Assignment-5: Galgotias College of Engineering& Technology
Assignment-5: Galgotias College of Engineering& Technology
Assignment-5: Galgotias College of Engineering& Technology
Solution of Assignment-5
Let I be the angle of incidence of the light ray with the axis and r the angle of
refraction. If be the angle at which the ray is incident on the fiber boundary, then
=(90 r). Let n1, be the refractive index of the fiber. If c critical angle where c =
1 n1 then the ray is totally internally reflected.
Consider a cylindrical optical fiber wire which consists of inner core of refractive
index n1 and an outer cladding of refractive index n 2 where n1> n2. The typical
propagations of light in optical fiber is shown in figure.
Now we will calculate the angle of incidence i for which >c (critical angle) so that
the light rebounds within the fiber.
Where n0 is the refractive index of medium from which the light enters in the fiber.
From triangle BCE,
r=(90 )
Substituting the value of sin r from Equation (2) in Equation (1), We get,
If i is increased beyond a limit, will drop below the critical value c and the ray will
escape from the side walls of the fiber. The largest value of i which is imax occurs
when = c. Applying this condition in Equation (3),
sin imax= (n0) cos c .. (4)
where c = 1 n1
(12 22 )
cos c = 1 Sin2 c =
2 2
(1 2 )
sin imax = 1
0 1
(12 22 )
= .. (5)
Almost all the time the ray is launched from air medium, then n 0 = 1 and imax = i
sin i = (12 22 )
i =sin1 (12 22 )
Hence the acceptance angle is defined as the maximum angle from the fiber axis at
which light may enter the fiber so that it will propagate in the core by total internal
Now the light contained within the cone having a full angle 2i are accepted and
transmitted through fiber. The cone associated with the angle 2i is called acceptance
cone as shown in Fig.
NA=sin i
NA = (12 22 ) .. (6)
The NA may also be derived in terms of relative refractive index difference as,
1 2 2
= =1- 2 Hence = (1- ) Now From Equation (6)
1 1 1
NA = (12 22 ) = n11 (2 )
Now substitute the value of n1 then after solving above equation will be
NA = n12
V Parameter/V-Number:
The dispersion is defined as the distortion of light wave or pulse as it travels from
one end of the fiber to the other end of fiber. The data or information to be
transmitted through fiber is first coded in the forms of pulse after these pulses are
transmitted through the optical fiber. Finally, these pulses are received at the
receiver and decoded. The light pulses, entering at different angles at input of
fiber take different times to reach at the output end. Consequently the pulses are
broaden at the output end. The pulses at input end, output ends are shown in
Fig. i.e
The deformation in the pulse is called pulse dispersion.
(3)Wave guide dispersion: Due to wave guide structure the light rays in the fiber
follow different paths. Therefore they take different time interval to travel these
path. This dispersion is called as waveguide dispersion
5. Define attenuation in optical fiber communication.