Foun 1106 Course Outline Semester 1 2017 - 2018
Foun 1106 Course Outline Semester 1 2017 - 2018
Foun 1106 Course Outline Semester 1 2017 - 2018
1. Course description
Academic English for Research Purposes is designed to provide first year students with the
fundamental skills that undergird successful research at the undergraduate level. The areas of
emphasis include the different types of reading necessary in research, the academic language
necessary to write up research findings and the critical evaluation of academic research. Within
this course, students will be asked to identify a problem area within their specific discipline and
work through the various stages of conducting research to investigate it. Teaching will consist of
lectures, discussions and web-enabled blended learning. Critical reviews of research articles,
generating research questions and an individual research paper will form assessment strategies
within the course.
2. Rationale
This course is designed to introduce first year students to the foundational requirements of
research at the tertiary level. Many students enter the tertiary level environment ill-equipped to
meet the demands of academic research with regard to the different types of research required,
and the systematic way in which research must be conducted. Students also may lack
competence in utilizing the various reading skills necessary to successfully peruse large amounts
of information. Academic writing involves more than providing information but also conducting
research and identifying what is relevant to the audience needs.
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FOUN 1106: Academic English for Research Purposes
3. Course Aims
This course aims to enhance students critical thinking skills and encourage them to pursue their
own area of research from posed question to finished response.
A UWI Graduate of this course will At the end of the programme At the end of the course
demonstrate the following students will be able to: students will be able to
4. Globally Aware and well- Critically assess research Document research using
grounded in his/her regional material. Demonstrate an an approved format.
identity. awareness of the range of
language used in research.
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FOUN 1106: Academic English for Research Purposes
Critically evaluate
research writing.
Assessment within the course is geared towards providing students with opportunities to
demonstrate their mastery of course objectives. This course will be assessed through coursework
(50%) as described below and a final two-hour examination (50%). Students will respond
critically in essay format to the research article given. A pass mark is obtained from a
combination of coursework and a mark of 25 or more in the final examination. The final
examination MUST BE PASSED in order to obtain an overall pass in the course regardless of
the students mark in the coursework component. The following table summarizes the
assignments for this course:
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FOUN 1106: Academic English for Research Purposes
For Credit Assignment 2 groups are required to produce a Literature Review of different
academic sources pertinent to their selected research topic. You are required to conduct
SECONDARY RESEARCH for this assignment. This means that your specific focus is
generated from research that already exists in the chosen area. Groups are therefore required to
find at least SIX (6) academic articles on the narrowed focus that you have generated from the
broad area. Note that you should aim to use different types of sources for example, two of the
articles could be from journals accessed from the UWI librarys electronic databases; articles
may come from the librarys book collection; and other sources of secondary data. Google is a
search engine NOT a source. A complete works cited/references list comprised of a minimum of
five (5) sources is required for this assignment.
1. All assignments must be typewritten (Font 12, Times New Roman) and double spaced on one side of
white letter-sized paper.
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FOUN 1106: Academic English for Research Purposes
2. There should be a 1 margin on the left-hand side and a 1 margin on the right- hand side of each page.
3. Marks will be awarded for proper documentation which should follow the latest MLA handbook.
4. The stapled assignments must be submitted without files, binders, folders, jackets, etc. A cover page
indicating the following must be attached at the front of the essay:
Students name, Students I.D.#, Students Faculty, Semester and Academic Year, Course Code,
Course Title, Tutors Name, Tutorial Day and Time, Coursework Assignment and Date of
5. A soft copy of Credit Assignments 2 & 3 must also be uploaded to Turnitin and the Upload Box on
6. All Credit Assignments MUST BE accompanied by an Accountability Statement signed by all group members.
A copy of the form is available on myeLearning.
IMPORTANT!!! Failure to submit the signed form would result in a grade of zero. Commented [KS1]: Font size decreased here.
The final assessment for this course will consist of a critical evaluation of a previously unseen
extract of a journal article. This examination is two hours long. The date and venue will be set
by the Examination Section.
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FOUN 1106: Academic English for Research Purposes
9. Teaching Strategies
Method Description
Plenaries Two-hour lectures delivering core information with multi-
media support & group-based discussions.
Tutorials One-hour interactive group-based discussions and practice
exercises related to weekly lectures.
MyeLearning Online platform with self-assessment exercises that
reinforce central concepts of weekly lectures.
Group Assignments Team assignments to build collaborative skills.
Arnold, J., C. Poston and K. Witek. Research Writing in the Information Age. Boston: Allyn and
Bacon, 1999.
Ballenger, B. P. The Curious Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers. Boston: Allyn
and Bacon, 1999.
Baxter L., C. Hughes and M. Tight. How to Research. Berkshire; New York: Open University
Press, 2010.
Bell, J. Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-time Researchers in Education, Health
and Social Science. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Open University Press, 2010.
Booth, W.C., G.G Colombo and J.M Williams. The Craft of Research. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. 2008.
Castilla, E.J. Dynamic Analysis in the Social Sciences. London: Academic, 2007.
Fox, T., J. Johns and S. Keller. Cite it Right: The Source Aid Guide to Citation, Research and
Avoiding Plagiarism. Osterville, Mass: Sorceaid Llc, 2007.
Galvan, J.L. Writing the Literature Review: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioural
Sciences. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak, 2004.
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FOUN 1106: Academic English for Research Purposes
Glaser, J. Understanding Style: Practical Ways to Improve Your Writing. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2010.
Grix, J. Information Skills: Finding and Using the Right Resources. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2010.
Henderson, E. The Empowered Writer: An Essential Guide to Writing, Reading and Research.
Don Mills, Ontario: OUP Canada, 2010.
Slade, Carole. Form and Style: Research, Reports, Theses. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin,
Silvia, P.J. How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing. Washington,
DC: American Psychological Association, 2007.
Swales, J. and C. B Feak. English in Todays World: A Writing Guide. Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan Press, 2000.
Walliman, N. and B. Baiche. Your Research Project: A Step-by-Step guide for the First-time
Researcher. London; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001.
Walliman, N. Research Methods: The Basics. London; New York: Routledge, 2011.
VanderMey. R. The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing and Researching. Boston, Mass:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012.
Dubicki, Eleonora. "Writing a research paper: students explain their process", Reference
Services Review, Vol. 43 Issue: 4, pp.673-688, 2015.
Lester, J, D. Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2006.
Maimon, E. A Writers Resource: A Handbook for Writing and Research. Boston, Mass: McGraw-
Hill, 2003.
Rozakis, L. Schaums Quick Guide to Writing Great Research Papers. New York: McGraw-Hill.,
2009. ;
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FOUN 1106: Academic English for Research Purposes
6. Documenting Sources
Writing the Explore myeLearning: N/A N/A
(online) Annotation Citation and
The Documentation
Literature How to write an
Review effective annotation.
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FOUN 1106: Academic English for Research Purposes
NB: Corrected Credit Assignment 3 may be collected at the ELFU offices during Week 14.
Please check your email for a related announcement re collection.
ALL business related to the English Language Foundation Unit is conducted either in class or
during fixed hours, in our offices located at the Ground Floor, South Block, Faculty of
Humanities and Education Building. The scheduled office hours are:
Additionally, Student Assistants will be located within the Secretariat during the hours 9:00am to
4:00 pm.
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FOUN 1106: Academic English for Research Purposes
Each student must attend one plenary and one tutorial session each week. The schedule for
tutorials is available on myelearning.
Students should refer to the University of the West Indies St Augustine Campus, Student
Disability policy
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