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Summary DENR Laws

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Racho, Rapha S.

Bs Arch 5B
Republic Act 9003: Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
The Local Government Solid Waste Management Plan (LGSWMP) Formulation and


The LGU recycling component shall describe the following:

1. The types of materials to be recycled under the programs;
2. The methods for determining the categories of solid wastes to be diverted from
disposal at a disposal facility through recycling; and
3. New facilities and expansion of existing facilities needed to implement the recycling

The LGU composting components shall describe the following:

1. The types of materials which will be composted under the programs;
2. The methods for determining the categories of solid wastes to be diverted from
disposal at a disposal facility through composting; and
3. New facilities, and expansion of existing facilities needed to implement the
composting component.
Special Wastes

The special waste component shall include existing waste handling and disposal
practices for special waste or household hazardous wastes, and the identification of
current and proposed programs to ensure the proper handling, re-use, and long-term
disposal of special wastes.
a) Source reduction and minimization of wastes generated at source;
b) Resource recovery, recycling and reuse of wastes at the barangay;
c) Efficient collection, proper transfer and transport of wastes by city/municipality; and
d) Efficient management of residuals and of final disposal sites and/or any other related
technologies for the destruction/reuse of residuals.

Implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Systems

Waste segregation and collection shall be conducted at the barangay level specifically
for biodegradable/compostable and reusable/recyclable wastes. The collection and
disposal of non-recyclable/non-recoverable materials and special wastes shall be the
responsibility of the city or municipality.


Section 2. Minimum Requirements for Segregation and Volume Reduction
The following shall be the minimum requirements for segregation and storage of solid waste
pending collection:
a) There shall be a separate container for each type of waste from all sources. For bulky waste,
it will suffice that the same be collected and placed in a separate container and in designated
b) The solid waste container depending on its use shall be properly marked or identified for on-
site collection as "compostable," "recyclable" or "special waste," or any other classification as
may be determined by the Commission; and
c) For premises containing six (6) or more residential units, the LGUs shall promulgate
ordinances and regulations requiring the owner or person in charge of such premises to:
1. Provide for the residents a designated area and containers in which to accumulate source
separated recyclable materials to be collected by the barangay or private collector; and
2. Notify the occupants of such buildings of the requirements of the Act and the regulations
promulgated pursuant thereto.
d) For all commercial, institutional and industrial establishments, the LGUs shall promulgate
ordinances requiring the owner or head of the institutions to:
1. Provide a designated area and containers in which to accumulate source separated
recyclable materials to be collected by the barangay or private collector;
2. Notify all workers, employees, and entities working in the premises of the requirements of the
Act and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto; and
3. No scavenging or unauthorized collection in designated segregation containers or areas shall
be allowed.


Section 1. Minimum standards for the collection, transport and handling of Solid Wastes
The following shall be the minimum standards and requirements for the collection, transport and
handling of solid waste:
a) All collectors and other personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be
equipped with personal protective equipment and paraphernalia such as, but not limited to
gloves, masks and safety boots, to protect them from the hazards of handling solid wastes.
b) The City or Municipal Health Officer shall provide necessary training to the collectors and
personnel too ensure that the solid wastes are handled properly in accordance with the
guidelines pursuant to the Act. The Commission through the National Ecology Center, in
coordination with the DOH shall develop training guidelines.
c) Collection of solid waste shall be done in a manner that prevents damage to the container
and spillage or scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity.
d) The equipment used in the collection and transportation of solid waste (or materials which
have been separated for the purpose of recycling) shall be constructed, operated and
maintained in such a manner as to minimize health and safety hazards to solid waste
management personnel and the public.
e) Equipment shall be maintained in good condition and kept clean to prevent the propagation
or attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances.
f) The use of separate collection schedules and/or separate trucks or haulers shall be required
for specific types of wastes. Otherwise, vehicles used for the collection and transport of solid
wastes shall have the appropriate compartments to facilitate efficient storing of sorted wastes
while in transit. The waste compartment shall have a cover to ensure the containment of solid
wastes while in transit.
g) Vehicles shall be designed to consider road size, condition and capacity to ensure the safe
and efficient collection and transport of solid wastes.
h) For the purpose of identification, vehicles shall bear the body number, the name, and
telephone number of the contractor/agency collecting solid waste.

Section 2. Minimum Requirements for Establishing and Operating Transfer Stations

Transfer stations shall be designed and operated for efficient waste handling capacity and in
compliance with environmental standards and guidelines set pursuant to the Act, these IRRs
and other regulations. In addition the design and operation of transfer stations shall conform to
the following standards and criteria:
a) Leachate and Drainage Control Facilities shall be designed such that waste shall not come
into contact with run-off and to prevent the generation of leachate.
b) Provisions for vector, odor, and litter and dust control shall be included.
c) The siting of the transfer station shall consider the land use plan, proximity of collection area,
and accessibility of haul routes to disposal facility. The design shall give primary consideration
to size and space sufficiency in order to accommodate the storage of waste, and vehicles for
the loading and unloading of wastes.
d) The following records shall be kept and maintained, such records shall be submitted to the
Department upon request:
1. Record of daily weights or volumes of waste received and transferred accurate to within ten
percent (10%) and adequate for overall planning purposes and tracking of waste volumes
2. Daily logbook or file of the following information shall be maintained: fires, special
occurrences, unauthorized loads, injury and property damage
e) Waste shall be removed from the transfer station within twenty-four (24) hours of its receipt.


Section 1. Operations of a Materials Recovery Facility
Barangays shall be responsible for the collection, segregation, recycling of biodegradable,
recyclable, compostable and reusable wastes. MRFs will be established in every barangay or
cluster of barangays.
The facility shall be established in a barangay-owned or leased land or any suitable open space
to be determined by the barangay through its Sanggunian. For this purpose, the
barangay or cluster of barangays shall allocate a certain parcel of land for the MRF. The
determination of site and actual establishment of the facility shall likewise be subject.
The MRF shall receive biodegradable wastes for composting and mixed non-biodegradable
wastes for final segregation, re-use and recycling. Provided, that each type of mixed waste is
collected from the source and transported to the MRF in separate containers.
The resulting residual wastes shall then be transferred to a long-term storage or disposal facility
or sanitary landfill.
Materials recovery facilities shall be designed to receive, sort, process and store compostable
and recyclable material efficiently and in an environmentally sound manner. The facility shall
address the following considerations:
a) The building and/or land layout and equipment must be designed to accommodate efficient
and safe materials processing, movement and storage;
b) The building must be designed to allow efficient and safe external access and to
accommodate internal flow;
c) If the MRF includes a composting operation, it shall comply with the provisions of Section 2
and of Rule XI of this IRR applicable to composting and composts;
d) The following records shall be kept and maintained, such records shall be submitted to the
Department upon request:
1) Record of daily weights or volumes of waste received, processed and removed from site
accurate to within ten percent (10%) and adequate for overall planning purposes and tracking of
success of waste diversion goals; and
2) Daily logbook or file of the following information shall be maintained: fire, special
occurrences, unauthorized loads, injury and property damage
Section 4. Minimum Requisites for Operating Composting Facilities
Composting facilities shall conform to the following siting, design and operating standards and
a) The Facility shall not be sited in areas subject to frequent flooding, unless engineering
controls are provided in the design to prevent inundation of the facility.
b) Leachate and Drainage Control
1. Facilities shall be designed such that compost piles, windrows, residues and processed
material will not come in contact with surface storm run-off.
2. Where excess leachate storage is provided, discharge of leachate into any body of water is
prohibited unless such discharge meets the limits prescribed by the DENR standards for
effluents. Where leachate needs to be stored, it shall comply with the provisions of Section 1(k)
of Rule XIV of this IRR. Provisions shall be made such that leachate is re-circulated back into
compost piles or windrows as much as possible.
c) Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control shall be included
d) Records keeping shall be maintained at all times in accordance with Section 2(b) of Rule XIV
of this IRR.
e) Residues shall be managed as solid waste and shall be disposed of as such.
f) Temperatures of compost piles, curing piles and processed composts shall be maintained in
safe levels to prevent spontaneous combustion.
g) Aerobic conditions shall be maintained to prevent creation of dangerous gases such as
Provided that, individual household backyard composting shall be exempted from the provisions
of Section.
All technical reports, technical documents, plans and specifications pertaining to the engineering
of the facility and other waste management facilities shall be certified based on EMB


Section 1. Prohibited Acts
The following acts are prohibited:
a) Littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters in public places, such as roads, sidewalks,
canals, esteros or parks, and establishment, or causing or permitting the same;
b) Undertaking activities or operating, collecting or transporting equipment in violation of
sanitation operation and other requirements or permits set forth in or established pursuant to the
c) The open burning of solid waste;
d) Causing or permitting the collection of non-segregated or unsorted waste;
e) Squatting in open dumps and landfills;
f) Open dumping, burying of biodegradable or noon-biodegradable materials in flood-prone
g) Unauthorized removal of recyclable material intended for collection by authorized persons;
h) The mixing of source-separated recyclable material with other solid waste in any vehicle, box,
container or receptacle used in solid waste collection or disposal;
i) Establishment or operation of open dumps as enjoined in the Act, or closure of said dumps in
violation of Sec. 37 of the Act;
j) The manufacture, distribution or use of non-environmentally acceptable packaging materials;
k) Importation of consumer products packaged in non-environmentally acceptable materials;
l) Importation of toxic wastes misrepresented as "recyclable" or "with recyclable content";
m) Transport and dumping in bulk of collected domestic, industrial, commercial and institutional
wastes in areas other than centers of facilities prescribed under the Act;
n) Site preparation, construction, expansion or operation of waste management facilities without
an Environmental Compliance Certificate required pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1586
and the Act and not conforming with the land use plan of the LGU;
o) The construction of any establishment within two hundred (200) meters from open dump or
controlled dumps or sanitary landfills; and
p) The construction or operation of landfills or any waste disposal facility on any aquifer,
groundwater reservoir or watershed area and/or any portion thereof.
Republic Act No. 8749: Philippine Clear Air Act
Section 4. Modification of Sources. Any existing source in an attainment area making a
change or modification to its process or production which results in an increase of POTENTIAL
emissions equal to or greater than the following shall be considered significant and subject to
Rule X for the affected pollutant(s).
Republic Act No. 9275: Clean Water Act

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