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Bolt of Pain Blood Bending: 2nd-Level Enchantment 4th-Level Enchantment

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Bolt of Pain Blood Bending

2nd-level enchantment 4th-level enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small nail or other pointy object) Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Until dispelled
A bolt of dark energy is launched to a creature you target, in order Your knowledge of blood magic has allowed you to interact with
to deliver extreme pain and agony. You make a ranged spell attack your victim's blood while it's still in their body. You target a
against that creature. On a successful you deal 2d10 psychic creature that you can sense within range and attempt to take
damage and immediately gain knowledge of the creatures control of it by manipulating their blood. The target must succeed
weaknesses. You can then spend 2 blood points to deal ongoing a Constitution saving throw or it is under your control during its
damage, of a type you choose, equal to your Intelligence modifer turn. You can decide all of the actions it will take during its round.
(save ends). On the beginning of each following round the target rolls a save
On a missed hit you only deal half the damage of the initial until it succeeds or is reduced to 0 hit points.
attack and gain no information on the enemy, nor are you able to
infict the extra damage. Sanguine Tide
4th-level necromancy
Dark Illusion Casting Time: 1 action
3rd-level illusion Range: Self
Casting Time: reaction Components: V, S
Range: Self Duration: Concentration up to 10 minutes
Components: S Blood is a powerful life force, for a blood mage though it defnes
Duration: Instantaneous their entire existence. With a sudden move you turn yourself into a
When an enemy attacks you, you can choose to turn invisible and liquid pool of blood. You cover a ground area up to 80 feet
teleport up to your speed, leaving behind a clone of yourself made draining the life out of your enemies while remaining relatively
of fery blood, before the attack connects. The clone looks safe.
identical to you at that moment and has your defensive stats, but At this state you are insubstantial, gaining immunity to physical
only 1 hit point. The clone cannot take real action and attacks. Enemies starting their turn in that area take necrotic
automatically fails saving throws. When the clone is destroyed, all damage equal to your Intelligence modifer and you regain hit
enemies adjacent to it take ongoing fre damage equal to your points equal to the damage dealt.
Intelligence modifer (save ends). When the concentration is over/breaks or you dismiss the spell
Your real body remains invisible for up to 1 hour or until you (bonus action), you can choose a square in the area you covered
make an attack. and reappear on that square.

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