Free and Open Source Software's For Geographic Information System (GIS)
Free and Open Source Software's For Geographic Information System (GIS)
Free and Open Source Software's For Geographic Information System (GIS)
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1 author:
Jagdish Chand
Govt PG college, Paonta Sahib, HP, India
All content following this page was uploaded by Jagdish Chand on 28 December 2014.
Department of Geography
Govt. PG College, Nahan, HP
Open source may be viewed by many as a revolutionary
phenomenon that is capable of providing the software industry with an
alternative and competitive way of doing business. Research done so
far has tackled the history and business aspects of the open source
phenomena, and only few have researched its technical aspects. The
results of the research provide an insight on how different categories of
people view open source, and demonstrate that lack of awareness about
open source concepts and its competencies may be a major reason
behind the poor adoption of open source solutions. The results of the
comparative analysis also demonstrate that Map Server is technically
equivalent to its commercial counter parts. A new open source sharing
platform has emerged from the joint initiatives of the educationist,
researchers and software developers. Present paper throws light on the
contemporary development of this open source technology in field of
geographic information system (GIS). An effort has been made to
review the main components of open source technology at desktop and
web based platforms, while the significance of open source technologies
has been also discussed.
The development of free and open source software has
Jagdish Chand- Free and Open Source Softwares for Geographic Information
System (GIS)
experienced a boost over the last few years. The variety of Free
and Open Source Software (FOSS) that can be found on desktop
computers ranges from word processors (e.g.,
web browsers (e.g. Mozilla Firefox) to drawing (e.g. Inkscape)
and scientific applications (e.g. R Project). In the GIS domain,
the widespread use of FOSS is apparent as well. This rise in
popularity of free GIS tools can be measured using four
indicators. The first indicator is the number of projects started
in the last couple of years. For instance, in last two years 20
entries have been added to the list of software projects on the
website (containing now 330 entries). As a second
indicator, there is increasing financial support by governmental
organizations for the foundation of FOSS GIS projects. The
listing of desktop GIS projects provided below shows that
governmental funding supports at least 4 out of 10 projects. The
third indicator is the download rates of free desktop GIS
software. SAGA GIS for instance experienced an average
increase of downloads in its documentation section between
2005 and 2008 from 700 to 1300 per month. Finally, a fourth
indicator is an increasing number of use cases of open source
GIS software such as PostGIS for the geospatial database
(Ramsey, 2007a).
Along with this trend towards the application of open
source software goes the number of research publications that
mentions the use of open source software tools and libraries.
Furthermore, software and algorithms developed in research
projects are increasingly being published under open source
licenses. As such, it is important to note that the free and open
source software movement that postulates the freedoms of use
and modification for software is not restricted to software only.
Rather one regards free software as the foundation of a
learning society where we share our knowledge in a way that
others can build upon (FSF 2008a). Hence, this movement also
includes the free availability of data that forms a basis for our
knowledge. Certain initiatives that focus especially on the free
Type: GIS tools
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL/OGR) is a cross
platform C++ translator library for raster and vector geospatial
data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open
Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a
library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling
application for all supported formats. It also comes with a
variety of useful command line utilities for data translation and
processing. GDAL supports over 50 raster formats, and OGR
over 20 vector formats.
Type: GIS
The Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) is
a PC-based GIS & Remote Sensing software, developed by ITC
up to its last release (version 3.3) in 2005. ILWIS comprises a
complete package of image processing, spatial analysis and
digital mapping. It is easy to learn and use; it has full on-line
help, extensive tutorials for direct use in courses and 25 case
studies of various disciplines.
Type: GIS
MapGuide Open Source is a web-based platform that enables
users to quickly develop and deploy web mapping applications
and geospatial web services. MapGuide features an interactive
viewer that includes support for feature selection, property
inspection, map tips, and operations such as buffer, select
within, and measure. MapGuide includes an XML database for
managing content, and supports most popular geospatial file
formats, databases, and standards.
Type: GIS
Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source
Geographic Information System (GIS) that runs on Linux,
Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports vector, raster,
and database formats.