participation in nearly all aspects of the
test effort. The F-16XL flight-test program at Edwards Air Force Base, CA,
progressed at a very rapid pace, with 369 flights accomplished by the end of
Phase I testing on May 15, 1983. During the evaluation, the F-16XL had dem-
onstrated many outstanding capabilities. Its range, payload, and supersonic
performance were superior to those of the standard F-16, but it was unable to
cruise supersonically without the use of afterburner. Also, takeoff and landing
distances were longer than desired, and although the aircraft exhibited out-
standing spin resistance and recovery characteristics, there were a large number
of flight control issues that remained to be resolved at the conclusion of testing.
Additionally, the relatively low thrust-to-weight ratio combined with the high
induced drag produced by the low aspect ratio highly swept wing resulted in
rapid loss of airspeed during sustained subsonic highacceleration of gravity (g)
maneuvering flight. Flight-test evaluation results for both competing aircraft
and other sources of information, including the outcomes of computerized
war games, were used in the Air Force DRF source selection. The F-15E was
selected for production in January 1984. Based on competing programmatic
and budgetary choices, the Air Force rationally had elected to fund the F-15E,
the F-117, and the ATF, finally terminating the F-16XL development in mid-
1985. Funding was provided for limited continuing flight testing, much of it
oriented to evaluation of the General Electric F110 turbofan engine, which
lasted until October 1985. By that time, both F-16XL prototypes had accu-
mulated a total of nearly 800 sorties between them.
General Dynamics YF-16 prototype over the Mojave during the Lightweight Fighter (LWF)
competitive fly-off. (USAF)
Experimental Prototyping
and Supersonic Combat
Both the standard F-16 and its F-16XL derivative trace their lineage to the experi-
mental prototyping program of the 1970s. The Department of Defense (DoD)
had implemented an Advanced Prototype Development Program in early 1971 in
direct response to the release of a Presidential Blue Ribbon Defense Panel report
in July 1970. That special commission had been chartered by President Richard
M. Nixon to examine the DoD weapons system acquisition process in response to
strong congressional and public criticism of several major defense weapon system
programs.1 The Blue Ribbon Panel report was highly critical of the defense acquisi-
tion process, which had a history of moving major weapons systems into full-scale
development without any prior validation of their capability to achieve specified
operational requirements. The panel strongly recommended competitive proto-
typing as a key element of its package of proposed defense acquisition reforms.
Elegance in Flight
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
as well as the associated Air Force Dual-Role Fighter [DRF] competition that
would result in the selection of the McDonnell-Douglas F-15E for follow-on
full-scale development and production.)
Prototypes were to be experimental systems. They were to precede
detail engineering development of any new weapon system.
Prototypes were intended to support future military needs.
Prototypes were to be focused on reducing risk to future develop-
ment programs. In this context, they were to address not only
technical risk but also cost and schedule risk, as well as uncertainties
in operational requirements.
Prototype programs were expected to include some degree of tech-
nology uncertainty and risk, but they should also have a reasonable
chance of success.
Prototypes were to have low relative cost compared to potential
follow-on development and production programs.
Prototypes were intended to help achieve lower-cost alternative
Finally, experimental prototypes were not intended to form the sole
basis for system procurement decisions.
Elegance in Flight
constructed for a 1-year flight-test program. Each contractor would pick the
starting date for its respective 1-year flight-test program. The separate flight-
test programs were to be two independent evaluations of the performance and
combat potential offered by the advanced technology and design innovations
that were implemented in each of the alternative LWF designs. Each LWF
design would be evaluated by a Joint Test Team (JTT) consisting of contrac-
tor, Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC), Tactical Air Command (TAC),
and Air Force Test and Evaluation Center (AFTEC) representatives. From
the programs inception, it was intended that NASA technical expertise and
facilities would be used by the aircraft development contractors to facilitate the
implementation of advanced aeronautical technologies into their LWF designs.
Since the LWF concept was so oriented to close-in maneuvering combat capa-
bility, the results of NASA research into so-called vortex lift was a technology
area of high interest to the industry design teams.
On left: General Dynamics YF-16 prototype over the Mojave during the Lightweight Fighter (LWF)
competitive fly-off. On right: The Northrop YF-17, which, despite losing the LWF competition,
evolved into the subsequent F/A-18 naval strike fighter. (Both images USAF)
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
Edward C. Polhamus had been a leader in vortex lift research, and his reports
and technical publications were widely disseminated throughout the aircraft
industry in the late 1960s continuing into the 1980s.5
By mid-1973, General Dynamics had finalized the YF-16 design. The first
experimental prototype rolled out on December 13 of that year at the GD Fort
Worth, TX, facility. On January 20, 1974, the prototype had an unscheduled
first flight that occurred during a high-speed taxi test. As it raced down the
runway, it began a lateral pilot-induced oscillation (PIO) at a rate of one roll
cycle every 1.4 seconds (due to excessively high gain scheduling in the flight
control system [FCS] when weight came off the wheels). The rolling motion
caused the left wingtip and right horizontal tail to contact the ground, and
the plane veered off the runway centerline. Test pilot Phil Oestricher wisely
elected to take off rather than remain on the ground. Thus, before the startled
eyes of onlookers, he added power and the little YF-16 thundered into the air,
climbing into the Mojave sky. Afterward, Oestricher reflected,
At that point, I had little choice of actions, since the airplane was
beginning to drift to the left side of the runway. I powered it up
and just sort of let go and the airplane just flew off the runway very
smoothly once I quit irritating it. I stayed in the landing pattern and
came around and made a relatively uneventful landing. We hadnt
intended to fly in a noticeable way that day, but we did. Incidentally,
I was impressed with the way the marketing/public relations people
got around our UNOFFICIAL first flight. They just called it flight
zero, and that made the next one number one!6
Elegance in Flight
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
Elegance in Flight
Table 1
Characteristics of various candidate wing planforms evaluated
by General Dynamics during early conceptual design efforts
Wing Aspect Area Sweep Angle Unit Weight Unit Volume
Planform Ratio (sq. ft.) (degrees)
Baseline F-16 3.0 300 40 1.00 1.00
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
Elegance in Flight
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
Elegance in Flight
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
capability. At the same time, Langley also coordinated its research activities
with industry teams involved in similar supersonic cruise studies. In coopera-
tion with the Air Force and various industry focus groups, the Langley research
staff designed and tested supersonic cruise fighter concepts across the Mach
number ranges that were available using Langleys wind tunnels. Six different
SCIF design concepts were developed. These provided coverage of anticipated
military requirements for supercruise. Concepts ranged from a design that
cruised at Mach 1.4 while also having good maneuverability to a Mach 2.6
design that strongly emphasized supersonic cruise performance.
The SCIF configurations were based on highly swept cranked-arrow wing
planforms. They featured wing twist and camber approaches that were tailored
to minimize supersonic drag. The outer wing panels on the SCIF wings had
reduced sweep, a feature that increased wingspan, improved subsonic and
transonic aerodynamic efficiency, and provided improved aircraft handling
qualities. At higher angles of attack, these highly swept wing planforms cre-
ated powerful vortices over the wing leading edges. These vortices produced
so-called vortex lift while also reducing drag. Vortex lift provided possibilities
for improved maneuverability. It was the subject of many investigations at
NASA Langley over a period of many years. Following supersonic wind tunnel
testing, two of the SCIF designs, designated SCIF-4 and SCIF-5, were selected
for extensive testing over a wide Mach number range. These wind tunnel tests
generated extensive data for use in follow-on supersonic design and perfor-
mance studies. SCIF-4 was oriented to the air superiority mission and had a
cruise Mach number of 1.8. The other design (SCIF-5) had a higher fineness
ratio with primary emphasis placed on achieving a very high supersonic cruise
speed of Mach 2.6. Both SCIF designs were based on tailless cranked-arrow
wing planforms that featured highly swept inboard wing segments to meet
supersonic cruise requirements.18
In 1977, Langley research engineer Barrett L. Shrout reported on the results
of the NASA Langley investigation of the supersonic cruise point design known
as SCIF-4. This represented a supersonic fighter optimized for sustained cruise
at a Mach number of 1.8. Its cranked-arrow wing configuration featured twin
vertical tailfins mounted at the intersection of the inner and outer wing seg-
ments. A SCIF-4 force model was tested across the Mach number range from
0.6 to 2.16 using NASA Langleys 8-foot transonic pressure tunnel and the
Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel. A large, captive free-flight model demonstrated
flight to higher angles of attack in Langleys 30- by 60-foot Full-Scale Tunnel.
The SCIF-4 configuration had limited maneuvering capabilities at higher
angles of attack. Shrout noted that this concept was aerodynamically very
similar to that of a supersonic transport. It was based on the technical knowl-
edge and design methodology that had evolved from the SST program and was
Elegance in Flight
supplemented by subse-
quent NASA supersonic
research efforts. In fact,
the knowledge base and
analytical methodologies
that derived from the ear-
lier supersonic transport
effort heavily influenced
the entire SCIF effort.19
That same year,
Langleys O.A. Morris
reported on a wind tunnel A wind tunnel force model of the NASA SCIF-4 supersonic
investigation of subsonic cruise fighter configuration being prepared for testing at NASA
and supersonic aerody- Langley in 1977. (NASA)
namics that included
longitudinal and lateral stability. This wind tunnel investigation used a model
of the SCIF-5 fighter design concept. It featured a highly swept cranked-arrow
wing designed for a cruise Mach number of 2.6. Leading-edge sweep angle was
74 degrees on the inboard wing segments and 65 degrees on the outer wing
panels. SCIF-5 incorporated sophisticated wing twist and camber, features that
were intended to minimize supersonic drag due to lift. Twin vertical tailfins
were located outboard on the wing. During the SCIF-5 investigation, the
configuration was modified with larger outboard vertical tailfins. Small nose-
mounted strakes were also tested with this model.20 Results from the SCIF
program and related NASA efforts were presented at the supersonic cruise
conferences held at Wright-Patterson AFB in 1976 and 1977. Published in a
number of Air Force and NASA Technical Memoranda, the results were widely
distributed across the aircraft industry, the military services, and academia.21
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
Langley staff. Industry was looking to benefit from Langleys expertise, design
methods, and experience with highly swept wing designs gained during efforts
oriented to a civil supersonic transport such as the SCAT effort as well as the
SCIF effort.22 Subsequent to the SCIF program, Langley joined with several
industry partners in cooperative, nonproprietary studies of supercruise configu-
rations that were intended to be applicable to future advanced fighter designs.23
General Dynamics had initiated supercruise fighter conceptual design efforts in
1976. That year, the first conceptual supercruise fighter layout was completed
under the supervision of GD aeronautical engineer Gordon F. Gibson, who
had also done the layout work on the YF-16 Lightweight Fighter. During dis-
cussions with NASA, GD highlighted the fact that the modular construction
approach successfully used in the YF-16 Lightweight Fighter prototype and the
production F-16 aircraft could be adapted quickly and inexpensively to create
a supercruise fighter technology demonstrator. This technology demonstra-
tor aircraft would use an F-16 fuselage mated with a highly swept supersonic
wing. This was intended to be derived from a cooperative research effort with
NASA. This new wing concept would be optimized for both good transonic/
supersonic cruise capability and good transonic/supersonic maneuvering per-
formance. General Dynamics was confident that a supersonic cruise fighter
demonstrator aircraft would attract interest and support from the Air Force.
However, a strong corporate commitment along with a significant financial
investment would be needed.24
One of the earliest meetings to promote a cooperative supersonic wing
design effort between General Dynamics and NASA occurred in March 1977.
Discussions focused on a joint project involving advanced supersonic wings
to be designed in conjunction with NASA. Testing was to be accomplished in
the supersonic Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel and the transonic Langley
High-Speed 7- by 10-Foot Wind Tunnel. In order to be considered, candi-
date wing concepts had to be capable of being integrated with the basic F-16
fuselage. The goal was to create an advanced version of the F-16 with longer
range, heavier payload, generally enhanced performance, and the potential
for supersonic cruise capability. As part of the cooperative effort, General
Dynamics would assign several engineers to temporary duty at the Langley
Research Center. Their initial efforts would focus on supercruise wing design
methodology. Project leader for supersonic design efforts at NASA Langley
at the time was David S. Miller. GD engineering personnel were periodically
collocated with the Langley research staff, where NASAs Charles M. Jackson
served as overall manager of the collaborative effort. General Dynamicss Roy T.
Schemensky, in cooperation with Miller and Langley researchers John E. Lamar
and C. Subba Reddy, coauthored a number of professional papers and techni-
cal reports. These were published over the next several years, and they detailed
Elegance in Flight
technical aspects and results from the NASA/GD collaboration.25 Wind tunnel
testing and analytical studies continued to validate earlier assumptions that
many of the conflicting demands of efficient supersonic cruise and transonic
maneuver could be met with a properly designed and tailored wing.
Based on these highly promising results, General Dynamics initiated a
company-funded development intended to produce a derivative of the F-16
with supersonic cruise and maneuver capabilities and made this a high prior-
ity within the corporation. A cooperative agreement with NASA covering
mutual efforts that could lead to development of a new flight demonstrator
aircraft was developed and approved. GD soon began to refer to this flight
demonstrator aircraft as the Supersonic Cruise and Maneuver Prototype. By
1978, wind tunnel testing of new wing designs integrated with a modified F-16
fuselage was indicating a supersonic performance improvement of about 30
percent compared with the basic F-16. At subsonic speeds, performance was
generally similar to that of the standard F-16. Encouraged by these positive
results, General Dynamics committed to development of the SCAMP con-
cept. It used a highly swept cranked (double delta) wing planform to achieve
enhanced supersonic cruise efficiency and transonic maneuvering capabilities.
Refinement of the SCAMP concept would eventually lead to the development
of the F-16XL design. Several cooperative research projects with NASA would
use the SCAMP/F-16XL configuration in follow-on studies covering a wide
range of important topics. These included supersonic conformal store carriage
concepts, low-speed stability and control of highly swept wing configurations,
and determination of spin characteristics.26 In the longer term, the F-16XL
prototypes would be transferred from the Air Force to NASA, and they would
be used for a number of research efforts related to high-speed research into
technology risk reduction for a prospective high-speed civil transport. Foremost
among these was the Supersonic Laminar Flow Control project. The range of
NASA F-16XL research efforts will be discussed in depth later in this book.
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
1. See, for instance, Robert J. Art, The TFX Decision: McNamara and
the Military (Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1968);
Robert F. Coulam, Illusions of Choice: The F-111 and the Problem of
Weapons Acquisition Reform (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 1977). The highly controversial Tactical Fighter Experimental
(TFX) program eventually led to the development and production
of the General Dynamics F-111. Intended to become the basis of a
standard multipurpose fighter for joint service use by both the Air
Force and the Navy, the very large, heavy aircraft ended up being
used solely for the long-range strike mission by the Air Force after
the Navy withdrew from the program.
2. Richard P. Hallion, A Troubling Past: Air Force Fighter Acquisition
since 1945, presented at the Triangle Universities Security Seminar
on Changing Technologies and New Weapons Systems, Durham, NC,
February 23, 1990, and published in Airpower Journal 4, no. 4
(winter 1990).
3. David C. Aronstein and Albert C. Piccirillo, Have Blue and the
F-117A: Evolution of the Stealth Fighter (Reston, VA: American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics [AIAA], 1997); David C.
Aronstein and Albert C. Piccirillo, The Lightweight Fighter Program:
A Successful Approach to Fighter Technology Transition (Reston,
Virginia: AIAA, 1996). The latter reference was based heavily on
a report of the same title that the authors prepared for the Joint
Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) Program Office in March 1995.
4. David C. Aronstein and Albert C. Piccirillo, The F-16 Lightweight
Fighter: A Case Study in Technology Transition, in Technology and
the Air Force: A Retrospective Assessment, ed. Jacob Neufeld et al.
(Washington, DC: Air Force History and Museums Program, 1997).
5. J.K. Buckner, D.B. Benepe, and P.W. Hill, Aerodynamic Design
Evolution of the YF-16, AIAA Paper 74-935 (1974); Edward C.
Polhamus, A Concept of the Vortex Lift of Sharp-Edge Delta Wings
Based On A Leading-Edge-Suction Analogy, NASA Technical Note
(TN) D-3767 (December 1966); Edward C. Polhamus, Vortex Lift
Research: Early Contributions and Some Current Challenges, in
Vortex Flow AerodynamicsVolume I, Proceedings of Conference held
October 810, 1986 at Langley Research Center, NASA Conference
Publication (CP) 2416, Paper No. 1 (1986), pp. 130.
6. Quoted in Lou Drendel, F-16 Fighting Falcon in ActionAircraft
No. 53 (Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1982), p. 31.
Elegance in Flight
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
Elegance in Flight
17. Erik M. Conway, High Speed Dreams: NASA and the Technopolitics
of Supersonic Transportation, 19451999 (Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2005).
18. E.C. Polhamus, Applying Slender Wing Benefits to Military
Aircraft, presented at the AIAA/AHA Aircraft Design, Systems
and Technology Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, October 1719, 1983,
AIAA Paper 83-2566 in Journal of Aircraft 21, no. 8 (August 1984):
19. B.L. Shrout, Aerodynamic Characteristics at Mach Numbers from
0.6 to 2.16 of a Supersonic Cruise Fighter Configuration with a
Design Mach Number of 1.8, NASA Technical Memorandum
(TM) X-3559 (September 1977).
20. O.A. Morris, Subsonic and Supersonic Aerodynamic Characteristics
of a Supersonic Cruise Fighter with a Twisted and Cambered Wing
with 74 Sweep, NASA TM X-3530 (August 1977).
21. USAF, Technology for Supersonic Cruise Military AircraftDesign
Conference Proceedings, Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson AFB, 1976.
22. John E. Lamar, Roy T. Schemensky, and C. Subba Reddy,
Development of a Vortex-Lift-Design Method and Application to
a Slender Maneuver-Wing Configuration, presented at the AIAA
18th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Pasadena, CA, January 1416,
1980, AIAA Paper 80-0327 (January 1980).
23. The SCAT-15F design served as the initial baseline for the NASA
High-Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) research effort that would start
in the late 1980s. Joseph R. Chambers, Innovation in Flight: Research
of the NASA Langley Research Center on Revolutionary Advanced
Concepts for Aeronautics, Monograph in Aerospace History Number
39 (Washington, DC: NASA SP-2005-4539, 2005); Chambers,
Partners in Freedom.
24. In fact, the Air Force interest in a fighter with supercruise perfor-
mance would coalesce into the entirely new Advanced Tactical
Fighter (ATF) program by the early 1980s. This bold concept
attempted to balance a variety of highly conflicting design charac-
teristics in a totally new air superiority fighter design. ATF was to
be capable of supercruise without use of afterburning at high Mach
numbers over long ranges, was to possess exceptional maneuverabil-
ity, and was to carry a large payload of ordnance. Most significantly,
ATF was to be designed from the beginning to achieve exception-
ally demanding all-aspect radar stealth requirements. The ATF
program would eventually lead to development and fielding of the
Experimental Prototyping and Supersonic Combat
Test model of an interim SCAMP concept mounted in the NASA Langley Unitary Plan Wind
Tunnel in 1978. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
Conceptualizing SCAMP
From the start, SCAMP had been visualized by General Dynamics as an F-16
derivative that would utilize a newly designed delta wing tailored to improve
supersonic efficiency and retain good maneuvering performance. In designing
this wing, GD intended to capitalize on the latest techniques emerging from
NASA aeronautical research efforts. The design would focus on improving
both supersonic flight performance and aerodynamic efficiency compared to
the standard F-16. In this context, the NASA LangleyGD cooperative effort
would be heavily oriented toward the development of a transonic/supersonic
fighter wing design using an extensive wind tunnel test program. The coopera-
tive program would develop and expand the existing design and technology
base to significantly improve the benefits of wing camber as applied to a highly
swept delta-wing planform. An important consideration was risk reduction.
The new aerodynamic technologies and capabilities needed to be successfully
integrated into a technology demonstrator or prototype fighter design. In
order to reach these goals, a wide variety of wind tunnel models and NASA
test facilities would be used during the cooperative development effort and
follow-on detail design work. To this end, some of these subscale models (the
so-called matrix models) were designed to be capable of rapid modification.
This allowed the rapid investigation of a wide variety of aerodynamic refine-
ments. These included different wing-camber and wing-twist concepts as well
as detail design changes to the basic aircraft configuration. The matrix model
concept turned out to be very useful
in efficiently testing the full matrix of
design test points and configurations
during the wind tunnel test effort at
NASA Langley.5
The cooperative test concept
called for the potential benefits of
transonic vortex wing camber to be
evaluated using four wing configu-
rations. These different configura-
tions would be used to explore the
The matrix model could be rapidly modified
effectiveness of various wing-camber
using a variety of removable leading edges,
wingtips, and trailing edges to efficiently approaches in providing properly
assess their effects on aerodynamic character- tailored leading-edge vortices. These
istics. (Lockheed Martin) tailored vortices would improve lift
as well as provide some thrust in the
direction of flight. Achieving favorably tailored vortex lift would reduce the
drag penalties associated with maneuvering at higher angles of attack. Two of
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
the test wings would have cranked-arrow leading-edge planforms with sweep
angles of 76.6 and 66.6 degrees. One of these cranked-arrow wings would
use a fixed vortex camber while the other was fitted with leading- and trail-
ing-edge movable flaps. The other two wings used in the investigation were
delta shapes that were used in transonic vortex camber assessments. Both of
these delta wings had leading-edge sweep angles of 71.6 degrees. One of the
delta wings would be designed with leading-edge vortex camber while the
other was a basic noncambered delta wing used as a baseline for comparison
purposes. Eventually, five other wing concepts would be used to investigate
various approaches to improve supersonic drag performance, both at cruise
conditions and in maneuvering flight. A major constraint was that all of these
wing planforms needed to be capable of being mated with a lengthened F-16
fuselage. During the cooperative design and test effort, various fore and aft
fuselage-plug concepts would be considered to increase the fuselage length
and fineness ratio.6
Another aspect of the SCAMP studies was an investigation of various con-
formal weapons carriage concepts that were intended to reduce aerodynamic
drag and improve mission performance. Although not a totally new concept,
conformal carriage increasingly was being seen as a way to reduce the drag
penalties associated with external weapons carriage.7 Conformal carriage of
both air-to-ground and air-to-air munitions was to be addressed with a focus on
efficient aerodynamic integration of external stores oriented toward enhancing
both volume and cross-sectional area distribution. A number of other areas for
future NASA-GD cooperative work were identified in September 1977. These
included assessing various leading-edge crank angles and different leading-
edge-flap concepts to further enhance vortex lift/thrust and evaluations of the
benefits of various canard concepts to further increase lift. Canard concepts
that were identified at the time included fixed, movable, and fully retractable
possibilities. Other areas that were seen as possibilities for cooperation with
NASA were research into the effects of strake and wing-camber integration,
variations in fuselage camber, and lower fuselage surface and internal volume
distribution studies. Another possibility investigated by GD involved incor-
poration of variable geometry anhedral (e.g., angled-down) wingtips into the
SCAMP configuration ( la the North American XB-70A Valkyrie Mach 3
bomber of the early 1960s).8 The use of variable geometry anhedral wingtips
on supersonic fighter designs had also been investigated by NASA Langley
during the earlier SCIF design and wind tunnel test efforts.
GD laid out a very aggressive validation plan for the proposed SCAMP
collaborative effort with NASA Langley. This preliminary SCAMP Validation
Plan of early 1977 included a provision for a cooperative NASA-GD team
approach to model design and fabrication.9 Low- and high-speed wind tunnel
Elegance in Flight
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
and being increasingly active into 1982 as the first flight dates of the actual
F-16XL aircraft approached. Even after that date, NASA representatives par-
ticipated in activities related to monitoring and advising the Air Force F-16XL
flight-test program. As an example, Marilyn E. Ogburn of Langleys Dynamic
Stability Branch served as a NASA observer during the Air Force Flight Test
Center evaluation of the F-16XL at Edwards Air Force Base.12
Elegance in Flight
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
the earlier arrow-wing configuration. The smaller aft movement of its mean
aerodynamic center (MAC) as the Mach number changed from subsonic to
supersonic minimized flight control issues.13 This aft shift in mean aerodynamic
center was reduced to a much more manageable 10.5 percent. This compared
to a rearward shift in MAC of as much as 26 percent during transition from
subsonic to supersonic flight for the standard F-16. This was due largely to
the reduced leading-edge sweep angle on the cranked outboard portions of the
wing. The revised wing also provided major improvements in low-speed roll
control as well as significant supersonic rolling capabilities. GD claimed this
newer wing design would provide a 9-g instantaneous maneuvering capability
at Mach 2.0 at an altitude of 50,000 feet using the maximum available up-
elevon deflection angle of 20 degrees.14
As initially conceived,
this configuration began
with hand-drawn illus-
trations, typical of those
commonly seen in con-
ceptual design efforts in
the aircraft industry in
the era before computer-
based graphics and com-
puter-aided design. This
SCAMP configuration
incorporated an aeroelas-
tically tailored composite
Although bearing a general resemblance, this SCAMP design
wing fitted with full-span concept, circa September 1977, was still somewhat removed
leading-edge flaps and from the eventual F-16XL configuration in a number of
a VGI. Other features significant respects. (Lockheed Martin)
included an all-movable
vertical tail (that would have provided relaxed static directional stability) as
well as all-movable wingtips for both pitch trim and roll control.15
The existing horizontal tail surfaces from the production F-16A were stud-
ied for possible use as both an all-movable tailfin and as all-moveable wingtips.
The all-movable vertical tailfin and all-movable wingtips would be dropped
from the final SCAMPF-16XL configuration. This reportedly resulted after
negative feedback during discussions between GD engineering and Air Force
engineers from the Aeronautical Systems Division who perceived these items
as creating unnecessarily high technical risk.16 This negative position was rein-
forced by subsequent NASA wind tunnel testing in the 30- by 60-foot Full-
Scale Tunnel with a matrix model fitted with these features. This revealed that
the all-movable wingtip control surfaces did not provide adequate aircraft
Elegance in Flight
Key members of the GD SCAMP development team with a matrix model circa late 1977. From
the left: Harry J. Hillaker, program manager; Andrew Lewis, aerodynamics; Kenny Barnes, stabil-
ity and control lead; and Jim Gordon, lead program engineer. (Lockheed Martin)
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
Elegance in Flight
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
experienced pitch-up tendencies along with both directional and roll instabil-
ity at higher angles of attack. These tendencies were determined to be caused
by leading-edge vortex breakdown over the wing that resulted in severe lateral
and directional instabilities. The Langley wind tunnel investigation of SCAMP
stability used a 0.15-scale wind tunnel model of the configuration that was
intensively tested in the Langley 30- by 60-foot Full-Scale Tunnel. This rather
large model, constructed mainly of wood and molded fiberglass, incorporated a
flow-through inlet duct and had a length of 7.34 feet, a wingspan of 4.86 feet,
an aspect ratio of 1.75, and a wing area of 13.5 square feet. Using the 15-per-
cent scale model, aerodynamic forces were measured and the resultant pitching
moments on the aircraft were determined for a baseline SCAMP configuration
as well as for several alternative configurations. The baseline configuration had
been modified to incorporate a notched-wing apex, an extended-wing trailing
edge, wing fences, and combinations of all of these fixes. The wind tunnel test
program covered the angle of attack range from 4 degrees to +41 degrees,
with sideslip angles as high as 13.5 degrees being investigated. Smoke-flow
investigations were used to assist in documenting wing vortex flow behavior
and to establish the relationship between vortex flow breakdown as a function
of angle of attack and angle of sideslip. Results for all tested configurations
were comprehensively documented in the form of detailed graphs and tables
that provided aerodynamic coefficients and stability factors related to pitch,
yaw, and roll for each tested configuration as a function of variations in angle
of attack and angle of sideslip.21
The successful F-16XL design evolution was heavily dependent on experi-
mental aerodynamic research efforts conducted in Langley wind tunnel facili-
ties. As it unfolded, the NASA-GD cooperative test program demonstrated that
the earlier SCAMP configurations exhibited high levels of maximum lift but
also displayed unstable longitudinal and lateral-directional stability character-
istics at moderate to high angles of attack. Longitudinal- and lateral-directional
stability characteristics were significantly improved by the combination of the
aforementioned wing-apex notch, the wing trailing-edge extension, and the
addition of wing fences. However, these features were also noted by Langley
researchers as causing some reduction in achievable maximum lift coefficient,
a factor that pales in relation to the fact that without these critical aerodynamic
fixes, any practical fighter derived from the earlier SCAMP concepts would
have been unacceptable to test pilots from an aircraft handling qualities per-
spective. In addition, the use of fly-by-wire flight controls also made XL feasible
where the pure SCAMP configurations with conventional controls would not
have been. The lateral-directional control from the outboard leading-edge flaps
and the rudder-aileron interconnect from the basic F-16 flight control logic
also helped make the aircraft controllable.22
Elegance in Flight
During the course of the cooperative program, the early SCAMP concept evolved to the cranked-
arrow-wing configuration eventually adapted for the F-16XL. (Lockheed Martin)
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
hours of wind tunnel testing had been accomplished. This included 611 hours
of low-speed testing, 419 hours at transonic speeds, and 367 hours at super-
sonic conditions. On December 1, 1980, GD corporate management approved
initiation of the next phase of the F-16XL effort. This would focus on detail
design and construction of two flight-test prototypes. During this phase, General
Dynamics would expend $41.7 million of corporate Independent Research and
Development (IRAD) funding with an additional $7.8 million provided by their
vendors and suppliers. Additional wind tunnel tests, focused on detailed aero-
dynamic refinements and technical issues important to the flight-test program,
would continue well into 1982. GD continued to use NASA Langley facilities on
an as-required contract basis and also used facilities located at the NASA Ames
Research Laboratory at Moffett Field near San Francisco, CA. Other wind tunnel
testing related to the F-16XL was accomplished in cooperation with Calspan
Corporation (previously Cornell Aeronautical Laboratories) and at GDs Convair
Division in San Diego, CA.23
On left: NASA Langleys Sue Grafton is shown with the 0.18-scale captive free-flight wind tunnel
model used to validate F-16XL aerodynamic and flight control modifications. On right: the 0.18-
scale F-16XL model is seen during free-flight testing in the NASA Langley Full-Scale Tunnel.
(Both images NASA)
Elegance in Flight
flown from pilot stations located in the wind tunnel control room. Powered by
high-pressure compressed air, it was used to explore aircraft controllability and
handling qualities at high angles of attack. This model also played a vital role
in the determination of the aircrafts maneuvering boundary and supported
refinements to the final flight control configuration.
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
Spin Tests
Data from spin tunnel and drop model tests conducted at NASA Langley
were used to further refine the F-16XL flight control system software and vali-
date automatic antispin features and the characteristics of the spin recovery
parachute design and installation. The inherent value of these NASA efforts
was evident in the exceptional resistance of the F-16XL to inadvertent loss
of control during high-AoA maneuveringcapabilities that would be con-
clusively demonstrated during the subsequent Air Force flight-test program.
Spin Tunnel Testing: In conjunction with the ongoing cooperative program
with General Dynamics, the Langley Vertical Spin Tunnel was used to deter-
mine the spin characteristics of the definitive F-16XL design. For these tests,
NASA research engineers Raymond D. Whipple and William L. White used
a 1/25-scale model that was ballasted to obtain dynamic similarity of motions
with the characteristics of the full-scale F-16XL aircraft design. The spin
models mass, center of gravity (cg), and moment of inertia characteristics
were fully representative of those of the full-scale aircraft. The spin tunnel
test model was 2.1 feet long. It was fitted with a mechanism that actuated
the flight control surfaces on remote radio command from an operator in the
control room during spin recovery attempts. The control surface deflection
angles used in these recovery attempts were fully representative of the flight
control surface capabilities that were intended to be available on the actual
aircraft. In addition to spin testing with the clean aircraft configuration (no
external stores), the test model was configured with various external stores
combinations in a series of comprehensive spin tunnel tests that began at
NASA Langley in 1981 and continued into 1983.
Detailed subscale models of munitions and external fuel tanks were used
to evaluate the large variety, quantities, and combinations of munitions and
external fuel tanks that would be carried on the actual aircraft for their effects
on spin entry and recovery characteristics. Both symmetric and asymmetric
stores combinations were evaluated during the test program. The tests with
asymmetric loads were especially important in understanding the ability of
the F-16XLs flight control system to cope with the forces and moments on
the aircraft during potential out-of-control situations. The external stores
loads that were evaluated during the NASA spin tunnel test effort are shown
in Table 2. Details related to the F-16XLs weapons and stores carriage and
management systems and the associated NASA and Air Force wind tunnel
and flight-test efforts, which were exceptionally comprehensive, are discussed
in a number of follow-on sections of this document.
Elegance in Flight
Table 2.
A variety of F-16XL external stores loadings (both symmetric
and asymmetric) were evaluated during spin tunnel
testing at NASA Langley from 1981 to 1983. NASA
Load Description WT Symmetry
1 Clean AircraftMid cg (x/c = 0.460) Off Symmetric
(x/c = the location of the aircrafts cg on the
wing chord line)
2 4 AMRAAM (2 pylon, 2 wingtip) On Symmetric
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
During the NASA Langley spin test program, the center of gravity of the
F-16XL model was varied between its allowable forward and aft locations to
determine the effect of cg location on spin recovery. The allowable cg range
as a percentage of the mean aerodynamic chord for the F-16XL aircraft was
determined to lie between 46 percent (forward cg) to slightly over 49 percent
(aft cg). Different spin recovery flight control approaches were evaluated for
their relative effectiveness during both erect and inverted spins. Spin test results
showed that an automatic spin prevention system, integrated into the F-16XL
flight control system, could eliminate the development of erect spins. Without
an automatic spin prevention system, two flat erect spin modesone fast and
steady, one slower and oscillatorywere shown to be possible. In addition,
testing showed that the potential existed for a moderately steep, relatively slow
inverted spin mode. Recovery from this inverted spin mode was easily achieved
by neutralization of the flight control surfaces.
The NASA spin tests determined the appropriate piloting techniques
for acceptable recoveries from the different spin modes of the aircraft. The
F-16XLs spin prevention system, as integrated into its fly-by-wire flight control
system, was refined as a result of the spin tunnel testing. The ability of this
spin prevention system to automatically prevent spins from fully developing
was completely validated through a rigorous combination of test techniques.
These included the spin tunnel tests, NASA Langley drop model testing, and
follow-on Air Force flight testing with the full-scale aircraft. Additionally, a
considerable effort was made in the development of the antispin system using
the Langley Differential Maneuvering Simulator.26 The NASA drop model tests
are described in the following section while the Air Force flight-test effort is
described in detail in a separate chapter.
The emergency spin recovery parachute installation, designed for use on
the F-16XL during high-AoA maneuvering, was evaluated in conjunction with
tests of the spin recovery system. The aerodynamic effects of the so-called
Quadra Pod spin recovery chute
installation on the F-16XLs flight
characteristics were determined
using the 0.18-scale captive free-
flight model. During these tests,
sizing requirements for the anti-
spin parachute were investigated
using a variety of miniature spin
recovery parachutes with different
towline lengths. The spin chutes F-16XL model fitted with the Quadra Pod spin
were deployed by remote com- recovery parachute installation during wind tunnel
mand from a Quadra Pod spin testing at NASA Langley in May 1982. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
chute installation mounted on the 1/25-scale spin model during tests in the
Langley 20-foot Vertical Spin Tunnel. Testing showed that for the full-scale
F-16XL, a 34.2-foot-diameter parachute with a drag coefficient of 0.50 on a
100-foot towline, deployed in conjunction with spin recovery rudder and aile-
ron control deflections, produced the best results on the full-scale F-16XL. This
spin chutetowline combination was designed to provide emergency recovery
from all potential spin modes, even with very large lateral weight asymme-
tries. Based on the NASA recommendation, this spin chute configuration was
adopted for the flight demonstration program, but it never had to be used to
recover the aircraft from an inadvertent out-of-control or spin situation.
In addition to the tests described above, other potential flight control sur-
face deflection combinations and optional/alternative design approaches were
evaluated in the NASA Langley spin tunnel using the appropriately modified
F-16XL spin model. These included all-moving wingtips, an all-moving verti-
cal tail, and inboard-mounted leading-edge vortex flaps. These flight control
approaches had been included as possible options in the early SCAMP concep-
tual layout, and they were evaluated by NASA Langley at GDs request. NASA
testing showed that these alternative control surface approaches had limited to
negligible effects on F-16XL spin recovery characteristics.27
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
helicopter. The NASA Langley lead researcher for the drop model test effort
was Mark A. Croom.28
After checkout and release, the drop model was maneuvered to high-AoA
flight conditions to test its aerodynamic response to a variety of potential out-
of-control situations. A high-resolution video camera was used to track the
model after release. Telemetry uplink and downlink capabilities were provided
via a flight operations computer located in the control center. Graphic displays,
including images of the model in flight and its location within the geographic
confines of the test range, were presented at the remote pilot control station at
the Plum Tree Island test complex. A video image of the view from the model
was presented to the pilot along with digital displays that included parameters
of interest such as angle of attack, sideslip angle, altitude, yaw rate, and normal
acceleration level. A ground-based flight control computer located at the Plum
Tree Island test complex was capable of being reprogrammed with revised
flight control laws between
test missions. Proposed
control system refinements
could be programmed into
the ground-based computer
using the drop model as
a validation tool. An all-
terrain vehicle was used
to retrieve the drop model
from the soft marshy terrain The 0.18-scale drop model being recovered after a
on Plum Tree Island follow- successful drop model test at the Plum Tree Island test
ing its parachute landing.29 facility in Virginia. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
Elegance in Flight
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
wing tailored for supersonic flight. Issues associated with vortex flap design,
fabrication, and testing generated many in-house and NASA contractor stud-
ies. These focused on refining and validating vortex flap design methodologies
as well as investigating innovative applications of vortex control with deflected
flaps. NASA vortex flap research would lead to the publication of a large
number of professional papers and technical reports that were widely dissemi-
nated throughout the aerospace industry and the aircraft design community.36
Neal T. Frink led a NASA Langley team assessing the effects of varying
wing leading-edge sweep angles and the geometric characteristics of various
leading-edge vortex flap approaches. The overall effectiveness of vortex flaps
was evaluated in an extensive series of wind tunnel tests that resulted in per-
formance information for highly swept delta wings with constant-chord lead-
ing-edge vortex flaps. This formed the basis for development of an analytical
approach to the vortex flap design process. As a result, forces and moments
on highly swept wings equipped with vortex flaps, as well as detailed pres-
sures for different vortex flap configurations, could be predicted. Frinks work
resulted in the development of a leading-edge vortex flap design procedure
in 1982.37 Separately, Dhanvada M. Rao determined that reducing inboard
flap length actually improved the efficiency of leading-edge vortex flaps on
very highly swept wings. Tailoring the shape of the flap in the spanwise direc-
tion also improved vortex flap efficiency and favorable vortex formation over
wing leading edges. Rao and a separate independent team led by W. Elliott
Schoonover, Jr., of NASA Langley and W.E. Ohlson of Boeing determined that
increasing the geometrical area of the vortex flap delayed the movement of the
vortex inboard with some reduction in overall drag. The use of differentially
deflected vortex flaps to improve aircraft roll control was also evaluated with
some promise.38
During 1981, NASA Langley researchers Long P. Yip and Daniel G. Murri
investigated the effects of vortex flaps on the low-speed stability and control
characteristics of generic arrow-wing configurations in the 12-foot Low-Speed
Tunnel at Langley. Test results showed improvements in both lateral stability
and lift-to-drag ratio; however, an unacceptable nose-up pitching moment was
produced by the flaps. Geometric modifications to the vortex flap configura-
tion, including adjusting spanwise flap length and leading-edge geometry,
were evaluated in the wind tunnel. A vortex flap concept that incorporated a
deflected tab on its leading edge was shown to moderate the nose-up pitching
moment. The tabbed leading-edge vortex flap was installed on a 0.18-scale cap-
tive free-flight wind tunnel model of a later SCAMP configuration, which had
been transformed into the F-16XL configuration. Captive free-flight tests with
this model were conducted in the Langley 30- by 60-Foot (Full-Scale) Tunnel
in 1982. The tabbed vortex flap was also evaluated on a 1/25-scale model of the
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL in the NASA Langley spin tunnel. The vortex flap did not produce
adverse effects on aircraft spin recovery characteristics.
NASA vortex flap research with the F-16XL would eventually continue well
into the 1990s, especially driven by the High-Speed Research program with
its focus on technical risk reduction for the High-Speed Civil Transport. This
program is described in Chapter Test results reported by General Dynamics
Dennis B. Finley and Langley researcher W. Elliot Schoonover in 1986; the
results indicated that F-16XL maneuvering performance could be enhanced
with vortex flaps with no adverse effects on configuration aerodynamics.39
Later, during the NASA flight research effort with the F-16XL, there was a plan
to install and test leading-edge vortex flaps to support risk reduction activities
associated with the High-Speed Civil Transport. However, that effort was ter-
minated before the vortex flap modification to F-16XL-1 was accomplished,
despite the fact that the necessary tooling had already been delivered to Dryden.
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
Elegance in Flight
1. Hehs, Harry Hillaker: Father of the F-16.
2. Harry J. Hillaker, SCAMP: Supersonic Combat and Maneuvering
Prototype Program Presentation, General Dynamics Corporation,
Fort Worth Division, September 1977.
3. Aronstein and Piccirillo, The Lightweight Fighter Program.
4. Harry J. Hillaker, F-16XL Flight Test Program Overview, pre-
sented at the Second AHS, IES, SETP, SFTE, and DGLR Flight
Testing Conference, Las Vegas, NV, November 1618, 1983, AIAA
Paper 83-2730 (November 1, 1983).
5. Robert Wetherall, F-16XL First Flight Anniversary Celebration:
The GD Years, presentation at the F-16XL First Flight 25th
Anniversary Celebration, July 3, 2007.
6. Ibid.
7. The McDonnell-Douglas F-4 Phantom II and the later F-15 Eagle
carried four conformally mounted AIM-7 Sparrow radar-guided air-
to-air missiles in semisubmerged cavities under the fuselage; Charles
Epstein, Taking the Drag Out of Bombs, Flight International
(August 21, 1982) pp. 418420.
8. Hillaker, SCAMP.
9. Ibid.
10. The DMS had originally been developed by NASA to simulate two
spacecraft or aircraft maneuvering together.
11. Hillaker, SCAMP.
12. Chambers, Partners in Freedom.
13. The location on the wing where the aerodynamic pitching moment
remains constant is known as the aerodynamic center (ac). Using
the aerodynamic center as the location where the aerodynamic
lifting force is applied eliminates the problem of the movement of
the center of pressure with angle of attack during design analyses.
For a wing with a positive-cambered airfoil, the pitching moment
on the wing results in a counterclockwise (pitch up) rotation of the
wing. For wings with nonrectangular planforms (like the F-16 and
the F-16XL), the location of the mean aerodynamic center (MAC)
depends on the planform shape of the wing. Source: NASA Glenn,
14. As the aerodynamic center of lift on the wing shifts aft during the
transition from subsonic to supersonic flight, the aircrafts pitch con-
trol surfaces must compensate for the increase in nose-down pitch-
ing moment on the aircraft. The resultant control surface deflection
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
Elegance in Flight
estimated as 40 miles per hour (mph) higher than the aircraft was
ever tested. The resulting crash killed the pilot and 10 spectators on
the ground and injured 64 others, 16 seriously. The final National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) accident report determined
that the probable cause of this accident was the reduced stiffness
of the elevator trim tab system that allowed aerodynamic flutter
to occur at racing speeds. The reduced stiffness was the result of
deteriorated locknut inserts that allowed the trim tab attachment
screws to become loose and to initiate fatigue cracking in one screw
sometime before the accident flight. Aerodynamic flutter of the trim
tabs resulted in a failure of the left trim tab link assembly, eleva-
tor movement, high flight loads, and a loss of control. NTSB,
NTSB Accident Brief: Pilot/Race 177, The Galloping Ghost, North
American P-51D N79111, Reno, Nevada, September 16, 2001,
NTSB/AAB-12/01, PB2012-916203 (August 27, 2012).
25. Peter Garrison, The Hammer: For Every Airplane, Theres a Region
of the Flight Envelope into Which it Dare not Fly, Air & Space
Magazine (March 2001); Chambers, Partners in Freedom; Wilmer H.
Reed III, Aeroelasticity Matters: Some Reflections on Two Decades
of Testing in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel,
NASA TM 83210 (September 1981); J.A. Ellis, Flutter Analysis of
F-16XL Air-to-Air Configurations, General Dynamics Corporation
Report 400PR062 (June 28, 1982); R.S. Adams and J.C. Elrod,
F-16XL Ground Vibration Test No. 1 (Air-to-Air), General
Dynamics Corporation Report 400PR066 (July 9, 1982); R.S.
Adams and J.C. Elrod, F-16XL Ground Vibration Test No. 2 (Air-
to-Ground), General Dynamics Corporation Report 400PR083
(December 20, 1982).
26. Marilyn E. Ogburn, T. Luat, and Phillip W. Brown, Simulation
Study of a Cranked-Arrow Wing Fighter Configuration at High
Angles of Attack, NASA TM 85800 (November 1984).
27. R.D. Whipple and W.L. White, Spin-Tunnel Investigation of a
1/25th Scale Model of the General Dynamics F-16XL Airplane,
NASA TM 85660 (October 1, 1984).
28. Joseph R. Chambers, Modeling Flight: The Role of Dynamically
Scaled Free-Flight Models in Support of NASAs Aerospace Programs
(Washington, DC: NASA SP-2009-575, 2009).
29. Ibid.
30. GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
31. The 800-pound CBU-58 cluster bomb unit (CBU) consisted of the
standard Air Force SUU-30 submunitions dispenser loaded with
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
Elegance in Flight
From SCAMP to F-16XL: A Collaborative Development
Richard P. Hallion, Sweep and Swing: Reshaping the Wing for the
Jet and Rocket Age, in NASAs Contributions to Aeronautics Vol.
1, ed. Richard P. Hallion (Washington: NASA SP-2010-570-Vol
1, 2010); Ray Whitford, Design for Air Combat (London: Janes
Publishing Company, Ltd., 1987).
The F-16XL-2 during radar signature testing conducted by General Dynamics. (Lockheed Martin)
Flight Demonstration
Program Planning
Early in 1980, General Dynamics held initial discussions with the Air Force
F-16 System Program Office (SPO) related to their intent to submit an unso-
licited proposal for what they termed a SCAMP flight demonstration program.
If acceptable to the Air Force, this proposal was intended to lead to the design,
manufacture, and flight test of two F-16XL flight demonstrator aircraft. The
flight-test program that GD proposed was based on the three major elements
listed below. Successful execution of the proposed program would require the
full cooperation of the Air Force along with a commitment of both resources
and funding.1
1. As a GD Corporate initiative, the company would design, manu-
facture, and provide safety of flight certificates for two F-16XL
demonstrator aircraft.
2. The Air Force would provide two F-16 aircraft and the associ-
ated Government-furnished equipment (GFE) necessary for GD
to manufacture two prototypes. GD would use Independent
Research and Development funding to design and manufacture
the two prototypes.2
3. Finally, the Government (U.S. Air Force) would fund the F-16XL
flight-test program and any additional wind tunnel time required
to certify the aircraft for flight testing (such as flutter and weap-
ons separation testing).
Elegance in Flight
and the Air Force used during the YF-16 Lightweight Fighter prototype effort.3
This included collocation of the entire development team, the formal prepara-
tion of minimum essential documentation only, full and open program partici-
pation by major subcontractors, and cost and schedule tracking by individual
work breakdown structure (WBS) element; and in order to speed development
and control cost, the F-16XL design would be based on a firm configuration
definition and specific capability goals. Air Force participation was to begin
as soon as possible, starting with coordinating the lease of selected F-16 assets
needed for the program, and it would include continuous F-16 SPO coordina-
tion with the GD F-16XL program manager as the program unfolded. Both
the design and flight-test effort were intended to facilitate a smooth transition
to an F-16XL-derived production programif that option was selected by the
Air Force. However, many technical, cost, and schedule issues associated with
the F-16XL design were still being addressed throughout 1980. These included
concerns over excessive wingtip flexibility, leading-edge flap and aileron actua-
tion provisions, final vertical tail size and shape, environmental cooling system
(ECS) capacity, external wing fuel tank location, electrical generation capacity,
and the producibility of the composite wing skin design.4
In its evaluation of the preliminary F-16XL proposal, the Air Force F-16
System Program Office concluded that the aircraft was feasible and the pro-
posed cost of the flight-test effort proposed by GD was realistic. The SPO also
noted that the proposed schedule was challenging but feasible. Proposed costs
for both the F-16XL Full Scale Development effort and the production pro-
gram were considered to be somewhat optimistic. However, on May 1, 1980,
the F-16 SPO informed GD that the Air Force did not have a requirement for
the F-16XL at that time. They recommended that GD examine the possibil-
ity of initiating an F-16XL flight demonstration using company Independent
Research and Development funding with the possibility of some assistance
being provided from the Air Force. Such assistance was noted as potentially
including various items of GFE and flight-test support.5
General Dynamics undertook an extensive program of briefings on their
proposed F-16XL flight demonstration effort in an attempt to gain Air Force
support for the program. Meetings and briefings were arranged, and detailed
presentations on the flight-test concept were given at all levels of the Air Force
covering both systems development agencies and operational commands,
including the Air Staff. However, GD was unsuccessful in obtaining Air Force
funding to start the effort in 1981 or in convincing the Air Force to incorporate
the F-16XL into the fiscal year (FY) 1982 Program Objective Memorandum
(POM).6 After the Air Force had submitted their FY 1982 POM to the Office
of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) for review, GD and their supporters within
the Air Force were able to convince the Undersecretary of Defense for Research
Flight Demonstration Program Planning
and Engineering (USDR&E) within the OSD to direct the Air Force to initiate
a new Combat Aircraft Prototype (CAP) program. This was to be focused on
design, construction, and flight test of the F-16XL. The Air Force objected to
the USDR&E direction on the basis that commercial competition was required
in order to initiate such an effort and also because OSD should not specifically
direct what the Air Force should test to best accomplish its mission. In discus-
sions with OSD, the Air Force noted that the F-15E was also a candidate for
a flight-test demonstration along with the F-16XL. In a breakthrough for the
program, the Air Force did agree to add necessary funding for a competitive
prototype program that would involve both the F-16XL and the F-15E. This
competitive prototyping effort would begin in FY 1982 and continue through
1983 and 1984. The Air Force budget request was then modified to provide
funding for an F-16XL flight demonstration effort with $22.5 million provided
in FY 1982, $25 million in 1983, and $10.2 million in 1984. These numbers
closely corresponded to the General Dynamics estimate of funding required
to execute the F-16XL flight demonstration program.7
On August 27, 1980, General Dynamics submitted its proposal for a USAF-
sponsored development and flight-test program to the Air Force F-16 Systems
Program Office (usually simply referred to as the F-16 SPO).8 In keeping with
the streamlined program approach that GD advocated, the proposal was very
concise, being only 40 pages long. GD referred to the flight demonstrator aircraft
as SCAMP in their proposal. The actual company designation was Model
400, but the aircraft rapidly became known by the designation created by Harry
Hillakerthe F-16XL. GD stated that they intended to initiate the development
effort on October 1, 1980, using internal company IRAD funds. This approach
would continue through September 30, 1981, at which time Air Force fund-
ing would be used for the balance of the prototyping and flight demonstration
program. Air Force support for the GD approach was soon forthcoming. In a
October 15, 1980, letter to General Dynamics, Lt. Gen. Lawrence A. Skantze,
commander of the USAF Aeronautical Systems Division, stated, I support your
plan to conduct the F-16XL program using IRAD.9 He also committed the
Air Force to providing necessary material support for the project as laid out by
GD in their proposal: We can respond favorably to your request to provide
GFE [Government Furnished Equipment] requirements. These GFE items
were listed as two F-16 aircraft (A-3 and A-5), three F100-PW-200 engines,
and one two-place forward fuselage, equipments and assets available under the
F-16 contract at no cost on a non-interference basis. The two F-16A aircraft
identified in the Skantze letter would be built as the F-16XL-1 (the single-seat
prototype) and F-16XL-2 (the two-seat flight demonstrator).10
Shortly after GD submitted their proposal to the Air Force, articles describ-
ing the anticipated capabilities of the F-16XL began to appear in the aviation
Elegance in Flight
Flight Demonstration Program Planning
Elegance in Flight
The F-16XL flight demonstrator design, fabrication, assembly, and flight-test program schedule,
as depicted on a GD chart circa 1980. (Lockheed Martin)
By mid-1981, the wings weight problem was under control and manu-
facturing efforts were well underway on both aircraft. As manufactured, the
empty weight of F-16XL-1 would end up at 19,690 pounds as compared to
Flight Demonstration Program Planning
15,586 pounds for the basic F-16A, a difference of about 4,100 pounds. The
two-seat F-16XL-2 would have an empty weight of 21,157 pounds. This extra
weight combined with the same engine thrust meant that the F-16XL had a
lower thrust-to-weight (T/W) ratio compared to that of the F-16. Thrust-to-
weight ratio, along with wing loading and high lift-to-drag ratio, are impor-
tant components that define the overall energy maneuverability capability of
any fighter. (The relatively low thrust-to-weight ratio of the F-16XL and its
effects on takeoff distance and sustained maneuvering capability would later be
highlighted by the Air Force as a significant factor in determining the eventual
outcome of the dual-role fighter source selection, which chose the McDonnell-
Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle.)21
In the F-16XL manufacturing process, the single-seat XL-1 was somewhat
in the lead, its fuselage having been installed in the assembly tooling fixture
in May. The two-seat aircraft, the F-16XL-2, was in its assembly fixture by
the end of July 1981.22 Both aircraft would retain their original F-16A serial
numbers when they returned to flight status as F-16XLs equipped with F-16
Block 10 avionics. Their airframes were designed for a minimum service life
of 8,000 hours based on a structural design that provided 9-g capability at an
aircraft weight of 35,000 pounds with full internal fuel and 6.5-g capability
at the maximum aircraft takeoff gross weight of 48,000 pounds. Both pro-
totypes were intended to carry four AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles in semi-
submerged mountings under the aircraft plus two wingtip-mounted AIM-9
Sidewinders. In reality, dummy AIM-120s, fabricated from wood and sheet
metal, were scabbed onto the undersurfaces of the F-16XL flight demonstrators
as the AIM-120 missile was yet to be integrated onto the standard F-16, and
incorporation of the semisubmerged missile housing with its associated ejector
launcher would have required a separate development and integration effort.
A large variety of air-to-ground weapons and drop tanks could be carried on
as many as 16 wing stations.
As the General Dynamics F-16XL effort ramped up at Fort Worth, a wide
variety of specialized personnel would be assigned to the project. At the peak,
these included a total of 540 people. Of these, 13 were staff and managers,
205 were from the various engineering disciplines, 260 were directly involved
in production/manufacturing, 20 were dedicated to material/supply, 10 were
focused on preparation for test and evaluation, 20 were dedicated to quality
assurance, and 12 were Production Planning and Control (PPC) types. Air
Force personnel assigned to the F-16XL effort at Fort Worth and Edwards
AFB brought the total project staffing level up to about the 600 people. During
the course of the F-16XL design and fabrication effort, over 1,000,000 work
hours would be expended. The manufacturing effort to build the two flight
demonstrators ran on a two-shift basis and ended up costing GD $41.7 million
Elegance in Flight
between late 1980 and June 1982. This was in addition to the $15.9 million
expended by GD during the cooperative NASA-GD configuration definition
effort between 1976 and 1980. GD vendors and suppliers helped fund the
flight demonstrator design and fabrication effort to the tune of an additional
$7.8 million. Thus, the contractor cost of the F-16XL effort up to the July
1982 first flight was $65.4 million.23
Flight Demonstration Program Planning
Elegance in Flight
Flight Demonstration Program Planning
1. D.R. Kent, vice president and program director, F-16XL program,
General Dynamics Fort Worth Division, letter to Brig. Gen. G.L.
Monahan, ASD, Aeronautical Systems Division, January 7, 1981.
2. Under U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs), IRAD efforts
must fall within one of the following four categories: Basic Research,
Applied Research, Development, or Systems/Concept Formulation
Studies. Allowable IRAD costs are limited to those projects deter-
mined to be of potential interest to the DoD based on their contri-
butions to the criteria listed below.
Enable superior performance of future U.S. weapon system
and components.
Reduce acquisition costs and life-cycle costs of military systems.
Strengthen the defense industrial and technology base of the
United States.
Enhance the industrial competitiveness of the United States.
Promote the development of technologies identified as critical.
Increase the development and promotion of efficient and effective
applications of dual-use technologies.
Provide efficient and effective technologies for achieving environ-
mental benefits.
In various ways, the F-16XL initiative clearly met all of these criteria.
3. Harry J. Hillaker, F-16XL Flight Test Program Overview;
Aronstein and Piccirillo, The Lightweight Fighter Program: A
Successful Approach to Fighter Technology Transition.
4. K.R. Hinman, F-16E Point Paper, General Dynamics
Corporation, July 27, 1981.
5. Kent, letter.
6. The Program Objective Memorandum is the primary document
used by the military services within the Department of Defense to
submit their programming proposals. The POM includes an analysis
of missions, objectives, alternative methods to accomplish objec-
tives, and allocation of resources. It presents planned activities and
the personnel and budget obligation authority required over a 5-year
period to build, operate, and maintain the proposed program.
7. Harry J. Hillaker, F-16XL Presentation to the Lone Star Aero
Club, Arlington, TX, September 3, 1998.
8. Wetherall, F-16XL First Flight Anniversary Celebration.
9. Lt. Gen. Lawrence A. Skantze, USAF, Headquarters Aeronautical
Systems Division (AFSC), letter to Richard E. Adams, vice president
Elegance in Flight
Flight Demonstration Program Planning
The physical and geometric properties of the F-6XL aircraft are illustrated in this NASA drawing. The
effects of conical camber and twist on the wing are evident in the front view of the aircraft. (NASA)
Design and
Construction Details
By the early 1980s, General Dynamics released detailed illustrations and descrip-
tions of the F-16XL configuration. They noted that the cranked-arrow-wing
design had both aerodynamic and configuration benefits and significant poten-
tial for increased combat range. The cranked F-16XL arrow wing had an area
that was 115 percent larger than that of the standard F-16A wing. The resulting
larger internal wing volume enabled much more fuel to be carried5,000
pounds as compared to about 1,150 pounds in the standard F-16 wing. The
two fuselage plugs resulted in a new fuselage that was 56 inches longer than
that of the standard F-16. This enabled the F-16XL to carry over 7,600 pounds
of fuel inside its fuselage compared to slightly over 5,800 pounds carried in the
standard F-16s fuselage.1 Wing camber and twist were optimized to minimize
drag during high-speed cruise and level acceleration. Supersonic wave drag was
A General Dynamics perspective on the range of benefits that was possible by integrating the
cranked-arrow wing in the F-16XL design. (Lockheed Martin)
Elegance in Flight
Design and Construction Details
Elegance in Flight
Design and Construction Details
measurements validated the adequacy of the aft wing spar structural fix. The
strengthened aft wing spar modification was incorporated into the wing on
F-16XL-2 prior to its first flight at Fort Worth in October 1982.
Specially tailored upper and lower composite wing skins were developed for
use on the F-16XL. These composite skins were mechanically attached to the
aluminum understructure of each wing using special fasteners. The composite
wing skins covered most of the surface area of each wing segment. The skin
design was based on the use of aeroelastically tailored graphite-bismaleimide
laminates (composed of T300 fiber with a V378-A matrix) that were intended
to save structural weight. The F-16 had used a graphite-epoxy composite mate-
rial (T300 fiber/3501-6 matrix), but GD moved to the polyimide-based family
(of which bismaleimide is a subset) for their superior high-temperature prop-
erties. The skins were tailored
to deform favorably under load
while meeting the strength
requirements of a minimum
weight, damage-tolerant struc-
ture. They ranged in thickness
from 0.25 to 0.75 inches. By
the time of the F-16XL devel-
opment, graphite-polyimide
composites were being increas-
ingly used in aerospace appli-
cations, including on the Space
Shuttle. The development and Composite wing skins increased structural strength,
widespread use of graphite- saved weight, reduced manufacturing cost, and
polyimide composite struc- improved durability. (Lockheed Martin)
tures in the aerospace industry
had been heavily influenced by NASA-sponsored research conducted with
many companies including General Dynamics. In addition, GD had more
than a decade of development experience with composite materials, sponsored
in large part by the USAF Materials Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB.
The graphite-bismaleimide composite material had excellent mechanical
strength, being able to handle stresses of up to 50,000 pounds per square inch
(psi), as well as good heat-resistance properties. For the F-16XL application,
the composite wing skins were built up of laminated layers of graphite-bisma-
leimide material in which its thickness consisted of anywhere from 30 to 166
plies. The individual layers used to build up the laminates had been laid-up
over a mold by hand as automatic tape-laying equipment was still in develop-
ment. The specific number of plies used in an individual laminated layer was
dependent on the highest computed local structural load and stress levels likely
Elegance in Flight
Design and Construction Details
and production costs. This was due to the fact that the composite materials used
to build up the wing skins were more adaptable to being formed into the com-
pound curvature surfaces that were features of the F-16XL arrow-wing design.
The compound curvature of the wing skin surface was due to its complex
combination of wing camber and twist. Composite wing skins did not require
machine milling or chemical etching as metallic skins did. Other benefits were
increased stiffness and better rigidity compared to metallic counterparts and
an anticipated 2.5 times improvement in durability in operational service.10
Elegance in Flight
did not have a drag chute installation. The exception was the F-16 configura-
tion for the Royal Norwegian Air Force. Norwegian pilots had to operate from
remote strips, many of which were short and endangered by ice and snow,
where drag chutes literally could make the difference between life and death.
On the larger, heavier F-16XL with its increased landing speeds, the drag chute
provided several operational advantages. It allowed the aircraft to land safely
with heavy payloads or to operate from runways that had been shortened by
enemy action. The drag chute also enabled F-16XL operations at higher gross
weights from the shorter runways that existed on many North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) airfields. With the drag chute, an aborted takeoff could
be accomplished safely on a standard 8,000-foot-long NATO airfield at a maxi-
mum takeoff gross weight (TOGW) of 48,000 pounds with a wet runway at
warm-day conditions. The F-16XL drag chute was based on the pattern used
on the Norwegian F-16; however, it was manufactured with an even larger
canopy area for use on the F-16XL.13
The F-16XL fuselage was a lengthened and modified version of the standard
F-16 fuselage. In response to a request from GD, the Air Force had allocated
two F-16 fuselages for the F-16XL program. The first fuselage came from
F-16A serial number 75-0749. This was the fifth Full-Scale Development
aircraft, and it had accumulated 401.5 hours of flying time in support of the
FSD program. Powered by a Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200 turbofan engine
with 24,000 pounds of sea level static thrust (SLST), its primary role had
been climatic and environmental
testing, much of which had been
conducted in the huge McKinley
Climatic Laboratory at Eglin
AFB, in northwest Florida.14 The
fuselage was delivered to the GD
Fort Worth factory for conversion
into the single-seat F-16XL on
May 4, 1981, arriving on a large
commercial flatbed truck that had
been chartered from the Leonard
The damaged fuselage of the third Full-Scale
Brothers Trucking Company of
Development F-16A (75-0747) following its emer-
gency landing and nose gear collapse on Rogers Miami, FL.15
Dry Lake, October 5, 1980. (NASA photograph via The second fuselage assigned
Tom Grindle) to the F-16XL program came
Design and Construction Details
Elegance in Flight
fuselage volume, and it moved the cockpit forward. It did not, however,
increase the length of the engine intake, only the upper fuselage. The forward
fuselage extension housed specialized flight-test instrumentation on the two
F-16XL flight demonstrators, while on production aircraft it was intended that
this extension would house additional mission avionics. A second 26-inch Z
plug fuselage extension was added at midfuselage. The upper part of the Z ran
aft for 26 inches from FS 373.8, increasing internal fuel. The lower leg of the Z
started at FS 343.12 (the landing gear bulkhead) and likewise ran aft, increasing
the intake length.18 Other changes to the F-16XL fuselage included removal
of the F-16 leading-edge-flap drive used on the standard F-16 (this enabled
additional fuel to be carried) and modifications to both the engine inlet diverter
and the ram inlet for the environmental cooling system. These modifications
were required to match the forward fuselage stretch. Recontoured forebody
strakes matched the new wing shape and allowed its smooth aerodynamic
integration into the stretched forward fuselage. Finally, the aft fuselage was
canted upward by an angle of 3.16 degrees. The upward cant was necessary to
prevent the lengthened aft fuselage from dragging on the runway during take-
off and landing since GD had decided not to lengthen or relocate the landing
gear despite the lengthened aft fuselage. This decision eased detail design and
kept aircraft gross weight down but resulted in other problems, which will
be discussed later. Other aft fuselage modifications were necessary to enable
dummy AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles to be carried.19
Design and Construction Details
Elegance in Flight
Design and Construction Details
brakes were located on each side of the engine nozzle. They functioned simul-
taneously when actuated by the pilot and opened symmetrically, with each
segment deflecting 60 degrees.23
During flight operations, the pilot commanded normal load factor (air-
craft g-level) throughout most of the flight envelope using the standard F-16
sidestick controller. The pitch axis of the FCS was essentially a g-command
system that utilized g-level, AoA, and pitch rate as feedback. During the
powered landing approach configura-
tion, with landing gear and flaps down,
and at angles of attack above 19 degrees
in the cruise configuration, the FBW
flight control system automatically pro-
vided blended g-level (load factor) and
AoA commands to ensure speed stability.
An AoA limiter was incorporated in the
F-16XL flight control system to mini-
mize opportunities for out-of-control
situations during maneuvering flight.
This limiter was similar to that used The F-16XL used the force-displacement
in the standard F-16A, but the allow- sidestick controller adopted from the
able AoA envelope was expanded to standard F-16. (NASA)
29 degrees at low speeds (up from the
25-degree limit in the basic F-16). At speeds above Mach 0.9, the allowable
AoA was restricted to a maximum of 26 degrees. The allowable angle of attack
when the landing gear was extended was automatically limited to 16 degrees.
In the event of a departure from controlled flight, the leading-edge flaps
were automatically used to augment the rudder in limiting high yaw rates from
developing at angles of attack between 35 and 50 degrees. If a stabilized deep
stall condition was encountered, the flight control system featured a manual
pitch override (MPO) capability. MPO allowed the pilot to bypass the AoA
limiter, providing him or her with full pitch command authority to initiate a
pitch-rocking maneuver and break the deep stall. Pitch-rocking was success-
fully used on the F-16 to break deep stalls, and it also was fitted with an MPO
capability.24 NASA Langley had played a significant role in the development of
the F-16 deep stall recovery system. The flight control systems installed in the
two F-16XL prototypes were fitted with an automatic pitch override system
intended to break any deep stall that might be encountered. This automated
system provided pitch-rocking commands to the flight control system in the
event of a stabilized deep stall.25 F-16XL flight control system functionality
and effectiveness were evaluated during extensive wind tunnel, spin tunnel,
and drop model test efforts at NASA Langley.
Elegance in Flight
The physical and geometric properties of the F-6XL aircraft are illustrated in this NASA drawing. The
effects of conical camber and twist on the wing are evident in the front view of the aircraft. (NASA)
Both F-16XL flight demonstrator aircraft were equipped with standard F-16A
avionics suites. If the F-16XL had been selected for full-scale development as
the USAF dual-role fighter, GD planned on incorporating the avionics suite
developed under the F-16C/D Multi-Stage Improvement Program (MSIP)
into production aircraft. These aircraft would have been equipped with an
improved APG-66 fire control radar; the AN/ALR-74 threat warning system;
the LANTIRN auto navigation, terrain avoidance, and targeting system; an
airborne self-protection jammer; the ALE-40 chaff/flare dispensing system;
both an inertial navigation system (INS) and a global positioning system
(GPS); and MIL-STD-1760 data interface capability with advanced weapons,
including the AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air guided missile. In addition, an
Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) subsystem with air-to-air IFF capability
would have been provided as would provision for HAVE QUICK secure ultra-
high frequency (UHF) communications capability. When fully implemented,
the MSIP would have provided night, under-the-weather, navigation, and
Design and Construction Details
Elegance in Flight
something over 4,000 pounds more thrust in afterburning power at sea level
than the F100-PW-200 engine. Thus, for optimum performance, the F110
engine required a larger inlet capture area for increased airflow.28 This resulted
in a revised inlet design and development effort that led to what GD referred
to as the Large Normal Shock Inlet. The LNSI had slightly different geometric
proportions than the standard F-16 inlet. Its larger capture area of 778 square
inches compared to the 714-square-inch capture area of the inlet that was
used with the Pratt & Whitney F100 engine. The larger capture area success-
fully accommodated the greater airflow needs of the more powerful General
Electric F110 engine. This inlet subsequently went into production on C-
and D-model F-16s equipped
with the GE engine. The larger
inlet was installed in F-16XL-2 at
the GD factory in Fort Worth in
conjunction with other structural
modifications and maintenance
actions. The LNSI installation
was completed by late June 1985,
in time for the aircraft to partici-
pate in the final phase of the Air
The Large Normal Shock Inlet compared to the Force flight-test evaluation at
smaller normal shock inlet. (Lockheed Martin) Edwards AFB.29
Design and Construction Details
fluid reservoir and accumulator volumes were provided to supply the increased
hydraulic power needs of the flight control surfaces on the larger and heavier
aircraft. To prevent excessive hydraulic flow demand when the landing gear
was lowered, the electronic flight control system automatically commanded
the elevons to the 5-degree trailing-edge-down position.31
Elegance in Flight
MER or TER carriage of ordnance. With heavy external weapons loads, the
F-16XL was authorized for maneuvering up to 7.33 gs compared with 5.58 gs
in the F-16A. When external fuel tanks were carried, maneuvering was limited
to less than 5.86 gs. The F-16XL maneuvering envelope was cleared to the full
9-g capability with a full load of air-to-air missiles and a full internal fuel load
(aircraft gross weight of 36,000 pounds).33
A large number of strengthened hard points at various locations enabled
bombs, missiles, external fuel tanks and sensor pods to be carried. There
were 5 2,000-pound underwing hard points, 16 1,000-pound hard points, 2
LANTIRN stations for the separate navigation and targeting pods associated
with that system, 4 AMRAAM stations, and wingtip missile launcher mount-
ings for 2 AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles. Additionally, there was a tandem pylon
system for carrying two Mk-84s, which could be attached to stations 5A, 5C, and
5F (and the corresponding 13A,
13C, and 13F). These were
XL-unique, Thomas Grindle
recalled, and once mounted
became a single unit and placed
both weapons close to the wing,
much like the LODE-14 pylons,
and in tandem to reduce drag.34
The integrated electronic
stores management system
A complex hard-point arrangement was developed for in the F-16XL was modified
the F-16XL to enable external stores to be mounted from that used in the F-16 to
in dense conformal arrangements. (Lockheed Martin) accommodate the added store
locations. Release and jettison
capability was provided at 10 underwing store stations on each wing. In addi-
tion, provisions were incorporated for carriage and fuel transfer from up to
four 370-gallon wing-mounted fuel tanks as well as a 300-gallon centerline
drop tank. For long-range ferry purposes, two 600-gallon fuel tanks could be
mounted on special heavyweight pylons under the wings. However, each of
the inboard heavy/wet fuel tank pylons was mounted at essentially the same
butt-line distance (as measured from the centerline of the fuselage) as two of
the underwing weapons pylons. These weapons pylons had to be removed
in order to mount the inboard heavy/wet fuel tank pylon under each wing.
This meant that if the special pylons for the two 600-gallon fuel tanks were
carried, four air-to-ground munitions could not be loaded onto the aircraft.
Furthermore, if this heavy/wet wing station was used for external fuel, the fuel
tank physically blocked an additional wing station, preventing the loading of
Design and Construction Details
a store on that station. Practically, this meant that if external fuel tanks were
mounted on the inboard heavyweight pylon, the maximum number of air-to-
ground weapons that could be carried under each wing was five instead of the
normal eight. If underwing fuel tanks were not used, the F-16XL could carry
up to 16 500-pound class weapons under the wings. Two more 500-pound
weapons could be carried on a special fuselage centerline adaptor. Alternatively,
the 300-gallon fuel tank could be mounted under the fuselage centerline in
place of the centerline weapons adaptor.35
Two sensor stations located under the engine inlet were used to carry the
pods associated with the LANTIRN system. These were mounted on ordnance
stations 8 and 10. The two LANTIRN stations were not enabled until the LNSI
was later installed on the F-16XL as the attachment points and wiring for the
LANTIRN system was not originally on the two FSD F-16 fuselages used to
create the prototypes. Interface and control provisions were incorporated for
AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground missiles and AIM-9 Sidewinder infrared
guided air-to-air missiles. Electrical and fire control provisions as well as the
recessed missile launchers for the four AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles, intended
to be carried on a production version of the F-16XL, were not installed in
the prototypes as this weapon had yet to be integrated into the basic F-16
aircraft. The F-16XL would have also been capable of carrying and deliver-
ing B61 nuclear weapons. Up to five of these weapons potentially could be
carried. In reality, for various practical reasons associated with the control of
nuclear weapons, the actual operational load would likely have been one or
two B61s. For peacetime training missions, the 715-pound BDU-38 practice
bomb, available in either free-fall or parachute-retarded versions, was used
to simulate the employment options available with the B61 nuclear weapon.
These consisted of either a surface burst or an air burst option. The BDU-38
had the same weight, physical, and aerodynamic characteristics as the actual
B61 bomb. The 20-millimeter (mm), hydraulically driven, electrically fired,
six-barreled M61A1 rotary cannon, mounted in the left side of the F-16 fuse-
lage, was retained in the same location on the F-16XL along with the large
drum magazine that had a capacity of 510 rounds of ammunition.36
Flight-Test Instrumentation
Both F-16XL aircraft had relatively large volumes of internal space available
below and behind the cockpit to house flight-test instrumentation-related equip-
ment, with F-16XL-1 having approximately 9.5 cubic feet while F-16XL-2 had
roughly 10 cubic feet that could be used. The Air Forcedeveloped Airborne Test
Instrumentation System (ATIS) was installed in both test aircraft. ATIS had been
Elegance in Flight
developed by the Air Force Flight Test Center and was provided to GD for use
during the F-16XL evaluation. Other instrumentation was designed and incor-
porated into each aircraft based on the specific data-collection tasks assigned
to that aircraft. The ATIS was combined with General Dynamicsdeveloped
hardware and provided telemetry and recording capability for both frequency
modulation (FM) and pulse code modulation (PCM) data. The PCM por-
tion of the ATIS system had the capability of recording parameters where fre-
quency characteristics ranged from static to about 200 Hertz (Hz). It was the
main source of data measurement used during F-16XL flight testing. The FM
subsystem could measure up to 20 high-response parameters. It was used for
measurements of phenomena such as vibrations or for obtaining acoustic data
at frequencies in excess of 200 Hz, where PCM capabilities were inadequate.
Each aircraft was equipped with a 14-track magnetic tape recorder with up to
90 minutes of recording time. The recording system capacity was 200 PCM
and 20 FM multiplexed data items. Data telemetry capabilities were provided
by a system developed by GD that included transmitters and power supply.
It was able to transmit all PCM and up to 15 FM multiplexed channels. For
the operational evaluation phase, a video recorder was also available to record
Head-Up Display and radar/electro-optical scope images. The instrumentation
system could record a relatively large number of flight-test parameters. These
are listed by flight-test objective and individual aircraft in Table 3.37
Test instrumentation parameters were tailored to the data requirements and
individual test objectives assigned to each aircraft. F-16XL-2 was primarily
Table 3.
F-16XL test instrumentation capability by
test aircraft (number of parameters)
Flight Test Area F-16XL-1 F-16XL-2
Stability and Control 42 23
Flutter 28
Structural Loads 27
Performance 38 38
Propulsion 12 20
Weapons Separation 12
Operational Utility Evaluation Video Recorder Video Recorder
Design and Construction Details
Sensors for determining structural loads on the airframe were positioned at different locations on
F-16XL-1 and F-16XL-2 as shown in these GD drawings. (Lockheed Martin)
assigned duties involving structural loads and propulsion testing while F-16XL-1
focused on stability and control (including at high AoA), flutter testing, and
flight control system evaluations. Both aircraft were to participate in aircraft
performance and stores separation testing as well as the Operational Utility
Evaluation (OUE) that would be conducted by the Air Force Operational
Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC). In addition, F-16XL-2 carried six
high-speed film cameras. Mounted externally under the wings, the cameras
were focused on the external weapons and stores. Separation characteristics
following weapons release from the aircraft would be filmed for subsequent
Elegance in Flight
Design and Construction Details
1. Author not identified, SCAMP Cuts Drag, Increases Fuel Load,
Aviation Week & Space Technology (August 18, 1980): p. 96.
2. The dual-dome Differential Maneuvering Simulator provided a
means of simulating two fighter aircraft or spacecraft maneuvering
with respect to each other. Each 40-foot-diameter dome contained
a generic cockpit with glass instrumentation, programmable control
inceptors, a 360-degree field-of-view visual system, a target image
generator system, and a high-resolution area-of-interest visual system.
3. The chord on most wing planforms varies at different positions along
the span, growing narrower toward the wingtips. For this reason, a
characteristic reference figure that can be compared among various
wing shapes is used. This is known as the mean aerodynamic chord, or
mac (sometimes the notation MAC is also used). With the F-16XL,
the overall cranked-arrow wing planform is composed of two differ-
ent planforms on the inner and outer segments of the wing, thus its
MAC is a composite of both segments. NASA Glenn Research Center,
Beginners Guide to Aerodynamics, http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/
k-12/airplane/bga.html, accessed May 17, 2012.
4. The angle of incidence is the angle formed by the wing chord line and
the aircraft longitudinal axis. The wing chord line extends from the
leading edge of the wing to the trailing edge of the wing. The lon-
gitudinal axis is an imaginary line that extends from the nose of the
aircraft to the tail. NASA Glenn Research Center, Beginners Guide
to Aerodynamics, http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/bga.
html, accessed May 19, 2012.
5. General Dynamics Corporation, Preliminary Design Drawing:
Internal Arrangement, Dual Role Fighter Aircraft, General Dynamics
Corporation, Fort Worth Division, F-16 DRF Proposal, April 22, 1983.
6. David C. Aronstein, NASA and Computational Structural Analysis,
Case 8 in Hallion, NASAs Contributions to Aeronautics, vol. 1.
7. Robert Wetherall, correspondence dated December 20, 2012.
8. Fuselage stations are numbered according to their position relative to
the length of the fuselage, measured from the nose. Thus, FS 463.1
was located 463.1 inches along the fuselage as measured from a refer-
ence point located forward of the nose of the aircraft. The aircraft
station coordinate system is based on an XYZ coordinate system origi-
nally developed for nautical engineering purposes and commonly used
in ship and boat design. The X-axis of this system (usually referred to
as the fuselage station, or FS) is positive pointing aft from a reference
Elegance in Flight
point located forward of the nose of the aircraft. The Y-axis (the
so-called butt-line distance) is measured from the centerline of the
fuselage (zero butt line) with the positive direction measured outboard
on the right wing. The Z-axis is positive pointing upward from a refer-
ence line located approximately along the centerline of the fuselage
when seen from the side. Distances measured from the waterline (WL)
are known as WL distance.
9. Janes editorial staff, Janes All The Worlds Aircraft, F-16XL entries in
various annual volumes (London: Janes Information Group, Inc.,
198182, 198283, 198384, 198586, 199596).
10. Hillaker, presentation to the Lone Star Aero Club.
11. GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.; Talty, F-16XL Demonstrates New Capabilities.
14. Conceived during WWII and completed in 1947, McKinley Climatic
Laboratory provides facilities for all-weather testing of aircraft,
weapons, and support equipment. The laboratory can accommodate
the largest bombers and transports. Nearly every weather condition
can be created, with temperatures ranging from 70 to +180 degrees
Fahrenheit. Every aircraft in the current DoD inventory has been
tested inside the McKinley Climatic Laboratory.
15. GD, Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
16. Hillaker, F-16XL Flight Test Program Overview.
17. GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
18. Thomas J. Grindle, NASA DFRC, correspondence with author,
January 1, 2013.
19. Dummy AMRAAM missiles were carried on the four AMRAAM
missile stations during the F-16XL flight-test program. The two in
the front bays were ballasted, but the aft ones were made of wood and
fitted with metallic nosecones and fins.
20. Aronstein and Piccirillo, The Lightweight Fighter Program.
21. Robert R. Ropelewski, F-16XL Shows Advances in Range, Ride and
Flying Qualities, Aviation Week & Space Technology (September 26,
1983): pp. 6271; GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
22. Talty, F-16XL Demonstrates New Capabilities.
23. James O. Young, History of the Air Force Flight Test Center, 1 January
198231 December 1982, Vol. I (Edwards AFB, CA: Air Force Flight
Test Center, 1983).
24. Aronstein and Piccirillo, Lightweight Fighter; Chambers, Partners in
Freedom. Interestingly, the Swedish Saab J 35, with its cranked-arrow
wing planform, was also susceptible to a serious deep stall condition,
Design and Construction Details
and its pilots were specially trained in both stall avoidance and recov-
ery techniques; see Walter J. Boyne, Airpower Classics: J35 Draken,
Air Force Magazine 94, no. 12 (December 2011).
25. Talty, F-16XL Demonstrates New Capabilities; Sheryl Scott Tierney,
Inflight Excitation of the F-16XL, presented at the Third AHS, CASI,
DGLR, IES, ISA, ITEA, SETP, and SFTE Flight Testing Conference,
Las Vegas, NV, April 24, 1986, AIAA Paper 86-9782 (1986).
26. F. Clifton Berry, Jr., The Revolutionary Evolution of the F-16XL,
Air Force Magazine 66, no. 11 (November 1983); Low Altitude
Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night, or LANTIRN, is a
combined system that uses two externally mounted pods carried
under the F-16s engine inlet. One pod is used for navigational pur-
poses while the other is employed for targeting air-to-ground weap-
ons. LANTIRN significantly increased combat effectiveness, allowing
flight at low altitudes, at night, and under-the-weather, and it enabled
ground targets to be attacked with a variety of precision-guided
weapons; GD, General Dynamics F-16XLC/D MULTIROLE
FIGHTER, General Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth Division
(undated, circa 1983).
27. Janes editorial staff, Janes Aero Engines, Issue 30 (Alexandria, VA:
Janes Information Group, Inc., 2011).
28. Later, during the NASA supersonic laminar flow control flight-test
program, a GE F110-GE-129 engine capable of producing 29,500
pounds SLST in full afterburner was installed in F-16XL-2. The fully
developed F110 engine eventually produced over 32,000 pounds
SLST in the F110-GE-132 version.
29. GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report; Talty, F-16XL
Demonstrates New Capabilities.
30. Ibid.
31. GD, F-16XL Final Flight Test Report.
32. Ibid. The Low Aerodynamic Drag Ejector (LODE-14) bomb rack was
fitted with shackles spaced 14 inches apart, enabling standard U.S.
Mark 80- series general purpose bombs to be carried.
33. Talty, F-16XL Demonstrates New Capabilities; GD, F-16XL Flight
Test ProgramFinal Report.
34. Grindle correspondence.
35. Ibid.
36. Ibid.
37. Hillaker, F-16XL Flight Test Program Overview; GD, F-16XL
Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
38. Hillaker, F-16XL Flight Test Program Overview.
F-16XL-1 photographed at the rollout ceremony at the GD Fort Worth factory on July 2, 1982.
(Lockheed Martin)
On left: The first F-16XL, 75-0749, is seen in April 1982 after its removal from its assembly fix-
ture. The composite wing skins and wing-fuselage mounting bolt locations are evident. On right:
The F-16XL-1 is seen being prepared for static structural proof testing in the spring of 1982.
(Both images Lockheed Martin)
Elegance in Flight
Rollout Ceremony
The eagerly awaited F-16XL rollout ceremony began exactly on time, at 11 a.m.
on July 2, 1982, at General Dynamics Fort Worth facility.1 The large function
was well attended by political dignitaries, senior corporate and Government
officials, and high-ranking military officers. Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer David S. Lewis and GD President Oliver C. Boileau cohosted
the event. Congressional attendees included such defense and aerospace stal-
warts as Senators Barry Goldwater of Arizona, John G. Tower of Texas, and
Howard W. Cannon of New Mexico, along with Representatives Jim Wright
and Martin Frost, both of Texas.2
For the Air Force, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Gabriel, along with senior
officers and representatives from key Air Force agencies and organizations
involved in various aspects of research, development, acquisition, and manage-
ment, were present. These included Dr. Alton G. Keel, assistant secretary of
the Air Force for Research, Development, and Acquisition; Lt. Gen. Lawrence
A. Skantze, commander of the Aeronautical Systems Division; Lt. Gen. Kelly
Burke, deputy chief of staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition; Lt.
Gen. Thomas H. McMullen, vice commander of the Tactical Air Command;
and Brig. Gen. George L. Monahan, of the F-16 Systems Program Office.
In recognition of NASAs significant contributions to the F-16XL, NASA
Administrator James M. Beggs represented NASA scientists and engineers who
rendered invaluable assistance in development and refinement of the cranked-
arrow wing and other important F-16XL design and flight safety features over
a period of several years.3
During the ceremony, GD Chairman Lewis commented that the F-16XL
combines the best technology of the 1980s with a proven design that enabled
us to make only a minimum number of changes.4 Herbert F. Rogers, vice
president and general manager of the General Dynamics Fort Worth Division,
added, while the F-16XL looks drastically different, it really is not. The major
differences are that the wings and tails have been removed and replaced by
the cranked arrow wing, and two fuselage plugs totaling 56 inches have been
added. Rogers went on to note that General Dynamics was urging the Air
Force to consider procurement of an F-16 variant based on the F-16XL design.
The F-16XL represents a truly dramatic increase in fighter capability, and
because it shares a substantial commonality with the F-16, it could easily be
phased into production with the F-16.5
In his comments, Skantze observed, The F-16 is rapidly becoming the
backbone of Tactical Air Command. It is being produced in a superb fashion,
on schedule and at cost. It has well acquitted itself as a combat aircraft, the
latter a passing reference to its success in Israeli hands during combat against
the Syrian air force that was unfolding even then over Lebanons Bekaa Valley.
First Flight and Intial Testing
He called the rollout a very exciting event. It is a great tribute to the man-
agement of General Dynamics and a far greater tribute to the work force and
designer team of this great aircraft.6
In his prepared remarks, Tower also noted the success of the F-16 pro-
gram, and he added, I am proud of what General Dynamics has done,
and it has been consistent with the
Department of Defenses goal of
improving existing systems, rather
than developing new systems.7
Towers remarks may also have
been a pointed commentary on the
fact that the Air Force had com-
mitted to embark on a totally new
air superiority fighter to be devel-
oped under the Advanced Tactical
Fighter program. Featuring true A Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor of the USAF
supercruise performance (that is, Air Combat Commands 27th Tactical Fighter
the ability to cruise at supersonic Squadron, 1st Fighter Wing, over Okinawa. (USAF)
speeds without using afterburner),
sensor fusion, thrust-vectoring, and advanced extremely high stealth capa-
bilities, the ATF evolved to create the superlative Lockheed Martin F-22A
Raptor, the worlds most advanced air dominance fighter.
Just prior to the highlight of the ceremonythe debut of the F-16XL
two armed F-16s taxied out in front of the assembled audience. One was
loaded for an air-to-air mission with four AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles and a
300-gallon centerline fuel tank. The other was in an air-to-ground mission
configuration with six 500-pound Mk-82 bombs, two 370-gallon under-
wing drop tanks, an electronic countermeasures pod, and two AIM-9 mis-
siles mounted on the wingtips. The F-16XL then taxied out and parked
between the two F-16s. To graphically demonstrate its multimission capa-
bilities, GD had configured the F-16XL to fly either an air-to-air or an air-
to-ground mission on the same sortie without having to carry external fuel
tanks. To emphasize its dual-role mission capabilities, the aircraft was loaded
with AIM-9L missiles on wingtip launchers with four dummy AIM-120
AMRAAM missiles conformally carried at the location where actual mis-
siles would have been attached in semisubmerged mountings. Additionally,
16 Mk-82 general-purpose bombs were mounted on individual low-drag
bomb racks under the wings. Fort Worth General Manager Herb Rogers
concluded the rollout ceremony by telling the audience that the first flight
of the F-16XL was imminent, noting, Just nineteen months ago, this was
a paper airplane. Now it is a reality.8
Elegance in Flight
On left: F-16XL-1 photographed at the rollout ceremony at the GD Fort Worth factory on July
2, 1982. On right: Aft view of F-16XL-1 as photographed at the Fort Worth rollout ceremony on
July 2, 1982. (Both images Lockheed Martin)
Harry Hillaker (front row, standing hands on hips) and members of the F-16XL design and
flight-test team with the first F-16XL, at General Dynamics Fort Worth plant. (Lockheed Martin
photograph via Robert Wetherall)
First Flight and Intial Testing
The first flight of the F-16XL-1. This flight photograph was subsequently autographed by GD test
pilot James McKinney. (Lockheed Martin)
number of 0.9 at 30,000 feet, a maximum load factor of 3 gs, and an angle of
attack of 20 degrees. McKinney was reported as saying that the aircraft had a solid
ride and performed as predicted, but its flight characteristics were very different
from those of the standard F-16.10
During the postflight debriefing and subsequent exuberant celebration festivi-
ties, an enthusiastic McKinney said that the F-16XL met or exceeded all expec-
tations on the first flight with excellent aircraft handling qualities and systems
operations. He reported that the aircraft had a solid feel and was comfortable to fly
after only a few minutes. Shortly after the 65-minute first flight, Jim McKinney
forwarded the following memo to the F-16XL development team (somewhat,
but understandably, understating any issues that had been encountered).
Elegance in Flight
These are dates Im sure we will all long remember. They represent
the culmination of an extraordinary achievement by all of you who
participated in the birth of this beautiful aircraft.
As a result of your skill and efforts, we can now offer our country
an important new defense weaponthe F-16XL Fighting Falcon.12
This was the first flight of the F-16XL. The flight was devoted to
functional verification of the aerodynamic design, the checkout
of existing/modified/new F-16 systems, and checkout of aircraft
Ground Operations:
First Flight and Intial Testing
ramp. Proper servicing between the taxi test and first flight signifi-
cantly reduced this tendency.
Elegance in Flight
First Flight and Intial Testing
GD into the engineering root cause of the pitch oscillation continued well into
1985. This eventually revealed a disagreement between the analytical model of
the flight control system and the actual flight control system hardware installed
in the aircraft. Flight testing conducted by the Combined Test Force at Edwards
AFB determined that a 2.5 Hz pitch oscillation existed in the aircraft longitudinal
axis. This oscillation was encountered in the 0.9 to 0.95 Mach number range at
all altitudes during 1-g flight. The amplitude or severity of the pitch oscillation
increased as altitude decreased (and air density increased). The amplitude of the
pitch oscillation was dependent on the specified FCS gain in the longitudinal
axis. The gain turned out to be 180 degrees out of phase in the frequency range
where the longitudinal oscillation existed. Pilots came to refer to this oscilla-
tion as pitch gallop, or lope. It was considered a general nuisance in 1-g
flight. However, as g-level was increased during simulated combat maneuvers,
the severity of the oscillation also increased to the degree that it was impossible
to adequately track a maneuvering target with the lead computing optical gun
sight. The pitch oscillation issue led to a dedicated CTF flight-test evaluation
of the F-16XLs FCS. An inflight excitation test procedure was developed that
obtained actual aircraft frequency responses using actual aircraft hardware and
aerodynamics at any condition within the flight envelope. As this interesting
aspect of the Air Force F-16XL flight evaluation was not completed until much
later in the test program (in 1985, well after the Dual-Role Fighter source selec-
tion was complete), it will be discussed in more technical detail in a later section.14
Elegance in Flight
1. This was less than 2 weeks later than the planned rollout date of June
22 contained in the F-16XL No. 1 Ground, Flight Test and Delivery
schedule, Revision A-1, of April 1, 1982. As it unfolded, first flight
would take place 3 days earlier than the scheduled July 6 date.
2. GD, F-16XL Rollout and First Flight, Division Log, Bulletin 1098,
General Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth Division, July 22,
3. Evolutionary F-16XL Makes Its First Flight One Day After Its
Rollout at Fort Worth, General Dynamics World 12, no. 7 (July 7,
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. A former Navy test pilot and 1967 U.S. Naval Academy graduate,
Jim McKinney served two combat tours flying F-4 Phantoms from
aircraft carriers during the Vietnam War. After leaving GD, he was
a vice president with FEDEX and then president of his own moving
company. McKinney died suddenly on January 4, 2011, while play-
ing golf in Atlanta, GA.
10. Author not identified, First Flight for F-16XL, Flight International
(July 17, 1982): p. 118.
11. Jim McKinney, Memorandum to F-16XL Development Team,
Subject: F-16XL First Flight, General Dynamics Corporation, Fort
Worth Division, July 6, 1982.
12. D.R. Kent, vice president and program director, F-16XL Program,
F-16XL Fighting Falcon First Flight Certificate, General
Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth Division, July 3, 1982. The cer-
tificate was signed by Kent and is reproduced in its original format
in Appendix A.
13. Jim McKinney, F-16XL Flight No. 1 Pilot Report, General
Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth Division, July 3, 1982.
14. Tierney, Inflight Excitation of the F-16XL.
15. J.D. Korstian, F-16XL-1 Daily Status/Pilot Flight Report, General
Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth Division, July 6, 1982.
16. As stated in F-16XL Rollout and First Flight, Division Log,
Bulletin 1098, General Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth
Division, July 22, 1982. However, F-16XL No. 1 Ground, Flight
First Flight and Intial Testing
Each F-16XL had an individualized, multitone grey camouflage scheme. (National Museum of
the USAF)
Lt. Col. Marty H. Bushnell, F-16XL CTF director
Lt. Col. Edwin A. Thomas, F-16XL CTF deputy director
Lt. Col. P.C. Burnett
Maj. John Cary
Lt. Col. Joe Bill Dryden, liaison pilot
Elegance in Flight
General Dynamics:
G.K. Smith, manager, test and evaluation
James McKinney, project pilot
Alex Wolfe, project pilot
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
suitability testing using the facilities and resources of Tactical Air Commands
Nellis AFB near Las Vegas, NV. During the OUE, the F-16XLs would be
flown in both air-to-air and air-to-ground configurations against Air Force
McDonnell-Douglas F-4s flown by operational squadrons, Northrop F-5s
from the dedicated Air Force aggressor squadron, and standard F-16s. The
Derivative Fighter Evaluation program had planned for 270 flights to be com-
pleted by May 15, 1983, using the two F-16XL aircraft, of which 36 were to
be allocated to the OUE. In fact, within the time and funding provided, a total
of 369 test flights were accomplished during Phase I, which was actually not
completed until June 15, 1983. This included 90 OUE flights.3
Elegance in Flight
Testing Accelerates
During August 1982, the first aerial refueling from a USAF KC-135 tanker was
accomplished. In late August 1982, the CTF reported, Initial qualitative com-
parisons with T-38s, F-4s, and the F-16A indicate that the XL is very stable and
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
On left: The F-16XL-1 flying a test mission on August 18, 1982, with 12 500-pound Mk-82
bombs, 4 fuselage-mounted AIM-120 AMRAAMs, and 2 wingtip-mounted AIM-9 Sidewinder
missiles. On right: On August 24, 1982, the F-16XL-1 successfully released 12 500 pound
Mk-82 bombs from individual low-drag ejector bomb racks. (Both images USAF)
On October 27, Joe Bill Dryden ferried F-16XL-1 back to Fort Worth,
just in time for the first flight of the two-seat F-16XL-2. Although the over-
all external dimensions of both aircraft were the same, the empty weight of
the two-seat aircraft was nearly 2,000 pounds heavier than the single-seat
F-16XL-1 (21,623 pounds as compared to 19,690 pounds). As a consequence
of the second cockpit, XL-2 carried about 1,000 pounds less internal fuel than
the single seat aircraft. After being removed from its assembly tooling in June
1982, subsystems were installed and checked out. Following final safety of
flight reviews, F-16XL-2 flew for the first time on October 29, 1982. General
Dynamics Project Pilot Alex Wolfe was at the front seat controls with Jim
McKinney in the aft seat. On this occasion, F-16XL-2 easily exceeded Mach
1.0. On November 8, both F-16XL aircraft were ferried together in close for-
mation from Fort Worth to Edwards AFB, where they would undergo a series
of intensive flight-test evaluations that would continue until the end of June
Elegance in Flight
1985. For the 2.5-hour formation ferry flight, Tactical Air Commands Joe
Bill Dryden and GD Project Pilot Alex Wolfe joined up to crew F-16XL-2.8
P.C. Burnett, one of the AFOTEC members of the Combined Test Force, flew
F-16XL-1. The nonstop formation flight to Edwards was made on internal
fuel and without en route aerial refueling. In spite of 90-knot headwinds, both
aircraft arrived with normal fuel reserves.
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
times and reached 50,000 feet, and the two-seat XL-2 had flown 17 times,
reaching an altitude of 45,000 feet. According to press reports, both aircraft
had achieved Mach 2.0 speeds. (This is somewhat of an exaggeration as XL-1
never exceeded Mach 1.95 during the Air Force test program, while XL-2s
maximum demonstrated Mach number was 1.6.) General Dynamics released
publicity photos showing F-16XL-1 dropping a load of 12 Mk-82 500 pound
bombs from its conformal underwing stations while also carrying a full air-
to-air missile payload. By the end of the year, nearly 130 F-16XL flights had
been accumulated with both aircraft.10
After arrival at Edwards in November 1982, F-16XL-2 was used for a
10-flight-test program that examined elevon loads. This was accomplished in
conjunction with other testing that included performance, loads, propulsion,
and flutter. These combined tests continued through flight number 27, when
the strengthened landing gear and improved elevons were installed. These
modifications were completed at the GD factory in Fort Worth between
November 10, 1982, and January 10, 1983. The new strengthened landing
gear allowed aircraft takeoff gross weight to be increased up to 48,000 pounds
from the previous limit of 37,500 pounds. Throughout Phase I, both F-16XL
aircraft would be used to expand the allowable flight envelope with respect to
airspeed, Mach number, load factor, and maneuvering g-limits for various store
loadings. The test force reported at this time that [p]reliminary testing of the
aircraft has shown significant performance advantages as a result of using the
XL configuration instead of external tanks and multiple store racks to the basic
F-16 to achieve a desired range payload combination.11
Gun firing tests of the F-16XLs M61 Vulcan 20-millimeter (mm) rotary
cannon began on January 10, 1983, with vibration levels being reported as
similar to those experienced on the F-16. An antispin chute was installed on
XL-1 in late January 1983, and high-alpha test missions were flown with the
aircraft both in the air-to-air (missiles-only) configuration and with up to 12
Mk-82 bombs in the air-to-ground configuration. Generally, aircraft charac-
teristics were found to be excellent under the flight conditions evaluated in the
first phase of the planned flight-test program, regardless of store configuration
tested. Results from Phase I high-alpha testing were used to formulate the
next phase of high-AoA testing, during which additional store loadings and
configurations would be evaluated.
Additional weapons separation testing was used to determine safe and reli-
able weapons employment capabilities for the subsequent Operational Utility
Evaluation. The OUE would assess F-16XL combat utility and its potential
effectiveness as an operational Air Force weapons system. The OUE was con-
ducted during Phase I testing, with some Phase II test missions used to collect
additional data as requested by the USAF ASD DFSG for use during the
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
The F-16XL-2 had a fake canopy and air refueling receptacle markings painted on its underside
to visually disorient opposing fighter pilots as to the true orientation of the aircraft. The circular
white markings were intended to represent pilots helmets when seen from a distance. (USAF)
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
of the Tactical Munitions Dispenser (TMD). Rate of climb with the payload
of six TMDs, carried three in tandem under each side of the inboard section
of the wing, was marginal. This was caused by aerodynamic drag that was
much higher than had been predicted from wind tunnel carriage test results.
This was reportedly due to inaccuracies between the subscale TMD models
used in F-16XL wind tunnel testing and the characteristics of the full-scale
TMD. Fin geometry and, hence, store drag of the TMD subscale models was
not representative of the actual weapons. Maximum thrust (full afterburner)
climb performance was rated satisfactory for all weapons and external store
loadings tested.24
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
A Convair QF-106 Delta Dart on takeoff from Mojave Air and Space Port, 1997. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
were ongoing at NASA Langley using analytic and wind tunnel test efforts
when the program was cancelled by the Air Force in late 1985.31
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
reported that the roll oscillation was due to improper implementation of the
aileron-rudder interconnect within the flight control system design. During
turning maneuvers with heavy loads at Mach numbers in the vicinity of 0.9, a
pitch inflection was encountered as angle of attack reached 16 degrees. The
pitch inflection was characterized as an abrupt change in pitching moment.
During slow-down turns at these conditions, the aircraft would dig-in with
g-forces reaching between 1 and 2 gs above the commanded level. This was
rated as a serious problem because the flight control system was incapable of
responding quickly enough to control the resultant g-overshoot. On several
occasions during flight near the g-limiter, the aircraft limit-load factor was
inadvertently exceeded.35
Elegance in Flight
Target Tracking
Pilots reported some pitch sensitivity above Mach 0.9 and also at indicated
airspeeds below 300 knots when attempting to track maneuvering targets with
the lead computing optical sight or with the standby sighting reticle. The pitch
gallop phenomena discussed earlier, consisting of a sustained 2.5-cycles-per-
second pitch oscillation, was considered to be much more irritating during high
workload target tracking exercises against maneuvering targets. Pitch gallop
was encountered at all altitudes between 0.90 and 0.94 Mach, becoming more
pronounced in amplitude at lower altitudes. This increased the difficulties
encountered in accurately tracking maneuvering targets.38
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
Elegance in Flight
Air Force Flight Test Center Vice Commander Col. William J. Pete Knight taxis back from an
F-16XL-1 familiarization sortie, August 6, 1982. (USAF)
that the flight control system needed further development before any commit-
ment could be made to a production program. The overall sortie rate capability
of the F-16XL was assessed to be virtually the same as that of the standard F-16
throughout all phases of the flight-test program.40
The General Electric F110 engine flown in F-16XL-2 was substantially
more reliable than the Pratt & Whitney F100 installed in F-16XL-1. The F110
engine achieved an MTBM of 57.5 hours with only three minor failures during
172.4 hours of flight. No mission aborts were charged against the F110 engine.
The F110 encountered no augmenter blowouts and had no failures to light or
engine stalls throughout the flight-test program. Shop maintenance was not
required on the F110 during the basic Air Force flight-test program, and its
maintainability was rated as a significant improvement over that of the F100
engine. In comparison, reliability of the F100 engine fitted to F-16XL-1 was
comparable to the F100 engine installed in the F-16A/B fleet. Its reliability
problems were also typical of those encountered in the standard F-16A/B air-
craft. These included instances of fan and compressor stall during afterburner
transient operations and cracks in the afterburner nozzle support seals and
diverter seals. The F110 engine required no shop visits or engine removals
during the flight-test program with F-16XL-2. In comparison, the F100 had
to be removed for maintenance four times during its 224.7 hours of flight in
F-16XL-1. The MTBM for the F100 engine was 37.5 hours.41
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
Table 4.
F-16XL Phase I flight-test summary
Subject F-16XL-1 Flights F-16XL-2 Flights Percent of Total
Stability and Control 33 19 14
High AoA 29 8
Flutter 16 4 5
Structural Loads 2 30 9
Performance 60 55 31
Propulsion 1 4 1
Weapon Separation 9 17 7
Operation Ult. Eval. 50 40 25
Total Flights 200 169 100%
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
flights were conducted to verify the aft cg limit, identify the effects of 370-gallon
tanks on high-AoA handling qualities, and evaluate aircraft characteristics with
locked leading-edge flaps.
During these tests, the F-16XL was determined to have a relatively unlim-
ited maneuvering envelope for all store configurations tested. Handling quali-
ties were not degraded with any of the external store configurations evaluated.
Longitudinal maneuvering characteristics were evaluated using constant Mach
number turns and maximum-g slowdown turns. Static stability was assessed
using 1-g accelerations and decelerations. In the air-to-air configuration, the cg
location varied over a region that extended from 44.7 percent to 46.4 percent
of the wings mean effective chord as fuel was burned. The aircraft was tested
over the cg range from 44.7 to 47.5 percent; this allowed flight testing to be
conducted with the cg both forward and aft of the neutral point of the F-16XL.
With the cg forward of the neutral point, the aircraft was statically stable. When
the cg was aft of the neutral point, the aircraft was statically unstable, relying
on continuous inputs from the fly-by-wire flight control system to maintain
adequate control. At subsonic Mach numbers, external stores did not cause a shift
in neutral point. An increase in pitch control surface deflection was required to
maintain 1-g trim above 0.95 Mach number. This was due to a decrease in pitch
surface control effectiveness and the aft shift of the neutral point as sonic speed
was approached. Trim requirements without external tanks were similar with all
weapons loads. When external tanks were carried, 2 to 3 degrees of additional
trailing-edge-down trim were required for a given cg location. While the F-16XL
had positive longitudinal static stability over all Mach numbers tested, its pitch
stability was very low at higher angles of attach and low airspeeds.43
High-Angle-of-Attack Testing
The high-AoA flying qualities of the F-16XL, both with and without external
stores, were rated as outstanding during the Air Force flight-test evaluation.
No airspeed or AoA maneuver limitations were identified with the cg as far
aft as 47 percent of the wing mean aerodynamic chord. When AoA excur-
sions did occur, the aircraft rapidly recovered to controlled flight without any
pilot actions or control inputs being required. Control response was excel-
lent, even at the very low airspeeds that were encountered while the pilot
was maneuvering the aircraft to lower angles of attack For follow-on high
AoA and departure resistance flight testing conducted during the summer
of 1983, F-16XL-1 was again equipped with the Quadra Pod spin recovery
parachute installation. The Quadra Pod spin chute installation was mounted
on the aft fuselage in the beginning of August 1984 and was removed in early
September when the high-AoA portion of the flight-test program was com-
pleted. High-AoA test maneuvers included pitch-yaw-roll doublets, sideslips,
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
maneuvers with external weapons loads, the automatic flight control system
in the F-16XL effectively reduced the maximum allowable roll rate when the
air-to-ground mode was selected by the pilot. With the cockpit selector switch
in the air-to-ground mode, maximum allowable roll rate was reduced to 230
degrees per second from the 308 degrees per second available in the air-to-air
configuration. During maneuvering flight, the actual allowable roll rate was
automatically scheduled by the flight control computer as a function of aircraft
angle of attack to prevent overstressing the aircraft or encountering potential
out-of-control situations. This insured that the flight control computer main-
tained precise control over roll and nose-pointing maneuvers when the aircraft
was carrying heavy external loads. In addition, tendencies to overshoot or lose
control during rapid rolls were minimized. CTF pilot comments were very
positive when discussing the responsiveness and maneuverability of the aircraft
during ground attack profiles.48
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
An unguided AGM-65 Maverick missile was launched from F-16XL-1 store station 3 on March
29, 1985. Weapons carried on this flight included four dummy AIM-120s, two AIM-9Ls, and six
AGM-65 missiles. (USAF)
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
LNSI Testing
F-16XL-2 would be absent from the flight-test program from January 29 until
June 25, 1985. During this extended period at the factory, an extensive set
of modifications and structural inspections were completed, requiring a total
of 105 work days. The Large Normal Shock Inlet was installed, along with
additional test instrumentation. Other airframe structural modifications were
required based on the results of the inspections. The F110 Slimline test engine
that had been in the aircraft was returned to the General Electric factory at
Evandale, OH, where it was upgraded to the latest configuration. A functional
check flight with the LNSI installation and the upgraded F110 engine was
conducted at Fort Worth on June 26, 1985. A second functional check flight
on June 28 was followed by a ferry flight to Edwards AFB that afternoon. Once
at Edwards, the new spray bar configuration was tested. This was followed by
a series of combined structural loads and stability and control evaluations of
the aircraft. These included both high-g and elevated-AoA maneuvers to assess
the effects of the larger inlet on aircraft performance and handling qualities.
Instrumentation verified that structural loads on the airframe with the LNSI
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
flight simulator. Aircraft characteristics that were modeled in the simulator had
been based on aerodynamic data derived from early wind tunnel testing and an
analytical model of the F-16XL flight control computer (FCC). Actual flight
testing revealed that there was a pronounced increase in F-16XL pitch surface
control effectiveness in the high subsonic Mach number range. The magnitude
of this pitch effectiveness increase was much greater than had been predicted
from wind tunnelderived data. GD modified the flight simulator using actual
flight-test-derived aerodynamic data. However, they still had to incorporate an
additional 30-degree phase lag to induce the simulator to create the gallop effect
that was observed during actual flight testing. When aerodynamic data derived
from actual flight testing was used in conjunction with an actual flight control
computer and system hardware instead of the earlier analytical model, the simula-
tor produced a longitudinal pitch oscillation. General characteristics of the pitch
oscillation in the modified computer were similar to the pitch gallop encountered
in flight testing. Subsequent investigation confirmed that the analytical model
of the F-16XL used in the original development of the flight control computer
did not accurately represent actual aircraft hardware. Significantly, the aircraft
hardware models used in the computer simulation had undergone many inde-
pendent verification and validation tests prior to and during the test program
without the problem having been detected.57
The Air Force investigated many possible causes for the pitch gallop phe-
nomenon. Exterior aerodynamics and the pitch axis flight control system were
found to be within design specifications. However, flight testing did determine
that the autopilot had some effect on the severity of the pitch oscillation, espe-
cially at higher altitudes. Changes to the pitch axis gain in the flight control
computer were found to have the greatest effect. A notch-type filter was inserted
in the pitch control path, and a multiplier of 0.50 or 0.75 was applied after the
basic pitch gain was scheduled by the flight control computer. Both multipliers
reduced the magnitude of the pitch gallop problem. A pitch gain reduction of
25 percent in the flight control computer was subsequently used as an interim fix
for the remainder of the F-16XL flight-test program. However, the Air Force did
not consider this interim approach to be a final solution to the pitch oscillation
issue as the actual root cause of the problem had yet to be determined. Even the
modified flight simulator did not fully replicate the observed pitch oscillation.
Therefore, the Flight Test Center decided that a dedicated flight-test effort was
needed. This would be focused on determining the frequency response of the
total F-16XL system. For this purpose, 11 flight-test missions were dedicated to
the pitch gallop evaluation. Actual aircraft hardware and aerodynamics would
be used with the pitch gain and phase angle in the flight control computer
varied over a range of in-flight conditions. Data obtained using this approach
would be used to refine the flight control system to eliminate the gallop problem.
Elegance in Flight
Another goal was to improve the fidelity of the flight simulator at high subsonic
Mach numbers.
To determine the system gain and phase angle of the total aircraft, an in-flight
excitation system was developed and installed in F-16XL-1. The objective of the
in-flight excitation tests was to obtain the system gain and phase angle at specific
excitation frequencies and to identify any nonlinearities in gain or phase angle as
a function of control surface position based on excitation amplitude. In the test
approach developed for the F-16XL, the excitation signals were inserted into the
pitch axis control loop, and the system response to pitch inputs from the pilot
was measured. The excitation installation was intended to determine the actual
FCS pitch channel gain and phase margins with various aircraft configurations
and flight conditions. This in-flight excitation approach had been used during
flutter and flight control testing with the F-16. In those earlier tests, excitation
signals had been sent to the flight control surfaces in order to stimulate the
structural modes of the aircraft in various regions of the flight envelope. The
excitation system was pilot-activated through a modification to the autopilot
panel. When activated, increased levels of aileron/elevon movement would be
induced, along with various frequencies of control surface movement. Either a
random or one of three sinusoidal control surface movement frequencies could
be selected.58 Maximum signal amplitude was limited to 1.8-g commands to
the pitch control surfaces.
Pitch oscillation investigations conducted during 1985 involved excitation
testing throughout the F-16XLs flight envelope. The major focus was on the
high subsonic region, known to be the most troublesome area for pitch oscilla-
tions. All excitation tests were used the 25 percent gain reduction in the flight
control computer pitch path that had been adopted earlier as an interim fix to
the pitch oscillation problem. Test results determined that the flight control
system installed in the F-16XL prototypes had a high pitch gain with very close
to a 180 degrees of phase angle in the high subsonic Mach number region. This
was true at all altitudes flown during the excitation tests. A nonlinear effect on
system gain as a function of control surface position was apparent from the test-
ing. Ground excitation testing of the system was subsequently used to investigate
the nonlinearly of the system in the absence of aerodynamic effects. These ground
tests also confirmed the same nonlinearity in gain with neutral pitch trim. This
nonlinearity in system gain was found to be a characteristic of the integrated
servo-actuators used on the F-16XL prototype pitch control surfaces. The actua-
tor nonlinearity was of sufficient magnitude to drive the aircraft system, consist-
ing of aircraft and aerodynamics, into a limit-cycle oscillation. This was defined as
a gain of 1.0 and a phase angle of 180 degrees in the 0.90 to 0.95 Mach range.
However, this limit cycle resulted in a stable oscillation that had no tendency to
diverge or become unstable. This was due to the fact that as pitch control surface
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
Issue Resolution
Longitudinal limit cycle (pitch gallop) Partially resolved with a forward pitch
encountered in the Mach number range loop gain reduction. This modification also
from 0.9 to 0.95. improved the low-altitude pitch gallop that
was encountered in turbulent conditions.
Low-speed, high-AoA nose-down pitch Improved with a flight control computer
response. software modification.
Some issues associated with the F-16XL control system remained open
for possible follow-on investigation when the program ended. The low pitch
damping and oscillatory roll rates encountered at higher angles of attack and
low airspeeds, identified during Air Force Phase I testing, were still unresolved.
Two additional deficiencies resulted from changes to the flight control com-
puter made during the course of the Air Force flight-test program. These were
as follows:
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
Table 5.
F-16XL demonstrator aircraft flight activity
(July 3, 1982, through October 1, 1985)
Aircraft Air-to-Air Air-to-Ground Total
F-16XL-1 318 119 437
F-16XL-2 230 131 361
Total 548 250 798
Flight Hours
Aircraft Air-to-Air Air-to-Ground Total
F-16XL-1 400.0 132.6 532.6
F-16XL-2 283.1 124.0 407.1
Total 683.1 256.6 939.7
Aerial Refueling
Flights and Refueling Air-to-Air Air-to-Ground Total
Total Flights 71 56 127
Wet Refuelings 100 75 175
Elegance in Flight
Fourteen pilots had been fully checked out in the F-16XL during the Air
Force flight demonstration program. Of these, five were General Dynamics
project pilots and the remainder were Air Force officers. Thirty-six VIPs were
given demonstration flights in the two-seat F-16XL-2. Most were senior Air
Force officers in command and staff positions involving fighter operations and
weapons systems acquisition. In addition, the Israeli Air Force Chief of Staff
flew the aircraft, as did NASA experimental test pilot Bill Dana, who flew with
Air Force Lt. Col. Joe Bill Dryden on August 12, 1983. Dana would subse-
quently serve as chief engineer at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
from 1993 until 1998. During his tenure as chief engineer, both F-16XLs
would be based at Dryden, where they would be extensively modified for
flight research into supersonic laminar flow.64 Paul Thayer, then deputy secre-
tary of defense (and reportedly a strong proponent of the F-16XL), flew with
Lt. Col. Marty Bushnell on August 17, 1983.65 In addition, journalists from
Aviation Week & Space Technology (Clifton Berry) and Air Force Magazine (Bob
Ropelewski) flew on separate demonstration flights with GD project pilot Jim
McKinney during late August and early September 1983. Both Ropelewski
and Berry were qualified pilots who were very familiar with the capabilities of
the standard F-16. Their in-depth articles, containing interesting and generally
accurate assessments of F-16XL performance, were published in these widely
read publications prior to the February 1984 Air Force Dual-Role Fighter deci-
sion.66 The F-16XL VIP Flight Log is reproduced in Appendix F.67
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
1. F-16E was the designation that was to be assigned to the two-seat
F-16XL had it been selected for further development and produc-
tion. The two-seat variant would have been the F-16F.
2. Hillaker, F-16XL Flight Test Program Overview; Talty, F-16XL
Demonstrates New Capabilities in its Flight Test Program at
Edwards AFB, California; James O. Young, AFFTC History, 1 Jan
198330 Sep 1984. All AFFTC History documents are stored at
the AFFTC History Office, Edwards AFB.
3. GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report; AFFTC
History, 1 Jan 198230 Dec 1982; Robert R. Ropelewski, F-16XL
Shows Advances in Range, Ride and Flying Qualities, Aviation
Week & Space Technology (September 26, 1983): pp. 6271; GD,
F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report; Hillaker, F-16XL
presentation to the Lone Star Aero Club.
7. AFFTC History, 1 Jan 198230 Sep 1982.
8. An Air Force Academy graduate, a superlative airman, and a gre-
garious, ever-helpful individual, Joe Bill Dryden had been the lead
TAC pilot on the Northrop YF-17 portion of the Lightweight
Fighter competition in which the YF-17 was evaluated against the
YF-16. After leaving the Air Force, he became a test pilot with GD/
Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, during which time he mentored
many airmen from many nations transitioning into the F-16. Sadly,
Dryden was killed on May 24, 1993, near Mineral Wells, TX, dur-
ing a predelivery factory acceptance flight test in an F-16C. His
passing was much mourned by the global Viper community, which
he had done so much to shape.
9. GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
10. Author unlisted, F-16XLs Pass 100 Hours, Flight International
(December 11, 1982): p. 1666; GD, F-16F (XL) Demonstration
Aircraft Flight Activity, foldout chart, General Dynamics
Corporation, Fort Worth Division (undated, circa 1985).
11. AFFTC History, 1 Jan 198231 Dec 1982.
12. Ibid.; Talty, F-16XL Demonstrates New Capabilities in its Flight
Test Program at Edwards AFB, California.
13. Ibid.; GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report; Hillaker,
F-16XL Flight Test Program Overview.
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
28. Ibid.
29. The author checked out in the Convair F-102A in 1962, eventu-
ally accumulating about 500 hours in the delta-wing aircraft. For a
detailed discussion of both the F-102 and F-106 aircraft and their
development programs, see Bill Yenne, Convair Deltas: From Sea
Dart to Hustler (North Branch, MN: Specialty Press, 2009).
30. The Edwards AFB runway is located at an elevation of 2,310.5 feet
above sea level. This higher elevation somewhat increases both take-
off and landing roll distances compared to operations from runways
at lower elevations.
31. AFFTC History, 1 Jan 198330 Sep 1984; Talty, The F-16XL
Demonstrates New Capabilities in its Flight Test Program.
32. During the NASA research effort with the F-16XL, a similar
issue was identified during high-rate rolling maneuvers, which
NASA pilots referred to as roll ratcheting. Investigation of this
phenomena was the subject of a dedicated NASA research proj-
ect discussed in depth in John W. Smith and Terry Montgomery,
Biomechanically Induced and Controller Coupled Oscillations
Experienced on the F-16XL During Rolling Maneuvers, NASA TM
4752 (1996).
33. AFFTC History, 1 Jan 198330 Sep 1984; GD, F-16XL Flight
Test ProgramFinal Report.
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid.
36. Ibid
37. Ibid. For comparison purposes, a combat-loaded F-16 typically refu-
eled from the KC-135 tanker at altitudes approaching 30,000 feet.
Higher refueling altitudes are preferable for avoiding weather and for
increased fuel efficiency.
38. Ibid.
39. Ibid.
40. AFFTC History, 1 Jan 198330 Sep 1984; GD, F-16XL Flight
Test ProgramFinal Report.
41. Ibid.
42. GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
43. Talty, The F-16XL Demonstrates New Capabilities in its Flight Test
Program; GD, F-16XL Flight Test ProgramFinal Report.
44. Ibid.
45. Ibid.
46. In a deep stall, an aircraft typically enters a stable, high-AoA
descent that becomes progressively steeper and is characterized by
Elegance in Flight
The Integrated Flight-Test Organization, Objectives, and Program
A General Dynamics F-111F Aardvark of the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing at the National Museum
of the United States Air Force. (USAF)
The comparative evaluation between the F-16XL and the F-15E had its genesis
in a need to improve the night and all-weather strike capabilities of U.S.
tactical air forces. In 1978, the commander of the Air Force Tactical Air
Command, Gen. Wilbur L. Bill Creech, directed an analysis of various
alternative acquisition approaches for a long-range, all-weather strike aircraft.
At that time, this aircraft was being referred to as the Enhanced Tactical
Fighter (ETF).1 As originally conceived, the ETF was intended to supple-
ment or replace the large, heavy General Dynamics F-111F, the outgrowth of
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamaras generally disastrous Tactical Fighter
Experimental (TFX) development program of the 1960s. Known popularly
as the Aardvark, the F-111F was a long-range, twin-engine supersonic
strike aircraft equipped with a sophisticated precision attack system called
Pave Tack. But the F-111 family of aircraft were already endangered by
newer generations of Warsaw Pact air defense weapons and aircraft and, as
well, were not available in significantly large numbers to enable NATO to
meet a critical challenge: the ability to conduct long-range strike operations
at night and in all-weather conditions against Soviet/Warsaw Pact second-
echelon and follow-on armored formations. These forces posed a major threat
against the Central Region of NATO. Dealing with critical elements of the
integrated air defense system that protected Soviet/Warsaw Pact forces was
an important aspect of the ETF requirement.
In some ways, ETF was complementary to the mission conceived for the
Lockheed F-117A low-observable fighter then under development. Due to
its extremely high security, few in Congress, the Defense Department, or
even the Air Force were aware of the existence of this stealth strike aircraft
development. This undoubtedly was beneficial to the Air Force initiative
that evolved from the ETF initiative. This soon became known as the Dual-
Role Fighter as its requirements expanded to include air superiority as well
as ground attack.2
Elegance in Flight
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
radar (SAR) and other advanced navigation and weapons delivery systems. An
external laser designator pod would enable autonomous delivery of laser-guided
weapons at night. Weapons carriage and release pylons would be integrated
into the FAST Pack conformal fuel tanks, providing the capability for the air-
craft to carry a total of 22 air-to-ground weapons on long-range strike missions.
The F-15s air superiority systems weapons payload of four AIM-9 Sidewinder
infrared-guided missiles and four radar-guided AIM-7 Sparrow missiles would be
retained. AIM-7 missiles would be replaced with the far more capable AIM-120
missile as that capability became available and was integrated into the basic F-15.7
Creech later recalled how he discussed development of a dual-role mission-
capable variant of the F-15 (to be called the F-15E) with George S. Graff, the
president of McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft.8 A strong advocate of the F-15,
Creech noted that his and similar efforts by other Air Force leaders solicited
an unsolicited proposal from McDonnell-Douglas. In Creechs words,
Elegance in Flight
enthusiastic report written by Air Force Vietnam fighter ace Steve Ritchie and
published in the influential Air Force Magazine.11 Ritchies impressions were
concisely summarized in the articles subtitle: A fighter ace flies the F-15 dual-
role fighter candidate and reports this bird can do it all. It was a statement with
ominous implications for the future of General Dynamics F-16XL, even then
gestating at Fort Worth.
At the most senior levels of the Air Force, there was also a consensus on
moving forward with an air-to-ground version of the F-15. This aircraft was
increasingly seen as providing important capabilities that would be valuable
beyond the confines of a Central European conflict. The Strike Eagle clearly
incorporated the attributes advocated by Creech, who described the aircraft as
a product improvement conceptfor a possible buy of 400 airplanesfor the
long-range battlefield interdiction mission, including at night.12 In testimony
to Congress, Creech emphasized the role that the dual-role F-15 could play in
operations in the Middle East: I think it is an outstanding airplane for the Rapid
Deployment Force. In fact, range in the Persian Gulf area takes on a whole
new importance that one does not feel in Central Europe. Saudi Arabia is
bigger than the United States east of the Mississippi.13
In addition, there was also Air Force support for building into the F-16
the sophisticated equipment necessary to increase its usefulness and expand its
operating window and for building a prototype and demonstrate advancing
technologies in order to be able to respond quickly to changes in threat or mis-
sion requirements, to show that the F-16XL is an example of what could be
tested next year.14
The Enhanced Tactical Fighter had first been proposed in the Air Forces
fiscal year 1980 budget request to Congress, which was submitted in early 1979.
Congress refused to fund the program, stating that the requirement was relatively
undefined.15 This led to a complete revision of the concept. Instead of a completely
new start, ETF became an evolutionary or derivative development of an existing
TAC fighter modified with advanced avionics and weapons delivery capabilities
to permit multirole operations in demanding high-intensity combat scenarios.
In December 1980, Air Force Magazine reported that possible derivative fighter
designs included the enhanced F-15, being funded by McDonnell-Douglas and
its associated contractors, but also in a similar fashion General Dynamics was
working on their enhanced F-16XL that used a cranked arrow delta wing.16
In March 1981, the Air Force announced its intention to provide a night,
full-adverse-weather weapons delivery capability (a passing reference to what
emerged as the LANTIRN targeting and navigation pod) and that they would
in 1984 begin procuring Strike Eagle ground attack F-15s for this purpose.17 At
the same time, General Dynamics was claiming that its F-16XL, then in devel-
opment using company funding, would be capable of Mach 2.2 performance,
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
Elegance in Flight
of existing F-15 and F-16 flight-test data, test data from the F-16 Multi-Stage
Improvement Program (MSIP), and data from other relevant systems develop-
mental programs. Additionally, insights derived from extensive war-gaming exer-
cises and mission analyses played a significant role in the evaluation, especially in
the areas of system performance and combat effectiveness. Results from computer
modeling and simulation, as well as operational and logistics support analyses
conducted by subject matter experts, were also considered in the final decision.
The flight-test programs for each aircraft would be conducted by separate F-15E
and F-16E Combined Test Forces at the AFFTC. Personnel from the Flight Test
Center would be responsible for the development test and evaluation aspects of
the test program, with AFOTEC personnel responsible for operational utility
assessments on both aircraft. Flight-test activities and the overall source selection
effort would be coordinated by the Aeronautical Systems Division Derivative
Fighter Comparison Organization, located at Wright-Patterson AFB.20
The Dual-Role Fighter would have to demonstrate superior capabilities for
both the air-to-surface mission as well as in the air-to-air role. The aircraft would
need to be capable of long-range intercontinental deployment and had to demon-
strate high survivability during operations over heavily defended enemy territory.
The selected DRF contender would have to possess the best overall combination
of the following characteristics:21
Table 6.
Desired Dual-Role Fighter operational characteristics
Role Desired Characteristic
Air-to-Surface Long range
Large payload
Automated, accurate, state-of-the-art avionics and weapons
High-speed, low-altitude ingress/egress, day/night, within/under
Adequate internal avionics volume
High combat performance as demonstrated by high speed, high
excess thrust, and satisfactory maneuverability/handling qualities
Two seats with a missionized rear cockpit
Air-to-Air Long range and endurance
Long-range, look-down radar
High combat performance
Two seats
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
On January 28, 1982, the Air Force Systems Command (AFSC) directed
that its Aeronautical Systems Division form a dedicated organization to evaluate
both the F-15 and the F-16 Dual-Role Fighter candidates.22 The comparative
evaluation would examine both candidate aircraft from an analytical perspec-
tive as well as in terms of their flying qualities and weapons delivery capabilities.
Flight testing was to be conducted at the Flight Test Center at Edwards AFB,
where an F-16E Combined Test Force was being formed. It would include test
pilots and flight-test engineers from General Dynamics and the AFFTC, with
additional personnel being assigned from TAC, ASD, and AFOTEC. The test
program also included provision for separate Operational Utility Evaluations
(OUEs) of each candidate aircrafts capabilities. These OUEs would be primar-
ily conducted by the Air Forces independent operational test and evaluation
organization, AFOTEC, and were oriented to assessing the potential effective-
ness and suitability of each aircraft to perform the DRF mission. A Derivative
Fighter Steering Group was formed within ASD to provide appropriate senior-
level oversight of the overall evaluation effort.
In a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the proposed fiscal year
1983 defense budget that was held on February 26, 1982, Creech reported
that the Air Force was working on the Dual-Role Fighter, an all-weather attack
aircraft based on either a two-seat version of the F-16 (the F-16E) or a two-seat
F-15 (the F-15E) and was to be equipped with LANTIRN and the imaging
infrared (IIR)guided version of the air-to-ground Maverick missile.23 The
following week, at another Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Maj.
Gen. Robert D. Russ, chief of Air Force Operational Requirements, stated, I
dont believe it is prudent to have a day, clear weather only fighter force and
give the enemy the capability to fight around the clock. I think the increased
capability that it [DRF] gives us is worth the money.24 The general require-
ments for the derivative fighter were briefed to the House Armed Services
Committees Research and Development Subcommittee in March 1982. In
their testimony at the time, the Air Forces stated that a new dual-role capable
fighter was needed by the late 1980s to assist the F-111F in deep interdic-
tion, to complement the F-15 in the air superiority role, and to replace the
aging Vietnam-era F-4, which was then the only truly capable dual-role fighter
in USAF service. The aircraft was described as being capable of conducting
a broad range of air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. Desired Dual-Role
Fighter characteristics were long-range and good endurance, a large weapons
payload, automatic terrain-following capability at very low altitude, and a rear
cockpit for a second crewmember, who would operate the specialized avionics
and weapons subsystems needed for day, night, and all-weather operations.25
Cost estimates for the F-15E and the F-16E Dual-Role Fighters were com-
pleted in conjunction with overall cost analyses conducted by the Air Force in
Elegance in Flight
August 1982 for the F-15 and F-16 programs. These cost estimates included
both the incremental costs (defined as the additional costs to add a dual-role
fighter capability to each aircraft) and the total cost of the Dual-Role Fighter
procurement for each candidate aircraft. These costs are summarized for the
F-15E and the F-16E aircraft in Tables 7 and 8.26
Table 7.
Incremental Dual-Role Fighter cost breakdown400 aircraft
(Air Force independent cost analyses, August 1982)
(then-year dollars)
Costs F-15E F-16E
Research and Development $275 million $473 million
Incremental Production Cost $870 million $2,492 million
Incremental Acquisition Cost $1,145 million $2,965 million
Incremental Acquisition Cost per Unit $2.9 million $7.4 million
Incremental Recurring Flyaway Cost/Unit $1.6 million $5.5 million
Table 8.
Total Dual-Role Fighter cost breakdown400 aircraft
(Air Force independent cost analyses, August 1982)
(then-year dollars)
Costs F-15E F-16E
Research and Development $275 million $473 million
Incremental Production Cost $14.9 billion $10.9 billion
Incremental Acquisition Cost $15.2 billion $11.4 billion
Incremental Acquisition Cost per Unit $38.0 million $28.5 million
Incremental Recurring Flyaway Cost/Unit $32.6 million $22.4 million
In its approach to the DRF cost assessment, the Air Force assumed that the
dual-role capability would be built into aircraft that were already planned under
the existing F-15 or F-16 acquisition programs. Thus, the Air Force viewed
Dual-Role Fighter costs as essentially consisting of incremental costs over and
above those of existing variants of the F-15 and F-16. The Air Forces view of
DRF program costs as being essentially incremental was based on a planning
assumption that an adequate quantity of either F-15Es or F-16Es would be
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
bought in future years to satisfy the then-perceived, but still unofficial, Air
Force requirement for 400 aircraft Dual-Role Fighters.27 The Air Forces cost
assessment concluded that F-16 E development costs, as well as its incremental
costs, were greater than estimated F-15E development and incremental costs.
This largely reflected the additional costs of the major airframe design changes
required for the radically different F-16E. However, the estimated unit cost
of the smaller single-engine F-16E, with its maximum takeoff gross weight
of 48,000 pounds, was considerably less than that of the larger, twin-engine
F-15E, which has a maximum TOGW of over 80,000 pounds. As seen in Table
7, the unit flyaway cost of the F-15E was about $10 million more per aircraft
than the equivalent flyaway cost of the F-16E.28
Lt. Gen. Lawrence A. Skantze, the Air Forces deputy chief of staff for
research, development, and acquisition, emphasized that the Dual-Role Fighter
evaluation would be conducted by a combined team that would include
representatives from the Air Force Systems Command and the Tactical Air
Command. TAC was responsible for representing the various Air Force overseas
operational commands that would operate the aircraft if it was selected for
production. Skantze noted that various system upgrades would be examined
for each aircraft. He stated that one of the candidates would be selected for
the long range interdictor mission (tailored for the interdiction of the Warsaw
Pacts rear echelons), transforming the aircraft in effect into a dual fighter, while
the other is earmarked for some lesser upgrading.29 At the close of 1982, the
Air Force was still undecided about the total number of aircraft that would be
upgraded for the dual-role mission, but at that time, they expected to select
one of the DRF candidates for further development by the summer of 1983.30
By late 1982, the original Air Force plan to conduct a competitive fly-off
of the two DRF candidates was now being described as consisting of separate
independent evaluations of each aircrafts capabilities in accomplishing the
dual-role mission.31 Despite the fact that Congress had restricted the Air Force
to buying either the F-15E or the F-16E but not both, General Dynamics
spokesmen continued to publicly profess the belief that the Air Force could end
up buying both aircraft. In interviews reported in the press, F-16XL Deputy
Program Manager Harry Hillaker commented that the two aircraft should
not be considered competitive since the F-16 had always been considered to
provide a complementary capability to the F-15 in the context of the high/
low mix of Air Force fighters. Improving F-15 air-to-ground capabilities, along
with enhancing the air superiority performance of the F-16 in the beyond-
visual-engagement arena, were both worthwhile ongoing Air Force initiatives.
Hillaker emphasized that all forward-based aircraft in Europe, including the
F-16, were highly vulnerable to Soviet attack on their airbases. Increased range
was the driving requirement behind the development of the F-16XL, and this
Elegance in Flight
would greatly enhance its abilities in both European and Middle Eastern opera-
tions. Reservations about the restrictive congressional language limiting DRF
production procurement to one of the two competing aircraft were reportedly
expressed by Richard De Lauer, the Defense Departments director of research
and development, and General Charles Gabriel, the USAF chief of staff.32
In December 1982, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reiterated
the congressional guidance that only one of the Dual-Role Fighter candidates
was to be selected for full-scale development and eventual production. They
also reported that, as of that time, 538 F-16 variants were associated with
the DRF program, with potential acquisition of up to 400 dual-role F-15s
planned.33 In the case of the F-16, the total marginal cost was reported by
the Air Force to be $4.657 billion for the 538 aircraft, or over $8.6 million
per aircraft. Marginal costs were defined as those costs associated with modi-
fying an existing F-16 into a derivative F-16 dual-role version, not the total
unit cost of an F-16 DRF variant. The GAO also reported that the Air Force
had programmed approximately $10 billion to acquire 538 F-16 aircraft for
modification into two-seat, dual-role variants of the F-16if that aircraft were
to be selected as the DRF.34 In early 1983, the Air Force informed Congress
that the F-16E would cost more to develop than the F-15E (the estimated
development costs that they used were those shown in Table 8: $473 million
for the F-16E compared to $275 million for the F-15E). The Air Force also
noted that the addition of a two-seat cockpit with new avionics tailored for
the DRF mission would add even more development cost to the F-16E. At the
same time, the Air Force emphasized that its immediate operational priority
was dealing with the serious deficiency in all-weather ground attack capability,
with the Dual-Role Fighter providing the means to do so.35
During 1982 and into 1983, the Air Force Tactical Air Command worked
on evolving a Statement of Operational Need (SON) that included perfor-
mance thresholds and goals for the Dual-Role Fighter. Separately, individual
System Operational Concept documents, one for the F-15 and one for the
F-16 Dual-Role Fighter candidates, were being developed. In July 1983, TAC
submitted a revised SON to Air Force Headquarters, but this had not been
approved by early 1984, when the DRF source selection was essentially com-
plete. At the same time, both the F-15E and the F-16E System Operational
Concepts were still in coordination at TAC Headquarters. Performance thresh-
olds and goals incorporated in the earlier draft of the Statement of Operational
Need had been withdrawn by the Air Force. The Air Force rationale for this
action was that they might influence or predetermine the selection of one
candidate aircraft over the other. Thus, specific DRF evaluation criteria were
not ranked in order of importance nor were minimum acceptable performance
characteristicssuch as range and payloaddefined. Instead, the F-15E and
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
the F-16E were evaluated separately on the basis of their individual merits and
capabilities to perform the Dual-Role Fighter mission.
The separate and independent Air Force evaluation of the F-16XLs abil-
ity to accomplish the Dual-Role Fighter mission involved both the single
and the two-seat aircraft and began in April 1983. The separate evaluation
of the F-15 in this mission role had begun in December 1982 and eventually
involved four modified F-15s. These included the two-seat F-15B Advanced
Fighter Capability Demonstrator with its rear cockpit upgraded for the air-
to-ground mission. It was equipped with a modified version of the Hughes
APG-63 radar capable of high-resolution, synthetic-aperture ground mapping.
Additionally, two two-seat F-15Ds, delivered directly from the production line,
were equipped with modified stores stations to enable a variety of different air-
to-surface weapons combinations to be tested from the F-15. Finally, a single-
seat F-15C, fitted with the conformal fuel tanks to be used on the proposed
F-15E, conducted aerodynamic and handling qualities evaluations with various
air-to-ground weapons. The F-15C portion of the F-15 DRF evaluation had
begun in August 1982 and continued through September 1983.36
Elegance in Flight
In the GAOs opinion, the Air Force approach used in the Dual-Role Fighter
source selection was inappropriate in that the Air Force had not compared the
F-l5E and the F-16E against common evaluation criteria to determine how
well each candidate aircraft fulfilled these criteria. They noted that procedures
for defining and documenting system operational requirements were defined
in a formal process that progressed from mission area analyses to definition of a
formal Statement of Operational Need.39 The SON was intended to identify an
existing operational deficiency and state the need for a new or improved capa-
bility. A System Operational Concept would then be established to describe the
intended purpose of the new system, its employment concept, and its intended
deployment and support approaches. Finally, quantitative and qualitative levels
of system performancesuch as range, payload, and maneuvering capabili-
tieswere to be formally established and used for evaluating candidate systems
capabilities before a full-scale engineering development decision was made.
The GAO highlighted the fact that there were formally established Air
Force policies and procedures for selecting contractors for development,
production, or modification of major defense systems.40 These required that
common evaluation criteria be established to assess contractor proposals
to fulfill an operational need. These evaluation criteria were to focus on
core issues related to the mission of the proposed system and were to be
ranked in relative order of importance in the source selection evaluation.
Characteristics, such as range and payload, were to be used as measurable
objective standards for evaluating contractor proposals. These characteris-
tics, which were intended to flow from the process of refining the systems
operational requirements, were to be quantitative where practical and serve
as the required minimum acceptable system performance. The GAO cited
the primary DoD directive on major systems acquisitions.41 This required
that a formal operational requirement be established to validate or demon-
strate the performance of candidate systems in conjunction with the source
selection process. They also reported that the Air Force had not followed its
own established source selection policies and procedures for any modifi-
cation, maintenance, services, and/or other program/project estimated to
require $300 million or more.42 The DRF procurement far exceeded this
program guideline.
The Air Force responded that the standard source selection procedures
relating to establishing specific performance criteria, as set forth in Air Force
Regulation 70-15, did not apply to the Dual-Role Fighter comparison. The
Air Force also noted that a normal source selection would have started with
a common Request for Proposals to each bidding contractor. In the case of
the DRF, separate proposal instructions, respectively tailored to the F-15 and
the F-16 candidates, were used to accommodate inherent differences in those
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
aircraft. The Air Force position was that ranking the evaluation criteria and
further refining and quantifying them might have predetermined the results
of the comparison and defeated their objective of determining the most cost-
effective DRF solution.43 In many ways, the Air Force approach to the DRF
source selection mirrored that used during the Lightweight Fighter program,
which had conducted separate independent evaluations of the performance
and combat potential offered by each candidate design.44
Elegance in Flight
be designated F-16F. Lt. Gen. Robert D. Russ, Air Force deputy chief of staff
for research, development, and acquisition, in a mid-1984 Air Force Magazine
article on the USAF Fighter Roadmap, noted the following:
As the Air Force Flight Test Center reported in 1986, To the surprise of
few, the F-16XL did not win the comparative fly-off (which, in fact, had
been a simulated fly-off conducted at Aeronautical Systems Division).49 The
CTF director, Lt. Col. Edwin A. Thomas, in an interview conducted for the
Flight Test Center history, summarized the strengths and weakness of the
aircraft. He noted that the F-16XL represented a significant improvement
in capability over the standard F-16. Thomas was impressed by the aircrafts
increased range and a payload twice that of the standard F-16, as well as the
tremendous speed capability inherent in this design. The aircrafts ride per-
formance and handling qualities, especially at low altitudes, were considered
by Thomas to be exceptional, with its increased internal volume providing
room for systems growth. He noted that the F-16XL was tremendous for
what it was designed to do but went on to say, you dont get any of these
things for free.50 In their attempt to optimize the aircraft for the air-to-
ground role, he noted that GD had made certain tradeoffs and compromises.
The XL had a very low aspect ratio wing as well as a significantly lower
thrust-to-weight ratio than the standard F-16. As a result, it lacked the F-16s
aerial combat maneuvering capabilities at lower speeds, where it suffered a
significant loss in sustained turning capability. The F-16XLs takeoff and
landing speeds were also considered to be too high for a new fighter. Thomas
noted that many of the F-16XLs limitations could have been resolved if it
had continued into full-scale development although some involved major
development and redesign efforts. In particular, the flight control system was
identified as requiring redesign to provide the larger hinge-moment capabili-
ties necessary for high-speed operations. Although the F-16XL lost the Dual-
Role Fighter comparative fly-off, Thomas considered that it was nevertheless
far from a failure and had demonstrated tremendous potential.
Maj. Patrick K. Talty, USAF, who had served as deputy for engineering on
the F-16E Combined Test Force, described the strengths and areas of defi-
ciency encountered with the F-16XL aircraft during the Air Force flight-test
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
evaluation. Undoubtedly, the strengths and weaknesses (along with cost and
full-scale development risks) that he noted were important considerations
during the Air Force Dual-Role Fighter source selection process. Talty gave
his perspective on the program in an Air University thesis published in the
spring of 1986.
Elegance in Flight
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
Elegance in Flight
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
Even today, I feel that giving the F-15 a precision air-surface capa-
bility was proper and badly needed. What continues to disturb
me is that the F-16XL had to be a pawn in that decision and had
to be so badly denigrated to justify the decisiona selection that
could have been made on its own merits.56
Elegance in Flight
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
The F-16F Full-Scale Development effort ended when the Air Force termi-
nated the program in the summer of 1985, although some ongoing flight-test
efforts continued for a few months longer. These supplemental efforts were
completed by the end of September. On October 1, 1985, F-16XL-2 was
flown to Fort Worth and placed in storage. This marked the last flight of the
Air Force F-16XL program, which had completed a total of 798 flight-test
missions. The wide variety of objectives accomplished during the Air Force
flight-test program is shown in Table 9. During the course of the program,
F-16XL-1 flew 437 times and F-16XL-2 accomplished 361 flight-test sorties.
The two-seat F-16XL-2 aircraft was painted in the so-called Ferris camouflage
scheme, which was being evaluated for possible adoption by the Air Force.62
Both F-16XLs are seen in close formation with the full air-to-air missile payload of four AMRAAMs
and two Sidewinders. The two-seat F-16XL-2 in the lead is painted in the so-called Ferris decep-
tive camouflage scheme. (USAF)
Elegance in Flight
Table 9.
F-16XL Activity Through October 1, 1985
Event F-16XL-1 F-16XL-2 Total
1st FlightLast Flight 7/3/828/14/85 10/29/8210/1/85
Flight Hours
Total Flight Hours 532.6 407.1 939.7
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
Elegance in Flight
schedule and on prediction for fuel usage. This marks the end of the F-16XL
program under USAF contract. To all of you who worked so hard to make
the program a success, please accept my thanks for a job well done. Perhaps
fortune will smile on F-16XL at a later date but for now it is a sad day.66
Responding the very next day, Lewis stated, It is a sad day. But all of those who
worked on the F-16XL should take pride in the fact that their work resulted
in a superb aircraft which under normal circumstances would be going into
production instead of into the barn. It has been rewarding to read the highly
complementary comments on the quality of the XL volunteered by the USAF
and GD pilots who had the opportunity to work on a real winner, even though
no prize was awarded!67
Even today, 30 years after its first flight, the F-16XL continues to have a
dedicated and enthusiastic following among many former General Dynamics
employees who participated in the engineering development and flight test-
ing of the aircraft. Robert J. Wetherall, who as a newly hired young structural
engineer at GD Fort Worth in the early 1980s worked on the development
of the F-16XL, summarized why he liked the aircraft in these words: It was
beautiful, cool, had elements of The Six Million Dollar Man in it, and I was
building something!68 Unfortunately, the ranks of former F-16XL team mem-
bers continue to decrease as age takes its toll: Harry Hillaker, who played such
a significant role in the original YF-16 Lightweight Fighter program and the
subsequent F-16XL effort, passed away in 2009, and Jim McKinney, who
piloted the aircraft on its first flight in 1982, died suddenly while playing golf
in Atlanta in early 2011. Randy Kent, former F-16XL Program Manager,
passed away after a long illness in 2014.
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
1. James C. Slife, Creech Blue: Gen Bill Creech and the Reformation of
the Tactical Air Forces, 19781984 (Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air
University Press, 2004).
2. Aronstein and Piccirillo, Have Blue and the F-117A.
3. Hallion, A Troubling Past: Air Force Fighter Acquisition since
4. Slife, Creech Blue.
5. As of late 2012, the F-15 was still in production. Over 1,500 F-15s
have been delivered or are on firm order. Production is anticipated
to continue for foreign military sales through at least 2015.
6. Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) was developed to address the
limitations of conventional radars in imaging surface targets. SAR
systems achieve good azimuth resolution independent of the slant
range to the target. A synthetic aperture is produced by using the
forward motion of the radar. As the aircraft moves toward a surface
target, the target reflects radar pulses in rapid sequence. The SAR
system in the aircraft processes these returns and creates a so-called
synthetic aperture in the computer, providing much improved
azimuth resolution and, hence, greater bombing accuracy.
7. Slife, Creech Blue.
8. In addition to his role as president of McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft
Corporation, Graff had been selected to serve on the McDonnell-
Douglas Board of Directors in 1973; People and Posts, Flight
International (May 10, 1973).
9. Slife, Creech Blue.
10. Clarence A. Robinson, USAF Pushes Production, Performance,
Aviation Week & Space Technology 114, no. 11 (March 16, 1981): pp.
11. Steve Ritchie, An Eagle for All Arenas, Air Force Magazine
(November 1983).
12. Slife, Creech Blue.
13. Ibid.
14. Robert D. Russ, USAF, Tactical Fighter Development: We Have
Debated Long Enough, Air Force Magazine 64, no. 4 (April 1981).
15. U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Armed Services, Department
of Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1980, Hearings, 96th Cong.
1st Session (April 2, 1979), p. 2,213.
16. Edgar Ulsamer, In Aeronautics Affordability is King, Air Force
Magazine 63, no. 12 (December 1980).
Elegance in Flight
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
Elegance in Flight
The Dual-Role Fighter Competition
F-16XL-2 flying with a supersonic laminar flow control suction glove leading edge, April 1996. (NASA)
After remaining in storage for several years, both F-16XLs were subsequently
transferred to NASA for flight research into a number of areas relevant to the
development of a high-speed commercial transport aircraft. These included
investigations into supersonic laminar flow, noise abatement, and acoustic
signatures. In addition, the aircraft were employed to study pitch-and-roll
oscillation phenomenology, for flutter research, and in the evaluation of a
digital flight control system upgrade to the aircraft.
NASA use of the F-16XL as an experimental research aircraft had its genesis
in the High-Speed Research program that began in the late 1980s. The HSR
program was NASAs highest aeronautical priority during the 1990s. This was
in large part driven by the commercial aircraft and engine companies. They
believed that NASA could make its most useful contribution to development
of a future High-Speed Civil Transport by focusing the HSR program on
demonstrating and maturing the basic technologies that could lead to a practi-
cal supersonic transport. Boeing, in particular, highlighted the fact that there
were major technical risks inherent to successful development of a supersonic
transport aircraft. These were so great that the aircraft and engine industries
were unwilling to invest in an HSCT effort unless NASA reduced the known
technical risks by defining a well-focused HSR program.1 As a result of such
industry concerns, the HSR program was restructured in 1992 to emphasize
those technologies that best addressed critical issues related to the economic
viability of commercial supersonic travel. The restructuring effort was headed
by Cecil C. Rosen, the NASA director of aeronautics. Phase I had concentrated
on proving that the environmental concerns of daily SST operations could
be overcome. The goal of the restructured program, now referred to as HSR
Phase II, was to mature the technologies necessary for a post-2000 HSCT to be
economically competitive with subsonic civil transports. Economic competi-
tiveness was defined as a ticket surcharge of no more than 20 to 30 percent for
supersonic travel. Following extensive analytical studies and economic market
analyses, both Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas concluded that this goal drove
Elegance in Flight
the maximum takeoff gross weight of a future HSCT to an upper limit of not
greater than 750,000 pounds. The conceptual HSCT was intended to carry
300 passengers while cruising at Mach 2.4 over intercontinental ranges of up
to 5,000 nautical miles. The takeoff gross weight limitation drove the HSR
program to emphasize the set of technologies that would have the most impact
on achieving the HSCT takeoff gross weight goal.
The HSR Phase II program was led by the HSR Program Office at Langley and
was supported by the Dryden Flight Research Center, the Ames Research Center,
and the Lewis (now Glenn) Research Center. Major industry partners in the
HSR program were Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, McDonnell-Douglas
Aerospace, Rockwell Corporations North American Aviation Division, General
Electric Aircraft Engines, and Pratt & Whitney. Research tasks were accom-
plished by a joint NASA-industry team, with personnel divided into integrated
work units. Boeing was designated overall industry manager for HSR activities.
The HSR Program Office established management offices that were focused on
critical HSCT-related technology topics. These included technology integration
(under William P. Gilbert), aerodynamic performance (Robert L. Calloway),
materials and structures (Rodney H. Ricketts), environmental impact (Allen H.
Whitehead, Jr.), and flight deck technology (Daniel G. Baize). Major decisions
in the program were made by a team comprised of one member from each of
the four prime contractors representing the two airframe companies and the two
engine developers (Boeing, McDonnell-Douglas, General Electric, and Pratt &
Whitney) and two from NASA. This team, known as the Integrated Planning
Team (IPT), oversaw the efforts of the Airframe Management Team (AMT) and
the Propulsion Management Team (PMT). Subordinate to the airframe and
propulsion management teams were a series of Technology Management Teams
(TMTs). The TMTs, in turn, supervised the efforts of Government and indus-
try researchers organized into a variety of Integrated Technology Development
(ITD) teams. In addition to the prime contractors, more than 40 major sub-
contractors were also on the integrated HSR team. The NASA Glenn Research
Center (formerly known as the Lewis Research Center) oversaw the efforts of
the Propulsion Management Team. The PMT was organizationally similar to
the Airframe Management Team, and its efforts also came under the oversight
of the High-Speed Research program IPT.
As it continued to evolve, the HSR program was focused on developing
the critical technologies that would enable a future supersonic transport to
achieve its performance goals at an economical cost. A clear consensus emerged
within NASA and the aircraft industry that strong technology development
efforts were needed in the areas of airframe and composite structures and
advanced propulsion if this vision was to be feasible. To this end, a small super-
sonic laminar flow flight research effort that was originally part of the NASA
NASA Supersonic Laminar Flow Research
Aircraft Energy Efficiency (ACEE) program was transferred under the HSR
program. This was not an easy sell, and supersonic laminar flow control just
squeaked into the program. ACEE had supported flight research into laminar
flow control and had sponsored a number of flight-test efforts using various
types of subsonic civil and military aircraft.2 After the ACEE program had been
terminated in 1986, Langley continued its support of laminar flow research
through a Laminar Flow Control (LFC) Project Office. Studies conducted
prior to the formal start of the HSR program had led the LFC Project Office to
consider an aircraft flight research program focused on SLFC. Many members
of the Langley research staff felt strongly that SLFC was a critical ingredient to
the success of a future supersonic transport, especially if such an aircraft was
intended to be economically viable.3
The NASA Langley LFC Project Office, under Richard D. Wagner, had
issued contracts to both Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas Corporation in
1988. The purpose of these studies was to determine the potential benefits
that might be achieved through the use of SLFC on a supersonic civil transport.
In their study, Boeing used their Boeing Model 2707-300 SST configuration
that had originally been conceived as the U.S. contender to the Anglo-French
Concorde before it was cancelled. They determined that if SLFC could be suc-
cessfully integrated into this design, its fuel consumption could be reduced by
12.5 percent, and the maximum takeoff gross weight of the aircraft could be
reduced by 8.5 percent. The payload of the basic Boeing supersonic transport
design was calculated to be only 7 percent of its takeoff gross weight. The
MDC study indicated that SLFC was feasible for their 308-passenger Mach
2.2 conceptual design that featured a cranked-arrow wing and rear-mounted
tail surfaces. MDC had concluded that fuel consumption could be reduced
by 17 percent if both the wing and tail surfaces could be made fully laminar
back to the control surface hinge lines.4 The savings in fuel consumption and
gross weight that potentially could be achieved using SLFC represented major
improvements in the capability of an HSCT. However, SLFC technology was
considered risky and its payoffs problematic at best. It had to be proven to
be both feasible and practical for commercial airline use. In summary, both
Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas highlighted the major issues and risks related
to incorporating SLFC technology into future supersonic transports.5
Laminar flow had been the subject of extensive research efforts since the
1930s, and the technology potentially offered very significant reductions in
fuel consumption. However, practical applications of the technology to pro-
duction aircraft (especially large aircraft) had eluded engineers despite a long
series of attempts over the years. Laminar flow technology, especially as it
related to the supersonic flight regime, had significant risks involving air-
frame design, system integration, production engineering, and manufacturing.
Elegance in Flight
Another major unknown area with perceived high risk was the operations and
maintenance of HSCT aircraft fitted with supersonic laminar flow control sys-
tems in widespread airline service. Overall, the risks associated with laminar flow
control technology were known to be high. Most experts believed that a practi-
cal, low- to moderate-risk SLFC approach was unlikely to be ready in time to be
integrated into an HSCT design on the planned schedule that called for initiation
of airframe and engine full-scale development in the year 2000 without a major
risk-reduction initiative.
The general belief in the aircraft industry in the late 1980s was that selection
of supersonic laminar flow technology for use in an HSCT development was a
high-risk challenge. They strongly urged that supersonic laminar flow control
technology be demonstrated and matured via a Government-funded flight dem-
onstration program. NASA agreed that a flight research program was needed
to validate the benefits that could be achieved from the use of SLFC. Without
such a Government-sponsored program, industry would be unwilling to adopt
the concept. Obtaining an appropriate high-speed aircraft that could be read-
ily modified for a NASA SLFC research program was considered a mandatory
requirement for the demonstration. MDC had already addressed the possible use
of the F-16XL for an SLFC technology demonstration in their NASA-sponsored
study. Langleys Jerry N. Hefner was familiar with NASAs role in the F-16XL
development effort and recognized that its cranked-arrow wing design was similar
to that envisioned for use on a future HSCT. Hefner recommended using the
two Air Force F-16XLs, then in storage at the GD factory in Fort Worth, as test
platforms for a NASA research program. Theodore G. Ayers, the deputy director at
NASA Dryden, strongly supported the F-16XL initiative, as did James W. Smolka
and Joe Bill Dryden; both were GD F-16 project pilots in Fort Worth at the time.6
Hefner and Wallace C. Sawyer, who headed the HSR program at Langley, worked
with NASA Headquarters to establish an SLFC program based on the F-16XLs as
test aircraft. Cecil C. Rosen, the director of aeronautics at NASA Headquarters,
agreed that these aircraft would be important to a NASA flight research effort.
Arrangements were then made with the Air Force for the transfer of the two
F-16XL prototypes for NASA use in support of the HSR program.7
As Jerry Hefner subsequently recalled,
NASA Supersonic Laminar Flow Research
NASAs conceptual HSCT design featured a cranked-arrow wing similar to that of the F-16XL. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
The F-16XL-1 photographed on the ramp of the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA,
during its brief deployment to the East Coast in 1994. (NASA)
NASA Supersonic Laminar Flow Research
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL-2 flying with a supersonic laminar flow control suction glove leading edge, April 1996. (NASA)
NASA Supersonic Laminar Flow Research
suction to draw air through nearly 12 million holes. These were positioned in
20 individual suction regions on the glove surface. Air was drawn through the
millions of individual holes in the glove via a highly complex manifold system
that employed 20 valves. The glove was instrumented to determine the extent of
laminar flow and to measure other variables, such as the acoustic environment
that affected laminar flow at various flight conditions. Suction was provided by
a modified Boeing 707 turbocompressor installed in what had previously been
the M61 Vulcan cannons 20-mm ammunition bay located aft of the cockpit
on F-16XL-2. The SLFC flight research effort with F-16XL-2 was intended to
achieve laminar flow over 50 to 60 percent of its wing chord.
In addition to the flight-test effort, computational fluid dynamics com-
puter software codes and design methodologies were to be created, along with
laminar flow control design criteria for use at supersonic speeds. The geometric
asymmetry of the F-16XL-2 aircraft when fitted with the suction glove on the
left wing required dedicated wind tunnel tests to determine the aerodynamic
and stability and control characteristics of the modified aircraft before actual
flight testing could begin. The first F-16XL-2 flight after the SLFC suction
glove modification occurred on October 13, 1995. Evaluation of the active suc-
tion glove itself began on November 22, 1995, with the first supersonic flight
test with the suction system operating occurring on January 24, 1996. The
fight-test portion of the SLFC program with F-16XL-2 ended on November
26, 1996, after 45 research fights. During the 13-month flight research pro-
gram, the NASA-industry SLFC team logged about 90 hours of flight time
with F-16XL-2, much of it at speeds of Mach 2 at altitudes of 50,000 feet and
above. The project demonstrated that laminar airflow could be achieved over a
significant portion of a highly swept wing at supersonic speeds using an active
suction system. A highly detailed synopsis of the SLFC flight research effort
with F-16XL-2 is included in the closing section of this chapter.
SLFC Summary
Both F-16XL-1 and F-16XL-2 had configuration-specific shock and expansion
waves, which influenced the laminar flow on the wings at supersonic condi-
tions. Supersonic shock waves emanating from the canopies and engine inlets
spread out over the wings and expansion waves coming from beneath the wing
caused a highly three-dimensional flow field. These resulted in difficulties in
obtaining laminar flow on the attachment-line region at the same test condi-
tions. Despite these problems, which resulted from the decision to use the
F-16XL as the SLFC research aircraft, NASA publicly stated that the supersonic
laminar flow control flight experiments with the aircraft achieved about 70 to
80 percent of the initial research goals. Yet despite the somewhat promising
results from the flight research program, there were other major difficulties
Elegance in Flight
NASA Supersonic Laminar Flow Research
This decision was based on a general agreement among both the Government
and, especially, the aerospace industry members of the Airframe Management
Team. The consensus within the team was that supersonic laminar flow control
was not a near-term technology that could be available in time for integration
into a High-Speed Civil Transport program on any realistic cost and develop-
ment schedule.15
Elegance in Flight
1. Cecil C. Rosen III began his professional career with Pratt &
Whitney Aircraft in advanced jet engine design. He held a num-
ber of key positions at NASA, including manager of propulsion
research and technology, director of aerospace research, and associate
administrator of the Office of Aeronautics, where he managed the
four NASA Research Centers (Ames, Langley, Lewis [later renamed
Glenn], and Dryden).
2. Mark D. Bowles, The Apollo of Aeronautics: NASAs Aircraft Energy
Efficiency Program (19731987) (Washington, DC: NASA SP-2009-
574 2009).
3. Michael Fischer and Chandra S. Vemuru, Application of Laminar
Flow Control to the High Speed Civil TransportThe NASA
Supersonic Laminar Flow Control Program, presented at the
Aerospace Technology Conference and Exposition, Long Beach, CA,
September 1991, SAE Paper 912115 (September 1, 1991).
4. As the subsequent SLFC test program with F-16XL-2 would reveal,
achieving fully laminar flow over the entire surface of the HSCT
wing would have been extremely difficult. Thus, the purported
reductions in fuel consumption and HSCT gross weight that could
be achieved by the use of SLFC were highly suspect. These facts, as
well as the major manufacturing challenges in producing an active
suction wing for the very large HSCT, were the primary reasons that
the SLFC effort with the F-16XL was eventually cancelled.
5. Arthur G. Powell, Supersonic LFC: Challenges and Opportunities,
in Proceedings of the NASA Langley Research Center First Annual
High-Speed Research Workshop, Williamsburg, Virginia, May 1416,
1991, Part 4 (April 1, 1992), pp. 1,8231,840; Yorgo E. Saounatsos,
Technology Readiness and Development Risks of the New
Supersonic Transport, Journal of Aerospace Engineering 11, no. 3
(July 1998): pp. 95104.
6. Smolka would soon return to NASA Dryden as a NASA research
pilot. Eric Hehs, Marta Bohn-Myer: NASA Flight Researcher,
Code One Magazine (April 1994).
7. Erik M. Conway, High Speed Dreams: NASA and the Technopolitics
of Supersonic Transportation, 19451999 (Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2005).
8. Jan R. Tulinius had conceived of the Active Aeroelastic Wing
(AAW) concept in 1983. AAW was later evaluated on a modified
F/A-18A under a jointly funded and managed Air Force Research
NASA Supersonic Laminar Flow Research
F-16XL-1 with the active suction glove on the left wing that was used for research into super-
sonic laminar flow control. The grey titanium active suction panel is visible on the inner region
of the white wing glove. The passive outer leading edge of the wing glove is painted black in the
region where a liquid-crystal sensor array was located. A video camera in the wingtip pod was
used to record the liquid-crystal patterns. (NASA)
For NASA supersonic laminar flow research purposes, both F-16XL research
aircraft were to be modified with the installation of titanium gloves smoothly
faired into the wing with graphite and epoxy. The weight associated with these
gloves had the potential to affect the flutter characteristics of the aircraft. For
instance, the wing glove modification on F-16XL-1 weighed a total of 207
pounds. The wing gloves extended from the forward wing spar on the lower
wing surface, around the leading edge, and aft to the 25- to 40-percent chord
line on the upper wing surface of F-16XL-1. A glove fairing stretched further aft
from the glove to the trailing-edge spar on the upper surface to ensure smooth
airflow across the wing. The active suction wing glove installation later added
to F-16XL-2 was even heavier and extended farther aft on the wing chord.
Previous NASA experience with wing gloves had shown that changes in wing
structural weight, stiffness, and airfoil shape resulted in shifts in wing torsion
modes and vibrational frequencies. These had the potential of lowering the
speed at which flutter could be encountered (flutter onset speed).
Elegance in Flight
aircraft as modified for the NASA SLFC research program had significant
restrictions compared to the unmodified F-16XL aircraft. NASA Dryden
research engineer David Voracek played a significant role managing and execut-
ing the F-16XL flutter test program.1
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
pressure of 533 pounds per square foot up to an altitude of 32,000 feet. Mach
number was then increased up to a max q of 1,008 pounds per square inch. This
max q was maintained as altitude was increased up the wing glove structures
design temperature limit, which was 160 F.3 The flutter envelope for F-16XL-2
would later be further expanded to enable the SLFC research effort to encompass
a flight envelope out to Mach 2.0 at altitudes well above 50,000 feet.
Elegance in Flight
aircraft with GVT results from the modified aircraft to determine if there were
significant modal changes caused by the wing glove installation.
Airframe structural vibration frequencies obtained during ground vibration
testing using the baseline (unmodified) aircraft and the aircraft modified with
the wing glove were compared. Small changes in structural response frequency
existed between the two configurations. There were slight frequency shifts
below 15 Hz because of the added mass of the wing glove with frequency
shifts becoming greater at higher frequencies. Although most of the GVT data
showed close agreement between the baseline and the modified aircraft, three
differences in the control surface vibration modes were encountered. A previ-
ously identified 26.4-Hz symmetric control surface vibration mode with the
unmodified aircraft was not apparent with the modified aircraft. The absence
of this mode was believed to be the result of changes in wing mass and stiff-
ness caused by the addition of the glove. The control surface vibration mode
produces considerable deflection at the wing leading edge and the forward
inboard wing. Since the glove covered this area of the wing, its mass and stiff-
ness substantially reduced the modal response to the control surface deflections.
An antisymmetric control surface vibration was also missing with the modified
aircraft. As with the symmetric 26.4-Hz control surface mode, this mode had
significant inboard wing motion on both the right and left wings. The wing
glove was installed in an area where GVT of the unmodified aircraft showed
significant deflections. The glove stiffened the wing, reducing its deflection and
increasing the vibration frequency. The change in antisymmetric vibrational
mode shape with the modified aircraft was restricted to the glove area, and
vertical stabilizer and the fuselage motion remained unchanged. Another dif-
ference in modal data was observed in another antisymmetric control surface
mode. The mode shape changed from antisymmetric to symmetric with the
modified aircraft. One possible explanation given was that the 26.4-Hz sym-
metric mode was shifted up to 28 Hz because of the glove and coupled with the
28.8-Hz antisymmetric mode. There were no changes in structural vibration
frequency of the airframe in the range where the structural notch filters were
active in the flight control system. This led to the conclusion that there were
no aeroservoelastic concerns for the modified aircraft.
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
Elegance in Flight
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
F-16XL-1 with the active suction glove on the left wing that was used for research into super-
sonic laminar flow control. The grey titanium active suction panel is visible on the inner region
of the white wing glove. The passive outer leading edge of the wing glove is painted black in the
region where a liquid-crystal sensor array was located. A video camera in the wingtip pod was
used to record the liquid-crystal patterns. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
line moved from the upper surface of the wing to the lower surface, and the
crossflow velocity component on the upper surface of the wing decreased.
This was important in determining the amount of suction needed to obtain
laminar flow for any position on the wing.7
The wing gloves used on F-16XL-1 were designed and constructed by
the North American Aviation
(NAA) Division of Rockwell
International in El Segundo,
CA (North American Rockwell
would later be absorbed by
Boeing). Both the passive and
active gloves, installed on the
right and left wings, respectively,
were designed with a modified
NASA 65A003 airfoil. Foam and
fiberglass fairings then blended
the glove into the wing. The sur-
face of the active suction glove
on the left wing was manufac-
tured from a thin titanium sheet
whose porosity resulted from
many tiny holes created using
a high-energy laser. The porous
laminar flow test area extended
F-16XL passive and active glove configurations. (NASA)
about 25 percent aft on the wing
chord (or about 7 feet in the
streamwise direction). The suc-
tion glove spanned 3.4 feet. The
active glove had a uniform hole
density of 2,500 holes per square
inch across its porous titanium
skin surface. Each hole was only
25 one-thousandths of an inch
in diameter.
The suction system was
designed to provide suction levels
capable of producing laminar
flow on the wing glove. Air from
The SLFC active suction system used a turbocom-
an array of 22 internal constant pressor adopted from the Convair 880 and 990
cross-section flutes that ran par- jetliners. It was tightly tailored to fit the confines of
allel to the gloves leading edge the F-16XL-1 aircraft. (NASA)
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
flowed inboard through suction tubes, ground adjustable ball valves, and ven-
ture tubes into a central plenum chamber connected to the turbocompres-
sor that provided the suction to the panel. The turbocompressor was legacy
technology, having been modified from an air-conditioning turbocompressor
used in the Convair 880 and 990 jetliner family a quarter-century before, and
was tailored for the SLFC experiment. During system operation, flow distur-
bances in the boundary layer were sucked through the porous panel and flowed
through the internal suction system plumbing to the turbocompressor, as seen
in the cutaway illustration of the system.
Elegance in Flight
were obtained for the Mach number range from Mach 1.2 to Mach 1.7
and at an altitude range from 35,000 to 55,000 feet. During test missions
flown in 1991 and 1992, limited supersonic laminar flow was achieved on
the upper surface of the suction
panel. However, laminar flow was
achieved at a slightly lower Mach
number and a slightly higher alti-
tude than the suction glove design
point. In fact, laminar flow at the
glove design point of Mach 1.6 at
an altitude of 44,000 feet was not
achieved. The boundary layer tran-
sition and the pressure distribution
data obtained from the SLFC flight
F-16XL-1 with an active suction glove installed
tests were used to refine, correlate,
on the left wing demonstrated limited laminar and validate CFD computer codes.
flow at supersonic conditions during flight test- Calculated CFD pressure distribu-
ing conducted in 19911992. (NASA) tions were compared to the pressure
distributions obtained at vary-
ing angles of attack during flight testing. In general, the CFD data at very
low angles of attack agreed reasonably well with flight-test data. F-16XL-1
flight-test results demonstrated that SLFC using active suction on highly
swept wings was feasible, but laminar flow prediction methodologies and
CFD models were shown to require further refinement. Follow-on SLFC
efforts with F-16XL-2 would result in more refined CFD methodologies
and improved laminar flow prediction techniques. This aspect of the F-16XL
SLFC test effort is discussed in the following section.
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
The SLFC flight-test effort with F-16XL-2 was far more complex than
the earlier tests with F-16XL-1, with regions of transition from laminar to
turbulent flow over the wing glove explored at a wider range of supersonic
Mach numbers. F-16XL-2 had been selected for this research effort because
its cranked-arrow wing planform with the 70-degree in-board leading-edge
sweep, its maximum speed (Mach 2.0), and its maximum altitude capabilities
(55,000 feet) were similar to the wing planform, desired cruise speed (Mach
2.4), and cruise altitude (60,000 feet) of the proposed HSCT.9 An additional
advantage of using F-16XL-2 was that the second cockpit made it possible for
a flight-test engineer to accompany the pilot on test missions. The flight-test
engineer in the rear cockpit had the capability to monitor laminar flow condi-
tions in real time. Most importantly, the flight-test engineer was able to vary
the amount of suction pressure in the system during test missions, as were the
ground controllers. The volume of boundary-layer airflow sucked through
the holes into the glove was adjusted using a specially designed control panel.
This allowed detailed investigations into the effects of variations in suction
volume on the area distribution of the laminar flow region on the wing glove.
As Jeffrey S. Lavell, NASA Langley project manager for the F-16XL SLFC test
experiment, commented at the time: Were not planning to just go up and get
laminar flow at our test point and say were done. Were going to vary a lot of
parameters and get a lot of different data to increase the fidelity of our design
codes. The purpose of this experiment, besides the demonstration, is to validate
our CFD codes, which allow us to design these airfoils.10
NASA officials at the time noted that it might not be possible to achieve
laminar flow over the entire supersonic transport wing using moderate suc-
tion levels for both practical and economic reasons. Although the goal of the
research project was to demonstrate that laminar flow was feasible over 50 to
60 percent of the wing chord, NASA officials commented that a more realistic
result might be in the 40- to 50-percent of wing chord region. Michael C.
Fischer, principal SLFC project investigator at NASA Langley, was quoted
as saying that industry was interested in a hybrid version of the laminar flow
control system. This would limit active suction to the leading-edge region of a
supersonic transport wing with the remainder of the wing shaped to provide
the optimum pressure distribution needed to passively achieve laminar flow.
This would do away with the cost, weight, and complexity of providing an
active suction capability over the area of the entire wing. To this end, NASA
planned to follow up the initial F-16XL-2 SLFC tests with follow-on investi-
gations. These would involve covering the aft portion of the laminar flow test
section with very thin tape to determine if the suction on the most critical
section of the wing leading edge was adequate to maintain laminar flow over
a significant portion of the wing farther aft on the chord. Also important was
Elegance in Flight
demonstrating that supersonic laminar flow was not easily disrupted by small
changes in flight conditions. The latter could be caused by, for instance, small
changes in angle of attack as the aircraft weight changed with fuel consumption
during the course of long-range intercontinental flights.11
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
portion of the left wing in the second phase of the SLFC project. Unlike the
active suction glove used on F-16XL-1, which had uniform hole spacing, the
glove on F-16XL-2 was optimized for supersonic laminar flow with variable
spacing of its suction holes.
Team members from the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, NASA
Langley Research Center, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, McDonnell-
Douglas Corporation, and Rockwell International supported this phase of the
project.14 NASA staff members with senior responsibilities for the F-16XL-2
SLFC flight-test experiment included
Jeffrey S. Lavell, NASA Langley program
manager; Marta R. Bohn-Meyer and Carol
A. Reukauf, Dryden program managers;
Lisa J. Bjarke, Dryden principal engineer;
Mark Collard, Dryden operations engi-
neer; and Dana D. Purifoy, Drydens pri-
mary project pilot. Scott G. Anders and
Michael C. Fischer, both from the LaRC,
produced an excellent in-depth technical
report that thoroughly documented the
SLFC flight-test experiment with F-16XL-
2. Their report provided extensive docu-
mentation of the research objectives, test
design, aircraft modifications, and results,
including the achievements and limita-
tions of this most ambitious SLFC flight-
test effort. The discussion of the F-16XL-2
SLFC experiment in the following sections
is heavily based on their published work. The F-16XL-2 was fitted with a General
It goes into relatively significant depth in Electric F110-GE-129 engine. The pas-
sive wing glove on the right wing and
order to provide insight into the major active suction glove on the left wing give
challenges that existed in accomplishing it a distinctive asymmetric planform.
the ambitious goals of the SLFC project.15 (Lockheed Martin via Robert Wetherall)
Elegance in Flight
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
Elegance in Flight
The F-16XL-2 in flight showing its Langley-tested shock wave fence under the port wing. (NASA)
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
Elegance in Flight
were spaced at distances that ranged from 0.010 to 0.055 inches, depending
on the required suction porosity. The inverse conical shape of the individual
holes provided the perforated surface through which suction was applied to
remove instabilities in the boundary layer. The exit diameter of each hole was
double the entrance diameter. This taper was intended to ensure that small
particles ingested into the holes passed through and did not obstruct airflow
through the hole. The titanium suction panel extended 17 feet outward along
the leading edge of the wing and back to 60 percent of the wing chord. This
was much larger than the active suction wing glove used during earlier SLFC
tests with F-16XL-1, whose suction panel only extended aft to 30 percent of
the wing chord.
The active suction panel was physically bounded by the apexan alumi-
num substructure with a carbon-fiber cover and a carbon-fiber passive fairing
that blended the suction panel with the existing wing contour. Inner sup-
port structures in the apex region of the wing continued the 70-degree swept
wing directly into the forward fuselage. The maximum thickness of the suc-
tion panel, measured above the existing left wing, was about 5.5 inches. This
increased to 7 inches in the region where the fairing around the suction panel
joined the fuselage. The test panel and
related suction system components
were installed on the left wing and in
portions of the fuselage. This instal-
lation included instrumentation,
power supplies, signal conditioning
units, cables, wiring, suction ducting
and plenum, suction control valves
and flow meters, a turbocompressor,
an apex extension, and passive fair-
ings. The perforated titanium suction The physical dimensions of the F-16XL-2 SLFC
panel was positioned near the center active suction wing glove and the location of
of the inner segment of the highly the shock fence on the underside of the left
swept left wing.18 wing are shown in this NASA drawing. (NASA)
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
Suction System
The suction panel had 20 individually controlled independent suction regions.
Seven were located on the upper surface of the glove and 13 were in the leading-
edge region. The suction system consisted of 20 individual collector ducts (one
for each independent region), 20 individual mass flow sensors and control valves,
a common plenum chamber, a master control valve, and a turbocompressor.
The turbocompressor turbine was driven by engine bleed air; this allowed the
compressor to provide the low-pressure source for the suction system. Exhaust
Elegance in Flight
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
The turbocompressor exhaust duct exited the F-16XL-2 in the center-of-black region behind the
rear cockpit. Note the special fairing mounted over the canopy frame to minimize shock wave
formation. (NASA)
and the fuselage fuel cells.22 Concerns with the integrity of the design in the
event of an in-flight failure prompted the decision to add additional protec-
tion around the turbocompressor bay. General Dynamics technician Steve
Slaughter was assigned to come up with an internal structural reinforcement
approach within the existing F-16 fuselage ammunition bay. Slaughter graphi-
cally described this task in his own words: I had to develop an armor system
for NASA because they were blowing up the cabin pressurization turbo pump
they used for boundary layer control. Had to invent and install the panels
in 7 days to meet the flight test schedule. That gun breech where the pump is
located is kinda bad if the pump grenades: Hydrazine APU, Fuelbummer
when it lets go.23
The suction flow rate through the surface in each region of the suction panel
was determined by the perforation hole spacing and was controlled by vary-
ing the pressure in the internal suction regions. The rate of air drawn through
the holes was measured by mass flow sensors and controlled by butterfly flow
control valves (FCVs). The air passed into a common plenum chamber then
through a large duct, where the master FCV was located. When insufficient
quantities of air were drawn through the master FCV, a surge valve opened, pro-
viding supplemental air to the turbocompressor. As noted earlier, the suction
panel was divided into 20 regions, 13 of which were located in the leading edge.
Elegance in Flight
Design and Fabrication of the F-16 XL-2s Suction Panel and System Hardware
Existing NASA design databases for surface waviness, steps, gaps, and rough-
ness, developed and used in previous subsonic laminar flow experiments, were
used in designing the F-16XL-2 wing glove. To ensure that the desired design
surface pressures were achieved on the surface of the wing glove, the contour
and shape of the suction panel had to be manufactured to extremely precise
tolerances. Allowable manufacturing deviation was no more than 20 one-thou-
sandths of an inch in the leading-edge region of the wing. As the distance pro-
gressed aft on the wing glove, allowable manufacturing tolerances were relaxed
to fifty one-thousandths of an inch. These manufacturing tolerances had been
derived from computer calculations in which the wing panel was evaluated
with different levels of manufacturing tolerance in a simulated supersonic flow
field. Maximum allowable surface wavelengths and heights, steps and gaps, and
three-dimensional roughness values were based on flight-test and wind tunnel
databases. Surface waviness, in particular, was an area of concern. The presence
of steps and gaps in the wing surface was another area of concern. The design
criteria for aft-facing steps were more restrictive than for forward-facing steps.
Any airflow along a gap was to be avoided whenever possible. Accepted limits
for steps and gaps during fabrication and assembly of the wing glove were set at
a maximum height of three one-thousandths of an inch for forward-facing steps.
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
On left: The laminar flow wing glove during the positioning process on F-16XL-2s left wing,
February 1995. On right: The F-16XL-2 after the laminar flow wing glove was mounted on the
wing and the forward wing fairing was installed. Note how far forward on the fuselage the left
wing extended. (Both images NASA)
Elegance in Flight
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
Canopy-Closure Shock
Due to the three-dimensional geometry of F-16XL-2s canopy, the airflow
over the canopy expanded as the physical canopy profile extended into the
fuselage contour. At the location where this expansion ended, a so-called clo-
sure shock wave was produced. This shock wave moved outward across the
wings, as shown in the accompanying drawing, where the effects of Mach
number variation on shock wave location are indicated. The canopy-closure
shock wave was a factor in the design of the suction panel because the pres-
sure produced by the shock wave was likely
to cause loss of laminar flow on the glove.
The suction panel was designed so that only
the rearmost portion was intersected by the
canopy-closure shock wave at Mach 2.0. In
addition, suction pressures in the rearmost
area of the glove surface could be tailored to
compensate for the presence of the canopy-
closure shock wave pressure disturbance. A
The canopy-closure shock wave
separate suction region provided higher impingement locations on the upper
suction pressures to deal with the bound- surface of F-16XL-2 are illustrated for
ary layer disturbance caused by the closure several representative cruise Mach
shock wave.25 numbers. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
SLFC test program with F-16XL-2. They were known by the sweep angle of
the leading edge of each shock fence. The first fence that was flown was known
as the 60-degree shock fence. This fence was based on the 10-inch-tall fence
used during the previous phase of the F-16XL-2 laminar flow project. The
60-degree shock fence was installed on the test aircraft during 19 of the
45 research flights flown in the second phase of the SLFC program with
F-16XL-2. However, this fence was unable to block the shock wave coming
from the engine inlet face. This shock wave had not been identified in earlier
flight testing because the leading edge of
the wing without the SLFC glove had
been located farther in-board and aft. A
shock fence designed to more effectively
block both inlet shock waves was then
constructed that featured a 10-degree
leading-edge sweep angle. However,
the leading edge of this 10-degree
fence was submerged in supersonic
flow and produced a shock wave of
its own that spread out over the wing
glove. Unfortunately, this was exactly
what the shock fence was designed to
prevent. The 10-degree shock fence was
Different underwing shock wave fences were
used to block the shock waves produced by installed on the aircraft for 24 SLFC
the engine inlet from affecting the airflow on research flights. The aluminum shock
the leading edge of the wing glove. (NASA) fences were mounted onto an existing
AIM-120 missile attachment station.
Both shock fences were fitted with
strain gages to ensure that their design
structural load limits were not exceeded
during the flight-test program.
Two test flights were flown without
the 10-degree or the 60-degree shock
fences installed to obtain baseline data
on shock wave effects produced by the
basic aircraft. As expected, supersonic
laminar flow was not achieved on these
The F-16XL-2 seen with the 60-degree flights due to shock wave impinge-
shock fence installed under the left inner
ment on the boundary layer. In-flight
wing in this November 1996 NASA Dryden
photo. The fence was designed to block measurements of the pressure distribu-
the shock waves that emanated from the tions on the in-board segment of the
engine inlet system. (NASA) F-16XL-2 wing over the Mach number
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
range from 1.4 to 2.0 provided a baseline to determine the location of shock
waves on the panel. This was very important to ensure that these shock waves
did not invalidate or compromise follow-on testing to determine the effec-
tiveness of the SLFC experiment. Results from these tests were analyzed and
reported by Lisa J. Bjarke of NASA Dryden and Stephen F. Landers and John
A. Saltzman, research engineers with PRC, Inc., the NASA Dryden systems
engineering test-support contractor.26
Turbulence Diverter
A boundary-layer turbulence diverter that consisted of a narrow longitudi-
nal slot was installed on the extended
leading edge of the left wing, in-board
of the active suction panel. This slot
allowed the turbulent boundary layer
that normally would have flowed out-
board from the leading edge where it
attached to the fuselage to be swept
aft by the airflow. This allowed a new
laminar flow boundary-layer attach-
ment line to be formed on the in-
board leading edge of the suction Unique features of the modified F-16XL-2 air-
panel. The turbulence diverter design craft included the active suction laminar flow
wing glove, the extended left-wing apex, the
was based on experience gained with
turbulence diverter (the darker strip along the
three different diverter configurations intersection of the left wing with the forward
test flown on F-16XL-2 during the fuselage), and the shock wave fence under
previous phase of the SLFC project.27 the left wing. (NASA)
Test Instrumentation
The F-16XL-2 was highly instrumented for the SLFC research effort. A flight-
test nose boom was used to determine airspeed and airflow angles. In addi-
tion to the aerodynamic vanes used to measure angles of attack and sideslip,
the nose boom also provided measurements of total and static pressure. The
aircraft was also instrumented to measure total temperature, Euler angles,
accelerations, and flight control surface positions.28 The wing glove was exten-
sively instrumented. There were over 450 pressure taps, 151 thermocouples,
40 microphones, mass flow sensors, and up to 50 hot-film anemometers. An
array of pressure taps installed on the left wing was used to obtain both surface
and internal pressure measurements. Of the 454 surface pressure taps, 200 were
located on the active suction panel with 113 of these positioned in the leading-
edge region. The remaining 254 surface pressure taps were located on passive
regions of the glove fairing surrounding the suction panel, including the apex
Elegance in Flight
portion of the inner wing. Seventy-two internal pressure taps monitored the
pressure within the suction flutes. Twenty mass flow sensors were inserted in
the ducts between the surface of the suction panel and the flow control valves.
They measured the suction flow rate in each region of the system.29
Hot-film sensors with temperature-compensated anemometer systems were
used on or around the suction panel on both the upper and lower surfaces. The
sensors were mounted such that their active elements were nearly perpendicular
to the airflow, with the temperature elements adjacent and slightly aft of the
hot-film sensors to avoid possible flow disturbance over the active elements
of the hot-film sensors. Twenty-four hot-film sensors were mounted directly
to the titanium surface on the edge of the active suction region on the wing
upper surface. The number of hot films on the active suction surface varied
from 0 for the first eight flights to 31 for the final flights. The location of these
hot films was varied between flights as different areas of the suction panel were
investigated. Although the number of usable lower-surface hot films was lim-
ited to 15, the location and number of these sensors also varied throughout the
flight phase. Initially, 14 lower-surface hot films were used, the first of which
was mounted to the carbon-fiber panel just forward of the turbulence diverter.
The other 13 were mounted directly to the titanium surface on the edge of the
suction-panel regions.30
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
Research pilot Dana Purifoy flew the highly modified F-16XL-2 on its first flight with the asym-
metrical wing configuration on October 13, 1995. Wingtip-mounted flutter excitation vanes are
fitted on both wingtip missile launchers. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
flight during which the aircraft reached an altitude of 30,000 feet and a
Mach number of 0.78. The NASA Dryden project manager for the Phase 2
SLFC effort, Marta Bohn-Meyer, was the ground controller for this 1.1-hour
mission, which essentially consisted of a functional check flight (FCF) of the
aircraft and its systems. The active suction system was not operated on the
first flight.
During the first Phase 2 SLFC research flight, an excessive pressure dif-
ferential involving the laminar flow test section on the left wing was observed.
Under certain flight conditions, the difference in pressure between the upper
surface of the wing and a narrow cavity where the test section was attached
to the original wing exceeded the acceptable limit of 0.75 psi. Concerns were
expressed that continued exposure to the higher pressure differential could
damage the attachment mechanism that held the active suction laminar flow
test section to the basic wing structure. It was believed that the higher-than-
expected pressure differential occurred during flight at higher angles of attack
that were not typical of cruise conditions, perhaps even during takeoff and
landing approach. A flight restriction that limited the aircraft to no more
than 2 gs during subsonic flight at lower altitudes was chosen to mitigate the
issue. This, plus some other improvised modifications to better seal the wing
glove, kept the pressure differential to within acceptable limits. The modified
F-16XL-2 aircraft had been originally been cleared for flight to an angle of
attack of 15 degrees and a 3-g limit.34
The second F-16XL-2 research flight on November 25, 1995, involved
structural loads and flutter clearance tests, evaluation of the handling qualities
with the asymmetrical configuration, and engine and air refueling systems
checks. The flight-test effort very quickly expanded to include investigations
of turbocompressor and suction system performance and the collection of
supersonic laminar flow data at the design Mach number and altitude. Dana
Purifoy flew the first 12 missions from the front seat with Mark Collard flying
as test engineer in the rear cockpit. On February 28, 1996, NASA research
pilot Mark P. Stucky flew in the rear cockpit on his initial checkout flight in
the aircraft with Dana Purifoy instructing from the front seat. On the next
flight, Mark Stucky was in the front seat but the mission was terminated after
0.5 hours due to an in-flight emergency caused by a right main landing gear
door failure. Stucky completed his F-16XL flight checkout on March 6.
F-16XL crewmembers were required to wear the NASA Combined High
Altitude and Gravity System (CHAGS) during research flights conducted
above an altitude of 50,000 feet. NASAs CHAGS ensemble was based upon
the British Jerkin system, which had been in use for nearly 20 years. The
oxygen regulator associated with the CHAGS system was designed to provide
aircrew protection up to 9 gs, as well as protection from decompression at
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
Elegance in Flight
were an angle of attack of 3.5 degrees with zero sideslip. Maneuvers that were
typically performed during the SLFC flight-test effort involved steady-state
pushovers to a predesignated angle of attack, which was then maintained while
laminar flow data were collected. These smooth pushovers were performed
with and without sideslip, and data-collection runs typically lasted about 10
seconds. Achieving and maintaining laminar flow was found to be very sensi-
tive to changes in aircraft angles of attack and sideslip.37
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
Elegance in Flight
line. Hot films in other regions on the glove often showed laminar flow with
design suction levels.
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
was not achieved at the wing glove design point of Mach 1.9 at an altitude
of 50,000 feet. Boundary-layer transition data were obtained on the suction
glove at Mach 2.0 and altitudes of 53,000 to 55,000 feet. The best laminar flow
results were obtained at Mach 2.0 at an altitude of 53,000 feet. At an angle of
attack of 3.7 degrees, which was near the desired cruise angle of attack for the
High-Speed Civil Transport, laminar flow was obtained over the wing glove to
a streamwise location of 46 percent of the wing chord. The Reynolds number
during this test run was 22.7 million. Laminar flow was consistently obtained
to a minimum of 42 percent of the wing chord at Mach 2.0 at 50,000 feet
using the suction levels determined to be optimum from flight testing. The
Reynolds number at these conditions was 21.2 million.
The conceptual HSCT would have experienced a much higher Reynolds
number than was seen during the SLFC experiment with F-16XL-2. At the
HSCTs cruise conditions of Mach 2.4 at 60,000 feet, the Reynolds number
would have been about 200 million versus the 22.7 million seen during laminar
flow test missions with the F-16XL. This led NASA to investigate the use of
the much larger Russian Tupolev Tu-144 supersonic transport as a more repre-
sentative test bed for follow-on SLFC research. The large, slender delta-winged
Russian supersonic airliner would have had the additional advantage of avoid-
ing the laminar flow contamination issues that had been caused by shock wave
impingement on the F-16XLs wing glove. In late 1992, Dennis M. Bushnell,
NASA Langley chief scientist, held preliminary discussions on the possibility
of using the Tu-144 with Tupolev officials who were supportive of the concept.
In March 1993, Joseph R. Chambers, then head of the NASA Langley Flight
Applications Division, and Kenneth J. Szalai, the director of the NASA Dryden
Flight Research Center, formally proposed the concept of using one of the
retired Tu-144s for SLFC experimentation at Dryden. Louis J. Williams, the
HSR Phase 1 program manager, had already been considering the possibility
of a NASA Tu-144 research project. To this end, the HSR Program Office
had issued a contract through the Air Force to the North American Aviation
Division of the Rockwell Corporation. The North American contract was
for a feasibility assessment of
restoring a Tu-144 for NASA
use as a SLFC test bed.
By mid-1993, direct dis-
cussions were in progress
between NASA and Tupolev.
Wesley L. Harris, NASA asso-
ciate administrator for aero-
nautics, was a strong advocate
of the joint U.S.-Russian Comparison of the F-16XL with the proposed HSCT. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
research effort. Preliminary estimates were that it would cost at least $40 mil-
lion to return the Russian aircraft to flightworthy status. Extensive airframe
modifications were needed to incorporate active suction laminar flow gloves
and a purpose-designed suction system into the Tu-144; these were estimated
to cost at least another $50 million. However, North Americans engineering
assessment indicated that the existing wing on the Tu-144 routinely rippled
during supersonic flight at Mach 2 due to the effects caused by heating on the
structure. These ripples were considered to be large enough to totally disrupt
any possibility of successfully achieving supersonic laminar flow with an active
suction system. The North American study recommended the development
and integration of a new purpose-designed wing with an original Tu-144 fuse-
lage to create a new SLFC flight demonstrator for use in NASA SLFC research
(an approach that was curiously similar to what GD had done in creating the
SCAMP/F-16XL). However, this approach would have cost far more than the
relatively small NASA HSR program could afford. The NASA research effort
with the Tu-144 was limited to a restricted budget of only $15 million. The
Tu-144 effort went forward with a joint U.S.-Russian 10-flight-test program
that investigated various areas of interest to the HSR program, but these did
not include SLFC research.39
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
1. David F. Voracek, Ground Vibration and Flight Flutter Tests of
the Single-Seat F-16XL Aircraft with a Modified Wing, NASA
TM-104264 (June 1993).
2. Control surface buzz was first encountered in the United States in
the early 1920s, but it became a serious problem two decades later,
as aircraft approached the speed of sound during high-speed dives.
The aileron buzz phenomenon was demonstrated to pilots (includ-
ing the author) during their initial check-out flight in the two-seat
version of the F-80, the T-33. Michael W. Kehoe, A Historic
Overview of Flight Flutter Testing, NASA TM 4720 (October
1995); N.C. Lambourne, Control Surface Buzz, (London:
Aeronautical Research Council, Ministry of Aviation, R&M No.
3364, 1964).
3. Dynamic pressure (commonly referred to as q) is the difference
between the stagnation pressure and the static pressure on an object
in a fluid flow. The stresses on an aircraft are directly proportional to
the dynamic pressure. The maximum allowable aerodynamic load on
the airframe is reached at maximum q, which is a critical param-
eter in aircraft design and flight test. Dynamic pressure q is defined
by the equation q=v2 where is air density and v is the velocity.
4. A piezoelectric sensor uses the piezoelectric effect to measure param-
eters such as pressure, acceleration, strain, or force. Piezoelectricity
is the electrical charge that accumulates in certain solid materials
(notably crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as
bone, DNA, and various proteins) in response to applied mechani-
cal stresses. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting
from pressure. Discovered in the 19th century by the French Curie
brothers, the first practical application of a piezoelectric device was
in a hydrophone system, designed to detect submerged submarines,
developed in France during the First World War.
5. Lura Vernon, In-Flight Investigation of a Rotating Cylinder-Based
Structural Excitation System for Flutter Testing, NASA TN 4512
(June 1993).
6. C.J. Woan, P.B. Gingrich, and M.W. George, Validation of a
Supersonic Laminar Flow Concept, presented at the 29th AIAA
Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1991, AIAA paper
1991-0188 (1991).
7. J. Flores, E. Tu, B. Anderson, and S. Landers, A Parametric Study
of the Leading Edge Attachment Line for the F-16XL, presented
Elegance in Flight
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
Elegance in Flight
Ludwig Prandtl. They are named for two of his students, Walter
Tollmien and Hermann Schlichting.
21. An isobar connects regions of equal pressure in a flow field.
22. The emergency power unit (EPU) on the F-16 is powered with
hydrazine from a tank located inside the right wing strake.
Hydrazine is a highly toxic and dangerously unstable compound. It
was first used by the Germans as a rocket fuel during World War II.
The Messerschmitt Me 163B rocket fighter plane, described as being
more dangerous to its pilots than to the enemy, was hydrazine-pow-
ered. It experienced a number of catastrophic explosions attributed
to the unstable nature of its fuel. Hydrazine is commonly used as a
monopropellant for maneuvering thrusters on spacecraft. It powered
the Space Shuttle Auxiliary Power Units (APUs). The Curiosity rover
that landed on Mars in August 2012 employed hydrazine-powered
thrusters during its descent to the surface.
23. Wetherall, F-16XL First Flight 25th Anniversary Celebration..
24. Stephen F. Landers, John A. Saltzman, and Lisa J. Bjarke, F-16XL
Wing Pressure Distributions and Shock Fence Results from Mach
1.4 to Mach 2.0, NASA TM 97-206219 (1997).
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid.
28. In analyzing moving the motion of a rigid body, the xyz system
is referred to as the space coordinates with the body coordinates
known as the XYZ system. Space coordinates are treated as unmov-
ing while the body coordinates are rigidly embedded in the moving
body (in this case, the aircraft). Aerospace engineers use the terms
yaw, pitch, and roll to refer to rotations about the x-, y-, and z-axes,
respectively, often calling these the Euler angles. NASA Glenn
Research Center.
29. The individual sensors that were used to correlate valve position with
mass flow in each of the 20 suction regions on the wing glove were
laboratory-calibrated at NASA Langley prior to the F-16XL-2 SLFC
flight-test missions. Anders and Fischer, F-16XL-2 Supersonic
Laminar Flow Control Flight Test Experiment.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. An excrescence is an imperfection, accumulation, or growth on a
surface. In the case of an aircraft wing, excrescences produced by
manufacturing variations and accumulated insect impacts are very
common. Developed by NACA beginning in the late 1930s, natural
Detailed Aspects of the F-16XL SLFC Research Effort
F-16XL-1 was used in its basic unmodified aerodynamic configuration for the CAWAP flight-test
effort. (NASA)
Although the main thrust of NASA flight testing with the F-16XL was focused
on research into supersonic laminar flow control, as discussed in the previous
chapter, the two aircraft were also used for flight research into other areas
that were important to risk reduction and technology transfer for the pro-
posed High-Speed Civil Transport. These included research oriented toward
understanding issues associated with noise in the vicinity of airfields, sonic
boom signature measurement and prediction, measurement of vortical flow
over highly swept wing planforms, and the cooperative development of com-
putational fluid dynamics tools and design methodologies. A comprehensive
program of analytical and wind tunnel testing was closely associated with these
research efforts. Flutter envelope flight clearances were defined via ground and
flight testing for both F-16XL aircraft as they were modified to support NASA
SLFC research efforts. Separately, the F-16XL tested a new flutter excitation
system concept that was evaluated and qualified over the flight envelope from
subsonic through transonic to high-speed supersonic flight conditions. This
flutter excitation system has since been widely adopted in the international
flight-test community. Each of these research efforts with the F-16XL is dis-
cussed in further detail in the following sections.
Elegance in Flight
configuration. This was the consequence of the high induced drag that resulted
from their low aspect ratio wings. NASA Langley research efforts were focused
on improving the subsonic lift and drag characteristics of supersonic transports
with highly swept low aspect ratio wings. Wind tunnel and computer-based aero-
dynamic studies were used to assess various wing leading-edge high-lift design
approaches that could be used to improve HSCT performance. These included
fixed camber configurations, deflectable cambered flaps, and vortex flaps.
By 1993, a flight-test program designed to obtain detailed information on
leading-edge vortex flaps at high-lift subsonic conditions was approved using
F-16XL-1 as the test bed aircraft. As previously discussed, NASA Langley
researchers had conducted low-speed and transonic vortex flap wind tunnel
tests during the early 1980s in conjunction with the original F-16XL develop-
ment effort. By the 1990s, interest in low-speed, high-lift devices had increased
within the High-Speed Research program, driven by the need to improve take-
off and landing performance and reduce HSCT noise. Langley had obtained
an F-16 on loan from the Air Force to conduct ground crew and pilot training
in preparation for receiving F-16XL-1 for the planned high-lift/noise pro-
gram. The aircraft arrived at Langley on April 15, 1993. On October 5, it was
painted in a striking black-and-gold color scheme to enhance the use of flow
visualization techniques for the planned flights, which would encounter strong
vortical flows. However, the decision was made to transfer the aircraft back to
Dryden, and it departed Langley on October 22, 1993. While F-16XL-1 was at
Langley, it had been used for simulation-to-flight flying qualities work. During
this effort, NASA pilots flew on back-to-back flights in Langleys fixed-base
Differential Maneuvering Simulator (DMS) and the F-16XL-1 to evaluate
tasks and perceived handling qualities with the fixed-base simulator. This test
effort lasted about 1 month, during which time two pilots, including James
W. Smolka, flew the aircraft. This work was monitored by engineers from the
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).1
Langley researcher David E. Hahne conducted wind tunnel tests that used
an F-16XL model with several different leading-edge flap configurations.
Testing focused on selection of a vortex flap concept that was intended to be
built and tested on the inner segment of the F-16XL wing with its 70-degree
sweep. The proposed vortex flap flight research program with the F-16XL
would also investigate unconventional thrust-management concepts. Using
these approaches, power would be reduced at certain takeoff conditions to
reduce noise in the vicinity of airfields. Noise intensity in the airport vicin-
ity would be measured while the F-16XL used different thrust-management
approaches in combination with extended leading-edge vortex flaps. NASA
Langley engineers designed and implemented a piloted simulation of the
modified F-16XL in the DMS at Langley in preparation for the actual vortex
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
flap flight-test effort that was to use a modified F-16XL-1. By 1996, all the
wing tooling needed to install the vortex flaps had been delivered to NASA
Dryden in anticipation of an eventual F-16XL flight-test effort. When the
flight research effort with the aircraft modified with vortex flaps was eliminated
from further consideration that same year, the vortex flap tooling was placed
in storage at Dryden. All tooling related to the vortex flight research effort
with F-16XL was later destroyed after the entire NASA High-Speed Research
program was cancelled in 1999.2
Acoustic Research
Airport noise was one of the major issues that needed to be addressed in
determining the environmental and public acceptability of a civil supersonic
transport. These heavy aircraft would have been powered by large, high-thrust
engines operating at high nozzle pressure ratios (NPRs) and high exhaust-jet
velocities. Concerns existed not only for the noise produced in the vicinity of
the airport during takeoff and landing but also for the noise footprint produced
along the flightpath during climb out to cruise altitude. This noise footprint
extended outward for a distance of up to 50 miles from the takeoff runway.
To determine the engine noise for these supersonic transport designs, NASA
Langley had developed computer-based acoustic prediction software programs
such as the Aircraft Noise Prediction Program (ANOPP). However, these pro-
grams had been developed and validated using data acquired from earlier tur-
bofan engine designs whose nozzle bypass ratios and flight speeds were lower
than those planned for future supersonic transports. Doppler amplification of
the noise forward of the aircraft flightpath was also a concern for these higher
speed aircraft. For these reasons, NASA Langley and NASA Dryden jointly
planned and conducted flight tests to acquire in-flight acoustic data for high
nozzle bypass ratio engines.
Flyover and static tests of the F-16XL-2 powered by the General Electric GE
F110-GE-129 engine were used to study the acoustics of high-NPR engines,
like those planned for use in an HSCT. Flight-test objectives were to assess
noise during the subsonic climb-to-cruise (CTC) phase of operations using
an aircraft equipped with highnozzle bypass ratio engines and to obtain an
improved noise database to validate aircraft noise predictive software codes.
Engine exhaust flow properties (mass flow, temperature, pressure, velocity,
and Mach number) were key factors in determining acoustic characteristics.
An engine cycle computer program was used to calculate parameters for com-
parison with parameters measured during in-flight tests. The engine computer
program and follow-on calculations were also used to calculate engine exhaust
Elegance in Flight
The two-seat F-16XL-2 powered by the F110-GE-129 engine seen on a test flight from NASA
Dryden in October 1991. (NASA)
properties where in-flight measurements were not possible. These tests were
performed in conjunction with NASA Langley as part of a study to investigate
the acoustic characteristics of jet engines operating at high nozzle pressure con-
ditions. Dryden was responsible for the planning and conduct of the flyover
tests, recording and analyzing flight data, determining the aircraft space posi-
tion, determining engine exhaust gas flow properties, and conducting a ground
static acoustic survey. NASA Langley responsibilities included the design and
setup of the microphone array, recording the noise measurements, merging the
acoustic and space position data, analyzing and evaluating the acoustic data,
and correlating these data with Dryden-determined engine exhaust properties.
The F-16XL acoustic research effort included F-16XL flights over a micro-
phone array at varying speeds and altitudes. Noise levels were determined
during subsonic climb-to-cruise conditions, and acoustic data collection was
used to enable predictive computer software codes to be refined and validated.
In the subsonic climb-to-cruise portion of the study, flyovers of the acoustic
array were conducted at altitudes from 3,800 feet to 12,300 feet and from
Mach 0.3 to Mach 0.95 at intermediate (non-afterburning) power settings.
During acoustic data collection for the evaluation of aircraft noise predic-
tion computer software codes, tests were flown at an altitude of 3,800 feet
and at speeds from Mach 0.3 to Mach 0.95. Ground-level engine testing was
conducted at power settings ranging from idle to intermediate to establish
baseline exhaust noise levels at ground static conditions. The final test report
summarizing the acoustic flight-test program was prepared by NASA Dryden
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
A cutaway view of the General Electric F110-GE-129 turbofan engine shows the engine station
number locations. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
compressor discharge static pressure, core engine fuel flow, fan rotor speed,
core rotor speed, engine exhaust gas temperature (EGT), and exhaust nozzle
throat area.
Acoustic Measurements
Noise propagation in the vicinity of airfields was a major concern with the
supersonic transport. Public perceptions of noise were known to be signifi-
cantly affected by weather conditions. For this reason, meteorological condi-
tions were significant inputs into the aircraft noise prediction program, and
weather conditions during the flight-test missions needed to be measured. They
were determined from four main sources: F-16XL-2 onboard measurements,
weather balloons, a ground weather station at the acoustics van, and a tethered
balloon located near the flyover array.
Onboard measurements obtained from the F-16XL-2 primarily consisted
of winds-aloft data determined from the aircraft inertial system and total tem-
perature measured at the F110 engine face. A tethered balloon was located near
the array of microphones at the flyover location on Rogers Dry Lake. It was
raised and lowered on a 1,500-foot-long line to support meteorological data
collection during the acoustic test missions.
During flyover tests, acoustic data were measured with an analog and digi-
tal microphone array. The array was positioned along a defined flyby line on
Rogers Dry Lake. This location provided a good proximity to the tracking
radar; was an adequate distance from the Edwards, CA, main runway; and had
a large, flat area suitable for acoustics measurements. The analog microphone
setup was similar to the setup used by NASA Dryden during static ground run
engine acoustic testing. The NASA Dryden FPS-16 radar was used to track the
C-band radar beacon on the aircraft during the acoustic flyovers. Ground test
controllers in the mission control room assisted the F-16XL pilot in lining up
for each test, establishing the time for beginning and completing data runs,
and determining track validity for each flyover. These data were also used by
NASA Langley in their postflight analyses to determine the spatial position of
the aircraft. This was important for correlation with the acoustic data collected
by the microphone arrays.
For static signature measurements, an array consisting of 24 microphones
was located on a large, flat taxiway area at NASA Dryden. The microphones
were placed every 7.5 degrees on an arc that was located 99 feet from the
engine exhaust centerline. The microphones were mounted upside down inside
protective windscreens. The microphone diaphragms were located 0.5 inches
above a thin aluminum plate taped to the surface of the concrete or asphalt.
This test arrangement enabled acoustic exhaust noise from the F-16XL to
be recorded without interference by ground reflections. The NASA Dryden
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
acoustics research van was used to record the 24 channels of microphone data.
Two 14-track tape recorders were installed in the mobile trailer. Twelve chan-
nels of acoustic data were recorded on each of the two recorders. The remain-
ing tape channels were used to record the time and the pilots event marker.
Each of the 24 microphone stations was battery-powered and consisted of a
condenser microphone, a preamplifier, and a line driver amplifier. The trailer
also contained a weather station for recording local temperatures, wind velocity,
and wind direction in the area of the microphone array. The trailer also had
UHF radios for communication with the test aircraft.
Test Procedures
To satisfy test objectives, acoustic levels were measured during the F-16XLs
subsonic climb-to-cruise altitude and data necessary to validate the aircraft
noise predictive software computer code was collected. In both cases, collec-
tion of acoustic data was desired when the aircraft was located more than 10
to 15 degrees above the horizon as measured from the center of the acoustic
microphone array. Data collection start- and end-point distances from the
acoustic array depended on the flight altitude of the F-16XL-2 aircraft during
each flyover pass. At the lowest test altitude, which was 1,500 feet above ground
level (AGL), this start- and end-point distance was approximately 1 nautical
mile from the acoustic data-collection microphone array. The F-16XL pilot
flew the planned flyovers across the acoustic test array using visual navigation
cues, inputs from his onboard inertial navigation system, and radio directions
from the test controller in the mission control room.
Climb-To-Cruise Tests
The flight matrix for the climb-to-cruise runs consisted of level flight accelera-
tions over the acoustic array at various Mach numbers and altitudes. During
these runs, the engine power setting was held constant at the intermediate
level in order to obtain maximum engine nozzle pressure ratio. Test altitudes
varied from 3,800 feet to 32,300 feet, and Mach numbers ranged from 0.30 to
over Mach 0.90. To establish the desired climb-to-cruise condition, the pilot
initially stabilized the aircraft at the desired altitude just below the desired
Mach number. As the airplane approached the start point for acoustic data
collection, the throttle was advanced to the intermediate power setting based
on a radio call from the mission control room. The engine was allowed to sta-
bilize for approximately 5 seconds before the start of the test run. The aircraft
accelerated through the desired test conditions in level flight depending on the
degree of excess thrust available. Some acoustic runs were initiated directly over
the center of the array with the run terminating when the elevation angle was
again 15 degrees above the horizon. At some flight-test conditions, the aircraft
Elegance in Flight
Analytical Techniques
Jet-mixing and shock cell noise are the two primary sources of noise for engines
with high NPRs during takeoff and subsonic climb. Engines of this type were
to be used on the proposed HSCT. Engine noise is primarily affected by air-
craft velocity and Mach number, exhaust velocity at the engine exhaust exit,
and the engine nozzle bypass ratio. For purposes of acoustic analysis, engine
exhaust characteristics were defined at the nozzle exit and also at a location
somewhat behind the nozzle exit where the engine exhaust was assumed to be
fully expanded. Jet-mixing noise primarily results from the difference between
the fully expanded nozzle jet velocity and the free-stream air velocity. Shock
cell noise is related to the difference between the Mach number of the fully
expanded jet and the Mach number at the engine nozzle exit and is based on
the nozzle expansion ratio.
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
Elegance in Flight
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
Elegance in Flight
Program Rescope
In the spring of 1994, during preparations for Phase 1 of the planned
CAWAP effort, the remainder of the three-phase flight-test effort was can-
celled by NASA. Sufficient funding was provided to complete the Phase
1 effort using F-16XL-1 in its baseline configuration. Test objectives were
revised to focus on documenting flow physics at both high-lift and transonic
conditions and to characterize the stability and control of the aircraft. The
approach was still on a combined wind tunnel, CFD, and flight-test-cor-
relation approach. However, only
the baseline (unmodified) F-16XL
wing configuration would be used
for the remainder of the CAWAP
effort. The first CAWAP flight
occurred at Dryden on November
21, 1995. The CAWAP flight-test
program ended in April 1996,
never having progressed beyond
the Phase 1 effort. This decision
effectively ended the entire NASA F-16XL-1 was used in its basic unmodified
F-16XL flight-test effort within the aerodynamic configuration for the CAWAP
HSR program, although F-16XL-1 flight-test effort. (NASA)
would be upgraded with a digital
flight control system for potential use as a pneumatic vortex control (PVC)
test bed prior to finishing its test flying days at Dryden. This aspect of the
flight-test program is discussed separately.
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
A wide variety of specialized sensors and tailored test instrumentation was installed on
F-16XL-1 to collect accurate airflow data for the CAWAP flight-test effort. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
An extensive suite of pressure instrumentation systems was installed on F-16XL-1 during the
CAWAP test effort. (NASA)
electronically scanning pressure (ESP) modules inside the wing through tubes.
Individual pressure tubes inside each pressure belt measured two separate values
of pressure. This was done by sealing each tube about halfway along its length
with separate pressures collected from one forward and one aft pressure port.
Static pressures on the wing surface were measured using 337 static ports.
These included flush static pressure ports installed in the leading-edge region
of the right wing and in the streamwise belts. Eleven ESP transducers were
distributed at various locations on the wing. During the flight-test effort, only
326 of the 337 static pressure ports provided reliable data. Of these, 280
were on the upper wing surface and 46 on the lower surface. The static ports
were distributed so that there were sufficient numbers at any given butt line
or fuselage station location to enable the surface pressures on the wing to be
correlated with aerodynamic cross flow. Another consideration that drove the
pressure collection layout on the aircraft was coverage of other regions of special
interest, especially the apex of the wing and the areas forward and aft of the
trailing-edge control surface hinge lines.
Boundary-layer pressure measurements were obtained using two 2-inch-
high pressure rakes at a time. The pressure rakes were mounted at four different
positions on the left wing. The most in-board of the rakes was used as a control.
Each rake had 16 active tubes with 15 used to measure total pressures and 1
to measure static pressure. The two rakes were connected to a 32-port ESP
module located inside the wing. Each rake was mounted on the upper surface
of the wing and was oriented into the local flow at an average angle based on
the results from CFD predictions. The local flow at and slightly above the wing
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
surface was used to establish the rake orientation angles for specific aircraft flight
conditions. Finally, 16 modified Preston tubes were aligned with the local flow on
the wing near fuselage station FS 330. They were used to determine the local skin
friction across the left wing. Through a process of calibration, the pressure change
between the total pressure and
the static tubes was related to
the local skin friction.
Video data was recorded
with six external cameras.
Two cameras were mounted
at the top of the vertical tail,
one was on either side of the
fuselage behind the canopy,
and one was located in the
nose of each wingtip-mounted
dummy AIM-9 missile shape.
Video recordings were used The F-16XL-1 was heavily instrumented for the CAWAP
to image tufts, surface oil pat- research program. The aircraft is seen during a data-
collection run at an angle of attack of 21 degrees at
terns, and surface liquid crys- an altitude of 17,500 feet. The surface tufts, pres-
tals mounted on the upper sure belts, and visual reference markings are readily
surface of the wings. discernible. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
A 0.18-scale instrumented F-16XL model was tested in the NASA Langley 30- by 60-foot Full-
Scale Tunnel to obtain precise vortical data for comparison with airflow results predicted from
CFD modeling. (NASA)
The final wind tunnel test for comparison purposes used an instrumented
0.04-scale wind tunnel model of the F-16XL. It was tested in the NASA Langley
Basic Aerodynamic Research Tunnel, colloquially known as the BART. Test con-
ditions included Mach numbers up to 0.165 with angle of attack varying from 5
to 20 degrees. This model was fitted with 82 pressure ports divided between the
right upper wing surface and the left
lower wing surface. The pressure port
locations correlated with those on the
0.18-scale wind tunnel model, and
they were duplicated on the actual
F-16XL-1 aircraft. Flow visualization
tests were conducted with this 1/25-
scale F-16XL-1 wind tunnel model
during 1992. During these tests, the
airflow over the top of the model was
illuminated by three laser sheets. A A /25-scale F-16XL-1 model was tested in the
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
sheets captured the vortex created by air flowing over the F-16XL leading-edge
extension at a moderately high angle of attack. The vortex core was visualized
as it flowed downstream over the model from the left to the right.8
CFD Modeling
The last major source of data in the CAWAP effort was generated by computa-
tional fluid dynamics modeling. A Navier-Stokes CFD computer program, mod-
ified to incorporate a turbulent boundary
layer, was used to determine airflow char-
acteristics across the F-16XL-1 model
using a multiblock, patched grid that was
superimposed on the aircraft geometry. In
its original version, this grid used 750,000
tiny triangles superimposed over the sur-
face geometry of F-16XL-1. To improve
the fidelity of the results from the compu-
tational fluid dynamics analyses, the final
version of this particular patchwork grid
was greatly increased in size to encompass
1,460,000 triangles. During the course of
the CAWAP effort, CFD analyses were
conducted over a variety of simulated
flight conditions to enable results from
The geometric grids used for precisely
computer modeling to be correlated with modeling F-16XL geometry were very
data derived from wind tunnel models and intricate in order to produce high-fidelity
F-16XL-1 flight testing. CFD results. (NASA)
CAWAP International
Based on the success of CAWAP in fostering the use of CFD to analyze high-
AoA airflow over complex aircraft like the F-16XL, NASA moved on to
sponsor a similar multinational initiative. This would result in CAWAP
being expanded to encompass a broader community of nations and aca-
demic institutions in both Europe and the United States. The U.S. delegation
to the NATO Research and Technology Organization (RTO) Air Vehicle
Technology (AVT) Symposium, held in Germany in the spring of 2000,
had proposed a set of independent CFD-based aerodynamic studies that
would be conducted by cooperating nations. National organizations (either
government research facilities or academic institutions) would use their CFD
techniques to predict the vortical flow aerodynamics around the F-16XL
aircraft. The results from these independent CFD analyses could then be
compared with actual flight-test results. This would enable an evaluation of
Elegance in Flight
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
Develop best practices for each CFD code based on the data sets;
The completion date for these actions was originally set for December 2005
but was later extended to December 2007. The U.S. International Traffic in
Arms Regulations (ITAR) restricted unlimited open-level dissemination of the
highly detailed F-16XL aircraft geometry. This created some complications for
NASA in meeting its CAWAPI agreements. An acceptable solution that was
adopted consisted of the creation of the CAWAPI Virtual Laboratory, housed in
an electronically secure facility located at the NASA Langley Research Center.
This electronically secure virtual laboratory was subsequently used to securely
transfer F-16XL aircraft geometry and highly detailed CFD grids among the
authorized CAWAPI participants.14
Participating CAWAPI organizations eventually included four airframe com-
panies: EADS, in Germany; Turkish Aircraft Industries; Boeing Phantom Works,
in St. Louis, MO; and Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, in Fort Worth,
TX. Two government research laboratories also played major roles. These were
the National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) in the Netherlands and the NASA
Langley Research Center in the United States. In addition, there were six inde-
pendent university-led research efforts, three in Europe and three in the United
States. The European academic research efforts were led by the Royal Institute
of Technology/Swedish Defense Research Agency, the University of Glasgow/
University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, and Vrije Universiteit Brussel/
Numeca (the Free University of Brussels) in Belgium. Participating American
Elegance in Flight
CAWAPI Summary
The NASA-developed Technology Readiness Level approach coupled with the
NATO-sponsored CAWAPI effort improved the technical capabilities of U.S.
and allied aeronautical organizations to use state-of-the-art CFD techniques. The
CAWAPI research effort was accomplished under the auspices of the NATO RTO.
A dedicated working group (designated AVT-113) composed of independent
researchers from various nations and research establishments was able to indepen-
dently evaluate the airflow on and around a highly precise computer-based geo-
metric model of the F-16XL aircraft. The F-16XL model had been provided using
approved secure technology transfer procedures that were specially developed for
the CAWAPI effort. The latest CFD methodologies were used to prepare predic-
tions of the airflow over the F-16XL using the geometric model and a detailed
F-16XL flight-test dataset provided via NASA Langley under the CAWAPI effort.
Results from actual F-16XL flight test was compared to CFD predictions pro-
duced by participating U.S. and allied research organizations. With appropriate
refinements to CFD models, the results produced by these organizations were
shown to agree very closely with NASA in-flight measurements. Representative
illustrations of predicted vortical airflow over the F-16XL under various flight con-
ditions, prepared by teams from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, NASA,
the U.S. Air Force Academy, and Lockheed Martin, are shown below.16
Some examples of vortical airflow over the F-16XL as graphically predicted using the CFD
modeling capabilities of various national organizations. (NATO)
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
Elegance in Flight
(angle of attack, dynamic pressure, control surface positions) also tend to vary
during the final stages of a landing approach, complicating the determination
of aerodynamic ground effects.18
Flight-Test Techniques
Twenty-four dynamic landing approaches into ground effect were accom-
plished on seven different research flights with F-16XL-1 at NASA Dryden.
The flight-test technique that was used was for the pilot to lower the landing
gear and begin the landing approach descent at a predetermined glide slope and
angle of attack. After stabilizing on the final approach, the pilot held the power
constant and made minimal control surface inputs. As the aircraft descended
close to the runway and reacted to ground effect, the pilot held the throttle
constant and maintained a constant angle of attack using sidestick inputs
to the flight control system. The approach into ground effect maneuver was
considered complete when the aircraft touched down or the pilot adjusted the
throttle. This maneuver was termed a constant alpha approach. The use of
a constant throttle setting and nearly constant angle of attack eliminated the
source of many potential errors and greatly simplified subsequent data analysis.
During the ground effect evaluation, constant alpha approach maneuvers at
a range of glide-slope angles were flown. The pilot used the instrument landing
system (ILS) glide-slope indicator as an aid in setting up the initial condition. The
flightpath angle for a typical constant AoA landing approach was nearly constant
during the descent down to a height of about one wingspan above the ground.
Then the flightpath began to round out naturally as the F-16XL responded to the
increase in lift as it entered the ground effect region near the runway. On some
occasions during these constant alpha maneuvers, the aircraft automatically flared
to level flight before touching down. Of course, the flightpath angles that could
be practically used during the ground effect evaluation were limited by aircraft/
landing gear structural and tire restrictions on allowable vertical and horizontal
touchdown speeds. Flightpath angles to the horizontal that were observed during
the ground effect flight-test evaluation ranged from 1 to 3 degrees at altitudes
above ground effect height (generally one wingspan). However, this flightpath
envelope decreased to a range between 0 and 1.9 degrees by a height above the
ground of one-half of the aircraft wingspan.
During a more typical F-16XL landing, unlike the controlled test maneu-
vers used during the ground effect evaluation, the flightpath angle tended to
vary continuously during final approach. However, the range of flightpath
angles that were encountered during typical landings was still within the enve-
lope of the landing approach maneuvers used in the ground effect study. The
initial angle of attack for all F-16XL landing approaches ranged from 11 to
13 degrees.
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
F-16XL-1 is seen during landing rollout with its drag chute deployed and the speed brakes on
either side of the engine nozzle in the open position. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL ground effect data followed similar trends to those observed in ground
effect with other aircraft, both in wind tunnel and actual flight testing. For
comparative purposes, the incremental change in lift coefficient in ground
effect normalized to the lift coefficient out-of-ground effect for the F-16XL
was compared with various other aircraft configurations. These other aircraft
included delta wings with differing leading-edge sweep angles, the F-104 with
its low aspect ratio straight wing, the F-15 with a conventional horizontal
tail, and the X-29 with its forward-swept wing and canard configuration. The
F-16XL flight-test effort enabled NASA to develop a more accurate engineer-
ing model of dynamic ground effect. This dynamic ground effect model was
validated with highly precise data obtained during the F-16XL flight-test effort
and dynamic wind tunnel testing.
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
F-16XL-1 was used for sonic boom probing tests with the NASA SR-71. The F-16XLs speed
brakes are extended in this photo taken at subsonic speed; however, the F-16XL had a difficult
time maintaining formation with the SR-71 above Mach 1.5. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
was flying at high supersonic speeds but was not actively involved in probing
the SR-71 shock waves. The 90-degree ports showed pressure variations with
changes in aircraft pitch attitude. Since slight pitch changes occurred when the
F-16XL was conducting probing maneuvers below the SR-71, the resultant
overpressure data from the 90-degree ports were slightly affected. The data
from the pressure ports at the 37.5-degree locations were steady during pitch
changes but were affected by yaw changes. Because yaw generally remained
steady while probing below the SR-71, the pressure ports located at the 37.5-
degree locations on the noseboom were determined to provide more valid
overpressure data than did those located at the 90-degree locations.
Another test to determine the accuracy of the overpressure instrumenta-
tion installed in the F-16XL was conducted using sonic booms generated by
a NASA Dryden McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18 aircraft. During this test, the
F-16XL was stationary on the ground with its overpressure instrumentation
system operational. Several portable automatic triggering system (PATS) sonic
boom recorders were placed with their pressure sensors at the same height and a
few feet to the side of the F-16XLs noseboom. The F/A-18 was flown at a speed
of Mach 1.20 at an altitude of 30,000 feet over the F-16XL aircraft and the
PATS recorders, both of which measured the differential pressures produced
by the sonic boom. The data measured by the differential pressure transducers
on the stationary F-16XL compared favorably to the overpressures measured
by the adjacent ground-based PATS units.
An extensively instrumented Lockheed YO-3A aircraft (69-18010, itself a
remarkable research aircraft, originally the last of 10 special quiet observation
aircraft produced for service during the Vietnam War) was also used to measure
SR-71 sonic boom signatures. Virtually silent in flight, it flew at relatively low
altitudes that ranged from 21,000 to 38,000 feet below the SR-71 flight alti-
tude. The YO-3 recorded data from 17 SR-71 passes. Sonic boom signatures
at ground level as well as atmospheric data were recorded for each test mission.
Results showed that shock wave patterns varied with SR-71 gross weight, Mach
number, and cruise altitude. For example, noncoalesced shock wave signatures
were measured by the YO-3A while flying at a distance that was 21,000 feet
below the SR-71s acoustic test cruise altitude of 31,000 feet. At the time, the
SR-71 was at a low gross weight and was cruising at Mach 1.25.19
Computer predictions had shown that some planned SR-71 flight condi-
tions could result in severely distorted sonic boom signatures reaching ground
sensors due to possible turbulence in the atmosphere nearest the ground.
Because this turbulent atmospheric layer could extend several thousand feet
above ground level, researchers decided to use an airborne platform to record
the sonic booms above this layer to provide undistorted signature data. The
YO-3A aircraft was flown along the predetermined SR-71 flight track at a
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
A NASA Lockheed YO-3A was used to measure the sonic boom signatures emanating from a
Lockheed SR-71 flying at supersonic speed at much higher altitudes. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
his being able to hear the roar of the SR-71s engines when positioned aft of
the tail shock. When probing maneuvers were conducted at vertical separa-
tions that were greater than about 1,000 feet, the pilot was unaware when he
had penetrated the shock wave pattern. Pressure and temperature data from
both the SR-71 and F-16XL were recorded on the aircraft and transmitted to
the control room in real time. Pressure data collected from the F-16XL was
displayed in real time in the control room. The ground controller advised the
F-16XL pilot when he was ahead of or behind the SR-71 shock wave system
to enhance his sonic boom data-collection opportunities.
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
Elegance in Flight
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
structural excitation system that adequately excites all modes of interest was
required to verify the absence of flutter within the aircraft flight envelope.
With NASA Langley encouragement and support, Dynamic Engineering, Inc.,
(DEI) of Hampton, VA, designed, developed, and tested a relatively low-cost
flutter excitation system that was capable of generating the required in-flight
forces on aircraft structures. The DEI flutter exciter system was tested on the
two-seat F-16XL aircraft at NASA Dryden to determine its effectiveness as a
structural excitation system. The DEI exciter concept incorporated a wingtip-
mounted vane with a rotating slotted cylinder attached behind the trailing
edge. This system was designed to be a lightweight, self-contained structural
excitation device that could be rapidly installed on a variety of aircraft with
minimal interface with normal aircraft systems.
Test Objectives
The F-16XL flutter exciter flight-test effort was designed to determine the abil-
ity of the vane exciter system to develop the force levels necessary to excite the
aircraft structure. The frequency range over which various aircraft structural
vibration modes were excited would be measured. Various parameters such as
exciter sweep duration, sweep type, and energy levels were also to be determined.
The exciter vane was installed on F-16XL-2s left wingtip, and the aircraft was
instrumented with nine accelerometers to collect structural vibration data. The
accelerometers were located on the wingtips, in the aileron actuator housing, in
the fuselage, and on the vertical tail. Since a conventional flutter clearance had
been conducted during the development of the basic aircraft, the NASA flutter
test effort was initially focused on evaluating the vane exciter system.28
Operating Modes
The exciter system incorporated several operating modes. These were constant
frequency, linear or logarithmic sine sweeps, sweep frequency range and dura-
tion, a quick-stop feature for free-decay response measurements, and high- or
Elegance in Flight
Exciter Operation
During flutter testing, the two slots in the cylinder attached to the exciter vane
generated periodic forces that excited the aircraft structure. As the cylinder
rotated during flight, the flow was alternately deflected upward and down-
ward through the slots, resulting in a periodic lift force at twice the cylinders
rotational frequency. The cylinder was rotated through 180 degrees for each
full sinusoidal forcing period. The amplitude of the excitation force depended
upon the dynamic pressure and the amount that the slot was open. The amount
that the slot was open was controlled by the direction of rotation of the slotted
cylinder. Reversing the rotational direction of the cylinder drive motor caused
half of the spanwise slot opening to be blocked by an inner cylinder in the
in-board slot. Closing the in-board slot attenuated the excitation force by half
in flight. The lift force produced by the vane rotating cylinder concept was
analogous to that of an oscillating vane. The rotating cylinders main advantage
was that it required a small amount of power to overcome the aerodynamic
and frictional forces opposing its rotation. A low-wattage electric servomotor
requiring only 28 volts ran the exciter system. It operated from the normal
aircraft power supply. The design condition for the exciter vane was Mach 1.2
at 10,000 feet (a dynamic pressure of 1,467 pounds per square foot) at an angle
of attack of 4 degrees. The vane stalled at an angle of attack of about 12 degrees.
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
Static Forces
The exciter vane was mounted at a 0-degree angle with respect to the launcher
rail. No attempt was made to determine a mounting angle that would minimize
static loads at planned flight conditions. The static loads generated at different
Mach numbers were measured. At Mach 0.8, when the aircraft was at an angle
of attack of 6.5 degrees, the vane generated 160 pounds of upward force. The
magnitude of the static loads on the wing decreased until the aircraft reached
Mach 1.7. At that speed and with an aircraft angle of attack of 2 degrees, 30
pounds of downward force was measured.
Elegance in Flight
Dynamic Forces
The dynamic forces generated by the exciter vane at each Mach number
were given in pounds, peak to peak, and were all for the high-force setting
(cylinder slot 75 percent open). Overall, the average dynamic force increased
with increasing Mach number, which was expected because dynamic pressure
was also increasing. The dynamic forces ranged from about 50 pounds at
Mach 0.8 to almost 90 pounds at Mach 1.7 (all at a 30,000-foot altitude).
These loads were less than expected. For the design condition of Mach 1.2
at 10,000 feet (equivalent to a dynamic pressure of 1,467 pounds per square
foot), wind tunnel and flight-test data had estimated a pound peak-to-peak
force range produced by the exciter of 409 pounds. The force level produced
by the exciter at a flight condition of Mach 1.7 at an altitude of 30,000 feet
(where the dynamic pressure was 1,271 pounds per square foot) was expected
to be close to the this wind tunnel prediction. However, the exciter used on
the F-16XL-1 had been modified by the addition of an internal plug that
reduced the exciter slot opening by 25 percent. This, as well as the local
airflow conditions over the F-16XL launcher rail, affected the excitation
forces that were produced. While lower force levels had been predicted, these
dynamic force levels were more than sufficient to excite F-16XL structural
modes of interest.
Force Roll-Off
The exciter vane generated adequate force across the entire flutter frequency
range of interest (5 to 35 Hz). The dynamic force peaked at two frequencies
that corresponded to antisymmetric structural modes. The increase in force at
these frequencies was most likely caused by an inertial reaction of the exciter as
these structural modes are excited. An increase in amplitude was also seen at the
sweep cutoff frequency at 35 Hz. This was a result of the excitation frequency
approaching the exciter vanes first bending mode, which is at 43 Hz.
Logarithmic and Linear Sweeps ComparedAt Mach 0.9, the effects of logarithmic
and linear force exciter sweeps were nearly identical. As Mach number increased,
the logarithmic sweep did not excite the control surface modes in the important
frequency range from 20 to 30 Hz as well as the linear sweep did. This trend was
even more pronounced for longer sweep durations. Overall, the linear sweep was
more consistent in exciting aircraft structural modes over the range of Mach num-
bers tested with F-16XL-2. To determine the effect of different sweep durations
on structural airframe response, linear sweeps from 5 to 35 Hz were performed
for time periods of 60, 30, 15, and 7 seconds. Overall, the 30- and 60-second
sweeps produced about the same level of structural response, regardless of Mach
number, and these levels were considered adequate for aircraft flutter testing.
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
Elegance in Flight
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
data management, and AoA-related functions was moved to the digital flight
control computer.
The rationale for upgrading the F-16XL to a digital flight control system had
been to support a possible joint Air ForceNASA flight research effort intended
to investigate the use of Pneumatic Vortex Control across the full aircraft flight
envelope. Under this approach, F-16XL-1 would have been specially modi-
fied as a flying test bed for PVC research with appropriate provisions made to
its entire flight control system. Jay M. Brandon was the lead NASA Langley
researcher for the effort doing all the simulations of the upgraded aircraft. Patrick
C. Stoliker was the primary research contact at NASA Dryden with Ken A.
Norlin of Drydens Simulation Laboratory providing simulation support and
expertise. Dr. Lawrence A. Walchli in the Advanced Development Branch at the
Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, was responsible
for managing the proposed PVC program; however, available funding ran out
and the effort was cancelled before the aircraft was ever modified.32
Elegance in Flight
the aircraft be operated with the g-limiter set no higher than 7.2 gs. This was
intended to eliminate the potential to exceed the 9.0-g structural operating
limit during flight testing with the DFCS. For the handling qualities evalua-
tion, allowable test points were restricted to a flight envelope that was defined
by a maximum Mach number of 1.6, a maximum angle of attack of 18 degrees,
and a maximum flight altitude of 35,000 feet.
Flown by NASA research pilot Dana Purifoy, F-16XL-1 takes off on the initial flight in the Digital
Flight Control System evaluation project on December 16, 1997. (NASA)
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
maneuvers and during powered landing approaches with the landing gear and
flaps extended.36 Additional maneuvers that were flown during the evaluation
included 180-degree over-the-top rolls; pitch, roll, and normal acceleration
captures; rolls with higher g loadings; and g-loaded roll reversals. Handling
qualities evaluation tasks included normal acceleration captures, pitch attitude
captures, bank angle captures, air-to-air tracking, and close trail formation
flight. Detailed descriptions of the handling qualities tasks and criteria used
to assess F-16XL performance during the DFCS evaluation are contained in
Appendix I. The Cooper-Harper Rating Scale, used by the NASA research
pilots to assess aircraft handling qualities, is also included in Appendix I.
Test Results
Pilot comments on aircraft performance in the lateral (roll) axis during handling
qualities maneuvers flown with the DFCS were generally positive. F-16XL
roll characteristics with the DFCS were considered to be very similar to the
analog aircraft.37 Performance during lateral handling qualities tasks was rated
as good. Performance during steady-state formation flying tasks was rated as
adequate and given primarily level 2 CHRs (good, with negligible deficiencies).
However, the NASA research pilots noted that adequate performance was not
possible while executing rapid roll reversals during maneuvering flight tasks
in routine or trail formation, and they typically gave level 3 CHRs (fair, with
some mildly unpleasant tendencies) to these tasks. During air-to-air tracking
tasks, the aircraft received CHR level 2 ratings for gross acquisition and level
2 to level 3 ratings for fine tracking. Pilots frequently reported encountering
a pitch bobble while attempting to track targets. The pitch bobble had the
greatest negative effect during fine tracking. Pitch bobble was the biggest reason
for the less than adequate performance (level 3) pilot ratings given at some
flight conditions.
During the evaluation of the digital flight control system, pitch and roll data
were obtained at both subsonic and supersonic flight conditions. Conventional
flight control analysis techniques were applied to the longitudinal (pitch axis)
flight-test data. These pitch control analyses had predicted level 2 to level 3
CHR handling qualities, depending on flight conditions, with improvement
in handling qualities predicted as aircraft speed increased. However, this trend
was not seen in the actual pilot ratings and comments. Pilots rated the aircraft
at near the CHR level 2 to level 3 handling qualities border regardless of flight
conditions. This was largely attributed to the high estimated time delay inher-
ent in the digital flight control system as it was implemented in F-16XL-1.
Pilot comments on F-16XL-1 performance during the DFCS handling quali-
ties task evaluation along with their Cooper-Harper ratings are contained in
Appendix I.
Elegance in Flight
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
1. The discussion of the F-16XL-1s use at NASA LaRC is based on
comments from Jay Brandon via Joe Chambers and technical details
reported in: Jay M. Brandon, Louis J. Glaab, Phillip W. Brown,
and Michael R. Phillips, Ground-to-Flight Handling Qualities
Comparisons for a High Performance Airplane, NASA TM
111925, presented at the Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference
held in Baltimore, MD, August 79, 1995, published as AIAA Paper
95-3457 (August 1995).
2. Wetherall, F-16XL First Flight 25th Anniversary Celebration.
3. Jon K. Holzman, Lannie D. Webb, and Frank W. Burcham, Jr.,
Flight and Static Exhaust Flow Properties of an F110-GE-129
Engine in an F-16XL Airplane During Acoustic Tests, NASA TM
104326 (November 1996).
4. Jeffrey J. Kelly, Mark R. Wilson, John Rawls, Jr., Thomas D.
Norum, and Robert A. Golub, F-16XL and F-18 High Speed
Acoustic Flight Test Data Base, NASA CD TM-100006 (1996).
5. J.E. Lamar and C.J. Obara, Review of Cranked-Arrow Wing
Aerodynamics Project: Its International Aeronautical Community
Role, AIAA Paper 2007-0487 (January 2007).
6. Ibid.
7. A Preston tube consists of a circular Pitot tube placed directly on the
surface of an object in a fluid flow. It is named for British engineer
J.H. Preston, who showed in 1953 that the stagnation pressure
measured from a Pitot tube located on a surface can be related to
the surface shear stress (skin friction) by the Prandtl-Karman law of
the wall for turbulent flow. The law states that fluid properties near
the wall are related to the surface shear stress. J.H. Preston, The
Determination of Turbulent Skin Friction by Means of Pitot Tubes,
Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society 58, no. 109 (1954).
8. A laser was used as the illumination source because of the fineness of its
beam and the monochromatic nature of laser light. These characteris-
tics enabled more precise evaluation of the flow field around the model.
9. Technology Readiness Levels is a NASA-developed systematic met-
ric/measurement system that supports assessments of the maturity
of a particular technology. The first NASA TRL scale had seven
levels; a revised scale with nine levels gained widespread acceptance
and remains in use today. The TRL approach is incorporated in
the NASA Management Instruction addressing integrated technol-
ogy planning for all programs at NASA. It has been adopted by
Elegance in Flight
the DoD, the European Space Agency, NATO, and many other
organizations and agencies around the world. John C. Mankins,
Technology Readiness Levels: A White Paper, Office of Space
Access and Technology, NASA Headquarters (April 6, 1995).
10. James M. Luckring, An Overview of the RTO Symposium
on Vortex Flow and High Angle of Attack Aerodynamics, in
Proceedings of the 2002 International Council of the Aeronautical
Sciences (ICAS) Congress (2002).
11. John E. Lamar and James M. Luckring, The Cranked-Arrow
Wing Aerodynamics Project and its Extension to the International
Community as CAWAPI: Objectives and Overview, chapter 3
in Summary Report of Task Group AVT-113, RTO-TR-AVT-113
AC/323 (AVT-113) TP/246 (October 2009).
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
14. John E. Lamar, Catherine K. Cronin, and Laura E. Scott, Virtual
Laboratory Enabling Collaborative Research in Applied Vehicle
Technologies, in Proceedings of the NATO RTO AVT-113 Symposium
on Flow Induced Unsteady Loads and the Impact on Military
Application, a conference held in Budapest, Hungary, April 2529,
2005, NATO RTO-TR-AVT-113 (October 2009).
15. Lamar and Luckring, The Cranked-Arrow Wing Aerodynamics
Project. The participation of the Swedish defense research establish-
ment in this NATO-sponsored project was one of the interesting
aspects of the CAWAPI effort.
16. J.E. Lamar and K.S. Abdol-Hamid, USM3D Unstructured Grid
Solutions for CAWAPI at NASA LaRC, AIAA Paper 2007-0682
(2007); Kenneth Badcock, Oklo Boelens, Adam Jirasek, and Arthur
Rizzi, What Was Learned from Numerical Simulations of F-16XL
(CAWAPI) at Flight Conditions, AIAA Paper 2007-0683 (2007).
17. Robert E. Curry, Dynamic Ground Effect for a Cranked Arrow
Wing Airplane, NASA TM 4799 (August 1997).
18. Ibid.
19. Edward A. Haering, Jr., L.J. Ehrenberger, and Stephen A.
Whitmore, Preliminary Airborne Measurements for the SR-71
Sonic Boom Propagation Experiment, presented at the 1995 High
Speed Research Program Sonic Boom Workshop, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA, September 1213, 1995, NASA
TM-104307 (1995).
20. The YO-3A was based on a Schweitzer sailplane design, and it was
fitted with a highly modified engine and a special quiet propeller
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
Elegance in Flight
research aircraft. The FD. 2 was extensively modified for the British
SST program, becoming the BAC 221 when fitted with a highly
swept ogee-shaped wing mounted on its extended fuselage (a modifi-
cation very much in the fashion of the later F-16XL). This ogee wing
planform was subsequently adopted for the Anglo-French Concorde
SST design. Wingtip and fin-mounted bonkers were also used in the
Concorde flutter test program. BAC. 221: Slender-delta Research
Aircraft, Flight International (July 23, 1964); Jon Lake, Fairey
Deltas: FD.1, FD.2, & BAC 221, Wings of Fame, vol. 11 (London:
Aerospace Publishing Company, 1998); Robert Rosenbaum, Survey
of Aircraft Subcritical Flight Flutter Testing Methods, NASA
CR-132479 (August 1974).
27. This flutter technique was pioneered at the German Aviation
Research Institute (Deutsche Versuchsanstalt fr Luftfahrt [DVL])
during the 1930s; Hirschel et al., Aeronautical Research in Germany.
28. Vernon; Ibid. Later, after F-16XL-2 was modified with the active-
suction wing glove and the extended left wing leading edge, DEI
flutter excitation vanes were installed on both wingtips. The two-vane
flutter exciter configuration was used during flutter investigation of
F-16XL-2 in the asymmetric configuration. These flutter tests were
conducted in conjunction with the NASA SLFC research effort.
29. Vernon, In-Flight Investigation.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. Information on planned use of F-16XL-1 for PVC research came
from Jay Brandon and is contained in correspondence between the
author and Joseph Chambers, November 27, 2012. The feasibility of
F-16XL as a full-scale flying test bed with PVC as the primary con-
trol effector across the full aircraft flight envelope was the subject of
a joint NASAAir Force Research Laboratory investigation. Under
this effort, a highly detailed F-16XL simulation provided by NASA
DFRC was installed at Wright Laboratory. The F-16XL simulation
was modified to assess multiaxis (wing, forebody, and vertical tail
mounted) PVC devices and determine required lateral/directional
closed-loop performance and PVC mass flow levels for a potential
follow-on full-scale flight-research program. See: John Valasek and
Lawrence A. Walchli, High Speed, Low Angle-of-Attack Pneumatic
Vortex Control, AIAA Papers 98-4449 and A98-37266 (1998);
Ken A. Norlin, Flight Simulation Software at NASA Dryden Flight
Research Center, NASA TM-104315 (October 1995).
Other NASA F-16X Flight Research Efforts
33. The CAT III position on the F-16 Cockpit Stores Configuration
Switch limits the attainable roll rate by approximately 40 percent to
provide departure resistance. The CAT III position is normally used
when the F-16 is carrying heavy air-to-ground weapons payloads.
USAF, F-16C/D Blocks 25, 30, and 32 Flight Manual, USAF T.O.
1F-16C-1 (May 14, 1990).
34. Marty Curry, NASA F-16XL Makes First Flight with Digital Flight
Control System, NASA Dryden Research Center News Release
97-50 (December 17, 1997).
35. A doublet is a standard flight-test maneuver in which the pilot
applies full control surface defection in one direction. As aircraft
motion reaches its maximum point, the controls are then deflected
fully in the opposite direction.
36. NASA Ames research pilot George Cooper developed a handling
qualities rating system based on the need to quantify pilot judgment.
Coopers approach established specific definitions of pilot tasks and
related performance standards. It accounted for demands placed
on the pilot by the aircraft in accomplishing a given control task
to some level of precision. The Cooper Pilot Opinion Rating Scale
was initially published in 1957. The rating system was modified in
collaboration with Robert Bob Harper of the Cornell Aeronautical
Laboratory in 1969. As the Cooper-Harper Handling Qualities
Rating Scale, it remains the standard for measuring flying quali-
ties. Paul F. Borchers, James A. Franklin, and Jay W. Fletcher, Flight
Research at Ames: Fifty-Seven Years of Development and Validation of
Aeronautical Technology (Washington, DC: NASA, 1998).
37. Susan J. Stachowiak and John T. Bosworth, Flight Test Results for
the F-16XL with a Digital Flight Control System, NASA TP-2004-
212046 (March 2004).
38. NASA, NASA F-16XL Completes Digital Flight Control System
Verification, NASA DFRC News Release 98-21 (April 14, 1998).
The F-16XL-1 is seen during ground taxi tests at the Dryden Flight Research Center on June 28,
2007. Neither of the two F-16XLs moved under its own power after this date. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
The F-16XL-1 is seen during ground taxi tests at the Dryden Flight Research Center on June 28,
2007. Neither of the two F-16XLs moved under its own power after this date. (NASA)
intended to improve the digital flight control and avionics systems. However,
funding was not provided to proceed with these upgrades, which would have
brought the aircraft systems closer to the standard of new production F-16s. A
NASA Dryden spokesman stated at the time, F-16XL-1 is now being looked
at for possible research efforts that are as yet undefined. It is being thoroughly
inspected to assess its health and the feasibility of bringing it back to flyable
status.2 In conjunction with this evaluation, the aircraft systems were brought
back to basic flightworthy status. NASA research pilot Jim Smolka, who had
been project pilot on the earlier supersonic laminar flow control experiments,
successfully taxi-tested F-16XL-1 at Dryden in late June of 2007. This would
be the final time that either F-16XL moved under its on power.
In 2009, NASA Langley researcher Peter Coen, principal investigator for
the supersonics project in NASAs fundamental aeronautics program, stated
in an interview with Aviation Week & Space Technology that proceeding with a
lowsonic shock flight demonstrator was a fairly high priority. He went on to
note that the NASA aeronautics budget was not large enough to support such
a program without help from other agencies and industry partners. We cant
do it without significantly modifying an existing aircraft or building something
new. The F-16XL is an aircraft we have. Boeing had continued work on their
F-16XL lowsonic shock flight demonstrator concept under NASA contract.
Coen stated that the Boeing work looks promising and initial design stud-
ies have been encouraging with respect to shock mitigation of the forebody,
canopy, inlet, wing leading edge and aft lift/volume distribution features. He
Final Research Options and Retirement
went on to comment that the Boeing team was moving from initial concept
validation to optimizing the detailed design configuration and the modified
F-16XL appeared to be fairly low in cost. Coen added a realistic qualifier
noting: We will not necessarily get everything we want. We will not be able to
explore low boom and low drag at the same time. But it (the low sonic shock
flight demonstrator) will give us a shaped front and aft signature and we can
use the resulting aircraft in studies related to sonic boom acceptability.3
In any case, NASA did not proceed with the F-16XL lowsonic shock
flight demonstrator project after the contract with Boeing ended later in 2009.
This resulted in a NASA decision to permanently retire both F-16XLs. The
single seat F-16XL-1 is now exhibited at the Dryden Flight Research Center at
Edwards, CA. As of December 2012, the two-seat F-16XL-2 was still at Dryden
pending a decision on future restoration and possible exhibition at the National
Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.
Elegance in Flight
1. Graham Warwick, Boeing Studies F-16XL Low-Sonic-Boom
Demonstrator, Aviation Week & Space Technology (March 23, 2009);
Lawrence R. Benson, Softening the Sonic Boom: 50 Years of NASA
Research, Case 4 in Hallion, NASAs Contributions to Aeronautics.
2. NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Return to Flight and
Supportability Study, Solicitation Number NND07204397Q-
DAC, DFRC Code A (Research and Development) (June 20, 2007);
John Croft, NASA Could Put F-16XL Back in the Air, Flight
International (October 7, 2007); Wetherall, F-16XL First Flight
Anniversary Celebration: The NASA Years.
3. Warwick, Boeing Studies F-16XL Low-Sonic-Boom
F-16XL-1 over Texas on first flight L-M. (Lockhead Martin)
Summary and
The F-16XL program began as a private venture by the General Dynamics
Corporation in the mid-1970s, not long after the F-16 had entered service
with the Air Force. GD had observed that the F-16, whose highly innovative
design concept was highly focused on the lightweight air combat fighter mis-
sion, was being increasingly used on ground attack missions. In that role, the
range and performance of the small F-16 were limited by the weight and drag
of large loads of external stores when compared to larger strike aircraft. Initially
known by the acronym SCAMP (Supersonic Cruise and Maneuver Prototype),
the initiative also was oriented to address emerging Air Force interest in super-
sonic combat capability. GD proposed to develop an inexpensive experimental
prototype derived from the F-16 to validate improved transonic/supersonic
cruise and maneuverability along with expanded air-to-ground capabilities. A
key aspect of the GD F-16XL business development approach and marketing
strategy involved interesting the Air Force in supporting the development and
eventual production of a new aircraft that would share much in common with
the existing F-16s airframe, engine, avionics, and subsystems. The F-16XL was
seen by GD as providing the Air Force with a more affordable procurement
option to replace the much larger F-111 in the demanding deep-strike mission,
one that could lead to follow-on production contracts.
NASA support had been extremely productive during both the YF-16
Lightweight Fighter technology demonstration and the follow-on F-16 Full-
Scale Development program, and it proved quite effective in resolving difficult
technical issues such as airframe flutter when carrying certain external stores.
This encouraged GD to develop a collaborative arrangement with NASA for
SCAMP research that would effectively exploit ongoing NASA supersonic
transport and fighter research efforts based on the use of aerodynamically
efficient cranked-arrow-wing planforms. The final F-16XL prototype configu-
ration, featuring a stretched F-16 fuselage along with a cranked-arrow wing,
was in many significant ways the direct result of this collaborative effort with
Elegance in Flight
NASA. The Air Force supported the GD F-16XL prototyping initiative, provid-
ing equipment (including two F-16A fuselages), test facilities, and partial funding
for a flight demonstration. However, as the requirement for an F-111 replace-
ment evolved, the Air Force concept changed to include close-in and beyond-
visual-range air-to-air capabilities along with advanced all-weather ground attack.
The aircraft that would meet this requirement was now referred to by the Air
Force as the Dual-Role Fighter. In its marketing, General Dynamics strove to
convince both Congress and the Air Force that the F-16XL could meet the DRF
requirement and complement, rather than compete with the larger F-15E for the
deep-strike mission. However, Congress directed that only one aircraft would be
funded for production, with the decision to be based on a comparative evaluation
of the F-16XL and the F-15E.
The F-16XL flew for the first time on July 3, 1982, at Carswell AFB, TX,
adjacent to the Fort Worth Division of General Dynamics, where the two experi-
mental prototypes had been built. The subsequent Air Force flight-test evaluation
of the F-16XL was conducted at the Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force
Base from 1982 to 1983 using the Combined Test Force (CTF) approach that
had been successfully used during the Lightweight Fighter Program. The CTF
included both military and contractor participation in nearly all aspects of the
flight-test effort, which unfolded very rapidly with 369 flights accomplished by
May 15, 1983. During the evaluation, the F-16XL demonstrated many out-
standing capabilities. Its range, payload, and supersonic performance were far
superior to those of the standard F-16, and its spin resistance and out-of-control
recovery characteristics were outstanding. Demonstrated takeoff and landing
distances were longer than desired, and the aircraft was unable to cruise super-
sonically without the use of afterburner. The aircrafts relatively low thrust-to-
weight ratio combined with the high induced drag produced by its low aspect
ratio wing resulted in rapid loss of airspeed during sustained subsonic high-g
maneuvering. These issues were important considerations in the Air Force DRF
decision, which was based on results from F-15E and F-16XL flight testing as
well as other sources of information, including the outcomes of computerized
war games. Faced with challenging budgetary choices, the Air Force elected to
fund the F-15E as its DRF, along with the high-stealth F-117 and Advanced
Tactical Fighter (ATF). Limited F-16XL flight testing continued until October
1985, by which time the two prototypes had accumulated a total of nearly 800
sorties before being placed in storage.
During the 1990s, NASA was pursuing a complex program of High-Speed
Research (HSR) that included investigations into many aspects related to com-
mercial supersonic flight. The potential application of supersonic laminar flow
control (SLFC) capability to a highly swept cranked-arrow wing was an area
of high interest to the HSR program. A flight demonstration to reduce the
Summary and Observations
perceived high level of SLFC technology risk would support development and
production of a future High-Speed Civil Transport (HSCT). Since the F-16XL
cranked-arrow-wing planform closely resembled conceptual HSCT designs, their
ready availability presented a unique opportunity for an SLFC technology flight-
test effort. NASA arranged for the two F-16XL prototypes to be transferred to
the Dryden Flight Research Center, where they were used for a series of HSR-
related test projects during the 1990s, with tests involving SLFC research being
the most challenging. Highly modified and specially instrumented, the F-16XL
experimental prototypes evaluated the technical feasibility of the active suction
SLFC concept as well as contributed to other areas important to HSCT develop-
ment and risk reduction. Experiments with the F-16XLs had produced a very
large volume of technical data by the time NASA decided to end the research
program in late 1996. NASA research with the F-16XL furthered the state of
the art in aerodynamics, acoustic, and sonic boom phenomenology, and it was a
major contributor to improved understanding of vortex flow over highly swept
delta wings. In addition, it made major contributions to development and valida-
tion of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) capabilities and design tools and
methodologies across the aerospace community.
Elegance in Flight
Summary and Observations
The F-16XLs refined low-drag aerodynamic design, along with its ability to
carry a much larger quantity of internal fuel in its large cranked-arrow wing and
stretched fuselage, provided significantly increased range and combat radius
compared to the standard F-16C. With twice the ordnance payload, combat
radius was nearly 50 percent greater than that of the F-16C. Its instantaneous
turn rate was exceptional, but there was a significant loss of sustained turn
capability due to the high induced drag produced by the low aspect ratio wing
and the relatively low thrust-to-weight ratio of the aircraft. The F-16XLs excep-
tional rolling ability partially offset the loss of sustained maneuver capability;
however, high energy loss experienced during aggressive combat maneuvering
was a major concern to the Air Force.
The F-16XL had a very high approach speed under heavyweight condi-
tions, with touchdown speeds well above 170 knots. It was reportedly smooth,
responsive, and stable during landing approach, but its approach angle of attack
was limited by restricted over-the-nose visibility and also to ensure adequate
aft-fuselage clearance with the runway. The aircraft was more stable than the
standard F-16 during aerodynamic braking after touchdown, with pitch con-
trol reported as being more positive. The F-16XL did not achieve the goal of
decreased landing distance relative to the standard F-16. Its much longer land-
ing distance was primarily due to its very high approach and touchdown speeds.
Several approaches to increase the effective lift coefficient of the aircraft were
being investigated by GD in cooperation with NASA Langley in an attempt
to reduce final approach and touchdown speeds. These included fitting vortex
flaps to the inner wing leading edge, modifications to the wing trailing edge
and the elevons, and changes to the digital flight control system intended to
optimize landing approach characteristics.
An interesting phenomenon involving a longitudinal oscillation in the pitch
axis, commonly referred to by the test pilots as pitch gallop, affected the
F-16XLs ability to effectively track maneuvering aerial targets. To determine
the cause of the anomaly, an in-flight-excitation test procedure was devised
and used to obtain aircraft frequency responses at any condition within the
flight envelope. Flight testing using this methodology revealed a disagreement
between the analytical model of the aircraft flight control system and the actual
flight control system in the aircraft. The pitch gain turned out to be slightly
out of phase in the frequency range where the longitudinal oscillation existed
and was not detected during preflight pilot-in-the-loop simulations of the
flight control system.
Elegance in Flight
Summary and Observations
Elegance in Flight
inlets spread out over the wings, and expansion waves coming from beneath the
wing caused a highly three-dimensional flow field. These resulted in difficulties
in obtaining consistent laminar flow at the same test conditions. Despite these
problems, the SLFC experiments with the F-16XL achieved about 70 to 80
percent of the initial goals.
Summary and Observations
Program Conclusion
In 1995, based on industry design concepts, computer modeling, and wind
tunnel tests, NASA selected a Technology Concept Aircraft (TCA) as a
common reference point for use in subsequent high-speed research technol-
ogy development and risk reduction. This single concept was intended to have
both improved aerodynamic performance and operational characteristics while
also meeting environmental goals for engine emissions and noise pollution. An
important rationale for the Technology Concept Aircraft was to serve as a basis
to ensure that appropriate technology was available to meet both the needs of
a practical and economically realistic design and its concurrent development
schedule. The implications of this dual rationale had a major impact on the
F-16XL SLFC project. In September 1996, the Airframe Management Team
within the NASA HSR program elected to terminate the F-16XL SLFC project.
This decision was based on a general agreement among both the Government
and, especially, the aerospace industry members of the Airframe Management
Team. The consensus within the team was that supersonic laminar flow control
was not a near-term technology that could be available in time for integration
into an HSCT program on any realistic cost and development schedule.
A Retrospective Assessment
In retrospect, the F-16XL was a remarkably productive research effort, whose
impact and benefits extended far beyond its original purpose. Begun as a long-
range strike variant of the basic F-16A air combat fighter, the F-16XL made its
greatest contribution as a test bed for a series of technological approaches to
enable efficient supersonic cruising flight. NASA (and the NACA before it) had
made use of military prototypes for basic and applied research purposes many
times before, but rarely with such productive results. The complex double-delta
cranked-arrow wing planform, studied extensively in wind tunnels and by
predictive analytical methodologies, received an important in-flight validation
and exploration going well beyond earlier experience with similar (if not so
sophisticated) planforms, such as that employed on the path-breaking Swedish
Saab J 35 Draken of the 1950s. The benefits of that research will influence civil
and military design choices and design trades for decades to come.
While the F-16XL did not enter service with the United States Air Force,
it possessed a design configuration suitable for subsequent long-range inhab-
ited and remotely piloted reconnaissance and strike systems, and thus mili-
tary interest in the test program went beyond the immediate interest in the
F-16XL-F-15E Strike Eagle competition. In the civil sense, the configuration
Elegance in Flight
selected by the General Dynamics design team for what became the F-16XL
reflected NASAs long-standing interest in deriving and refining highly effi-
cient aerodynamic planforms for supersonic flight, applicable to supersonic
commercial aircraft. While the anticipated market for supersonic airliners did
not emerge so that the double-delta arrow wing could have been applied to a
second generation follow-on to the Anglo-French Concorde and the Soviet-
era Tupolev Tu-144, market interest in smaller commercial supersonic aircraft
remains high, and, therefore, it is quite possible that the planform will be
adopted by designers seeking to build super-cruising commercial business jets
capable of spanning the oceans. If so, the flight-test and developmental lessons
learned from the F-16XL program will continue to benefit the progression of
aeronautical science.
Finally, the story of the F-16XL explains much about the organization of
American aerospace science and technology, the adaptation of that technology for
military and civil purposes, and the workings of aerospace professionals, industry,
and the test and evaluation communities of both the military and NASA.
NASA, through its years of refined study at Langley Research Center (and
building on earlier legacy work from the days of the NACA at what were then
the Langley and Ames aeronautical laboratories), had matured a concept to
the point that it could be applied to both civil and military aircraft; all that
was required was a justification to do so. That justification came about through
the recognition that the F-16 aircraft family would be primarily dedicated to
air-to-surface attack, with a secondary air-to-air mission. Thus, the arrow wing,
with its promise of enhanced long-range efficiencies, excellent high-speed prop-
erties, and ability to carry greater ordnance loads, was immediately attractive
to the General Dynamics team.
The General Dynamics design team had the insight, inventiveness, and
innovative spirit to recognize that, in the era of fly-by-wire flight control
technology, they could take the basic configuration of the F-16A and, with a
straightforward modification, transform it into an aircraft with quite different
properties and qualities. This is not an innocuous point; since the time of the
Wright brothers themselves, many design teams have been better at invention
than at innovation. In the case of General Dynamics, the F-16 team pos-
sessed a rare willingness to play with their basic configuration to fulfill new
purposes and generate new capabilitiesa commendable corporate spirit of
innovation. The seeming simplicity of their resulting design belied the com-
plex analysis and subtle under the skin changes necessitated if one were to
move successfully from the deceptively conventional planform of the original
F-16A to the elegance of the arrow-wing F-16XL. While constrained by such
issues as landing gear location and properties, the resulting aircraft was, in its
own fashion, a remarkable accomplishment. Had it not faced the F-15E Strike
Summary and Observations
Eagle, it is altogether possible that it might have served as the basis for a larger,
more powerful, and more capable production variant, the F-16XL functioning
in much the same fashion for that ultimate production machine as the earlier
YF-16 had for the original F-16A.
The Air Force and NASA test teams on the aircraft performed with the
characteristic excellence that has come to distinguish flight testing and flight
research in the skies over what was then the Air Force Flight Test Center (now
the Air Force Test Center) and the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. As
noted earlier, Air Force flight testing quickly confirmed that while the F-16XL
had outstanding range, payload, and supersonic performance when compared
to the F-16A from whence it sprang, it had other deficiencies in takeoff and
landing distance, turn performance, and thrust-to-weight ratio that, taken
together with changes in Air Force operational requirements, mitigated against
its being placed in production. Accordingly, the service selected a different
design for derivative development, the McDonnell-Douglas (now Boeing)
F-15E Strike Eagle.
It was at this juncture in its brief history that the F-16XL, seemingly des-
tined for the scrapheap or museum, received a reprieve: its opportunity to
function as a technology demonstrator and configuration research aircraft to
validate not only the cranked-arrow planform but also a range of other concepts
and technologies (most notably supersonic laminar flow control) applicable
to sustained, efficient, supersonic cruising flight, supporting NASAs long-
standing interest in High-Speed Research leading to possible High-Speed Civil
Transports. Under NASA auspices, the F-16XL flew for over another decade,
expanding knowledge not merely of the properties and characteristics of the
cranked-arrow wing, but on related subjects such as sonic boom propagation
and validation of CFD tools and analytical methodologies.
In sum, the F-16XL was an important research tool in the furtherance of
understanding of supersonic cruising vehicle design. Though not used for the
combat purposes for which it was originally conceived, it nevertheless proved
an important weapon in the continuing struggle of humanity to master move-
ment through the third dimension.
The F-16XL-2 during radar signature testing conducted by General Dynamics. (Lockheed Martin)
F-16XL Weapon
Separation Log
F-16XL Weapon Separation Log
Elegance in Flight
Milestone Data
Item F-16XL-1 F-16XL-2 Total
1st Flight-Last Flight 7/3/828/14/85 10/29/8210/1/85
Flight Data
Item F-16XL-1 F-16XL-2 Total
Total Number of 437 361 798
Total Air-to-Air Flights 318 (72.8 percent) 230 (63.7 percent) 548 (68.7
Total Air-to-Ground 119 (27.2 percent) 131 (36.3 percent) 250 (31.3
Flights percent)
Elegance in Flight
Aerial Refueling
Item F-16XL-1 F-16XL-2 Total
1st Aerial Refueling Flt 26 (8/12/82) Flt 30 (1/7/83)
Number of Refueling 71 56 127
Number of Wet 100 75 175
Longest Flight with 4.5 hrs (Flt 89, 4.0 hrs (Flt 33,
Refueling 12/15/82) two aerial 1/11/83), two aerial
refuelings refuelings
Longest Flight without 4.0 hrs (Flt 224, 2.5 hrs (Flt 5, 11/8/82)
Refueling 9/23/83) with two 600 2.5 hrs (Flt 68,
gal tanks 2/22/83)
Gunfire Data
Item F-16XL-1 F-16XL-2 Total
1st Gun-Firing Flight Flt 163 (4/1/83) Flt 32 (1/10/83)
Number of Gun-Firing 8 7 15
Number of 20-mm 4,763 2,600 7,363
Rounds Fired
F-16XL Flight-Test Activity Through October 1, 1985
Weapon Data
Item F-16XL-1 F-16XL-2 Total
Number of Bomb Drop 14 31 45
Mk-82 bombs 89/14 129/23 218/37
CBU-58 bombs 0 6/1 6/1
Mk-84 bombs 0 18/7 18/7
Flights Carrying 71 80 151
Flights Carrying CBU- 7 1 8
Flights Carrying 1 20 21
Flights Carrying 7 15 22
Flights Carrying 20 11 31
AGM-65 Carriage 5 0 5
AGM-65 Launches/ 1/1 0 1/1
F-16XL Flight-Test
Objectives Accomplished
F-16XL Flight-Test Objectives Accomplished
Flutter/Performance (Combined) 6
Aerial Refueling 2 3
Elegance in Flight
VIP Demonstration/Practice 35
Pilot Training/Checkout/Familiarization 18 9
Appendix E-1:
F-16XL-1 Pilots
BR Burnett D Dryden N Newman T Thomas
BS Bushnell F Fergione O Oestricher W Wolfe
C Cary K Knight P Payne
CG Caughlin M McKinney S Svendsen
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
44 9/22/82 .7 M FCF
Elegance in Flight
48 9/28/82 .9 T 12 Mk-82
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
315 9/17/84 1.3 W High AoA A/A, spin chute Changed ECA
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
319 9/21/84 1.4 T High AoA A/A, spin chute Added Ballast
320 9/24/84 1.7 W High AoA A/A, spin chute Remv. Ballast
321 9/25/84 1.0 T High AoA A/A, spin chute
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
Appendix E-2:
F-16XL-2 Pilots
BR Burnett D Dryden N Newman T Thomas
BS Bushnell F Fergione O Oestricher W Wolfe
C Cary K Knight P Payne
CG Caughlin M McKinney S Svendsen
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
324 8/1/85 1.1 F/CG Spray Bar A/A Phi ratio set
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL Flight-Test Logs
171 5/16/83 0.9 Dryden Col. Michael C. Kerby, UAAF, Commander, 57th
Fighter Weapons Wing, Nellis AFB, NV
172 5/19/83 1.0 Thomas Brig. Gen. George L. Monahan, USAF, Director,
F-16 SPO, Aeronautical Systems Division,
176 6/7/83 0.6 Thomas Maj. Gen. Thomas L. Craig, DCS for
Requirements, HQ Tactical Air Command,
Langley AFB, VA
177 6/8/83 1.0 Dryden Maj. Gen. Robert H. Reed, USAF, DCS for
Operations, HQ Tactical Air Command, Langley
F-16XL VIP Flights
185 6/23/83 0.7 Bushnell Brig. Gen. Ronald W. Yates, USAF, Director,
Tactical Systems, Aeronautical Systems
Division, W-PAFB, OH
187 6/29/83 1.3 Burnett Maj. Gen. Richard W. Phillips, Jr., Commander,
AF Operational Test and Evaluation Center,
Kirtland AFB, NM
197 7/26/83 0.9 Thomas Maj. Gen. Harry A. Goodall, USAF, Commander,
17th AF, U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein
AB, Germany
203 8/12/83 1.1 Dryden William Dana, NASA Research Pilot, NASA
Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA
204 8/17/83 0.9 Bushnell Hon. Paul Thayer, Deputy Secretary of Defense
205 8/23/83 0.9 Thomas Maj. Gen. John T. Chain, USAF, DCS Plans and
Operations, HQ USAF
209 9/2/83 1.0 McKinney Robert Ropelewski, Aviation Week & Space
Technology senior editor
221 9/19/83 0.7 Bushnell Maj. Gen. William Kirk, DCS for Operations, U.S.
Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein AB, Germany
222 9/22/83 0.9 Thomas Lt. Gen. Carl H. Cathey, USAF, Vice Commander,
U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein AB,
Elegance in Flight
239 12/15/83 0.9 Thomas Maj. Gen. Fred A. Haeffner, USAF, Vice
Commander, Pacific Air Forces
253 3/19/84 1.1 Thomas Maj. Gen. William Gorton, USAF, Director of
Operational Requirements, Office of the DCS
254 3/21/84 0.9 Thomas RADM Paul Gilcrist, USN, Assistant CNO,
255 3/27/84 0.9 Thomas Brig. Gen. Jimmie Adams, USAF, Special
Assistant for Tactical Modernization, RD&A, HQ
258 4/16/84 1.1 Thomas Col. Robert Ettinger, USAF, Deputy F-16
Program Director, ASD, Wright-Patterson AFB,
261 4/19/84 1.0 Thomas Lt. Gen. Larry Welch, USAF, DCS for Programs
and Resources, HQ USAF
263 4/26/84 0.9 Thomas Maj. Gen. Eugene Fischer, USAF, Commander,
Tactical Fighter Weapons Center, Nellis AFB, NV
268 5/21/84 0.8 Thomas Maj. Gen. Robert Beckel, USAF, Director of
Operations, Office of the DCS, Plans and
Operations, Headquarters USAF
F-16XL VIP Flights
271 5/31/84 0.9 Thomas Col. Jerauld Gentry, USAF, Office of the DCS for
360 9/30/85 1.0 Payne Col. Robert Ettinger, USAF, Vice Commander, Air
Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB, CA
NASA Technology
Readiness Levels
NASA Technology Readiness Levels
Elegance in Flight
Appendix H-1:
SLFC Date Hrs Test Pilot Back- Test Max Objectives Comments
Flt Points Seater Controller Alt
1 10/13/95 1.1 5 Purifoy Collard Bohn- 30K Functional check
Meyer (FC) flight
Elegance in Flight
SLFC Date Hrs Test Pilot Back- Test Max Objectives Comments
Flt Points Seater Controller Alt
5 1/24/96 2.6 7 Purifoy Collard Bohn- 50K Turbocompressor
Meyer (T/C) functional
checks, suction
system evalua-
tion, SLFC data
F-16XL Flight Research: NASA SLFC Program and Overall
SLFC Date Hrs Test Pilot Back- Test Max Objectives Comments
Flt Points Seater Controller Alt
11 2/22/96 1.6 4 Purifoy Collard Bohn- 50K FC of T/C
Meyer after shutoff
valve (SOV)
SLFC with
hot films,
Suction System
(OSSC-C) and
12 2/28/96 3.2 11 Purifoy Stucky Yamanaka 50K SLFC off, begin
checkout of
second pilot,
for backup
Validate OSSC
system, validate
air traffic
control (ATC)
13 3/1/96 0.5 0 Stucky Purifoy Collard 50K SLFC with IFE, due to
suction system right main
on and off gear door
14 3/6/96 2.1 19 Stucky Purifoy Collard 50K Complete flight
qualification of
second pilot,
SLFC data
with suction
on/off, red
phone training
for backup
15 3/8/96 2.3 14 Stucky Meyer Collard 50K SLFC data with
suction on
Elegance in Flight
SLFC Date Hrs Test Pilot Back- Test Max Objectives Comments
Flt Points Seater Controller Alt
16 3/15/96 2.4 34 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka 50K SLFC data
to determine
minimum suction
requirements on
rooftop regions
14 & 15 and LE
F-16XL Flight Research: NASA SLFC Program and Overall
SLFC Date Hrs Test Pilot Back- Test Max Objectives Comments
Flt Points Seater Controller Alt
22 5/1/96 0.8 0 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka FCS
IFE. First
and Gravity
flight. Had
23 5/8/96 0.8 14 Purifoy Bohn- Yamanaka FCS
Meyer caution
IFE. Had
D power
24 5/16/96 1.0 1 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka 55K FCS checkout,
loads clearance
at 55K, SLFC
research data
25 5/17/96 1.0 0 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka FCS
IFE, airborne
box was
26 5/26/96 0.9 16 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka 55K FCS checkout,
loads clearance
at 45K, 42K, and
40K; SLFC data
27 5/31/96 1.25 13 Purifoy Meyer Yamanaka 50K SLFC
data, FCS
Elegance in Flight
SLFC Date Hrs Test Pilot Back- Test Max Objectives Comments
Flt Points Seater Controller Alt
28 6/7/96 3.1 31 Stucky Collard Yamanaka 50K SLFC data to
obtain increased
laminar flow
29 6/12/96 2.0 15 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka 55K SLFC data with
lower surface
Tufts and video
30 6/14/96 0.9 8 Stucky Collard Yamanaka 50K SLFC data
lower surface
Tufts, takeoff
(T/O) delayed
due to pyro
31 6/26/96 3.0 21 Purifoy Meyer Bohn- 50K SLFC suction
Meyer level verification
of extent of
laminar flow
32 6/28/96 2.0 31 Purifoy Meyer Bohn- 50K SLFC data with
Meyer filled turbulence
33 7/8/96 2.0 24 Purifoy Bohn- Yamanaka 53K SLFC data
Meyer with gap filled
beneath shock
fence, varying
34 7/12/96 1.8 15 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka 53K Investigate best
suction levels
at Mach 2.0
with top region
11 masked &
det. turbulence
wedge angle
from HF on
inboard suction
35 7/13/96 2.0 18 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka- 53K Investigate best
Wilcox suction levels at
Mach 2.0 with
top of region 11
F-16XL Flight Research: NASA SLFC Program and Overall
SLFC Date Hrs Test Pilot Back- Test Max Objectives Comments
Flt Points Seater Controller Alt
36 7/15/96 3.0 31 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka- 53K Investigate best
Wilcox suction levels at
Mach 2.0 with
no masking,
varying alpha
and beta
37 7/26/96 3.0 34 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka- 53K Code calibration
Wilcox data
38 8/16/96 3 41 Purifoy Bohn- Collard- 53K Code calibration
Meyer Wilcox data and
baseline data
for shock fence
39 8/28/96 2.7 27 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka- 53K Evaluate results
Wilcox of shock fence
toe-in, checkout
canopy ring mod
40 9/13/96 3.2 13 Stucky Collard Yamanaka- 54K Determine
Wilcox effectiveness of
canopy fairing,
get more info
on turbulence
wedge angle
41 9/20/96 3.1 43 Purifoy Collard Yamanaka- 55K Determine
Wilcox effectiveness of
canopy fairing,
get more info
on turbulence
wedge angle,
rooftop suction
42 10/4/96 2.9 48 Purifoy Collard Wilcox 55K Determine
effectiveness of
canopy fairing,
obtain SLFC
data for rooftop,
LE, and uniform
suction reduction
43 10/24/96 3.2 48 Purifoy Bohn- Collard 52K Using the 60
Meyer shock fence,
obtain data on
the optimum
flight conditions.
Also, obtain
Current Loop
Elegance in Flight
SLFC Date Hrs Test Pilot Back- Test Max Objectives Comments
Flt Points Seater Controller Alt
44 11/13/96 1.3 0 Purifoy Collard Wilcox 51K FCS caution
light for
LE flap
45 11/26/96 2.7 43 Purifoy Collard Wilcox 53K Using the 60
shock fence
obtain data for
code calibration
and the inboard
turbulent region.
Also, obtain
Current Loop
data and Optical
Sensor data.
Total Hrs and
90.6 796
Test Points
F-16XL Flight Research: NASA SLFC Program and Overall
Objectives Number of Flights
F-16XL-1 F-16XL-2
Performance 75 65
Stability and Control (S&C) 38 16
Flutter Expansion Envelope 10 8
S&C (High Angle of Attack) 43
S&C (Structural Loads) 26
S&C (Speed Break Loads) 8
S&C (Pitch Gallop Investigation) 11
S&C (Landing Handling Qualities) 5
S&C (Aft Center-of-Gravity Envelope Expansion) 22
S&C (Inflight Excitation [Random/Sinusoid]) 37
S&C (G-Overshoot Investigation) 6
Performance/S&C (Combined) 13 9
Performance/S&C w/ Locked LEF 24
Flutter/S&C (Combined) 7 2
Flutter/Performance (Combined) 6
PropulsionF110 Slimline Engine Envelope Expansion 32
Propulsion/S&C/PerformanceF110 Engine w/ Large Normal 30
Shock Inlet (LNSI) Using JP-4 Fuel
PropulsionF110 Engine w/ LNSI Using JP-8 Fuel 13
PropulsionHigh-Speed Envelope Expansion 9
Hinge Moment Evaluation w/ Modified LEF 5
Helmet Mounted Display Evaluation 3
Weapon Separation/Gun Firing/Air Combat Maneuvering 14 28
Instrumentation (ACMI) Pod Range
Vibration Test Maneuvers 8
Elevon Loads Survey 5
Environmental control system (ECS)/Drag Chute Deployment 2
Air Data Calibration 4 3
Aerial Refueling 2 3
Operational Utility Evaluation (OUE) Testing 42 29
Special Test Objectives 9 6
Reliability & Maintainability Evaluation 7 2
Ferry Flights (General Dynamics Forth Worth to/from Edwards AFB) 10 8
Elegance in Flight
This appendix presents the handling qualities tasks and related task descrip-
tions used by the two NASA research pilots in their evaluation of F-16XL-1
aircraft handling qualities with the digital flight control system (DFCS). The
comments, ratings, and Cooper-Harper scores are reproduced verbatim from
the original NASA Dryden F-16XL-1 DFCS report without attribution to spe-
cific pilots. The Cooper-Harper Handling Qualities Rating Scale (commonly
referred to as the CHR scale) is reproduced for convenience in cross-referencing
the NASA pilot ratings assigned to the F-16XL DFCS later in this appendix.1
Elegance in Flight
Pilot Rating of F-16XL-1 DFCS Handling Qualities
Elegance in Flight
Pilot Rating of F-16XL-1 DFCS Handling Qualities
Elegance in Flight
Pilot Rating of F-16XL-1 DFCS Handling Qualities
airplane maneuvered up to 3.0 g. The desired performance goal was that both the
lateral and vertical displacement of the tracking pipper be kept within 1 tailpipe
diameter from the tailpipe of the lead aircraft without a PIO being encountered.
Adequate tracking performance was achieved when the lateral and vertical pipper
displacement was within 2 tailpipe diameters without PIO. Pilots evaluated air-
craft handling responses during steady tracking and reversals by the lead aircraft.
Cooper-Harper ratings were given for both gross acquisition and fine tracking
based on the desired and adequate performance margins.
Elegance in Flight
Pilot Rating of F-16XL-1 DFCS Handling Qualities
1. Susan J. Stachowiak and John T. Bosworth, Flight Test Results for
the F-16XL with a Digital Flight Control System, NASA TP-2004-
212046 (March 2004).
2. A mil is a unit of angular measurement. It is equal to the angle sub-
tended by an arc equal to one one-thousandth of the distance to the
object or target being tracked.
Acronyms, Abbreviations,
Nomenclature, and Symbols
A Area
A/B Afterburner
A/R Aerial Refueling
A-A, A/A Air-to-Air
AB, A/B Afterburner
AC, ac Aerodynamic Center
ACEE Aircraft Energy Efficiency
ACF Air Combat Fighter
ACMI Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation
ACMR Air Combat Maneuvering Range
AEDC Arnold Air Engineering Center
AF Air Force
AFB Air Force Base
AFCD Advanced Fighter Capability Demonstrator
AFE Alternate Fighter Engine
AFFTC Air Force Flight Test Center
AFFTC Air Force Test and Evaluation Center
AFHQ Air Force Headquarters
AFOTEC Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
AFSC Air Force Systems Command
A-G Air-to-Ground
AGARD Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and
AGL Above Ground Level
AGM Air-to-Ground Missile
AHS American Helicopter Society
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AICS Airborne Interface Control Subsystem
AIM Air Intercept Missile
Acronyms, Abbreviations, Nomenclature, and Symbols
Elegance in Flight
Acronyms, Abbreviations, Nomenclature, and Symbols
Elegance in Flight
Acronyms, Abbreviations, Nomenclature, and Symbols
Elegance in Flight
Acronyms, Abbreviations, Nomenclature, and Symbols
Elegance in Flight
Acronyms, Abbreviations, Nomenclature, and Symbols
Greek Symbols
Dynamic Viscosity
Angle of Attack
Sideslip Angle
Wing Crank Location Measured from Aircraft
Wing Sweep Angle
Kinematic Viscosity
Air Density
Radar Cross Section
insights into the political environment as it related to the Air Force Dual-Role
Fighter decision.
Thomas Tom Grindle, Aircraft Maintenance Division chief at NASA
Dryden Flight Research Center, furnished important insights into the structural
layout and design of the F-16XL and the conduct of its flight-test program.
Joseph R. Chambers, head of the NASA Langley Dynamic Stability Branch
in the 1980s and, later, division chief over the Laminar Flow Control Project
Office (LFCPO) during the F-16XL supersonic laminar flow control (SLFC)
research activity, provided extremely worthwhile observations and comments
that clarified certain aspects of the research effort and greatly enhanced this
work. A prolific author and documenter of NASA Langley aerodynamic research
efforts, Joe was closely involved in the cooperative F-16XL development effort
with General Dynamics and worked closely with Harry Hillaker from the birth
to the death of the program.
Gregory V. Lewis, Vice President and Director of the National Test Pilot
School (NTPS) in Mojave, CA, and Russ Stewart, flight-test instructor at the
NTPS, very graciously furnished photographs of their unique two-seat Saab Sk
35 Draken double-delta flight-test training and research aircraft. The author
and editor deeply appreciate their assistance, for the Drakens design anticipated
that of the F-16XL by over a quarter century. The NTPS, a remarkable and
unique civilian educational institution staffed by veteran leaders in flight-test
operations, practice, and methodology, trains test pilots and flight-test engineers
from around the world using the Drakens and a variety of other fixed-wing and
rotary-wing aircraft.
Other former and current NASA Langley personnel who reviewed and com-
mented on the manuscript include Marilyn E. Ogburn, Mark A. Croom, Jerry
N. Hefner, Jay Brandon, and Roy V. Harris, all of whom played significant
roles in the program. The contributions of many other NASA research staff
members, who are too numerous to list here but are mentioned in the body of
the text, were of immense importance in documenting NASA research with
the F-16XL. Their formal publications produced over the years provided a rich
body of technical knowledge related to every aspect of NASA F-16XL-related
research. They deserve a special compliment for their dedication and technical
excellence in support of U.S. aeronautical research.
Last but far from least, there are several individuals at the IDA who con-
tributed their special talents in advising and assisting me in this endeavor.
These include retired USAF Col. Warren L. Jug Jagodnik, Dr. John Richard
Nelson, and Megan McCarty. The staff of the IDA Technical Library was of
immense help in obtaining many significant reports and documents related to
the F-16XL. In this regard, Amanda Talcott and Peter Droubay deserve special
thanks. Carol Ruppe assisted with typing and final formatting of the appendices.
Aronstein, David C., and Albert C. Piccirillo. Have Blue and the F-117A:
Evolution of the Stealth Fighter. Reston, VA: AIAA, 1997.
Aronstein, David C., and Albert C. Piccirillo. The Lightweight Fighter Program:
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Art, Robert J. The TFX Decision: McNamara and the Military. Boston, MA:
Little, Brown and Company, 1968.
Borchers, Paul F., James A. Franklin, and Jay W. Fletcher. Flight Research at
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Technology. Washington, DC: NASA, 1998.
Brandt, Stephen A., Randall J. Stiles, John J. Bertin, and Ray Whitford.
Introduction to Aeronautics: A Design Perspective. Reston, VA: AIAA, 2004.
Conway, Erik M. High Speed Dreams: NASA and the Technopolitics of Supersonic
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Coulam, Robert F. Illusions of Choice: The F-111 and the Problem of Weapons
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Ethell, Jeffrey, and Alfred Price. Air War South Atlantic. New York: Macmillan
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Hallion, Richard P., and Michael H. Gorn. On the Frontier: Experimental Flight
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Hirschel, Ernst Heinrich, Horst Prem, and Gero Madelung, eds. Aeronautical
Research in Germany from Lilienthal until Today. Berlin: Springer-Verlag,
Holder, Bill. Lost Fighters: A History of U.S. Fighter Programs That Didnt Make
It. Warrentown, PA: SAE International, 2007.
Elegance in Flight
Janes Information Group. Janes Aero Engines, Issue Thirty. Alexandria, VA:
Janes Information Group, Inc., 2011.
Janes Information Group. Janes All The Worlds Aircraft. F-16XL entries in
various annual volumes. London, UK: Janes Information Group, Inc.,
198182, 198283, 198384, 198586, 199596.
Knott, Eugene F., John F. Schaeffer, and Michael T. Tulley. Radar Cross Section:
Its Prediction Measurement and Reduction. Norwood, MA: ARTECH
House, Inc., 1985.
Levaux, Hugh P., and Mark A. Lorell. The Cutting Edge: A Half Century of
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Miller, Jay. The X-Planes: X-1 to X-45. London, UK: Ian Allen Publishing,
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Slife, James C. Creech Blue: Gen Bill Creech and the Reformation of the Tactical
Air Forces, 19781984. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University Press,
Spick, Mike, ed. The Great Book of Modern Warplanes. London, UK: Salamander
Books Ltd., 2000.
Wegg, John. General Dynamics Aircraft and Their Predecessors. Annapolis, MD:
Naval Institute Press, 1990.
Whitford, Ray. Design for Air Combat. London: Janes Publishing Company,
Ltd., 1987.
Yenne, Bill. Convair Deltas: From Sea Dart to Hustler. North Branch, MN:
Specialty Press, 2009.
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& Space Technology (March 20, 1995).
(No author credited.) Evolutionary F-16XL Makes Its First Flight One Day
After Its Rollout at Fort Worth. General Dynamics World 12, no. 7 (July
Elegance in Flight
(No author credited.) F-16XL Enters Flight Test Program. Aviation Week &
Space Technology (July 12, 1982).
(No author credited.) F-16XL Readied for Flight Testing. Aviation Week &
Space Technology (July 5, 1982).
(No author credited.) F-16XL to Test SLFC Wing Design. Aviation Week &
Space Technology (November 14, 1994).
(No author credited.) First Flight for F-16XL. Flight International (July 17,
(No author credited.) GD Loses, and Wins. Flight International (March 10,
(No author credited.) NASA F-16XL Laminar-Flow Tests Will Aid HSCT
Effort. Flight International (February 1, 1995).
(No author credited.) SCAMP Cuts Drag, Increases Fuel Load. Aviation
Week & Space Technology (August 18, 1980).
(No author credited.) USAF Canvasses Close Air Support. Flight International
(July 20, 1985): 10.
(No author credited.) USAF Studies New Fighters. Aviation Week & Space
Technology (April 27, 1981).
(No author credited.) USAF Wants Both F-15E and F-16E. Flight
International (November 13, 1982): 1426.
(No author credited.) Washington Round Up: Dual Role Fighter. Aviation
Week & Space Technology (February 23, 1984).
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Air). General Dynamics Corporation. Report 400PR066 (July 9, 1982).
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Anders, Scott G., and Michael C. Fischer. F-16XL-2 Supersonic Laminar Flow
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Anderson, Bianca T., Jolen Flores, Stephen Landers, and Eugene L. Tu. A
Parametric Study of the Leading Edge Attachment Line for the F-16XL.
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Elegance in Flight
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A Case Study in Technology Transition. In Technology and the Air Force: A
Retrospective Assessment. Washington, DC: Air Force History and Museums
Program, 1997.
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Lamar, and Arthur Rizzi. Lessons Learned from Numerical Simulations
of the F-16XL at Flight Conditions. Journal of Aircraft: 46, no. 2 (February
2009): 423444.
Badcock, Kenneth J., Oklo Boelens, Adam Jirasek, and Arthur Rizzi. What
Was Learned from Numerical Simulations of F-16XL (CAWAPI) at Flight
Conditions. AIAA Paper 2007-0683 (2007).
Beard, Jonathan. Metal Glove Speeds Supersonic Planes. New Scientist 132,
1798 (December 7, 1991): 27.
Behbahani, Alireza R. Need for Robust Sensors for Inherently Fail-Safe Gas
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Cleveland, Ohio, 7-11 May 2006. AFRL-PR-WP-TP-2007-217 (November
Berry, F. Clifton Jr. The Revolutionary Evolution of the F-16XL. Air Force
Magazine 66, no. 11 (November 1983).
Boelens, O.J., S.P. Spekreijse, H.A. Sytsma, and K.M.J. de Cock. Comparison
of Measured and Simulated Flow Fields for the Full Scale F-16XL Aircraft.
Presented at the 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno,
NV, January 811, 2007. AIAA Paper 2007-0489, 2007.
Boelens, O.J., S. Goertz, S.A. Morton, W. Fritz, and J.E. Lamar. Description
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Elegance in Flight
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Elegance in Flight
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Elegance in Flight
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Elegance in Flight
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Elegance in Flight
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Elegance in Flight
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Elegance in Flight
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About the Author
Albert C. Piccirillo is a retired Air Force colonel with 3,000 flying hours,
mostly in fighters. His experience includes assignments in research and devel-
opment, ground and flight test, fighter operations, and program management
involving aircraft, engines, guided missiles, and avionics systems. As Advanced
Tactical Fighter system program director, he headed the Air Force conceptual
development effort and the subsequent source selection that resulted in the
selection of Lockheed and Northrop for design and flight test of the YF-22
and YF-23 air superiority fighter prototypes. Previously, he managed several
advanced weapons development programs and headed an engineering unit
responsible for flight testing of uncrewed aircraft. Operational and research
and development duties included combat tours in the F-4 fighter during the
Vietnam War and assignments with the Naval Aircraft Engine Laboratory, the
Aircraft Propulsion Division of the General Electric Company, the Air Force
Flight Test Center, the USAF Aeronautical Systems Division, and Air Force
Studies and Analyses. He headed the C3 Systems Department at PRC, Inc.,
and was a principal aerospace engineer and manager of the Joint Technology
Division at ANSER, Inc. He is currently an adjunct research staff member at
the Institute for Defense Analyses. The author of numerous books and profes-
sional papers, Mr. Piccirillo holds a B.S. degree in aeronautical engineering
from the Pennsylvania State University and an M.S. degree in aerospace engi-
neering from the Air Force Institute of Technology. He is an associate fellow
of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
A wind tunnel test model of a modified F-16 fuselage fitted with a forward-swept wing mounted
in the NASA Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel in 1980. (NASA)
Elegance in Flight
Elegance in Flight
faceted airframe shaping and stealth air-to-ground missiles. See missiles, air-to-air
technology, 2 and air-to-ground
HSR program research on, 180 Air Vehicle Technology (AVT) Symposium, NATO
service life of, 61 Research and Technology Organization (RTO),
SLFC and design of, 18182 251
See also structural loads Allied Signal Corporation, 212
air-to-air capabilities and missions Ames Research Laboratory
configuration for, 97 F-16XL prototype design and construction
configuration for, flight-test activity role, 35
summary, 141, 170, 3034 HSR program role, 180
F-16 capabilities, 6, 296 management of, 190n1
F-16 derivative investigations to enhance sonic boom research, 27677n20
capabilities, 7 Anders, Scott G., 205
F-16XL-1 configuration for flight tests, 110, angle of attack (AoA)
11516 AoA limiter, 81, 130
F-16XL capabilities, 58, 97, 163 approach AoA, 119, 121, 163
F-16XL speed and range capabilities, boundary-layer thickness and attachment
11516 line and, 199200
flutter and performance follow-on FBW flight control and high AoA, 30
investigation, 128 highAoA, wing design, forebody strakes,
highAoA flight tests, 113 and flow separation, 4
instantaneous turn rates, 11617 highAoA and nose-down pitch attitude,
OUE testing, 109 130, 139
air-to-air missiles. See missiles, air-to-air and highAoA and stability and control, 13031
air-to-ground highAoA drop model investigations,
air-to-air tracking task, 27274, 37880 4041, 40, 41
air-to-ground capabilities and missions highAoA F-16XL-1 flight tests, 127, 306,
configuration for, 97 31516, 32527, 373
configuration for, flight-test activity highAoA F-16XL-2 flight tests, 339
summary, 141, 170, 3034 highAoA flight tests with missile and bomb
F-16 capabilities, 6, 296 configurations, 113
F-16 derivative investigations to enhance highAoA flying qualities and maneuvering
capabilities, 7, 287 capabilities, 37, 63, 12931
F-16XL-1 configuration for flight tests, 110 highAoA follow-on investigation, 12831
F-16XL capabilities, 58, 6263, 97, 163 nose-up pitching moment and, 31
highAoA flight tests, 113 tail design and, 30
instantaneous turn rates, 11617 vortex flow breakdown and, 33
mission radius, 6263 wingtips and, 2930
OUE testing, 109 APG-63 radar, 159
Elegance in Flight
Chain, John T., 334, 347, 359 Conahan, Frank C., 159
Chambers, Joseph R., 227, 235, 278n32 conceptual design phase and the rubber
chase aircraft, 308, 333, 374 aircraft, 47, 47
close trail formation flight, 27274, 38082 Concorde, 14, 181, 27778n26, 296
cockpit Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 158,
flight controls, 79, 81 175n34
YF-16 design, 5 constrained direct iterative surface curvature
Coen, Peter, 28283 (CDISC) design methodology, 209, 231n19
Collard, Mark, 205, 22123, 36572 construction, modular approach to, 15
combat turnaround demonstration, 115 Control Data Corporation (CDC) CYBER
Combined High Altitude and Gravity System computer, 169, 177n61
(CHAGS), 22223 control surfaces
Combined Test Force (CTF) buzz, 194, 229n2
concept of and focus of testing, viii, 288 features and functions of, 7981, 80
DRF flight-test program, 154 free-flight testing model, 35, 35, 36
F-16XL-1 delivery to, 103 hydraulic system for, 8485
organization of the team personnel, 1078, spin tunnel testing, 37, 40
144n20, 155 test instrumentation parameters and
pitch gallop flight testing, 103 sensors, 8890, 89
test team, viii See also ailerons; elevons; flutter excitation
composite wing skins, 7375, 73, 74, 95, 290 system test; rudder; wing leading-edge
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) flaps (LEF)
CAWAPI research and correlation between Convair B-24 Liberator bomber, 18n9
in-flight and CFD data, 25154, 254 Convair B-36 intercontinental bomber, 18n9
CAWAP research and correlation between Convair B-58 Hustler bomber, 18n9
in-flight and wind tunnel data and CFD Convair Division, General Dynamics
data, ix, 24451, 245, 246, 250, 251 Corporation, 18n9, 35, 120
correlation between flight-test results and Convair F-102A/YF-102 Delta Dagger, 49n19,
CFD data, 202, 203, 223 120, 120, 145n29, 281
F-16XL research contributions, ix, 289, 297 Convair F-106A/QF-106 Delta Dart, 120, 121,
Navier-Stokes CFD flow solver, 211 145n29, 281
Navier-Stokes equations, 209, 231n17 Convair XF-92A Dart, 49n19, 120, 120
pressure distribution calculations, 202 Cooper, George, 279n36
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes CFD Cooper-Harper Handling Qualities Rating Scale,
model, 199200 27273, 279n36, 375, 375, 37682
SLFC research, ix, 187, 225 Cooper Pilot Opinion Rating Scale, 279n36
tools and design methodologies, costs and funding
development of, 235 Air Force funding support, 5657, 65n6,
computer-aided design/computer-aided 108, 171
manufacturing (CAD/CAM), 7172, 290
Elegance in Flight
Air Force funding support for F-15 program, management of program, 244
171 objectives of program, 246
composite wing skin manufacturing costs, vortex flow research, ix, 289
7475 wind tunnel testing, 24951, 250, 275n8
contractor costs, 62 Cranked-Arrow Wing Aerodynamics Program
cooperative NASAGD configuration costs, International (CAWAPI), 244, 25154, 254
62 cranked-arrow wings
DRF costs and funding, viii, 153, 15557, aerodynamic center, aerodynamic
158, 161, 175n34 pitching moment, and flight control, 29,
F-16XL prototype design and construction, 4849nn1314
35, 5557, 58, 65n2, 65n6, 171 aerodynamic loads on, 72
F-16XL prototype design and construction aerodynamics of, research to predict and
proposal, 5557 understand, 44
fighter production funding, 150 angle of incidence, 71, 91n4
flight-test program, 108 camber and twist design, 14, 3031, 68,
Independent Research and Development 6970, 69, 71
(IRAD), 35, 55, 56, 57, 65n2 canard surface placement and, 46
Independent Research and Development chord, 71, 91n3
(IRAD), criteria for allowable use of funds, composite wing skins, 7375, 73, 74, 95,
65n2 290
manufacturing costs, 6162 cooperative NASAGD design efforts,
SCAMP program, 3435 3033
titanium wing glove cost, 185 design and fabrication/manufacturing of,
Tu-144 SLFC test bed, 228 7175, 72, 73, 74, 290
unit flyaway costs, 156, 157, 171, design evolution, 34, 34, 289
17475n28 design specifications and configuration,
Crabtree, Charles F., 59 68, 82
Craig, Thomas L., 334, 346, 358 drag and design of, viii, 62, 288
Cranked-Arrow Wing Aerodynamics Program F-16 derivative investigations, 710, 8
(CAWAP) F-16XL prototype configuration, 28788
correlation between in-flight and wind fuel capacity and, 10, 69, 69
tunnel data and CFD data, 24451, 245, fuselage-wing attachment fittings, 72
246, 250, 251 ground effect and landing performance,
end of program, 246 11920, 144n26, 25558
F-16XL-1 flights, 234, 24451 induced drag and delta-winged fighters,
first flight, 246 4647, 5253n41
flow visualization studies, 244, 247, 249, internal structure of, 7273, 72
249 J 35/Sk 35C Draken (Dragon), 9, 10,
instrumentation for data collection, 24749, 9293n24
247, 248, 249, 275n7
leading-edge maneuvering flaps, 32 (see wing twist and camber to minimize drag, 14
also wing leading-edge flaps (LEF)) Creech, Wilbur L. Bill, 149, 150, 151, 152,
lift/drag ratio, 910 155, 166
maneuverability and, 10, 291 Croom, Mark A., 41
maneuverability and cranked double delta Curiosity rover, 232n22
wing planforms, 16 Curry, Robert E., 255
mean aerodynamic center (MAC), 29, CYBER computer, 169, 177n61
48n13, 91n3, 130 Cyborg (Caidin), 177n68
notched apex, 33
performance advantages and limitations, D
62, 63, 6970, 69 D-558-2 Skyrocket, 49n19
performance advantages of design, 62 Dana, William H. Bill
research on and evaluation of, vii, 287 career and experience of, 142, 147n64
SCAMP concept, 2426, 24, 2729, 27, F-16XL-2 flights, 142, 334, 347
29, 3033 retirement of, 147n64
SCAMP concept evolution, 34, 34 test pilot role, 11
SCIF configurations, 1314, 14 VIP flight, 359
S-curved apex and merger with fuselage, X-29 flight research program role, 11
32, 34, 245 Defense, Department of (DoD)
skin friction drag, 62 acquisition process, criticism of, 1
SLFC technology research, ix, 28889 Advanced Prototype Development Program,
supersonic cruise capabilities and cranked 12
double delta wing planforms, 16 competitive prototyping and Fly-Before-Buy
trailing-edge extensions, 32, 33 approach to acquisition process, 13
trailing-edge fairings, 32, 49n19 fighter mafia, 23
vortex camber, fixed and movable, 25, 29 IRAD funds, criteria for allowable use of,
vortex flow and design of, 33 65n2
vortex wing camber, 2425, 26, 29 Technology Readiness Levels and scale use
weight of, 8, 5960, 74, 290 by, 252, 27576n9
wind tunnel testing results report, 3233, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
49n21 (DARPA), 11
wing break loads test instrumentation de Havilland Sea Vixen FAW 1 aircraft, 49n19
parameters and sensors, 89, 90 de Havilland Venom FB 1 aircraft, 49n19
wing-fuselage shear tie stress and De Lauer, Richard, 158
reinforced shear ties, 72 Derivative Fighter Comparison Organization,
wing-fuselage shear tie stress test Aeronautical Systems Division (ASD), 154
instrumentation parameters and sensors, Derivative Fighter Evaluation program, 109
89, 90 Derivative Fighter Steering Group (DFSG),
wing spar failure and wing spar Aeronautical Systems Division, 108, 11314,
modification, 7273 155
Elegance in Flight
design tools and methodologies, ix, 231n19, F-16XL anticipated capabilities of landing
289 distances, 58
Development Test and Evaluation (DT&E) landing performance and distance, 120, 121
missions, 108 Norwegian F-16 configuration with, 76
Differential Maneuvering Simulator (DMS), 26, drop model testing
39, 48n10, 70, 91n2, 130, 289 highAoA investigations, 4041, 40, 41
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 177n61 spin prevention system development, 39,
digital flight control system (DFCS). See flight 290
control systems (FCS) and fly-by-wire (FBW) weapons carriage and external stores, 43
flight control systems Dryden, Joe Bill
doublet, 272, 279n35 career and experience of, 143n8, 183
Douglas A-4 fighter, 5253n41 CTF role, 107
Douglas D-558-2 Skyrocket, 49n19 death of, 143n8
drag F-16XL-1 flights, 183, 309, 31014,
carriage drag, 85 31622
cranked-arrow wings and lift/drag ratio, F-16XL-2 flights, 112, 142, 184, 33449,
910 35356
drag due to lift, 46 F-16XL for SLFC technology demonstration,
induced drag, aspect ratio of wing, and, support for, 182
1819n11, 63, 23536, 291 F-16XL SLFC flight project office, 185
induced drag and aircraft performance, 63 ferry flights, 111
induced drag and delta-winged fighters, VIP flights, 35859
4647, 5253n41 Dryden Flight Research Center
ordnance drag penalties and speed and acoustic research, 23744
range of aircraft, vii, 287 Dana role at, 142, 147n64
semiconformal stores carriage and, 62 F-16XL-1 display, 283
skin friction drag, 62 F-16XL-2 SLFC research, 204, 205, 209,
supersonic wave drag, 6970 216
vortex lift and, 13, 2425, 43 F-16XL prototypes transfer to, ix, 289
wing design and, viii, 62, 288 F-16XL research, 297
wing twist and camber to minimize, 14, HSR program role, 180
3031, 6970, 69 management of, 190n1
See also lift-to-drag ratio (L/D ratio) pneumatic vortex control (PVC) research,
drag chutes 271, 278n32
advantages of, 76 SLFC technology research at, ix, 289
deployment flight tests, 307, 373 Spectral Analysis Facility, 197
design and installation of, 7576 Dual-Role Fighter (DRF)
drag chute fairings, 32 capabilities, requirements, and operational
F-16XL-1 landing rollout, 257 characteristics for, 149, 154, 155, 288
comparative flyoff and selection of, 127, F-16XL-1 delivery to, 103, 1045n16, 110
153, 157, 162 F-16XL flight-test program, viii, 288
competition and comparative evaluation See also Combined Test Force (CTF)
between F-16XL and F-15E, viii, 127, Ehernberger, L.J., 262
149, 15361, 16467, 288, 29597 ejection seat, 5
congressional restrictions on only one DRF elevator, 4950n24
production procurement, viii, 15758 elevons
costs and funding, viii, 153, 15557, 158, actuation horn failure, 112
161, 175n34 actuators for, 71
Enhanced Tactical Fighter (ETF), 149, 152, aerodynamic loads on wing from, 72
153 control surfaces for pitch attitude, 7980
F-16XL evaluation for, 108 design specifications and configuration, 68,
flight-test program, 15455 71, 82
opinions about competition, 16467 features and functions of, 7980, 80
origins of the program, 15059 hinge moment limitation, 123
OUE testing, 11314 installation of improved, 113
performance thresholds and goals, 15859 loads survey flight tests, 113, 307, 373
procurement quantities, 157, 158, 161, pitch control and, 28, 7980
174n27, 175n34 position when landing gear lowered, 85
prototype program for development of, 3 roll control and, 28, 80
selection of aircraft for, viii, 3, 61, 1089, SCAMP concept, 28, 31
16167, 161, 288 Ellis, J.A., 36
separate and independent evaluation for emergencies, in-flight, 222, 223
DRF criteria, 15859 emergency power unit (EPU), 21213, 232n22
source selection process and evaluation engine inlet
criteria, 15354, 15961 fixed-geometry inlet, 28
thrust-to-weight ratio and selection of, 61 fuselage lengthening and, 78
unit flyaway costs, 156, 157, 171, inlet diverter, 78, 206, 208
17475n28 shock wave, 21619, 218, 223, 29394
Dynamic Engineering, Inc. (DEI), 265, 277n22 variable-geometry inlet (VGI), 26, 28, 29, 29
DEI vane excitation system, 263, 26470, See also Large Normal Shock Inlet (LNSI)
269, 277n22, 278n28 engines
dynamic pressure (q), 19495, 229n3 FCF F-16XL-2 flight tests, 34752, 357
highnozzle bypass ration engines, acoustic
E research with, 23744
EADS, 253 turbulent airflow and engine performance,
Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) 206
altitude and temperature at and takeoff YF-16 turbofan engine, 5
and landing performance of aircraft, 118, See also F100-PW-200 engines; F110-GE
145n30 engine entries
Elegance in Flight
Enhanced Tactical Fighter (ETF), 149, 152, 153 DRF and development of, 15059
environmental control system (ECS), 307, 373 DRF costs and funding, 15557, 158, 161,
environmental cooling system, 78 175n34
Ettinger, Robert, 334, 351, 357, 360, 361 DRF procurement quantities, 158, 161,
Euler angles, 219, 232n28 175n34
European Space Agency, 27576n9 DRF selection and production, viii, 3, 61,
excrescences (surface imperfections), 204, 108, 109, 16167, 161, 288
209, 221, 23233n32 end of production, 176n46
external stores. See weapons carriage and F-16E as complimentary to F-15E, viii,
external stores 15758
FAST Packs, 150, 151
F first production aircraft delivery and flight,
F-4 Phantom II, 48n7, 104n9, 109, 110, 114, 161, 176n46
155 number of aircraft produced, 176n46
F-5 fighters, 109, 114, 281 production of, viii, 109
F9F-6 Cougar, 49n19 separate and independent evaluation for
F11F-1 Tiger, 49n19 DRF criteria, 15859
F-15 Advanced Fighter Capability Demonstrator Strike Eagle name, 151
(AFCD), 15152, 159 takeoff gross weight, 157
F-15 Eagle fighter unit flyaway costs, 156, 157, 171,
AIM-9L missile use, 63 17475n28
capabilities and operational characteristics, variants for foreign air forces, 176n46
150 weapons carriage and release pylons, 151,
conformal weapons carriage, 48n7 166
dynamic ground effects research, 258 F-16A Fighting Falcon (Viper)
HIDEC program, 147n64 avionics, 82
interest in alternative to, 23 cockpit and flight controls, 79
lowsonic boom flight configuration, 281 engine for, 83
production of, 150, 173n5 number produced, 6
F-15E Strike Eagle fighter operational use by air forces, 6
Air Force funding support for, 171 photo of, 6
Air Force interest in, viii production of, 6
Air Force support for, 15152 service life of airframe, 61
capabilities and operational characteristics, speed capabilities, 58
151, 15253 success of design of, 6
competition and comparative evaluation takeoff and landing distances, 58
between F-16XL and, viii, 127, 149, thrust-to-weight ratio, 114
15361, 16467, 288, 29597 weight of, 6061
competitive prototyping program for F-16XL F-16B fighters, 79, 114
and, 57
Elegance in Flight
SLFC research, 190n4, 20226, 29294 final flight, 136, 140, 169, 17172
SLFC research flights, 185, 22126, 221 first chips ceremony, 59
SLFC simulator flights, 2089 follow-on studies, 16
SLFC test planning and management, funding for, viii
2045 HSCT comparison to, 227, 227
SLFC wind tunnel testing, 185, 205, 2078 initiative to design and develop, vii, 28788
storage of prototypes at end of program, viii, last time moving under own power, 280,
109, 136, 140, 169, 172, 288 282, 282
supersonic cruise capabilities and lessons learned, 28991
performance, 144n16 multirole mission of, 97
takeoff performance, 118 NASA flight research with, 179
test objectives and flight summary, 3068, NASA support for design and development
37374 of, 28991
weight of, 61, 111 personnel and management of program,
wing spar modification, 73 5556, 58, 61
F-16XL aircraft proposal for design and construction of two
Air Force need for, 56 flight-test prototypes, 5558
Air Force procurement of, push for, 96 prototype program for development of, 23
Air Force support for, 152 retirement of, 283
anticipated capabilities, 5758, 15253 SCAMP design and development of, 16,
articles written about, 142 2435, 34
component fabrication, 59 schedule for program, 5862, 60
contributions to research, ix, 289, 29597 support and funding for development,
controlled vortex lift and design of, 45 28788
costs and funding for prototype design and technical data and reports related to
construction, 35, 5557, 58, 65n2, 65n6, program, ix, 289
171 termination of development program, viii
design and fabrication/manufacturing of, unit flyaway costs, 171
35, 6162, 7179, 28991 wind tunnel models, 3536, 35, 37, 3940,
design and manufacturing drawings, 59 39
design evolution, 34, 34 working relationship between GD and NASA,
design specifications and configuration, 68, joint SCAMP research, and prototype
6970, 69, 82 configurations for, vii, 28788
end of program, ix, 108, 122, 127, 136, XL suffix, story behind, 7
17172, 289 F-18 fighter, 281
engineering drawings, 59, 66n17 F-22A Raptor, 2021n24, 97, 97, 116, 171,
enthusiastic following for, 172 17475n28
F-16 aircraft for program, 55, 56, 57 F100-PW-200 engines, 57, 66n21, 76, 8384,
F-16 derivative investigations and design of, 110, 116, 118, 126, 166, 281
711, 1516, 29697 F101 Derivative Fighter Engine (DFE), 83
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL-2 final flight, 136, 140, 169, features and functions of, 7981, 80, 81,
17172 290
F-16XL-2 flights, 108, 109, 11112 flight-test evaluation and development of,
F-16XL-2 flight-test log, 334, 33843, 109
351, 35354, 357 integrated fire and flight control system
ferry range, 116 (IFFCS), 26
number of flights, 307, 373 issues and resolutions, 13940
structural modifications, flights to GD for, 75 modification of F-16 FBW system, 30, 79
fighter aircraft pitch gallop and conflict in, 103
advanced fighter designs, contract awards pitch override system, 81, 290
for studies of, 11 redesign of and airspeed capabilities, 123
GD supercruise fighter concept design reliability of, 12526
effort, 15 self-test function, 79
supersonic combat capabilities, interest in, sidestick controller, 5, 81, 81
viiviii, 1112, 15, 2021n24, 23, 287 software development, 37, 70
fighter mafia, 23 testing of, 81, 290
Finley, Dennis B., 46 YF-16 quadruple-redundant FBW system, 5
fins, ventral and dorsal, 75 YF-16 taxi test, PIO, and FCS gains, 5
Fischer, Eugene, 334, 351, 360 flight envelope
Fischer, Michael C., 185, 203, 205 aft CoG envelope expansion flight tests,
Fisher, Bruce D., 244 306, 373
Fisher, David F., 244 DFCS testing restrictions on, 27172, 271
flight control surfaces. See control surfaces envelope expansion flights, 113
flight control systems (FCS) and fly-by-wire F-16XL-1 envelope expansion flights, 103,
(FBW) flight control systems 110
automatic spin prevention system, 39, 70 F100 engine envelope expansion flight
checking and preparations for flight testing, tests, 307, 373
95 flutter envelope expansion flight tests and
cockpit installation, 79, 81 evaluation of, 306, 373
control laws, 79, 140 high-speed envelope expansion flight tests,
differences between YF-16 and production 307, 373
F-16 fighters, 6 SLFC research flights, 19395, 198, 198,
digital flight control system (DFCS), F-16XL 199, 203, 21011, 222, 22324
prototypes use for research on, 179, 184, flight readiness reviews, 95
246, 27074, 271, 272, 292 flight-test program
digital flight control system (DFCS), pilots AFFTC evaluation, 27, 297
comments on handling qualities, 27274, Air Force flight-test evaluation, viii, 27, 39,
37582 70, 103, 140, 142, 288, 297
FBW flight control vs. conventional controls, costs and funding, 108
33 criticism about, 127
Elegance in Flight
CTF approach to evaluation, viii, 288 F-16XL-1 flights, 127, 306, 307, 30914,
CTF test team, viii 31721, 329, 373
discrepancies, flights without, 140, 141 F-16XL-2 flights, 113, 127, 306, 307,
DRF evaluation, 108 34041, 34648, 373
Edwards AFB flight-test program, viii, F-16XL prototypes use for research, 179,
11026, 288 235
F-16 aircraft for, 55, 56, 57 in-flight flutter testing, 263 (see also flutter
F-16XL-1 flight-test log, 140, 30933 excitation system test)
F-16XL-2 flight-test log, 140, 33457 follow-on investigation, 128
first flight, schedule for, 59, 104n1 onset speed, 193
flight-test activity summary, 141, 3035 SLFC wing gloves and, 19398
follow-on flight-test activities, 12833 structural failure from, 36, 4950n24
limited continuing testing and end of testing test instrumentation parameters, 8889
program, viii, 288 flutter excitation system test, 235, 26370
number of flight hours, 112, 136, 140, 141, characteristics of system, 263
170, 304 DEI vane excitation system, 263, 26470,
number of flights, viii, 59, 103, 108, 109, 269, 277n22, 278n28
11213, 114, 115, 127, 136, 140, 141, development and patenting of excitation
169, 170, 288 system, 263
objectives and flight summary, 3068, objectives of testing and summary of
37374 results, 263, 265, 26970
pace of, 11214 oscillating aerodynamic vanes, 263, 264,
personnel and management of program, 278n27
5556, 58, 61 pilot-induced control surface pulses, 263
Phase I testing, viii, 1089, 11314, pyrotechnic thrusters (bonkers), 263, 264,
11517, 12728 27778n26
Phase II testing Development (Extended) rotary inertial exciter, 263, 264, 277n25
Flight Test, 109, 11314 sinusoidal control surface excitation, 263,
Phase III Pre-FSED Flight Test, 109 264
phases and objectives, 1089 test procedures, 26669
preparations for, 95 fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control systems. See
proposal for, 5558 flight control systems (FCS) and fly-by-wire
resources and funding for, 5557, 58, 65n2 (FBW) flight control systems
schedule for, 56, 5862, 60 forebody strakes, 4, 78
support and funding for, viiviii, 288 formation flight
flow visualization techniques, 236 close formation ferry flight, 11112
flutter close trail formation flight, 27274, 38082
concept of, 36 handling and controllability qualities during,
effects of, 36 12324, 27274, 38182
forward-looking infrared (FLIR) system, 176n54
forward-swept wing aircraft, Request for F-16 aircraft, vii, 6, 7677, 76, 87, 125, 287
Proposals for, 11 F-16XL aircraft, 10, 56, 82
Frantz, Bruce, 42 F-16XL/F-16F aircraft, 16769, 168
free-flight testing, 3536, 35 management of program and
Free University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit communications during, 16869, 177n61
Brussel/Numeca), 253 Pre-FSED Flight Test, 109
frequency modulation (FM) data, 88 Full-Scale Tunnel, 30- by 60-foot
Frink, Neal T., 45 CAWAP research, 249, 250
Frost, Martin, 96 F-16XL testing, 35
fuel and fuel tanks SCAMP concept testing, 2930, 31, 33
checking, calibrating, and preparations for SCIF-4 testing, 13
flight testing, 95 vortex flap research, 4546
conformal fuel tanks, 150, 151 functional check flights
cranked-arrow wings and capacity for, 10, F-16XL-1 flights, 308, 309, 311, 313,
69, 69 32122, 324, 333
external fuel tanks, 84, 85, 8687, 97, 116, F-16XL-2 flights, 308, 33435, 345,
128, 129, 132 34753, 357
F-16 fuselage fuel capacity, 69, 84 number of flights, 308
F-16A specifications, 61 fuselage
F-16XL fuselage fuel capacity, 69, 84, 111, aft fuselage clearance at touchdown, 119,
291 121
features of system, 84 design and modifications to, 7679
fuel consumption savings with SLFC, 181, differences between YF-16 and production
190n4, 191n13 F-16 fighters, 6
fuel pumps and transfer system, 84 F-16 derivative investigations and
internal fuel fraction, 84 lengthening of, 7
JP-4 fuel flight tests, 136, 307, 373 F-16 fuselage and SCAMP, 15, 28
JP-8 fuel flight tests, 136, 307, 373 fairing around suction panelfuselage joint,
quick combat turnaround demonstration 21011, 213, 215, 216
and refueling, 115 fuel capacity in F-16 aircraft, 69, 84
spin tunnel testing with external fuel tanks, fuel capacity in F-16XL aircraft, 69, 84,
3738 111, 291
wind tunnel testing of external wing tanks, fuselage stations (FS), 72, 9192n8
42, 42 length of, 69
See also aerial refueling S-curved wing apex and merger with wing,
Full-Scale Development (FSD) aircraft and 32, 34, 245
programs stretched F-16 as basis for F-16XL design,
differences between production and FSD vii, 28, 7679, 287
aircraft, 6, 125 test instrumentation parameters and
F-15E selection and production, 109 sensors, 89
Elegance in Flight
wing design and mating to lengthened General Electric F110-GE-100 engine. See
fuselage, 25 F110-GE-100 engine; F110-GE-100 Slimline
wing-fuselage attachment fittings, 72 engine
wing-fuselage shear tie stress and General Electric F110-GE-129 engine. See
reinforced shear ties, 72 F110-GE-129 engine
wing-fuselage shear tie stress test General Electric F110-GE-132 engine, 93n28
instrumentation parameters and sensors, Gentry, Jerauld, 334, 351, 361
89, 90 German Aviation Research Institute, 278n27
XYZ coordinate system, 9192n8 Gibson, Gordon F., 15
Gilbert, William P., 180
G Gilcrist, Paul, 360
Gabriel, Charles A., 96, 158, 161 Glenn Research Center/Lewis Research Center,
GBU-28 bomb, 161 180, 190n1
General Accounting Office (GAO), 127, 158, Goldwater, Barry, 96
15961 Golub, Robert A., 239
General Dynamics Corporation (GD) Goodall, Harry A., 334, 347, 359
Air Force flight-test evaluation pilots, 142 Gordon, James A. Jim, 30, 30, 59
composite structures use, 290 Gorton, William, 334, 350, 360
Convair Division, 18n9, 35, 120 Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE), 55,
CTF personnel from, 107, 108 56, 57
forward-swept wing aircraft, response to g-overshoot (pitch inflection)
RFP for, 11 characteristics of, 123, 128
initiative to design a supersonic combat control of, 123
aircraft, vii, 287, 29697 F-16XL-1 flights, 306, 330, 333, 373
removal of prototypes from storage, 16, F-16XL-1 load factor, 116
179, 18285 flight control computer changes and, 140
storage of prototypes at end of program, viii, recommendations for elimination of, 140
109, 136, 140, 169, 288 Graff, George S., 151, 173n8
wind tunnels at, 31 Grafton, Sue B., 3233, 35, 49n21
working relationship between NASA and, graphite-bismaleimide composite material,
vii, 28788 7375, 74
General Dynamics F-111/F-111F Aardvark. See graphite-epoxy composite materials, 73
F-111/F-111F Aardvark graphite-polyimide composite material, 73, 73
General Dynamics/Lockheed Martin YF-16 Grindle, Thomas, 86
fighter program. See YF-16 fighter ground effect
General Electric Aircraft Engines, 180 dynamic ground effects research, 25558
General Electric F101 Derivative Fighter Engine landing performance and, 11920,
(DFE), 83 144n26, 255
lift coefficient during final approach and
landing, 25758
Elegance in Flight
Elegance in Flight
Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor, 2021n24, 97, lift/drag ratio, aspect ratio of wing, and,
97, 116, 171, 17475n28 1819n11
Lockheed Martin/General Dynamics YF-16 LWF objectives, 3, 4
fighter program. See YF-16 fighter OUE testing, 114
Lockheed Martin Tactical Systems Division, 270 subsonic highacceleration of gravity
Lockheed Skunk Works, 2 maneuvering flight and loss of airspeed,
Lockheed SR-71 aircraft, 184, 25862, 259, viii, 288
281, 292 supersonic cruise capabilities and, 23
Lockheed YF-12 aircraft, 147n64 swept wings and vortex flow technology
Lockheed YF-22A ATF prototype, 116 investigations, 12
Lockheed YO-3A aircraft, 184, 26061, 261, vortex lift and, 13, 43, 44, 46
262, 27677n20, 292 weapons carriage and external stores and,
Low Aerodynamic Drag Ejector (LODE-14) 8586
bomb rack, 85, 86, 93n32 See also turns and turn maneuvers
Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared Marquardt, Roger, 30
for Night (LANTIRN) system, 82, 83, 86, 87, Mars Curiosity rover, 232n22
93n26, 152, 155, 176n54 Martin Marietta, 26
lowsonic shock flight demonstrator, 28183 Martin Marietta X-24B lifting body, 147n64
Low-Speed Tunnel, 12-foot, 45 Materials Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base (AFB), 73
M McCarthy, David, 18384
M2-F1 lifting body, 147n64 McDonnell-Douglas/Boeing F/A-18 fighter. See
M2-F3 lifting body, 147n64 F/A-18 and F/A-18A fighter
M61/M61A1 rotary cannon, 87, 113, 115, 133, McDonnell-Douglas Corporation (MDC)
187 all-weather strike aircraft development, 150
Majors, Lee, 177n68 F-16XL-2 SLFC research, 204, 205, 209
maneuverability HSCT design and characteristics, 17980
ATF program focus, viii, 2021n24 HSR program role of McDonnell-Douglas
cranked-arrow wings and, 10, 291 Aerospace, 180
cranked double delta wings and, 16 SLFC on supersonic civil transport, research
external stores configurations and, 129 on, 181
F-16XL anticipated capabilities, 58 SLFC wing glove design, fabrication, and
F-16XL capabilities, 63, 11617, 163, installation, 185, 186, 209, 216, 293
29091 McDonnell-Douglas F-4 Phantom II, 48n7,
firing positions on enemy aircraft, 6364 104n9, 109, 110, 114, 155, 258
free-flight testing, 36 McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Advanced Fighter
highAoA maneuvering capabilities, 37, 63 Capability Demonstrator (AFCD), 15152, 159
induced drag and delta-winged fighters, McDonnell-Douglas F-15E fighter. See F-15E
4647, 5253n41 Strike Eagle fighter
Elegance in Flight
McDonnell-Douglas F-15 fighter. See F-15 ejector racks and launchers, 8586, 87,
Eagle fighter 93n32, 111
McDonnell-Douglas KC-10 tankers, 124, 341, F-16XL-1 configuration for flight tests, 110
353 F-16XL multirole mission capabilities, 97
McInerney, Thomas, 334, 349, 360 F-16XL prototype specifications, 61
McKinley Climatic Laboratory, 76, 92n14 firing positions on enemy aircraft, 6364
McKinney, James A. Jim Spider fuselage modifications for weapons carriage
career and experience of, 104n9 stations, 78, 92n19
CTF role, 108 highAoA flight tests, 113
death of, 104n9, 172 interface and fire control provisions, 87
F-16XL-1 first flight, vi, 98103, 99 quick combat turnaround demonstration
F-16XL-1 flights, 112 and loading of, 115
F-16XL-1 flight-test log, 30921 spin tunnel testing with AMRAAMs, 38
F-16XL-2 first flight, 111 types and number of, 85, 86, 87, 13133,
F-16XL-2 flight-test log, 33435, 33744, 131
34648 weapons separation tests, 4243, 47,
ferry flights, 110 51n32, 109, 111, 111
VIP flights, 142, 359 wind tunnel testing of carriage
McLucas, John, 1 configurations, 4142, 42
McMullen, Thomas H., 96, 360 See also weapons carriage and external
McNamara, Robert, 149 stores
Messerschmitt Me 163B rocket fighter aircraft, mission-proven systems, 362, 364
232n22 mission-qualified systems, 362, 36364
Mikoyan MiG-15 Fagot, 49n19 missions
Mikoyan MiG-17 Fresco, 49n19 F-16 derivative investigations to expand
Mikoyan MiG-19 Farmer, 49n19 capabilities, 7
Mikoyan MiG-21 Fishbed, 49n19, 5253n41 F-16 multirole mission, vii, 287
Mikoyan MiG-23 Flogger, 49n19 F-111 fighter multipurpose mission, 17n1
Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum, 63 Mk-82 bombs
mil, 383n2 carriage configurations, 110
Miley, Stan J., 208 carriage configurations and ejector racks,
Miller, David S., 15 85, 111
missiles, air-to-air and air-to-ground F-16XL-1 flights, 11516
accuracy of delivery, 111 F-16XL-1 flight tests, 111, 111, 305
all-aspect target engagement, 6364, F-16XL-2 flight tests, 305
67n27 F-16XL multirole mission capabilities, 97
avionics for delivery and engagement highAoA flight tests, 113
capabilities, 8283, 93n26 liftoff speeds and ordnance loads, 118
dummy AMRAAMs, 61, 92n19 photos of F-16XL-1 release of, 113
quick combat turnaround demonstration National Museum of the United States Air Force,
and loading of, 115 283
scaled models for testing, 42 National Test Pilot School, 9, 19n13
weapons carriage and delivery and Navier, M., 231n17
separation tests, 13233 Navier-Stokes CFD flow solver, 211
weapons separation tests, 300301 Navier-Stokes CFD model, Reynolds-averaged,
weight and weapons configurations, 84 199200
Mk-84 bombs, 42, 86, 13233, 3012, 305 Navier-Stokes equations, 209, 231n17
Model 400 aircraft, 57 Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), 109, 114
Model 2707-300 SST, 181 Nixon, Richard M., 1
Mojave and Lightweight Fighter fly-off, x, 4 noise abatement. See acoustic research and
Monahan, George L., 59, 96, 334, 346, 358 noise abatement
Money, Alex, 42 Norlin, Ken A., 271
Montgomery, Terry, 145n32 North American Aviation, Rockwell Corporation
Morris, O.A., 14 HSR program role, 180
Murri, David G., 45 Tu-144 SLFC test bed, 22728
Tulinius role at, 19091n8
N wing glove design and fabrication, 200
NASTRAN (NASA Structural Analysis System), North American Aviation P-51 Mustang/P-51
71, 290 Mustang Galloping Ghost, 4950n24,
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 23233n32
(NACA) airfoils, 71, 200, 23233n32 North American X-15 aircraft, 147n64
National Aeronautics and Space Administration North American XB-70A Valkyrie, 25
(NASA) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
F-16XL program participation, 5859, 70 aircraft to defend Central Region, 149
Management Instruction, 27576n9 airfield lengths, 76
NASA Structural Analysis System Research and Technology Organization
(NASTRAN), 71, 290 (RTO), 25254
supersonic transport and fighter research Research and Technology Organization
of, vii, 28788 (RTO) Air Vehicle Technology (AVT)
Technology Readiness Levels and scale, Symposium, 251
252, 254, 27576n9, 362, 36364 Technology Readiness Levels and scale use
thrust-reversing nozzle research, 59, 66n15 by, 27576n9
transfer of F-16XL prototypes to, 16, 179, Northrop F-5 fighters, 109, 114, 281
18283 Northrop HL-10 lifting body, 147n64
vortex flap research, 59, 66n15 Northrop M2-F1 lifting body, 147n64
working relationship between GD and, vii, Northrop M2-F3 lifting body, 147n64
28788 Northrop YF-17 fighter, 2, 34, 4, 6, 143n8
National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR), Norum, Thomas D., 239
Netherlands, 253, 254, 254 nuclear weapons, 87
Elegance in Flight
O performance
Obara, Clifford J., 244 advantages and limitations, 6264, 297
Odgers, Peter W. delta-winged aircraft, 9
F-16XL-2 flights, 134, 337 digital flight control system (DFCS), pilots
VIP flight, 358 comments on handling qualities, 27274,
Oestricher, Phil, 5, 334 37582
Ogburn, Marilyn E., 27 DRF performance thresholds and goals,
Ohlson, W.E., 45 15859
Olow, Bengt, 9 F-16XL-1 flights, 110, 11517, 127, 306,
Operational Utility Evaluation (OUE) 307, 30915, 31923, 373
DRF flight testing, 155 F-16XL-2 flights, 113, 11517, 127,
F-16XL-1 flight tests, 127, 307, 31620, 306, 307, 33438, 34045, 34748,
373 35255, 357, 373
F-16XL-2 flight tests, 127, 307, 33945, F-16XL anticipated capabilities, 5758
349, 373 follow-on investigation, 128
number of flights, 109, 114 induced drag and aircraft performance, 63
scope of evaluation, 1089, 11315 J 35/Sk 35C Draken (Dragon), 9
test instrumentation parameters, 8889 mission radius, 58, 6263, 164
Operational Utility of Supersonic Cruise test instrumentation parameters, 8889
conference, 1112, 14 tight turns and F-16XL performance, 9
oscillating aerodynamic vanes, 263, 264, YF-16 fighter success of technology
278n27 demonstration and advancement in fighter
performance, 56
P Phillips, Richard W., Jr., 334, 346, 359
P-51 Mustang/P-51 Mustang Galloping Ghost, photos and photo flights
4950n24, 23233n32 F-16XL-1 flights, 99, 112, 113
PA-30 Twin Comanche, 147n64 F-16XL-2 flights, 347
Packard, David, 12 piezoelectric sensors, 195, 229n4
paint schemes, 106, 114, 117, 169, 169, pilot-induced oscillation (PIO)
177n62, 236 air-to-air tracking and, 37880
Paulk, R.A., 42 close trail formation flight and, 38182
Pave Tack, 149 takeoffs and landings and, 140
payload YF-16 taxi test, PIO, and FCS gains, 5
cranked-arrow wings and, 10 pilots
F-16 derivative investigations to extend, 7 Air Force flight-test evaluation, 142
F-16XL flight demonstration capabilities, CTF personnel, 1078
viii, 288 pilot training, checkout, and familiarization flights
SCAMP/F-16XL follow-on studies, 16 F-16XL-1 flights, 126, 308, 30910, 323,
See also weapons carriage and external 374
stores F-16XL-2 flights, 308, 334, 339, 350, 374
number of flights, 308, 374 Plum Tree Island test facility, 4041, 40, 41
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche, 147n64 pneumatic vortex control (PVC) research, 246,
pitch and pitch attitude 271, 274, 278n32, 292
ailerons and pitch control, 80 Polhamus, Edward C., 45, 4344
arrow wings and pitch up, 3233 Prandtl, Ludwig, 23132n20
control laws, 140 Pratt & Whitney, 180
elevons and pitch control, 28, 7980 Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200 engines, 57,
F-16XL-1 first flight, 1012 66n21, 8384, 116, 118, 126, 166, 281
handling qualities, pilots comments on, Presidential Blue Ribbon Defense Panel, 1
27374, 37677 Preston, J.H., 275n7
highAoA and nose-down pitch attitude, Preston tubes, 247, 247, 248, 249, 275n7
130, 139 Program Objective Memorandum (POM), 56,
manual pitch override (MPO) capability, 81, 65n6
290 propulsion
nose-down pitch trim, 128 F-16XL-1 flights, 127, 31724
nose-up pitching moment, 31 F-16XL-2 flights, 113, 127, 307, 33435,
notch filter, 1023, 137 34344, 35156, 373
pitch axis instability, 31 HSR program research on, 180
pitch inflection. See g-overshoot (pitch test instrumentation parameters, 8889
inflection) Propulsion Management Team (PMT), 180
pitch-rocking maneuver, 81, 290 Propulsion Wind Tunnel (PWT), 4243
pitch trim, lift coefficient, an landing prototype programs
performance, 12122 candidates for prototyping, USAF initiative
SCAMP wind tunnel testing results report, to identify, 2
33, 49n21 competitive prototyping and Fly-Before-Buy
vortex flaps and, 45 approach to acquisition process, 13
vortex flow and wing design, 33 competitive prototyping program for F-16XL
wing aerodynamic pitching moment and and F-15E aircraft, 57
pitch up, 4849nn1314 DoD program guidelines, 23
wing LEFs and, 80 Technology Readiness Levels and scale,
xyz system, 232n28 252, 254, 27576n9, 362, 36364
pitch-and-roll oscillation phenomenology, 179 pulse code modulation (PCM) data, 88
pitch oscillation/pitch gallop Purifoy, Dana D.
causes and resolution of, 1023, 137, 138, career and experience of, 233n35
139, 140, 291 F-16XL-1 DFCS evaluation flights, 272, 272
characteristics of, 128, 13637 F-16XL-2 research flights, 22123, 221
F-16XL-1 first flight, 1023 F-16XL-2 SLFC research, 205
F-16XL-1 flights, 103, 306, 373 F-16XL-2 SLFC research flights, 185,
follow-on investigation, 128, 13639 36572
target tracking and, 124, 128, 291 F-16XL-2 SLFC simulator flights, 209
Elegance in Flight
Elegance in Flight
F-16XL proposal submitted to, 55 F-16XL speed and range, 6263, 11516,
VIP flight, 358 15758, 291
Slaughter, Steve, 213 flight envelope expansion flights, 113
Smith, G.K., 108, 334, 346 high-speed envelope expansion F-16XL-2
Smith, John, 145n32 flight tests, 346
Smolka, James W. high-speed envelope expansion flight tests,
F-16XL-1 simulation-to-flight flying qualities 307, 373
test effort, 236 high-speed handling qualities, 12223
F-16XL-1 taxi test, 282, 282 liftoff speeds, 118
F-16XL for SLFC technology demonstration, loss of airspeed during subsonic high
support for, 182 acceleration of gravity maneuvering flight,
test pilot role, 11, 190n6 viii, 288
X-29 flight research program role, 11 maximum Mach number/airspeed, 123, 170
Sonic Boom Integrated Technology ride quality and, 114, 122
Development Team, 258 touchdown speeds, 121
sonic booms speed brakes
aerial refueling during research flights, 258 actuator failure, 110
F-16XL prototypes use for research and F-16XL-1 flight for loads testing, 306, 330,
research contributions, ix, 235, 289, 292, 373
297 F-16XL-1 single-seat prototype, 257, 259
instrumentation for data collection, 258, features and functions of, 8081, 80
25961 spin and spin recovery
lowsonic shock flight demonstrator, antispin chute, 113
28183 antispin system development, 39
probing experiment and maneuvers, 184, automatic spin prevention system, 39, 70,
25862, 259, 261, 27677n20, 292 290
signature measurement and prediction, 235 center-of-gravity and, 39
See also acoustic research and noise F-16XL flight demonstration capabilities,
abatement viii, 288
South Korea Air Force, 176n46 flat erect spin modes, 39
space coordinates, 232n28 flight testing and evaluation of, 39
Space Shuttle Auxiliary Power Units (APUs), inverted spin mode, 39
232n22 recovery techniques for spin modes, 39
speed resistance to spin development, 70, 130
F-16C/D speed and range, 116, 291 SCAMP/F-16XL follow-on studies, 16
F-16 speed and range capabilities, vii, 287 vortex flaps and, 46
F-16XL-1 flights, 113, 115 wing LEFs and, 80
F-16XL-2 flights, 113 spin recovery parachute, 37, 3940, 39, 129
F-16XL anticipated capabilities, 58, spin tunnel testing, 3740, 39
15253 spray bar, 135, 35354
SR-71 aircraft, 184, 25862, 259, 281, 292 static testing, 95, 95
stability and control (S&C) stealth aircraft
air dams (wing fences) and, 32, 33, 49n19 ATF program focus, viii, 2021n24, 97
external stores configurations and, 129 F-117/F-117A stealth attack aircraft, viii, 2,
F-16XL-1 flights, 11011, 127, 306, 307, 149, 288
30915, 31718, 322, 324, 32829, faceted airframe shaping and stealth
373 technology, 2
F-16XL-2 flights, 127, 135, 306, 307, 334, Stokes, G.G., 231n17
33639, 341, 34446, 34849, 351, Stoliker, Patrick C., 271
35456, 373 strakes
FBW flight control and, 33 forebody strakes, 4, 78
follow-on investigation, 12829 SCIF-5 nose-mounted strakes, 14
highAoA and, 13031 Strategic Air Command (SAC), 124
resistance to loss of control, 70 Strategic Defense Initiative Office, 144n20
rudder-aileron interconnect and, 33, 139, structural coupling tests, 95
140 structural loads
SCAMP concept, 2930, 3133, elevon actuation horn failure and, 112
4849nn1314 F-16XL-1 flights, 127, 31112, 322
SCAMP/F-16XL follow-on studies, 16 F-16XL-2 flights, 113, 127, 13536, 306,
SCAMP wind tunnel testing results report, 33439, 341, 345, 349, 373
3233, 49n21 g-overshoot and, 123, 128
tail design and, 29, 32 LNSI and, 13536
test instrumentation parameters, 8889 test instrumentation parameters and
vortex flow, wing design, and, 33 sensors, 8890, 89
wing LEFs and, 33, 80, 290 wing break loads test instrumentation
wingtips and, 2930 parameters and sensors, 89, 90
stall and stall recovery wing-fuselage shear tie stress and
accidents related to deep stall, 14546n46 reinforced shear ties, 72
deep stall avoidance and recovery, 81, wing-fuselage shear tie stress test
9293n24, 290 instrumentation parameters and sensors,
deep stall concept, 14546n46 89, 90
deep stall resistance, 130 structural proof testing, 95, 95
forebody strakes and, 4 structures, HSR program research on, 180
J 35/Sk 35C Draken (Dragon), 9, 19n13, Stucky, Mark P., 185, 209, 222, 36768, 370,
9293n24, 130 371
pitch-rocking maneuver and, 81, 290 suction system for SLFC, 200201, 200, 204,
tail design and, 30 209, 210, 21114, 212, 213, 214, 293
Statement of Operational Need (SON), 15859, Sukhoi Su-7 Fitter, 49n19
160 Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker, 63, 281
Elegance in Flight
Supersonic Combat and Maneuvering Prototype wind tunnel testing results report, 3233,
(SCAMP), 23. See also Supersonic Cruise and 49n21
Maneuver Prototype (SCAMP) wing design, 2426, 24, 2729, 27, 29,
Supersonic Commercial Air Transport (SCAT) 3033
program working relationship between GD and NASA
cranked-arrow wing evaluation, 12 and joint SCAMP research, vii, 28788
SCAT-15F, 12, 12, 20n23 supersonic cruise capabilities and performance
swept wing design evaluation, 15 afterburner use and, viii, 116, 288
Supersonic Cruise Aerodynamics Research ATF program objective, viii, 97
(SCAR), 27, 28 concept and parameters, 116
Supersonic Cruise and Maneuver Prototype cooperative NASAGD design efforts,
(SCAMP) 1416
computer simulation analysis, 26 cranked double delta wings and, 16
concept, design, and configurations, 2431, F-16XL anticipated capabilities, 5758
24, 26, 27, 29, 30 F-16XL capabilities, 116, 144n16
cooperative NASAGD design efforts, interest in for advanced fighters, viiviii,
1416, 2427, 3035 1112, 23, 287
costs and funding, 3435 military mission success and, 12
design evolution, 3134, 32, 34 reports and conferences about technology
development of concept, 16 for, 1112, 14
F-16 derivative investigations and design of research programs, 1216, 12, 14
F-16XL fighter, 7, 1516 wing design and, 1416
follow-on studies, 16 Supersonic Cruise Integrated Fighter (SCIF)
initiative to design a supersonic combat program, 1214, 14, 15, 25
aircraft, vii, 287 SCIF-4 design, 1314, 14
matrix model, 24, 24, 2930, 30, 31 SCIF-5 design, 13, 14
Model 400 aircraft, 57 Supersonic Cruise Research (SCR) program, 12
model testing, 24 supersonic flight
rationale behind, 23 ATF program focus, viii, 2021n24
renaming of, 23 F-16XL flight demonstration capabilities,
SCAMP designation for F-16XL proposal, 57 viii, 288
stability and control, 2930, 3133, supersonic combat capabilities, Air Force
4849nn1314 interest in, vii, 287
validation plan, 2526, 26 supersonic commercial aircraft, 296
vortex flap research, 44 supersonic laminar flow control (SLFC)
wind tunnel testing, 1516, 22, 24, 2526, technology
28, 28, 2930, 30, 3133, 31, 32 ACEE program research on, 18081
wind tunnel testing, number of hours, active laminar flow research studies, 184
3435 active suction concepts, development and
evaluation of, ix, 289
Elegance in Flight
Elegance in Flight
Elegance in Flight
weapons carriage and external stores, suction effects on transition from laminar to
4143, 42, 47, 51n32, 289 turbulent flow, 22526
wing design and drag, evaluation of, 70 suction panel design and fabrication,
wing fences (air dams), 32, 33, 49n19 21416, 215
wing gloves and panels for SLFC suction pressure variation and volume of
active suction concepts, development and boundary-layer airflow, 203
evaluation of, ix, 289 suction system, 200201, 200, 204, 209,
active suction glove, design, fabrication, and 210, 21114, 212, 213, 214, 293
installation of, 185, 18687, 200201, titanium wing glove cost, 185
200, 205 turbocompressor for active suction system,
active suction system, concept and 21213, 212, 213, 223, 293
characteristics of, 185 turbulence diverter, 204, 225
active suction wing for HSCT, challenges of weight of, 193
producing, 190n4 wind tunnel testing, 185, 205, 2078, 293
active-suction wing glove, design, wing stiffness and, 196
installation, and testing, 293 wing leading-edge flaps (LEF)
active-suction wing glove testing, 185 actuators for, 71
F-16XL-1 active suction and passive laminar aerodynamic loads on wing from, 72
flow glove, 185, 192, 193, 199202, 199, CAWAP and vortex flap research, 24546
200, 201, 202, 205, 210, 292 delta wing with leading-edge vortex camber,
F-16XL-1 modifications for SLFC research, 25
184, 193, 292 design specifications and configuration, 68,
F-16XL-2 active suction glove, 178, 185, 71, 82
18687, 186, 188, 193, 2045, 205, differential deflection capability, 80
206, 20916, 210, 214, 215, 226, F-16XL implementation, 32
29394 features and functions of, 80, 80
F-16XL-2 passive laminar flow glove, 186, hinge moment evaluation F-16XL-2 flight
204, 205, 206, 206, 207, 207, 29293 tests, 307, 337, 347, 373
fairing around suction panelfuselage joint, inboard-mounted vortex flaps, 40
21011, 213, 215, 216 locked LEF F-16XL-1 flight tests, 306, 325,
flutter and, 19398 32728, 373
GVTs before and after installation of, 193, locked LEF F-16XL-2 flight tests, 355
194, 19596, 198 locked LEF follow-on investigation, 12829
instrumentation on, 201, 201, 206, 206, pitch control and, 80
207, 209, 210, 21920, 223, 232n29 SCAMP concept, 24, 25, 27, 27, 28, 29,
pressure distribution, design, 211 29, 3132
pressure distribution and transition data, spin prevention and design of, 70
2012 spin recovery and, 80
pressure distribution during flight tests, 211 stability and control and, 33, 80, 290
tabbed vortex flap, 4546
Elegance in Flight
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC
NASA SP-2014-618