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Protection and Control Philosophy

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Protection and control philosophy

Objective : To quickly isolate a faulty section from both ends so that the rest of the
System can function satisfactorily.

The functional requirements of the relay:

i) Reliability : The most important requisite of protective relay is reliability since they
supervise the circuit for a long time before a fault occurs; if a fault then
occurs, the relays must respond instantly and correctly.

ii) Selectivity : The relay must be able to discriminate (select) between those conditions
for which prompt operation is required and those for which no operation,
or time delayed operation is required.

iii) Sensitivity : The relaying equipment must be sufficiently sensitive so that it operates
reliably when required under the actual conditions that produces least
operating tendency.

iv) Speed : The relay must operate at the required speed. It should neither be too
slow which may result in damage to the equipment nor should it be too
fast which may result in undesired operation.

Important elements :

Switch gear: Used for isolation

Circuit breaker Bulk oil, Minimum oil, Minimum oil, SF6, Airblast,
Vacuum etc. depending on medium used for quenching the arc. Different
operating mechanisms such as solenoid, spring, pneumatic, hydraulic etc.
are employed.

Protective gear: Used for detection of abnormal condition and initiation of isolation
Relays - current, voltage, impedance, power, frequency, etc. based on
operating parameter, definite time, inverse time, stepped etc. as per
operating characteristic, logic wise such as differential, over fluxing etc.

Station Battery: Used for power supply to protective gear & switchgear operation
A Station battery containing a number of cells accumulate energy during
the period of availability of A.C. supply and discharge at the time when
relays operate so that relevant circuit breaker is tripped.
Code Of Practice : Protection (Entire Section)

a) The wiring should be by copper leads for C.T. secondaries for all cores (i.e.) metering as well
as protection and the copper lead should be stranded but not single lead type.

b) The wiring should be by copper leads for PT secondaries also wherever they are intended for

c) The terminations should be lugged by ring shape O lugs. U shape lugs should be avoided.

d) Wherever two batteries are available, the primary protection and back-up protection should
be from different batteries.

e) D.C. and A.C supplies should not be taken through different cores of the same cable.

f) For indications, alarms, annunciations, controls (closing coil, trip coil, etc. negative (-ve) is
always given direct and positive (+ve) is supplied only on commands like close, trip, relay
trip, etc.

g) Where D.C protection supply is at 24 volts or 32 volts, the battery units should be very near
the equipment and not in the control rooms.

h) CTs with 1 amp secondary rating should be used compulsorily where meters, protective
devices etc. are remotely situated with reference to equipment.

C.T. Secondary connections

For protection of various equipment of EHT class, the Star point on secondaries of CT
should be made as follows for ensuring correct directional sensitivity of the protection scheme

1. For Transmission Lines - Line side

2. For Transformers -Transformer side
3. For Bus bar - Bus side
4. Generator Protection - Generator side

The above method has to be followed irrespective of polarity of CTs on primary side.
For example, in line protection, if P1 is towards bus then S2s are to be shorted and if P2 is
towards bus then S1s are to be shorted.

The C.T secondary connections for Transmission line, Transformer and Busbar are
indicated in the figures.
Types of Relays:

Relay Family


Electro Magnetic Static Mechanical

Based on Characteristic Based on of logic

1. Thermal
1. Definite time Relays 1. Differential (a) OT Trip
2. Inverse time Relays with 2. Unbalance (b) WT Trip
definite minimum time (1 DMT) 3. Neutral Displacement (c) Bearing Temp Trip
3. Instantaneous Relays 4. Directional etc.
4. IDMT with inst. 5. Restricted Earth Fault 2. Float Type
5. Stepped Characteristic 6. Over Fluxing (a) Buchholz
6. Programme Switches 7. Distance Schemes (b) OSR
7. Voltage restraint Overcurrent 8. Bus bar Protection (c) PRV
relay 9. Reserve Power Relays (d) Water level
10. Loss of excitation Controls etc.
11. Negative Phase 3. Pressure Switches
Sequence Relays etc. 4. Mechanical Inter-
Based on actuating locks
parameter 5. Pole discrepancy
1. Current Relays
2. Voltage Relays
3. Frequency Relays
4. Power Relays etc.


For Transmission & Distribution Lines

S.No. Voltage Protection Scheme
400 KV Line Main-I:
220 KV Line Main-I:
132 kv Lines Main Protection : Distance relay
Backup Protection : 3 Nos. directional IDMT O/L Relays and 1 No.
directional IDMT E/L relay.
33 KV Lines Non-directional IDMT 3 O/L and 1 E/L relays.
11 KV Lines Non-directional IDMT 3 O/L or 2 O/L and 1 E/L relays.

Breaker failure protection: The LBB protection scheme will be provided for all 220 KV stations (along
with busbar protection scheme
Typical Protections:

I. Distance protection:

The impedance relays also called distance relays are utilised to provide protection to
transmission lines connected in a network.
These relays are
- economic and possess several technical advantages.
- simple to apply
- operate with extremely high speed
- both primary and backup protection features are inherent
- can be easily modified to work as unit schemes with power line carrier facilities
- suitable for high speed reclosing.
The impedance relay is made to respond to the impedance between the relay location and
the point where fault is incident. The impedance is proportional to the distance to the
fault, (hence the name distance relay) and is therefore independent of the fault current

Distance Relaying Principle:

A distance relay compares the currents and voltages at the relaying point with Current
providing the operating torque and the voltage provides the restraining torque. In other words an
impedance relay is a voltage restrained overcurrent relay.
The equation at the balance point in a simple impedance relay is K1V2 = K2I2 or V/I = K3
where K1, K2, and K3 are constants. In other words, the relay is on the verge of operation at a
constant value of V/I ratio, which may be expressed as an impedance.
Since the operating characteristics of the relay depend upon the ratio of voltage and
current and the phase angle between them, their characteristics can be best represented on an R-
X diagram where both V/I ratio and the phase angle can be plotted in terms of an impedance
R+jX. Further, the power system impedance like fault impedance, power swings, loads etc. can
also be plotted on the same R-X diagram. Therefore response of a particular relay during power
swing, faults and other system disturbances can easily be assessed.
Types of Distance Relays:

(1) Impedance relay

(2) Reactance relay
(3) Mho relay
(4) Modified impedance relay

(1) Impedance relay:

Characteristics of an impedance relay on R_X diagram is shown in fig.

Operation of the impedance relay is independent of the phase angle between V and I. The
operating characteristic is a circle with its center at the origin, and hence the relay is non-

Characteristic of Directional Impedance Relay:

Characteristic of a directional impedance relay in the complex R-X phase is shown in fig.

The directional unit of the relay causes separation of the regions of the relay characteristic shown
in the figure by a line drawn perpendicular to the line impedance locus. The net result is that
tripping will occur only for points that are both within the circles and above the directional unit

(2) The Reactance-type Distance Relay:

Reactance relay measures V/I Sin0 (i.e. Z sin 0 ). Wherever the reactance measured by the
relay is less than the set value, the relay operates. The operating characteristic on R-X diagram is
shown in fig.

The resistance component of impedance has no effect on the operation of reactance relay,
the relay responds solely to reactance component of impedance. This relay is inherently non-
directional. The relay is most suitable to detect earth faults where the effect of arc resistance is

(3) Mho relay:

This is a directional impedance relay, also known as admittance relay. Its characteristic on R-X
diagram is a circle whose circumference passes through the origin as illustrated in figure
showing that the relay is inherently directional and it only operates for faults in the forward

(4) Modified impedance relay:

Also known as offset Mho relay whose characteristic encloses the origin on R-X diagram as
shown in fig.
This offset mho relay has three main applications:
i) Busbar zone backup
ii) Carrier starting unit in distance/carrier blocking schemes.

iii) Power swing blocking.

Main Features in Distance Scheme

Distance schemes consist of the following major components:
i) Starters.
ii) Measuring units.
iii) Timers
iv) Auxiliary relays

i) Starters:-
The starting relay (or starter) initiates the distance scheme in the event of a fault
within the required reach (more than zone-3).
Other functions of the starter are:-
a) Starting of timer relays for second and third zones.
b) Starting of measuring elements.
The starters are generally of Mho or impedance type.
With Mho type starters:-
Measuring units for phase and earth faults can be either directional or non-
directional as Mho starter is inherently directional.
With impedance type starters:-
Measuring units have to be directional as impedance starters are non-directional.
The under impedance relay can be used in conjunction with the directional relay
as starter which will then function similar to the Mho starter.

ii) Measuring units:-

They are generally of a mho or reactance or a combination of mho, reactance and
resistance types.
Phase Fault Units:-
These measuring units are fed with line to line voltages (such as Vab, VBC) and
difference between line currents (Ia-Ib). They measure the positive sequence
impedance from the relay location to the fault point. Three such relays respond
correctly to all possible single line to ground faults, line to line faults, double line
to ground faults and 3-phase faults. They however do not respond correctly to
earth faults.
Earth Fault Units:-
These measuring units utilize line to neutral voltage (Van, Vbn, Vcn) and phase
currents (Ia, Ib, Ic). In order to make these units measure the positive sequence
impedance correctly, a zero sequence current compensation is to be provided
which is obtained by:
KN = (Z0-Z1)/ 3*Z1 (where Z1 = positive sequence impedance of line.
Z0 = Zero sequence impedance of line)

In the current circuit (1+KN) Ia will be fed for the above measurement.

iii) Timer:-
Timer relays when initiated by starter provide the time lag required for zones.
They also will be used for zone extension purpose whenever required.

iv) Auxiliary relays:-

Distance scheme comprises of several auxiliary relays, which perform functions
such as flag indications, trippings, signaling, alarm etc.

Additional Features in distance schemes

i) Power Swing blocking relay

ii) VT fuse failure relay.
iii) Switch onto fault relay.
iv) Fault locator.
v) Auto-reclosing scheme.
vi) Carrier communication scheme.
i) Power Swing blocking:-
Distance relay which respond to balanced 3-phase changes in the impedance will
be affected by power swings due to major load change or a dip in voltage due to
delayed fault clearance.
In case of fault, the transition from period of impedance locations (25 to 33% of
starter impedance) to fault impedance (starter impedance) is sudden whereas
during power swings it is slower. The PSB relays use this difference to block the
tripping during swings.

ii) VT fuse failure relay:-

The distance relays being voltage restraint O/C relays, loss of voltage due to main
PT fuse failure or inadvertent removal of fuse in one or more phases will cause
the relay operation. The fuse failure relay will sense such condition by the
presence of residual voltage without residual current and blocks the relay.

iii) Switch onto fault:-

When the line is switched on to a close by fault (say after line clear with earth
switch closed), the voltage at the relaying point will be zero. Faults of this type
will normally be cleared by backup zones.
The voltage applied to the relay is low and this condition occurring
simultaneously with the operation of starter will cause instantaneous trip by SOTF
relay. This SOTF feature will be effective only for about 1-2 seconds after the
line is charged. Faults occurring after this time will be measured in the normal

iv) Fault Locator:-

It measures the distance between the relay location and fault location in terms of
Z in Ohms, or length in KM or percentage of line length.
This relay gets same inputs as the distance relay (connected in series with one of
the main relays). The measurement is initiated by trip signal from distance relays.
The fault locator gives the exact location of the fault, thereby reducing the time of

v) Auto Reclosing Schemes:-

Types of faults:-
i) Transient Faults:-
These are cleared by the immediate tripping of circuit breakers and do not recur
when the line is re-energized.
ii) Semi-permanent Faults:-
These require a time interval to disappear before a line is charged again.
iii) Permanent Faults:-
These are to be located and repaired before the line is re-energized.
About 80-90% of the faults occurring are transient in nature. Hence the automatic
reclosure of breaker (after tripping on fault) will result in the line being
successfully re-energized, thereby
a) Decreasing outage time
b) Improving reliability
c) Improving system stability
d) Reduces fault damage and maintenance time

Dead Time:-
The time between the Auto-reclosing scheme being energized and the 1 st reclosure of the
circuit breaker. This is normally set at 1 sec.

Reclaim Time:-
The time following a successful closing operation measured from the instant the auto-
reclosing relay closing contacts making which must elapse before the auto-reclosing relay
initiated another reclosing attempt. In other words, it may be said to be the time between
1st and 2nd re-closure.
Types of Auto-reclosing schemes (based on phase):

a) Three phase Auto-reclosing:

This type of auto-reclosing causes an immediate drift apart of the two systems and
hence no interchange of synchronizing power can take place during the dead time.

b) Single Phase Auto-reclosing:

In this only the faulty phase (which already has tripped on SLG fault) is reclosed
without causing interruption in interchange of synchronizing power between two
systems through other two healthy phases.

Types of Auto-reclosing schemes (case on attempts of reclosure):

a) Single Shot Auto-reclosing:-
In this scheme, breaker is reclosed only once on a given fault before lockout of
circuit breaker occurs. High speed auto-reclosing for EHV system is invariably
single shot.

b) Multi-shot Auto-reclosing:-
In this scheme, more than one reclosing attempt is made for a given fault before
lockout of the circuit breaker occurs. Repeated closure attempts with high fault
level would seriously affect the circuit breaker, equipment and system stability.
The factors that must be taken into account:-
i) Circuit Breaker Limitations:-
Ability of circuit breaker to perform several trip close operations in quick
ii) System Conditions:-
If the percentage of the semi-permanent faults (which could be burnt out)
is moderate, for example on the lines through the forest, multishot auto-
reclosing is followed.
Types of Auto-reclosing (depending on speed):

I. High speed Auto-reclosing

This aids in fast restoration of supply but should be done by taking into account
the following factors:-
i) System disturbance time can be tolerated without loss of system stability.
ii) Characteristics of protection schemes and circuit breaker.

II. Low speed or Delayed Auto-reclosing:

This is suitable for highly interconnected systems where the loss of single line is
unlikely to cause two sections of the system to drift apart and loose synchronism.

For EHV Systems:-

a) Choice of Dead Time:-
Lower limit is decided by deionizing time of circuit breaker.
Upper limit is decided by transient stability and synchronism
Long transmission lines require longer dead time for single phase faults.
The dead time for high speed auto-reclosing scheme with EHV system is 0.3-0.8
b) Choice for reclaim time:-
This should not be set to such a low value that the operating cycle of breaker is
exceeded when two fault incidents occur close together. The reclaim time will be
in the range of 10-30 Sec., depending on the breaker opening and closing

The transmission lines are usually provided with circuit breakers

capable of tripping of individual faulty phases. This facilitates chances of
successful autoreclosure for transient faults.
The protection scheme should incorporate facilities for both single pole and
three pole autoreclosure. The decision to adopt single pole or multi pole
autoreclosure should be arrived from system stability studies.

The following aspects of autoreclosure should be noted.

a) Auto reclosure is done only for ground faults in the Ist zone.
b) Ground faults in the 2nd and 3rd zone should not initiate autoreclosure.
c) Single phase trip and autoreclosure is the most practiced scheme, though in
some cases 3-phase trip and autoreclosure for single phase faults may be
d) Autoreclosure is not initiated for multiphase faults as chances of successful
autoreclosure is remote.

Autoreclosure schemes specified incorporate both dead line charging and

synchronising check facility.

It should be noted that synchronising check facility delays autoreclosure. If

high speed autoreclosure is required for stability reasons synchronising check
facility should be bypassed.

vi) Carrier Communication Schemes:-

The main disadvantage of conventional time-stepped distance protection is that
the instantaneous Zone-1 of the protective scheme at each end of the protected
line is set to cover 80% of the line and hence faults in the balance 20% of the line
(at each end) are cleared in Zone-2 time, which is undesirable.
The desirable scheme is the one wherein the relays clear the faults on the 100% of
the protected line instantaneously and also provide backup for uncleared faults on
adjacent lines. This can be achieved by interconnecting the distance relays are
each end of the line by a signaling channel (which can be either pilots, a power
line carrier communication channel, a radio link or a microwave channel).
The purpose of the signaling channel is to transmit the information about the
system conditions at one end of the protected line to the other end and initiate or
prevent tripping of the remote circuit breaker. The former arrangement is referred
to as a Transfer trip scheme while the latter is known as Blocking scheme.

a) Transfer trip scheme:-

In this scheme, the distance relay at one end of the protected lines sends a
carrier signal to the relay at other end of the line for inter-tripping, thereby
clearing the faults on entire line instantaneously.
Transfer trip is of two types:-
i) Under-reaching scheme:-
The scheme in which the Zone-1 relay (set to cover about 80% of ZL) is
used to send a signal to the remote end of the feeder for inter-tripping is termed as
transfer trip under-reaching scheme. To avoid mal-operation due to receipt of
false signal, the receiving end relay operation is inter-locked with its Zone-
3/starter operation i.e. the scheme operates either by its own Zone-1 relay
operation or by receipt of carried and its Zone-3/starter operation.
ii) Over-reaching scheme:-
This scheme is suitable for short lines where an underreaching Zone-1
would be too short to be of any practical use. In this scheme the relay set to reach
beyond 100% of the line, is used to send an inter-tripping signal to the remote end
of the line. It is essential that the receive relay contact be monitored by a
directional relay to ensure that tripping does not take place unless the fault is
within the protected section. The disadvantage of this scheme is that there is no
independent Zone-1 tripping. The fast tripping therefore relies entirely on
signaling channel.
The disadvantages of these schemes is that the signal is transmitted over the fault
line section. Distortion of the signal may occur due to attenuation introduced into
the line by the fault.

b) Blocking schemes:-
In this scheme, a blocking signal is sent by the reverse looking directional
unit ZR to prevent instantaneous tripping for Zone-2 & Zone-3 faults, external to
the protected line. Here ZR must operate faster than forward looking Zone-3
units and the signaling channel must also be extremely fast is operation.

Factors affecting distance relay operation:-

i) Fault resistance.
ii) Infeed effect.
iii) Branching-off effect.
iv) Load encroachment.

i) Fault resistance:-
Fault resistance has two components:-
a) Arc resistance.
b) Ground resistance.
In a fault between phases, only arc resistance is involved.
For a fault at F, the actual line impedance
= R + JX = ZL
Due to the presence of fault resistance, the impedance measured by the
relay = R + JX + RF = ZR (where ZR > ZL)
Fault arc resistance is given by Warringtons formula:
Rarc = 8750 x1 / I1.4
Where 1 = length of arc in ft
I = fault current in Amps

The arc resistance has little effect on accuracy of zone-1 unit as it operates
instantaneously before the arc can stretch appreciably except in case of short
lines. Reactance relays are therefore used for short lines where the fault
resistance may be comparable with that of the protected lines and also for ground
faults where the ground resistance is high.
The arc resistance will have greater impact on accuracy of backup zones (time
delayed) as the arc stretches appreciably.

ii) Infeed effect:-

The effect of intermediate current source between relay location and fault
point is termed as infeed effect. Consider the sketch indicated in fig ---

A fault at F on the line BC is at a distance of Z1 + Z2 for the relay at

station A. But when current I2 flows from bus D, the impedance to the
fault as seen by the relay at A is
Z1 + Z2 + Z2 x (I2/I1).
Thus the fault is seen by the relay as farther than what really is, i.e.
distance relay under reaches due to the infeed effect.
The effect of infeed becomes more pronounced with more
interconnections at station B.

iii) Branching-off effect:-

Consider the sketch indicated in fig ---

A fault at F is at the distance of Z1+Z2 for the relay at station A.

But when current I1 gets distributed as I2 & I3 at station B, the impedance
to fault seen by the relay at station. A will be (Z1 + I3/I1 * Z2) which is
less than (Z1+Z2).
Then the fault is seen by the relay as nearer than what is really is
i.e. distance relay overreaches due to branching-off effect. This
overreaching tendency will cause the relay to loose its selectivity.

iv) Load encroachment:-

While protecting long lines the necessary reach may be so large that the
minimum service impedance (or load impedance) falls within the region of
the starter. This would result in tripping without any fault.
The two conditions i.e. operation at heavy load and short circuit differ by
virtue of phase angle between voltage and current. For the load
impedance, the phase angle will be within +30 to 30 Deg. While during
short circuits, the fault impedance has a phase angle of 60 to 80 deg. (i.e.
line angle).
Load encroachment problem is more pronounced in case of under
impedance starters and gets lessened in case of mho, elliptical, lens etc,
type of starters. Relays with suitable characteristic on R-X diagram have
to be carefully chosen to protect long and heavily loaded lines, and this
becomes easily possible with microprocessor based numerical relays.

Non-switched scheme Vs switched scheme

In an ideal Non-switched scheme, there will be 6 starters, 3 for phase

faults and 3 for ground faults. There will be independent measuring units
for both phase faults and earth fault for each phase, for all three zones,
totaling to 18 units. This scheme is faster and more accurate but is costly.
In the switched scheme, only one measuring unit will be used for
all types of faults. This single measuring unit is switched to the correct
fault loop impedance by switching-in the respective voltages and currents
by the starter.
The reach of the measuring element gets extended to zone-2 and
zone-3 after the elapse of corresponding timings through zone extension
process. Switched scheme is relatively slow in operation and has the risk
of total scheme failure in the event of failure of the only one measuring
unit available.

Zone extension schemes

As a via media between non-switched and switched schemes, there are
schemes with zone extension facility (such as EE make MM3V & MR3V relays).
These schemes consist of 3 measuring units for phase faults and 3 measuring units
for earth faults (apart from 3 starters).
The reach of the measuring unit gets extended to zone-2 and zone-3 after
elapse of corresponding timings through a zone extension process.

Other Operating Characteristics:

Earlier when electromagnetic relays were in use, the characteristics involving
straight lines and / or circles on R-X diagram were only possible. With the advent
of the static relays, microprocessor based relays and presently of numerical relays,
any desired/required-operating characteristic is possible giving wider choice for
selection of relays. In fact there are relays, which can be programmed remotely.

Application of distance relays:

A distance relay is stepped for either 3 zones or 4 zones to provide protection.
To ensure proper coordination between distance relays in power system, it is customary
to choose relay ohmic setting as follows:-

S.No. Zones Reactance Time

1. Zone-1 80% of ZL Instantaneous
(no intentional
time delay).
2. Zone-2 100% of ZL + 40-50% 0.3 to 0.4
of ZSL seconds

3. Zone-3 100% of ZL + 120% 0.3 to 0.4

of ZSL seconds

4. Zone-4 100%of ZL + 120% 0.9 to 1.5

of ZLL seconds

Where ZL = Positive sequence impedance of line to be protected.

ZSL = Positive sequence impedance of adjacent shortest line.
ZLL = Positive sequence impedance of adjacent longest line.

Note: i) Where a three zone relay only is available, the zone 3 will be set to
cover the adjacent longest line.
ii) The zonal timings will be carefully selected to properly grade with
the relays on all the feeders emanating from the adjacent bus.

Transmission Lines

Transmission lines can generally be classified into two groups viz. tie lines and
radial lines. Tie lines serve as interconnections between two parts of a system with power flow
possibility in both directions, whereas radial lines transmit power from sending end to the
receiving end. Hence the recommended protections for these two groups are given separately.

Protection of Tie Lines

a) Main Protection : 3 core non-switched distance scheme along with :
i) Out of step blocking feature
ii) Power line carrier aids for permissive inter-tripping or blocking scheme
iii) Auto-reclosing relays for single/three phase auto-reclose with dead line
charging and synchronizing check feature.
The distance relay shall generally be of 'mho' type (see discussion for details)

b) Backup protection : Directional over current relays of IDMT type for both phase and ground
faults. The phase elements shall have 50-200% range for current relays and the ground
element shall have 20-80% range.

Protection of Radial Lines

a) Main protection : 3 zone switched distance schemes.
b) Backup protection : Non directional over current relays of IDMT type for both phase and
ground faults. the phase elements shall have a range of 50-200% and the ground element 20-

The distance protection provided at the two ends of the line should generally
be of the same type and hence the choice of the distance scheme should be made to co-ordinate
with the protections at the other end in particular and the protection of the other lines in that
interconnected system in general.

For lines upto 220 kV, the present practice of most of the electricity utilities in India
is to provide one main protection of high speed type and backup protection of time delayed type.
The performance of this combination has been generally found satisfactory. Hence TCE's present
recommendation is for one high speed main protection and backup protection by time delayed
directional over current relays.

Switched three zone distance protection is not recommended for tie lines in view of
low reliability and time delay.

The speed of operation of distance scheme is the time (usually expressed in cycles
or milliseconds) it takes to clear faults in the Ist zone. With modern relays speeds of the order of
0.5 to 3 cycles are obtained and this range is acceptable.

The choice of different type of distance units such as mho reactance relays for particular
applications depends on various factors such as

1) Length of the line to be protected

2) Source to line impedance ratio under varying system conditions.
3) Effect of arc impedance at the point of fault on the characteristics chosen.
4) Effect of ground fault impedance on the characteristics.
5) Stability against power swings

Carrier aids to distance protections

Distance protection is usually supplemented with power line carrier
interconnections between protections of two ends to achieve simultaneous clearance of both ends.
This improves system stability and also facilitates successful autoreclosure for transient faults. the
following variations are mostly used.

a) Permissive inter tripping (of under reach type)

b) Carrier blocking schemes.

Permissive interrupting scheme though faster, requires carrier information to be

transferred over the faulted line and this is considered as a drawback. However when phase to
phase/ interline coupling is adopted the healthy phase/ healthy line is available for carrier

Carrier blocking scheme, though slower has the advantage that the carrier signals
are transmitted on the unfaulted lines blocking their protection. The absence of carrier in the
faulted line unblocks its protection and allows to trip. .

Out of Step blocking of distance protection

Distance protection can maloperate during power swings if the electrical centre of
power swing falls within the protected zone.

As system conditions widely vary it is not possible to ascertain, during design,

whether the electrical centre of power swings will lie in the protected zone. hence it is
recommended that the out of step blocking arrangement should be specified as a standard feature
for all distance schemes.
Out of step blocking is applied only for 2nd and 3rd zone measurements. The first
zone is not blocked. Power swing entering Ist zone is considered severe enough and system is not
likely to recover from such swings.

Recommended Protection of Lines upto 220 kV

Description Tie Lines Radial Lines Remarks

Long & Short Long & Short
Medium Lines Mediu Lines
Lines m Lines
1 High speed, non- 3rd zone encroachment
switched distance into load impedance
scheme of mho type - - -
area to be checked
(cross polarised or
partially cross
2 High speed, non- Combination 'mho'
switched distance characteristics for phase
scheme based on
- - -
faults and reactance
reactance measurement characteristics for earth
principle (Quadrilateral faults is possiblefor
Characteristics included medium length of lines.
under this description)
3 Switched distance
scheme with 'mho' - - -
4 Switched distance Combination 'mho'
scheme with reactance - - - characteristics for phase
characteristics (Quad- faults and reactance
rilateral characteristics characteristics for earth
included in this faults is possiblefor
description) medium length of lines.
5 Backup directional
overcurrent protection - -
for phase and ground
6 Backup non-directional In case of parallel radial
overcurrent protection - - lines the backup
phase and ground faults overcurrent protection at
receiving end shall be of
directional o/c relays.
7 Out of step blocking
feature for distance - -
8 Local breaker backup Local breaker backup
protection protection is
recommended for 220
kV & 110 kV

Guide Lines : Long lines - 50 kms and above

Medium Lines - 20 to 50 kms.
Short Lines - below 20 kms
(Review relay characteristics choice as given in

II. Transformer protection

The types of faults that the transformers are subjected to are classified as :-
1) Through Faults:- These are due to overload conditions and external short circuits.
Time graded O/C & E/F relays are employed for external short circuit conditions.
Fuses are provided for Distribution transformers.

2) Internal Faults:-

a) Electrical Faults:- Faults which cause immediate serious damage such as phase to earth or
phase to phase faults, short circuits between turns of HV& LV windings, etc.
b) Incipient Faults:- Which are initially minor faults, causing slowly developing damage such as
a poor electrical connection of conductors or breakdown of insulation, etc.
The following relays are employed to protect the transformer against internal faults.
i) Buchholz relays
ii) Differential relays
iii) REF relays
iv) Overfluxing relays

i) Buchholz Relays:-

Whenever a fault in transformer develops slowly, heat is produced locally, which

begins to decompose solid of liquid insulated materials and thus to produce inflammable
gas and oil flow. This phenomenon has been used in the gas protection relay or popularly
known as Buchholz relay. This relay is applicable only to the so-called conservator type
transformer in which the transformer tank is completely filled with oil, and a pipe
connects the transformer tank to an auxiliary tank or Conservator which acts as an
expansion chamber. Figure shown as Buchholz relay connected into the pipe lending to
the conservator tank and arrange to detect gas produced in the transformer tank. As the
gas accumulates for a minor fault the oil level falls and, with it a float F which operates
a mercury switch sounding an alarm. When a more serious fault occurs within the
transformer during which intense heating takes place, an intense liberation of gases
results. These gases rush towards the conservator and create a rise in pressure in the
transformer tank due to which the oil is forced through the connecting pipe to the
conservator. The oil flow develops a force on the lower float shown as V in the figure
and overtrips it causing it contacts to complete the trip circuit of the transformer breaker.
Operation of the upper float indicates an incipient fault and that of the lower float a
serious fault.

ii) Differential Relays:

A differential relay compares the currents on both sides of the transformer. As

long as there is no fault within the protected equipment (Transformer), the current
circulates between the two CTs and no current flows through the differential element.
But for internal faults the sum of the CTs secondary currents will flow through the
differential relay making it to operate.

Two basic requirements that the differential relay connections are to be

satisfied are:
a) It must not operate for load or external faults.
b) It must operate for internal faults.

As on-load tap change facilities are invariably provided in the grid transformers,
any departure from the nominal tap position will result in spill currents in the relay
circuits. Further, the CTs are often of different types and have dissimilar magnetization
characteristics, again resulting in spill current during heavy through fault conditions.

To avoid unwanted relays operating under the above two conditions a Percentage
Bias differential relay is used.
The operating characteristics of percentage bias differential relay is shown in the

The current flowing through the operating coil of the relay should be nearly zero
during normal operating conditions and when external short circuit occurs.
While setting the differential relay on a transformer, the (mismatch) current
through differential element at normal tap and positive and negative extreme taps are to
be computed. Differential element pickup setting and/or bias setting is adopted based on
maximum percentage mismatch adding some safety margin.

Differential Current = I1-I2

Bias Setting = I1-I2

C.T Ratios and connections for differential relay

1. A simple rule of thumb is that the CTs on any Wye (Star) winding of a Power
transformer should be connected in delta and the CTs on any delta winding should be
connected in Wye (Star).
2. a) If the CTs are to be connected in Star, the C.T Ratio will be In/1A
where In is transformer full load current.
b) If the CTs are to be connected in Delta, the C.T Ratio will be In/0.577

iii) Restricted Earth Fault Protection (REF):-

This relay is operative only for the internal faults of the transformer and thus fast
operating time can be achieved.

1. An external fault on the star side will result in current flowing in the line CT of
the affected phase and a balancing current in the neutral CT and current in the relay is
zero and hence relay is stable. During an internal fault, the line current on the line CT
gets reversed and hence relay operates.
2. The arrangement of residually connected CTs on the delta side of a transformer is
only sensitive to earth faults on the delta side because Zero sequence currents are blocked
by the delta winding.

For external faults no current flows through REF unless a CT gets saturated. Hence
minimum pickup current setting is adopted (10% or 20% In) on REF relay. Based on the
through fault current, the stabilizing resistor is set such that the relay will not operate for
external fault when a CT gets saturated. This relay operates only for internal earth faults,

iv) Overfluxing Protection

1. Overfluxing condition in a transformer can occur during system over voltage and/
or under frequency conditions (V/F).
2. The Overfluxing condition does not call for high speed tripping. The tripping can
be delayed depending on the overflux withstand capability of the transformer.
3. Relays with definite time delay (nearly 30 Sec.) and inverse characteristic are
being employed.

Other Protective devices employed

Pressure Relief Value (PRV)

Winding Temperature
Oil Temperature
OLTC Buchholz

500 TO 5000 kVA RATING


1.1 Instantaneous 50 On all three phases In case of low ratio CTs &
high set over in a high fault level system
current a separate protection CT
protection for core with higher ratio to
phase faults on be used for 50 to avoid
HV side (source CT saturation.
1.2 Backup 51 On all three phases. Relay Characteristic suitable to
overcurrent should have very inverse provided fast & selective
protection for normal time characteristics tripping through gradation.
phase faults on Relays with similar
HV side characteristic on both
sides of the transformer
are advisable.

1.3 Ground fault 50N Applicable only for delta

protection on HV connected winding on HV
side side

1.4 Backup ground 51N Applicable for star connected

fault protection HV winding.
on HV side

1.5 Backup over 51 Protection should be

current provided on all three phases.
protection on LV Very inverse characteristics
side for phase for co-ordination with relay
faults protected outgoing feeders
and extremely inverse
characteristics for co-
ordination with fuse protected

1.6 Backup ground 51N Connected to CT in the

fault protection transformer neutral.
for LV with
neutral directly
1.7 Standby ground 51SN Relay to be connected to Relay time setting to be
fault protection neutral CT. co-ordinated with short
for LV with time rating of grounding
neutral earthed resistance
through low
1.8 Gas protection 63G Supplied along with the 1) For transformers
Buchholz relay transformer. Each stage protected by fuse, only
with one alarm actuates an aux relay with alarm stage may be used.
stage and one self reset contacts (Alarm) or 2) For Transformers with
tripping stage Hand reset contacts (Trip) OLTC similar protection
shall be separately

1.9 Transformer oil OTI one contact for alarm on Oil for > 1000 kVA.
temperature trip temperature high and one
for trip on Oil temperature
very high
1.10 Transformer WTI one stage for alarm on
winding winding temp. high and the for > 1000 kVA.
temperature trip other for trip on winding
temperature very high
1.11 Oil pressure trip PRD supplied with the transformer for > 2500 kVA
- auxiliary relay with hand
reset contacts for tripping
1. Items 1.8, 1.9 & 1.11 are not applicable for dry type transformers.
2. Magnetic oil gauge with low oil level alarm for transformers > 1000 kVA.

5000 TO 10,000 kVA RATING


2.1 Differential 87T Relay on all three phases. (a) Adjustable % biasing
protection for through fault
stability and tap
(b) Harmonic restraint for
stability against
magnetising inrush
2.2 Instantaneous 50 On all three phases For low ratio CTs in a
short circuit high fault level system, a
protection for separate protection CT
phase faults on core with higher ratio to
HV side be used for 50 to avoid
CT saturation.

2.3 Backup over 51 On all three phases. Relay Characteristic suitable to

current should have very inverse provided fast & selective
protection for normal time characteristics tripping through
phase faults on gradation. Relays with
HV side similar characteristic on
both sides of the
transformers are

2.4 Earth fault 50N Applicable only for delta

protection on connected HV.
HV side
2.5 Backup earth 51N Applicable only for star
fault protection connected HV side.
on HV side
2.6 Backup O/C 51 On all three phases
protection on
LV side for
phase faults
2.7 Backup ground 51N Relay to be connected to
fault protection neutral CT. CT ratio same as
for LV side phase CTs when Ig IR
2.8 Restricted earth 64 CT ratio for phase and neutral
fault protection CTs should be same
of LV side when
LV neutral is
through low
TABLE 2 (contd)


2.9 Standby earth 51SN Relay connected to Relay time setting should be
fault protection neutral CT. co-ordinated with short time
for LV side rating of grounding resistance
when neutral is
through low
2.10 Gas protection 63G Same as 1.8
2.11 Transformer oil
temperature OTI Same as item 1.9
2.12 Winding
temperature trip WTI Same as item 1.10
2.13 Oil pressure trip PRD Same as item 1.11





3.1 Differential 87T Relay on all three Relay shall be high speed
protection phases. type incorporating
(a) 2nd & 5th harmonic
restraint for magnetising
inrush currents
(b) Adjustable % bias for
through fault stability

3.2 Instantaneous 50 Relay on all three In case of low ratio CTs & in
short circuit phases. a high fault level system a
protection for separate protection CT core
phase faults on with higher ratio to be used
HV side for 50 to avoid CT

3.3 Backup O/C 51 On all three phases.

protection for Relay should have very
phase faults on inverse normal time
HV side characteristics
3.4 Instantaneous 50N Applicable only when
ground fault HV is delta connected
protection on HV
3.5 Backup ground 51N Applicable for star
fault protection on connected HV winding
HV side
3.6 Backup phase o/c 51 Same as item 1.5
protection for
phase faults on
LV side
3.7 Backup O/C 51N Same as item 2.7
protection for
ground fault on
LV side
3.8 REF protection of 64 Same as item 2.8
LV when LV
neutral is gnded
through low
3.9 Standby E/F 51SN Same as item 2.9 Relay time setting to be co-
protection of LV ordinated with short time
when neutral is rating of resistor
grounded through
low resistance
3.10 Gas protection 63G Same as 1.8
3.11 Transformer oil OTI Same as item 1.9
temperature trip
3.12 Winding WTI Same as item 1.10
temperature trip
3.13 Oil pressure trip PRD Same as item 1.11



4.1 Instantaneous 50 Relay should be Instantaneous The CTs should
o/c protection provided on all three o/c relay be connected in
phases of the earthing Range 20-80% Delta
4.2 Gas protections 63G Two-stage gas
protection is a part of
Same as item 1.8

Transformers below 500 kVA are generally used for distribution systems and are usually
protected by fuses. LV side of the transformers may have circuit breakers or fuses.

In earlier relays auxiliary CTs were required for vector correction and ratio matching.
However, numerical relays do not have this requirement as settings in the relays take care of
these aspects.

A common high speed, hand reset trip relay should be used for simultaneous tripping of both
HV and LV breakers whenever the protections operate.

Winding temperature, alarm and trip, oil temperature alarm & trip normally form part of
transformer and are covered here for the sake of completeness. These trips also should be
routed through auxiliary relays to obtain flag indication / remote indication.

In case of transformers feeding to 415 V auxiliary supply system, the LV side may be
provided with time delayed electromagnetic releases for short circuit protection and thermal
overload relays in place of CT connected time over current protections. In such systems
where secondary neutral is directly grounded, no separate ground fault relaying is envisaged.
Even with all fuse protected O/G feeders it is desirable to have E/F relay 51N.

(a) upto 63 MVA or 132 kV - Differential & restricted earth fault protection for star connected
windings can be combined Earthing transformer can also be covered by the differential
(b) rating greater than 63 MVA or for all 220 kV / 400 kV transformers - Differential & restricted
earth fault protection should be separately provided

a) HV busbars of switchyard shall be protected by high speed bus differential protection.

b) There shall be separate bus zone for each of the main I, II and transfer busbars.
c) In case busbar differential protection is of high impedance type, it is preferable to
incorporate an overall check zone with additional set of relays (and additional CT cores in
each element expect for bus coupler and transfer bus).
d) The busbar differential protection scheme shall incorporate arrangement for continuous
supervision of CT secondary circuit leads against open circuit and cross connection.
e) Auxiliary CTs and/or CT switching relays, required for transfer of any element from one
zone to the other, shall all form part of the busbar protection.

Busbar differential protection

The following types of busbar differential protection are presently available :

a) High impedance differential current relay (EE type CAG 34)
b) Percentage bias differential current protection (ABB type RADSS
c) Directional comparison differential current protection (ABB type INX5)

All the three types have been widely used and are type-tested with high currents to prove stability
and selectivity. Hence any of these schemes is acceptable.

In high impedance differential current relay scheme an additional overall

check zone is provided. For operation of protection both the main and check zone should operate.
In case of outage of any one zone relay, the check zone is used as overall differential scheme
without discrimination of the zones. The check zone feature will require additional CT cores,
duplicate set of relays and additional wiring.

In the other two types, the check feature is incorporated by way of additional differential current
elements as a part of overall scheme. This arrangement is acceptable.
Schemes b) and c) incorporate auxiliary CTs in the differential circuit. All CT switching
arrangements are done in this auxiliary CT circuits thus protecting main CTs from open circuit
hazards. Auxiliary CTs also provide galvanic isolation between main CT circuits and electronic
circuit of the relays.
In case of area type RADSS scheme, a separate zone for transfer bus is not
provided. The transfer bus faults are cleared by high speed zero sequence directional overcurrent
relays before the operation of differential protection. This is acceptable.

S.No. Details High impedance circulating Low impedance biased

current relay differential relay
1. Principle The currents entering and leaving It has differential and bias
the busbar are compared setting. The resultant bias is
continuously. It involves proportional to arithmetic sum
choosing of impedance high of all currents, whereas the
enough to stabilize the relay for operating current is vector sum
heavy external faults. of all circuit currents.
2. CTs It requires all identical CT ratios It can work with CTs of unequal
ratios also.
3. Burden Imposes comparatively high Imposes less burden on CTs.
burden on CTs. Auxiliary CTs Auxiliary CTs have no effect on
reduce the performance of performance of scheme.
4. CT Saturation Operation of scheme even when Operation of scheme even
CTs get saturated during internal when CTs get saturated during
faults internal faults.
5. Performance Highly sensitive for internal faults Highly sensitive for internal
and completely stable for external faults and completely stable for
faults external faults

IV. Feeder- Over Current Protection

Lines in subtansmission voltage upto 66KV and radial lines are usually protected by simple
over current relays. In case of parallel lines and ring mains, simple overcurrent relaying
cannot be applied to get fully discriminating protection. In such cases directional over current
relays are used.

Overcurrent relaying is usually carried out as

(a) 3 elements for phase faults and one element for ground faults.
(b) Two over current elements for phase faults and one o/c element for ground

Alt (a) above gives equal sensitivity for all types of phase faults (Two phase and three phase).
Also with this scheme atleast two elements will operate for any fault thus providing some relay
back up. In alt (b) only one relay will operate for certain two phase faults (involving phase
without o/c element). Also incase of faults after delta star transformer the sensitivity may be
lower in view of 2:1:1 current distribution obtained on the line side. Hence general practice is to
recommend alternative (a)

Phase fault overcurrent relays are usually provided with 50-200% setting range. Available IDMT
O/C relays have seen equal steps in this range.

Ground fault O/C relays usually have 20-80% range in case of effectively earthed systems and
10-40% range where ground fault current is limited .

O/C relays are usually time delayed type ( to permit co-ordination).

Definite minimum time relays or inverse definite minimum time relays are used. The later is the
most common application in our country and is also TCE practice.

In case of lines where the fault level varies considerably for fault at the beginning and end of the
line, it may be possible to supplement IDMT O/C relays with the high set instantaneous units .
These have to be set above the max fault current at remote end . The transient over reach for
offset fault current should be taken into account while setting the high set unit.

Disadvantage of overcurrent relaying is that the fault clearing time increases as number of stages
of co-ordination is increased. Max fault clearing time is obtained for the relay near the source
and where the fault current to be cleared will be highest. Also fault clearing time will vary
considerably with the variation in generation( fault levels).

O/C relays cannot ensure fully discriminating protection in case of parallel lines or ring main
feeders. In such cases directional overcurrent protection is to be employed.
Directional element would require both current and voltage infeed. Correct polarity of supply
should be ensured. Relay manufacturers literature or instruction manuals indicate correct
terminal connection with respect to CT, PT polarity markings. These should be carefully checked
while approving schematic drawings and also while commissioning and testing.

Phase fault over current relays use phase-to-phase voltage as polarizing quantity. 90-degree
connection is usually employed. This means for relay receiving R phase current, YB potential
should be supplied.

For ground fault relays , residual current (3I) and residual voltage (3V) are used . To obtain
zero sequence voltage for potential polarization, bus VT should have broken delta secondary
windings. Further PTs should be single phase type or 3 phase five limbed.

When broken delta secondary winding is not available on PTs auxiliary, PT with star /broken
delta connection may be used. However main PT should be either single phase or 3 phase-limbed
type. The neutral of main PT secondary and auxiliary PT star connection should be
interconnected to ensure correct transformation of zero sequence voltage.

The directional relays should develop maximum torque when fault currents are flowing since
fault power factor angle is usually 45 to 60 in case of line faults (upto 33 KV lines). They
should develop maximum torque for this PT current. The 90 connection will develop maximum
torque for UPF conditions if voltage coil has purely resistive burden. Hence it is essential to
build a lagging PF in the voltage coil circuit. This angle is called as maximum torque angle.

Maximum torque angle is defined as the angle by which current in current coil should be
displaced from voltage applied in the current coil should be displaced from the voltage applied to
the voltage coil (leading). For phase fault relaying maximum torque angle is 30 deg. or 45 deg.
for ground fault relaying it is 60 deg. ( for effectively earthed system) and 45 deg. for resistance
earthed system.

Directional ground fault relays depend on PT supply and may fail to operate if PT supply is lost.
PT fuses should be monitored.
15 VA 5P10 CT s are generally adequate for over current relaying when ground fault relay setting
is more than 30%.

While checking the adequacy of CT burden the saturation of relay coil for large fault currents,
the increased burden offered by relays when at lower taps should be care fully considered. Low
ground fault setting impose heavy burden on CT s.

Effect of harmonics on the pick up of over current relays is to increase the pick up value and also
time of operation . Hence relay test kits should be able to develop 20 or more times relay rated
current without appreciable change in current wave form. Special test kits are used for this

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