- pore bearers
Incurrent canals- inpockets of the pinacoderm
-Sponges are a conspicious and colorful component of many
Prosopyles- front gates; numerous small openings
Water flow in the synconoid aquiferous system route:
Filter feeding- multicellular body uniquely specialized.
ostia->incurrent canals ->prosopyles -> choanocyte chambers ->atrium
-> osculum
-separation of suspended food particles from water by passing
them through a mesh that strains out the food. LEUCONOID- large body sizes, ranging from a few centimeters to more
than one meter
Dynamic tissues
excurrent canals- replace the relatively voluminous atrium and single
Totipotent cells osculum of asconoid and synconoid sponges.
-they suggest that sponges are an intermediate form between Apopyle- back gate
protozoan colonies and other metazoans in which tissue and cell
specializations tend to be more permanent. -where water exits each choanocyte chamber and then flows trough
the excurrent canals, which become progressively larger in diameter
Indeterminate growth- enlargement without a fixed upper size limit. as they join with other excurrent canals.
- The growth forms may be massive, erect, branching,or
Body Wall
encrusting , depending on the species and environtmental conditions.
Atrium(or spongocoel)- hollow interior Exopinacoderm- covers outer surface of the body
Endopinacoderm- incurrent and excurrent canals
Choanoderm- collar skin Asconoid design- flagellated choanoderm which forms the atrial lining
Mesohyl- connective-tissue layer between the pinacoderm and
- monolayer of flagellated collar cells
Ostia- small pores; perforate the cylinder wall - it forms a bushy, fibrous network that is especially obvious in bath
Osculum- larger opening; upper free end of the body - one layer of the sponge body wall that typically not bathed with env.
the flagellated choanoderm creates a unidirectional water flow that - sole internal compartment
enters the ostia, passes over the choanoderm en route to the atrium, - as connective tissue, composed of proteinaceous, gel matrix contains
and exits through the ocsulum. differentiated and undifferentiated cells like skeletal muscles.
Diversity of Porifera
Symplasma SP (Hexactinellida)
- glass sponges; syncytial tissues; spicules are siliceous
triaxonal hexactines
Cellularia SP
- porifera with cellular tissues
Demospongiae C
Homoscleromorpha SC
Tetractinomorpha SC
Ceractinomorpha SC
Calcarea C
Calcinea SC
Calcaronea SC