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Review Units 1 and 2

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Unit 1 Grammar & Reading review

1 Complete the table with the time expressions and adverbs of frequency below.
today now often on Sundays every year tomorrow night this morning at this moment twice a week usually

Present Simple
Pr. Continuous

2 Choose the correct answer.

1. They go to church . a. on Sundays b. now c. at this moment

2. I . listen to classical music. a. every year b. often c. today
3. My dad is making pancakes for breakfast . a. this morning b. usually c. twice a week
4. We are flying to Germany . a. on Sundays b. tomorrow night c. often
5. My friends go shopping . a. twice a week b. now c. at this moment

3 Choose the correct answer.

1. What are you cooking? It smells / is smelling wonderful.

2. What time do you usually go / are you usually going to bed?
3. Be quiet! The baby sleeps / is sleeping.
4. How often do you visit / are you visiting your grandmother?
5. In most US schools, the students dont wear / arent wearing uniforms.
6. Turn off the television. The children dont watch / arent watching it.
7. You dont need an umbrella this morning. It doesnt rain / isnt raining.
8. He is a vegetarian. He doesnt eat / isnt eating meat.
9. Right now, the president meets / is meeting some important people.
10. Tom has got a car now so he doesnt walk / isnt walking to school any more.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. My mother (wash) her car every weekend.

2. I (do) an English grammar exercise at this moment.
3. The British sometimes (eat) fish and chips for dinner.
4. My friends and I (go) shopping tomorrow.
5. On Saturdays, I (not get up) till 12.00.
6. Our teacher is ill. She (not work) today.

5 Write the questions for the answers below. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. .....................................................................................................................................? Yes, he loves chocolates.

2. .............................................................................................................................................? They live in Paris.
3. ..........................................................................................................................? The children are playing tennis.
4. ...................................................................................................? Im wearing a coat because it is cold outside.
5. .................................................................................................................................? She finishes school at 3.30.
6. ..................................................................................................................................? Yes, she is leaving tonight.

6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. She (not go) swimming with her friends today because she (not
know) how to swim. She (want) to learn and she (wait) for the
swimming course to start next month.
2. Teacher: Graham, you (listen) to me?
Student: Yes, Mrs Black, but I still (not understand) the story.
3. The world (get) warmer and most world leaders (believe) that this is
a big problem. Next month, many of these leaders (meet) to talk about the problem.

7 Rewrite the sentences with the time expressions below.

never on Saturdays often now next week

1. My grandmother is coming to visit us. ................................................................................

2. It snows in the desert in the summer. ..................................................................................
3. They go to the beach at the weekend.................................................................................
4. I feel much better. ..............................................................................................................
5. My father doesnt usually work. ........................................................................................

8 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. He (not play) tennis today because he forgot his racquet.

2. they (like) their new home?
3. My party is at 8.00 tonight. you (come)?
4. My mother usually (not cook) on Sundays. Sometimes we (eat)
in restaurants and sometimes we (go) to friends for dinner.
5. Why Sarah (not sing) with the other children today?
Because she (not remember) the words.

9 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the affirmative or negative of the Present Simple or Present
Continuous. drive drink watch sleep rain go

1. Take your umbrella, it outside.

2. Many people coffee in the mornings because it helps them wake up.
3. The President his own car. He has a chauffeur.
4. I am ill so I to work today.
5. Its morning here, but in California people because its still night.
6. She the sunset every evening because she thinks the colours are beautiful.

10 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Many people who (1) (look) for a job today wont find one. Steve Jeffes has got some
important advice if you (2) (try) to find a job. He (3) (believe)
that the reason that many people today (4) (not be) successful job-hunters is because of
their appearance. In his book Appearance is Everything, he (5) (explain) that attractive
people often (6) (find) jobs more easily. Jeffes (7) (not think) that
this is fair.
Therefore, right now, Jeffes (8) (collect) data to prove his point. He
(9) (want) to suggest a law so everybody has an equal chance of finding a job.

11 Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Every morning, I ............................................................................................................... .

2. Right now, we ................................................................................................................... .
3. My friend doesnt .............................................................................................................. .
4. People usually ................................................................................................. on Sundays.
5. My friends are busy this evening. They ..............................................................................

12 Write sentences with the words below. Make any necessary changes.
1. sun / the / rise / always / the / east / in / .
2. pack / right / she / suitcase / now / her / .
3. understand / you / problem / now / the / ?
4. Michael / why / that / today / behave / way / ?
5. sleep / they / go / to / when / usually / ?
6. on / play / the / Sundays / not / football / children /
7. not / weekend / plan / join / this / Sara / to / us / .

READING. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


I Google, the most popular Internet search engine, has recently offered a new version of its Chinese-language search engine.
Users were frustrated by the constant blocking of contents by the Chinese government on the old search engine. However,
the new search engine, google.cn, is programmed to censor itself in order to satisfy the Chinese authorities.

II The communist Chinese government keeps a very tight control on the Internet, its users and the kinds of sites that Chinese
citizens can access. The CNN and BBC news sites, for example, are simply inaccessible in China. In addition, if a Chinese
person tries to search for information about Falun Gong, a spiritual movement that is banned in China, google.cn will direct
that person to a long list of condemnatory articles regarding this movement. Other topics that probably cannot be accessed
include independence for Taiwan and the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, both subjects that the Chinese government
refuses to discuss openly.

III Julien Pain, Internet spokesman for Reporters Without Borders, commented on Googles decision and said this was a black
day for freedom of expression in China. He has called on Google to stand up for freedom of speech in China and to
practise what it preaches about its goal to make information universally accessible.
Google, however, argues that it would be more damaging to pull out of China altogether. The company says that it can play
a more useful role in China by participating rather than by boycotting, despite the censorship involved. A Google official
said that, While removing search results is inconsistent with Googles mission, providing no information is more
inconsistent with our mission. Google also promised it would inform users when access has been restricted on certain
search terms.
The number of Internet search users in China is predicted to increase from about 100 million currently to nearly 200 million
V in the near future. A survey conducted recently revealed that Google was losing market share in China. The new search
engine, it is hoped, will change the situation in Googles favour.

1 Choose the correct answer. 3 Find words or expressions in the text that mean:
1. Chinese Internet users . 1. upset, annoyed (paragraph I) ...................................
a. can only find information about China 2. not allowed (paragraph II) ...................................
b. are unable to access information about all subjects 3. is not willing (paragraph II) ...................................
c. will only have problems getting information about 4. act according to its ideology
political issues (paragraph III) ...................................
2. According to the last paragraph, Google is mainly 5. limited (paragraph IV) ...................................
interested in China .
a. in order to defend freedom of speech 4 Answer the question according to the information in
b. since its fashionable today to do business in China the text.
c. due to economic considerations What information will a person find when searching for the
Falun Gong movement on the Chinese Google search engine?
2 Complete the sentences using the information given in ...............................................................................................
the text. Use your own words as far as possible. ...............................................................................................
1. Unlike Googles old Chinese site, the new one .................
......................................................................................... .
2. Reporters Without Borders believes that Google ..............
......................................................................................... .
3. According to Google, it will defend freedom of speech in
China by ............................................................................
......................................................................................... .
Unit 2 Grammar & Reading review
1 Choose the correct answer.

1. Where did you buy / were you buying your tent?

2. My brother bought / was buying me a gift while he shopped / was shopping.
3. Why didnt you sleep / werent you sleeping at 3.00 am?
4. While the children played / were playing, their parents talked / were talking.
5. As I walked / was walking to the bus stop, the bus drove / was driving past me.

2 Complete the sentences with the time expressions: in 1990 while when at 6.00 pm yesterday morning

1. The baby was crying his mother went into his room.
2. we were playing football, our father was cleaning the house.
3. My mums car is very old. She bought it .
4. It started to rain , so we went inside and made dinner.
5. , my best friend went to France on holiday.

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. While he (shave), he (cut) himself.

2. She (break) her nail while she (clean) the house.
3. While Adam (look) for his keys, he (find) his glasses.
4. Rosa (meet) her boyfriend while she (travel) in India.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Perfect Simple.

1. By the time she reached the airport, she (miss) the plane.
2. They (learn) the play by heart before they performed it on the stage.
3. he (go) to sleep by 11 oclock?
4. The film already (start) before he arrived at the cinema.
5. How much homework he (finish) when you arrived?

5 Choose the correct answer.

1. They studied / had studied Portuguese for a year before they travelled / had travelled to Brazil.
2. My parents decided / had decided to visit India after they saw / had seen a documentary about the Taj Mahal.
3. By the time they reached / had reached the station, their train left / had left. Naturally they were upset.
4. Nick was hungry when the plane landed / had landed at the airport because he didnt eat / hadnt eaten on the flight.

6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect

1. They (not finish) packing their suitcase when their taxi (arrive).
2. They (be) friends for five years before they (get) married.
3. Clara (try) to study while her brother (play) his drums.
4. Mr Brown (cross) the street when a car (hit) him.
5. They (read) the whole travel guide before they (go) on their trip.
6. Why you (cry) when I (see) you yesterday?

7 Write questions for the answers below. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. .......................................................................................................................................
Victor was visiting a museum while we were eating.
2. .......................................................................................................................................
Ingrid had bought souvenirs before we arrived.
3. .......................................................................................................................................
Toni was working at the bank when he met Eva.
4. .......................................................................................................................................
Mr Duncan had smoked 20 cigarettes a day before he stopped smoking.
5. .......................................................................................................................................
My parents went sightseeing in Paris in the summer.
6. .......................................................................................................................................
I didnt wear a jacket because it was warm outside.

8 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. My brother (break) his leg while he (ski).

2. The plane (fly) over Africa when one of its engines (fail).
3. Yesterday, I (watch) a film when my TV (break).
4. The children (not sleep) when their parents (return) home.
5. While Rafael (visit) the museum, Bruno (eat) at a restaurant.

9 The table below shows last Tuesdays schedule for Camp Sierra Summer Camp in the USA.
Decide who did the activities below.
Tuesdays schedule
7th Graders 8th Graders 9th Graders 10th Graders
06:30 hike in the forest breakfast wake up
08:00 wake up breakfast play ball swim in the lake
09:30 breakfast play ball swim in the lake breakfast
11:00 paint pictures watch a film sing karaoke hike in the forest
12:30 watch a film paint pictures lunch hike in the forest
14:00 lunch lunch watch a film lunch

1. They were swimming while the 7th graders were having breakfast.
2. They were still sleeping while the 8th graders were hiking.
3. They had had breakfast before they went on their hike.
4. They had already had lunch when they watched a film.
5. They had breakfast after they had hiked in the forest.
6. They were watching a film while the 9th graders were having lunch.

10 Choose the correct answer.

1. The 7th graders were painting / had painted while the 8th graders were watching a film.
2. The 8th graders watched a film and then painted while the 10th graders went hiking / had gone hiking.
3. The 9th and 10th graders were swimming / had swum in the lake before they had / had had lunch.
4. The 8th graders played / had played ball after they went hiking / had gone hiking in the forest.

11 Join the sentences using the prepositions in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple.

1. The 10th graders swam in the lake. They had lunch. (before)
2. The 9th graders had lunch. They watched a film. (after)
3. The 8th graders went hiking in the forest. The 7th graders got up. (before)
4. The 10th graders went hiking in the forest for two hours. They had breakfast. (after)
12 Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect

Some people wont drive without their GPS navigational systems, but some people find this device is ruining their lives.
Last month a lorry driver from Slovakia (1) (get) his truck stuck while he (2) (drive) on a
small country road in Britain. The driver, who (3) (arrive) in Britain only a few hours before,
(4) (not speak) English and (5) (become) very upset. This was not surprising because he
(6) (knock) down an electricity pole just minutes before. Similarly, a large lorry (7)
(break) Dorothea Norths front gate while it (8) (travel) through her small British village, Wedmore. Both
these accidents (9) (happen) because the lorry drivers (10) (not watch) where they were
going. They (11) (use) their GPS navigational systems instead.

READING. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


Researchers at the University of Bristol in England have recently reached the conclusion that taste is affected by our
mood. If were feeling stressed or anxious, our ability to taste salt and bitterness diminishes, so the taste of food we dislike, for example,
Brussels sprouts, wont be strong. But when we are happy, our sense of taste is enhanced and we detect all flavours. Surrounded by people you
like, in a good atmosphere, food will taste more delicious than if you were eating exactly the same food in your office, worrying about your
busy timetable or other problems.
The Bristol team claims that taste is affected by serotonin and noradrenalin, two brain chemicals which control mood. Levels of these
chemicals are low in people who suffer from depression. Psychiatrist Dr Jan Melichar hopes that the discovery of a connection between mood
and taste will ensure better and faster treatment of depression. Doctors will now be able to tell if a patient lacks serotonin or noradrenalin
simply by testing the persons sense of taste. This will make it easier for the correct drug to be prescribed, which is not always the case at
At the moment, patients are given the right drug 60 to 80 per cent of the time, explains Dr Melichar. This concerns him, as patients who are
prescribed the wrong drug often stop taking medication altogether, rather than returning to their doctor for a more suitable type. This can have
quite harmful effects because, as Dr Melichar notes, the longer someone goes without getting treatment, the harder it is to bring them out of
How our moods affect our taste also interests companies who are learning how they can make our culinary experiences more pleasurable.
Perhaps one day people will be able to buy a taste-enhancing pill, or spray something onto their tongues to make soup spicier or cake sweeter.

1 Answer the questions according to the text. 3 Choose the best meaning for the word.
1. How is it that the same food can taste different in different 1. flavours (line 4) a. tastes b. feelings c. changes
places? 2. ensure (line 8) a. cause a problem for b. help get
2. Why is Dr Melichar interested in the Bristol research? c. make certain
3. concerns (line 11) a. angers b. worries c. surprises
2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
Find evidence in the text to justify your answers. 4 Choose the correct answer.
1.If a man eats food when his ability to taste salt and bitterness The companies mentioned in the last paragraph might help
has diminished, his food will taste stronger. people enjoy food more by .
2.A person who has just quarrelled with a family member a. teaching workplaces how to prepare tastier food
might not enjoy his meal. b. manufacturing a taste-enhancing spray
3.People who are depressed have probably got too much c. consulting businesses on building a low-stress
serotonin and noradrenalin. environment

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