State Practice ACI 317
State Practice ACI 317
State Practice ACI 317
ABSTRACT: Forensic engineering investigations of residential structures often include measurements of ele-
vation differences across the slab-on-grade floor as an indicator of movement (settlement or heave) of the
underlying soil. Such assessments are predicated on an assumption that the slab was flat or very nearly so at
the time of initial placement. Despite the relatively frequent use of such measurements in practice, confirmation
of the underlying assumption is scarce in the archival literature. This paper describes a testing program to
measure the deviation from level of a large number of residential concrete slab-on-grade floors in Phoenix,
Arizona, within a few days of concrete placement. An average maximum elevation change of 13.5 mm was
observed. Average and maximum slopes are also presented. The construction of the residential structure atop
the slab was found to have no statistically significant effect on the levelness of the slab, nor did the season in
which the concrete was placed. Residential slab-on-grade construction methods are reviewed, concluding that
this degree of deviation from level is to be expected. Comparison of the data with recommendations in the
literature suggests that caution must be taken in evaluation of cosmetic or structural impairment of residential
structures based in large part on measurements of interior floor slab levelness.
mm (0.53 in.) when the slabs are newly placed. t= (7)
1 1
The smaller sample of the slabs measured after the struc- sp
tures were completed above them shows an average value very nU nL
similar to that of the sample of newly placed slabs. One is
tempted to conclude that the results show that the averages are where xU = mean of sample of unloaded slabs; xL = mean of
the same. However, because the samples represent random sample of loaded slabs; n = number of observations in each
sample; sp = (nU 1)s U2 (nL 1)s L2 /(nU nL 2); sU =
TABLE 3. Summary Statistics for Slab Level Measurements in Study sample standard deviation for unloaded slabs; and sL = sample
Maximum Elevation Difference across Slab
standard deviation for loaded slabs.
For the 95% confidence limit, and for the appropriate num-
Sample Standard
ber of degrees of freedom (89 9 2 = 96), the critical t-
Type size Range Mean deviation
value is 1.989. The calculated t-value using the values in Table
New placed slabs
max 89 6.3530.0 mm 13.5 mm 4.06 mm
3 and the equations above is 0.0318. As the calculated t-value
(0.251.18 in.) (0.532 in.) (0.160 in.) is well below the critical t-value, there is no statistical reason
max 89 1/8571/101 1/334 1/796 to reject H0 to the 95% confidence level. In other words, the
Loaded slabs max 9 11.717.0 mm 13.5 mm 1.70 mm likelihood that we ought to conclude that the means are alike
(0.460.67 in.) (0.530 in.) (0.067 in.)
is very high.
The error is more difficult to evaluate. It requires an as- yields = 0.04. The hypothesis H0 would therefore be rejected
sumption about the standard deviation of the population, incorrectly only 4% of the time. Taken together, these statistics
which is in truth unknown to us. However, it is likely that it indicate that there is a high probability that the means of the
is close to the value for the unloaded slab sample, since that two populationsthat is, loaded and unloaded slabsare the
sample is so large. If we assume that the standard deviation same. In other words, it appears likely that loading the slab
of the population () is about 3.8 mm (0.15 in.), we can find by construction of the house, including the interior partitions
out the probability that the means of the unloaded and loaded and the roofing, does not affect the maximum deviation from
slabs are more than a set amount different, which amount will level.
be called . This probability is known as and is calculated Another way to look at this sample is to calculate a confi-
using standard charts and the d-value, which is calculated us- dence interval for the difference between the means of the two
ing (8). samples. This is done using (9).
(nU nL)(nU nL 1)
(8) I = xU xL (t/2,nUnL2)sp
Sample Standard
Type size Range Mean deviation
Newly placed slabs
All data 89 6.430.0 mm 13.5 mm 4.06 mm
(0.251.18 in.) (0.532 in.) (0.160 in.)
Hot months 49 6.430.0 mm 13.4 mm 4.50 mm
(0.251.18 in.) (0.527 in.) (0.177 in.)
Cool months 40 8.926.9 mm 13.7 mm 3.61 mm
(0.351.06 in.) (0.538 in.) (0.142 in.)
Loaded slabs (max) 9 11.717.0 mm 13.5 mm 1.70 mm
(0.460.67 in.) (0.530 in.) (0.067 in.)
Koenig (1991), Texas 54 3.225.4 mm 13.7 mm 5.33 mm
(0.1251.00 in.) (0.54 in.) (0.21 in.)
Marsh and Thoeny (1999), California 6 15.225.4 mm 19.1 mm
(0.61.0 in.) (0.75 in.)
Bondy (2000), California 4 12.722.9 mm 1.78 mm
(0.50.9 in.) (0.7 in.)
FIG. 6. Normal Probability Distribution for Maximum Elevation Difference on Newly Placed Residential Concrete Slab-on-Grade Floors