Thomas B. Nolan, Director
Abstract ................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................ 2
Acknowledgments ......................................... 2
Use of ground water by phreatophytes ..................... 3
Evidence ............................................... 3
Effect .................................................. 3
Future considerations ..................................... 7
Definitions ................................................. 9
The hydrologic cycle ........................................ 10
Plants classified as phreatophytes ............................ 12
Scientific and common names .............................. 13
Factors affecting occurrence of phreatophytes ................ 13
Climate .................................................. 14
Depth to water ........................................... 14
Quality of ground water .................................. 15
Factors affecting the use of ground water by phreatophytes...... 16
Climatic conditions ....................................... 17
Depth to water ........................................... 22
Density of growth ........................................ 22
Quality of ground water .................................. 23
Salvage of ground water .................................... 24
Status of information concerning phreatophytes .............. 26
Relation of phreatophytes to floods and sedimentation .......... 28
Phreatophytes in Western United States ...................... 30
Summary of information concerning eight common phreatophytes 49
Allenrolfea occidentalis Pickleweed ...................... 49
Chrysothamnus Rabbitbrush ............................ 53
Distichlis Saltgrass .................................... 56
Medicago Alfalfa ...................................... 59
Populus Cottonwood .................................... 61
Salix Willow .......................................... 64
Sarcobatus Greasewood ................................. 66
Tamarix Saltcedar ..................................... 70
Finding index for common names ............................. 76
References ................................................. 78
Index ...................................................... 83
FIGURE 2. Variation and depletion of streamflow resulting from
transpiration by saltcedar........................ 5
3. Effect of transpiration on streamflow in a humid
region ......................................... 7
4. Distinction between phreatophytes and xerophytes
shown by their occurrence in relation to the water
table ........................................... 10
5. The hydrologic cycle for an undeveloped closed basin
in an arid region ................................ 11
6. Relation of water-table fluctuations due to transpira-
tion by saltcedar to fluctuations of relative humidity
and temperature ................................ 17
7. Relation of evapotranspiration of saltgrass grown in
tanks to depth to water table, and to the average
temperature during the growing season .......... 18
8. Effect of rainfall on water-table fluctuations due to
transpiration by saltcedar ....................... 20
9. Camelthorn and saltcedar in the flood plain of the
Little Colorado River ............................ 31
10. A typical dense growth of batamote (Baccharis gluti-
nosa) .......................................... 31
11. Vanadium bush and sweet vetch, which are guides in
the search for uranium-vanadium ore deposits of
the Colorado Plateau ............................ 41
12. Smoketrees (Dalea spinosa) in a gravel-filled wash
north of Needles, Calif. .......................... 42
13. Giant wildrye (Elymus condensatus) near Rye Patch
Reservoir on the Humboldt River, Nev. ........... 43
14. Blue palo verde (Cercidium floridum) growing in Cen-
tennial Wash, Ariz. ............................. 43
15. Giant reedgrass (Phragmites communis), or carrizo,
growing in association with arrowweed, and closeup
of the leaves and stem. .......................... 44
16. A luxuriant stand of arrowweed (Pluchea sericea) near
Blythe, Calif. ................................... 45
17. A grove of aspen (Populus tremuloides) marks a spring
and seep area near Carson City, Nev. ............ 46
18. The "devil's corn field" near Stovepipe Wells in Death
Valley National Monument, Calif. Clumps of arrow-
weed in a sanddune area. ........................ 46
19. A mesquite tree growing along the Gila River. ...... 47
20. Desertrush (Juncus cooperi) in association with salt-
grass (Distichlis stricta) ........................ 48
21. Fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) growing in
clumps along the channel of Salt Creek ............ 48
22. Pickleweed (Allenrolfea occidentalis) associated with
saltgrass on the margin of Great Salt Lake ...... 50
23. Rabbitbrush forming the predominant growth in a
large area of low-lying land near Carson City, Nev. 54
24. Saltgrass associated with greasewood growing near
Battle Mountain, Nev. ........................... 54
FIGURE 25. Cottonwood trees planted long ago meet overhead to
provide shade along a road east of Carson City,
Nev. .......................................... 63
26. An unusually luxuriant and tall growth of willows
in Death Valley National Monument, Calif. ...... 65
27. A clump of greasewood growing along Highway 50
west of Grand Junction, Colo. .................. 67
28. Willows and cottonwood in Carson Valley, Nev. .... 67
29. This handsome specimen of the athel tree (Tamarix
aphylla) is about 40 feet high .................. 71
30. A dense growth of saltcedar (Tamarix gallica) along
the dry (April 1954) bed of the Gila River ...... 72
31. An illustration of saltcedar encroachment along a
stream channel ................................ 73
32. Saltcedar along the banks of the Little Colorado River
near Holbrook, Ariz. ........................... 73
Phreatophytes are plants that depend for their water supply upon ground
water that lies within reach of their roots. Although not confined to the
arid regions of the Western United States, their occurrence there is more
common, more spectacular, and, because of their effect on water supply,
more important than it is in humid and subhumid regions. Most phreato-
phytes have low economic value, and consequently, the water they use and
return to the atmosphere without substantial benefit to man is defined as
consumptive waste.
Some phreatophytes are widespread throughout the entire West, and
others, such as saltcedar, are confined to the river valleys of the Southwest.
In all, they waste tremendous quantities of ground water each year. It is
estimated that phreatophytes (excluding beneficial species such as alfalfa)
cover about 16 million acres in the 17 Western States and discharge as much
as 25 million acre-feet of water into the atmosphere annually. Although
little has been done so far to prevent this waste, much of the water undoubt-
edly can be salvaged by converting consumptive waste to consumptive use.
There are two basic methods: reducing of consumptive waste by diverting
water from the plants to other uses, and increasing the efficiency of water
use by substituting beneficial for nonbeneficial plant species. These methods,
to be successful, require an understanding of the factors that affect the
occurrence and amount of water used by phreatophytes: climate, depth to,
and quality of ground water and soil.
More than seventy plant species have been classified as phreatophytes;
this report lists information concerning them according to their scientific
names. The available information about the phreatophytic characteristics
of most of the species is meager, but for eight, pickleweed, rabbitbrush, salt-
grass, alfalfa, cottonwood, willow, greasewood, and saltcedar, there are
sufficient data to warrant separate discussions. The annual use of water by
phreatophytes ranges from a few tenths of an acre-foot per acre to more
than 7 acre-feet per acre.
In the Southwest, saltcedar, an exotic plant that develops a junglelike
growth, has invaded and choked the normal overflow channels of streams, so
as to produce a flood hazard that must be reckoned with. In addition, the
ponding effect of the dense growth results in above-normal sediment deposi-
tion in the area of growth, and reduced deposition downstream, as was
observed at the McMillan Reservoir on the Pecos River in New Mexico.
In the interest of conserving water to meet an ever-growing demand and
to reduce flood hazards in the Southwest, more and more attention must
be given to the phreatophyte problem.
Since 1927, when 0. E. Meinzer's paper "Plants as indicators
of ground water" was published as Geological Survey Water-
Supply Paper 577, many reports and papers relating entirely or
in part to phreatophytes have been released in various forms by
the Geological Survey and other agencies. As more data on these
plants have become available, a need has developed for a supple-
ment to Meinzer's original list and description of the plants. The
need was recognized by the Phreaitophyte Subcommittee of the
Pacific Southwest Federal Inter-Agency Technical Committee,
which proposed the preparation of such a paper. This paper is
an attempt to fulfill that need by assembling and discussing the
information that is available on phreatophytes. It includes a list
of all plants in the desert areas of the Western United States that
have been identified as phreatophytes or which there is good
reason to class as phreatophytes, together with the available data
concerning their occurrence, habits, and annual consumption of
ground water. The information was obtained by a comprehensive
review of the literature, by consultation with fellow workers, and
by field study and observation.
Nearly all the available information and data on phreatophytes
are the result of studies and observations that have been made
on these plants in the arid areas of the western United States.
The reason is twofold; first, it was in the desert areas of the West
that Meinzer first observed the plants that he defined and classi-
fied as phreatophytes; second, the West by and large is a water-
poor region, and attention naturally is focused on water problems
including the role of phreatophytes as they affect the water
supply. Water-supply problems have increased particularly since
World War II, partly because of the increased demand for water,
partly because of a decrease in supply as the result of a pro-
longed drought in the Southwest, and partly because of the spread
of one species, saltcedar, a heavy water user, through the stream
valleys of the Southwest. (See frontispiece.) It has become in-
creasingly common, when referring to factors affecting water
supply, to include the "phreatophyte problem". In fact, it was
pointed out by Douglas (1954, p. 8-12) that the word "phreato-
phyte" is becoming a term that the laymen find convenient for
designating a group of destructive enemies that formerly were
regarded merely as nuisances.
The author is grateful to many in the fields of hydrology and
botany, including the members of the Phreatophyte Subcommittee
g 7.4
FIGURE 1. Comparison of fluctuations of the water table as shown in well T-6 in an area
of saltcedar growth before, during, and near the end of the growing season in
the Safford Valley, Ariz.
thus, even the high points on the stream graph indicate a flow
less than would occur if transpiration had not lowered the water
The Green River in its 437-mile course through Colorado and
Utah passes through several valleys where the stream is bordered
by a total of 40,000 acres of flood plain, much of which is cov-
ered with phreatophytes. The average daily depletion in flow for
a 21-day period in September 1948, resulting from evapotrans-
piration on the flood plain area (transpiration by plants and evap-
oration from the soil) was, according to Thomas (1952, p. 28), 552.4
acre-feet, or 278 cfs. In the 320-mile reach from Linwood, near
the Wyoming border, to Greenriver gaging station evapotran-
spiration losses accounted for 20 percent reduction in flow past
the Greenriver gage and a 32 percent reduction in pickup be-
tween the two stations.
At the Ouray, Utah, gaging station near the center of the Uinta
Basin, where the Green River is bordered by broad flood plains
covered with dense vegetation, diurnal fluctuation in stage was
clearly shown. Thomas (1952, p. 18-20) computed the reduction
in flow on the basis of the differences between the actual stage
and a line connecting the points of successive daily maxima, and
found it to be about 18 cfs. Similar computation at the Linwood,
Utah, gaging station upstream from Ouray, where the river is
lined with phreatophytes, indicated a reduction in flow of about
12 cfs.
Phreatophytes occur in the humid Eastern States also, but by
1956 they had not received much attention as such. In those States
the line between phreatophytic and nonphreatophytic vegetation
is not so sharp, nor is the phreatophyte problem so spectacular
or acute as it is in the arid Western States. Nevertheless, the
effect on ground water and streamflow is much the same as in
the arid States, though proportionately less serious, because of
the greater rainfall. Ferris (in Wisler and Brater, 1949) de-
scribed a record from a shallow well near Roscommon, Mich.,
which shows diurnal fluctuations that are the result of transpiration.
At the Bigwoods Experimental Forest in North Carolina, Trousdell
and Hoover (1955) found that the water level in shallow obser-
vation wells located in uncut stands of loblolly pine declined during
the growing season and rose during the nongrowing season. Even
more significant was the reversal of the downward trend of the
water level that followed cutting of the timber in the 200-foot strip
in which one well was located. The water level had declined about
9.5 feet from the beginning of the growing season in early May
until the timber was cut on July 21. After cutting, the downward
trend halted, and by the end of August, during which 5.66 inches
of rain fell, the water level had risen 8.8 feet. During this same
period the water level in a well in the uncut stand of timber nearby
rose only 0.4 foot. It was found also from a profile of the ground
water across the cleancut and uncut strips that the water level was
highest in the cleancut strip, lower at the stand edges, and lowest
within the stands.
The effect on streamflow in the humid States was demonstrated
by experiments in the Coweeta Experimental Forest in the Ap-
palachian Mountains of western North Carolina (Dunford and
Fletcher, 1947). The effect of transpiration on streamflow in
Maryland is illustrated in figure 3, by the hydrograph of the North
River near Annapolis. With the exception that the peaks and
troughs occur from 2 to 3 hours later, the diurnal fluctuations are
similar to those for the Gila River shown in figure 2. The lag is
believed due to differences in the time of the daily variations of
temperature and humidity that directly affect the rate of transpira-
tion (fig. 6).
In desert regions in general the flora are sharply divided into
two classes depending upon their relationship to the water tables.
Such a distinction, although it exists, is less noticeable in regions
of greater precipitation, and it may be lost sight of entirely in
humid regons. The close association of certain species of desert
plants with the water table and the lack of such association in
others have been known for many years. The distinction was
early recognized by 0. E. Meinzer in his work in desert areas,
beginning about 1910. Later he gave the name " phreatophytes"
to the plants using ground water. The term appeared first in a
preliminary mimeographed release of his report entitled "Out-
line of ground-water hydrology, with definitions," which was
issued in revised form as U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply
Paper 494 in 1923. He defined a phreatophyte as "a plant that
habitually obtains its water supply from the zone of saturation,
either directly or through the capillary fringe." The word is de-
rived from two Greek roots, "phreatos" (a well) and "phyte"
(a combining form denoting a plant having a particular charac-
teristic or habitat), and thus means "well plant." The name is
apt, for the plants grow where they can send their roots down
to the water table, or to the capillary fringe immediately over-
lying the water table, from which the plant pumps its supply of
water, as illustrated in figure 4. In his introduction to Water-
Supply Paper 577, Meinzer (p. 1) compares the phreatophytes,
with their perennial and secure supply of ground water, with the
xerophytes, which occur in desert areas where the water table is
out of reach and the vegetation is forced to depend upon the rains
for a scanty and extremely irregular water supply. The occur-
rence of phreatophytes and xerophytes in relation to the water
table is shown by figure 4. The name "xerophyte," Meinzer ex-
plained, also was derived from Greek roots; it means "dry plant.''
In a footnote at the bottom of page 1 of his introduction to
Water-Supply Paper 577, Meinzer says:
The principal ecologic groups of plants that have been recognized by
botanists are hydrophytes, which grow in water or at least with their roots
in water; the halophytes, which can endure large amounts of salt or alkali
in the soil water on which they live; the xerophytes, which are able to sur-
vive on very small and irregular supplies of water; and the mesophytes,
which are not adapted to endure any of these exti ernes. In proposing the
name phreatophyte, the writer did not imply that this group should find a
separate place in the old classification, but rather believed that it would
overlap some of the other groups. The term "halophyte" has been used for
marsh plants which are more or less intermediate between hydrophytes and
FIGURE 4. Distinction between phreatophytes (A) and xerophytes (B) shown by their
occurrence in relation to the water table.
mesophytes, but this term could not be used to designate the phreatophytes,
without violating its past usage and introducing much confusion.
By definition a phreatophyte gets its water from the water
table, and it does under natural conditions. It should be noted,
however, that phreatophytes will grow and thrive if water is sup-
plied artificially. Thus phreatophytes may be observed growing
along ditches and canals and in irrigated fields, in areas where
their roots do not reach the water table but tap irrigation or
drainage water. One phreatophyte, alfalfa, an important agri-
cultural plant, is grown extensively by irrigation without regard
to the depth to the water table, and there is little doubt that
other phreatophytes could be grown in a similar way if it were
The roles that the two principal classes of plants, phreatophytes
and xerophytes, play in the hydrology of arid regions can be
1 1
Interce Dtion by
||SNOW AND ICE "X| brush a nd trees
FIGURE 6. The hydrologic cycle in an undeveloped closed basin in an arid region. (Shaded
areas represent water in storage; solid lines, movement as liquid; broken lines,
erally are not present or occur only sparsely. Saltcedar and salt-
grass grow well where the ground water is high in common salt
(sodium chloride).
Greasewood is widespread in the Great Basin. It commonly
occupies the lower parts of desert valleys and is nearly always
present in the vegetation surrounding playas. Saltcedar grows
in profusion on the flood plains in the lower reaches of rivers in
the Southwest. Relatively few phreatophytes grow only in areas
where the ground water is highly saline. Perhaps the best ex-
ample of a phreatophyte having a high salt tolerance is pickle-
weed (Allenrolfia occidentalis). This plant (fig. 22) is common
in the Great Basin, where it fringes barren playas of very alkaline
or saline soil.
In table 1, the salt tolerance of the various phreatophytes is
indicated in a general way by a numeral, 1, 2, or 3, denoting a
qualitative classfication of the type of the ground water used by
the plant. This classification is based on the correlation of chemi-
cal analyses of water from shallow wells and test holes in areas
occupied by different types of phreatophytes with observations
of the soil and occurrence and associations of vegetation in the
field. The water classes referred to by the numerals are those
used by Magistad and Christiansen (1944, p. 9) in classification
of standards for irrigation water, namely: (1) excellent to good,
suitable for most plants under most conditions; (2) good to in-
jurious, probably harmful to the most sensitive crops; (3) in-
jurious to unsatisfactory, probably harmful to most crops, and
unsatisfactory for all but the most tolerant. The classification is
not intended to apply to water used for domestic and industrial
r\ r\
A A A - Los Griegos
h - Santa Ana
/ /
// /
/ s - San Luis Valley
S 32468
Owens Valley, Calif........April to October 1911
Santa Ana, Calif........... May to April 1929-30, 1931-32
Escalante Valley, Utah... .May to October 1926-27
Los Griegos, N. Me*..... . .March to October 1926-27, 1927-28
San Luis Valley, Colo..... .April to October 1928, 1931
Carlsbad, N. Mex. ........ March to October 1940
Mesilla Dam, N. Mex...... March to October 1936-37
Isleta, N. Mex............ .March to October 1936-37
FIGURE 7. Relation of evapotranspiration of saltgrass grown in tanks to depth to water table and to the average temperature during the growing season.
19 ' 20 24
JULY 1944
FIGURE 8. Effect of rainfall on water-table fluctuations due to transpiration by saltcedar. Meteorological data are from Glenbar Experiment Station, 1 miles
crease as the altitude increases, and hence use of water decreases with
The few data on the use of ground water by phreatophytes indicate
that at shallow depths the rate of use decreases as the depth to the
water table increases. The left side of figure 7 shows this conclusively
in the case of saltgrass for depths to 5 feet. In the case of saltcedar,
it has been demonstrated for depths to 7 feet (Gatewood, Robinson,
Colby, and others, 1950, p. 137). For depths greater than about 7
feet, the data are meager and not so conclusive. Nevertheless, this
relation is inferred to hold true at greater depths. This inference is
based largely on the field observation that as the depth to the water
increases, the plants become scattered and less vigorous, and gradu-
ally diminish in size until they cease to exist altogether. It seems
logical to attribute this decrease in vigor and size to a reduction in
the ability of the plant to obtain the water necessary for normal
In areas where the capillary fringe extends to the land surface,
ground water is discharged by evaporation from the soil and is also
transpired by phreatophytes. The two processes, evaporation and
transpiration, are closely associated, and it is difficult to determine
the quantity of water discharged by each. For this reason, the two
are commonly referred to as a single process, evapotranspiration.
According to Lee (1942, p. 290), the maximum rate of evaporation
occurs with a very shallow water table, decreases as the water table
declines, and becomes in effect zero after the water table drops to
such a depth that the capillary fringe does not reach the land surface.
As many of the data on water used by phreatophytes are actually
data on evapotranspiration, it is well to recognize that if the capillary
fringe extends to the land surface, the record of use represents both
evaporative and transpirative discharge, and if the capillary fringe
does not extend to the land surface, the data represents only trans-
pirative discharge. This explains the large difference in annual rate
of use reported for a species growing in an area where the water
table is shallow and the same species growing in an area where the
water table is deep. It illustrates also the unfeasibility of attempting
to apply water-use or evapotranspiration data for a shallow' water
table to an area having a deep water table, or vice-versa.
The height of the plant and the vertical depth of foliage also may
differ. These differences in areal and vertical density affect the quan-
tity of ground water transpired. In order to evaluate and compare
these differences of plant growth, the volume-density method was de-
veloped by the author during an investigation of the use of ground
water by phreatophytes in the Safford Valley, Ariz. (Gatewood and
others, 1950, p. 23-27). Volume-density is the product of areal den-
sity and vertical density, and the computation of it affords a method
of comparing on a standard basis one area of growth with another.
It affords also a means of applying to field conditions the data ob-
tained from tank experiments.
Density is measured against a growth so thick that any new growth
would cause an equivalent amount of old growth to become choked
out and die; this is maximum possible density, or 100 percent density.
Areal density is the number of plants in relation to the maximum
number possible, and vertical density relates the vertical depth of
foliage to the maximum possible. It was found in the Safford Valley
(Gatewood and others, 1950, p. 27) that the use of water by salt-
cedar, cottonwood, and baccharis varied directly with the volume
density. Thus, it is not sufficient to say that the annual use of water
by a certain species is a certain amount; conditions of growth must
also be specified. This may be done by describing the foliage in terms
of volume density expressed as a percentage.
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TABLE 1. Phreatophytes in Western United States CO
[The quality of the ground water with respect to its suitability for crop growth is indicated by numerals as follows: 1, excellent to good; 2, good to
to poor; 3, poor to unsatisfactory. The use of ground water, including precipitation, unless otherwise stated is presumed to be for a plant growth
of 100-percent volume density (Gatewood and others, 1950, p. 23-27)]
Acacia greggii ................................. Catclaw, devilsclaw, Southern California to ................... Uses more water than mesquite (McGin-
A. Gray. una de gato. western Texas. nies and Arnold, 1939, p. 236). Forms
thickets along streams and washes.
Acer negundo .................................... Boxelder ..... Canada to Oklahoma and .................... Occurs in moist places and along streams,
Linnaeus. Arizona. chiefly in mountains. Observed in the
flood plain of the North Canadian River
near Oklahoma City, Okla. Widely used
as a shade tree.
Alhagi camelorum ....................... Camelthorn ........................ Arizona .................... Introduced into Southwestern United States
Fischer. from Asia Minor. Poor browse plant.
Observed growing as a phreatophyte
along Little Colorado River between Hoi-
brook and Winslow, Ariz., in localities
where the depth to water ranged from
4 to 6 ft. Aggressive and thicket form-
ing, root system deep and extensive
(Van Dersal, 1938, p. 45). (Fig. 9.)
Allenrolfea occidentalis ............ Pickleweed, iodine- California to western Texas. 1-20 ................... For additional information see page 49 and
(S. Watson) Kuntze. bush. figure 22.
Alnus ............................................................ AJder ......................................... 5.3 Occurs along streams, river bottom land,
and other wet sites. The use of 5.3 ft.
(Blaney and others 1933, p. 112) was
for the period May to October 1932 in
Coldwater Canyon, altitude 2,400 ft., San
Bernardino Mountains, Calif., where
alder constituted 82 percent of the vege-
Anemopsis californica ....... Yerba mansa ..... Southern California, south- Shallow Used by Pima Indians as a herbal remedy.
(Nuttall) Hooker and ern Nevada to Utah and Common in saline and wet lowlands.
Arnott. Texas.
Aster spinosus Spiny aster ............ Arizona ..................................................... Identified as phreatophyte in bottom land
Bentham. of lower Safford Valley, Ariz. (Gatewood
and others, 1950, p. 24).
Atriplex canescens Fourwing saltbush, South Dakota to Oregon, '8-62 1-2 Tolerates alkali. Valuable browse plant.
(Pursh) Nuttall. chamiso, chamiza. south to Mexico Useful in erosion control. Taproots 30-40 W
ft deep (Van Dersal, 1938, p. 65). May
not always occur as a phreatophyte.
(Fig. 21.) I
hastata .... Oregon and California to Occurs in saline soils, especially around
Linnaeus. Kansas and New Mexico. alkaline lakes, in salt marshes, and in a
other water-soaked soils (Bidwell, and
Wooten, 1925, p. 9). a
Quailbrush, len- Southern Utah and Nevada 6-15 High tolerance for alkali and saline soil CQ
lentiformis ................. scale, Nevada to California and Sonora, (Benson and Darrow 1954, p. 121; ii
(Torrey) Watson. saltbush. Mexico. Magistad and Christiansen, 1944, p. 10). 2
Fair browse plant. Reaches height of 10
ft where water table is shallow (Kear-
ney and Peebles, 1951, p. 259).
Baccharis emoryi Emory baccharis ... Texas to southern Califor-
A. Gray. nia and southern Utah.
glutinosa ...... Batamote, seepwil- Colorado and Texas to 2-15 H.I Evapotranspiration for plants grown in
Persoon. low, watermotie, California and Mexico. tanks ranged from 10.3 ft with water d
waterwillow. level at 2 ft, to 4.6 ft with water level 2
of 6 ft. Safford Valley, Ariz. (Gatewood
and others, 1950). (Fig. 10.)
sarothroides Broom baccharis, Southern California, Ari- Occurs along streams in draws, in canyon
A. Gray. desertbroom, zona, southwestern New bottoms and wet alkaline sites (Dayton,
rosinbrush. Mexico. 1931, p. 160).
sergiloides . Squaw baccharis, Arizona, southern Califor- Occurs as a phreatophyte in lower Safford
A. Gray. waterweed. nia, southern Nevada, Valley, Ariz. (Gatewood and others,
southwestern Utah. 1950).
viminea - Mulefat ............. . .. Southwestern Utah, south- Useful in erosion control.
Crandolle. ern California, Nevada,
TABLE 1. Phreatophytes in Western United States Continued CO
Bigelovia harttvegii, .............. Will grow in dry places but thrives where
probably Aplopappus ground water is within reach (Meinzer,
heterophyllus ......................... ........................ 1927, p. 31).
A. Gray.
Celtis reticulata ... ....................
Torrey. kom. ameter and 50 ft in height (Bryan,
1925). Usually occurs along streams.
Cercidium floridum ................ PHREATOPHYTES
Bentham. southeastern California. alluvial plains, grassland at sites where
ground water is plentiful (Judd, 1954, p.
3-9). (Fig. 14.)
To 50
Sweet. Nevada, Arizona, south- (Bryan, 1925).
ern California.
Chrysothamnus pumilus .... .... Rabbitbrush .................... Mud Lake. Idaho ..... .... .. ..... . ...................... ....................... For additional information see page 53.
nauseosus consimilis ... Rubber rabbitbrush. Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Wy- 2-3 .......................... For additional information see page 53.
( Greene). oming.
nauseosus graveolens . .......................... do ........................ Montana, Idaho, Utah, Ne- 2.5-15 2-3 .......................... Do.
(Nuttall). vada, New Mexico.
nauseosus mohavensis . .......................... do ....................... Northern California, 2-3 Do.
( Greene). Nevada.
nauseosus oreophilus .......................... do ....................... Wyoming, Colorado, Utah..... Do.
(A. Nelson).
nauseosus viridulus ..... . do ....................... Colorado to Oregon; Ne- Do.
vada, New Mexico.
Cowanin stansburiana Vanadium bush Arizona, Idaho, Utah ... .Used as an indicator of vanadium-uranium
(Torrey). deposits by prospectors in the Colorado
Plateau. Able to grow in highly mineral-
ized ground and to absorb large amounts
of uranium (Cannon, 1952). (See fig.
42.85-2.35 Not everywhere a phreatophyte, but uses
(Linnaeus) Persoon. nia. ground water where it is available. Valu- W
able in erosion control and as forage. A
subtropical plant introduced from the
Old World, probably India.
Dalea spinosa ..................................... Smoketree, smoke- Southeastern California, ............. Its persistent occurrence in gravelly and
................................... ............................... ..........................
Gray. thorn. southwestern Arizona. sandy washes suggests it depends upon w
ground-water underflow and occurs as a 3
phreatophyte. (Fig. 12.) H
... Occurs as a phreatophyte in Pahsimeroi
Linnaeus. cinquefoil. spread in Oregon, Wash- Valley, Idaho (Meinzer, 1927, p. 60).
ington, Utah, Nevada Grows on subalpine meadows, along
and Arizona. streams, about cold springs in peaty,
sandy, or clayey loams. H
See pages 56-59.
(Linnaeus) Greene.
All Western States 2-14 1-3 ....................... Do. (Fig. 24.)
(Torrey) Rydberg. saltgrass. (Hitchcock, 1951 p. 178).
Fair forage. Killed by overgrazing. Ex-
Presl. New Mexico (Dayton, tensive root system. (Fig. 13.)
1940, p. G52).
triticoides ................. ... Western United States ............ .................................... 1-2 ........................ Good forage. Frequently cut for hay. Asso-
Buckley. ciated with giant wildrye along Humboldt
River, Nev. (Dayton, 1940, p. G50).
Eragrostis obtusiflora . .. Mexican saltgrass, Common locally in saline soil near Wilcox, H
(Fournier) Scribner. alkali lovegrass. southwestern New Mex- Ariz. (Kearney and Peebles, 1951, p.
87). Observed growing in Sulphur
Springs Valley, Ariz., where depth to
water table was from 4-15 ft (Meinzer,
1927, p. 23).
TABLE 1. Phreatophytes in Western United States Continued 03
Fraxinus velutina ... ..... . Velvet ash, Arizona Southwestern Utah, south- nyon tree ;
Torrey. ash, ern Nevada, California, restricted to areas with a permanent
Arizona, New Mexico, ground-water supply (Benson and Dar-
and western Texas. row, 1954, p. 273, 274). Pojmlar as a
shade tree in Arizona and California..
Hedysarum boreale ................. . Sweet vetch .................. Colorado, Utah ...................... .... Deep tap root (Dayton, 1940, p. W87).
Nuttall. Identified as a phreatophyte in Colorado
(Cannon, 1953). (Fig. 11B.)
Heliotropium curassavicum. Heliotrope, Chinese Southwestern Utah to Shallow 2 ..... High tolerance for alkali (Mendenhall, 1909,
Linnaeus. pusley. southern California. p. 20). Occurs on moist saline soil
(Kearney and Peebles, 1951, p. 710).
Hymenoclea monogyra Burrobush ........................ Western Texas to south- Shallow 1-2 .... Occurs largely along streams, washes, and
Torrey and Gray. ern California. in bottom lands; aggressive, often form-
ing thickets (Dayton, 1931, p. 154). Un-
palatable to livestock.
aalsola ................................... White burrobush .......... Utah to Arizona and ... Occurs in sandy desert.
Torrey and Gray. California.
Juglans microcarpa ........... Walnut, nogal, Arizona, New Mexico ... 2-20 Occurs along watercourses and washes;
Berlandier. butternut. intolerant of shade (Sudworth, 1934, p.
104). Deep tap root (Van Dersal, 1938,
p. 146).
Juncus balticus ................................. Wirerush, wiregrass... Western United States 57.8 Grows in wet sites where ground water is
Willdenow shallow, also in shallow ponds. Appears to
occur both as phreatophyte and hydro-
phyte. Deep root system. Fair to good
Juncus cooperi Desertrush ....................... Southern Utah to Califor- 2-3 Occurs on the margins of salt marshes
Engelmann. nia. and alkaline meadows, common in Death
Valley, Calif., along the edge of the
playa often associated with saltgrass.
(Fig. 20.)
Juniperus scopulorum? Rocky Mountain ju- Nevada .............................. 10 1-2 Occurs locally as a phreatophyte in White
niper; locally River and Spring Valleys, Nev. May be
"swampcedar." a hybrid between J. scopulorum and J. W
utahensis (Maxey and Eakin, 1949, p.
Leptochloa fascicularis Sprangletop Western United States ............... .................................. 1-3 Occurs along ditches and in moist waste
(Lamarck) A. Gray. places, often in brackish marshes (Kear-
ney and Peebles, 1951, p. 123); most w
places in alkali plains (Tidestrom, 1925,
p. 83). Often invades rice fields (Davis,
1950, p. 31).
Medicago sativa .......... Alfalfa Western United States 4+ 1-2 See pages 59-61.
Phragmites communis Reed, giant reed- Western United States ........... 1-2 Occurs also as a hydrophyte in the shal- M
Trinius. grass, carrizo. low water of streams, lakes, ponds and CO
marshes. (Fig. 15.)
Picea engelmanni .......... Engelmann spruce ... Mountain areas of west- Requires a good water supply and depends
Parry. ern United States. upon ground water in many localities
(Meinzer, 1927, p. 63). Shallow root
system (Van Dersal, 1938, p. 185).
Platanus wrightii Arizona sycamore ...... Southern Arizona, south- Common along stream and rocky canyons,
Watson. eastern and southwestern in foothills and mountains, upper desert,
California, New Mexico. desert grassland, and oak woodland zones
(Little, 1950, p. 54). Valuable in ero-
sion control.
Pluchea sericea Arrowweed ........................ Texas to southern Utah '0-10 1-2 Occurs along streams and flood plains.
Coville. and southern California. Abundant along lower reaches of Col- CO
orado River and tributaries. Meinzer
(1927, p. 77) suggests arrowweed may
grow where depth to water is 25 ft.
(Figs. 16 and 18.)
TABLE 1. Phreatophytes in Western United States Continued CO
Populus .................................... Cottonwood ....................... Western United States ....... 1-2 ....... ................ See pages 61-64 and figure 25.
tremuloides aurea Quaking aspen ............. Motintainous areas of 1 ........ ........... Considered a phreatophyte when it grows
Tidestrom. Western United States. along streams, around springs, and in
other wet areas. Shallow root system
(Van Dersal, 1938, p. 197). (Fig. 17.)
Prosopis juliflora Mesquite, honey Southern Kansas to south- 1-2 ........................ Extensive root development. Reported to
(Swartz.) mesquite. eastern California and penetrate 60 feet below surface (Kearney
Mexico. and Peebles, 1951, p. 402).
velutina ........ Velvet mesquite ....... Southern Arizona .................... 10+ 1-2 G3.3 Occurs in bottom lands. Extensive root S
Wooton. development. (Fig. 19.) o
pubescens ... Screwbean Western Texas to southern Characteristic of bottom lands along des- W
Bentham. mesquite, tornillo. Nevada and southern ert streams and water holes of Mojave
California. and Colorado Deserts (Benson and Dar-
row, 1954, p. 178).
Quercus agrifoUa ..... California live oak . California 35 Occurrence related to depth to water table
Nee. (Meinzer, 1927, p. 63).
lobata . ................... Roble oak ................ ...... California 10-20 Do.
Salicornia europaea Glasswort Frequently occurs in salt flats with salts
Linnaeus approximating 1.0 pertent of weight
of soil (Magistad and Christiansen, 1944,
P. 10).
rubra ......... .......... do Colorado, New Mexico, Some value as waterfowl feed. In Nevada
Linnaeus. Nevada, Utah. occurs along edges of channels draining
into playas.
utahensis .... do Utah Occurs on borders of salt lakes and alka-
Tidestrom. line places.
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TABLE 1. Phreatophytes in Western United States Continued
Relation to ground water
Depth to
water below
land Use (acre
Occurrence as a surface feet per Remarks
Scientific name Common name phreatophyte (feet) Quality acre)
FIGURE 11. "Vanadium bush" (A) and sweet vetch (B), which have a high toler-
ance for mineralized ground, are valuable as guides in the search for uranium-
vanadium ore deposits on the Colorado Plateau. The "vanadium bush" is able
to absorb large amounts of uranium. Photographs by Helen L. Cannon.
FIGURE 12. Smoketrees (Dalea spinosa) in a gravel-filled wash north of Needles, Calif.
A typical occurrence of this ashy gray leafless shrub, whose branches all end in spines.
FIGURE 14. Blue palo verde growing in Centennial Wash, Ariz. Two different species of
palo verde are native to Arizona: blue palo verde (Cercidium floridum) which is a
phreatophyte, and the foothill palo verde, (C. microphyllum) which is not. Photograph
by D. G. Metzger.
FIGURE 18. The "devil's corn field" near Stovepipe Wells in Death Valley National Monu-
ment, Calif., shows clumps of arrowweed in a sand dune area, the roots having been
partially exposed by wind erosion. The capillary fringe is at the land surface here.
1 6?
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FIGURE 20. Desertrush (Juncus cooperi) in association with saltgrass (Distichlis stricta)
on edge of the playa about 5 miles north of Furnace Creek ranch, Death Valley, Calif.
21. Fourwing salt-bush (Atriplex canescens) growing in clumps along the channel
of Salt Creek about 3 miles west of Beatty Junction, Death Valley, Calif.
Samples of plant tissue also were collected at the same time and
place from the leaf, branch, and root of the pickleweed and a
greasewood plant. The analytical results for the pickleweed plant
and soil sample are given below, and those for greasewood under
the discussion of that plant on page 69.
Chemical analysis of soil from pickleweed area and plant tissue
of pickleweed, Malad Valley, Idaho
[Analyses, by U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, in milligrams
per gram of soil or plant tissue]
Plant tissue
Constituents Soil Leaf Branch Boot
Calcium .................. 0.138 12.47 6.84 3.75
Magnesium ............... .816 7.94 6.64 6.39
Sodium ................... 11.027 20.42 30.36 25.93
Potassium ................ .641 3.11 7.14 6.80
Chloride ................. 19.987 9.94 37.75 26.64
Sulfate .................. .072 11.15 5.90 5.11
Boron .0003 .055 none tr
to 1,130 ppm. One sample of ground water from the Big Smoky
Valley, Nev., had 4,040 parts ppm of dissolved solids and 1,360 ppm
of chloride. A chemical analysis of a sample of ground water col-
lected in July 1953 from an uncased well 22 feet deep in an area
of pickleweed growth, on the bed of China Lake (sec. 34 T.24 S.,
R.40 E.) in the desert area of southern California, had a conduc-
tance of 3,330 micromhos and dissolved solids of about 2,000 ppm.
The water level in the well stood 5.8 feet below the land sur-
face. A pure stand of pickleweed grew abundantly around the well.
Unfortunately, no sample of ground water was collected in the area
of pickleweed growth in Malad Valley nor samples of soil from the
area of pickleweed growth in China Lake, Calif., to provide a basis
for comparison of the quality of the soil and the ground water
at the two localities.
Some idea of the concentration of ground water in which pickle-
weed can grow is furnished by the following chemical analysis of
a sample of water collected in April 1957 at Badwater in Death
Valley, Calif.
According to Dayton (1940, p. B.54), there are about 70 species
of the genus Chrysothamnus in western North America, to which
the name rabbitbrush is commonly applied. The shrub is very wide-
spread, extending from Canada to Mexico and from North Dakota
and western Nebraska to California, but is most abundant in the
Great Basin. The botanical name Chrysothamnus is derived from
two Greek roots, chrysos "golden" and tkamnos "a shrub." During
the flowering season, from late July to September, the plant is
rendered very conspicuous by the profusion of small golden yellow
flowers. Because of the similarity of color and size of its flowers,
rabbitbrush is often confused with goldenrod.
The genus is both phreatophytic and xerophytic, some species
occurring in the lowlands where they draw on the ground water,
but others on dry hillsides and slopes where it is apparent that
they have no association with the water table. So far as the writer
is aware, there has been no attempt to classify the various species
with respect to their association with the water table, but a study
of this is needed. Generally, a close association with the water table
is indicated where the growth of rabbitbrush is vigorous, luxurious,
and abundant (fig. 23). In the Great Basin, the phreatophytic spe-
cies are frequently found associated with greasewood and saltgrass,
particularly around playas and on the floors of desert valleys.
Only two species have been identified as phreatophytes. These
are Chrysothamnus nauseosus and C. pumilus. C. nauseosus has more
than 40 subspecies, or varieties (Hall, 1919, p. 181), but there is
evidence to classify only 5 of them as phreatophytes. These are
C. nauseosus consimilis (Greene), C. nauseosus graveolens (Nuttall),
C. nauseosus mohavensis (Greene), C. nauseosus oreophilus (A.
Nelson), and C. nauseosus viridulus. These forms, however are very
common and widespread, covering extensive areas in the Great
Basin. C. pumilus is reported as a phreatophyte from only one local-
ity, Mud Lake, Idaho (Stearns and others, 1939, p. 68).
The phreatophytic forms of Chrysothamnus nauseosus occur in
soil that ranges from lightly to moderately alkaline. From this it
is inferred that the quality of the ground water used by the plant
ranges from good to poor.
Data on the use of ground water by rabbitbrush are meager.
White (1932, p. 84) makes the following comment, based on his
work in the Escalante Valley, Utah:
Rabbitbrush is known to consume water. Wells put down during the in-
vestigation in fields of rabbitbrush invariably developed a daily water-table
fluctuation of considerable amplitude, and although no actual determination
was made of the amount of ground water used by rabbitbrush, the assump-
FIGURE 23. Kabbitbrush, forming the predominant growth in a FIGURE 24. Saltgrass associated with greasewood growing near
large area of low-lying "land near Carson City, Nev. Average Battle Mountain, Nev. The light-colored materials on the ground
height about 3 feet. and plant stems are incrustations of white alkali.
Owens Valley ............................ Jan. Dec. 1911 1.50 4.07 (Young and Blaney, 1942,
p. 126.)
Do .......... .............................Do ........................ 1.83 3.74 Do.
Do ............................... Do ... ... .. .. ...... 2.92 3.35 Do.
Do ................................ ......................................... Do ....................... 3.83 2.05 Do.
Do ................................ ......................................Do ....................... 4.92 1.12 Do.
Santa Ana .......................... May 1929 Apr. 1932 1.00 3.56 (Young and Blaney, 1942,
p. 44.)
Do ........................... ............... .............................Do ........................ 2.00 2.94 Do.
Do ................................ Do 3.00 1.98 Do.
Do ................................ ..........................................Do ...................... 4.00 1.11 Do.
San Luis Valley . .June Oct. 1927 .50 1.42 (Blaney and others, 1938,
p. 335, 336.)
Do ............................... ...........April Oct. 1928 .38 2.26 Do.
Do ............................... ........... ..May Oct. 1930 .33 2.26 Do.
Do ............................... ........... April Nov. 16, 1931 .28 2.31 Do.
Do .. ............ June Oct. 1927 1.25 1.49 Do.
Do ............................... ........... April Oct. 1928 1.17 1.98 Do.
Do ......................... ............ May Oct. 1930 .79 1.75 Do.
Do ............................ ............. April Nov. 16, 1931 .98 2.40 Do.
Do ...... .............June Oct. 1927 2.08 1.11 Do.
Do ....................... ... ... ........... April Oct. 1928 2.00 1.69 Do.
Do . ..... ......May Oct. 1930 1.92 1.57 Do.
Do ... ............ April Nov. 16, 1931 2.12 1.83 Do.
Do April Nov. 16, 1931 3.12 1.69 Do.
Carlsbad . .Jan. Dec. 1940 2.00 4.52 (Blaney and others, 1942,
p. 210.)
Isleta .. . ...... . ...... ... .. .. June 1936 May 1937 .65 2.63 (Young and Blaney, 1942,
p. 93.)
Los Griegos ...................... Oct. 1926 Sept. 1927 .42 4.03 (Young and Blaney, 1942,
p. 126.)
Do ............................... ........... Oct. 1927 Sept. 1928 .50 3.87 Do.
Do ............................... ............. Oct. 1926 Sept. 1927 1.17 2.77 Do.
Do ........................ ...... ........ . .. Oct. 1927 Sept. 1928 1.33 2.93 Do.
Do .............................. ......... . Oct. 1926 Sept. 1927 2.08 1.51 Do.
Do .................... ....... .......... . Oct. 1927 Sept. 1928 1.17 3.32 Do.
Do ............ ............. .........................................Do ........................ 3.08 .84 Do.
Mesilla Dam .................... . ..... July 1936 June 1937 2.17 1.89 (Young and Blaney, 1942,
p. 99.)
Escalante Valley .....................May Oct. 1926 2.58 1.60 (White, 1932, p. 100.)
Do ................ ..................... May Oct. 1927 1.94 2.26 Do.
Do .......................................................................Do ....................... 2.17 1.86 Do.
Vernal .............. ...................................April 14 Oct. 28, 1950 2.00 1.98 (Barrett and Milligan,
1953, p. 11.) Amount
does not represent a full
year of normal growth.
^^_ - ^ :; ' ~ ^t _y . , _ j
FIGURE 26. An unusually luxuriant and tall growth of willows line the banks of Grapevine
Creek at Scotty's Castle (background) in Death Valley National Monument, Calif., amidst
nearly barren hills. Below, typical willow branch and leaves.
trating the roof of a tunnel 57 feet below the surface. Shantz and
Piemeisel (1940, p. 32) report that near Moab, Utah, along a creek
bank where the roots were exposed
.... a greasewood 6 feet tall had roots down 18 feet, a taproot 3 inches
in diameter down 6 feet and abundant feeding roots, some 10 feet long, at a
depth of 10 to 12 feet.
Although greasewood is a very salt- and alkali-tolerant plant,
it is not confined to saline or alkali soils. The range in soil salinity
is wide, from 0.05 to 1.6 percent or 500 to 16,000 ppm (U. S. Dept.
of Agriculture, 1954, p. 57).
Greasewood also has a wide range in tolerance to alkali, and,
although alkali is not necessary for its growth (Shantz and Piemeisel,
1940, p. 33), the plant is characteristic of black-alkali sites. The
physical properties of the soil occupied by greasewood have a con-
siderable range. Although it generally grows on fine-textured soils
of low permeability, it also inhabits light, sandy soils. It may be
seen in sand-dune areas where the ground water is at shallow depth.
Evidence for the wide range of tolerance of greasewood to the
soluble solids in both soil and ground water has been shown by
Meinzer (1927, p. 81, 82). Ten samples of ground water from
areas of greasewood growth in the Big Smoky Valley, Nev., had a
range in dissolved solids of 137 to 2,400 ppm, and in chloride of
4 to 501 ppm. The total soluble salts in 11 samples of soil from
the same valley, collected at depths of 1 to 6 feet, ranged from 0.81
to 2.19 percent of the total dry soil by weight. If the specific gravity
of the soil is about 1.6 and the porosity about 40 percent, the soil
extract would range from about 30,000 to about 90,000 ppm in
dissolved salts.
A sample of soil from an area of greasewood growing on the
fringe of a saline flat in which there was a sparse growth of pickle-
weed was collected in April 1953 in the Malad Valley, Idaho. For
comparative purposes a sample of soil from the area of pickleweed
growth was collected at the same time. The chemical analyses of
these two samples of soil are given on page 51. On the basis of the
analysis, the soil of the greasewood area may be considered a
"black-alkali" soil, and that of the pickleweed area a "saline" soil.
Samples of plant tissue for chemical analysis were collected from
both the greasewood and the pickleweed (p. 51) plants at the same
time and place as the soil samples. The analytical results for the
greasewood plant tissue and for the soil sample on a comparative
basis are given below.
Tamarix gallica, tamarisk, or saltcedar, is a plant native to west-
ern Europe, the Mediterranean region, and western Asia, and was
introduced into this country before the turn of the century. Accord-
ing to Bowser (1957, p. 3-5) introduction of the plants into North
America is not of firm record. He reports that,
The first reliable herbarium record indicates that a collection of Tamarix
was made by J. F. Joor in 1884 on the San Jacinto River, Harris County,
Texas, and at that time the species was naturalized completely in that area.
In 1877 a specimen identified as Tamarix gallica was collected in Fairmont
Park, Philadelphia. Heller and Hapeman collected specimens of this species
along the ocean near Corpus Christi and Galveston, Texas in 1894, but other
collections of the species were made only infrequently until 1915. After that
widespread collections of tamarisk were made in the tributaries to most drain-
age channels throughout southwestern United States indicating that the
plants were then established widely in the plant communities. Complete in-
vasion of these nonende^ic plants now is evidenced along many natural water
According to Dodge (1951, p. 71), eight species of the genus were
introduced by the Department of Agriculture between 1899 and
1915. There is other evidence to indicate that other plants of the
genus, species unknown, found their way into this country at a
much earlier date. For example, in the historical novel "Death
Comes for the Archbishop," the author, Willa Gather, notes on
page 228 "old, old tamarisks, with twisted trunks," in the Bishop's
garden in Sante Fe. The time of the observations is placed about
May 1859. There are between 60 and 75 species throughout the
world, of which it is estimated that 40 may occur in the United
States. Of these, only two species, T. aphylla and T. gallica (the
latter also referred to as T. pentandra), appear to be important as
phreatophytes. Both appear to thrive best in the arid regions south
of the 37th parallel and below an altitude of 5,000 feet in the
southwestern United States.
Tamarix aphylla, commonly known as the athel tree, is the less
aggressive of the two. It is a rapid grower and makes a fine shade
tree in areas where other trees cannot exist because of saline con-
ditions, and also is much used for hedges and windbreaks in the
Southwest. It has been observed to reach heights of more than 40
feet (fig. 29). The species is not known to reproduce by seed
(Bowser, 1957, p. 4) and, consequently, the plant does not create
the problem of spreading into areas where it is not desired. It differs
from T. gallica also in that it is not deciduous but retains its leaves
and remains green throughout the year. In other respects, it is
much like T. gallica, for it appears to thrive best under arid or
semiarid conditions, has a high tolerance to saline or alkali soil
e" H
FIGURE 30. A dense and vigorous growth of saltcedar (Tamaria gaUica) lines the banks
along the dry (April 1954) bed of the Gila River in the Safford Valley, Ariz. This
phreatophyte, which infests most stream valleys of the Southwest, is the heaviest known
user of ground water. Below, the small delicate fronds that are shed in autumn.
FIGURE 31. Saltcedar encroachment along the Pecos River about 35 miles up-
stream from Koswell, N. Mex. In 1953, saltcedar was growing on about 41,000
acres along the Pecos River in New Mexico. Photograph courtesy of Pecos
River Commission, 1954.
FIGURE 32. A vigorous growth of saltcedar along the bank of the Little Colorado River
near Holbrook, Ariz. Reports indicate that this growth has taken place since about 1940.
and water, and, when growing under natural conditions, sends its
roots to the water table. No data are available on the use of ground
water by T. aphylla, although it has generally been regarded as
about the same as that by T. gallica.
Tamarix gallica (figs. 30-32), sometimes called French tamarisk
but more commonly known as saltcedar, is an aggressive, natural-
izing, and spreading shrub that is native from western Europe to
the Himalaya Mountains. Since its introduction into this country,
it has spread rapidly and has infested large areas of river bottom
and low-lying ground in Arizona, southern California, New Mexico,
and Texas. It is a prolific seeder. One small plant has been estimated
to bear over 600,000 seeds (Bowser, 1957, p. 6), and the seeds,
being light, are readily disseminated by the wind. The seeds germin-
ate rapidly, and, once established, the plant grows rapidly, usually
at the expense of other vegetation. An example of the speed and
aggressiveness with which the plant spreads is furnished by the
record of its infestation along the Pecos River between Santa Rosa,
N. Mex., and the Texas State line. Records indicate that before 1912
there were no saltcedars in the Pecos River basin. The first reports
of a few seedlings were in 1912 in the McMillan Delta (Eakin and
Brown, 1939, p. 11-18). These spread until, in 1915, they covered
about 600 acres (National Resources Planning Board, 1942, p. 57).
The plants continued to spread, not only in the delta but also up
and down stream (fig. 31), so that in 1925 they covered 12,300
acres and in 1939, 13,000 acres. In 1950, the Pecos River Commis-
sion, from an aerial survey, found that between the Alamogordo
Reservoir and the New Mexico-Texas State line saltcedar covered
a total of 31,820 acres, and by 1953, an estimated 36,270 acres
(Pecos River Commission, 1955, p. 9-10). Nearly 5,000 acres at
the head of Alamogordo Reservoir was not included in the 1953
estimate, so that the total for the Pecos River Valley in New Mexico
is about 41,000 acres. The average rate of spread, from 1912, when
the first seedlings were observed, to 1953 was about 1,000 acres
per year, but for the period 1950-53, excluding the area at the head
of Alamogordo Reservoir, the average rate was about 1,500 acres
per year. This is an increase of 50 percent in the rate of spread
over the 41-year average. Such a rate of spread cannot continue
indefinitely, for eventually a saturation point will be reached. It
does, however, serve to show the aggressive nature of the plant.
Perhaps even more significant is the increase in the area of dense
saltcedar growth. In 1939, the area of dense growth was only 490
acres, but in 1950 it amounted to more than 7,715 acres (Pecos
River Commission, 1955, p. 10), an average increase of nearly 660
acres per year.
Barrett, W. C., and Milligan, C. H., 1953, Consumptive water use and require-
ments in the Colorado Kiver area of Utah: Agri. Expt. Sta., Utah
State Agri. College, Special Eep. 8, 28 p.
Benson, L., and Barrow, R. A., 1954, The trees and shrubs of the south-
western deserts: Ariz. Univ. Press and N. Mex. Univ. Press, 437 p.
Bidwell, G. L., and Wooton, E. O., 1925, Saltbushes and their allies in the
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Acknowledgments ........................................ 2 Ground water Continued
Alfalfa, summary of information ............ 59-61 fluctuations in level, Safford
Allenrolfea occidentalis pickleweed ........ 49-52 Valley, Ariz .................... 4
quality, as factor affecting
Bigwoods Experimental Forest, N. C. .... 6 phreatophytes ................ 15-16
Bowser, C. W., quoted ....................... ...... 70 23-24, 32-40
salvage ................ .... . . 24-26
Carlsbad, N. Mex. ................................ 18, 19, 58 use by phreatophytes ..........3-7, 12, 32-40,
Chrysothamnus rabbitbrush .................... 53-55 57-59, 60, 62, 64, 66, 69, 75
Climate, as factor affecting
phreatophytes .................... 14, 17-22 Humidity, effect on use of ground water 17, 19
Common names, phreatophytes, Hydrologic cycle ............................................ 10-12
finding index ........................ 76-77
Cottonwood, scientific names .................... 61 Information on phreatophytes, status .... 26-27
summary of information .................... 61-64 Isleta, N. Mex.....-.-....--....-.--.---- 18, 58, 64
Coweeta Experimental Forest, N. C. .... 7
Lake McMillan, N. Mex. ..................... 28, 29
Death Valley, Calif........................................ 52 Linwood, Utah, gaging station.. 6
Los Griegos, N. Mex............................ 18, 57, 58
Density of growth, as factor affecting
use of ground water.............. 22-23 Malad Valley, Idaho ....................... 49, 51, 68
Distichlis saltgrass .................................... 56-59 Medicago alfalfa ........................................ 59-61
Meinzer, O. E. quoted ................................ 9
Economic use, alfalfa ................................ 59 Mesilla Dam, N. Mex ................................ 18, 58
cottonwood ..........................................;. 64
greasewood .............................................. 69 North River, Md., effect of transpiration 7
rabbitbrush ............................................ 55
saltcedar .................................................. 75 Ouray, Utah, gaging station ...................... 6
saltgrass .................................................. 56 Owens Valley, Calif ............................ 18, 57-59
willow ...................................................... 66
Escalante Valley, Utah ................ 18, 19, 26, 53, Phreatophytes, common names,
58, 61, 64, 69 finding index 76-77
Evapotranspiration, relation to definition . 9
temperature ............................ 18, 19 economic value .............. 8, 27, 55, 56, 64,
relation to water table ........................ 18 66, 69, 75
effect on stream flow . .... 4-7
Floods, relation of phreatophytes ............ 28-30 factors affecting occurrence ............ 13-16
factor affecting use of
Gila River, flow, Safford Valley, Ariz.... 5 ground water ................ 16-24
Gila River Valley ................................ 28, 72, 75 in Western United States ................ 30-40
Glenbar, Ariz., Experiment Station ........ 20-21 occurrence 32-40
Greasewood, analysis of plant tissue.... 69 plants classified ............................. . 12-13
area, analysis of soil ........................ 69 relation to ground water ........ 14-15, 32-40,
in Great Basin . .............. 66 56, 62, 68
summary of information .................... 66-69 root system 14-15, 55, 56, 60, 66, 68
Great Basin ...................................... 16, 53, 55, 56 salt tolerance .................... 15-16, 32-40
Green River, evapotranspiration losses.... 6 49, 56, 60, 68, 70
Ground water, chemical analysis in use of ground water ............ 3-7, 12, 18, 19,
area of pickleweed growth 52 22, 32-40, 57-59,
consumptive use ................................... 24 60, 62, 64, 66, 69, 75
consumptive waste .............................. 24-25 Pickleweed, analysis of plant tissue ........ 51
depth, as factor affecting area, analysis of ground water ........ 52
phyreatophytes .............. 14-15, analyses of soil samples ............ 51
22, 32-40 summary of information .................... 49-52
Page Page
Piemeisel, R. L., quoted .... ~~ ............. 68 Salt tolerance, alfalfa ................................ 60
Pontiac area, Michigan ............................ 8 greasewood .............................................. 68
Populus cottonwood ............. .................. 61-64 pickleweed .............................................. 49
saltgrass ................................ . . .... 56
Rabbitbrush, summary of information.... 53-55 San Luis Valley, Colo .................... 18, 19, 55, 5f
Rainfall, effect on use of ground Santa Ana, Calif ............................18, 58, 59, 64
water by phreatophytes ....... 19- 21 Sarcobatus greasewood .............................. 66-69
References ...................................................... 78-82 Sedimentation, relation of phreatophytea 28-30
Shantz, H. L., quoted ................................ 6?
Safford Valley, Ariz., fluctuations of
water table ............................ 4, 17
variation of streamflow .................... 5 Tamarix saltcedar .................................... 70-75
Salix willow ................................................ 64-66 Temperature, effect on use of
Saltcedar, rapid spread ............................ 74 ground water ........................ 17-lf
relation to floods .................................. 28 Tularosa Basin, N. Mex ............................ 49, 51
relation to sedimentation .................. 28, 29
summary of information .................... 70-75 Vernal, Utah ................................................ 58, 6C
transpiration ........................................ 5
Saltgrass, grown in tanks, White, W. N., quoted ................................ 19, 58-
evapotranspiration .......... 18, 57, 58 Willow, summary of information ............ 64-66
summary of information .................... 56-59 Xerophyte, definition .................................. S