Subject: English III: Topic: Social Issues On The God Small Things
Subject: English III: Topic: Social Issues On The God Small Things
Subject: English III: Topic: Social Issues On The God Small Things
A research work of such great scope and precision could never have been possible
without great co-operation from all sides. Contributions of various people have
resulted in this effort. Firstly, I would like to thank God for the knowledge he has
bestowed upon me.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Soumyadip Ghosh (Assistant
Professor in English) without whose valuable support and guidance, this project
would have been impossible. I would like to thank the library staff for having put
up with my persistent queries and having helped me out with the voluminous
materials needed for this work. I would also like to thank my seniors for having
guided me and culminate this acknowledgement by thanking my friends for having
kept the flame of competition burning, which spurred me on through these days.
And finally my parents, who have been a support to me throughout my life and
have helped me, guided me to perform my best in all interests of my life, my
grandparents who have always inculcated the best of their qualities in me.
Roll no:
4TH Semester
Table of contents
Particulars Pg No.
Acknowledgement 01
Abstract and Keywords 04
Introduction 05
Social Issues on the God of small things 07-26
Importance of The God of small things 17
Conclusion 28
Webliography 29
Abstract and Key Words
Arundhati Roys The God of Small Things can be seen as one of the most powerful
novels on a definite social problem that of the oppression of the downtrodden, also
touching upon related problems. It problematizes the oppressive machinery based
on caste discrimination and collusion with it of certain political forces. Here we
come to know that the social discriminations which the characters suffer
throughout the novel .The most bitter attack is carried in the novel against the sham
lives lived out by the politicians whose double standards of behaviour and talk are
exposed by the author.
In Mammachi's time, Paravans like other untouchables were not allowed to walk
on public roads not allowed to cover their upper bodies not allowed to carry
umbrellas. They had to put their hands over their mouths when they spoke to divert
their polluted breath away from those whom they addressed. Hierarchial structure
of power and oppression at various levels in patriarchal societies are explored in
the novel. The character of Velutha has been powerfully drawn in terms of his
robust physique and in-born talents for making wooden objects. "He was like a
little magician. lie could make intricate toys-finy wind mills, rattles, minute jewel
boxes out of dried palm reeds, he could carve perfect boats out of tapiocea stems
and figurines on cashew nuts" Not only this, he had exceptional talents for many
other things. "Velutha had a way with machines. Manlmchl often said that if only
he had not been a paravan he might have become an engineer. He mended radios,
clocks, water pumps. He looked after the plumbing and all the electrical gadgets in
the house."' He was indispensable at Ayemenern house. Velutha's skill had
impressed all. But his father Vellya Paapen was an old world Paravan, His heart
often filled with Tenor because He had seen the crawling Backward Days In a fine
passage the author describes his Terror thus Vellya Paapen feared for his younger
son". Ile couldn't say that it was that frightened him. It was nothing that he had said
or done. It was not what he did, but the way he did it. Vellya Paapen's fears belong
to the harsh tragic realities he had seen and experienced. He belonged to the
hierarchical system and couldn't imagine transgressing, the limits set by the caste
system. I was extremely loyal to the Mammachi family who paid for the artificial
dye that was pronounced for him when he lost in an accident. The pitiable scene of
utter surrender to the upper caste family in which we see him groveling before the
elderly ladies and offering his eye removed on his palm in pouring rain in chapter
13 is symbolic of the status of the Paravan untouchables.
The father son relation shows the strain and a wide dark gap. The son has
confidence in himself, harbours different loyalty showing a dangerous tendency to
step over the caste barriers, while the father can't comprehend this beyond the fact
that all this could be constructed as insolence.
Mammachi is quite clear about how to draw lines and see that both the Paravans
remain behind them. In the factory Velutha's talents as carpenter could hardly be
ignored as he was always in demand, ever wanted by the factory for various jobs
which fact was silently resented by the other workers. But here also the caste
discrimination is clearly seen. "To keep the others happy and since she knew that
nobody else would hire him as a carpenter. Mammachi paid Velutha less than she
would a touchable carpenter but more than she would a Paravan. Mammachi did
not encourage him to enter the house. She thought that he ought to be grateful that
he was allowed on the factory premises at all and allowed to touch things that
touchables touched. 'She said that it was a big step for a Paravan." Is Dodiya &
Chakraborty observes in this context:
"Velutha's subjugation is multiple. He is born Paravan son of a ParaParavan a
Community in Kerala, subjected to extreme ignominy through ages. To escape the
inhuman humiliations
Velutha's forefathers had embraced Christianity. But the Christians themselves had
adopted as a matter of natural form of adoption the strict and unavoidable caste-
system thus the Paravans had only received the status of "untouchable Christians
with separate church and priest."
However in Velutha Arundhati Roy presents before us a young of new ideas and
strength. Nothing can be more contrasting than the mo figures of father and son-
Vellya Paapen and Velutha in their different personalities, approaches and
thinking. Velutha is deeply and heartfully aware of his caste and the disadvantages
this puts him into. Yet there is a spark of defiance in him a tidal wave of rebellion
mute and powerful that makes his father fear the future and Mammachi household
resent him. His rebellion is best expressed in being normal as other men are in his
doing things that everyone does and in his ignoring the fact that he is separated
from others by caste barrier. He is the God of Small Things. He possess qualities
that are certainly divine especially when they are compared to those of some of the
other characters in the novel.
Velutha's relation with Ammu spells his rebellion. In a sense the sexual
relationship that Ammu had with Velutha could be described as small things it'
properly placed in the Ayemenem context. This is because having illegitimate
relations with women was something ordinary for Chako. The position of both of
them is that of the out caste who lead lonely lives and are reduced to the condition
of creating their own little joys at gravest risks. Ammus husband was an attractive
young man an Assistant Manager of a Tea Estate in Assam. Soon after their
marriage she discovers that he was a' "full blown alcoholic" and in addition willing
to send his extremely attractive wife to the bunglow of his English Manager Mr.
Rollick. Their marriage breaks. She leaves her husband and returns unwelcomed to
her parents in Ayemenem. She leads a drab and dull life. Ammu quickly learned to
recognize and despair the ugly face of sympathy, and so she brought about
transformation in her personal ways of lonely life decking herself in flowers
listening to songs and music on her radio. She also smoked cigarettes and had
midnight swims. Velutha was also acutely aware of his bitter isolation and
hungered for love and belongingness. Three years younger than Ammu. He finds a
stable heaven in her, someone in whom he can find response to his strength and
confidence and hinds ways to believe in himself. Though Roy depicts the scene of
their heights spent together on the bank of the river Meenachal with deity of her
descriptive art .the latent hunger of the two socially marginalized beings for being
set free from all oppressive limits is symbolically depicted. One is constantly
aware of the sharp heat of pain and awareness of the final conclusion their acts are
shaping in the bodily relations. Even in absolute isolation they were filled with an
awful dread because they had no future. This is tellingly described by the author in
this way. "He folded his fear into a perfect rose. He held it out in the palm of his
hand. She took it from him and put it in her hair".'
This particular chapter clearly mirrors the horrors of social injustice that hangs
over the Velutha Ammu love relationship from the beginning. Velutha was a
sincere Trade Union Worker and that is why he came to repose such abundant trust
in combrade Pillai and in his Marxist party. Vellutha participated in the much
organized by the Travancore Cochin Maxist Labour Union as part of secretariats
March to be organized by their colleague in Trivandrum. Among the demands
were an hour's lunch break for the paddy workers, increase in women workers
wage from Rs. 1.25 to Rs.3 and for men from Rs.2.50 to Rs.4.50 a day. He also
demanded that the untouchables be not addressed by their caste names such as
Achoo Paravan or Kelan Paravan or Kuttan Pulliyan but just as Achoo. Kelan or
This created a flutter of panic among the beer-sipping barons. The preceding
section narrates the growth of the Marxist power. Its assumption of the government
in the state and its dilemmas arising out of this development. Obviously Velutha
had great hopes from this government. Ile had also high expectations from
Combrade Pillai by whose side he had remained standing loyally all along as a
party worker and as a trade unionist. Combrade Pillai (ailed to give him any
support in the hour of Vellutha's gravest crisis.
It is a world of double standards where principles and ideals are used as mask to
cover the worst kind of social injustices where cruelty and barbaric behaviour are
used as tools to perpetuate the age old exploitative system.
One of the categories of "small things" Arundhati Roy cares for consists of women.
There can be no gain saying that despite all the socio-economic developments
during the last two centuries women don't occupy an enviable position in society. It
is relevant, therefore, to look into the causes that have kept them in subordination
and relegated them to the status of the second sex.
According to an eminent critic, "The God of Small Things' is a product of the
social reality", which will be described in the following passages. Before that, let
us discuss some of the female characters in the novel. It is interesting to note that
in this novel there are more women than men, Most of the men are shadowy, while
women are sharply portrayed and occupy the center-stage. Mammachi Baby
Kochamma Ammu Sophie Mol, Rahcl keep in motion the story.
As we have earlier seen The God of Small Things is about several things; one of
the chief issues it brings into focus is the family and soul mechanism evolved over
centuries in traditional Indian Society to suppress women and her independence as
a human being. Right at the center is the woeful tale of Ammu, mother of Rafiel
and Estha who suffers silently, yet simmers inside in her a deep discontent.
Now we proceed to discuss the women characters of the novel. Baby Kochamma is
the daughter of reverend F. John Ipe, who was a priest of the Mar Thoma Church.
Her father was a well-known scholar in Christianity and therefore he was widely
respected in the Christian community. So it is not strange for the son or daughter of
such a man to be attracted to religion. But her family background is not the real
reason of her turning to religion in her early life. In fact, she cheats herself and
people around her including her family by pretending to be religions. Her
adventures in the realm of religion are an outcome of a normal biological impulse
which she attempts to promote in a deceptive gap. The attempt fails eventually and
the result is she leads in abnormality and perversion. Her frustration in love and
repressed libido provide us with the key to comprehend the cold, calculated and
inhuman role she plays in the novel. She has become narcissist and eventually goes
to the extent of' sadism. Despite her western education and apparent modernization
she rears all the reactionary ideas inherited from the feudal past in her heart and
misses no opportunity to express them violently in word and deed. She is unkind to
children, to the lower castes and classes, to Hindus in general and even to women.
It is a pity that she submits in the name of decency and honour to the very sexist,
casteist and communal prejudices that have stood in her way and denied fulfilment
to her. Thus social oppression that is a phenomenon that seems strange to us at first
sight but is not so rare in society. In fact, it is victims turning the tools of
oppression that keeps the wheel, moving. Obviously, she doesnt believe in
womens needs or women's rights. That is why she doesn't bother about the smell
of the women Chacko brings to his bed room but wonders how Ammo can endure
the smell of Paravan. As soon as Animu's relationship with Velutha is revealed she
locks Ammu and rushes to the police station with a false complaint. Eventually it
leads to the death of Velutha and the banishment and dispersal of Ammu and her
children. She is responsible for ruining the lives of Ammu, Estha and Rahel.
People who betray others can't trust anyone in life. They are always haunted by the
memory of what they have done to others and afraid of being paid back in their
own coins. That is true about Baby Kochamma. Mammachi is the sister-in-law of
Baby Kochamma, the wife of her brother Benoon John Ipe. Her real name is
Soshamma but she is generally known as Mammachi while her husband is usually
called Pappachi in the novel. Though she is much akin to Baby Kochamma in
submitting to the traditional notions of male supremacy love and marriage her
disposition and differs a lot from that of Baby Kochamma. Baby Kochamma
suffers because she fails to have the man in her choice. Mammachi has got a
husband from arranged marriage seventeen years older than herself belonging to
her own country and community. Yet the marriage doesn't prove happy as her
husband develops some disorder in his personality. The novelist goes deep into the
reality of that disorder and demonstrates a sound knowledge of problems that hunt
the families of the ambitions elite sometime.
Thus Mammachi is not only a passive sufferer of her husband's beating, she is a
victim of his jealousy also. Despite her suffering at the hand of a male chauvinist
and sadist husband, loses all our sympathy when we consider her attitude to sex in
respect of people younger than herself. Her ideas here betray sex bins as well as
class bias to an outrageous extent. Her daughter as well as her son is a divorcee but
she applies two different norms to their sex-relation. To her son Chacko she
permits "Man's Needs" and doesn't mind his flirting with "Pretty women who
worked in the factory. Mammachi appears unkind and unjust to her daughter when
she visits Ayemenem fatally ill with asthma and a rattle in her chest. During that
last visit, Mammachi who has developed a perverse mind asks her if she has been
drinking and suggests that she visit Rahel as seldom as possible." That is highly
unbecoming on the part of a mother who has given so much indulgence to her son.
It is interesting to note how Mammachi and Baby Kochamma fit into the
oppressive family system that blatantly victimizes Ammu. They become active
oppressors, seeking to corner her and then drive her to her miserable death.
One of the most glaring instances of it is the ambiguous stand adopted by these
women with regard to Ammu's relation with Velutha. They express little sympathy
for Ammu's lonely life, her tragic marital circumstances and her anxiety about her
children. On the other hand, their casteist hostility finds double force in Ammu
Velutha laison and breaks out in to expression of moral outrage while Chako's
sexual indulgences with low caste women is overlooked as `Men's Need's' Ammu's
affair with Velutha becomes an unpardonable offence against family's reputation
and status.
The punishment is unjust as it ruins three lives for the supposed offence of one.
Ammu is separated froth her children as Estha is returned to her father and Rahel
alone is permitted to live at Ayenienem but Ammu is not allowed to visit her
frequently. The last time she conies to Avemenern and meets Rahel, she has
asthma and rattle in her chest. Desperately wanting to have a job that enables her to
bring her children with her, she tries a number of jobs and dies alone in the Bharat
Lodge in Aleppy where she has gone for a job interview. Before her death she is
haunted by a recurrent dream which springs from her traumatic experience. In that
dream, the policemen approach her with snacking, scissors, wanting to hack off her
hair. "They did that in Kottayam to prostitutes whom they had caught in the bazaar
- branded them so that everybody would know them for what they were, Veshyas
so that new policemen on the beat would have no trouble identifying whom to
harass." Obviously that is related to the shock she has received at the Kottayam
Police Station. Death does not end the humiliation of the unfortunate Ammu. The
Church refused to burry Ammu on several counts. So Chacko hired a van to
transport the body to the electric crematorium. He had her wrapped in a dirty bed
sheet and laid out on a stretcher. Finally she is reduced to aches.
What emerges from the above study is that the novel with the three women Baby
Kochamma, Mammachi, and Ammu presents a perfect trio of suffering women.
Baby Kochamma herself a victim of social prejudices is conditioned by society and
identifies herself with the ideas and forces of oppression. Mammachi is
dehumanized and her mind becomes twisted as a result of suffering in a society
dominated by men and money. Ammu, on the other hand, is the rebel who
represents the defiance of the present state of society from educated, passionate
and thinking women. She stands for those women who are aspiring for freedom
and equality. This section of women is challenging traditional ideas and
conventions. The hopes for the future lie with this section only. Thus we see that in
this novel Arundhati Roy puts under focus the deliberately constructed agencies of
cruelty that work against women's interests. In this all are involved, the so-called
progressive politicians, the family members, the police etc. In the traditional Indian
society such forces flourish and find encouragement in maintaining their hold over
the weaker people. Social structures are so formed as to sanctity- women's
victimization. Arundhati Roy's depiction of the miserable lives of women in this
novel critiques in unmistakable terms the perpetuation of these exploitative forces.
Children are also included in 'the small things Arundhati Roy cares for. Such a
concern is not as unexpected as she is the daughter of a Christian Mother and
Christianity is well known for its glorification of childhood. Political leaders in
different countries, while differing in their political convictions and speaking
different languages, don't dispute the fact that children represent the future of the
society and as such, deserve love and care. We read and hear a lot about their
concern for children.
`The God of Small Things' doesn't depict the lot of many children. There are only
three children in the novel namely - Sophie Mol, Estha and Rahel. The novel
presents as we shall see, a contrast betweenthe first one and the last two. All the
three have certain similarities. Their parents are divorced and one of them is not
Syrian Christian. That is what is common to them all. But they differ in several
aspects too.
Sophie Mot's mother is a white woman while the father of Estha and Rahel is a
nonwhile man. While Sophie Mot's father is willing to receive her and her mother
gladly and his family is equally enthusiastic about it. Estha and Rahel are forsaken
by their father. Sophie Mol is elder than her cousins. A major difference lies in the
fact that Sophi Mol dies soort after her arrival as she meets an accident. Estha and
Rahel face several odds but survive. The novel can be viewed as a tale of 'terror'
that destroyed the lives of Velutha and Ammu but also tale of how Estha and Rahel
survived. Estha's parents were not poor. His father was an Assistant Manager in a
tea estate in Assam while his mother's parental home had a pickle factory. So Estha
had a bourgeons background on both sides. He and his sister are subjected to
adversity as their parents get divorced and his mother comes to her parental home
with two children whew- they are quite unwanted and neglected. Estha had an
unhappy childhood because his father's drunken violence followed by post-drunken
badgering began when he was barely two when his bouts of violence began to
include the children and the war with Pakistan began, Ammu left her husband and
returned unwelcomed to her parents in Ayemenem. At this place the children along
with their mother were unwanted a fact the children in their innocence couldn't
realize instantly. However, Estha and his sister soon came to know what people
around them thought about them. They had a double stigma of mixed parentage
attached to them both in religious and ethnic ways. - Moreover, they were the
children of a divorced daughter who had no locustandi. Their grandson let them
know it. Baby Kochamma disliked the twins, for she considered them doomed,
fatherless waifs. Worse still, they were Half-Hindu Hybrids whom no self-
respecting Syrian Christian would ever marry.
The unhappy boy had got some comfort as he had discovered a man, Velutha who
really loved the twins. Gradually he had become a father figure to him and even
the frank, outspoken girl Sophie had be friended the twins. But conditions changed
for worse, may worst when Ammus secret relation with Velutha was revealed.
Ammu was tricked into her bed room and locked. The twins came there and
wanted to know the reason. Ammu who was not in a mood to weigh her words,
had screamed if it was not for you I would not be here! None of this would have
happened! I would not be here. I would have been free. I should have dumped you
in an orphanage the day you were born. You' are the milestones round my neck.
Estha who was sensitive enough and knew what milestones 'meant concluded from
it that both he and Rahel were unwanted Ammu didn't like them anymore. So he
decided that though it was dark and raining, the time had come for them to run
away because Ammu didn't want them anymore. Estha's plan didn't include Sophie
but she insisted on joining them and she was able to convince the younger twins to
take her with them. Eventually their little boat collided with a floating toy and
tipped over. Sophie was drowned as she did not know how to swim but the twins
survived. All the children had done was intended to arouse the remorse of the
elders and win the recognition of their worth. It was also an adventure they hoped
to enjoy. It was merely an accident that turned it otherwise. However Estha was
deemed guilty for the death of Sophie. Baby Kochamma took him to the Kottayam
Police " Station and tricked him into identifying Velutha as the man responsible for
kidnapping and murder. Velutha was so dear to him, a father figure and the
accusation was false to the core still Estha had to concede to the demands of Baby
Kocharnma as he thought 'that there was no other way to save his mother.
The experience left a deep lasting impression on the boy's mind. He carried inside
him the memory of a voting man with an old mans mouth. The memory of
swollen face and a smashed upside down smile ... of a blood shed eye that had
opened wandered and then fixed its Laze on him. And what had Estha done? He
had looked into that beloved face and said 'Yes' the betrayal leaves a sense of guilt
deep in his psyche tormenting him like an 'octopus' like a mango hair between
molars. Estha also had the sad memory of how Inspector Thomas Mathew
misbehaved with his mother and called her 'Vchsya' though he couldn't understand
what the word meant at that time the misbehaviour and Arnmu's
Reaction to it had left him uneasy forever. Then the most traumatic experience was
the one at 'Ablillash Talkies' a case of sexual abuse by soft drink seller - at the
refreshment counter. It created a permanent sense of defilement and constant
apprehension of his return. He always feared that if his mother came to know she
would begin to love him less.
Returned to his father, much against his wishes he finished his school with
mediocre results without participating in group activities. Then instead of going, to
the College he began to do the house work like sweeping, swabbing, laundry,
cooking and shopping for vegetables. It' he needed anything at meal time, he got
up and found it himself. Gradually he stopped talking. The development was not
sudden and Estha was a quiet child from the very beginning, so nobody could say
exactly when the change took place.
It was the "psychological equivalent of what lungfish do to get them through the
dry season, except that in Estha's case the dry season looked as though it would
lost for ever. , He nursed his dog Khubchand well during illness and started
walking alone for hours after its death, a habit that stayed with him even when he
returned to Avernenern after twenty three years. The story of Esthas lite raises
naturally the question. Why is it that he lost his speech? The answer lies in the fact
that the boy was brutalized by numerous persons like Baby Kochamma, Kochu
Maria, Inspector Mathews and the Soft drink man. Yet neither his disposition nor
his circumstances permitted film to protest or to rebel against his tormentors. He
had no option but to suffer passively. The voice he couldn't raise against the
injustice done to himself and his dear ones seemed to have lost its utility. That is
the main reason of his numbness. Estha was a harmless child and so quiet that he
was hardly noticed by people around him. That such an innocent child was
subjected to the worst cruelty of the adults and his childhood was destroyed and his
life ruined for no fault of his own, constitutes a major tragedy in the novel. Such
wanton destruction of childhood is staggering to our imagination and pathetic to
our heart. Estha occupied very little space in the world"
Similar was the fate of Estha's sister Rahel who was like a rebel who faces all odds
and survives.
Now, we can say that here the novelist describes not only the sad story of her
fiction, she also indirectly describes the real sad-story of the children in India. The
first thing that strikes us is the insensitivity of Indian adults to the psychology of
the children. Even the educated fail miserably in this respect. Sophie Mot's
guardians don't care to see that she needs the company of children. Attempts are
made to keep her aloof and she befriends Estha and Rahel on her own. The twins
are scolded for things which can't be said to be innocent play. Not satisfied with
that the elders teach them how to pretend to lie and to betray. Even the best among
the adults fail to bridge the gap between themselves and the children. Ammu never
conics to know that her son was a victim of child abuse. She does not even Suspect
it. Estha doesn't tell it to his mother though he discloses it to his sister. Such
communication gaps permit the culprits to escape scot free. Despite all rhetoric the
children are fully neglected in our society and hardly any care is taken to
understand them and to provide them the attention and security they need. Even
when laws are enacted to protect them they are seldom enforced because the
guardians are insensitive and very hypocritical for many reasons.
This hard reality is revealed in Arundhati Roy's fiction 'The God of Small Things'!
By projecting this bitter reality she wants to draw the attention of the sensitive
readers to understand the tragic picture of our Childress' world. Socially aware
intellectuals can't disregard the environment in the modern world.
A lot of things happen in The God of Small Things that many of us might not be
able to relate to right away. Finding someone out there who knows what it's like to
be half of a boy/girl twin duo in Kerala, India in the 1960s with an obsession for
The Sound of Music, a crazy aunt, and a pickle factory in their backyard is kind of
a tall order. Few of us will think about the particulars of the story and say, "Hey,
that's just like my life!" and that's fine. (Actually, it's probably better that way,
given all that the twins Rahel and Estha have to go through.)
That said, there are many aspects of the book that most of us can relate to all too
well. Everyone has had something happen in their life that they wish they could
undo. We've all wondered why something bad had to happen to us. Maybe you
failed a really important test, even though you prepared like crazy and were totally
confident when you sat down to take it. Maybe your crush turned you down when
you thought she/he liked you back. Maybe you've lost someone close to you. At
some point, we all go through an experience in which things seem to go terribly
wrong, and we all agonize over why it had to happen.
At its heart, The God of Small Things is about more than just the way the death of
Sophie Mol affects the lives of Estha, Rahel, and the rest of their family. It's also
about why bad things have to happen in the first place. The book gives us many
different stories about a number of the characters involved, showing how each
person's story got us to the place where we end up. It forces us to think about
whether things happen randomly or if they're meant to be.
Mrs. Arundhati Roy has indeed become the most successful writer with her
immortal creation The God of Small Things. This study about the social realism
of her novel has attempted to find out, in a sociological perspective how her novel
has been socially conditioned and how there has been a deep and important
concern of the novelist for the society. This novel The God of Small Things is
not mere production of things or events, but an expression of the social, cultural,
economic and political patterns of Indian society.
Though all her voices seen very vital for the present time, it is not difficult to
achieve it. Because what she voices in her novel for the small things in society, she
does it practically as a social activist. In what she voices for the small things there
lies indeed the peace, prosperity and progress of the mankind and of the world.
While describing these hard social realism of our country, the author hopes that
many sensitive readers of her novel must listen to her sincere voice and would join
their hands with her to take care of the small things which she describes in her
novel. May her voice and vision for those small things comes true here, there and
everywhere, so that her rebelling soul as a social activist and revolutionary spirit as
a progressive writer would be satisfied seeing a new social order free from all
discriminations, exploitations and inequalities.
Websites reffered:
_small_things .html
ll_things -mumbai-
god_of_small_things .html