Physiology of Aging: Gerontology 310
Physiology of Aging: Gerontology 310
Physiology of Aging: Gerontology 310
Fall 2010
USC Course Catalog Description: GERO 310 Physiology of Aging (4, Fa) Effects of
normative aging processes on homeostatic mechanisms and how these changes relate to
development of disorder and disease in later life. Lecture and discussion. Prerequisite:
BISC 220L or BISC 221L.
Classroom: Gero Smart Classroom, 2nd Floor Time: Mon./Wed. 10:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Kelvin J. A. Davies, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Phone: (213) 740-8959 Fax: (213) 740-6462 E-mail:
Office Hours: by appointment
Course Description
Examination of human aging with major emphasis in the physiology of the later years and implications
for health maintenance. The goal of the course will be to solidify biological concepts and theories that
underlie the phenomena of human aging. Throughout the course special effort will be made to
differentiate normal aging processes from age-related deterioration caused by disuse, misuse or abuse,
and disease.
Course Objectives
By the conclusion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
1) Provide an informed opinion on key issues in biological gerontology relevant to health care
practitioners, social service professionals, educators, administrators, and policy analysts.
4) Clearly distinguish between problems of disuse, misuse, abuse, and normal aging changes.
The required text book for this course is Human Aging: Biological Perspectives (2nd Edition) by
Augustine G. Digiovanna, and there will be additional assigned readings for some topics. Students are
also expected to use a medical dictionary to assist them in understanding the text and the assigned
This class is primarily a lecture course with audiovisual presentations, a textbook, and supplementary
reading material. Evaluation in the course will be based on one midterm examination, a term-paper,
and a final examination. The final examination will not be comprehensive. Examinations will consist
of short essay questions designed to give you the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned.
An outline of the examination schedule is given below:
The Term Paper is due on or before the last day of class on Wednesday, December 1
If you are going to miss an examination, you MUST CALL AHEAD of time and reschedule to take the
make-up test within the next week. Anyone who does not call ahead of time to reschedule will receive
an F' for that exam.
Students with Disabilities (the information below was provided by the office of the Provost)
Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to
register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for
approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure that the letter is
delivered to any of the Instructors as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in on
campus in STU 301, and is open from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The
phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.
Gero 310
Term Paper Requirements & Guidelines
All students are required to submit a term paper, representing their own original work that provides
an in-depth review of an aspect of the Biology of Aging.
Students will be free to choose their own topics, subject to final approval by the course instructor.
Student papers must be printed (using a word processing program) and must be a minimum of ten
(10) pages in length, using double-spaced type with a 12 point font. Leave a one-line space
between each paragraph, use a one-inch all-around margin, and number each page consecutively.
Be sure to give your term paper an appropriate title, and also make sure to put your own name on
the paper.
Student papers must include at least ten (10) literature references, not including the course
textbook. Students are encouraged to use the campus libraries and the internet to find appropriate
background information and references. The references used should primarily be published journal
articles from the bio-medical literature, rather than books, unpublished opinions from the internet,
or popular magazines. Use numbers to quote your references directly in the text of your term paper;
like this (1). Number each reference in the order it appears in the text.
Extensive direct quotations are not appropriate for this term paper, and copying without giving
credit is never acceptable. If you really want to include a quote or two, it/they should be no longer
than three (3) lines long, and should be set inside quotation marks. Remember to fully reference the
source of any quote you use in your reference list.
All term papers will be due no later than the end of the last class. Term papers may also be given to
the instructor at any time before this date.
Instructor: Dr. Kelvin Davies
- Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
- Age-related disorders of the respiratory system
Text: Chapter 5