Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Oxytocin, Parenteral
Dosage and route Classifications and Action Indications Contraindication Nursing consideration
- IV infusion (Drip method) Antepartum: Induction or stimulation of Hypersensitivity to drug. Significant Don’t confuse Pitocin (oxytocin) with
Induction or stimulation of labor Classifications: labor at term. TO overcome true primary or cephalopelvic disproportion; unfavorable Pitressin ( vasopressin). Don’t confuse
Initial: 0.5-2 milliunits/min. secondary uterine inertia. Induction of labor fetal postion or presentations that are oxytocin with oxycontin.
Oxytoxic drug
Increase dose gradually in with oxytocin is indicated only under certain undeliverable without conversion prior to
increments of no more than 1-2 specific condition and is not usual because delivery. In obstetric emergencies where the 1.) To reconstitute add 1ml to
milliunits/min at 30-60 min Action: serious toxic effects can occur. benefit-to-risk ratio for either the mother or 1000ml of 0.9% aqueous Nacl
intervals until a contraction Acts on smooth muscle of the uterus to fetus favors surgical intervention. Fetal or Ringer’s lactate. Solutions
pattern has been established stimulate contractions; response Oxytocin is stimulated: distress where delivery is not imminent, contain’s 10 milliunits/ml
that is similar to normal labor. depends on the uterine threshold of prolonged use in uterine inertia or severe 2.) Use Y-Tubing system, with one
Rates exceeding 9-10 excitability. Is selective for the uterus, 1.) for uterine inertia toxemia, hypertonic or hyperactive uterine bottle containing IV solution
milliunits/min are rarely required. especially toward the end of pregnancy, 2.) for induction of labor increases of patterns, when adequate uterine activity does and oxytocin, and the other
during labor, and immediately ff. delivery. erythroblastosis fetalis, maternal not achieve satisfactory progress. Induction of containing only the IV solution.
Control of pastpartum Oxytocin stimulate rhythmic contractions diabetes mellitus, eclampsia and augmentation of labor where vaginal delivery This is allows for the drug while
bleeding add 10-40u (maximum of the uterus, increase the frequency of reeclampsia. is contraindicated, including invasive cervical maintaining the patency of the
of 40 u) to 1000ml of a existing contractions, and raises the tone 3.) For induction of labor after cancer, cord presentation or prolapsed, total vein when it is decided to
nonhydrating diluents and run at of uterine musculature, premature rupture of membranes placenta previa and vasa previa, active change to the drug-free
a rate needed to control uterine Onset IV: immediate; duration: within 1 in last moth of pregnancy when herpes genitalis. infusion bottle. Use constant
atony. hr after infusion stopped. labor fails to develop infusion pump to control the
IM: 3-5 min; duration:2-3hrs; t1/2; 1- spontaneously within 12 hr. Special concern: rate of infusion accurately.
Treatment of incomplete or 6min. Plasma clearance occurs mainly 4.) To hasten uterine involution 3.) Oxytocin is rapidly broken
inevitable abortion. Infuse 10u of by the kidney and liver; only small down by sodium bisulfate.
5.) To complete inevitable abortion Oxytocin is indicated for the medical rather
Have Mg sulfate immediately
oxytocin with 500ml amounts excreted unchanged in the after the 20th week of pregnancy than elective induction of labor. Data and
physiological saline solution or urine. information are not available to define the available to relax the uterus in
D5W in physiological saline benefit-to-risk consideration for using oxytoxin case of tetanic uterine
Postpartum: produces uterine contractions
infused at a rate of 10-20 for elective induction. contractions.
during the third stage of labor and to control
milliunits ( 20-40 drops/min). do postpartum bleeding or hemorrhage. 4.) Have the provider immediately
not exceed 30 u in a 12 hr due to available during
the risk of water intoxication. administration.
- IM
Control of postpartum bleeding,
give 10u after delivery of the
Rx: Methergine
Methylerogonovine Maleate
Dosage and route Classifications and Action Indications Contraindication Nursing consideration
-IM; IV (Emergencies only) 1.) Management anf prevention of Pregnancy, toxemia, hypertension 1.) Store tablets below 25ºC(77ºF) in
0.2 mg q 2-4 hr following Classifications: postpartum and postabortal hemorrhage Ergot hypersensitivity. To induce tight, light-resistant containers.
delivery of placenta, of the Oxytoxic drug by producing firm uterine contractions labor or threatened spontaneous
anterior shoulder, or during the and decreasing uterine bleeding. abortions. Administration before 2.) Administer slowly over 1 min;
puerperium. Action: delivery of the placenta. Use with check V.S for evidence of shock or
Synthetic drug related to ergonovine. 2.) During the second stages of labor CYP3A4 Inhibitors (e.g. protease hypertension after IV administration.
-tablets Acts directly on the uterine smooth following delivery of the anterior shoulder, inhibitors, macrolide antibiotics,
0.2 mg 3-4 times per muscle to stimulate the rate, tone, but only under full obstetric supervision. azole antifungal drugs). 3.) Give only if solution is clear and
day in the puerperium and amplitude of uterine contractions. Investigational: Ergonovine has been colorless; discard ampules if discolored
It induces a rapid, sustained tetanic used to diagnose Prinzmetal's angina Special precaution:
uterotonic effect that shortens the (variant angina). Use with the caution in sepsis, 4.) Store ampule from 2-8ºC(36-46ºF)
third stages of labor and reduces obliterative vascular didease, protect from light.
blood loss. The uterus becomes more impaired renal or hepatic function,
sensitive to the drug towars the end during the second stage of labor, and
of pregnancy. Decreases the during lactation. Don't routinely use
boiavialability after Po use probably IV due to possible induction of
due to first-pass metabolism in the sudden hypertension and CVA.
liver. Onset (uterine contraction), Po:
5-10 min; IM 2-5 min; IV immediate
t 1/2, IV 2-3 min (initial) and 20-30
min (final) duration, Po,IM; 3hr, IV:
45 min. t 1/2 elimination : 3.4 hr
Rx: carbazochrome Na
Sulfonate 1mg
Vitamin k 10 mg
Vitamin k
Dosage and route Classifications and Action Indications Contraindication Nursing consideration
- 1 tablet daily Prevention of hemorrhage before and after Patient’s with a tendency to thrombophlebitis 1.) Explain to patient family the
It is recommended that 2 tablet Classifications: minor operation; purpuras, epistaxis, or phlepothrombosis. the indications for therapy and expected
daily be given for 1 week before gingival bleeding, hemoptysis, GIT result.
Hemostatic drug
and 1 week after operation. 2 bleeding, uterine bleeding and hemorrhage Special concerns:
tablet may be given 3-5 days due to hypoprothrombinemia. -G6PD deficiency 2.) stress the need for periodic lab test
before and 3-5 days after tooth Action: -Pregnancy to monitor coagulation levels
extraction and operation. Cardiovascular and hematopoietic
system. 3.) teach patient necessary foods high in
IM: Vitamin K to be included in diet
The recommended route of 4.) caution patient not to use OTC meds
administration is intramuscular, or take other supplements unless
being given at birth, and that this directed by physician.
should be as a single IM
injection: 5.) instruct patient to report symptoms of