Pre Close and Post Close
Pre Close and Post Close
Pre Close and Post Close
Type TCS
ABB – a global technology leader
ABB is a global leader in Power and Automation The product offering covers a wide spectrum of
technologies that enable utility and industry technologies across the entire voltage range
customers to improve performance while lowering including indoor and outdoor circuit breakers, air and
environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies gas insulated switchgear, disconnectors, capacitor
operates in around 100 countries and employs over banks, reactive power compensators, power
1,03,000 people. transformers, distribution transformers, instrument
In India, ABB serves customers with the complete transformers, Compact Secondary Substations
range of power and automation technologies. The (CSS) and Ring Main Units (RMU).
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As a part of its Power Technologies offering, ABB 120 years of technology and innovation
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system offering ranges from Electrical Balance of Plant
(EBOP) for power plants, bulk power transmission,
Large installed base
turnkey substations and complete electrification to Environment-friendly technologies
utility automation and power distribution.
Trip circuit supervision relay type TCS
The supervision relay TCS is designed for the
Continuous supervision of complete trip supervision of trip circuits and other important
circuit independent of the circuit breaker control and monitoring circuits. Block diagram of the
position relay is shown in Fig. 1. The supervision function is
Detects faults in the supervised circuits, based on a low-level (~ 3 mA) current injection
such as loss of voltage, circuit breakage, principle. The injected current is sensed by two
contact degeneration in connections and opto-couplers. The supervision function in three
resistance increase in wires, contacts and steady states of circuit breaker-trip circuit can be
coils seen from fig.2, 3 and 4 (page 5). In normal
condition, the indicator LED glows green and output
Low-level measuring current enables
relays are in ‘picked-up’ condition. In the event of a
application in sensitive or high resistance
fault, if the measuring current drops below the
operating value of the relay (0.3 - 0.7 mA) or
Operation delay to avoid spurious signals, completely stops flowing. The supervision relay
for instance, on circuit breaker operations operates (drops-off) after a delay of 0.6 sec and the
Operation indication by a single dual - colour indicator LED turns red. The supervision relay, for its
LED functioning requires an auxiliary voltage (AC or DC) of
rated value to be connected to the terminals ‘a’ and
Complete range of rated voltages either AC
‘b’. This voltage can be the same as that of the
or DC
supervised circuit or it could be a separate source
Galvanic isolation is possible between with the same magnitude (AC or DC). Should a fault
auxiliary source and supervised circuit occur in the auxiliary voltage supply, the LED does
Very low burden on the auxiliary source not glow and the output relay drops off. Relays with
differing rated voltage for supervision circuit and
auxiliary supply can be supplied as a special execution.
In a protection system the trip circuit of
the circuit breaker is crucial. If an
interruption occurs in the trip circuit a
possible network fault will not be
disconnected and would have to be
cleared by another protection
upstream in the power system. The
supervision function is particularly
important when there is only one
tripping coil and CB tripping is vital.
For instance, for generator circuit
breakers or any other important
circuit breaker in distribution
networks. The supervision relay type
TCS is intended for a continuous
supervision of circuit breaker trip
circuit and to give an alarm for loss of
auxiliary supply, faults on the trip-coil
or its wires independent of the
breaker position, faults on the breaker
auxiliary contacts and faults in the
supervision relay itself.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of TCS relay.
Technical data
Fig. 2. Supervision in pre-close condition Fig. 3. Supervision in post-close condition Fig. 4. Supervision with latched trip relay
Contact data
Electrical tests
Environmental tests
Ordering details
Connection diagram and Contact configuration
Legend – Aa: Terminals, Db: Mounting hole, Ls: Operation signal, Ob: Mounting screw Dimensions in mm