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Drug Study Drug Mechanism of Action/side Effects Indication/ Contraindication Nursing Responsibilities Brand Name

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Drug Mechanism of action/Side effects Indication/ Nursing responsibilities

Brand name: Adverse Effects •Verify any medication order and make
Marcaine Indications sure it's complete.
 Visible bruising  Orthopedic surgery on the •Check the patient's medical record for
Generic name:  Dizziness pelvis, hip, femur, knee, tibia, an allergy or contraindication to the
Bupivacaine  Nausea and ankle, including arthroplasty prescribed medication.
 Lowering of the mother's blood and joint replacement. •Prepare medications for one patient at
Classification: pressure. The use of epidural  Vascular surgery on the legs. a time.
Epidural medications fall anesthesia increases the risk of  Endovascular aortic aneurysm •Educate patients about their
into a class of drugs vacuum- or forceps-assisted repair. medications.
called local anesthetics, vaginal delivery.  Hernia (inguinal or epigastric) •Make sur the patient has already
such as bupivacaine,  severe headache after delivery,  Hemorrhoidectomy. taken his/her medication.
chloropropane, or  difficulty urinating or walking  Nephrectomy and cystectomy in •Observe for possible side effects.
lidocaine. after delivery, combination with general
 and fever. anesthesia.
 A rare side effect is seizure.
Injected into the Contraindications
epidural space around
the spinal cord.
 Patient refusal
 Infection at the site of injection
Each 2-mL ampule  Uncorrected hypovolemia
contains 15 mg  Allergy
bupivacaine HCL with  Increased intracranial pressure
165 mg dextrose

1 shot as needed or
prescribed by OB

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