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Advanced Operations Research Prof. G. Srinivasan Department of Management Studies Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

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Advanced Operations Research

Prof. G. Srinivasan
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Lecture 5
One Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem (Continued)

We continue our discussion on the cutting stock problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:19)

We were looking at this problem of cutting 511 sheets of 9-inch, 301 of 8 inch, 263 of 7-
inch and 383 of 6-inch from 20-inch sheets. We also defined Xj as the number of sheets
which are cut using the pattern j and the problem reduced to one of minimizing the total
number of sheets that are being cut.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:49)

We also formulated this problem of this type by making this as an equation, by

considering an exhaustive set of patterns where the waste can even be more than 6.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:11)

Now, we started the solution by considering this basis, which means by considering
patterns that use only 9-inch, only 8-inch, only 7-inch and only 6-inch.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:21)

We said if we follow these four patterns, then we would require 255.5 of the first pattern;
so much of the second, third and forth, which gave us 665.16 sheets.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:38)

Next thing that we have to do is to find out whether this is optimal. Now, in order to find
out whether this is optimal, since the problem is a minimization problem, any strictly
negative Cj minus Zj can enter the basis. So, if there is a pattern j such that Cj minus Zj is

less than 0, then such a pattern can enter the basis. This reduced to saying that if there is a
pattern j such that yPj is greater than 1, then such a pattern can enter. Now, y is the
solution of the dual associated with this solution. So y was computed as 1 by 2, 1 by 2, 1
by 2 and 1 by 3.

(Refer Slide Time 02:27)

Any feasible pattern should satisfy the condition 9a plus 8b plus 7c plus 6d less than or
equal to 20, where a, b, c and d are the number of 9-inch, 8-inch, 7 and 6 that are cut out
of a given 20 sheet. This constraint has to be satisfied by every feasible pattern and if a
feasible pattern satisfies this condition, that 1 by 2a plus 1 by 2b plus 1 by 2c plus 1 by 3d
is greater than 1, and a, b, c, d greater than or equal to 0 and integer then, such a pattern
can enter the basis.

We used some ideas from a single constrained Knapsack problem. We also said that
because this is a strict greater than or equal to type inequality, we said we would now
make this as the objective function and write this problem to find a, b, c, d such that it
maximises this function subject to this constraint, greater than or equal to 0 and integer.
We also borrowed some ideas from a single constrained Knapsack LP relaxed version of
such a problem and said that if we treat it as a LP and solve it, only one variable will be
in the solution and that variable is the one that has the largest objective function

coefficient by constraint coefficient ratio. We sorted the variables in the decreasing order
of this ratio and then we formulated another problem which is this.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:08)

In order to simplify the objective function further, we multiplied the objective function by
6, which happens to be the LCM and then we got this problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:31)

When we solved this problem, we finally obtained a solution with Z equal to 8, which is
the optimum solution to the integer programming problem which gave us a solution with
X1 equal to 2, X2 equal to 0, X3 equal to 0 and X4 is equal to 1 with Z is equal to 8.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:45)

We have already multiplied the original objective function by 6; therefore, corresponding

to that 8, this function, when we substitute, will give us a value 2 into 1 by 2 which is 1
plus 0 into 1 by 2 which is 0 plus 0 into 1 by 2 which is 0 plus 1 by 3 into 1 which is 1 by
3. So, this would give us 1 and 1 by 3, or this would give us Z is equal to 4 by 3. Since,
we also multiplied this by 6, we have to divide by 6; 8 by 6 would give us the same value
of 4 by 3.

Now, we have a pattern, which satisfies this, satisfies this and hence satisfies this with 1
by 2a plus 1 by 2b plus 1 by 2c plus 1 by 3d greater than 1 and therefore, this pattern can
enter the basis. This pattern is given by: variable X1 stands for 7-inch and variable X4
stands for 6-inch. Therefore, this pattern has 2 of 7 and 1 of 6, which can enter the basis.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:14)

Corresponding to this notation that we have used, the entering pattern is 0 0 2 1 because it
contains 2 of 7 and 1 of 6. So, we have now found out the entering pattern and therefore,
next, need to find out the leaving pattern. So this pattern enters the basis and it has to
replace one of the 4 existing patterns. In order to find out the leaving pattern or the
leaving variable, we need to find out Pbarj associated with this Pj.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:56)

Pbarj is always given as Pbarj. B into Pbarj is equal to Pj, where Pj is the entering pattern.
Let us call Pbarj by some a, b, c, d, so that B, which is given here, 2 0 0 0, 0 2 0 0, 0 0 2
0, 0 0 0 3 into a b c d is equal to Pj, which is, 0 0 2 1. From this, we can compute Pbarj is
equal to 2a plus 0b plus 0c plus 2d equal to 0; therefore, a is 0. 0a plus 2b plus 0c plus 0d
is 0, therefore, b is 0. From here, 0 into a plus 0 into b plus 0 into c plus 3 into d is equal
to 1, so d is 1 by 3. From here, 0a plus 0b plus 2c plus 0d is equal to 2, so c is equal to 1.
barj becomes 0 0 1 1 by 3.

Now, having found out Pbarj, we have to find out theta. Theta is always the right-hand
side vector divided by this corresponding element. So, we need to find out theta such that
255.5 minus 0 theta is greater than or equal to 0, so we do not write it explicitly.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:58)

255.5 minus 0 theta is greater than or equal to 0; 150.5 minus 0 theta is greater than or
equal to 0; 131.5 minus theta is greater than or equal to 0; 127.66 minus 1 by 3 theta is
greater than or equal to 0. The first two are not going to be useful in finding out theta
because the coefficient is 0. We need to look at only these two inequalities. This would
give us theta equal to 131.5; this would give us theta equal to 127.66 into 3 which is
bigger than 131.5. Therefore, this inequality will determine theta and theta will take a
value 131.5.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:03)

The third pattern will leave the basis, which means this pattern will leave the basis, and
will be replaced by the pattern 0 0 2 1. The basis B will change to this, this and this
column will be replaced by this column. The new solution will be, after we replace this
by this one 0 0 2 0, is now going to be replaced by 0 0 2 1. This is the change; so the
basis is updated to this and we need to find out the solution there.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:53)

The solution will be 255.5 will remain; 150.5 will remain; this is the binding equation, so
here theta will be 131.5, which will also remain; the last one will become 127.66 minus 1
by 3 theta.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:08)

That will be 127.66 minus 131.5 divided by 3 which is 127.66 minus 43.833. If we take
this as 43.83, this on subtraction would give us, 83.83.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:05)

This 127.66 will now change to 83.83. The earlier total was 665.16; now, the new total
becomes 621.33 number of cuts. We can also find out that the decrease from 665.16 to
621.3 is exactly equal to the product of Cj minus Zj and theta, which we are familiar with.
So, let us just verify that for a moment.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:10)

This was the old solution; this is the new solution; 43.83 was the reduction if Cj minus Zj
in this case was 1 by 3. The reason Cj minus Zj was 1 by 3 is because we have Z is equal
to 4 by 3 coming here and we also have a constraint that this is greater than 1. So 4 by 3
exceeds 1 by a quantity 1 by 3; therefore, Cj minus Zj, the actual value is 1 by 3, theta is
131.5. So, 131.5 divided by 3 is 43.83 which is exactly the gain from 665.16 to 621.33.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:06)

The new basic feasible solution is made up of these four patterns 2 0 0 0, 0 2 0 0, 0 0 2 1

and 0 0 0 3, and it has a total of 621.33 cuts. Now, we need to find out whether this is
optimal. So in order to find out that this is optimal, first we need to find out y, which is
the value of the dual first.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:38)

yB equal to CB is the standard equation to get the dual. So we call y as y1, y2, y3, y4 into
the basis 2 0 0 0, 0 2 0 0, 0 0 2 1 and 0 0 0 3 is equal to CB which is 1 1 1 1. CB is always
1, because the primal has the objective function of minimise sigma Yj. So, whatever be
the pattern, the objective function coefficient of that pattern is always 1. Therefore, CB is
always 1 1 1 1. By the very nature of this, it is not very difficult to find out y1, y2, y3, y4
through simplification or substitution. This would give us 2y1 plus y2 plus y3 plus y4 is
equal to 1, from which y1 is equal to 1 by 2. From the second equation 0 into y1 plus 2 y2
plus 0 y3 plus 0 y4 is 1, so we get again 1 by 2. From the forth equation 0 y1 plus 0 y2 plus
0 y3 plus 3 y4 is equal to 1, therefore y4 is 1 by 3. From the third equation 0y1 plus 0y2 2y3
plus y4 is equal to 1; 2y3 plus 1 by 3 is equal to 1, 2y3 is 2 by 3; therefore, y3 is 1 by 3. So,
2 into 1 by 3 plus 1 by 3 is equal to 1. So, this is our dual y.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:30)

Having found the dual y, we now want to find out whether there is an entering pattern. If
there is an entering pattern, then that pattern will enter and replace one of the existing
patterns. Such an entering pattern should satisfy the condition that y into Pbarj which is
equal to y into Pj, should satisfy the condition that yPj is strictly greater than 1, which
also means that we have to find out a pattern a b c d, such that 9a plus 8b plus 7c plus 6d
is less than or equal to 20, which makes the pattern feasible and it should satisfy the
condition yPj is greater than 1.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:04)

So, it should satisfy the condition 1 by 2a plus 1 by 2b plus 1 by 3 c plus 1 by 3 d is

greater than 1, where a, b, c, d is greater than or equal to 0 and integer. By the same
argument that we did last time, we now convert this into an objective function and
therefore we rewrite this as 1 by 2a plus 1 by 2b plus 1 by 3c plus 1 by 3d, subject to 9a
plus 8b plus 7c plus 6d less than or equal to 20; a, b, c, d greater than or equal to 0 and

Exactly as we did in the previous iteration, we find out the ratio between the objective
function coefficient and the constrained coefficient. So, this becomes 1 by 18, this
becomes 1 by 16, this becomes 1 by 21, 1 by 3 divided by 7 is 1 by 21 and this becomes 1
by 18. Now, we renumber the variables based on the decreasing value of these. 1 by 16 is
the smallest so, this becomes variable X1; 1 by 18 is the next smallest, so we call this as
X2 and we can call this 1 by 18 as X3; we may also choose to call this as X2 and this as X3
and it does not matter; 1 by 21, being the smallest will now be called as X4.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:10)

Rewriting this, now the problem will become 1 by 2X1, which comes out of this plus 1 by
2X2 that comes out of this, plus 1 by 3X3; this becomes 1 by 3X3 and 1 by 3X4. We
realize that this is a variable X1, which corresponds to 8, so we will have 8X1; this is a
variable X2 that corresponds to 9-inch, so we will have 9X2; this is the variable that
corresponds to 6-inch, so we will have 6X3 and this is the variable that corresponds to 7-
inch so, plus 7X4 less than or equal to 20.

To make this little more comfortable, we simply multiply the objective function by the
LCM, which is 6 to get 3X1 plus 3X2 plus 2X3 plus 2X4, subject to the condition 8X1 plus
9X2 plus 6X3 plus 7X4 less than or equal to 20; Xj greater than or equal to 0 and integer.
If we are able to find out X1, X2, X3, X4 that maximises this, subject to this condition and
satisfying the integer property and if the objective function is greater than 6 because we
have multiplied it by 6, then such a pattern will have these Cj minus Zj value, which is
less than 1 and it will enter. So, we need to solve this Knapsack problem exactly the way
we solved the earlier Knapsack problem and let us do that.

The LP optimum will now have variable X1 in the solution because we have already
sorted the variables in the decreasing order of Cj by aj; so, LP optimum will always be
from the left. The LP optimum to this will be given by X1 is equal to 20 by 8 and Z is

equal to 60 by 8, which is 7.5. Now, Z is equal to 7.5 for this. This is a maximization
problem, integer programming. Now, we relax the integer and solve the LP, the LP will
be an upper bound to the integer optimum; therefore, the integer optimum can only be 7
or less.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:20)

So, we again start drawing this Branch and Bound Tree with the solution X1 is equal to
20 by 8, which is 2.5 and ZLP is equal to 7.5. Since, X1 is equal to 2.5, in the integer
programming case, X1 can take a value either 0 or 1 or 2 and it cannot take 3. So we
create three branches with X1 is equal to 0, with X1 equal to 1 and with X2 equal to 2.
When X1 is equal to 0, it means we are fixing this to 0, so straight away all the 20
resources are available; this is fixed at 0, so the first variable now will be in this solution,
giving you X2 equal to 20 by 9 and Z is equal to 60 by 9. This is 6 point something, from
few branch from here, this can give us integer solutions with 6 or less. When we fix X1 is
equal to 1, we use up 8 units of this resource by fixing this to 1, which means 12 units of
this resource is available. So, this would give us a solution X2 is equal to 12 by 9 and Z
will be equal to 12 by 9 into 3, 36 by 9, which is 4, plus X1 equal to 1 would give us
another 3. So, this would give us Z is equal to 7.

When we fix X1 is equal to 2, we used up 16 units of this resource, we have 4 units of this
resource available. So this would give us a solution, X2 equal to 4 by 9, Z is equal to 12
by 9 plus, we have used 2, so 6 plus 12 by 9 is Z is equal to 6 plus 12 by 9, 66 by 9; this
would give us 7 and something.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:05)

When we branch form here, we move down from here, we can get solutions only 6 or
less; from here, we can get solution with 7 or less. Here also we can get solution with 7 or
less This has the highest value of the lower bound, so we will branch again from this.
Now, X2 is equal to 4 by 9, so X2 can take only one value, which is X2 is equal to 0. That
would give us a solution X1 is equal to 2, X2 is equal to 0; so 16 units have been utilized,
4 units are available, so X3 is equal to 4 by 6, which is 2 by 3. So, X3 is equal to 2 by 3, Z
is equal to 4 by 3, 2 by 3 into 2, 4 by 3; 4 by 3 plus 6, so Z is equal to 6 plus 4 by 3,
which is 22 by 3, which is also 7 plus something.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:17)

Among all these, the maximum is still here, 7 plus something. This is exactly 7. This is 7
plus something, so we branch from this. Since X3 is 2 by 3, X3 can only take the value 0,
which would leave us with X1 equal to 2; 4 units are available, so X4 will become 4 by 7.
This gives us X4 is equal to 4 by 7, Z is equal to 8 by 7; So, this would give us, Z is equal
to 6 plus 8 by 7, which is 50 by 7, which is just greater than 7.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:03)

The only feasible solution we can think of in this branching, is 2 0 0 0 because this can
only become 0, this actually gives us Z is equal to 6. But, then we also have a case here
which is possible; 7 is still possible from this, so we have to branch from here. We have
X2 is equal to 12 by 9, 12 by 9 is just greater than 1. So X2 can now take two values: this
can take X2 equal to 0 and, this will become X2 equal to 1. When X1 equal to 1 and X2
equal to 0, we have 8 units already consumed, 12 units are available. So, X3 will be equal
to 2 exactly. So, X3 equal to 2 and Z is equal to 6 into 2, 12; 2 into 2 gives 4; 4 plus 3, 7.
Now here we have a situation where X1 has taken an integer value of 1, X2 has taken a
value 0, X3 has taken a value 2 and X4 will be 0. This is an integer feasible solution with
Z equal to 7. We have an integer feasible solution with Z equal to 7, to a maximization
problem, so this becomes a lower bound. So 7 is a lower bound, but we also understand
that if we move from here, only 7 and below are possible.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:48)

If we move from here down, because this is 6 point something 6 and below are possible.
We have a feasible solution with 7; therefore, this solution is optimal. This solution is
optimal with X1 equal to 1 and X3 equal to 2, X2 and X4 are at 0.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:16)

Now, we go back and see that X1 is 8; X1 equal to 1 and X3 equal to 2, so this is 8-inch
and X3 is 6-inch. So, the entering pattern is 0 1 0 2. This meets the requirement of 20, 8
plus 12 is 20.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:42)

We now go back and check from here, X1 is equal to 1, so 1 by 2; 1 by 2 plus 2 by 3
gives 7 by 6, which is greater than 1 and we got a solution of 7 here. So, we have
multiplied it by the LCM which is 6; therefore, we get the same 7 by 6.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:12)

Therefore this pattern 0 1 0 2 enters the basis. We now say entering pattern is equal to 0 1
0 2. Now this pattern 0 1 0 2 has to replace one of these four patterns, which one we will
have to check again.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:44)

In order to find that out, we have to find out Pbarj equal to B inverse Pj. B times Pbarj is
equal to Pj. So, Pbarj is equal to B inverse Pj; pre-multiplying by B, we will get B into
Pbarj is equal to Pj; B is known here. So, we write this 2 0 0 0, 0 2 0 0, 0 0 2 1, 0 0 0 3
and let us call Pbarj as some a, b, c, d is equal to Pj, which is the entering pattern, which is
0 1 0 2.

Once again by the process of substitution, we can find out a, b, c, d. 2a plus 0b plus 0c
plus 0d is equal to 0, which gives us a equal to 0; 0a plus 2b plus 0c plus 0d is equal to 1,
so this gives us b equal to 1 by 2; 0a plus 0b plus 2c plus 0d is equal to 0. So this also
gives us 0; 0a plus 0b plus 1c plus 3d equal to 2, c is already 0; 3d is equal to 2, so d is
equal to 2 by 3. This is Pbarj corresponding to the entering pattern, which is 0 1 by 2 0
and 2 by 3. Now, we use this as well as this to find out the leaving pattern.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:44)

We need to find out theta such that, 255.5 minus 0 theta is greater than or equal to 0.
150.5 minus 1 by 2 theta is greater than or equal to 0; 131.5 minus 0 theta is greater than
or equal to 0 and 83.83 minus 2 by 3 theta is greater than or equal to 0. So, 88.83 minus 2
by 3 theta is greater than or equal to 0. This would give us a value of 301, theta is equal
to 301. This would give us a value of roughly about 120 because 83.83 into 3 divided by
2 will be roughly of the order of 120. This is the variable that will dictate theta, so we
will find out theta corresponding to this. Theta is now 83.83 into 3 divided by 2; this is
251.49 divided by 2; this is actually 251.5 because this is a recurring 0.83333. So, this
will become 251.5 divided by 2 which will give us 125.75.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:26)

We get theta equal to 125.75. The forth one is the pattern that leaves, so this is the pattern
that leaves and this pattern is going to be replaced by the pattern 0 1 0 2. The new basis
will now become 0 0 0 3, which is the last pattern, will be replaced by 125.75. So, that
will be replaced by 0 1 0 2 with theta equal to 125.75.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:06)

Now, we need to find out the solution corresponding to this basis. 255.5 minus 0 theta;
so, no change happens to this. This is 150.5 minus 1 by 2 theta, so we have to compute
this. This is 150.5 minus 125.75 divided by 2; so, 150.5 minus 62.875; so, 87.625 will be
the value here.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:00)

This will become 87.625. This will remain as it is because it was 131.5 minus 0 into
theta. Now, theta becomes 125.75 here. So, this is 125.75 and the total now becomes
600.375. So, we now have a solution with these four patterns coming into the basis with
the values that are given here with 600.375.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:09)

Now we need to find out whether this is optimal. In order to find out if this is optimal, we
first need to find the value of the dual y, which is given by yB equal to CB. Let us call y
as y1, y2, y3, y4 into 2 0 0 0, 0 2 0 0, 0 0 2 1, 0 1 0 2 is equal to 1 1 1 1, from which y will
be equal to 2y1 plus 0y2 plus 0y3 plus 0y4 is 1, so y1 will be 1 by 2. 0y1 plus 2y2 plus 0y3
plus 0y4 is equal to 1, y2 will be 1 by 2. From the forth one, 0y1 plus 1y2 plus 0y3 plus 2y4
is equal to 1, so 1y2 will take 1 by 2, 2y4 is equal to 1 by 2, so y4 will be 1 by 4. From the
third one, 2y3 plus y4 is equal to 1, 2y3 is equal to 3 by 4, and so, y3 is 3 by 8. This is the
value of the dual; so 1 by 2, 1 by 2, 3 by 8 and 1 by 4 is the value of the dual.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:53)

Now, if we want to find out if there is an entering pattern, then such an entering pattern if
it is called Pj, then we need to have yPj which is strictly greater than 1. If the entering
pattern Pj is of the type a, b, c, d, then it should satisfy 9a plus 8b plus 7c plus 6d less
than or equal to 20 and it should satisfy yPj greater than 1.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:35)

So,1 by 2 a plus 1 by 2 b plus 3 by 8 c plus 1 by 4 d greater than 1; so, 3 by 8c plus 1 by
4d greater than 1; a, b, c, d greater than or equal to 0 and integer. Now, we convert this
greater than 1 into an objective function and say maximize 1 by 2a plus 1 by 2b plus 3 by
8c plus 1by 4d such that 9a plus 8b plus 7c plus 6d less than or equal to 20; a, b, c, d
greater than or equal to 0 and integer.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:22)

Once again we find out the ratios and sort the variables in the decreasing order of the
ratios. So, this becomes 1 by 2 divided by 9 is 1 by 18, 1 by 2 divided by 8 is 1 by 16, 3
by 8 divided by 7 will give us 3 by 56 and 1 by 4 divided by 6 would give us 1 by 24.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:56)

We have to sort this in the decreasing order of these values. This looks just a bit more
difficult to sort. So, an easier thing to do instead of directly dividing them is to simply
multiply this by a common factor and make this as not dependent on the fractions. Simply
multiply this by the LCM which is 8; so, this will become 4a plus 4b plus 3c plus 2d
subject to 9a plus 8b plus 7c plus 6d less than or equal to 20. Now, the coefficients
become 4 by 9, 4 by 8, 3 by 7 and 2 by 6. So, roughly 4 by 9 is 4.44, 4 by 8 is 5, 3 by 7 is
4.28 and 2 by 6 is 3.33. So, the biggest is this; so, this the variable X1. The next biggest is
here which is the variable X2; third biggest is here which is the variable X3 and this is the
variable X4.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:24)

We rewrite this problem now as: this is the variable X1, which is corresponding to 8, so
this is 1 by 2, so you get 1 by 2X1; this is corresponding to the variable X2, 9 corresponds
to the variable X2, so you get 1 by 2X2. 7 corresponds to the variable X3, so you get 3 by
8 and 7 corresponds to the variable X3; therefore, 6 corresponds to the variable X4 and
you will get 1 by 4 X4. So, just to verify once again 8 corresponds to the variable X1,so
we have 1 by 2 and 8; 9 corresponds to variable X2, so we have 1 by 2 and 9; 7
corresponds to variable X3, so we get 3 by 8 and 7; 1 by 4 and 6.

Once again we can multiply by the LCM. So this will become, because of this change, 7
and this will become 6. So multiply by the LCM which is 8, so this becomes 4X1, this
becomes 4X2, this becomes 3X3, this becomes 2X4, subject to 8X1 plus 9X2 plus 7X3 plus
6X4 less than or equal to 20; Xj greater than or equal to 0 and integer. Once again we
have sorted this in decreasing order of the ratios. Therefore, X1 will be the only variable
in the LP optimum, so the solution will be 20 by 8, with Z is equal to 80 by 8 which is 10.

(Refer Slide Time: 45:48)

We now start this tree by saying, X1 equal to 20 by 8, which is 2.5 and we have Z is equal
to 10. Since X1 is equal to 2.5 and Z is equal to 10, Z equal to 10 is an upper bound to the
IP optimum. Based on this, IP optimum can be 10 or below. Now, we branch from here.
Since X1 is 2.5, start with X1 equal to 0, X1 equal to 1 and X1 equal to 2. When X1 is
equal to 0, we go back here. Now this is 0, so this variable will automatically come into
the solution. So, this would give us X2 equal to 20 by 9 and Z will be equal to 80 by 9.
Now, 80 by 9 is 8 plus something. If we branch from here, we can only get a solution
with 8 or less. With X1 equal to 1, we used up 8 units, so 12 units are available, so X2 will
take a value 12 by 9; so X2 will be 12 by 9, Z will be 48 by 9 plus 4, so this will become
4 plus 48 by 9; 48 by 9 is 5 plus something, so this is 9 plus something.

When we move from here and downwards, we can get a solution with 9 and below. Now,
X1 equal to 2 would give us, 16 units are being used and so 4 units are being available.
So, this will get a solution, X2 equal to 4 by 9, Z will be 16 by 9 plus another 8; so, this
will become 8 plus 16 by 9; so, this will be 9 and below.

(Refer Slide Time: 48:24)

Out of these, we can either branch from here, or we can branch from here. This is 5 plus 3
by 9, which is 9.33; this is a little more than 9.33, so we will branch from here and fix X2
to 0. When X2 is fixed at 0 and X1 is fixed at 2, the remaining 4 will go to X3. This will
give us X3 is equal to 4 by 7 and Z will be equal to 12 by 7. So, this will be 8 plus 12 by
7. Once again, 9 and below is possible. We again branch out of this and say X3 is equal to
0, X1 equal to 2; both of these are 0, X4 will be in the solution with 4 by 6, X4 is equal to
2 by 3. The LP solution will be 4 by 3; so, 8 plus 4 by 3.

(Refer Slide Time: 49:39)

Since we have reached all the variables, we should look at an integer solution. The only
integer solution that is possible is 2 0 0 0 with Z is equal to 8.

(Refer Slide Time: 49:53)

Now, we have to proceed from here, this is 12 by 9. You branch off with X2 equal to 0
and X2 equal to 1. So, when you branch with X2 equal to 0 you get, this is 1, this is 0; so

12 units are available. X3 equal to 12 by 7. Z is 36 by 7 plus 4, so 4 plus 36 by 7, which is
again 9 plus something, so 9 is possible.

(Refer Slide Time: 50:32)

Let us finish and branch this. Since X3 is equal to 12 by 7, we can now branch as X3
equal to 0 and X3 equal to 1. Now, X1 equal to 1, these two are 0; so 12 units are
available. X4 will take 2, so this will take X4 equal to 2 and Z will be equal to 4 plus 4
which is 8. We get a pattern X1 is 1 0 0 2 with Z equal to 8. When we proceed from here,
X1 equal to 1, X3 equal to 1, 15 units are being used, so X4 has 5 by 6. We are not worried
about Z because the only integer solution possible is 1 0 1 0 with Z equal to 4 plus 3 is 7.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:41)

We also need to branch from here. This is X1 equal to 1 and X2 equal to 1, which means
we have used up 9 plus 8 is 17 with Z equal to 8; none of these can get anywhere near 1.
So in the integer solution, both of these will be 0; the only integer solution possible will
be 1 1 0 0. Proceeding further, X1 equal to 1, X2 equal to 1 uses 17 units of the resource,
3 units are available. So X3 will be 3 by 7 and Z will be 8 plus 9 by 7, which is slightly
greater than 9. So, we can still branch on this.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:35)

This would give us X3 equal to 0, the only possibility and therefore, when we branch on
X3 equal to 0, 8 plus 9 is 17, 3 units are available. So, X4 will become 1 by 2, this will
become 1, but the only integer solution possible will be 1 1 0 0 with Z equal to 8.

(Refer Slide Time: 53:07)

If we proceed from here also, 80 by 9, we can only get integer solutions with 8 or less
than that. Either way if we move, we already have solutions with 8 so we can fathom this.
We need not proceed out of this; we have feasible solutions with 8. Therefore, we may
take 8 as the optimum for this. When 8 is the optimum for this, we have already got this
objective function from this by multiplying this by 8; so, Z equal to 8 here implies Z
equal to 1 here.

(Refer Slide Time: 53:45)

The optimum solution does not give us a pattern with strictly greater than 1. It gives a
pattern which is exactly equal to 1. When we are unable to find a pattern with strictly
greater than 1, when we solve the Knapsack problem, we say that the optimum solution is
reached because we are unable to find out an entering pattern. There is no entering
pattern and therefore this solution, the present solution is optimal, which has 2 0 0 0,
255.5 sheets; 0 2 0 0, 87.625 sheets; 0 0 2 1, 131.5 sheets and 0 1 0 2 with 125.75 sheets,
giving us 600.375 sheets at the optimum. This is how we solve the one-dimensional
cutting stock problem by using the procedure of column generation and the column
generation comes by solving a sub problem.

What we actually did is an algorithm, which is pretty much like simplex, because we
have started with a basic feasible solution to the primal; we obtained the solution to the
dual and then we evaluated whether all the corresponding duals are feasible by finding
out if there is a possible entering pattern. It is very much like simplex where we start with
a basic feasible solution to the primal; check for dual feasibility, which means, check for
optimality of the primal and if it is optimal, then take that solution as the final solution
which is what we did. The only difference in this case is we did not explicitly store all
possible coefficients or all possible variables or all possible patterns. Instead, every time
we had a basic feasible solution to the primal and to check whether the primal is optimal,

we searched and found out if there is an entering pattern. If there is an entering pattern,
we identified the entering pattern and then we brought it in.

How did we generate the entering pattern? We generated the entering pattern by solving a
single constrained Knapsack problem which is given here. One constrained Knapsack
problem which by itself is an integer programming. We are going to see much later, the
integer programming is actually hard. It is not as comfortable as solving linear
programming problems. Nevertheless, the branch and bound procedure that we described
here, makes the integer programming solvable very quickly, particularly when we write a
computer program and proceed.

For large sized problems, large number of variables, perhaps a large number of individual
patterns that we have here, then it is for the procedure by which every time to find out an
entering variable, you solve a sub problem and the sub problem turns out to be a single
constrained Knapsack problem which is solved using the branch and bound procedure
and then we generate the entering column. That is called column generation. We do not
store all the columns. We generate the column in every iteration depending upon whether
such a column exists. In this one-dimensional cutting stock problem, we have now learnt
the idea of a column generation. Invariably, column generation would involve solving a
sub problem and in this case it was a Knapsack problem. Even though integer
programming was hard, it is still doable. Therefore, one-dimensional cutting stock
problems are solved using a combination of column generation and correspondingly
solving the Knapsack problems. In the next lecture, we will look at the decomposition
algorithm to solve large linear programming problems.


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