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CFD - Assignment

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Assignment 1

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(i) You are required to enclose a printout of the code(s) you have developed.
(ii) Please write down the date of submission conspicuously on the cover page of your

It is required to obtain the steady-state temperature distribution on a 2D rectangular plate

as shown below.

Dirichlet B.C.: y = 0, T = T1; x = 0, T = T2; y = H, T = T3; x = L, T = T4;

(T1 = 100oC, T2 = T3 = T4 = 0)
Governing equation for steady 2D heat conduction (which if there is no heat generation is
a Laplace equation):
2T 2T
2T 2 2 0
x y
It is intended to solve this elliptic PDE subject to imposed boundary conditions. Select
constant spatial step sizes x = y = 0.05 m, in which case imax = 21 and jmax = 41. The
temperature distribution is to be computed for a total of (imax -2)x(jmax -2) = 741 grid
points. Condition of convergence to be used is if ERROR < ERROR max, the solution has
converged where

j jmax 1
i imax 1
Ti ,nj1 Ti ,nj
j 2

ERRORmax = 0.01
Use an initial guess T = 0.0 at all interior points.
(a) Use point Gauss-Seidel method to compute the temperature distribution and write
down the number of iterations required. Present the results in the format given
by TABLE 1.
(b) Do the same using PSOR with a relaxation parameter given by the optimal

2 2 1
, where = imax 1 jmax 1 , x
1 2 y

(c) Perform numerical experiments with taking values from 0.8 to 2.0 at intervals
of 0.1 and find the number of iterations required for convergence with each value
of . Give an (vertical axis) vs Number of iterations for convergence
(horizontal axis) plot.
(d) Find the temperature distribution from the analytical solution given below at the
grid nodes and present the result in the format given in TABLE 1:
n ( H y )
1 (1) n sinh
T T1 2 L sin n x

n 1 n n H L

Carry out the summation for n = 1, , 110 and use `long double


i j T (Gauss-Seidel) T (PSOR) T (Analytical)

11 1 - - -
11 2 - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

11 41 - - -

Draw contours of constant temperature for the rectangular plate from results obtained by
Gauss-Seidel method. You may use TECPLOT (preferred) or GNU plot.

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