CNC Machines and Automation: Chapter Objectives
CNC Machines and Automation: Chapter Objectives
CNC Machines and Automation: Chapter Objectives
CNC Machines and
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124 CNC Machines
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CNC Machines and Automation 125
Some examples of automation which the machine tool manufacturers have already
considered and incorporated in the design of the machine tools (as in the case of CNC
1. Gantry loaders.
2. Bar Pullers.
3. Pneumatic chucks and collets.
4. Bar feeders.
5. Auto chuck jaw changers.
6. ATC (Automatic Tool Changers).
7. Auto tool off-set measurement.
8. In-process gauging/Post-process gauging.
9. Auto pallet changers.
10. Auto tool length measurement.
11. Auto tool breakage detector.
12. Touch trigger probes.
13. Adaptive feed rate control.
A recent study of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Germany,
reveals that more than three hundred of 1000 enterprises have already reduced their degree
of automation or planning to do so.
1. The most important disadvantage is the insufficient flexibility of highly automated
systems. The combination of losses resulting from conversion, idle time and high
technical maintenance costs becoming higher than the expected economic benefits.
Today at many locations highly automated production facilities are making way for
systems with significantly lower degree of automation. High ended automation can
be installed in small enterprises as well as in larger companies. Highly automated
material flow systems in assembly lines and highly automated processing machines
are considered as poor investments since the economic benefits are really low.
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Many companies indicated that todays shrinking lot sizes can no longer be handled
economically with these highly automated systems, since a fairly large lot size is
required to justify such an high investment.
2. Inadequate flexibility in capacities is the second most popular reason for dissatisfaction.
Companies with innovative product ranges face special difficulties. They have
considerable problems in assembly stations and material flows in production.
Economical or low cost automation is required to introduce innovations.
Low Cost Automation means any compact, easily available, simple but very effective
manufacturing piece of equipment which is designed and assembled internally by a group
of employees, in house.
Some Devices which may be considered as an Integral part of Low Cost Automation
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