MT174 TD v1 - 2 Ang PDF
MT174 TD v1 - 2 Ang PDF
MT174 TD v1 - 2 Ang PDF
Three-Phase Static Electricity
Multi Tariff Meter
with Maximum Demand Indicator
and Load-profile
Technical Description
Version 1.2, 18.08.2011
MT174 - Electronic three-phase time-of-use Meter test mode .......................... 13
electricity meters ........................................... 3 2.5.3. Signal and alarm flags ............................... 13
MT174 meter properties: ......................................... 4 Deleting alarm flags .................... 14
1. Meter appearance .......................................... 6 2.5.4. No-power reading option ........................... 14
1.1. Meter case....................................................... 6 2.6. LEDs .............................................................. 14
1.2. Terminal block ................................................. 6 2.7. Push-buttons .................................................. 14
1.2.1. Terminal block for direct connected meters 6 2.7.1. Display testing ........................................... 15
1.2.2. Terminal block of CT operated meters........ 7 2.7.2. Manual data display................................... 15
1.2.3. Auxiliary terminals ....................................... 7 2.7.3. Manual meter billing reset ......................... 15
1.3. Over-all dimensions......................................... 8 2.7.4. Meter setting mode .................................... 16
1.4. Meter sealing places ....................................... 8 Setting RTC time by pushbuttons16
2. Meter configuration ....................................... 9 Setting RTC date by pushbuttons
2.1. Metering elements ........................................... 9 16
2.2. Power supply stage ......................................... 9 Setting Baud rates by pushbuttons
2.3. Microcontroller ................................................. 9 17
2.3.1. Load-profile recorder ................................... 9 Meter parameters setting mode .. 17
2.3.2. Log-book ................................................... 10 Deleting alarm flags by
2.3.3. Billing results keeping ............................... 10 pushbuttons ................................................... 17
2.4. Real-time clock .............................................. 11 2.7.5. Meter testing mode .................................... 17
2.4.1. RTC back-up power supply....................... 11 2.7.6. Driving menus with pushbuttons................ 18
2.4.2. RTC accuracy testing ................................ 11 2.7.7. Flowchart of time setting with pushbuttons19
2.4.3. Time-of-use registration ............................ 11 2.8. Communication channels .............................. 20 Sleeping (passive) tariff program 11 2.8.1. Optical port ................................................ 20 Holidays ...................................... 12 2.8.2. RS485 interface ......................................... 20
2.4.4. Maximum demand measurement ............. 12 2.8.3. Data downloaded via optical port .............. 20
2.4.5. Meter billing reset ...................................... 12 2.8.4. Fatal error register ..................................... 20
2.5. LCD ............................................................... 12 2.8.5. Communication protocol ............................ 21
2.5.1. LCD testing ............................................... 13 2.9. Inputs and outputs ......................................... 21
2.5.2. Data display .............................................. 13 2.9.1. Tariff input .................................................. 21
Energy Measurement and Management
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with maximum demand and LP
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with maximum demand and LP
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with maximum demand and LP
1 3
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with maximum demand and LP
1 1
2 2
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with maximum demand and LP
2. Meter configuration
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MT174 - Electronic three-phase electricity meters
with maximum demand and LP
for 15 previous months by means of the optical port Sending a command for exiting the RTC test
or the serial interface (if it is built-in). mode operation by means of MeterView soft-
The RTC can be set to perform a billing reset:
Disconnecting meter supply voltage
Once a year on a specified date and time
Every month on specified day in a month and
time 2.4.3. Time-of-use registration
Every month on a specified day in a week The meter is designed as a multi-tariff with maxi-
after specified day in a month and specified mum four tariffs. A tariff change-over time is defined
time with hour and minute. Minimal time period between
Every week on a specified day in a week and change-over is five minutes. The real-time clock
time enables complex daily and weekly tariff structures,
Every day as well as a couple of seasons in a year:
Up to 10 seasons in a year (i.e. 10 weekly tariff
Indexation of the registers keeping previous month programs)
billing data can be either linear (running from 01 to Up to 10 daily definitions of the tariff change-
15) or circular (running in circles from 00 to 99 and over program
then again 00 and so on).
Up to 10 tariff change-over inside individual
daily tariff programs
2.4. Real-time clock
Up to 46 holidays (including those based on a
A real-time clock is controlled with a 32.768 kHz lunar calendar) in which a special tariff
quartz crystal which is digitally trimmed. Its ac- program is defined
curacy is better than requested by the IEC 62054- The tariff programs control both energy end
21 standard for time-switches. The RTC involves an maximum demand registration.
internal calendar that assures information on year,
month, day, day in a week, hour, minute, second
and leap year. Tariffs can be changed-over also via tariff inputs -
maximum two tariff inputs are available for
The RTC enables: changing-over up to four tariffs. When tariff inputs
Time-of-use registration (in max. 4 tariffs) are used for tariff change-over the active tariff valid
Generating a demand period and load- both for energy and demand.
profile registration period
Generating of time stamp (date and time) Sleeping (passive) tariff program
for demand and events in the log-books On request two tariff programs are available. The
Automatic meter billing reset at the end of second tariff program can be used as:
the billing period (month) 1. Separate tariff program for maximum demand
Automatic change-over to day-light saving - if this option is selected, the first tariff
period and back to the standard time program controls energy registration and the
(winter - summer time) second tariff program controls maximum
demand registration
2.4.1. RTC back-up power supply 2. Sleeping (passive) tariff program for both
A Li-battery is used as the RTC back-up power (energy and maximum demand registration) -
supply. It assures 5 years of the RTC operation re- with this option also the start date (day,
serve and has 20-year shelf-life. The Li-battery is month and year) for activation of passive tariff
positioned on the meter printed circuit board under program must be defined:
the meter cover. a. If current date is before start date, the
first tariff program is active
The Li-battery can enable data display on the LCD b. On start date at 00:00:00 the meter
when the meter is in a no-power state (see item switches from first to second tariff
2.5.4 No-power reading option). program (there is no overwriting of tariff
programs, both tariff programs stay
2.4.2. RTC accuracy testing intact and in the same place as before
The RTC accuracy is tested via imp/kWh LED (Fig. switching)
1, item 8) when the meter is in the RTC test mode. c. If current date is equal to or later than
The meter is set in the RTC test mode operation via start date, the second tariff program is
an optical interface by means of Iskraemeco active
MeterView software by sending the Clock control d. RTC setting:
command to the meter. When the meter is in the If the second tariff program is active
RTC test mode, 4.096 Hz test frequency of RTC is and RTC is set to date before
fed to the imp/kWh LED (Fig.1, item 8). The meter start date, the meter switches
exits the test mode operation by: from second to first tariff program
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with maximum demand and LP
If the first tariff program is active maximum demand value is added to a sum of
and RTC is set to date after start maximum demands in the cumulative demand regi-
date, the meter switches from ster and a counter of billing resets is incremented.
first to second tariff program
The meter billing reset can be performed not only Holidays by means of RTC but also by pressing the Reset
push-button (see Item 2.7.3 Manual meter billing
The MT174 meters support the following holidays: reset), via the IR optical port or remotely via a
Single (on defined year, a month and a day serial interface, if it is built-in.
in a month)
Every year (on defined month and a day in 2.5. LCD
a month)
Every year with shift to Monday (on defined The 7-segment LCD, with additional characters and
month and a day in a month and if that date symbols, complies with the VDEW specifications.
is on Sunday, the holiday is shifted to Large characters and a wide angle view enable
Monday) easy data reading. The LCD back-light illumination
is available on request. The LCD is illuminated by
Holidays based on Lunar calendar
short (Tp < 2 s) pressing the blue pushbutton. On
request the back-light is turned-on all the time.
For holidays based on Lunar calendar the reference
holiday is Eastern according to Gregorian calendar.
All other lunar holidays are defined with a number
of days before or after the Eastern for that holiday -
shifted days. When defining the other lunar holidays
by shifted days, care should be taken that the
entered number of shifted days will not cause that
the defined lunar holiday will be in the next or the
previous year.
Fig. 11: LCD
2.4.4. Maximum demand measurement Data are displayed in the right-side by means of
The internal clock generates a demand period for eight alphanumeric characters. The size of data
demand calculation. Demand is calculated as a characters is 8 mm high and 4 mm width. The OBIS
mean value in the integration period. In the MT174 code (by IEC 62056-61), without the first two
meters the following demand periods can be set: 5, characters from the left side, is employed for data
15, 30 or 60 minutes. At the end of a demand identification. It is displayed in the left side corner
period the calculated demand is transferred from by means of five 6 mm high alphanumeric
the current demand period register into the register characters.
of the demand period that was just terminated. It is
compared with the value stored in the maximum An indicator of energy flow direction is displayed in
demand register in the billing period. If the new the left top corner.
calculated demand is greater than the value in the Note: If there is no load or the load current is lower
maximum demand register, a new demand value is than the meter starting current, the indicator
stored, otherwise the old value is kept. In this way, of energy flow direction is not displayed.
a maximum demand is also registered at the meter
billing reset. A physical unit of displayed physical quantity is
Note: If the meter registers load-profile, the demand shown in the right top corner. The indicator of L1,
period and the load-profile registration period L2, L3 phase voltages presence is displayed in the
should be of the same length. middle of the top row. If certain phase voltage is not
present, the indicator of that phase is not displayed.
2.4.5. Meter billing reset When the indicators L1L2L3 blink, this indicates
A meter billing reset is usually done by RTC once a wrong phase sequence.
month. However, any other period of a meter billing
When the indicator L1, L2 or L3 blinks and at the
reset can also be set (see Item 2.3.3 Billing results
same time the arrow indicating export energy
keeping). Day and time of the meter billing reset
flow direction is displayed, it indicates reverse
can be set for any day in a month and any time
energy flow through the metering element in that
during a day. At the meter billing reset the billing
data for a current month are copied from the
registers for a current month (a billing period) to the
In the LCD bottom row there are eleven signal flags
registers of a previous month (a billing period) and
that indicate current valid tariff, meter status and
registers for maximum demand in a current billing
alarms. The meaning of signal flags (see item 2.5.3)
period (month) are cleared. At the same time the
is engraved on the meter name plate below them.
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10 FF Lit Meter fatal error6) the meter is smaller than the meter starting current,
Meter in programming the LEDs (or a LED) are (is) permanently lit.
11 SET Lit mode
The flag is active only if a corresponding cover
opening detector is built into the meter. Energy is registered.
2) Blinks The pulse rate is
The flag is active only if an external magnetic proportional to the
field detector is built into the meter (option) Imp/kWh consumed power.
The flag could be implemented only at one Imp/kVAh Voltages applied to the
direction energy flow and at absolute energy
Imp/kvarh Lit meter, but load current
is lower than the meter
The flag indicates that Li-battery is low and starting current.
should be replaced.
5) Voltage not applied to
The flag is active only if no-power data Not lit
the meter.
displaying in the LCD was requested (option)
If the FF signal flag is displayed, the meter The emitted pulse rate depends on the meter
should be dismounted from a place of measu- version and load current.
rement and sent to an authorized repair shop
or to the manufacturer for examination and
Meter version Imax Meter constant
repair. At the same time the F.F.0 register is
displayed. For its meaning see item 2.8.4 Fatal 500 imp/kWh
error register. Direct connected 120 A (500 imp/kVAh
(D2) 500 imp/kvarh) Deleting alarm flags 1.000 imp/kWh
The alarm flags displayed on the LCD remain Direct connected 85 A (1.000 imp/kVAh
displayed even in a case of power-down / power- (D1) 1.000 imp/kvarh)
up. They can be deleted by:
10.000 imp/kWh
sending a formatted command to the meter via CT operated 6A (10.000 imp/kvarh,
its optical port or serial interface (if built-in) (T1) 10.000 imp/kVAh)
the meter pushbuttons - one of them is sealed
In the meter test mode pulse rate is increased to
(see item Deleting alarm flags by push- 40.000 imp/kWh (kVAh/imp and kvarh/imp) in order
buttons) to shorten time needed for testing the meters at low
The customer should specify how the alarm flags loads.
are to be deleted at meters ordering. On request the imp/kWh - LED can have an ad-
ditional function. In the RTC test mode operation for
2.5.4. No-power reading option testing RTC accuracy it blinks with frequency that is
Optionally, data can be displayed on the LCD in a equal to the RTC test frequency i.e. 4.096 Hz (see
no-power meter state by pressing the Scroll push- Item 2.4.2 RTC accuracy testing).
button. Data from the Manual scroll sequence (with
exception of historical data if they are included in 2.7. Push-buttons
this sequence) are displayed on the LCD in the no-
power reading mode. For displaying each data on Two pushbuttons are built in the meter cover.
the LCD the Scroll pushbutton should be pressed
again. If the Scroll pushbutton has not been pres- 3 1
3 2 1
sed for a time longer than the time of scrolling data .
in the Auto display mode, the LCD automatically
turns-off in order to save the Li-battery.
2.6. LEDs
The meters for active energy only are provided with
a LED (imp/kWh). The meters for active and 1 Data scroll pushbutton
reactive energy are provided with two LEDs 2 Reset pushbutton
(imp/kWh and imp/kvarh). The meters for active, 3 Cover of the Reset pushbutton
reactive and apparent energy are provided with
Fig. 12: Pushbuttons on the meter cover
three LEDs (imp/kWh, imp/kVAh and imp/kvarh).
The LED(s) are used for testing the meter accuracy
RESET - an orange pushbutton under the
and indicating meter operation. If current through
hinged door that is fixed to the meter cover.
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with maximum demand and LP
Available sealing that does not depend on blue pushbutton should be pressed for a short time
the meter cover. (Tp < 2 s). The display is tested for 10 seconds and
Its primary function is to perform manual all its segments are displayed. After 10 seconds the
billing reset of the meter. meter returns to automatic data display mode
automatically (see item 2.5.1).
DATA SCROLL - a blue pushbutton that is
always accessible.
Its primary function is to display data from 2.7.2. Manual data display
the Manual sequence on request. Data are displayed on request as follows. The
meter is set to the display testing mode (see Item
Depending on how long the pushbuttons were 2.7.1). During the LCD test, the blue pushbutton is
pressed and the combination of pressing them, the pressed for a short time (Tp <2 s). The Std dAtA
pushbuttons enable: title is displayed. In this way a menu for selecting
Selection of the meter operation mode, data display on request is entered.
Testing of display,
Listing of metering results
LCD back-light turn-on (if this function was
Data display on the LCD in no-power meter
state (if this function was requested)
Manual billing reset of the meter In order to enter into the data display on request
Manual setting of the RTC time and date menu, the blue pushbutton should be pressed for a
(option), long time (2 s < Tp < 5 s). The first data from the
Manual scroll list is displayed on the LCD. For
Manual setting of data transmission rate
displaying the following data from the Manual scroll
(Baud rate) for optical port and serial
list, the blue pushbutton should be pressed for a
interface RS485 (if built-in)
short time again.
Manual deleting of alarm flags (option),
If the blue pushbutton has not been pressed for
At the orange pushbutton the time duration of some time, the meter automatically returns back
pressing does not influence to its function, while at into the Auto scroll mode.
the blue pushbutton there are three different time
durations of pressing - each of them causing The exit from the Manual data display mode is
different effect: performed by prolonged pressing the blue push-
button (Tp > 5 s).
a. Short - pressing shorter than 2 sec. - the
next data in the menu is displayed.
b. Long - pressing longer than 2 sec. and 2.7.3. Manual meter billing reset
shorter than 5 sec. - a submenu or a For a manual meter billing reset with which the
function whose name is displayed on the meter is prepared for a new billing period, the seal
LCD is selected. of the orange pushbutton door should be broken
c. Prolonged - pressing longer than 5 sec. first and the door should be opened. The orange
- the meter is returned up for one level of pushbutton should be pressed, when the meter is in
operation (e.g. on the third level it is the automatic data display mode. When meter
necessary to press the blue pushbutton billing reset is performed, a message donE is
three times and always keep it pressed for displayed on the LCD for a while.
more than 5 sec. in order to return to the
automatic data display mode).
A display is tested to check if all its segments In order to prevent misuse of the Reset push-button
function properly. In the automatic data display the after the meter billing reset, the orange pushbutton
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with maximum demand and LP
is disabled for one demand period or longer time C.57.1 register of data transmission rate at
(maximum 1.092 minutes) which can be set by the interface (if built-in) - the data trans-
MeterView. If the orange pushbutton is pressed in mission rate at the interface can be set by
time shorter than the Reset pushbutton disable means of the pushbuttons
period, the meter billing reset will not be performed Par SEt - an option for entering into the
and a message blockEd is displayed on the LCD. meter parameters setting mode which
enables setting meter parameters via the
optical port
Ad rESEt - an option for manual deleting
alarm flags on the LCD
All these functions are optional and can be acti-
vated by means of MeterView software. See also a
flow chart Pushbutton functions and meter modes in
The orange pushbutton cover should be closed and fig. 13 in the item 2.7.6 Driving menus with
sealed again after the manual meter biling reset pushbutton).
was performed.
On request, the function of manual meter billing Setting RTC time by pushbuttons
reset can be disabled. When 0.9.1 register is displayed on the LCD, the
orange pushbutton should be pressed in order to
2.7.4. Meter setting mode edit current time.
The meter setting mode enables:
meter parameters setting via the optical port,
setting date and time of the RTC by means of
the pushbuttons separately for communication
via the optical port and RS485 (if built-in)
setting data transmission rates by means of
the pushbuttons The SET flag is displayed on the LCD indicating
deleting of the alarm flags on the LCD by that displayed time can be edited and the first digit
means of the pushbuttons. on the left side starts to blink. It can be incremented
by short pressing (Tp < 2s) the blue pushbutton.
All these functions are optional and can be enabled
or disabled. To enter into the meter setting mode When its value is suitable, the orange pushbutton
the orange pushbutton should be pressed when the should be pressed to confirm it. The next digit starts
meter is in the LCD testing mode. The menu title to blink. In this way all digits are to be edited. When
SEt is displayed. the last digit has been edited, the orange push-
button should be pressed to set the new time in the
RTC (see item 2.7.7 Flowchart of time setting with
pushbuttons). At the same time the meter returns
back into the SET menu.
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MT174 - Electronic three-phase electricity meters
with maximum demand and LP Setting Baud rates by pushbuttons When the orange pushbutton has been pressed,
When C.57.0 register is displayed on the LCD, the the title Ad done and the SET flag are displayed
orange pushbutton should be pressed in order to indicating that the alarm flags have been deleted. At
set Baud rate of data transmission via the optical the same time the alarm flags displayed on the LCD
port. are turned-off.
The SET flag is displayed on the LCD indicating The orange pushbutton should be pressed again to
that the displayed Baud rate value can be edited return back into the SET menu - Ad rESEt title is
and at the same time the Buad rate value starts to displayed on the LCD.
blink. By short pressing (Tp < 2s) the blue
pushbutton, the possible Baud rate values are By short pressing (Tp < 2s) the blue pushbutton a
scrolled on the LCD (300, 600, 1.200, 2.400, 4.800, message End is displayed on the LCD indicating
9.600, 19.200 bit/s). When a suitable Baud rate is that there is no more items in the SET menu. If the
displayed on the LCD, the orange pushbutton blue pushbutton is pressed again, the first item in
should be pressed to save it. At the same time the SET menu is displayed on the LCD.
meter returns back into the SET menu.
In order to exit the SET menu the blue pushbutton
In the same manner can be set Baud rate of data should be prolonged pressed (Tp > 5s).
transmission via an interface (if it is built-in) in the
register C.57.1. 2.7.5. Meter testing mode
The MT174 meters can be set into the testing mode Meter parameters setting mode
by means of the Reset and Scroll pushbuttons.
When a title PAr SEt is displayed on the LCD, the Data of energy are displayed with increased
orange pushbutton should be pressed in order to resolution in the meter testing mode - maximally
enter into the meter parameters setting mode. four decimals can be displayed. A number of
decimals that will be displayed in the meter testing
mode can be set with the MeterView software.
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Note: Registers displayed on the LCD in the Manual scroll mode can differ from those shown in the flow-chart
as they are optional.
Fig. 13: Pushbutton functions and meter modes
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3.3. Passwords
The MT174 meters are protected with three pass-
words. They protect the meters against unautho-
reading the meter data
changing the meter parameters
setting time and date in the meter RTC.
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with maximum demand and LP
Time-stamps of the last wrong password Events counter of a meter tampering with a
entering permanent magnet
3.4. Parameters change protected Time-stamps of the last meter tampering with a
with a sealed pushbutton permanent magnet events
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with maximum demand and LP
The tool is intended for a personal who read-out the b. Connection diagram of CT operated meter
meters in the field. MT174
6. Meter maintenance
The meter is designed and manufactured in such a Fig. 17: Connection diagrams of MT174
way that no maintenance is required in the entire
meter lifetime. Measuring stability assures that no
recalibration is required. If a battery is built into the
meter, its capacity is sufficient to backup all meter
functions for its entire lifetime.
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* For possible combinations of inputs, outputs and interface built into the same meter see item 1.2.3 Auxiliary
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11. Appendix II: EDIS codes, data stored in registers, sequences, historical values
EDIS Histor.
CODE values
1. Active energy registers
1.8.0 Positive active energy (A+) total [kWh] x x x
1.8.1 Positive active energy (A+) in tariff T1 [kWh] x x x
1.8.2 Positive active energy (A+) in tariff T2 [kWh] x x x
1.8.3 Positive active energy (A+) in tariff T3 [kWh] x x x
1.8.4 Positive active energy (A+) in tariff T4 [kWh] x x x
2.8.0 Negative active energy (A-) total [kWh] x x x
2.8.1 Negative active energy (A-) in tariff T1 [kWh] x x x
2.8.2 Negative active energy (A-) in tariff T2 [kWh] x x x
2.8.3 Negative active energy (A-) in tariff T3 [kWh] x x x
2.8.4 Negative active energy (A-) in tariff T4 [kWh] x x x
15.8.0 Absolute active energy (|A|) total [kWh] x x x
15.8.1 Absolute active energy (|A|) in tariff T1 [kWh] x x x
15.8.2 Absolute active energy (|A|) in tariff T2 [kWh] x x x
15.8.3 Absolute active energy (|A|) in tariff T3 [kWh] x x x
15.8.4 Absolute active energy (|A|) in tariff T4 [kWh] x x x
16.8.0 Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) total [kWh] x x x
16.8.1 Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) in tariff T1 [kWh] x x x
16.8.2 Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) in tariff T2 [kWh] x x x
16.8.3 Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) in tariff T3 [kWh] x x x
16.8.4 Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) in tariff T4 [kWh] x x x
2. Reactive energy registers
3.8.0 Positive reactive energy (Q+) total [kvarh] x x x
3.8.1 Positive reactive energy (Q+) in tariff T1 [kvarh] x x x
3.8.2 Positive reactive energy (Q+) in tariff T2 [kvarh] x x x
3.8.3 Positive reactive energy (Q+) in tariff T3 [kvarh] x x x
3.8.4 Positive reactive energy (Q+) in tariff T4 [kvarh] x x x
4.8.0 Negative reactive energy (Q-) total [kvarh] x x x
4.8.1 Negative reactive energy (Q-) in tariff T1 [kvarh] x x x
4.8.2 Negative reactive energy (Q-) in tariff T2 [kvarh] x x x
4.8.3 Negative reactive energy (Q-) in tariff T3 [kvarh] x x x
4.8.4 Negative reactive energy (Q-) in tariff T4 [kvarh] x x x
5.8.0 Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) total [kvarh] x x x
5.8.1 Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) in tariff T1 [kvarh] x x x
5.8.2 Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) in tariff T2 [kvarh] x x x
5.8.3 Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) in tariff T3 [kvarh] x x x
5.8.4 Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) in tariff T4 [kvarh] x x x
6.8.0 Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadrant (Q2) total [kvarh] x x x
6.8.1 Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadr. (Q2) in tariff T1 [kvarh] x x x
6.8.2 Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadr. (Q2) in tariff T2 [kvarh] x x x
6.8.3 Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadr. (Q2) in tariff T3 [kvarh] x x x
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6.8.4 Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadr. (Q2) in tariff T4 [kvarh] x x x
7.8.0 Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) total [kvarh] x x x
7.8.1 Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) in tariff T1 [kvarh] x x x
7.8.2 Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) in tariff T2 [kvarh] x x x
7.8.3 Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) in tariff T3 [kvarh] x x x
7.8.4 Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) in tariff T4 [kvarh] x x x
8.8.0 Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadrant (Q4) total [kvarh] x x x
8.8.1 Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadr. (Q4) in tariff T1 [kvarh] x x x
8.8.2 Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadr. (Q4) in tariff T2 [kvarh] x x x
8.8.3 Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadr. (Q4) in tariff T3 [kvarh] x x x
8.8.4 Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadr. (Q4) in tariff T4 [kvarh] x x x
3. Apparent energy registers
9.8.0 Apparent energy (S+) total [kVAh] x x x
9.8.1 Apparent energy (S+) in tariff T1 [kVAh] x x x
9.8.2 Apparent energy (S+) in tariff T2 [kVAh] x x x
9.8.3 Apparent energy (S+) in tariff T3 [kVAh] x x x
9.8.4 Apparent energy (S+) in tariff T4 [kVAh] x x x
4. Registers of active energy per phases
21.8.0 Positive active energy (A+) in phase L1 total [kWh] x x x
41.8.0 Positive active energy (A+) in phase L2 total [kWh] x x x
61.8.0 Positive active energy (A+) in phase L3 total [kWh] x x x
22.8.0 Negative active energy (A-) in phase L1 total [kWh] x x x
42.8.0 Negative active energy (A-) in phase L2 total [kWh] x x x
62.8.0 Negative active energy (A-) in phase L3 total [kWh] x x x
35.8.0 Absolute active energy (|A|) in phase L1 total [kWh] x x x
55.8.0 Absolute active energy (|A|) in phase L2 total [kWh] x x x
75.8.0 Absolute active energy (|A|) in phase L3 total [kWh] x x x
5. Maximum demand registers:
1.6.0 Positive active maximum demand (A+) total [kW] x x x
1.6.1 Positive active maximum demand (A+) in tariff T1 [kW] x x x
1.6.2 Positive active maximum demand (A+) in tariff T2 [kW] x x x
1.6.3 Positive active maximum demand (A+) in tariff T3 [kW] x x x
1.6.4 Positive active maximum demand (A+) in tariff T4 [kW] x x x
2.6.0 Negative active maximum demand (A-) total [kW] x x x
2.6.1 Negative active maximum demand (A-) in tariff T1 [kW] x x x
2.6.2 Negative active maximum demand (A-) in tariff T2 [kW] x x x
2.6.3 Negative active maximum demand (A-) in tariff T3 [kW] x x x
2.6.4 Negative active maximum demand (A-) in tariff T4 [kW] x x x
15.6.0 Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) total [kW] x x x
15.6.1 Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T1 [kW] x x x
15.6.2 Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T2 [kW] x x x
15.6.3 Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T3 [kW] x x x
15.6.4 Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T4 [kW] x x x
3.6.0 Positive reactive maximum demand (Q+) total [kvar] x x x
4.6.0 Negative reactive maximum demand (Q-) total [kvar] x x x
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with maximum demand and LP
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with maximum demand and LP
5.5.0 Reactive demand in the last completed demand period in Q1 (Q1) [kvar] x x /
6.5.0 Reactive demand in the last completed demand period in Q2 (Q2) [kvar] x x /
7.5.0 Reactive demand in the last completed demand period in Q3 (Q3) [kvar] x x /
8.5.0 Reactive demand in the last completed demand period in Q4 (Q4) [kvar] x x /
9.5.0 Apparent demand in the last completed demand period (S+) [kVA] x x /
9. Instantaneous power registers
1.7.0 Positive active instantaneous power (A+) [kW] x x /
21.7.0 Positive active instantaneous power (A+) in phase L1 [kW] x x /
41.7.0 Positive active instantaneous power (A+) in phase L2 [kW] x x /
61.7.0 Positive active instantaneous power (A+) in phase L3 [kW] x x /
2.7.0 Negative active instantaneous power (A-) [kW] x x /
22.7.0 Negative active instantaneous power (A-) in phase L1 [kW] x x /
42.7.0 Negative active instantaneous power (A-) in phase L2 [kW] x x /
62.7.0 Negative active instantaneous power (A-) in phase L3 [kW] x x /
15.7.0 Absolute active instantaneous power (|A|) [kW] x x /
35.7.0 Absolute active instantaneous power (|A|) in phase L1 [kW] x x /
55.7.0 Absolute active instantaneous power (|A|) in phase L2 [kW] x x /
75.7.0 Absolute active instantaneous power (|A|) in phase L3 [kW] x x /
16.7.0 Sum active instantaneous power (A+ - A-) [kW] x x /
36.7.0 Sum active instantaneous power (A+ - A-) in phase L1 [kW] x x /
56.7.0 Sum active instantaneous power (A+ - A-) in phase L2 [kW] x x /
76.7.0 Sum active instantaneous power (A+ - A-) in phase L3 [kW] x x /
3.7.0 Positive reactive instantaneous power (Q+) [kvar] x x /
23.7.0 Positive reactive instantaneous power (Q+) in phase L1 [kvar] x x /
43.7.0 Positive reactive instantaneous power (Q+) in phase L2 [kvar] x x /
63.7.0 Positive reactive instantaneous power (Q+) in phase L3 [kvar] x x /
4.7.0 Negative reactive instantaneous power (Q-) [kvar] x x /
24.7.0 Negative reactive instantaneous power (Q-) in phase L1 [kvar] x x /
44.7.0 Negative reactive instantaneous power (Q-) in phase L2 [kvar] x x /
64.7.0 Negative reactive instantaneous power (Q-) in phase L3 [kvar] x x /
9.7.0 Apparent instantaneous power (S+) [kVA] x x /
29.7.0 Apparent instantaneous power (S+) in phase L1 [kVA] x x /
49.7.0 Apparent instantaneous power (S+) in phase L2 [kVA] x x /
69.7.0 Apparent instantaneous power (S+) in phase L3 [kVA] x x /
10. Electricity network quality registers
11.7.0 Instantaneous current (I) [A] x x /
31.7.0 Instantaneous current (I) in phase L1 [A] x x /
51.7.0 Instantaneous current (I) in phase L2 [A] x x /
71.7.0 Instantaneous current (I) in phase L3 [A] x x /
91.7.0 Instantaneous current (I) in neutral [A] x x /
11.6.0 Maximum current (I max) [A] x x /
31.6.0 Maximum current (I max) in phase L1 [A] x x /
51.6.0 Maximum current (I max) in phase L2 [A] x x /
71.6.0 Maximum current (I max) in phase L3 [A] x x /
91.6.0 Maximum current (I max) in neutral [A] x x /
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with maximum demand and LP
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with maximum demand and LP
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with maximum demand and LP
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