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Received April 4, 2015, accepted May 8, 2015, date of publication June 1, 2015, date of current version June 4, 2015.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2437951

The Internet of Things for Health

Care: A Comprehensive Survey
UWB Wireless Communications Research Center, Inha University, Incheon 402-751, Korea
Networked Systems and Security Laboratory, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ 07102, USA
Secure and Trustworthy Computing Laboratory, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL 35233, USA
Corresponding author: K. S. Kwak (kskwak@inha.ac.kr)
This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea, through the Information Technology Research
Center Support Program under Grant IITP-2015-H8501-15-1019 supervised by the Institute for Information and communications
Technology Promotion.

ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) makes smart objects the ultimate building blocks in the
development of cyber-physical smart pervasive frameworks. The IoT has a variety of application
domains, including health care. The IoT revolution is redesigning modern health care with promising
technological, economic, and social prospects. This paper surveys advances in IoT-based health care
technologies and reviews the state-of-the-art network architectures/platforms, applications, and industrial
trends in IoT-based health care solutions. In addition, this paper analyzes distinct IoT security and privacy
features, including security requirements, threat models, and attack taxonomies from the health care
perspective. Further, this paper proposes an intelligent collaborative security model to minimize security
risk; discusses how different innovations such as big data, ambient intelligence, and wearables can be
leveraged in a health care context; addresses various IoT and eHealth policies and regulations across the
world to determine how they can facilitate economies and societies in terms of sustainable development;
and provides some avenues for future research on IoT-based health care based on a set of open issues and

INDEX TERMS Internet of things, health care, services, applications, networks, architectures, platforms,
security, technologies, industries, policies, challenges.

potential to give rise to many medical applications such as
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept reflecting a remote health monitoring, fitness programs, chronic
connected set of anyone, anything, anytime, anyplace, any diseases, and elderly care. Compliance with treatment and
service, and any network. The IoT is a megatrend in next- medication at home and by healthcare providers is another
generation technologies that can impact the whole business important potential application. Therefore, various medical
spectrum and can be thought of as the intercon- nection of devices, sensors, and diagnostic and imaging devices can be
uniquely identifiable smart objects and devices within viewed as smart devices or objects constituting a core part
todays internet infrastructure with extended benefits. of the IoT. IoT-based healthcare services are expected to
Benefits typically include the advanced connectivity of reduce costs, increase the quality of life, and enrich the
these devices, systems, and services that goes beyond users experience. From the perspective of healthcare
machine- to-machine (M2M) scenarios [1]. Therefore, providers, the IoT has the potential to reduce device
introducing automation is conceivable in nearly every field. downtime through remote provision. In addition, the IoT
The IoT pro- vides appropriate solutions for a wide range of can correctly identify opti- mum times for replenishing
applications such as smart cities, traffic congestion, waste supplies for various devices for their smooth and
management, structural health, security, emergency continuous operation. Further, the IoT provides for the
services, logistics, retails, industrial control, and health efficient scheduling of limited resources by ensuring their
care. The interested reader is referred to [1][5] for a deeper best use and service of more patients. Fig. 1 illustrates
understanding of the IoT. recent healthcare trends [7]. Ease of cost-effective
Medical care and health care represent one of the most interactions through seamless and secure con- nectivity
attractive application areas for the IoT [6]. The IoT has the across individual patients, clinics, and healthcare
organizations is an important trend. Up-to-date healthcare
2169 Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. VOLUME 3, 2015
- See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more
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s and
g are
S. M. R. Islam et al.: Internet of Things for Health Care: A Comprehensive

Discussing core technologies that can reshape

healthcare technologies based on the IoT.

FIGURE 1. Healthcare trends.

networks driven by wireless technologies are expected to

support chronic diseases, early diagnosis, real-time
monitor- ing, and medical emergencies. Gateways, medical
servers, and health databases play vital roles in creating
health records and delivering on-demand health services to
authorized stakeholders.
In the last few years, this field has attracted wide
attention from researchers to address the potential of the
IoT in the healthcare field by considering various practical
challenges. As a consequence, there are now numerous
applications, services, and prototypes in the field. Research
trends in IoT-based health care include network
architectures and platforms, new services and applications,
interoperability, and security, among others. In addition,
policies and guide- lines have been developed for deploying
the IoT technology in the medical field in many countries
and organizations across the world. However, the IoT
remains in its infancy in the healthcare field. At this stage, a
thorough understanding of current research on the IoT in
the healthcare context is expected to be useful for various
stakeholders interested in further research. This paper
examines the trends in IoT-based healthcare research and
uncovers various issues that must be addressed to transform
healthcare technologies through the IoT innovation. In this
regard, this paper contributes by
Classifying existing IoT-based healthcare network
studies into three trends and presenting a summary of
Providing an extensive survey of IoT-based healthcare
services and applications.
Highlighting various industrial efforts to embrace IoT-
compatible healthcare products and prototypes.
Providing extensive insights into security and privacy
issues surrounding IoT healthcare solutions and
proposing a security model.

680 VOLUME 3,
S. M. R. Islam et al.: Internet of Things for Health Care: A Comprehensive
Highlighting various policies and strategies that can as a good starting point for developing insights into the IoT
support researchers and policymakers in integrating network.
the IoT innovation into healthcare technologies in
Providing challenges and open issues that must be
addressed to make IoT-based healthcare technologies
It should be noted that R&D activities in the field
of healthcare services based on the wireless sensor net-
work (WSN) [8], [9] can be considered as initial IoT-based
healthcare research efforts. However, the ongoing trend is
to shift away from registered standards and adopt IP-based
sensor networks using the emerging IPv6-based low-
power wireless personal area network (6LoWPAN). If
WSNs become a core part of the Internet, then a careful
analysis is necessary. To better understand the evolution
of WSNs toward the IoT and thus their fundamental
FIGURE 2. IoT healthcare network (IoThNet) issues.
differences, the reader is referred to [10][12].


The IoT healthcare network or the IoT network for health A. THE IoThNet TOPOLOGY
care (hereafter the IoThNet) is one of the vital elements The IoThNet topology refers to the arrangement of differ-
of the IoT in health care. It supports access to the IoT ent elements of an IoT healthcare network and indicates
backbone, facilitates the transmission and reception of representative scenarios of seamless healthcare environ-
medical data, and enables the use of healthcare-tailored ments. Fig. 3 describes how a heterogeneous computing
communications. As shown in Fig. 2, this section grid collects enormous amounts of vital signs and sensor
discusses the IoThNet topol- ogy, architecture, and data such as blood pressure (BP), body temperature, elec-
platform. However, it should be men- tioned that the trocardiograms (ECG), and oxygen saturation and forms a
proposed architectures in [13] and [14] can be considered

VOLUME 3, 679
FIGURE 3. A conceptual diagram of IoT-based ubiquitous healthcare solutions.

typical IoThNet topology. It transforms the heterogeneous topology includes a required network structure for
computing and storage capability of static and mobile elec- supporting the streaming of medical videos. For example,
tronic devices such as laptops, smartphones, and medical the topology in Fig. 4 supports the streaming of ultrasound
terminals into hybrid computing grids [15]. videos through an interconnected network with worldwide
Fig. 4 visualizes a scenario in which a patients health interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX), an
profile and vitals are captured using portable medical internet protocol (IP) network, and a global system for a
devices and sensors attached to his or her body. Captured mobile (GSM) network as well as usual gateways and
data are then analyzed and stored, and stored data from access service networks. Similar conceptual structures are
various sensors and machines become useful for found in [16][19].
aggregation. Based on analyses and aggregation, caregivers Fig. 5 presents an IoThNet topology showing the
can monitor patients from any location and respond role of a gateway. Here intelligent pharmaceutical
accordingly. In addition, the packaging (iMedPack) is nothing but an IoT device that
manages the problem of medicine misuse, thereby ensuring
pharmaceutical compliance. The intelligent medicine
box (iMedBox) is considered a healthcare gateway with an
array of various required sensors and interfaces of multiple
wireless standards. Various wearable sensors and IoT
devices are wirelessly connected to healthcare gateways
connecting the patients environment to the health-IoT
cloud, a hetero- geneous network (HetNet) that enables
clinical diagnosis and other analyses. The gateway itself
can investigate, store,
FIGURE 4. Remote monitoring in wearables and personalized health care. FIGURE 5. An IoThNet topology with an intelligent healthcare
FIGURE 6. Continua Health Alliances framework-based simplified reference architecture.

and display all collected data [20]. A similar IoThNet

topology is found in [21], which integrates clinical devices
with the IoT healthcare enterprise infrastructure.
Identifying associated activities and roles in medical
services is a fundamental factor in designing the IoThNet
topology. Pre-, in-, and post-treatment processing involves
healthcare services mainly from the perspective of
healthcare service providers. Such healthcare activities have
been demonstrated in the context of emergency medical
services [22], and an IoThNet topology including cloud
computing for pervasive health care has been proposed
[23]. This can be viewed as a conventional complete-mesh
networking system with the omnipresence of internet
connectivity. Then the topology must include a medical
rule system in the case of a semantic medical monitoring
system [24].


The IoThNet architecture refers to an outline for the specifi-
FIGURE 7. The protocol stack of 6LoWPAN.
cation of the IoThNets physical elements, their functional
organization, and its working principles and techniques.
To start, the basic reference architecture in Fig. 6 is
presented for the telehealth and ambient assisted living sys- As designed in [34], Fig. 7 shows the layer structure of
tems recommended by Continua Health Alliance. The key the 6LoWLAN. According to the IoThNet concept, sensors
issues have been identified for this architecture [25]: the and wearables use IPv6 and 6LoWPAN systems for data
interoperability of the IoT gateway and the wireless local transmission over the 802.15.4 protocol. Data are then
area network (WLAN)/wireless personal area network replied back by sensor nodes with the help of the user
(WPAN), multimedia streaming, and secure datagram protocol (UDP). However, the 6LoWPAN is
communications between IoT gateways and caregivers. limited in that it does not support mobile IPv6 (MIPv6), a
Many studies [18], [21], [23], [26][33] have justified subset of the IPv6 protocol with mobility. To introduce
that the IPv6-based 6LoWPAN is the basis of the IoThNet. mobility provi- sion to the 6LoWPAN, a protocol for
exchanging messages
between mobile patient nodes, base networks, and visited reshape the data structure in healthcare services is described
networks is proposed in [26]. in [37], and the question of how multiple communications
To address mobility, four alternative procedures are con- standards can be coordinated to give rise to the IothNet is
sidered in [29], including soliciting routers, waiting for a dis- cussed in [38]. The data distribution architecture is
new directed acyclic graph (DAG) information object examined in the case of cloud computing integration in
(DIO), attaching to other available parent nodes, and [22]. The next subsection discusses this structure for the
sending DAG information solicitation (DIS) messages. IoThNet platform because this involves both the
Among these, soliciting routers and sending DIS messages architecture and platform.
represent the fastest methods because they are initiated by
the mobile node itself. A typical gateway protocol stack for C. THE IoThNet PLATFORM
community medical services is described in [35]. This stack
The IoThNet platform refers to both the network platform
explicitly describes how periodic traffic, abnormal traffic,
model and the computing platform. As shown in Fig. 10, a
and query- driven traffic can be managed within the
service platform framework focusing on residents health
HetNet. A complex eHealth service delivery method
information is presented in [39]. This framework shows a
consisting of three phases has been proposed in [36],
systematic hierarchical model of how caregivers or agents
including composition, signalization, and data transmission.
can access various databases from the application layer with
Signalization protocols serve mainly as the basis of
the help of a support layer. A similar concept of data center
complex service composition, quality-of-service (QoS)
platforms as the middleware between smart objects and the
negotiation, and resource allocation procedures in the
business layer can be found in [40].
IoThNet. Fig. 8 shows the state encountered in the QoS
The importance of standardizing interfaces across
negotiation procedure, which is nothing but the creation of
stakeholders of the IoThNet toward the design of an open
a connection to expected QoS values.
platform is emphasized in [41]. As shown in Fig. 11, three
Medical devices have been considered for vehicular net-
cat- egories of interface standardization to establish a
works, and captured health data have been examined
cooperative ecosystem have been presented, including
through IPv6 application servers [18]. Here the lightweight
hardware and soft- ware interfaces, health data formats
auto- configuration protocol shown in Fig. 9 has
(electronic health record; EHR), and security schemes. This
introduced for vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I)
can eventually ensure associated interoperability. A big
communications in the IoThNet. This protocol uses the
picture of an automat- ing design methodology (ADM)
IPv6 route as a default route in the routing table. This
platform for the IoThNet, particularly for rehabilitation
provides a set of IPv6 addresses for health devices in a
purposes, is presented in [42]. As shown in Fig. 12, this
vehicle. The extent to which big data can
design framework includes the humanmachine interface,
multidisciplinary optimization, and application
The feasibility of using VIRTUS, an event-driven
middle- ware package, to support IoT healthcare
applications is ana- lyzed in [43], and reliable and scalable
communications over the IoThNet have been found to be
feasible through VIRTUS based on the XMPP, a protocol
for instant messaging, even in the case of poor connectivity.
A method to enable the IoT gateway to handle multiple
users with multiple sensors is proposed in [33]. This
method provides an algorithmic approach to how the
gateway reads raw health data received from an edge router
and parses captured data in some prede- termined format in
the database. A three-layer cloud platform for accessing
ubiquitous cloud data through the IoThNet is designed in
[22]. The tenant database layer stores multi- tenant
databases. The resource layer is responsible for con-
trolling data access, and the business layer performs
required coordination for data sharing and interoperation. It
should be noted that distributed health data are organized
using a resource control mechanism.
Some studies [25], [31], [44], [45] have addressed
IoThNet platform issues. Although these studies have not
provided a comprehensive and generalized analysis of
FIGURE 8. The negotiation process (blue by the sender and green such models, some design issues are noteworthy in
by the receiver). specific cases. A semantic platform architecture is
introduced in [46]. This architecture offers semantic interoperability across heterogeneous systems and devices
and provides user
FIGURE 9. The auto-configuration protocol in V2I scenario.

FIGURE 10. A functional framework of a health information service model.

environments and domotic devices with some semantic

capability. Its semantic layer can support four types of
IoT-based healthcare systems can be applied to a diverse
array of fields, including care for pediatric and elderly
features and numerous applications covering both single-
and clustered-condition solutions. This section introduces
each of the services and applications shown in the figure.
The IoT is anticipated to enable a variety of healthcare
services in which each service provides a set of healthcare
solutions. In the context of healthcare, there is no standard
definition of IoT services. However, there may be some
cases in which a service cannot be objectively differentiated
from a particular solution or application. This paper
proposes that a service is by some means generic in nature
and has the potential to be a building block for a set of
solutions or applications. In addition, it should be noted that
general ser- vices and protocols required for IoT
frameworks may require slight modifications for their
proper functioning in health- care scenarios. These include
notification services, resource- sharing services, internet
services, cross-connectivity protocols for heterogeneous
devices, and link protocols for major connectivity. The easy,
fast, secure, and low-power discovery of devices and
services can be added to this list. However, a discussion on
such generalized IoT services is beyond the scope of this
survey. The interested reader is referred to the literature for
a more comprehensive under- standing of this topic. The
following subsections include various types of IoT
FIGURE 11. Platform interfaces (a) without standardization (b) with
standardization. healthcare services.
the supervision of chronic diseases, and the management of In general, neither a smart home nor a typical IoT-based
private health and fitness, among others. For a better under- medical service is inevitably supposed to offer specialized
standing of this extensive topic, this paper broadly catego-
rizes the discussion in two aspects: services and
applications. Applications are further divided into two
groups: single- and clustered-condition applications. A
single-condition appli- cation refers to a specific disease or
infirmity, whereas a clustered-condition application deals
with a number of dis- eases or conditions together as a
whole. Fig. 13 illustrates this categorization. Note that this
classification structure is framed based on todays available
healthcare solutions using the IoT. This list is inherently
dynamic in nature and can be easily enhanced by adding
additional services with distinct
FIGURE 12. An automating design methodology framework.
FIGURE 13. IoT healthcare services and applications.

services to elderly individuals. That is, a separate IoT AAL in [26]. This architecture basically serves as a
service is obligatory. An IoT platform powered by artificial framework for providing healthcare services to elderly and
intelli- gence that can address the health care of aging and incapacitate individuals. As the underlying technology for
incapac- itated individuals is called ambient assisted living implementing this architecture, 6LoWPAN is used for
(AAL). The purpose of AAL is to extend the independent active communications, and radio frequency identification
life of elderly individuals in their place of living in a (RFID) and near-field communications (NFC) are used for
convenient and safe manner. Solutions provided by AAL passive communications. This architecture has been
services can make elderly individuals confident by ensuring extended by incorporating algorithms based on medical
greater autonomy and giving them human-servant-like knowledge to detect problems facing elderly individuals.
assistance in case of any problem. Several studies have The question of how the central AAL paradigm over the
discussed AAL based on the IoT. A modular architecture for IoT can be realized is discussed in [47], and it has been
automation, security, control, and communication is argued that a combination of keep-in-touch (KIT) smart
proposed for IoT-based objects and
closed-loop healthcare services can facilitate AAL. Then 4) COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE (CH)
this resultant infrastructure can employ the IoT to enable
Community healthcare monitoring comes with the concept
communication between stakeholders such as elderly indi-
of establishing a network covering an area around a local
viduals, caregivers, physicians, and family members. These
community. This may be an IoT-based network around a
efforts have motivated researchers to develop protocols for
municipal hospital, a residential area, or a rural community.
making KIT smart objects and closed-loop healthcare ser-
The concatenation of several such networks can be realized
vices function through the IoT. An open, secure, and
as a cooperative network structure. In this regard, a
flexible platform based on the IoT and cloud computing is
specialized service called community health care (CH) is
proposed in [25]. This platform addresses various
inevitable for meeting collective technical requirements as a
limitations asso- ciated with interoperability, security, the
package. A cooperative IoT platform for rural healthcare
streaming qual- ity of service (QoS), and data storage, and
monitoring has been proposed and found to be energy-
its feasibility has been verified by installing an IoT-based
efficient [52]. Here a distinct authentication and
health gate- way on a desktop computer as reference
authorization mechanism should be incorporated because it
implementation. Previous studies have highlighted the need
is a cooperative network. A com- munity medical network
for AAL and corresponding technological support and
is proposed in [35]. This network integrates multiple
presented a tentative road map for state-of-the-art AAL
wireless body area networks (WBANs) to materialize CH.
technologies [19]. Further, an IoT-based secure service for
The structure of a community medical network can be
AAL-based medication control is examined in [48].
viewed as a virtual hospital. A resident health
information service platform based on a a functional
framework of a four-layer structure has been considered,
As shown in [49], m-health is nothing but mobile comput-
and a method for sharing data between medical facilities
ing, medical sensors, and communications technologies for
and the service platform for obtaining health records and
healthcare services. In theory, m-IoT familiarizes a novel
accessing remote medical advice is presented in [39].
healthcare connectivity model that connects the 6LoWPAN
with evolving 4G networks for future internet-based m-
health services. Although m-IoT characteristically 5) CHILDREN HEALTH INFORMATION (CHI)
represents the IoT for healthcare services, it is worth Raising awareness around childrens health and cultivating
mentioning that there exist some specific features intrinsic the general public as well as children themselves on needs
to the global mobility of participating entities. This leads to of children with emotional, behavioral, or mental health
the conceptualization of m-IoT services. The use of m-IoT prob- lems and their family members are crucial [53]. This
services has been examined based on the potential of m-IoT has motivated researchers to develop a specialized IoT
for the noninvasive sensing of the glucose level, and the m- service called children health information (CHI) to address
IoT architecture, implementation issues, and challenges are this need in an effective manner. In this regard, an
addressed in [28]. Context-aware issues and m-IoT interactive totem placed in a pediatric ward offering CHI
ecosystems are two distinct challenges in m-IoT services services aimed at educating, amusing, and empowering
[19]. A system for message-exchange- based mobility is hospitalized children is proposed in [54], and an IoT-based
introduced, but its low network power consumption is not m-health service that can encourage children to acquire
verified in [26]. good nutritional habits with the help of their teachers and
parents is presented in [44].
An adverse drug reaction (ADR) is an injury from 6) WEARABLE DEVICE ACCESS (WDA)
taking a medication [50]. This may happen after a single
Various nonintrusive sensors have been developed for a
dose of a drug or its prolonged administration or as a con-
diverse range of medical applications [55], particular for
sequence of a combination of two or more drugs. Because
WSN-based healthcare services. Such sensors are
the ADR is inherently generic, that is, not specific to
prospective enough to deliver the same services through the
the medication for a particular disease, there is a need
IoT. On the other hand, wearable devices can come with a
to separately design certain common technical issues and
set of desirable features appropriate for the IoT architecture.
their solutions (called ADR services). An IoT-based ADR is
Therefore, the integration of aforementioned sensors into
proposed in [51]. Here the patients terminal identi- fies
wearable products is apparent. However, the heterogeneous
the drug by means of barcode/NFC-enabled devices. With
nature of wear- able products and medical sensors uncovers
the help of a pharmaceutical intelligent information system,
numerous chal- lenges for researchers and developers
this information is then coordinated to sense whether the
working toward the said integration. In this context, a
drug is compatible with its allergy profile and elec- tronic
dedicated service called wear- able device access (WDA) is
health record. The iMedPack has been developed as part of
required. The integration of wearable devices into
the iMedBox to address the ADR [20] by making use of
applications based on WSNs for IoT scenarios is
RFID and controlled delamination material (CDM)
presented in [56]. This method introduces a prototype
system that can be used in a wide variety of healthcare
applications through various mobile computing
devices such as smartphones and smart watches. An activity question of how an IoT gateway may be implemented using
recognition method based on mobile devices for the remote mobile computing devices is discussed in [25].
monitoring of patients is proposed in [57], an IoT-based
remote activity monitoring system using wearable devices
is demonstrated in [43], and the question of how Bluetooth
low energy (BLE) can enable a WBAN for wearable
devices is addressed in [30].


The use of semantics and ontologies to share large amounts
of medical information and knowledge has been widely
con- sidered [58]. The wide potential of medical semantics
and ontologies has received close attention from designers
of IoT-based healthcare applications. Placing medical
semantics and ontologies on the top of the IoT calls for a
separate service called semantic medical access (SMA). A
semantic medical monitoring system based on IoT sensors
is proposed in [24]. IoT healthcare applications employ
medical rule engines to analyze massive amounts of sensor
data stored in the cloud. A ubiquitous data-accessing
method that can collect, integrate, and interoperate IoT data
for emergency medical services is proposed [22], and a
similar method is presented in [46]. Several studies have
discussed semantic medical issues in the context of the IoT
environment [31], [45], [57].


There are many emergency situations where healthcare
issues are heavily involved, including adverse weather
conditions, transport (aviation, ship, train, and vehicle)
accidents, earthen sites collapse, and fire, among others. In
this context, a dedi- cated service called indirect emergency
health care (IEH) can be offer a bundle of solutions such as
information availability, alter notification, post-accident
action, and record keeping. To the authors knowledge, no
major study has addressed these issues in emergency health
care based on IoT networks. In this regard, there is a need
to address the question of how appropriate healthcare
systems can be envisioned. Here the interested reader is
referred to [59] and [60].


The embedded gateway configuration (EGC) service is an
architectural service that connects network nodes (to which
patients are directly connected), the Internet (to which
required servers and clients are directly connected), and
other medical equipment. From a service perspective,
although a gateway may emerge with different
characteristics, this requires some common integration
features depending on the specific purpose of the deployed
gateway. It is in this regard that the notion of the EGC
service becomes relevant. As part of a ubiquitous healthcare
system, a good example of an EGC service is found in [33].
Here the service allows for automated and intelligent
monitoring. A personal mobile gateway is employed for a
medical sensor network based on the IoT in [61], and the
10) EMBEDDED CONTEXT PREDICTION (ECP) Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which there
To build context-aware healthcare applications over are high blood glucose (sugar) levels over a prolonged
IoT networks, third-party developers require generic period. Blood glucose monitoring reveals individual
frame- works with suitable mechanisms, which can be patterns of blood glucose changes and helps in the planning
called the embedded context prediction (ECP) service. of meals, activities, and medication times. An m-IoT
Such a frame- work is developed in [62] in the context of configuration method for noninvasive glucose sensing on a
ubiquitous health care. A number of research challenges in real-time basis is proposed in [28]. In this method, sensors
context-aware ubiq- uitous healthcare systems have been from patients are linked through IPv6 connectivity to
uncovered [63]. More or less similar research challenges relevant healthcare providers. The utility model in [65]
need to be addressed for context-aware healthcare unveils a transmission device for the transmission of
applications over IoT networks, and a context predictor is collected somatic data on blood glucose based on IoT
applied to IoT-enabled remote health monitoring in [64]. networks. This device includes a blood glucose collector, a
mobile phone or a computer, and a background processor. A
B. IoT HEALTHCARE APPLICATIONS similar innovation is found in [66]. In addition, a generic
In addition to IoT services, IoT applications deserve closer IoT-based medical acquisition detector that can be used to
attention. It can be noted that services are used to develop monitor the glucose level is proposed in [67].
applications, whereas applications are directly used by
users and patients. Therefore, services are developer- 2) ELECTROCARDIOGRAM MONITORING
centric, whereas applications, user-centric. In addition to The monitoring of the electrocardiogram (ECG), that is, the
applications covered in this section, various gadgets, electrical activity of the heart recorded by electrocardiog-
wearables, and other healthcare devices currently available raphy, includes the measurement of the simple heart rate
in the market are dis- cussed. These products can be and the determination of the basic rhythm as well as the
viewed as IoT innovations that can lead to various diagnosis of multifaceted arrhythmias, myocardial
healthcare solutions. The next subsections address various ischemia, and prolonged QT intervals [68]. The application
IoT-based healthcare applications, including both single- of the IoT to ECG monitoring has the potential to give
and clustered-condition applications. maximum infor- mation and can be used to its fullest extent
[69]. A number of studies [20], [31], [33], [35], [40], [56],
1) GLUCOSE LEVEL SENSING [70] have explic- itly discussed IoT-based ECG
monitoring. The innovation
in [71] introduces an IoT-based ECG monitoring system in [82]. A wearable pulse oximeter for health monitoring
composed of a portable wireless acquisition transmitter and using the WSN can be adapted to the IoT network [83].
a wireless receiving processor. The system integrates a
search automation method to detect abnormal data such that
cardiac function can be identified on a real-time basis.
There exists a comprehensive detection algorithm of
ECG signals at the application layer of the IoT network for
ECG monitoring [72].
The question of how the combination of a KIT blood
pressure (BP) meter and an NFC-enabled KIT mobile
phone becomes part of BP monitoring based on the IoT is
addressed in [47]. A motivating scenario in which BP must
be regularly controlled remotely is presented by showing
the communi- cations structure between a health post and
the health center in [73]. The question of how the Withings
BP device operates depends on the connection to an Apple
mobile computing device is addressed in [74]. A device for
BP data collection and transmission over an IoT network is
proposed in [75]. This device is composed of a BP
apparatus body with a communication module. A location-
intelligent terminal for carry-on BP monitoring based on
the IoT is proposed in [76].
4) Body Temperature Monitoring
Body temperature monitoring is an essential part of health-
care services because body temperature is a decisive vital
sign in the maintenance of homeostasis [77]. In [28], the m-
IoT concept is verified using a body temperature sensor that
is embedded in the TelosB mote, and a typical sample of
attained body temperature variations showing the
successful operation of the developed m-IoT system is
presented. A tem- perature measurement system based on a
home gateway over the IoT is proposed in [78]. The home
gateway transmits the users body temperature with the help
of infrared detection. Another IoT-based temperature
monitoring system is pro- posed in [79]. The main system
components responsible for temperature recording and
transmission are the RFID module and the module for
monitoring body temperature.
Pulse oximetry is suitable for the noninvasive nonstop mon-
itoring of blood oxygen saturation. The integration of the
IoT with pulse oximetry is useful for technology-driven
medical healthcare applications. A survey of CoAP-based
healthcare services discusses the potential of IoT-based
pulse oximetry [80]. The function of the wearable pulse
oximeter Wrist OX2 by Nonin is illustrated in [31]. This
device comes with connectivity based on a Bluetooth health
device profile, and the sensor connects directly to the
Monere platform. An IoT-optimized low-power/low-cost
pulse oximeter for remote patient monitoring is proposed in
[81]. This device can be used to continuously monitor the
patients health over an IoT network. An integrated pulse
oximeter system for telemedicine applications is described
6) REHABILITATION SYSTEM of the I2Pack and the iMedBox and verifies the system
Because physical medicine and rehabilitation can enhance by field trials. This packaging method comes with con-
and restore the functional ability and quality of life of trolled sealing based on delamination materials controlled
those with some physical impairment or disability, they by wireless communications. The eHealth service
represent a vital branch of medicine. The IoT has the architecture based on RFID tags for a medication control
potential to enhance rehabilitation systems in terms of system over the IoT network is presented in [90]. Here the
mitigating problems linked to aging populations and the prototype implementation is demonstrated, and this
shortage of health experts. An ontology-based ubiquitous medi- cation control system is designed
automating design method for IoT-based smart specifically for providing AAL solutions.
rehabilitation systems is proposed in [42]. This design
successfully demonstrates that the IoT can be an effective 8) WHEELCHAIR MANAGEMENT
platform for connecting all necessary resources to offer Many researchers have worked to develop smart
real- time information interactions. IoT-based technologies wheelchairs with full automation for disabled people. The
can form a worthwhile infrastructure to support effective IoT has the potential to accelerate the pace of work. A
remote consultation in comprehensive rehabilitation [84]. healthcare system for wheelchair users based on the IoT
There are many IoT-based rehabilitation systems such as technology is proposed in [40]. The design comes with
an integrated application system for prisons [85], the WBANs integrated with vari- ous sensors whose functions
rehabilitation train- ing of hemiplegic patients [86], a are tailored to IoT requirements. A medical support system
smart city medical reha- bilitation system [87], and a considering peer-to-peer (P2P) and the IoT technology is
language-training system for childhood autism [88]. implemented in [91]. This system provides for chair
vibration control and can detect the sta- tus of the
7) MEDICATION MANAGEMENT wheelchair user. Another noteworthy example of IoT-based
The noncompliance problem in medication poses a serious wheelchair development is the connected wheelchair
threat to public health and causes huge financial waste designed by Intels IoT department [92]. This development
across the world. To address this issue, the IoT offers some eventually shows that standard things can evolve into
promising solutions. An intelligent packaging method for connected machines driven by data. This device can
medicine boxes for IoT-based medication management is monitor vitals of the individual sitting in the chair and
proposed in [89]. This method entails a prototype system collect data on the users surroundings, allowing for the
rating of a locations accessibility.
FIGURE 14. Auxiliary healthcare apps for smartphones.


Many other portable medical devices are available though
Recent years have witnessed the emergence of electronic
there is no explicit demonstration of the integration of those
devices with a smartphone-controlled sensor, which high-
devices into IoT networks. That is, it is only a matter
lights the rise of smartphones as a driver of the IoT.
of time before these devices become embedded with
Various hardwire and software products have been designed
IoT functions. Increasing numbers of medical healthcare
to make smartphones a versatile healthcare device. An
applications, devices, and cases have kept pace with the
growing demand for IoT-based services across the world.
sive review of healthcare apps for smartphones is systemat-
Some healthcare areas whose integration with the IoT
ically provided in [95], including a discussion on apps for
appears imminent include hemoglobin detection, peak
patients and general healthcare apps as well as on medi-
expiratory flow, abnormal cellular growth, cancer treatment,
cal education, training, information search apps, and others
eye disorder, skin infection, and remote surgery [52], [93],
(collectively referred to as auxiliary apps). In addition, there
[94]. Most devices today are portable diagnostic devices
are many recent apps serving similar purposes [96][101].
with conventional connectivity.
Based on these references, Fig. 14 presents a classification
diagram of auxiliary apps. Note that this figure includes
no general healthcare apps and apps for patients, which are of new start-ups and large firms that are willing to be part of
addressed later in this section. Diagnostic apps are used to what may be a giant market as well as enabling products
access diagnostic and treatment information. Drug
reference apps typically provide names of drugs, their
indications, dosages, costs, and identifying features.
Literature search apps facilitate searches for biomedical
literature databases to find appropriate medical information.
Medical education apps typically deal with tutorials,
training, various surgical demonstrations, color illustrations
of different images, and medical books. Calculator apps
come with various medical formulas as well as equations
and calculate respective parameters of interest (e.g., the
body surface burn per- centage). Clinical communication
apps simplify communi- cation between clinicians within a
hospital. A number of image analysis algorithms for
smartphones that facilitate noncontact measurements useful
for healthcare applications are introduced in [102]. A good
(but not complete) sur- vey of smartphone apps providing
healthcare solutions is presented [70]. Smartphones can
effectively perform the fol- lowing healthcare diagnosis
and/or monitoring: the detection of asthma, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, coughing,
allergic rhinitis, nose-related symptoms of the respiratory
tract, the heart rate, BP, blood oxygen saturation, and
melanoma and the analysis of wounds in advanced diabetes
patients [81][83], [103][107]. In addi- tion to its
ubiquitous deployment capability and availability for users,
there is a great advantage of using smartphone healthcare
apps in terms of providing low-cost solutions. However,
many challenges remain, including computational
complexity, power consumption, and noisy environments
around smartphones, which should be easy to solve. In
addi- tion, there are many health and fitness accessories
suitable for smartphones that can help individuals achieve
their best shape. For example, Fitbit Flex, a fitness tracking
wristband, keeps track of steps taken, the distance travelled,
and calories burned. A separate section of this paper
provides a more detailed discussion on existing commercial
healthcare prod- ucts that can be viewed as a foundation of
IoT healthcare devices.
Table 1 lists various healthcare applications and
discusses their required sensors, operations, and IoT
associations, but it does not focus on any smartphone
health- care apps. For this, Table 2 includes various
smartphone- based healthcare apps with a short description
of each. Although there are many apps by developers across
the world, this paper discusses some selected apps based on
their type, popularity, and intuitive analysis. Most of the
apps listed here can be used easily. The interested reader is
encouraged to find up-to-date apps similar to those listed


The emerging IoT in the healthcare field has experienced a
burst of activity and creativity, exciting entrepreneurs and
venture capital firms. The space appears as an active group

VOLUME 3, 691
and technologies. This section provides an extensive list of the user decide on taking action or continuing on her or her
these products and technologies for a better understanding active way [113]. Jawbones UP3 is many state-of-the-art
of the IoT status. sensors offering the user a full picture of his or her health
Edisse has a prototype wearable sensor for real-time status and includes activity tracking, sleep tracking, smart
track- ing, fall detection, and alerts. It basically combines coaching, and heart health sensing [114]. As shown in Fig.
the GPS, mobile data, short messaging services (SMSs), 15, Angel is designed to measure the users pulse,
and an accelerometer to detect unusual movements such as temperature, activity, and blood oxygen level [115]. This
a fall and then reports them to a third party such as adult wrist band sends to the users smartphone this vital
children or other caregivers [108]. Withings has developed information. A group of researchers in Korea has
a number of healthcare devices [109], including a set of introduced a sufficiently compact and subtle wearable BP
internet/app- enabled scales, a BP device/app, and a sensor that can be used to deliver nonstop monitoring for a
baby monitor. A Chinese firm has developed miPlatform, long period without disturbing the daily activity of the user
an integrated all-in-one medical imaging and information [116]. An iHealth Lab team has devel- oped a set of IoT
management platform supporting cloud-based image healthcare devices including a wireless BP wrist monitor, a
storage and computa- tion, web-based 3D image post- BP dock, a wireless body analysis scale, iHealth Lite,
processing and visualization, and integrated telemedicine iHealth Edge, a wireless pulse oximeter, iHealth Align, and
competence [110]. Neusoft has provided broad IT a wireless smart glucose-monitoring system [117]. Basis
solutions for Chinas medical industry and personal has developed a health tracker that can help the user
healthcare network services [111], and it also offers their improve his or her fitness, sleep, and stress [118]. The
services for hospitals, public health facilities, and health device comes with heart rate tracking and body
management. Neusoft has focused on IoT-based healthcare intelligence quotient (IQ) intelligence. Phyode has
services. LiftMaster has developed products that make introduced a health wristband that measures the users heart
home access easier and put its owner in control of how he rate variability, infers the agility of the autonomic nervous
or she comes and goes [112]. It ensures full control and system, and displays the users mental state [119].
connectivity by staying connected to smartphones any- Rejuvens Rejiva monitors the users total health by mea-
where, anytime. The potential of LiftMaster in the IoT suring his or her ECG, heart rate variability, respiratory
field can be easily seen for home applications for elderly rate, sleep position, restfulness, breathing index, and energy
individuals. Garmins Vivosmart is a fitness level [120]. The device can also investigate the state of the
band/smartwatch that can issue smart notifications to let autonomic nervous system.

690 VOLUME 3,
TABLE 1. IoT applications in health care.
S. M. R. Islam et al.: Internet of Things for Health Care: A Comprehensive

TABLE 2. Smartphone apps for general health care.

692 VOLUME 3, 2015

S. M. R. Islam et al.: Internet of Things for Health Care: A Comprehensive

TABLE 2. (Continued) Smartphone apps for general health care.

FIGURE 15. Positions of different sensors in angel.

Fuelband can measure the users daily life activity and

can track the whole-body movement [121]. The Sync
smartband serves as a family activity tracker by counting
the users steps, calories, and rapid-eye-movement (REM)
sleep and notifying family members in a synchronized
manner [122]. Similar innovations have been proposed by
ibitz [123]. Reemo is a useful device that controls the
users IoT environment by using gestures [124]. Amiigo,
Haloband, Samsung Gear Fit, Omate True Smart, Orb,
Memi, Fitbit Force, Melon, Olive, Runtastic Orbit, and
Shine are wristbands designed mainly as health trackers
[125][135]. RunScribe, Reebook Checklight, Micoach,
and Micoach Smart Ball are wearables designed
specifically for runners and athletes. These devices can
help athletes run smarter, longer, and safer [136][138].
OMsignal is designing bio-sensing apparel and is trying to
bring about a paradigm shift in the users approach to his or
her health [139]. Vessyl is a connected cup that
S. M. R. Islam et al.: Internet of Things for Health Care: A Comprehensive
identifies and tracks what the user is drinking on a real- developed by Vitality Inc., fits prescription bottles and
time basis [140]. Owlet comes with an anklet-bootie that delivers services that help the user maintain his or her
enables caregivers to track the newborns health. The prescription schedule [149]. Mimos Mimo Monitor is a
device can track the newborns heart rate, oxygen level, new type of infant monitor that offers parents and
temperature, and sleep quality. Sproutling has introduced a caregivers with real-time information on the babys
smart baby monitor with similar purposes [141], [142]. breathing, body temper- ature, body position, and various
Pulseon and AliveCor have designed connected devices activity levels through the smartphone [150]. Preventices
for monitoring the heart rate [143], [144]. Skulpt is trying BodyGuardian is for users with cardiac arrhythmias and can
to develop a connected device for measuring the users remotely read the users biometrics. It can send data to
body composition and individual muscles [145]. physicians and allows the user to have his or her everyday
NutriCrystal is a smart food scale that keeps track of life outside a clinical setting [151]. Fig. 16 shows a
nutritional intake [146]. Temp-Drop is a smart sensor that representative collection of todays IoT-based healthcare
keeps track of fertility in a simple and safe manner [147]. products.
The Proteus ingestible pill sensor, developed by Proteus In addition to the aforementioned trends in healthcare
Digital Health, is powered by contact with the users products and prototypes, it is worth noting core health-
stomach fluid and communicates a signal that determines care activities and visions of some key IoT players.
the time and identify of the drug taken [148]. GlowCaps,

69 VOLUME 3,
FIGURE 16. Selected IoT healthcare products and prototypes.

Table 3 provides a list of firms and their status on IoT-based

healthcare solutions.
Firms such as Bsquare, Solair, Net4Thing, Orbcomm,
Flexera, and PubNub have shown promise in developing
IoT solutions for connected healthcare products.


The IoT is growing rapidly. In the next several years, the
medical sector is expected to witness the widespread
adoption of the IoT and flourish through new eHealth IoT
devices and applications. Healthcare devices and
applications are expected to deal with vital private
information such as personal healthcare data. In addition,
such smart devices may be connected to global information
FIGURE 17. Security issues in IoT-based health care.
networks for their access anytime, anywhere. Therefore, the
IoT healthcare domain may be a target of attackers. To
facilitate the full adoption of the IoT in the healthcare
domain, it is criti- cal to identify and analyze distinct Therefore, to achieve secure services, there is a need to focus
features of IoT security and privacy, including security on the following security requirements.
requirements, vulnerabilities, threat models, and
countermeasures, from the healthcare perspective (Fig. 17). 1) CONFIDENTIALITY
Confidentiality ensures the inaccessibility of medical
A. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS information for unauthorized users. In addition, confidential
Security requirements for IoT-based healthcare solutions messages resist revealing their content to eavesdroppers.
are similar to those in standard communications scenarios.
TABLE 3. The IoT healthcare status and visions of some well-known technology firms.
TABLE 3. (Continued) The IoT healthcare status and visions of some well-known technology firms.

(e.g., a software glitch, a device compromise, and a device
Integrity ensures that received medical data are not altered failure).
in transit by an adversary. In addition, the integrity of stored
data and content should not be compromised. 10) SELF-HEALING
A medical device in an IoT healthcare network may fail or
run out of energy. Then remaining or collaborating devices
Authentication enables an IoT health device to ensure the should enable a minimum level of security.
identity of the peer with which it is communicating.
Because IoT security requirements are not ensured by tradi-
Availability ensures the survivability of IoT healthcare ser- tional security techniques, novel countermeasures are
vices (either local or global/cloud services) to authorized needed to address new challenges posed by the IoT.
parties when needed even under denial-of-service attacks. Challenges for secure IoT healthcare services include.
Data freshness includes data freshness and key freshness.
IoT health devices are embedded with low-speed
Because each IoT healthcare network provides some time-
processors. The central processing unit (CPU) in such
varying measurements, there is a need to ensure that each
devices is not very powerful in terms of its speed. In
message is fresh. Data freshness basically implies that each
addition, these devices are not designed to perform
data set is recent and ensures that no adversary replays old
computationally expensive oper- ations. That is, they
simply act as a sensor or actuator. Therefore, finding a
security solution that minimizes resource consumption and
thus maximizes security performance is a challenging task.
Non-repudiation indicates that a node cannot deny sending a
message sent earlier. 2) MEMORY LIMITATIONS
Most IoT healthcare devices have low on-device memory.
Such devices are activated using an embedded operating
Authorization ensures that only authorized nodes are system (OS), system software, and an application binary.
accessible for network services or resources. Therefore, their memory may not be sufficient to execute
complicated security protocols.
If some interconnected health devices are compromised, 3) ENERGY LIMITATIONS
then a security scheme should still protect the network/
A typical IoT healthcare network includes small health
device/information from any attack.
devices of limited battery power (e.g., body temperature
and BP sensors). Such devices conserve energy by switch-
ing on the power-saving mode when no sensor reading
A security scheme should continue to provide respec- needs to be reported. In addition, they operate at a low
tive security services even in the presence of a fault CPU speed if there is nothing important to be processed.
Therefore, the energy constraint property of IoT health IoT service providers over the IP network. Therefore,
devices makes finding an energy-aware security solution security specialists find it difficult to devise a sound
challenging. security solution for multi-protocol communications.
In general, healthcare devices are not static but mobile To mitigate potential vulnerabilities, there is a need to keep
in nature. Such devices are connected to the Internet security protocols up-to-date. Therefore, updated security
through IoT service providers. For example, a wearable patches are needed for IoT health devices. However, design-
body temperature sensor or a heart monitor may be ing a mechanism for the dynamic installation of security
connected to the Internet and notifies the concerned patches is a challenging task.
caregiver of the users conditions. Such wearables are
connected to the home network when the user is at home, 11) TAMPER-RESISTANT PACKAGES
whereas they are con- nected to the office network when he
Physical security is an important part of IoT health devices.
or she is at office. Different networks have different
An attacker may tamper with devices and then may later
security configurations and settings. Therefore, developing
extract cryptographic secrets, modify programs, or replace
a mobility-compliant security algorithm is a serious
those with malicious nodes. Tamper-resistant packaging is a
way to defend against such attacks, but it is challenging to
implement in practice.
The number of IoT devices has increased gradually, C. A THREAT MODEL
and therefore more devices are getting connected to the
Both IoT health devices and networks are vulnerable to
global information network. Therefore, designing a highly
security attacks because of the increased attack surface. The
scalable security scheme without compromising security
first scenario includes the expansion of native networks,
requirements becomes a challenging task.
cloud networks, and cloud services. The second scenario
includes increased communication between IoT devices,
networks, cloud services, and applications. The final one
In general, health devices are connected to both local and entails in-device hardware and software limitations.
global networks through a wide range of wireless links such Threats may originate from both within and outside the
as Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, network. If an attack originates from a health device in a
WiFi, GSM, WiMax, and 3G/4G. Wireless channel proximal network, then the attack is more severe. In
characteristics of these networks make traditional wired addition, it is difficult to determine the malicious or
security schemes less appropriate. Therefore, it is difficult compromising node within the proximal network. Further,
to find a comprehen- sive security protocol that can treat the adversary may attack a health device and the network in
both wired and wireless channel characteristics equally. a passive as well as active manner and can use similar types
of IoT or power devices such as tablets and laptops to
penetrate the network of interest.
Health devices within an IoT health network are diverse,
ranging from full-fledged PCs to low-end RFID tags. Such D. AN ATTACK TAXONOMY
devices vary according to their capability in terms of The IoT paradigm continues to evolve, and many addi-
their computation, power, memory, and embedded soft- tional IoT health devices and services are expected. There-
ware. Therefore, the challenge lies in designing a secu- fore, an attacker may devise different types of security
rity scheme that can accommodate even the simplest of threats to compromise both existing and future IoT medical
devices. devices and networks. Some threats are tangible, some
are predictable, and many are hard to predict. This paper
classifies existing and potential threats based on three key
A health device may join an IoT health network anywhere, properties, namely information-, host-, and network-
anytime. In addition, it can leave a network either specific compromise.
gracefully (with proper exit notification) or disgracefully
(abruptly). Temporal and spatial admission characteristics 1) ATTACKS BASED ON INFORMATION DISRUPTIONS
of medical devices make the network topology dynamic. In-transit and stored health data can be manipulated or
Therefore, devising a security model for this type of analyzed by an attacker to provide wrong information
dynamic network topology is a difficult challenge. and remove information integrity. Such attacks include the
following [168], [169]:
Interruption: An adversary launches denial-of-
A health device may communicate with other devices in service (DoS) attacks to cause communications links to be
the local network through a proprietary network protocol. lost or unavailable. This form of attack threatens network
In addition, the same IoT device may communicate with
or healthcare service availability, network functionality, and
device responsibility.
Interception: An adversary eavesdrops on medical infor-
mation carried in messages to threaten data privacy and
Modification: An adversary gains unauthorized access to
health data and tampers with them to create confusion and
mislead innocent entities in the IoT health network.
Fabrication: An adversary forges messages by injecting
false information to threaten message authenticity and
confuse innocent participants.
Replay: An adversary replays existing messages to
threaten message freshness. In addition, this increase
confusion and misleads innocent entities.
FIGURE 18. A layered networking model of secured IoT.


Three types of attacks can be launched based on host apparent and predictable problems, such security schemes
properties [170]. should have the capability to mitigate unseen or
User Compromise: An adversary comprises the users unpredictable issues that have yet to emerge. To achieve this
health devices and networks by cheating or stealing. This security goal, security services should be designed with
type of attack reveals sensitive information such as dynamic properties. That is, they should have the ability to
passwords, cryptographic keys, and user data. reach decisions on unnoticed problems based on experience
Hardware Compromise: An adversary tampers with and knowledge.
physical devices and may extract on-device program codes, Consider a scenario in which a security scheme includes
keys, and data. An attacker may reprogram compromised services that can detect and evade two types of attacks
devices with malicious codes. on message integrity. However, now suppose that, with the
Software Compromise: An attacker takes advantage of expansion of health devices, networks, and applications, an
software (e.g., operating systems, system software, and attacker initiates a new type of attack that also threatens
appli- cations) vulnerabilities and glitches and forces IoT medical information integrity. In this case, existing security
health devices to malfunction or dysfunction states (e.g., services are expected to be capable of at least identifying
buffer overflow and resource exhaustion). this new type of attack by using dynamic algorithms or
those based on artificial intelligence. To address this issue,
3) ATTACKS BASED ON NETWORK PROPERTIES this paper proposes a security model for IoT-based
This type of attack comes in two forms: protocol- and layer- healthcare services. This intelligent security model is
specific compromise. collaborative in nature and uses the most recent knowledge
Standard Protocol Compromise: An attacker deviates base. Fig. 19 presents the collaboration scheme for the
from standard protocols (application and networking following three security services: Protection services are
protocols) and acts maliciously to threaten service designed to reduce attacks. Detection services receive
availability, message privacy, integrity, and authenticity. activity data from health- care applications, devices, and
Network Protocol Stack Attack: As shown in Fig. 18, networks and analyze captured
each layer of the protocol stack proposed by the IETF
working group for the IoT network [171] has different types
of vul- nerabilities that an adversary may exploit to launch
malicious activities. To improve the performance of IoT
healthcare networks with respect to security, longevity, and
connectivity under varying environmental conditions,
security should be ensured at each layer of the protocol
stack. The interested reader is referred to [172] and [173]
for a better understanding of layer-wise issues.


IoT medical paradigms are not yet robust but continue to
develop. Therefore, it is difficult to identify and predict
all possible vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks associated
with the IoT medical domain. Nonetheless, when security
specialists work to find tentative security solutions for
FIGURE 19. An intelligent collaborative security model.
health data, eventually detecting any anomaly. With the aid crucial. Ambient intelligence allows for the continuous
of defense mechanisms, reaction services help health learning of human
entities survive all attacks.
These security services are designed using dynamic
algorithms, and there is strong collaboration between these
services to defend against present, possible, and unseen
attacks. Upon intrusion detection, detection services issue
action commands to reaction services and share their
anomaly detection experience with protection services to
minimize further attacks. In response to action commands
from detec- tion services, reaction services eliminate system
malfunc- tion risks and then share their action experience
with both detection and protection services. In this way,
inter-service collaboration is achieved.
There are many enabling technologies for IoT-based
healthcare solutions, and therefore it is difficult to prepare
an explicit list. In this regard, the discussion focuses on
several core technologies that have the potential to
revolutionize IoT-based healthcare services.

The integration of cloud computing into IoT-based
healthcare technologies should provide facilities with
ubiquitous access to shared resources, offering services
upon on request over the network and executing operations
to meet various needs.

The insufficient computational capability of medical sensor
nodes can be addressed by introducing grid computing to
the ubiquitous healthcare network. Grid computing, more
accurately cluster computing, can be viewed as the
backbone of cloud computing.

Big data can include huge amounts of essential health data
generated from diverse medical sensors and provide tools
for increasing the efficiency of relevant health diagnosis
and monitoring methods and stages.

Various networks ranging from networks for short-
range communications (e.g., WPANs, WBANs, WLANs,
6LoWPANs, and WSNs) to long-range communications
(e.g., any type of cellular network) are part of the physical
infrastructure of the IoT-based healthcare network.
In addition, the employment of ultra-wideband (UWB),
BLE, NFC, and RFID technologies can help design low-
power medical sensor devices as well communications

Because end users, clients, and customers in a healthcare
net- work are humans (patients or health-conscious
individuals), the application of ambient intelligence is
behavior and executes any required action triggered by a section briefly discusses those countries and organizations
recognized event. The integration of autonomous control working frame both IoT and eHealth policies and strategies.
and human computer interaction (HCI) technologies into
ambient intelligence can further enhance the capability of A. INDIA
IoT-aided healthcare services. India introduced an eHealth policy between 2000 and 2002
to promote the use of information and communication tech-
F. AUGMENTED REALITY nology (ICT) in the health sector and provide compre-
Being part of the IoT, augmented reality plays a key role hensive guidelines and recommendations for the countrys
in healthcare engineering. Augmented reality is useful for information technology (IT) infrastructure in the health-
surgery and remote monitoring, among others. care field (2003) and creation of a telemedicine task
force (2005) [174]. Under the Digital India Program, the
G. WEARBLES Indian government plans to transform India into a digitally
Patient engagement and population health improvements empowered society and a knowledge-based economy and
can be facilitated by embracing wearable medical devices thus has implemented various initiatives. The Indian
as landmarks. This has three major benefits: connected govern- ment has allocated Rs. 70.6 billion in the current
information, target-oriented healthcare communities, and budget to develop 100 smart cities in the country [175] and
gamification. plans to create a $15 billion IoT industry in India by 2020
to increase the number of connected devices from around
VII. IoT HEALTHCARE POLICIES 200 million to over 2.7 billion [176]. These efforts are
Evidence-based policies and technologies can be seen to expected to boost the use of IoT in Indias healthcare sector.
become a driver of all cases of practical implementations.
Similarly, policies and regulations play vital roles in trans- B. AUSTRALIA
forming the healthcare sector in the next several decades. In early 2008, the Australian health ministers advisory
Although IoT-based healthcare services have yet to be council developed a strategic framework to guide national
addressed by existing policies, eHealth policies and coordination and collaboration in eHealth based on a a
strategies have been a key goal for many policy initiatives series of national consultation initiatives including
across the world. It can be argued that an organization that commonwealth, state, and territory governments, general
aims to develop both IoT and eHealth policies is likely to practitioners,
tailor its policies to IoT-based healthcare services. This
medical specialists, nursing and allied health, pathology, government confirmed a plan for developing IoT services
radiology, and pharmacy sectors, health information spe- and products
cialists, health service managers, researchers, scholars, and
consumers [177]. In addition, the Australian government
has worked to develop a strategic plan for the IoT.

Japans Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communica-
tions (MIC) has developed the u-Japan Policy early in 2004
to accelerate the realization of network access ubiquity
[178]. For cost savings and improved clinical outcomes
through health IT, the Japanese government has been
working on some recommendations for eHealth-friendly
policies [179].

In 2008, the French government supported the creation of
an object-naming service (ONS) root server for the country
to enable the advancement of the IoT [180]. Registered with
GS1 France, every product is supposed to be uniquely iden-
tified using global standards. The discovery of information
on these products is enabled through domestic ONS nodes
and portals. In this way, consumers become convinced that
product data are accurate, authentic, and uniform across the
country. Telemedicine services in France are widespread at
the regional level and stimulate eHealth policy
development. Electronic health records were formally
introduced by legis- lation in 2004 [181]. The government
has worked on advanc- ing the IT infrastructure of
hospitals, the use of eHealth, and solutions for challenges in
semantic interoperability. The Hpitaux 2012 plan and
the Law on Hospitals, Patients, Health, and Territory (la loi
HPST) are worth mentioning in this regard [181].

In July 2010, GS1 Sweden, a worldwide organization that
works with distribution standards, and SE announced that
they would jointly develop an ONS root server for the
advancement of the IoT to enable networking for all
physical objects through the Internet [180]. The Swedish
National Strategy for eHealth policy provides a detailed
set of action areas and statements [182].

Inn 2003, Germany enshrined its core eHealth activities
in the legislation governing the healthcare sector [182].
Germany has an ambitious plan to play a leadership role in
the engineering and manufacturing sector, including in the
IoT domain [183]. According to High-Tech Strategy 2020
action plan, INDUSTRIE 4.0 is a strategic initiative in
achieving this goal.

South Korea is planning to expand its domestic market for
the IoT from KRW 2.3 trillion in 2013 to KRW 30 trillion
($28.9 billion) by 2020 [183]. In May 2014, the
by establishing an open IoT ecosystem consisting of
service, platform, network, device, and IT security sectors. J. THE E.U.
Korea introduced policies to promote inclusiveness and Upon the European Commissions request, RAND Europe
equitable access to eHealth in 2008 [184]. Here the has worked to devise a European policy for the IoT.
introduction of electronic medical records, ePrescription, A research team has evaluated policy challenges to be
and telemedicine is considered a key initiative driving the addressed by policymakers from mid- and long-term per-
use of ICT in the healthcare sector [184]. spectives and made some recommendations after assessing
policy options for stimulating the development of the IoT in
H. CHINA Europe [185]. In June 2010, the European Parliament pro-
In July 2010, Chinas Ministry of Industry and Informa- posed a resolution to help create the IoT. The E.U.
tion Technology (MIIT) announced that it would promote parliament recommended the thorough assessment of any
the formulation of a unified national strategic plan for effects of this technology on health, privacy, and data
the IoT. The Chinese government decided that the MIIT protection. Under this resolution, a consumer enjoys the
would establish a clear position, development goals, right to opt for a prod- uct that is not equipped or
timeta- bles and a road map for introduce the IoT and connected [180]. The European Council endorsed the
facilitate R&D, commercialization, the creation of eHealth Action Plan in 2004 [182], which is the first formal
foundational technolo- gies, and network connections and commitment expressed by all mem- ber states to cooperate
use. These measures are expected to stimulate the in the area of eHealth. In April 2014, the European
development of the IoT [180]. Chinas eHealth Commission launched a public consultation initiative for
Eevelopment Strategy 2003-2010 has attracted increasing input from interested stakeholders on barriers and issues
investment interest. related to the use of mHealth in the E.U. [186].


In February 2014, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) In both developing and developed countries, mobile phones
com- missioners discussed policy and regulatory are used for a wide range of public health initiatives. In
implications of the IoT. The FTC has focused on two 2011, an initiative was taken to promote the use of mHealth
major areas of the IoT, namely the provision of notice and for tobacco control in developing countries (WHO, 2011)
choice for non-consumer- facing network devices and the [187]. However, most mHealth projects in developing
question of how devices that are part of the IoT can be countries
ensured to have reasonable data security.
TABLE 4. National eHealth strategies across the world.

consider a wide range of topics such as communications layers

have used text messages (SMS) mainly for increased and
awareness and communication campaigns and focused
mainly on HIV, malaria, and MCH. It has been recom-
mended that all target countries integrate the use of ICT in
their national health information systems and infrastructure
by 2015 [188]. Table 4 shows national eHealth strategies
by country [189].


ISSUES Many researchers have worked on designing and
implement- ing various IoT-based healthcare services and
on solving various technological and architectural problems
associated with those services. In addition to research
concerns in the literature, there are several other challenges
and open issues that need to be carefully addressed. This
section briefly presents both explored and unexplored
issues surrounding IoT healthcare services.

In the healthcare context, there are many vendors that
manufacture a diverse range of products and devices, and
new vendors continue to join this promising technologi-
cal race. However, they have not followed standard rules
and regulations for compatible interfaces and protocols
across devices. This raises interoperability issues. To
address device diversity, immediate efforts are required. For
exam- ple, a dedicated group can standardize IoT-based
healthcare technologies. This standardization should
protocol stacks, including physical (PHY) and media
access control (MAC) layers, device interfaces, data B. IoT HEALTHCARE PLATFORMS
aggregation interfaces, and gateway interfaces. The Because the architecture of IoT-based healthcare hardware
management of var- ious value-added services such as is more sophisticated than that of usual IoT devices and
electronic health records is another standardization requires a real-time operating system with more stringent
issue. This management comes in various forms, requirements, there is a need for a customized comput-
including access management and healthcare ing platform with run-time libraries. To build a suitable
professional registration. Various mHealth and eHealth platform, a service-oriented approach (SOA) can be taken
orga- nizations and IoT researchers can work together, such that services can be exploited by using different appli-
and existing standardization bodies such as the cation package interfaces (APIs). In addition to a
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation specialized platform, libraries and appropriate frameworks
(IETF), the Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) should be built so that healthcare software developers and
alliance, and the European Telecom- munications designers can make efficient use of given documents,
Standards Institute (ETSI) can form IoT tech- nology codes, classes, message templates, and other useful data.
working groups for the standardization of IoT-based Further, a particular class of disease-oriented libraries can
healthcare services. be useful.
operations become more complex with the addition of
Researchers may perceive IoT-based healthcare services diverse applications as a result of the exponential growth of
as a low-cost technology, but to the authors knowledge, demands from both individuals and health organizations.
no comparative study has offered any evidence of this.
In this regard, a cost analysis of a typical IoThNet may be
There are many situations in which patients require long-
D. THE APP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS term monitoring (e.g., a patient with a chronic disease). In
this regard, the provision of constant monitoring and
There are four basic steps in developing an app on the
logging is vital.
android platform: the setup, development, debugging and
testing, and publishing. Similar approaches are generally
taken on other platforms. In the process of healthcare app J. NEW DISEASES AND DISORDERS
develop- ment, the participation of an authorized body or Smartphones are being considered as a frontier IoT
association of medical experts is typically required to healthcare device. Although there are many healthcare apps
ensure an app of acceptable quality. In addition, regular and new apps are being added to the list every day, the trend
updates on healthcare apps based on the due consideration has been limited to a few categories of diseases. R&D
of recent advances in medical science are vital. activities for new types of diseases and disorders are
essential, and the discovery of methods that can make the
E. TECHNOLOGY TRANSITION early detection of rare diseases mobile has long been an
Healthcare organizations can modernize their existing important task.
devices and sensors across the healthcare field for smart
resources by incorporating IoT approaches into the existing
network configuration. Therefore, a seamless transition Healthcare organizations generally deal with multi-patient
from the legacy system and setup to an IoT-based environments in which multiple caregivers discharge their
configuration is a major challenge. In other words, there is duties. From this perspective, the proper identification of
a need to ensure backward compatibility and flexibility in patients and caregivers is necessary.
the integration of existing devices.
F. THE LOW-POWER PROTOCOL The IoT healthcare business strategy is not yet robust
There are many devices in IoT healthcare scenarios, and because it involves a set of elements with new requirements
such devices tend to be heterogeneous in terms of their such as new operational processes and policies, new
sleep, deep-sleep, receive, transmit, and composite states, infrastructure systems, distributed target customers, and
among others. In addition, in terms of service availability, transformed orga- nizational structures. In addition, doctors
each communications layer faces an additional challenge in and nurses gener- ally avoid learning and using new
terms of power requirements. For example, finding an technologies. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a new
appropri- ate device discovery protocol that requires less business model.
power while ensuring service availability at the MAC layer
is a difficult task.
Healthcare services are highly time sensitive and require
G. NETWORK TYPE QoS guarantees in terms of important parameters such as
In terms of the design approach, an IoT healthcare network reliabil- ity, maintainability, and the service level. In this
can be of one of three fundamentally different types: data-, regard, the quantitative measurement of each such
service-, and patient-centric architectures. In the data- parameter within the IoThNet framework may be useful. In
centric scheme, the healthcare structure can generally be addition, system avail- ability and robustness are central to
separated into objects based on captured health data. In a offering QoS guarantees because any type of system
service-centric scheme, the healthcare structure is allocated disaster can put lives at danger in medical situations. Here
by the assem- bly of characteristics that they must provide. the feasibility of plan B in the case of a system failure
In the patient- centric scheme, healthcare systems are becomes an interesting issue.
divided according to the involvement of patients and their
family members they consider for treatment. In this regard,
The protection of captured health data from various sensors
answering the question of what network type is appropriate
and devices from illicit access is crucial. Therefore,
for IoT-based healthcare solutions becomes an open issue.
stringent policies and technical security measures should be
H. SCALABILITY introduced to share health data with authorized users,
organizations, and applications. Here introducing an
IoT healthcare networks, applications, services, and back-
optimal algorithm for collaboration between protection,
end databases should be scalable because related
detection, and reaction ser- vices to prevent various attacks,
threats, and vulnerabilities is an open challenge. Based on several research problems in this area are outlined as
the discussion on IoT healthcare security in Section V, follows.
1) RESOURCE-EFFICIENT SECURITY needed for device manufacturing, the use of devices, and
Because of resource (power, computation, and memory) their proper disposal.
con- straints, IoT healthcare security schemes should be
designed to maximize security performance while
minimizing resource consumption.

Because an attacker may tamper with and capture physical
health devices and extract cryptographic secrets, the
attacker may modify programs or replace captured devices
with malicious ones. Therefore, devices should include
tamper- resistant packaging.

Routing protocols for the IoT health network are particu-
larly susceptible to device-capture attacks. Therefore,
proper routing and forwarding methods are vital for real-
time or semi-real-time communication in the desired

IoT medical devices deal with personal heath data that may
be used in IoT cloud services. Therefore, data-transparent
services should be designed and developed such that the life
cycle of personal data can be traced and data use can be


Biomedical sensors and devices generate huge amounts of
health data, and there is a need to securely store captured
data. Providing security measures for handling such data,
includ- ing date transfer and maintenance, without
compromising integrity, privacy, and confidentiality
requires close attention and much effort.

The IoT healthcare network must have the ability to support
the mobility of patients such that they can be connected
any- where, anytime. This mobility feature is ultimately
responsi- ble for connecting dissimilar patient

In the IoT health space, edge analytics such as analytics in
edge devices plays an important role and can improve the
feature of gateway devices. In this context, there is a need
to examine healthcare data analytics to help system
designers to optimize the data traffic and IoThNet

The full-scale deployment of IoT-based healthcare services
requires many biomedical sensors embedded in
semiconductor-rich devices. These sensors and devices also
include rare earth metals and severely toxic chemicals. This
has substantially unfavorable impacts on the environment,
users, and human health, and for this reason, guidelines are
IX. CONCLUSIONS services. This paper presents eHealth and IoT policies and
Researchers across the world have started to explore regulations for the benefit of various stakeholders interested
various technological solutions to enhance healthcare in assessing IoT-based healthcare technologies. In sum, the
provision in a manner that complements existing services results of this survey are expected to be useful for
by mobilizing the potential of the IoT. This paper surveys researchers, engineers, health professionals, and
diverse aspects of IoT-based healthcare technologies and policymakers working in the area of the IoT and healthcare
presents various healthcare network architectures and technologies.
platforms that sup- port access to the IoT backbone and
facilitate medical data transmission and reception. REFERENCES
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MD. HUMAUN KABIR received the B.S. and
KYUNG-SUP KWAK (M81) received the
M.S. degrees in physics from the University of
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the Ph.D. degree in
California at San Diego, in 1981 and 1988,
information and communication engineering
respectively. From 1988 to 1989, he was with
from Inha University, Korea, in 2014. He has
Hughes Network Systems, San Diego, CA. From
been a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the UWB
1989 to 1990, he was with the IBM Network
Wireless Communications Research Center, Inha
Analysis Center, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Univer- sity, since 2014. His research interests
Since then, he has been with the School of Infor-
include molecular communication,
mation and Communication Engineering, Inha
nanonetworks, wire- less body area networks,
University, Korea, as a Professor. He was the
modulation techniques,
and interference mitigation mitigation.
of the Graduate School of Information Technology and
Telecommunications with Inha University from 2001 to 2002. He has been
the Director of the UWB Wireless Communications Research Center,
Korea, since 2003. In 2006, he served as the President with the Korean
Institute of Commu- nication Sciences and the Korea Institute of
MAHMUD HOSSAIN received the B.S. degree
Intelligent Transport Systems in 2009. His research interests include
in computer science and engineering from the
wireless communications, ultrawide- band systems, sensor networks,
Bangladesh University of Science and Technol-
wireless body area networks, and nanocom- munications. He received a
ogy, Bangladesh, in 2009. He is currently pur-
number of awards, including the Engineering College Achievement Award
suing the Ph.D. degree with the Secure and
from Inha University, the LG Paper Award, the Motorola Paper Award, the
Trustworthy Computing Laboratory, University
Haedong Prize of Research, and various government awards from the
of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. He served
Ministry of ICT, the President, and the Prime Minister of Korea, for his
with the Solution Laboratory, Samsung Research
excellent research performances.
and Development Institute Bangladesh, as a lead
Engi- neer, from 2010 to 2014. His research
include Internet of Things, mobile cloud computing, security, and
embedded systems.

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