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Kitab Al-Jeem Vol1
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Jaffer Abbas
A classical Arabic dictionary, volume 1
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Kitab Al-Jeem Vol1
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A classical Arabic dictionary, volume 1
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Kitab Al-Jeem Vol1
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Jaffer Abbas
A classical Arabic dictionary, volume 1
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oy a * of S oe SENAY Set aplallece ethanol jul Seieletlyptsat/h eee eneset ail Gla ag Sk be cdl ste Hrgls dy — od Hyg) ge CARI dade Gt pal Let sae gly day well ote dh ell wll FLY Sy cdl DEI al 5 GaN a GAMBA slab! shay AB 6 Keay) Wha yo Gill Yo yobs shat eed f rere Fay SateNic a atyyth pdlel ge tenet Ue Geull aly o ladalyty GU oe Sly Byles aeey s Lal frog Uyilee Gaal ge WWD BS Esty egeal yy Be db Sal g se odag Lye gf eg pole Quill aig Bh ge ts” det cess Yul pre tr 0 gall OLS Uayeel aye” GS WU J ate 5s, Qed! ily alah gale asayds Je lass py S Sayall eats d hy slngll Gam de ey ceding ey. du pi Sys Ut My 2d yy tals AT Gull bed eos Af aaball cage Qe Sed oes Lee oP Gall gee ost Joaall gd Uys « aa. AS ca sll oe Updo yale pet Uf cles OF yal Sleasy 6 prea Wa Gets Glee ge ely Ely © el Goll 24> baay yl de eg tll als BUM sd de Be ppl 1 RIS ge Hy SU Cradl Gaal dete Os - i ide Go Gaal MU iy dy — Sl yrall vhs atl ot Se Iagas BUN ge sual ayy, Ske gay 6 I ele ge Seed bee ey GUS Inlet Sp CUA ods dary «lng y Gal Oly ants‘ t «dae gle cp glaly pil Tl gaan 8 Ais ash bye Bay 6 Sale gala] SENN 9 J) JAI ap seclly Jqotll bagel ge Goal Jil deglany + jell Lis bel ed eyes or AT Ge ery ceraies BUY ns dolar + Ge S SU yy cad J USN Clb yada ge pISy + ALazall Nigh Gael Up pad lh yall Gatall Ciel iy .as3le oi 5 Feel tele be Lada Calas LoS 6 ocigeddy Aatyendy GLRy. Caan LS Zale dolp> sll ead le Glos My 6 A] Grails oe Boll BUSI 295 sll Gesledlly Lc comll aa tll Mea rds 6 Ugild Ge dBldny 6 Tally atibee dele Fale Byer ibe aed ail ale aoe mae Re tal gS ge 1 NAVE Be cats ge Ve SHBlaha Crys ey Ey a es © cde op de Gatl geh ial «sll oat Jo Ay Hal 35 al Crvverne Fe) a ve © a at kel al yt oa «Bey lib Selig — (ov ty) A NAV stay ce AE gall 5aundl «5H gS ioe SBM = (yar ge)» 001 6S at on oe te hell re Ca ala ob Tab = (110 1) OWS 2 Cty Al eb got Cra toe) oade a ner 6 de cael teal pm gal Cat a acy atl nage Curr ine ot) os Cig J galt (ar OV te) eo reo) A (Eten ved ese ae gp tel gS ol weal = CONN ae aver © Sodas ll ey all « JL sel spe gal 6 tld ual Many E04) de oe det one cil © cell ade sais (at Be Be oy tel ge ET JUS Gadd eels Late = (2a OE) eve Cet gre eearbl eebll OyBle le ange ¢ cabal Lal dl 13— (VRE tos) antl 2h eek ed puill oleh df dyeyl be (ee tue) SYA tue) a ea el te oe Slee Gh Ub (ey en)» 16A8 Coal og tlie etl abel a8 gp alt dal O18 ayvAc gett gee ech egy gnilalh— (ye red fa ned call FS dl eee ¢ Syall GAS = (nt Ge Da Te 6 gal hg Sled pil ail « Se awal (ure = Fe Ee) CVE CTE EME UPAR CIER CVT OTHE fe) BD Ge gt Jlnee Hie gel evant Be) ASL SNe — (ot tye)» not cael gp sad eb yl «all OLS = (1448 Thad COWIE ney OLLI ET = (VME VOL Eye Ate FHC rvE TNE foeeal Dra snl Lye Cov OY AVIA Coat gid ge deel! alll OH Sal ye oo Ball pyle Bah — Cy 4a te)» toy 6 de Gtel Sl age ysl Syke el gf hag ( alee — (abl co ngh htt) Se at gil H(ve = viet dala ol ttt) 5 gil «all ~ Cont tue) or alaet ball ¢ Wels SVEN bat hart seal ¢ stad av tn cael gy lt al te gl gall dle Hoke CEETU Hae) a tyT 6 be gp Bl ye tat rod ign lel d geil! = (Ab EAT alae regi Old! = (Ai agk bh) AE cee or at SW Cray ee )aave eg att we) eu ge call ast (vrei iS gb tn (a0 te aAy ela eM ets apat tel Bl ane UT SS le oe Dowd o USL Bell pd Leap yee slalall Ga eT Hy. Geetha JS Olt Ube, eas hee BA 2 ESI Lat yak gil: lal pip APL ipa Jat eee 8159 6 Gell Gy yee Mele SY Ad Lay tw Doky Mig He y5 Mealy Ahad Goodly sleeall 2 al ULL AT ype yf af Real atly! Olga ipl Lake gala ohusl GL Oey Opdlet HS] cg ne uh Ral t yes 9S eat Jr eK, oe Bale SI ests Oy ATs 6 Bl oe SS ce de ct ee oF HIRE oy Ut OAT, Mee gy gee SOL ET 6 seb Ge Gols Dl Oth OA Ty Mee AI cet pall Ge EM ae Cell GAT old US Obs BE Se dla dl + DS Set SS ct ak Sal Cat ge url Je pativ dal OS Spb ALS gree GUS G Ogi gle gel Al Jo ae CaS lly Sled ae Sr ae BIT Cail LAN Dayle Wy ae WISE ye Abd Ga dled gy ad A] Aad ey Ma pe oe ries + Bla: Son deol CA BN Mg BSI LE ad ge acegee GOI Ma age Sal ces BLS oe smell ge Ad Gy Dell pate BSI Jos fc gne ut ile bObeet ot AS ot det gr Basis gs ae ce sree of gy Hl a5 ge te cel cy a Bae LS le ane gif atte ITs CYS a VV dee pd Morell 57g: gd gadkiy PLS ase DAMN At GAL, fe oye GIS” ac Ls ee pe ALS. Ge Hela by Ae gly WOES alas 6 sal atl Ue be «apd Le gn ne Gael el gel cal Oy a VAY ey Ve See Sot a BOL Dy Lag of Ji auis yee yeh ay AS GH hn OIF AAG ily pigs pee ya VEN EL O'S" apee gals cca NV Rae ee a gy aps am d IBIS aU ANT 2 yy + ote] seh, Ming 1 Spa cell hip a ae Uf Sf Sp dee Bb ss Lene Ge ole d BS d SSI Houall ale othe af 3 aye ot Ho a gulls Sf Gall Me cece lee de tle — gee UF gehen BL UP ass ov dy,d sole Uf ape cl dey ty coe geatay esleel af cl ples sme al de dt aul wi of gu Ws Ol Uy BM gp Lb etal BE lye i hay OF ape Uf of ol dA y cuir Gas Uy Pen, St SP OSG Bs opin Sy OF hy achn andy «lag Sy ge DUAL Acad ala Gas ayae GY candy LS” Kell olay sce gy deoee Ge celal gy dase dil ae gol OUT LAL pall Mla al Slash dds CAS] eth Czech ygeate oe ase oe [Meda ss, « apd Neb gpl deal gata als ELAN aS oIKyy oe af de stall, ee Ma tn gd CUE gig Oley bay eh Sec slays dB ote col pew b danall his G ab bse © el Eyam Gils Cpl Qh” fo atti G wedi of tle eM lal baby a Bas ahs bw pl Gy WSs eT dap dy Game deol of dap dhesle: pM gw Sk ope UY Bijele Gare el Bape Geaesel culedl Bad ye Gad iy Sy 6 ela sleet gy ellis ode oF obit fy « casa ge ASM de bay Ubi” dee op oe the ay lp: dB ype dT Uf Ge Tg GUS Haske Dery send OF ae ated el theta a: Sp led pot dG abhy A say, c Sylally oad GA OF Gadd deo Gey GAN det bo Ad, sp WaT dad gris Wn ple ad ge oe OF Ul lel ad eel ans bag tl sy Jelly Satake Zh Spb, LST gare le ey Cadell al’ call poe ld gen ge VI er MS Spd cles aye DASE gerpall aedllas be ged — lye ae Vy cole Gel = ela i gadill ay cil OOt Bed af Stal dees Ge Cosdl oe dE p dice aM LA yp ct oat Ugghy Olwall gy se Cs ANI Sy Calg Gy CLS aptly. Beg ode ye agi day ll Mla Cas Id Obl sates D OF SL Red BI Beal LUT fe OIE UE AG aadll attel oF Gatley wold gt op au yang s AS Bel rll ge ope Ee Ghar e Ghar ol LF uy May cle cul tye bualy Ks J LISI py of Gay Ways WTS 66M ge Gk cs Lycee tl ale Gaal b oe 6 a yadda pad (SAU cage OLS Tale Gd be cll Way AB Gy Gled a pe gl lis: dye Crve: ¥) JW dlSI Cis G ale dla mane UF gel fe Nib ede Lice tle be oy OUI a ad oof et Vy Bf pee A LS lll oo ae da — eaba Ha Uo Mt il ate end Bund age te lige gael Ub SUM! all Gee Gl CLAY, Legal Lia “ell the Gu LT ele td pdb LOI] QOS Era! ale cha wlokteal Cirle ode Ly ccavlgsll Gay de Gill JU LS cai! Laks, Listy All cole ot by eSleatll sty Ge ale tt Ole DAT Le cyl et cell aS Bee Gell tle ge dey colts 1 AA dapall Ghwel ai as 4 ob Gal Many eed JS chet: syne BY Ls LS ES poll gy deg ele gy : PED Cae sf tly ated cat pals ge de Gly = pe Wl gel all May. AIM ceey oe OE Gy abtad gy Shey eel ge Ge OTs «inal stuf ge abe OS Ady. peal ty AYA OWT US y dg Heb AS eo be A GH IG y ipl dle, crests Mok ua dust dye ol oP cae ai Cape yf or Batt © yee BY poles OS By ¢ Gagl gy deme Syba AsyeP UY Lede (ae sep |S aby cal als 1 te Dadi a says dle ane UPL: 45 wo Cope gag Ole ge BLL Chiba ye lly tes Yt du ype EIS Gy al -S «il at ay ty LI or das Sealy Bee del eh eu sS Sell BAS oo UL ane of Has! 6s by BS Vy ee aN rahe ped ele eM gays Call aol ually Ghufuluu Sp DRL Ayal USS Why nas af oll ST, cla dy ast pall sed ga ate gaSlaatlge O57 ane Uf of egy ed dusts aig bye 2 dys oly (2) Ri GLAS Gt gh apne gel Led Dy SII Rt ge WS ell oy Bee cle aay Oe dE ge pal tag 6 pel gily eauSAL SAS ely MS halls AS G shaigg CATT wtb oF as” aly Gaal yey 6 gall JAS ge tel + deal galls tate pl a ob ll edi ISLE sl ASE Legead ally fgectley Fpte GU ediatell ye ME bale] gael go BUN Ub nt Gedll Sy Spee PAU Ee AS be Gttley Byte cae ee CIT Yt Uh « otbetl py Gattlyy pte tia ane gf ob: SeidYe SL alg cole ys BSI de pels yee Wet ye tal ey Ee IS ee pad ye EO lil GAT ole al dD] Cua Jy ca WY de. Op IE aw. alyaly e fthath lath te ane of So gel Jl FAVOR ie CAI yas cally Sys bd Salad Uae Gye AM Bly lad adilly BS soltall ge — haall ef ates 2 OF SS eae oy sae ge Mael adll Jats ce ta CS ype oF By af: CLAW oul Uydase Gath eet Te ce oF Sele SN SEM olay w ke cal aye of 1 Bley phe de: Lis cOplll De i Ve Te Seng BIGCAS A ape lls dys Ql Ld Lat cadet ail eG ype WV cans gl oll abs calls! 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BSNy iad! SL Oye a2 shee athe BIST abs aly BSS Ge ae ellle ele eet abt! 1 Gyall a gy ste auth sels neal ese or arts (aetll ols pee oly als Slot doses «eal Get ly oa oe dE wg kllly« ftsaall sels ¢ Lill le Gy pars BIS poten’ yal LS Saab dent LS 6 ane coll GUS Ease ge Sil $8905 ody Rane led Ghd dl Joldll ga cal hye gee def gi ates \t 5 1S pe Peay ay ste yao gf (hock call pall els ays ge ui ANWR Alby Sy cE padllal yee gapelell Unles gy Balad — CANOE Rr Alby CSI) 6 A Ge OLS ane Wt MNO Lie Ay CUI y 6 SU GLAD Ssh St ae Golem ANNA Bae By Calg 6 ask SI AST oy gelll Howe gy tll CAVA Kier 5b CIS a paatl al oy Oy «eM Ole Grade 0 iy IIT 6 abd tal yay Cay Sy GN ge pe AN de PAYNE ee by CUI Bal yal ga Cas gy ell Le eee. ¥ AYV Odie Asli y Cay Epa Jal ge ce sled asl oy nee das A PANY Ge by Cul BL Jal oe Oe Gu poll ten 4 ANIY Re 4alby CIT ye pts © prerll phe Gu claee dh be hed Rag olay Les culty tag, Ls byl ped! te eubh us, fe ssa pall a SEES «pel pats USS Gey Je BM, iad b Be SE ger Cod tt Sy Sarat ol fe Last esse 1%) «euch bp ded pall a Meg go Sy copes Steet CA VAY bie 3g CALs LS Fall ZOU Ge gee pt ot pe iy CaN y slay Epa gap Calsel ly Cally Slee dee fey sa YAY ANAS daw aly IT ES 6 RH Cede GLIA stds ¢ EY dhe aaliy all 5 ce ees wl alae\o CA YEE AID) CI TS Slee] gy Gps Cea gt OK opel def coy cane ul Ube BLU ge way UES OS 3 satel by del ad Jess eto de Sel pal Ua Alt dy OS y Ela ge Gla abitgh Ye Mypads Cadell uy «abil ey by 2 geal boser pl shed tlay ba 05 de bey 1 Beedl dpe AVAY Le 45g CSS y ee yST Olea} LAY OY Bae ally CSI) COLMA AYN Liar by CIS g 6 Talons gy il Le 1 alles eles SAVER Ay CIT 6 ae ule) PAYS Kr Ady CSI y CST QUIS She ote LAVA by CHIT 9 SEN OL 5— 1 ANAT by CHIT ye tLE Gul Ge Synsy pee thy LE LS Cayhlow gata Va ale df Oly + ptb gine 1 ols G) Why yee Ul GBT cil pall US cable a ede Bai LMS ge aes yab 0l ye OI E98 MO See Oat GE rN Ue Le eee Gath pall thet Ge sl tly ya LF «Halla ped cals’ y eR pil has aby hy aby A OSs Of cl yabe BSE oe af pkgs Cabely Al Of Gye LST Wy ae Jei) HO yathegtll M589 « SS o4 SY Het & ot 2 yr DOSIT BSI Uyak rail Gad ge Sal dhetel fF BSG pli ol OI ~ pte IS Ma S85 sake Sgt Odbe ge sgl SA OI adlgsell gd CaNY Eee Aigetall ge intl A ules de Ghetil gel aut ia uo 2 agily a pay Ue eI] Mle Uple tage of goreall b Jel ales gaol JB aedaely BEI SF cyl! 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AV) Kaw ddl toe cuts” of Jy BS Faye of Jb uty + eye ek Ip bles» olday lf BSI A 2 Abed Ca) 3 yl = slab yy aefus. ple ge dim syne al dst ad, + pie — pee eg a ke cyl Male shall bla of Gals Ge by i SM pall oo US pb buh Las of pel OT US c pan Wha fad ge CITA Nab Bl ya ec cde als sete jaan Mia eatbecdlS He YS EIS! ola tayo WS ys dae ge A ys OP Gat Gt BOS EE oe bey catty BELT IT, Cyyae al led eS y dake otal cL ae ST SIS Ye eboney Gee rely Bly GSS BBR Go MY gl atl OF bps baad ules Chests yy pad) Mia Ske Lis Ulsy O98 Ky Cad gy apart pdef sey Ulgill see uf debsWw Waal seth gga gif Sole ace Coed pel OAT aye oh ade Ls i, CBS OL ge OW’ ye ull Paill_y 2 neh gu alee 2 ade (4) cotllyl ce Sous aly cA LS tall J] ee ae of at of ny = OU] = Obpsted anny Lats hye Ge Goud ge gf feo ord: Gls - 20 ele SK Leal Se oe hb Le peers de gel ca oy 6 AALS Ge ALD a yr gel LY Sy sale Ughal ga aa]: CL eget yang Cs pes gla Le eats UT] «ah cobalt doll gut UP slat 2 BP eal ye: cle by Ld | S985 CA aT 6 ay cone Ade ily os CUS: SB. ay Cee CS Of Ys dil ubY sf, Vey Gel La oll Gas PBS : eM pd: Ub Vid slat ately Cj Gast gh Gh ett peed deck ols} Ql ple Utah Upgiely 9 odbc oF J 2 db welpl BD, Uygle Gyedd — Soyncd adi ane GS Wgercad of Copies pill tag J «Qld aad dda de Us ode Mclal abe call pK, tle dS O'S Ld gyat ls OI : Glad Lada Cqamdl Je IF fo Utah Gyo I oy 1 gory colbile 588) Lal] lira ey ad] cline b deelCAS gel gs CIT Gall slat ee Wy at gnc aul ae dyiy Bye oe LS” O13] tdedy Urner Golly Lis Ga go BSI) ene G dheey ¢ rear OS Gull d] ya al Col a eet Db gall elimi ye yee at) ate A yiulay 5h gl Sp © Sealy satay days tla OLS Loe aT edd! yyy ast fsa Jbl OLS :—y,ae uf Go Ye (Se Arsh ley = UA oak apaslel of Mind] UkaT 15] Se Bley Geant te ke BS gyi OF Lie By Ct ot Ses! Go Le LS PM ay Moly ee ll Gebel gly ol Sp dey CAS BU olay Saclay J cf 6 BSW dee Gath JS at 2 Jyii OF Linden aS Wa Liye Li] ca Ve Re al card bb BO Lt II Gail dy BS EIN ele FOS Bhd at ee oe ane af iS of s Bagh oo AW Odi yo INI Gaby ba de Vd SAIL LAY Geyer gyae Gal we dyigh Of ot cI AIT GS ou ta al ga clyaie gee gf Gof SI au ells oma Sy oF tS Soe IS ly peel Vales Larsen GUS ay SAIS YY ABT ey cin ar Gail fo ayale Gas” gf WL Ld e gare gf apd ere oda Vly cab dbp I ey of pay caylee OTE «ged sill os aN gel c paly Mell calele ge GAN Hela gee of Ulead ge a5 2M, ull4 onde pel Sel pally Mead Sleds Ge THU Kel aybeecal ge Ul US Uf gaye goed ase def I gal of ge Ulig bb 2 ab Sd ruale BIS IB OI fog OF ad LEY sill GS tall LUE Zale Be J nd «gl hs Faas” SI el Al acande Sling La tall 4y tale aly gal iad 2 Blond GS alo Gey agelne ae dl OF Mla asba fe thane © AT ye doles fe art comart Aabb Ctapdell aulyy be gels « ailtl ge Ul Cage Mie USL Hn T ate pled ge ote OI ally clay IT glell Lia OF Yc pat AUN A] OI Ofy gaye edi Guys SUS BW ee 0 Of ot «dpb Ula ol fT ye Og! wht Vibe «depo ERE IT lll al Uys ce UB GT ge REE Gul Cape Gul Codtane Di fate Gy deol yds Ele god Jy HL ye A te ool gishrol esas zeal ye ci ot SS eed dub cel oF Detlef elle: dyad tof de ot e dapdly ache fe Last YT YY aay gual cc 8 Ga CUIs” Oy oday taglyy gles lag ¢ cagdodl dacT tol yay ¢ fete gy lead GN ge oF Uy le «dnl J Gus Vf we £5 gp Bsn Uo = ye AS Slog ane of Eel OM OL ead Ge SI loll ob SLA yee gl late! AS Es UKay PS Se BOL. enele Sa Sr2 obbbis 5a (5) Cas: de af le ge oy) AB 6 oye ul Ye dad UO pddL, + pally Gleall Jd Se de OU alaal ite Clelly dll G+ Dll see of EB Ghd Spel ad): pdb lia Cbd Jd de sl Giny cgae uf oF oe Wes yy qasf Oi Dey abby ft of sual Sip 2 Ghd Batlle WV caaygill Gale 53 A tS Gott LE Vy 1 GE Meyays Sle Bh lo NaS God Qtr gay GS IIT ype UE Lie Of 03 wl Mey OS g Ae GK alt Gh obeal Iyiy « com is de aS Tye we ET go ay UT, er Ose LSI ga lke ots Cletll ane Gl fe ele toe ot usin dod fet ed sab ele cs, coer 1 Byhall Bydse SF gay goes Geko Ge 4] Uy ] ometh feller Genre Win 4 shad uy aN ge = ty Oye a ey eS Fa sty Mey ell fo Ube all Lane gn pl os sali Je at dey Ay day #1 al ibe OL dal Nyala ys AY Ugly sage Je EY ope US 2 AW ail hia Ghl JS yo ee ser 2 DB ple Cr Oye heey, 0 ay Gnd | GE Lael Uy pol tat BN) Lal el os it + pede«shaded Gat Sle ET ayy Magy OI ay gh GUS Cul Geall Jor JI Ma 6 eaeell ele Sa fal doe ge sane Gales DO ge Ub ol baal ey 1 BG gy Sab ey dae A A Yaa Bd ge A us wb, Sey cipal: QS aay ead bane af dla. fos tele Ble A dyes pl Jamt Cu Qh dal signe DBE gat Gaels ane SLB z t x sel yar safe eee Sb. hee nat pt cfc jad: Ghyll 2 30 VY pydl day tau ly Capeall 45 Tr AS ds Soll dol yh yoo Lait aay 2 Ale UKs Leaded fond tT ary doe Cy sel dle a Cd peed Sy ne ut oe ela] ge Cle ola af ky Spa d letll ane oF de ue fee «ded buyyy GSN heal alls Capa Le ame ed spat geld quid col Sale Le Galle gag «alley bye selsll gale gee bl: Ji gd BES ya Bal hey tad Lah os ay al: pee ob pee UU. ee UPL le Ges lode a) dl ‘ fie bec slay + Giesll sled pad d ee: Lal coldly 2 Rend cage ee att: Syke See deol yf sryes aed GV tenets ueshk ‘Y Cdl ge DT yal antl GV a Gal gee yd db JLB ECS SSGUEYS) 5 03 Jerald fie cael [phage Ase padi lef thine yelilél emmeil Sent: spel SLs [Beal GY UST ene gute dee ce ane ae ote See ply hd G Sal deol sf ernes ane sl ele pb AGS ale Las uf dl ume eel os: du PWT Cubs Wituad ad 6 la at eel Ue Lb gas «let neh fae Bet fat al pt ts tg cob ote CG es YES 2 gis gat, fps DEE yl wd Liat: ayy SEs peel sae of Ls pilob Jab: pups aie wooly: de pgp GIS 2 J pkgs ONS! paar Qh G oil Guy eis 6 pyll 13: SLs eect rade ate (Ce) tly eglegealy doedl Opt Ye BSE Ay cdg I OUIS ype Uf ote et «gal al tale ce oye Ue dis Lis Obie iT yy Lal od gl de Fd hpolee 1p elt) O85 oe pole fell gf Uys AUS G8 « atlanp ath fesiclofaa eee coe mene ccd eel ni eee once | bh ot) tke GST ai, ole StS Say ors Bo gp eV J Sle balyy Waal cla byes TR be See Ge al OS bo ae, bl aes os ke os La JS oy, feb gla ge pla]: LAS. Gath role legs cote alo ass apeul ah » 2d: of eae hy Je aS Oy Chm ane af ge Job wll Ue of Le WB GEN USI el ee Guy ey Hell alle Ge hb Jas EO gla LIS qelAll Of: gash Gul GF ge Mae ULF oled yee «pds v pSIke ge f heb SL deans 3 fly Catdli eye gb dian aut b US ell d lay. eel cleye a zye tote dou tyne ul oe Sy chee cet Dyas of Yc gaily cg yet tbl Ladl dy «SI cee 2H gay Calle oe aya ct pb a iy doe eat pds 6 slid pad eS Slizeeed fel Cute” al Ma Ga pei des 5 Sees je DT let ane ef GS: pee bl » Su olf ou wi. reli a ven ok ge Se olf go te BL BY Ey eS on Be Urs s tut? te pS wach of ue os” Cote eb gy BI Le Spies ell guste ge le cae ¢ te 5 Bo jee eX op HS, Be Gale df te eowe Ula foils Gah JU Pedle Gage Geely: Say by bi ay Bd GS J gf ce eaSL Fe tual: di DES ree S5 2 yar pfs HN de oy ewe en y VY 1 dae 2 BE Cale df ele Aus « «Ge pall Se Guy AB ee yee yf SL ea eel yan uf AAs Uae GSI Ole ge dn bans Ul gd je, Zan els be Bo yl IF oh ws Up dew ui 6 Sif See yee if UGE teed gull fey dua 1 Riad oda fo yay ctaad alle tuys gd af alfa pt ctey galt eee oop AAS lye tll GLE Dye le gous gy deol alla pf Gunes Sasa dpe ec es era eet ee elt 1 Dai Fedele lily: Goll gE IE. Bt Yad Gt: Ub, ' ' 2 2 hal babel gh ge Setll yyae gif tu EKA gal Ugday pet a, cbf Gow Jusye all lps Yoel: Lc ca ge ee fed. ote elll oped ugh «lb gf jay « GUI a3 ll 23 oot chal opti dy LAW Sf cies AS gee Gib oly. pet ae pe gall oe (4b) PSI A Gemmell ge Ops Cane ul go haan Gh6 Ogemeally peed « SL28) 1 UF Kay 6 ayat fale @h Ss Ue ane Pon ane of itl gees | Glas Iptuy Coe duly (YD Foye Ltn gay cele Dae gil egal c gar dul ge TLedl + Ise Ghee deal gy 2 HBS say pS ate Sy)! ARM pda 6 phe poli ne » dyyill Plnortel + pele oe ley (1) dels (det os oy deal Cv) cde ane af co i SK palatoare fee OF Gd bye Yc peal a Way Is Ge gia! aeee OS ey - ape DARN GD cbyeell ace play 6 DAU! pale ge teed ni uly (0) « lagttl ane uf ge est tar getll So Kes «Shah Che] LST PKI gal SF eageshll Geol ely CA) tll gyal uF ge Soy sell quot UP cones Uy wily sts Aa datdl coke 3 ALM oe de coodll Gladly (1) » ape dl ge aulyyYT a apes ch oe er cP OU ag Golo 53 cote nly (1) Gall oul Bae Wy CAS y & pled Gy dee gy deedesdl olay te Gly a w bette des ce 4D OS Ge Of aly. Ulaty gilt 6 seal sal ae ga ane GY Minds cya My etal Sy (VY) ill stl ef — ase Ugameey 2 Oy fat dbesd- J By 6 Call Gade WLS Gye ul bs 3 ay 2g Sly als) Qu baal dey (VY) cee NI GLT gee gyae AY Cl audlee dbs Sty (14) blag Bs Gedy d Lm 2 pads ge Quel Gy ares SY sf | PERE pao Le CED] 6 sat Oleg ears Ge © bee Saal Sletll spe ub ote Cane op clan Ge 6 Sia go ge dow Ll, 2 dll i dyes «lg ge af te oF ge OE gil gilts US dds Glad ge Ce Sul dol pf ess wha ge eLyttl Gays dalle D obed La 53 gullll gad Coe ofa gs ct Koad! 0 SS GH all Tyg Codey Gusy ties tal Upto dys Code ge ote oe Gans Lt ot bea] ae gf dik: Apis « ell yy 2 SWB CST IS fit CA 6 Baer i ef ej es CL pl ty ol eA So unl ab ie yOu ap dow Gi bswv data otha ail ar LAU ye eet d Ul I 2 slat of fall Ides GED a GF fame dae ee SY gal OH: ey Lab Cyd ne df Lye aad wl hed dg ath, cial Fad jaye doen oe cape dl gy yee di: Ulery ed uF (3) busy « 2S op Har ype MV lpr gulll Shy a een) - Plall just Gis oy 5 AAD ES 9 By SIE Bays t pall GES yl oC ppl ls: bal) Gall OLS £ | OLY! git GL 0 = deal GUE 1 + ered eae OLS V «Cell yb GLE A «geal ole — 4 «Crd bs: sl) OWUI OLS € easly Fe deal QUE » galydl GEE = AY SU jell Gls Ar 1 OM Pe a.Vt YA Teed Sade Ce gill Gale Yahi SLY, Sule aadle ay baat cl a see Ga Geb ULB Cyne a 1 Josl obs) + dyad! gat OLS HY «tall ab OLE oll GL et » palydl Gls—6 eS wea ne Ub cgay cyt JU ole ot cal gee guleel gy dl he we oly dda ae OLN wae dle 1 ged) Bp Ba all eal pl ol sell OLS A 2 ed GME le 6 pe SII sal gal lt » Obl gt Gls 0 yp) OLS A1 + eee OLS Opt OL = ULE Yl Oya sle ody UH Lye gt ge LS3 LS ape UF QS Up ole + ees nm Ue ob oH OMS Al petiole yf Way ciel ah GT Je GLI jl cuts oy ob, Wael iy Uf ca YY dee cule ay of ee Of cctell GAS SLAY Gem cp Ua ara Bul eal ey ae ad gif angd 03 oe4 Lai! coef ats af yee oT dey ah laaie sr pd aN Ve Ea by Cl a LAOS Sine Usa SUB do of pba Yoo tee yale ered! soe Or dee BS cil gills Ligh ab gar atch ye aly. fslal seth Guy wee digs Uead «gel Ladll fe aLatll guslye Lo vit y: Geil dis, Sig ¢ Slept dade ee Sule fo cab GLI aya” bo ais iy ahyge tls culpa db Qby SMI Lhe wah! 3). eee wale gy alatl olay « bs slat cepa GAS ge aa dey J US ated pall OL Tt COIS gal yds. balls OIKLe vb Shy J. Grpul be —E 1 yall OLS laf Gary polly Gall gays Still obs 8 of ay SUS oho a DB pl GUS yar pve sy: yeiill Jskyy hy Bled SLL S gal GUS Ge dy | hall Updey deeiall Latd sisted dade aye pltdis Gly all OLS 58 poll Se pplll Ub we dldiy ALS ALS AT d cleall yd b oles) ‘ t obs oF ge sae BY Iyer ss Gull eM dds b DAE: oeszell gu ALS eT CUS tell oy CI LM SL sxe Sibel Jy gall GST a ll A pl OLS y sleet ane Voy pel Big Hy Crd OLS y yp GLE ele gS ot Gay May lage lia Gall wy. atliney wtlacl sel G ct. olay! Ge Gu e cel oe lame talels Ga Ge ane Bane Pt pedel Ca EyalAe Y Gil dane gy Bl soe dng gel pang tle od 6 peels cleat! 308 gly AYN Hae core (Sly C0 F3 Ue canard US eel OS 31S: USS OL AEST, 6 SHI oe sam ne DV JB Sl BS Co SY J Ol GA cane gy baal Jos geal Sy Fjarl ye coll pita giV fod oles AL aT GpesliF 3 UST t8 YES Li Lely CSI y « done av AS + nel vane SY lyeesd Gell galls ne oS. duel ud OLE AY oF Le oy dE gy Bh ge ace ayy: SLi gt ponies dwais tS fy epee ELS LT Uae gh S545) yn af Mag aS aT Yu fF eb ya tly. ape uf ket pol iy GES Lets £38 GN pnts pel deny cal, ase abisy Ql gy! reall Gab OLA daow oyastly 1 JU gb (inal Hs Gyealh aS aL Lilet gle eee Ge ales ATV Lee yall stall ule Byasy Sill gall le Gul etna aa All poate 2 Ms CaM Ga per ste gsm cb aull dy 2 a ade rales eal EM Be SOS ge ST Be Catal Gaal Gabe ub yell Uy es PRA INE Bee Syl (be oy elt de lt pp eile ye SY dare gms gf tall Gane OLS path Wy. Sheth yao oF Labs LAMY Baw yell cl yds gl Oyilll AAS Fells, ppl eB aie J alse a G OLS wt Sh, Bt Eeadll opt LSA ~ ceed Ol Ue pS tteY) dill se tet test A act eels ce Kull GA els «ED aasls Oe Geo Ag Gel GUL aS gel phe GT Ay ee Gaz bo 2 Gb pe cual ll dod gl Le ge dees ne stipes teal ELA 53 THES ge JSS Me pe OY Gadi abd boell a os + cepa Clg cred tale Gaal ge pal < LySery § doly gab 0 53. SUI LNs Nol yay 11,573 oF day Bp d, Leal 3 UB c beadly 0 5 ea gy hls gas Yay pM Me LUE LES le 55 ay 1 eel hd ple cage laddll ate dy ¢ plll gy! SS. tbat G1) ually geal OLS ee pale GM tensed Lag tagbe ele La 83 el My OWL uy 2 eee gh cy Ell ee ane GV My ¢ Slt are Gt CAS 2 Bye dpe gy oP ye ata eebl gel SS: alll Al AN sala DLS 2 Sly « Uyuoye 05 pF. gall GK dyyalle soll BA ly SII Lens dy bly OBL 6 53 Chel Ups. Gad HE Ue 2 eS galySly tly t ayae af olilfe Sy yay IU cy LSU Gb yeull F se Go pote ile alle Ua oe 84s wy Cane UE Lede Gall aga gags sal eal Gedy pls © Vel ow LA VAY kee dll coll Gee ot col sth LSS de ee pees Capelear pes nee tb pgies Radally Kez vale LS dyaical as debe al Jy 4 pl espe lpg aoe Ge Quem aree BY Sahel Coral anges «+die’ rr gpecgilg sled Gober dal Shae gy dans pe plceey aM te 2 Mgde oN fond SE “Let Le gu lea ge bel ileal iP dane ab aly Dyn GS dy: CaN dyey cape ciated 3 Lin aul lone Lene 2 9 ya Al a carne the Capel ge ane ge Sled uf ge aay Gylll Yedill lems 6 gee gy hel ge lalay corals ST GS BLyll we sof posts. GUS ge al ge ane oe gre ALi ode gays U1 dak depSz SI OST aye b Ipday eek Sela gif ase dae ly Aa yal pcllGls” ooyy cle Hane uf gs gpd = colesl ey abs body WS call eal] lho] ales ome + Hgall ods go yh cal go ES Ban os bere ile Gb Ses pill Gab! gf shay pe of Uyaly 6 ae ayy ab cage 163 08 pl SUG: Shetty ae etal cee Set aaeul ox ane cetegld Uy l dB lll ne gy aoe eel le eS PI Gaagallly sled Oli by ALS S- dadl dyday + aS ge bata ¢ 2 all HLS ge gut 4 + garam ane gy Liye Ugly 6 906 GV gall OLS get ale abs” Gd byeall JB Gy edgiy pb leet ane of alys dat wel Updas cosets dane ol dis het tlinally Uy BUiadly OUI dey ee ay0F of ye (Sas ae go Shea apne gf 1AM LB ge Ll sls pgtinly tly pga ly a ¢ Ode OLS Lary «pl ALS pall GUS Gorle ¢ dbl hw alge gles yee a bal case yy olibely ae yb ais vad oe Cane dl on ape ce eabd Wet — Gls Goleyr cporleal leased ¢ OULST Slim SS AB § HASH dsl ed gla Gal hin y 5 Shy ay Lag T Le Gb sell STG alias Cane DY 2 Cold Vay deg Stal gl edge piled Je SyecT RE Gee OT Go Gk Sha es UB aN a Gls be poh. dng aad Ue odd rt pale pol Go pel ol Sh cdl yp ABS) Ceegglll Pele LS = yy bd abet ere AT UES yee UY ere of Uf eye Uy pe Sil yal pl GLK med J BBs. gell OLS ST lel ew Vda far Nye ed ane Wy « sal gall et fee BAL Gear GU ceed dC ceeaedll ge Jaks shyt cb yeall Oy Cee OS IK. ppl gel 4b bast bose op LB gulS ST Lgl Dd Se LESS pA S hse soe Me gel CUS SL bane gh SI te I ell Gra IY pall art le AB ceed coke yb Lael ola D Opdy p lel alah pated De el pb: OLE Gals ppl gal 4 OT EY ye Aly Bae cals ts gall GURY pt COU OL (Fe Gall AS «endl Bala tel cody ce et Gast clef A oe af uae Ge Sp ill Lfec b poles ll AU «Kya ole d xneyel Hy aly = poll sl pel ie ober LL Yeh dae dyall ¢ fend Gy pl page hb BS yc dlul pe A] ie Jal pd caste IT Spadl d gdy nad! OIF tay «Apne SIT LN) oUt ela Glas Lay ely gb LES” das UST pa ol Ly eT aye BY pele Ladd gytgll Mle GIT LIS der ge lpn setae al om ABM Lag cell ele pall ly je let ace ally FA Y00 Kw Syl ceca yall ayer Gul SEN spell Gal set end GL A) all Lye yd gull ty Boe des + PLS ba MY pontd Lys 7 gl eS WLS — dager gt yet conn alley sale Ly Eb seul Ug Hye ny Ada Cash Fete ty Utd Oy «orl Ory a. + Gall jared BLL Ll bo S3 BH ald walljaredl Uy pd OI y cpa GLE” ged eal Bae eh Fiesta bre Ue Lad” OS OE aly. Gh Gd Ye lee abl b US aly se al Rat el tb Cale Beaty dy 5 Call ce y Tyall poet asagt e SSI le deal Us citly sat pro pe Ohl tg ats” deta cl Us 6 pais aol ale J Aim big om ely pawl ae de Ln BB camel oe dof aunty Bs Be ots oS hy codes ge as yal Y, fatty ASH IS atl Gay Ope Caled pode Ged id Sale eae feed clgelydy Goold A] comets heel pany ould Call Gy yds Alygell ge ll Gad calyell Ge Geadly Cell gy yay @UL GUS aus Koval oly ge ele hare EUS US Gog 6 2 Seams le Ey a rkis po Se pase cles ab ble DAM doy Spy chasily demall Gy pdt fo aed Olah G Lew UL Gal aly oberyo dsall Wye TY ayes seth cal x ty GY Syl Del B «eal JU of Spore. gebbel ga posts ial aff ge Lad OU a My tll al Ly He ald Ud Ashes bal ets Jy Che dG G8 GAS dest ty cell on Grdnge eal Sy ge OLSI aS ah Gaer o SF ge ul ody ne Si pb AL Gil ge eer Sy eM ge Fg.) Gus alls de Wash Wl cokes Bypd gy dae bby dasher ge pat ase bt Ge Cane DY sate dil dla GE Ladi Yop Bylerall Dash Glo G GES pS bs ge Let” beg 2 + bay SL oles]? QT i Sap fb dill ell LS tic pats pall orl! ub Af ye o'r we cell gil pb UW) dkny fb pel Wa Gey tel Pte coe LE » ir fives et Ga ah AI ge oS a at pend OLS ge Uf, 1 ea Ml dpds Bt geslisl ells wobUigyeill 0535 Ge Gy lll GLUT + Angad Ll de 3 By lis ee AT, ET A Cell pol Good Gh UU! A ode ge LI Se call GES «badly bball SN asia Cyne Ue el EY 28s clad ype of ee NT AS SO ANN Lyall AG Jl agi Gad tate oo ct + Opry Opedony 4) Bt de pS ee ball aged E wo nill dd VL ale ane « gla teal: 6 GS alalell aay gs Aznartls «coll oe A GD GUSH ya: that ats” GLagteobligaildgay § $e clayey Agee heal of Jo day az me By: pe plllmbe Je ey) Ol Gd sab pls Tay BIE GLS Gab als iy ya rc 7 YSle J sols echoes BE be Jules Migs a of a oy ay « So cb Seale Es AW ya a5 yd Leeeall dye WIS ais PS 56 gal shee J Sletll see UF ay — GUS tae dS ee + AUS slab ge tel GOI Cale LS dati Gad rat Ju clpdevall DL gy paleo yadlyaf J SS salys (baal dyes Grell ELH! ooh ftw UE a doy guly ¢ Goll yal WKY Latrair, ls de sll gar dle el oe ce (4 VE) wer us yall Gill 5 RASS Gado ppl DLS. dS adh Ge skys Ue chad deleadl ge ole iy da bal oul Obey cgsrle i dao soyell GP ge GUS canner Uy 1 LIS say ed Uist USA ge pan Ks G LUSI foe Ste of Ue tbl Gl, GS dale sgl als fe AUF ge 1d aT gall eel ee BL delet sti eas «aul shady Goll Zhe AS Sf BUG CU dil Wa te Sy tld KG 6 ills Byte «pala dalizel fe jbas Lio di cA pall aly dell ga 1 Alle de daly yu pS MayVv dal! 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