Experimental Tests On Masonry Infilled Gravity and Seismic Load Designed RC Frames
Experimental Tests On Masonry Infilled Gravity and Seismic Load Designed RC Frames
Experimental Tests On Masonry Infilled Gravity and Seismic Load Designed RC Frames
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All content following this page was uploaded by Maria Teresa De Risi on 11 August 2016.
ABSTRACT: The present study reports results of pseudo-static experimental tests on one-storey one-bay Re-
inforced Concrete (RC) frames with and without masonry infill walls. Four specimens were tested, two de-
signed for Gravity Loads only according to Italian technical code provisions in force during 1970s-90s (GLD),
and two designed for Seismic Loads according to current code provisions (SLD). Specimens were built in 1:2
scale and tested with and without infill walls, made up of 80mm thick hollow clay units typical of light non-
structural masonry. Test setup was designed in order to reproduce the behaviour of the frames under seismic
action, thus avoiding any direct interaction between setup elements used for imposing lateral displacement
and beam-column joints. SLD frames, which were designed according to capacity design principles (i.e.
strength hierarchy rule between elements and failure modes), showed a ductile behaviour, as expected. The
presence of the infill wall led to a stiffness and strength increase in the global response of the frame, without
affecting the response of RC elements. Brittle failure mechanisms played a key role in the response of GLD
frames, due to local interaction between infill wall and RC elements and to beam-column joint behaviour, in
specimen with and without infill wall respectively.
Dolek, 2012).
In this study, the results of an experimental cam-
paign on one-storey one-bay frames (scale 1:2) rep-
resentative of the existing and new building stock
with and without the presence of infills, in order to
investigate the influence of such (non-structural) el- 700 200 2100 200 700
ements on global and local behaviour of the frames. 800 2300 800
specimen, the expected base shear strength was at-
tained, but post-elastic deformation capacity was
limited by failure of beam-column joints after flex-
ural yielding in beams. In the infilled specimen, fail- 1475
ure was due to shear failure at the top of the columns 6@100mm
columns base, with or without the presence of the 800 2300 800
(c) (d)
shear failure
Figure 5. Damage to beam-column joint region in specimen GB
100 of joint
at drift 2.40% (a), 3.30% (b), 4.40% (c), 5.30% (d).
lateral load [kN]
50 expected yielding
3.2 Infilled specimen (GI-80)
0 Figure 6 reports the lateral load-drift response of
specimen GI-80. Specimen GI-80 exhibited an ini-
-50 expected yielding tial, uncracked stiffness of about 220 kN/mm. First
appreciable decrease in stiffness was observed dur-
-100 ing cycle II (drift=0.02%), with a lateral load about
equal to 50% of the maximum; at the same drift first
-150 visible detachments between the panel and the sur-
-6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
drift [%]
rounding frame were observed. During cycle III
Figure 4. Lateral load-drift response of bare specimen GB. (drift=0.15%), minor but visible cracks occurred
along mortar bed joints and units close to panel cor-
During next cycles, lateral load-displacement re- ners and along panel diagonal; a further decrease in
sponse showed severe softening; widening of diago- lateral stiffness was observed. During cycle IV
nal cracks in joints was observed, up to severe dam- (drift=0.50%), diagonal cracking in panel devel-
age and concrete spalling in panel (see Figure 5b-d), oped, and shear cracking initiated at the top of RC
together with increase in flexural demand at the base columns; peak lateral load (136.6 kN) was attained
of columns, resulting in concrete cover spalling and in positive direction, and a substantial stiffness de-
longitudinal bar buckling. The test was terminated at crease was observed in negative direction. Diagonal
cycle VII (drift=5.30%), when significant shear shear cracks in columns developed during cycle V
sliding initiated along diagonal cracks in joints, as (drift=0.90%), and significant damage to individual
highlighted by vertical displacement in columns units, at the center of the panel, was observed; peak
(evaluated from the data on elongation of the hy- lateral load (140.1 kN) was attained in negative di-
draulic jacks used to apply the axial load, which are rection, and lateral load started to decrease in posi-
not reported herein for the sake of brevity), thus tive direction. During cycle VI (drift=1.30%) indi-
highlighting the potential for an imminent joint axial vidual units failed and severe widening of diagonal
failure, that is, for the loss of vertical load carrying shear cracks took place; severe intra-cycle drop of
capacity. The corresponding step is highlighted in lateral strength was observed (Figure 6).
Figure 4 by means of a red circle. During this cycle,
lateral load dropped at 58% and 61% of peak
strength, in positive and negative direction respec-
Based on the observed damage and lateral load-
drift response, post-elastic response was controlled
by brittle failure of joints following flexural yielding
of beam.
150 The evolution of the above-mentioned diagonal
top column cracks at the top of the columns can be analyzed
shear cracking
100 based on measurement data provided by the LVDTs.
expected yielding (bare frame) In particular, the horizontal component of crack
lateral load [kN]
w wbc= (dLVDTi )/cosq
Dc= Db-wbc