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Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), 2015



Loredana COPCEAN, Silvica ONCIA

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat Regele Mihai I al Romniei,
Calea Aradului, nr. 119, Timioara, e-mail: lorecopacean@yahoo.com

Abstract. Quantitative estimation of surface erosion of the soil, is not a current topic, the
approach a working methodology for this purpose is temporal "localized" in 1950, when some
researchers from the National Runoff and Soil Loss Data Center and Purdue University have made an
empirical equation for the quantitative determination of eroded soil. In 1978, Wischmeier and Smith,
gives Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), an equation designed to calculate the annual mean soil loss
from agricultural lands. This study aims is to estimate the amount of annually soil lost by surface erosion,
using specific methods and Geographyc Information Sistems data, in the administrative territory Traian
Vuia, Timis County. The values of the equation coefficients were taken from the literature, under specific
environmental conditions of the study area. For the calculation of some of the factors they were used
satellite images. For the said territory, the average annual of soil loss through erosion ranges from 0 to
72.46 t/ha/year, these values having territorial distribution depending on the environmental conditions of
each subunits. Given that data and maps were used to average scale, in the micro-regions, surface
erosion can occur with greater intensity. The large number of methods of determination, but also, large
differences in coefficient values used, can be detected by quantitative differences in the estimations.

Key words: estimation, erosion, informatics, soil

Quantitative estimation of surface erosion of the soil is not considered as a current
topic, approach a working methodology is "localized" temporal in 1950, when some
researchers from the National Runoff and Soil Loss Data Center and Purdue University should
be formulated an equation for determining the quantitative loss of soil (PELTON J., et al, 2012).
In 1978, Wischmeier and Smith, published Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), an empirical
formula designed to calculate the annual mean of soil loss from agricultural lands (ZISU I.,
2014). In 1997, Renard et al, make Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), an
equation which target specific climatic and topographical review on factor of USLE equation.
To be applied to the environmental conditions specific to Romania, romanian researchers,
coordinated by M. Motoc (2002), amended and adapted USLE as Romanian Soil Erosion
In recent decades, the development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow
the application and spatial representation of the USLE (DE ROO A.P.J., 1996), each factor of the
equation is materialized through a map.
This study aims to determine the annually amount of soil lost by surface erosion using
methods and data specific to Geographical Information Systems.
The study area overlaps administrative territorial unit (ATU) Traian Vuia, located in
the east of the Timis county.
In this study were used:
- soil map of ATU Traian Vuia (ONCIA SILVICA, et al, 2013)
- Digital Elevation Model of ATU Traian Vuia
Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), 2015

- Map of land use - by extracting data from the database Corinne Land Cover [22]
- Climate map based on the information available free on http://www.worldclim.org,
according to the methodology proposed by HIJMANS et al. (2005)
- a Landsat TM satellite image acquired in August 2011, taken from Earth Explorer
database and downloaded free from website http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov.
Existing maps and maps resulting from this study were processed with ArcGIS 10.0
To determine the average annual quantity of soil removed by erosion in the area was
use equation (1), which represents Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), formulated by
researchers WISCHMEIER and SMITH in 1978:
A = RKLSCP (1)
where: A - average annual eroded soil (t/ha/year); R - rainfall aggressiveness coefficient (MJ
mm/hha/year); K - erodability soil factor (thah/MJmm); LS - topographical factor, namely the
length and angle of inclination (dimensionless); C - coefficient expressing cultural influence on
the amount of eroded soil (dimensionless); P - coefficient expressing anti-erosion measures
influence (dimensionless).
Rainfall aggressiveness coefficient values (R) were determined based on Modified
Fournier index (ARNOLDUS. 1980, citat de ZISU I, 2014), according to relation:
Pi 2
FM (2)
i 1 P
where: FM - Modified Fournier index; Pi - the average amount of rainfall for the month i (mm);
P - average annual precipitation.
For setting the erodability coefficient (K), data were used to the texture, structure,
content of organic material [21], for each unit of soil in the territory, according to those
characteristics are assigned values between 0 - 0.0513, according to the methodology described
in literature (PANAGOS et al. 2014, MOOC M., 1975, CONSTANTIN ELENA, 2011, ICPA, 1986).
Topographical factor (LS) - length and inclination of the slope - was computed in
ArcGIS based on the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 30 m spatial resolution, using the
algorithm proposed by PELTON J., et al (2012):
Power(flowacc*[cell resolution]/22.1,0.4)*Power(Sin(sloperasterdeg*0.01745))/0.09,
1.4)*1.4 (3)
Where: "flowlac" - accumulation due to water erosion; "Sloperasterdeg" - the slope in degrees.
Coefficient values that express the cultural influence of the quantity of eroded soil (C)
were determined in two ways: in the first case, these values were adjusted for the area analyzed
based on the data from the literature (CONSTANTIN ELENA 2011, CHISIS IRINA, 2013) with the
values of 0 - 0.7 and in the latter case, they were determined using the Normaalizat Difference
Vegetation Index (NDVI) according to the equation (KARABURUN A, 2010):
C = 1,02 1,21NDVI (4)
Regarding the influence of measures and anti-erosion work (P factor) was used in all
cases a constant value equal to 1 which signifies the absence of such works.
For automatic calculation of surfaces, maps in raster format have been reclassified and
converted into vector format ( HERBEI M., 2013) using ArcGIS software.


The study area is geographically situated in Bega river basin, in the eastern part of
Timis county and overlapping administrative territory Traian Vuia. This area falls within
altitude between 120 - 494 m (Figure 1).

Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), 2015

Figure 1 ATU Traian Vuia Digital Elevation Model

Next we analyze separately each component factor of the USLE, then, based on the
results will be made average annual soil loss situation at ATU Traian Vuia.
R factor can be determined by several methods (ROCA B., et al, 2012, CASTRAVE
T., 2012, MOOC M, et al, 1975), but in this study we applied equation (2) being used climate
data available free on http://www.worldclim.org. For the study area, R factor has a value
between 49.28 - 53.84, depending on the specific physic-geographical conditions.
K factor was determined from the map of types and subtypes of soil (ONCIA
SILVICA et al, 2013), each of them, depending on the characteristics of the soil, being assign a
coefficient between 0 - 0.0513 (Figure 2), according to the methodology taken from literature
(PANAGOS et al, 2014, citat de ZISU I, 2014).

Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), 2015

Figure 2 ATU Traian Vuia K factor values

Areas with forests and construction areas have been assigned the value 0 (Figure 2).
Referring to the topographical factor (LS), PATRICHE C, et al. (2006) states that of all
the USLE factors, it is most difficult to calculate (Figure 3).

Figure 3 ATU Traian Vuia topographical factor (LS), flow direction, flow accumulation, slope

Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), 2015

Over time, they were created and tested a number of ways of determining who led the
possibility of calculating it with GIS programs, using Digital Elevation Model. In this study, it
was applied the algorithm set by PELTON J., et al (2012), which involves: determining the
direction of flow, establish the possible accumulation, calculation of the slope (in degrees) and
use the experimental coefficient, according to the equation (1).
C factor expresses the degree of protection of crops on the soil and can be determined
by several methods. One way of determining is using the database Corine Land Cover (land
use) and coefficients specified for each category, depending on the degree of protection against
erosion processes (Figure 4), the coefficients drawn from research undertaken by YOUNG,
(1989), CHI IRINA (2013), MOOC M. (1975). In this case were used coefficients fixed by
YOUNG (1989), citat de ZISU (2014).

Figure 4 ATU Traian Vuia C factor values

Another way of determining the C factor is based on satellite image processing
(TERENTE M, 2008, KARABURUN A, 2010, CASTRAVE, T,2012) (Figure 5).

Figure 5 ATU Traian Vuia C factor extracted from satellite images

Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), 2015

For the calculation of the C factor is determined NDVI and apply equation (4), the
acquired image is displayed in Figure 5.
P factor, which expresses the execution of anti-erosion works, was not considered, in
the absence of data confirming the existence and type of such works.
On the basis of five parameters USLE, quantified and represented spatially, apply GIS
technique calculation that involves multiplying the 4 layers (R, K, LS, C) and the value of
constant factor P (Raster Calculator function) according to the equation (1). C factor was taken
into account obtained on the basis of satellite images. The result of soil erosion is the map
described above (Figure 6) in raster format.

Fig. 6 ATU Traian Vuia map of surface soil erosion susceptibility

According to the data presented in Figure 6, annual average amount of soil eroded
ranges from 0 to 72.469 t/ha/year, with spatial variations in accordance with physical and
geographical conditions. The lowest values are specific for areas of meadow and the largest
quantities of soil are lost in steep slope areas in southeastern territory.
According to the classification made by ICPA (1987), from the total area of 6976 ha
[20], approx. 65% fall in the "very low susceptibility", approx. 20% are soils with "low
susceptibility", 0.7% in class "moderate susceptibility" and only 0.3% fall in the class "high

Administrative territory Traian Vuia is located in the low hills, with altitudes between
120 - 494 m and physical and geographical conditions specific to this altitudinal range.
According to the results obtained by applying USLE, having adapted to the specific
conditions of the western part of Romania, the average annual eroded soil ranges from 0 to
72.46 t/ha/year. The lowest values are specific for areas of meadow and the largest quantities of
soil are eroded in areas with altitudes and steeper slope. According to the classification made
by ICPA (1987), from the total area of 6976 ha [18], approx. 65% fall in the "very low
susceptibility", approx. 20% are soils with "low susceptibility", 0.7% in class "moderate
susceptibility" and only 0.3% fall in the class "high susceptibility".

Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), 2015

Given that data and maps were used to average scale, in the micro-regions surface
erosion can occur with greater intensity.
The large number of methods of determination, but also large differences in
coefficient values used can be detected by quantitative differences in the estimates made.

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21. Arhiva Oficiului de Studii Pedologice i Agrochimice Timioara
Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), 2015

22. Corine Land Cover database

23. http://www.worldclim.org,
24. http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov


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