Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine
(SAITM), Sri Lanka. Email: deepika@saitm.edu.lk
Unhealthy dietary habits are major risk factors for chronic diseases, particularly if adopted during early
years of adulthood. Limited studies have explored the food consumption patterns among young adults in
urban private sector higher educational institutes. Our study aimed to examine common dietary patterns
and their correlates among a large sample of university student population in Malabe suburb. Study was
carried out on 105 students, using a self-administered questionnaire. Different dietary patterns were
observed among male and female students. We observed significant differences between males and
females in terms of their reported food intake and dietary patterns. The attitudes towards healthy foods are
varying among female and male students. This survey results revealed that health promotion programmes are
needed to address the dietary intake and life style behaviors of young adults in private higher educational
Key words: Healthy foods, dietary habits, higher educational institutes
institutes located in Malabe suburb, Colombo Majority of students (66.7%) reside at boarding
District of Sri Lanka by using universal or rental places in comparative to 21.6%
sampling. Respondents were asked to participate respondents reside at home. The rest of the
in this study voluntarily. Objectives of the study sample which comprise 11.8% respondents reside
was printed in the questionnaire and explained at their relatives places.
orally whenever necessary.
Eating patterns and food choices:
2.2. Study instruments Regular breakfast consumption among university
A self administered questionnaire was used as a students is important for sufficient energy intake
survey instrument which included series of open to overcome fatigue due to busy (daily) learning
ended questions where respondents were asked to schedule. In this study, majority of respondents
mark their response on the sheet. The flow of the had breakfast daily. According to the survey
questions were concerned about the age group, analysis 7.9% male respondents and 6.8% female
residence, usual place of obtaining breakfast and respondents usually miss their breakfast. Data
lunch, usual composition of their diet, revealed that 39.5% of male respondents and
dependence of their willingness to healthy food 54.2% of female respondents usually have rice
based on body posture, health, and sexuality. and curry for their breakfast. Very less amounts
from both genders have string hoppers (7.9%
The validity of the questionnaire was assessed by male and 3.4% females) for their breakfast.
conducting a pilot study. The sample survey 15.8% of males and 8.5% of females have bread
carried out including the above mentioned facts for their breakfast. There are considerable
provided us with a reliable amount of data to amounts of respondents who have short eats for
conduct the data analysis. The data were analysed their breakfast as a habit representing 28.9%
on the basis of gender and residential places of males and 27.1% females. This revealed the
the students. change in the dietary habits among young
2.3. Statistical Analysis generation.
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences Changes in living arrangements are considered as
(SPSS) version 19.0 was used to analyze the data one of the main factors influencing dietary habits
in this study. of university students. Mainly those who live
away from the parental home develop more
undesirable nutritional habits..Most of the
3. RESULTS respondents coming from home have rice and
curry for their breakfast (50%). 13.6% of them
105 students completed the questionnaire. Of usually have string hoppers and bread. A
these, 2 questionnaires were rejected due to considerable amount (18.2%) has short eats for
improbable replies, resulting in 103 usable their breakfast. 4.5% of them do not have their
questionnaires. The analysis was carried out breakfast. Respondents who live at boarding
mainly based on the gender and residence of houses, 44.4% usually have rice and curry for
students. The relationship between the gender their breakfast, 3.2% have string hoppers and
and residence with the willingness, accessibility, 11.1% usually eat bread. A considerable amount
attitude and nutritional knowledge of the students of students residing at boarding houses (34.9%)
was analyzed in depth. The sample population eat short eats for breakfast . 6.3% of them do not
was assumed to be homogeneous, excluding the have breakfast.T hose who are coming from
impact of other factors such as social status, relatives house, 63.6% have stated that they
money, existing disease conditions etc usually eat rice and curry, 0.0% are usually eating
string hoppers ,another 9.1% are usually eating
Demographic features of sampling group: bread , 9.1% eat short eats while 18.2% are not
The majority of the sample was females (60.2%). having their breakfast.
Among three higher educational institutes, 56.9%
of the respondents represented SAITM where as One of our objectives was to find out whether the
30.4% and 12.7% from SLIIT and CINEC students having a healthy dietary pattern.
respectively. Among the respondents 16.5% According to the survey analysis 2.8% male
belong to 15-20 years age group, 81.6% were respondents and 1.6% female respondents dont
between 21-25 years and 1.9% belongs to 26-30 have their lunch usually. From the analyzed data
years category. One of our main objectives was it can be clearly seen that 80.6% from male
to find whether the residence of students affect respondents and 90.2% from female respondents
their dietary pattern and healthy eating habits. usually have rice and curry for their lunch. The
general dietary habit during lunch time is shown grains at all, proves that. None of the respondents
in the Figure 1. coming from home have eaten whole grains more
than 4 days during the week of survey. 36.4%
1.00% have eaten whole grains one day, 22.7% for 2-3
Rice and days and 27.3% students for 4 days. Of the
2.10% 2.10%
Curry students who are boarded, 38.7% havent eaten
8.20% Fried rice whole grains last 7 days while, 33.8% have eaten
only in a day, 27.9% in 2-3 days, and no one has
Short eats eaten for 4 days or more than 4 days. From the
students who come from relatives house 25.0%
Snakcs havent eaten whole grains during last 7 days
86.60% while, 16.7% have eaten only in a day, 25.0% in
2-3 days ,25.0% in 4 days and 8.3% 0f the
Don't have
respondents have eaten more than 4 days.
From all Female respondents 26.2% hadnt
consumed milk products during the week of
survey. From all male respondents 22.0% hadnt
consumed milk products during the week of
Figure 1: Dietary patterns during lunch survey.19.5% from male respondents and 18.0%
of female respondents have consumed milk
The frequent consumption of snacks and light products around 5-7 days. When comparing the
meals is a recognizable aspect of teenage food analyzed data of consumption of milk products
behavior [8]. Of the 21.4% of respondents who and consumption of whole grains, it can be
come from home, 13 have only short eats for clearly seen that more amount of students had
intervals and 4.5% have only soft drinks. A fair consumed milk products more than whole grains
amount of students (50.0%) eat both short eats
and soft drinks during interval. 31.8% drink tea
or coffee. Out of the 68 students who come from
boarding houses, 4.6% have only short eats for
0 days
intervals and 13.8% have only soft drinks. A 18.60%
considerable frequency of students (50.8%) have 24.50% 1-2 days
both short eats and soft drinks. 21.5% drink tea 24.50%
32.40% 3-4 days
or coffee and 9.2% have stated that they are
taking other food. From the students who come 5-7 days
from relatives house, 25.0% have only short eats
for intervals, 33.3% eat both short eats and soft
drinks, 25.0% drink tea or coffee and 16.7 have
other food types. Here the impact of religious and
Figure 2: Consumption of fat free or low fat
ethnical beliefs on food choice of the students
milk products by students within a week
and probability of having students with chronic
diseases which restrict diet was neglected. The
From those who are coming from home 27.3%
results show that majority of the respondents had
havent consumed milk products during last 7
traditional rice and curry for breakfast and lunch.
days. A similar amount of students (27.3%) have
Most of them were not affected by availability of
consumed milk products for 1-2 days and 5-7
junk food.
days. 18.2% of students have taken milk
products for 3-4 days. Out of the respondents
34.1% from all male respondents and 30.6%
who come from boarding house 22.4% havent
from all female respondents havent consumed
consumed milk products during last 7 days. A
whole grains during the week of survey. Only 1
considerable amount (32.8%) have consumed
student from all the male students have
milk products for 1-2 days. 26.9%have taken
consumed whole grains more than 4 days during
milk for 3-4 days and 17.9% for 5-7 days. From
the week of survey. None of the female
those who are coming from relatives house
respondents have consumed whole grains more
25.0% havent consumed milk products during
than 4 days during the week of survey. So from
last 7 days, 41.7% have consumed in 1-2 days,
the analysed data it is clear that the consumption
25.0% in 3-4 days and 8.3% in 5-7 days. As a
of whole grains among the respondents were
whole more students have taken milk products for
considerably in a low amount. From all the
1-2 days.
respondents 32.0% hadnt consumed whole
the non-vegetarian pattern from the male confirm whether the students have ability to get
respondents and least male respondent amount healthy food from their institute canteen. From
was represented by the lacto ovo vegetarian the male respondents More than half of the
group. From female respondents majority students were affected by lack of food to buy
represented non vegetarian group while only which leads to missed meals and intake of low
8.1% represented semi vegetarian (those who eat nutritional value foods.
mostly vegetable and occasionally eat meat)
dietary pattern. More female respondents Willingness to consume healthy food:
represented the lacto ovo vegetarian group A majority of both male (58.5%) and female
compared to the male respondents. When (71%) respondents are willing to buy herbal
compared more percentage of male respondents porridge if they have easy access. A fair amount
represented the semi vegetarian groups than the of male respondents (41.5%) are not willing to
female respondents. In the survey 58.6% of buy herbal porridge, on the other hand it is 29%
female respondents were non vegetarian and among female respondents. A fairly lower
41.4% of male respondents were non vegetarian frequency of male students (38.8%) and a
when compared gender vise. The type of dietary comparatively higher frequency of female
pattern was considered because it plays a major students (61.3%) are willing to consume cereals.
role in healthy eating A fair amount of both male (43.5%) and female
(56.5%) participants are not willing to buy
Access to healthy food: cereals even if they have gained easy access. As
In this research one of our main objectives was to the method of intake of the cereals are varying,
confirm whether the students have ability to get from all the male respondents 40.0% liked
healthy food from their institute canteen. From processed cereals 26.7% liked cereal related
the male respondents 17.1% agreed that they food,23.3% liked homemade cereals and 10.0%
have access and ability to get healthy food from liked prepared curries. Considering all the female
the canteen. 82.9% denied and opposed to the respondents 46.0% liked processed cereals 22.0%
idea of having access to healthy food in their liked cereal related food, 26.0% liked homemade
canteens. From the female respondents 27.9% cereals and 6.0% liked prepared curries. When
agreed they have access and ability to get healthy considering all the respondents,34.3% male and
food from the canteen. 72.1% female respondents 65.7% female respondents liked to consume
from all the female respondents denied and processed cereals, 42.1% male and 57.95 female
opposed to that idea of having access to healthy respondents liked to consume cereal related
food in their canteens. Also 73.7% SAITM fod,35.0% male and 26.0% female respondents
students, 77.4% SLIIT students and 84.6% liked to consume homemade cereals and 50%
CINEC students have agreed that they do not from both male and female respondents liked to
have access to buy healthy food in their institute consume cereals as prepared curries. From those
canteen. So as the majority of respondents who are coming from home, 61.1% are taking in
opposed to the idea of having the accessibility to cereals as processed cereals, 16.7% as cereal
healthy food in their canteens, we can presume related food, 11.1% as homemade cereals and
students are not exposed to an environment another 11.1% as prepared curries. From those
having healthy food in their educational who are coming from boarding house, 39.2% are
institutes. taking in cereals as processed cereals, 27.5% as
cereal related food, another 27.5% as homemade
cereals and 5.9% as prepared curries. From those
who are coming from relatives house, 30.0% are
participants (10%) said that sometimes this fact is food. From all the male respondents 2.4% said
not important. As a whole a majority of the that it is due to influence by another person,7.3%
respondents are quite knowledgeable about said that they wanted to improve their mood,
nutrition. 75.6% said that it is to their overall wellbeing and
14.6% said that other. From all the female
Idea on selecting healthy food: respondents, 3.3% said that it is due to influence
Respondents were asked for their preferences in by another person,9.8% said that they wanted to
four categories. The first investigated category improve their mood, 80.3% said that it is to their
was how the selection of healthy food affects the overall wellbeing and 6.6% said that other.
Body posture. From all the male respondents
8.3% said that they wanted to be slim,36.1% said Attitude towards healthy food:
that they wanted to improve their current Respondents were asked to select a statement
weight,19.4% said that they wanted to improve among five statements to find out the attitude
their flexibility and coordination and 36.1% said about healthy food. As a total, the most selected
that they wanted to improve overall body shape. statement was Food containing all main
From all the female respondents, 18.3% said that nutrients in appropriate proportions. From all the
they wanted to be slim, 20.0% said that they respondents,76.9% male and 23.1% female
wanted to improve their current weight, 35.0% respondents think that any type of natural food
said that they wanted to improve their flexibility which is made without artificial ingredients as
and coordination and 26.7% said that they wanted healthy food.34.0% male and 66.0% female
to improve overall body shape. respondents think that healthy food is a food
containing all main nutrients in appropriate
The second category was Health Dependant. propotions.37.5% male and 62.55 female
According to the survey analysis from all the respondents think that a food suitable for physical
male respondents,10.0% said that they wanted to and mental health is a healthy food.36.0% male
be resistant to diseases, 5.0%said that they and 64.0% female respondents think that healthy
wanted to improve their cardiovascular system, food is a food which can maintain a healthy
32.5% said that they wanted to improve their lifestyle.
health, and 47.5% said that they wanted to
improve their overall health. From all the female Satisfaction: Considering the satisfaction of the
respondents, 16.7% said that they wanted to be healthiness of the food, from all the male
resistant to diseases, nobody said that they respondents 41.5% said that they are satisfied and
wanted to improve their cardiovascular system, 58.5% said that they are not satisfied. From all
18.3% said that they wanted to improve their the female respondents, 37.1% said they are
health, and 65.0% said that they wanted to satisfied and 62.9% said they are not. From all
improve their overall health. the respondents it can be clearly seen that
majority of the respondents, 61.2% are not
The third category was Sexuality Dependant. satisfied with the healthiness of the food they
According to all male respondents, 15.8% said consume. Results show that more than half of
that they wanted to be attractive to opposite sex, both male and female respondents were not
18.4% said that they wanted to be sexually satisfied with the healthiness of the food that they
desirable, 28.9% said that they wanted to improve eat.
their attractiveness, and 36.8% said that they
wanted to improve their muscle tone. From all the
female respondents, 8.5% said that they wanted 4. CONCLUSION
to be attractive to opposite sex, 5.1% said that
they wanted to be sexually desirable, 66.1% said In conclusion, we found that dietary patterns
that they wanted to improve their attractiveness, differed among university students; students who
and 20.3% said that they wanted to improve their are coming from their home has more access to
muscle tone. healthy foods.. Health promotion programs and
evidence based educational interventions are
Majority of the female students wanted to needed to promote healthy eating and active
improve their attractiveness whereas a majority lifestyle behaviors among young adults in urban
of male respondents wanted to improve their higher educational institutes. Furthermore, given
muscle tone. the importance of exploring dietary patterns
rather than the intake of individual nutrients and
As the final category we looked in to other foods in relation to health, further studies are
factors that affect for the selection of healthy needed to explore determinants of dietary