Elephant Ears Lesson Plan
Elephant Ears Lesson Plan
Elephant Ears Lesson Plan
This is the first lesson from reading program in enrichment classes, for grade three girls and it is all
about Elephant Ear's Story.
Teaching Goal
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify new animal's names like (Goose, Chimp,
and Snail).
Learning Objectives:
Students will recognize the story setting like (the cover of story, title, author name, and who are in the
story/ characters).
Students will explain fiction or non-fiction story "elephant ears" in a discussion in plenary while we
are reading and giving reasons.
The learners will predict what is going on, and they will read the sentences in the story.
Students may know how to read the new words, they may have a good pronunciation, but they may
not know the meaning of the words.
Students may know the title and story setting, but they may have confusion in differentiate between
fiction and non-fiction.
Some students may play with others, chatting during story time. The children in the back, but I will
use my voice to change it and I will use my management.
Some students feel shy from reading, I will support them in pronounce the first letters.
I will use my body language effectively and I will show the children the hand expressions when I will
B.Ed. Teaching Practice Lesson Plan
read the story for them (the bat can fly and I will use my hands).
I will try to work on eye contact and memorize student's names.
B.Ed. Teaching Practice Lesson Plan
B.Ed. Teaching Practice Lesson Plan
Time / stage Teacher activity (T will ) Student activity (eg. In groups Tutor
students will ) Comment
1. Engagement - The teacher will greet students and - Students will sing the song and
5 mins she will do the action of the song. engage with the teacher.
(Greeting Song)
- Students will be engaged to be
- The teacher will give each group managed and do good job.
the jar and she will make a
reminder for motivating them in the
2. Building - Th teacher will ask students about - Students will sit in the carpet
Knowledge the story setting. and they will interact with the
15 mins teacher through the story
- The teacher will read the story in (elephant ears).
class plenary setting.
- Students will be listers and
- The teacher will ask students thinkers.
questions to predict and question
about animals. - Students may ask questions
about the story.
3. - The teacher will ask student in each - Students will stand and go to
Transformatio group is this story fiction or non- their place in organized way.
n on fiction.
10 mins - Students will response to the
- The teacher will let students go to teacher and they will give a
their desks. reason why it is fiction or non-
fiction story.
4. Presentation - After that, the teacher will illustrate - Most students will be already had
10 mins the fiction and non-fiction stories and a background about the fiction and
she will give one example. non-fiction stories.
B.Ed. Teaching Practice Lesson Plan