Breakfast Skipping and Its Associated Factors Amon PDF
Breakfast Skipping and Its Associated Factors Amon PDF
Breakfast Skipping and Its Associated Factors Amon PDF
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Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya
Department of Principality Study, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya
days per week while fastfood was defined bivariate analysis was used to study the
as convenience foods that can be prepared association of two variables and when there
and served very quickly, including salty was significant association, multivariate
french fries, hamburgers, fried chicken, and analysis (Logistic Regression) was
pizzas which are usually served in fastfood conducted to control for confounders.
restaurants. Nutritional supplements are Significance level was pre-set at 0.05. Odds
preparations to be taken orally intended to ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval are
supply nutrients such as vitamins and reported where applicable. Receiver
minerals. Consumption of fruits and Operating Curve (ROC) was drawn for the
vegetables was measured by asking if the final Logistic Regression model.
respondents consumed fruits or vegetables
during lunch or dinner. A positive response RESULTS
was given a score of 1 and the fruits and
vegetables consumption score ranged from The total number of respondents in the
0 to 4. Academic performance was self- survey was 2665 which represented 13% of
reported Cumulated Grade Point Average all undergraduates in the university. As
(CGPA) points which is commonly used in shown in Table 1, there were slightly more
universities in Malaysia. females than males in the sample. The racial
Data was entered and analysed using distribution reflected the country’s racial
the SPSS for windows 15.0. Univariate distribution with Malays being the largest
analysis was used to describe the variables, group, followed by Chinese, Indian and the
n (%)
n (%)
Table 4. Crude and adjusted odds ratio (O.R) for confounders on breakfast skipping
skipp breakfast. Smoking was marginally 0.95; 95% CI: 0.89 – 0.99). Malays (OR: 1.94;
significant (p=0.05) with breakfast skipping. 1.48 – 2.54), Indians (OR: 1.70; 1.08 – 2.66);
Gender, skipping lunch and taking and undergraduates from Sabah and
nutritional supplements were not Sarawak indigenous communities (OR: 2.13;
significantly associated with breakfast 1.37 – 3.33) were more likely to skip breakfast
skipping. compared to their Chinese counterparts.
After adjusting for all the above Respondents who stayed in their own
confounders using Multiple Logistic houses were also less likely to skip breakfast
Regression, age, race, accommodation, compared to those staying in hostels with
faculty and skipping dinner were found to meals catered (OR: 2.32; 1.39 – 3.84), hostels
be significant (p<0.05) as shown in Table 4. with cafeteria (OR: 2.92; 1.74 – 4.91) or rented
As the respondents’ age increased, their houses (OR: 2.08; 1.25 – 3.46). Respondents
risks of breakfast skipping was lower (OR: majoring in Arts & Economics had 1.40 (1.07
Breakfast Skipping among Undergraduates in Kuala Lumpur 171
– 1.82) times risk of breakfast skipping appetite or overslept. Similar findings have
compared to those majoring in Life Sciences. been reported elsewhere (Chitra & Reddy,
Those who skipped dinner too had the odds 2007). The younger undergraduates were
of 2.02 (1.47 – 2.77) times of breakfast more likely to skip breakfast perhaps due to
skipping. The area under the Receiver ignorance or inability to adapt to campus
Operating Curve (ROC) was 0.654, meaning life. Non-Chinese had a higher tendency to
that the above variables were able to explain skip breakfast compared to Chinese perhaps
65.4% of breakfast skipping. due to the fact that the Chinese culture
considers food as an important component
DISCUSSION of their life (Chang, 1977) and these
undergraduates might have been educated
The university and college arenas represent from young about the importance of food.
the final opportunity for health and Non-Life Science majors might not have
nutritional education of a large number of been reinforced on the importance of a
students from the educator’s perspective healthy eating behaviour (including not
(Sakamaki et al., 2005). It is important that skipping meals) as the Life Science majors
the undergraduates are educated and in their current curriculum. Increased
reinforced in healthy eating behaviours and knowledge of dietary guidelines appeared
are able to select a healthy choice of foods in to be positively related to more healthful
the future. eating patterns (Kolodinsky et al., 2007).
Skipping of breakfast was found to be Undergraduates who stayed in their
quite high (29%) among this group of own houses were least likely to skip
respondents. Studies show that the breakfast possibly due to their family
prevalence of breakfast skipping is common members preparing breakfast for them. Study
among young adults in colleges and by Yokoyama et al (2002) showed that
universities (Samuelson, 2000; Keski- students who were not supplied with meals
Rahkonen et al., 2003; Osako et al., 2005; Song from their mothers or dormitory food service
et al., 2005). People who did not take had more irregular meal times and skipped
breakfast were much more likely to have breakfast more than the students supplied
inadequate nutrient intakes. Regular with meals. A study by Keski-Rahkonen et
breakfast consumption is associated with al. (2003) found that those who skipped
better diets for adults overall (Williams, breakfast were more prone to skipping lunch
2005). A study by Ma et al. (2003) found that or dinner, consumed more fastfood and
adults and adolescents who skipped snacked. However, the current study found
breakfast tend to eat more for the rest of the that only respondents who skipped
day. Breakfast skipping was also associated breakfast were more likely to skip dinner.
with increased prevalence of obesity (O.R. Studies show that consumption of
4.5; 1.57 – 12.90) and dysmenorrhea among vegetables and fruits is unsatisfactory among
the females (Fujiwara, 2003). college or university students (Debate,
After adjusting for confounding factors Topping & Sargent, 2001; Osako et al., 2005).
in the Multiple Logistic Regression model, Among our respondents, vegetables were
respondents who were younger, non- found to be consumed by only about half
Chinese, non-Life Science majors, staying while fruits were only consumed by less than
out of own house and skipping dinner were one-third of them (results not shown).
significantly at higher risk of breakfast Therefore the score of vegetables and fruits
skipping (p<0.05). Reasons for breakfast consumption obtained for the whole group
skipping were more of personal choice such was generally low. Reasons for this could
as no time to eat, did not like to eat early, no be due to the ignorance of students about
172 Moy FM, Johari S, Ismail Y, Mahad R, Tie FH & Wan Ismail WMA
the importance of vegetables and fruits in mentioned as one of the reasons for skipping
the diet; inaccessiblilty of fruits and meals. The management of the university
vegetables or unaffordable prices at the should also monitor the choices of food
cafeteria. Respondents who skipped offered by the cafeterias in the campus.
breakfast were also found to have even lower Glanz & Holscher (2004) found that a
consumption of vegetables and fruits. changing environment, policy and pricing
Similar results were shown by Chung & did manage to result in moderate
Hoerr (2005) where a positive association improvement on the consumption of fruits
between breakfast taking with vegetable and and vegetables.
fruit consumption existed among their
participants. However, the association was CONCLUSION
not statistically significant in this study.
Breakfast skipping is associated with The prevalence of skipping breakfast among
health-compromising behaviours in adults the undergraduates of this university was
and adolescents such as smoking (Keski- 29%. Factors influencing breakfast skipping
Rahkonen et al., 2003). However, this study were age, race, accommodation, faculties and
did not show significant results possibly due skipping dinner. Health awareness
to the small numbers of smokers. campaigns or the introduction of healthy
Therefore as observed above, some of the eating guidelines should be implemented to
predictors for breakfast skipping were more the undergraduates as well as to the caterers
related to knowledge and information in campus. The policy and pricing of catered
available to the undergraduates. The non food in campus should also be reviewed.
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