Senr6563 03 01 All
Senr6563 03 01 All
Senr6563 03 01 All
March 2004
Systems Operation
Testing and Adjusting
3500B Engines
2BM1-Up (Engine)
3DM1-Up (Engine)
4GM1-Up (Engine)
7HM1-Up (Engine)
7SM1-Up (Engine)
8EM1-Up (Engine)
8RM1-Up (Engine)
4TN1-Up (Engine)
6HN1-Up (Engine)
6PN1-Up (Engine)
6WN1-Up (Engine)
7RN1-Up (Engine)
8CN1-Up (Engine)
8KN1-Up (Engine)
9AN1-Up (Engine)
1NW1-Up (Engine)
1PW1-Up (Engine)
1TW1-Up (Engine)
2FW1-Up (Engine)
2GW1-Up (Engine)
2HW1-Up (Engine)
3CW1-Up (Engine)
3DW1-Up (Engine)
4AW1-Up (Engine)
Basic Engine
Connecting Rod Bearings ..................................... 62
Main Bearings ....................................................... 62
Cylinder Block ....................................................... 62
Cylinder Head ....................................................... 62
Cylinder Liner Projection ....................................... 63
Flywheel - Inspect ................................................. 64
Flywheel Housing - Inspect ................................... 65
Vibration Damper .................................................. 67
Electrical System
Belt Tension Chart ................................................ 70
Test Tools for the Electrical System ...................... 71
Battery .................................................................. 73
Charging System .................................................. 73
Alternator Regulator .............................................. 73
Electric Starting System ........................................ 74
Pinion Clearance Adjustment ............................... 74
Index Section
Index ..................................................................... 76
Systems Operation Section
Systems Operation Section When the crankshaft is viewed from the flywheel
end, the crankshaft rotates in the following
direction. ....................................... Counterclockwise
S/N: 4GM1-Up Note: The front end of the engine is opposite the
flywheel end of the engine. The left side and the right
S/N: 7SM1-Up
side of the engine are determined from the flywheel
S/N: 6PN1-Up end. The number 1 cylinder is the front cylinder on
the right side. The number 2 cylinder is the front
S/N: 1TW1-Up cylinder on the left side.
S/N: 2HW1-Up
S/N: 3DW1-Up
Engine Design
SMCS Code: 1000
S/N: 7HM1-Up
S/N: 8EM1-Up
S/N: 8RM1-Up
S/N: 4TN1-Up
S/N: 6WN1-Up
S/N: 1PW1-Up
S/N: 2GW1-Up
Illustration 1
Cylinder and valve location S/N: 4AW1-Up
(A) Inlet valve
(B) Exhaust valve
Standard rotation
CCW ...................... 1, 12, 9, 4, 5, 8, 11, 2, 3, 10, 7, 6
Reverse rotation
CW ......................... 1, 4, 9, 8, 5, 2, 11, 10, 3, 6, 7, 12
Valve lash
Unfiltered engine oil pressure Direct Current (DC) Direct current is the type of
current that flows consistently in only one direction.
Crankcase pressure
Duty Cycle See Pulse Width Modulation.
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor This sensor
measures barometric pressure. The sensor sends Electronic Control Module (ECM) The ECM is
the signal to the ECM for use in engine control and the engines control computer. The ECM drives the
in operation. electronic unit injectors. The ECM monitors data that
is input from the engines sensors. The ECM acts as
Before Top Center (BTC) The BTC position is a governor in order to control engine rpm.
the amount of crankshaft rotation before the piston
reaches the Top Center in the normal direction of Electronic Engine Control The electronic
rotation. engine control is a complete electronic system.
The electronic engine control monitors the engine
Calibration Calibration is an electronic adjustment operation under all conditions. The electronic engine
of a sensor signal. control also controls the engine operation under all
CAT Data Link The data link is an electrical
connection for communication with other onboard Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) The Cat
microprocessor based devices that use the data ET is a Caterpillar electronic service tool that is
link. These devices include electronic transmissions, used for diagnosing and programming a variety of
electronic dashboards and maintenance systems. electronic controls.
The data link is also the medium for communication
that is used for programming and troubleshooting Electronic Unit Injector (EUI) The EUI is a
with the electronic service tool. mechanically actuated, electronically controlled unit
injector. The EUI combines the pumping, electronic
CAT Data Link Flash The CAT data link flash fuel metering, and injecting elements into a single
provides the capability to flash the software for the unit.
engine control with the CAT Data Link.
Engine Speed/timing Sensor This sensor
Communication Adapter Tool This tool provides provides a signal to the ECM. The ECM interprets
a communication link between the ECM and the this signal as the crankshaft position and the engine
Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). speed.
Coolant Temperature Sensor This sensor Exhaust Temperature Sensor These sensors
measures the temperature of the jacket water measure the exhaust temperature to the
coolant. The sensor sends the signal to the ECM. The turbochargers. The sensor sends a signal to the
engines coolant temperature is used to determine ECM. The exhaust temperature is used in order to
cold mode operation. Coolant temperature is used to derate the engine. This is done in order to prevent
provide engine protection. further engine damage if a unacceptable temperature
is reached.
Crankcase Pressure Sensor This sensor
measures the crankcase pressure. The sensor sends Filtered Engine Oil Pressure Sensor This sensor
the signal to the ECM. The information is used to measures the engines oil pressure out of the filters.
warn the operator of high crankcase pressure. The sensor sends the signal to the ECM.
Desired RPM The desired RPM is input to the Flash This is a method of transferring software
electronic governor within the ECM. The electronic over the data link with an electronic service tool.
governor uses the input from the throttle in order to
determine the desired RPM. Fuel Filter Restriction Switch The switch detects
a restriction in the fuel filter. The switch sends a signal
Diagnostic Code A diagnostic code is an to the ECM if an unacceptable restriction is reached.
indication of a problem in the electronic control
system. Fuel Ratio Control (FRC) The FRC is a limit
that is based on the control of the fuel to air ratio.
Digital Sensors Digital sensors produce a Pulse When the ECM senses a higher turbocharger outlet
Width Modulation or a Duty Cycle signal. The digital pressure, the ECM increases the limit for the FRC in
sensors that are used are the Exhaust Temperature order to allow more fuel into the cylinders.
Sensor and the Engine Speed/Timing Sensor. The
exhaust temperature sensor is powered from a 8.0
0.5 VDC supply. The engine speed/timing sensor is
powered from a 12.5 1.0 VDC supply.
Systems Operation Section
Open Circuit An open circuit is a broken electrical Sensor A sensor is used to detect a change in
connection. The signal or the supply voltage cannot the pressure, in the temperature, or in mechanical
reach the intended destination. movement. When any of these changes are detected,
a sensor converts the change into an electrical signal.
Parameter A parameter is a programmable value
which affects the characteristics or the behavior of Serv Code Indicator This indicator is used
the engine and/or machine. to warn the operator of the presence of active
Password A password is a group of numeric
characters or alphanumeric characters. A password Short Circuit A short circuit is an electrical circuit
is designed to restrict the changing of information that is mistakenly connected to an undesirable point.
in the ECM. For example, an electrical contact is made with the
frame whenever an exposed wire rubs against a
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) A PWM is a machines frame.
digital type of electronic signal that corresponds to a
measured variable. The length of the pulse (signal) Signal A signal is a voltage or a wave that is used
is controlled by the measured variable. The variable to transmit information that is typically from a sensor
is quantified by a certain ratio. This ratio is the to the ECM.
percent of on-time that is divided by the percent of
off-time. A PWM signal is generated by the exhaust Static Timing Static timing is the basis for fuel
temperature sensor. injection timing and valve mechanism operation.
Static timing is determined by the Timing Reference
Ring and the alignment of the rear gear group and
the camshaft timing pin.
T Harness This harness is a test harness that The electronic control system is integrally designed
is designed to permit normal circuit operation and into the engine fuel system in order to electronically
the measurement of the voltage simultaneously. control the fuel delivery and the injection timing.
Typically, the harness is inserted between the two The ECM provides increased control of timing in
ends of a connector. comparison to the conventional mechanical engine.
Injection timing is achieved by precise control of the
Throttle Position The throttle position is the injector firing time. The engine speed is controlled by
interpretation of the signal from the Throttle Position adjusting the firing duration. The ECM energizes the
Sensor. The interpretation is made by the ECM. fuel injector solenoids in order to start injection of fuel.
The ECM de-energizes the fuel injector solenoids
Throttle Position Sensor This sensor is an in order to complete the injection of fuel. Refer to
electronic digital sensor that is used to adjust the System Operations, Fuel System Operation for a
desired engine speed. The throttle position sensor complete explanation of the fuel injection process.
sends a signal to the ECM.
Temperature sensors
Pressure sensors
Electronic control module (ECM)
Wiring harness
Engine speed/timing sensor
Personality module (software)
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 6
This engine was designed for electronic control. The Electronic Controls
injection pump, the fuel lines and the nozzles that
are used in mechanical engines have been replaced The electronic system consists of the following
with an electronic unit injector in each cylinder. A components: the ECM, the mechanically actuated
solenoid on each injector controls the amount of electronically controlled unit injectors (MEUI), the
fuel that is delivered by the injector. The Electronic wiring harness, the switches, and the sensors. The
Control Module (ECM) sends a signal to each injector ECM is the computer. The personality module is the
solenoid in order to provide complete control over the software for the computer. The personality module
operation of the fuel injection system. contains the operating maps. The operating maps
define the following characteristics of the engine:
Torque curves
Systems Operation Section
Electronic Control Module The personality module has all of the software and
instructions for the ECM. Updating the personality
(ECM) module to a different version may cause some
changes. Some of the characteristics of the engine
SMCS Code: 1901 operation may behave differently.
The electronic control module (ECM) is the computer A control map defines the fuel rate, the timing,
which controls the engine. The personality module and other similar values. These values are
is the software which controls the behavior of the defined for various operating conditions in order to
computer (ECM). The ECM and the personality achieve the optimum engine performance and fuel
module must work together. consumption. These values are programmed into
the personality module at the factory.
Output circuits provide the high currents that are The 100 hour free configuration on engine
necessary to energize the injector solenoids, the start-up provides the ability to easily tailor the
lamps, and the relay. programmable set points to the requirements of the
installation. The exceptions include the fuel limit, the
Power circuits provide high voltage for the injector personality module mismatch, the Electronic Control
solenoids and clean stable electrical power for the Module (ECM) hour adjustment, and the total fuel
internal circuits and the external sensors. consumption number.
i01938755 i01939209
i01970428 i01972221
When the engine is shipped from the factory, The adjustment for the hour increment provides a
an estimate of the engines fuel consumption is method of adjusting the hour meter of the Electronic
programmed into the Electronic Control Module Control Module (ECM). The adjustment is made with
(ECM). The fuel consumption estimate is based the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). The tool
upon the engines performance specifications. The increments the number of hours that are recorded
actual fuel consumption can be determined with a in the ECM.
precision fuel flow meter. Customers are likely to
find a slight difference between the programmed The adjustment for the hour increment will allow a
fuel consumption and the actual fuel consumption. new replacement ECM to be programmed in order
The customer can use the Caterpillar Electronic to display the correct number of operating hours for
Technician (ET) to program the ECM for the actual that particular engine. The adjustment only allows
fuel consumption. No password is required in order incremental changes. A password is required in order
to change this configuration parameter. to make the change.
Illustration 8
Fuel system schematic (typical example)
The fuel flows from the fuel transfer pump through i01259311
the cored passages of the Electronic Control Module
(ECM). This cools the module. The fuel flows then Fuel Injector Mechanism
through a fuel filter before entering the fuel supply
manifold. A fuel priming pump is located on the fuel SMCS Code: 1102; 1290
filter base in order to fill the system. The system will
be refilled after the filter changes. The system will
also be refilled after draining the fuel supply and
return manifolds, when the fuel injectors are replaced.
i01972236 During the fuel injection stroke, the fuel passes from
the pumping chamber into the fuel injector nozzle.
Fuel Injector The nozzle has a spring loaded needle valve (6). Fuel
flows through the fuel passage around the needle
SMCS Code: 1290 valve to the valve chamber (7). In the valve chamber,
the fuel pressure lifts the needle valve away from the
seat. The fuel can now flow through the orifices in the
tip into the combustion chamber.
SMCS Code: 1063
Illustration 12
Valve system components
(1) Rocker arm
(2) Bridge
(3) Rotocoil
(4) Valve spring
(5) Pushrod
(6) Lifter
As each camshaft turns, the lobes on the camshaft Illustration 13
cause lifters (6) to move up and down. This Valve system components
movement causes pushrods (5) to move rocker arms (1) Rocker arm
(1). The movement of the rocker arms cause bridges (2) Bridge
(2) to move downward on the dowels in the cylinder (3) Rotocoil
(4) Valve spring
head. The bridges open two valves simultaneously. (5) Pushrod
The valves can be either inlet valves or exhaust (6) Lifter
valves. There are two inlet valves and two exhaust
valves for each cylinder. As each camshaft turns, the lobes on the camshaft
cause lifters (6) to move up and down. This
Valve springs (4) cause the valves to close when the movement causes pushrods (5) to move rocker arms
lifters move downward. (1). The movement of the rocker arms cause bridges
(2) to move downward. The bridges open two valves
Rotocoils (3) cause the valves to turn while the simultaneously. The valves can be either inlet valves
engine is running. The rotation of the valves keeps or exhaust valves. There are two inlet valves and two
the carbon deposits on the valves to a minimum exhaust valves for each cylinder.
which gives the valves a longer service life.
Valve springs (4) cause the valves to close when the
Type 2 lifters move downward.
The valve system components control the flow of the Rotocoils (3) cause the valves to turn while the
inlet air and the exhaust gases into the cylinders and engine is running. The rotation of the valves keeps
out of the cylinders during engine operation. the carbon deposits on the valves to a minimum
which gives the valves a longer service life.
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 16
Turbocharger (typical example)
(1) Turbocharger
(2) Oil drain line
(3) Oil supply line
Lubrication System
Illustration 17
Turbocharger (typical example)
(4) Compressor wheel
(5) Bearing
(6) Oil inlet port
(7) Turbine wheel
(8) Bearing
(9) Oil outlet port
Illustration 18
Main oil pump and lubrication system schematic (typical example)
(1) Main oil gallery (7) Sequence valve (13) Engine oil relief valve
(2) Camshaft oil gallery (8) Sequence valve (14) Engine oil pump
(3) Piston cooling jet gallery (9) Elbow (15) Elbow
(4) Piston cooling jet gallery (10) Engine oil filter bypass valve (16) Suction bell
(5) Camshaft oil gallery (11) Engine oil cooler (17) Engine oil filter housing
(6) Turbocharger oil supply (12) Engine oil cooler bypass valve
This system uses an engine oil pump (14) with three There is an engine oil relief valve (13) in the engine
pump gears. The pump gears are driven by the front oil pump. The engine oil relief valve controls the
gear train. Oil is pulled from the pan through suction pressure of the engine oil from the engine oil pump.
bell (16) and through elbow (15) by the engine oil The engine oil pump can put too much engine oil
pump. The suction bell has a screen in order to clean into the system. When there is too much engine oil,
the engine oil. the engine oil pressure goes up and the relief valve
opens. This allows the engine oil that is not needed
to go back to the inlet oil passage of the engine oil
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 21
Rear mounted turbochargers (typical example)
(19) Oil supply line
(20) Oil drain line
Cooling System
Illustration 22
(1) Jacket water pump (5) Cylinder head (9) Tube
(2) Tube (6) Water manifold (10) Bypass tube
(3) Engine oil cooler (7) Aftercooler (11) Radiator or heat exchanger
(4) Block (8) Water temperature regulator housing
Coolant flows to the jacket water pump (1) through an The coolant flows upward through the water jackets.
elbow that connects to the radiator or heat exchanger The coolant flows around the cylinder liners from the
(11). Part of the coolant is sent to the aftercooler bottom to the top. Near the top of the cylinder liners,
while most of the coolant is sent through the engine the water jacket is made smaller. This is the area
oil cooler (3). that has the hottest temperature. This shelf (smaller
area) causes the coolant to flow faster for better liner
Note: There is one opening on the pump outlet so cooling. Coolant from the top of the liners flows into
that a remote pump can be connected to the system. the cylinder head which sends the coolant around
The remote pump can be used if there is a failure of the parts that have the hottest temperature. Coolant
the pump on the engine. flows to the top of the cylinder head (one at each
cylinder). The coolant flows out of the cylinder head
The coolant that is sent to the aftercooler goes through an elbow into a water manifold (6). Coolant
through the aftercooler core. The coolant then travels then flows through the manifold to the temperature
through an elbow. The coolant goes into a passage in regulator housing (thermostat).
the block. The passage is near the center of the vee
at the rear of the block. The coolant flows through
the oil cooler into the water jacket of the block at the
right rear cylinder. The cooler coolant mixes with the
hotter coolant. The mixture goes to both sides of the
block through distribution manifolds. The distribution
manifolds are connected to the water jacket of all the
cylinders. The main distribution manifold is located
just above the main bearing oil gallery.
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 23
(1) Cylinder block (6) Jacket water coolant
(2) Water cooled turbocharger (if equipped) (7) Aftercooler
(3) Engine oil cooler (8) Thermostatic valve
(4) Water temperature regulator housing (9) Separate circuit water pump
(5) Jacket water pump (10) Separate circuit coolant
Coolant flows to jacket water pump (5) through an The coolant flows upward through the cylinder water
elbow. The elbow connects to jacket water coolant jacket. The coolant flows around the cylinder liners
(6). The coolant flow is sent through engine oil cooler from the bottom to the top. Near the top of the
(3). cylinder liners, the water jacket is made smaller.
This is the area that has the hottest temperature.
The coolant flows through engine oil cooler (3). The This shelf (smaller area) causes the coolant to flow
coolant then flows into the water jacket of cylinder faster for better liner cooling. Coolant from the top of
block (1) at the right rear cylinder. The coolant flows the liners flows into the cylinder head which sends
to both sides of the block through the distribution the coolant around the parts that have the hottest
manifolds. The distribution manifolds are connected temperature. Coolant flows to the top of the cylinder
to the water jacket of all the cylinders. The main head (one at each cylinder). The coolant flows out
distribution manifold is located just above the main of the cylinder head through an elbow into a water
bearing oil gallery. manifold. Coolant then flows through the manifold
to regulator housing (4).
Systems Operation Section
Regulator housing (4) has an upper flow section and The engine has a separate cylinder head for each
a lower flow section. The regulator housing uses four cylinder. Two inlet valves and two exhaust valves,
temperature regulators. The sensing bulbs of the four which are controlled by a pushrod valve system,
temperature regulators are in the coolant in the lower are used for each cylinder. Valve guides without
section of the housing. Before the regulators open, shoulders are pressed into the cylinder heads. The
cold coolant is sent through the bypass line back to opening for the unit injector is located between the
the inlet of water pump (5). The coolant flow in the four valves. A third lobe on the camshaft moves
bypass line is restricted when the temperature of the the pushrod that operates the unit injector. Fuel is
coolant increases enough to make the regulators injected directly into the cylinder.
open. Some of the coolant is sent through the outlets
to jacket water coolant (6). There is an aluminum spacer plate between each
cylinder head and the cylinder block. Coolant goes
Coolant flows to separate circuit water pump (9) out of the cylinder block through the spacer plate and
through an elbow that connects to separate circuit into the cylinder head through eight openings in each
coolant (10). The coolant flow is sent through cylinder head face. Water seals are used in each
aftercooler (7). opening to prevent coolant leakage. Gaskets seal the
engine oil drain line between the cylinder head, the
Coolant flows through aftercooler (7) and back to spacer plate, and the cylinder block.
thermostatic valve (8). Before thermostatic valve (8)
opens, cold coolant is sent back to separate circuit
water pump (9). The coolant flow in the bypass line
is restricted when the temperature of the coolant
increases enough to make the thermostatic valve
open. Some of the coolant is sent through the outlet
to the separate circuit coolant (10).
Basic Engine
i02015655 i01971192
SMCS Code: 1202
SMCS Code: 1210
Illustration 26
Air starting system (typical example)
(1) Relay valve (3) Starting motor solenoid (5) Air starting motor
(2) Hose (4) Hose
The control air pressure pushes the piston. The
Illustration 27 piston compresses piston spring (12) and the piston
Air starting motor moves the drive shaft for pinion (9) outward in order
(6) Air inlet to engage the pinion with the flywheel ring gear. The
(7) Vanes starting motor does not crank the engine yet.
(8) Rotor
(9) Pinion
(10) Reduction gears After the pinion is engaged with the flywheel ring
(11) Piston gear, a port in the starting motor is opened in order to
(12) Piston spring allow the control air pressure to flow through hose (4)
to the top of relay valve (1). The relay valve opens in
order to allow the main supply of pressurized air to
flow through the starting motors air inlet (6).
Systems Operation Section
The pressurized air causes vanes (7) and rotor (8) to i01236345
rotate. The rotor uses reduction gears (10) to rotate
the drive shaft for the pinion and the pinion rotates Grounding Practices
the flywheel in order to crank the engine.
SMCS Code: 1400
When the engine starts to run, the flywheel will begin
to rotate faster than the pinion. The design of the Proper grounding for the machine systems and the
drive shaft for the pinion allows the pinion to move engine electrical systems is necessary for machine
away from the flywheel. This prevents damage to the performance and reliability. Improper grounding will
air starting motor, to the pinion, and to the flywheel cause the electrical circuits to be uncontrolled. The
ring gear. paths will be unreliable.
When the engine control senses the crank terminate Uncontrolled engine electrical circuit paths can result
speed, starting motor solenoid (3) is de-energized. in damage to main bearings, crankshaft bearing
The solenoid closes the attached valve and the journal surfaces, and aluminum components.
control air pressure is removed from piston (11).
Piston spring (12) retracts the piston, the drive shaft, Uncontrolled electrical circuit paths can cause
and pinion (9). electrical noise. This noise may degrade the machine
performance and the radio performance.
The retraction of piston (11) closes the passage for
the control air pressure to relay valve (1). The relay A direct path to the battery must be used in order
valve closes in order to shut off the main supply of to ensure the proper functioning of the machine
pressurized air to the starting motor. systems, the engine electrical systems, and the
engine-to-frame ground strap.
Never operate the alternator without the battery in the
circuit. Making or breaking an alternator connection
with heavy load on the circuit can cause damage to
the regulator.
Illustration 29
Typical Solenoid Schematic
When the start switch is opened, current no longer The starting motor has a solenoid. When the start
flows through the windings. The spring pushes the switch is activated, electricity will flow through the
plunger back to the original position. The spring windings of the solenoid. The solenoid core will
simultaneously moves the pinion gear away from the move in order to push the starter motor pinion with
flywheel. a mechanical linkage. This will engage with the
ring gear on the flywheel of the engine. The starter
When two sets of windings in the solenoid are used, motor pinion will engage with the ring gear before
the windings are called the hold-in winding and the the electric contacts in the solenoid close the circuit
pull-in winding. Both of the winding have the same between the battery and the starting motor. When
number of turns around the cylinder. However, the the circuit between the battery and the starting motor
pull-in winding uses a wire with a larger diameter in is complete, the pinion will turn the engine flywheel.
order to produce a greater magnetic field. When the A clutch gives protection to the starting motor. The
start switch is closed, part of the current flows from engine can not turn the starting motor too fast. When
the battery through the hold-in windings. The rest the start switch is released, the starter motor pinion
of the current flows through the pull-in windings to will move away from the flywheel ring gear.
the motor terminal. The current then goes through
the motor to the ground. When the solenoid is fully Starting Motor Protection
activated, current is shut off through the pull-in
windings. Only the smaller hold-in windings are in
The starting motor is protected from damage in two
operation for the extended period of time. This period ways:
of time is the amount of time that is needed for
the engine to start. The solenoid will now take less
current from the battery. The heat that is made by the The starting motor is protected from engagement
with the engine when the starting motor is running.
solenoid will be kept at an acceptable level.
The control feature will not allow the starting motor
to engage if the speed is above 0 rpm.
Starting Motor
The starting motor is protected from continued
The starting motor is used to turn the engine flywheel operation by holding the key in the start position
in order to get the engine running. after the engine starts. This is accomplished by
disengaging the starting motor solenoid after
engine speed reaches 300 rpm.
Illustration 30
Cross Section Of The Starting Motor (Typical Example)
(1) Field. (2) Solenoid. (3) Clutch. (4) Pinion. (5) Commutator. (6)
Brush assembly. (7) Armature.
Illustration 31
Schematic of engine speed sensor
(1) Magnetic lines of force
(2) Wire coils
(3) Gap
(4) Pole piece
(5) Flywheel ring gear
Systems Operation Section
Circuit Breaker
SMCS Code: 1420
Find and correct the problem that causes the circuit
breaker to open. This will help prevent damage to the
circuit components from too much current.
Testing and Adjusting Section
The engines Fuel Ratio Control has been optimized to
Checking Engine Cylinders
provide excellent performance and black smoke con-
trol without any need for adjustment. There should be SMCS Code: 1290-535
no need to use the "Fuel Ratio Control Offset" except
When the engine is under load, the temperature of
for special circumstances. Use of the "Fuel Ratio Con-
trol Offset" parameter WILL NOT affect overall power an exhaust manifold port can be an indication of the
condition of a fuel injector. Low temperature at an
output of the engine. The parameter SHOULD NOT
exhaust manifold port is an indication of no fuel to
be used to mask possible engine performance prob-
lems which may exist. the cylinder. This can possibly be an indication of an
injector with a defect. An extra high temperature at
an exhaust manifold port can be an indication of too
Table 1 much fuel to the cylinder. High temperatures may
FRC Offset Values Influence On Black Exhaust also be caused by an injector with a defect.
Smoke And Engine Response
Refer to Testing And Adjusting, Measuring Exhaust
FRC Black Exhaust Temperature for the procedure to check the exhaust
Engine Response
Value Smoke manifold port temperatures.
-25 Slower Less Smoke
0 Acceptable Clean i01938998
A problem with the components that send fuel to Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) 1
the engine can cause low fuel pressure. This can 171-4400 Communication Adapter Gp 1
decrease engine performance.
1. Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. Look at the The condition of individual cylinders may be checked
cap for the fuel tank. Make sure that the vent is electronically. The cylinders may be checked by
not filled with debris. cutting out the cylinders with Cat ET. A weak cylinder
or a dead cylinder may be found in this manner.
2. Check the fuel lines for fuel leakage. Be sure that
none of the fuel lines have a restriction or a faulty 1. Connect the Cat ET and the communication
bend. adapter to the data link connector in the cab.
3. Install new main fuel filters. Clean the primary fuel 2. Start the engine and set engine speed to low idle
filter. (throttle position 1).
4. Inspect the fuel pressure relief valve in the 3. Select the Diagnostic Tests screen from the main
fuel transfer pump. Make sure that there is no menu and then select 1-Cylinder Cutout.
4. Observe the Injection Duration that is displayed
on the Cat ET screen. The injection duration
represents the amount of time for energizing the
injector cartridge valve. The injection duration
also represents the amount of fuel that is being
injected at that engine speed.
Testing and Adjusting Section
5. Use the arrow keys in order to highlight each This tool group has an indicator that is used to read
cylinder. Then press return. The display should the pressure in the fuel manifolds. The Special
read CUTOUT next to the cylinder number. Instruction, SEHS8907 is with the tool group.
Observe the duration number with each cylinder
that is cut out. Compare the number to the
duration number in Step 4. When a cylinder is
cut out, the other cylinders must work harder in
order to maintain the current engine speed. The
electronic control module (ECM) automatically
increases the duration of the cylinders that are still
firing in order to maintain engine rpm. If there is an
electrical problem with an injector solenoid or with
wiring, an indication may appear on Cat ET as
OPEN or SHORTED. Refer to the appropriate
Troubleshooting manual.
Fuel Pressure
Illustration 34
SMCS Code: 1250-081
Fuel transfer and filter differential pressures (typical example)
The 1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group can be used (8) Fuel inlet line to priming pump
in order to check the engines fuel pressures. (9) Line from filters to fuel manifolds (filtered fuel)
(10) Plug
(11) Fuel priming pump
(12) Fuel filter differential pressure switch
(13) Fuel line from transfer pump
(14) Fuel priming pump adapter
(15) Fuel filter
When an injector is serviced, the new injectors 1. Remove cover (1) and plug (3) from the right front
trim code must be programmed into the engines side of the flywheel housing.
personality module software. The trim code is
programmed within the calibration menu that is in the
Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). If the new code
is not entered, the previous injectors characteristics
are assumed.
3. Remove the valve cover for the No. 1 cylinder 3. When the timing bolt is installed in the flywheel,
head. look at the rear end of the camshaft. If the timing
ring is visible, then the No. 1 piston is on the
4. The inlet and exhaust valves for the No. 1 cylinder compression stroke. If the timing ring is not visible,
are fully closed if the No. 1 piston is on the feel the back of the camshaft for the groove. If the
compression stroke and the rocker arms can be groove is at the back of the camshaft, the flywheel
moved by hand. If the rocker arms cannot be must be turned by 360 degrees in order to put the
moved and the valves are slightly open, the No. 1 No. 1 piston on the compression stroke.
piston is on the exhaust stroke. Find the cylinders
that need to be checked or adjusted for the stroke
position of the crankshaft after the timing bolt has
been installed in the flywheel. Refer to Testing and
Adjusting, Crankshaft Position for Fuel Injector
Adjustment and Valve Lash Setting.
Illustration 41
Camshaft Drive Gears (LH Side)
(5) Bolt. (8) Timing ring.
Illustration 39
Loosen the Rocker Shafts (Typical Example).
(1) Bolt. (2) Rocker shaft.
Illustration 42
Storage Position For Timing Pins (Typical Example)
(6) Timing pin. (7) Cover.
Table 5
Tools Needed Quantity
13. Remove the timing pins (6) from the camshafts. This adjustment is critical. Ensure that the adjustment
Install the timing pins (6) in the storage positions. of the fuel injector is made properly.
Install the covers (7) over the camshafts and the
timing pins. 1. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, Crankshaft
Position for Fuel Injector Adjustment and Valve
14. Remove the timing bolt from the flywheel housing. Lash Setting. All of the injectors can be checked
Install the 8T-6765 Pipe Plug in the flywheel or adjusted with the two crankshaft positions in
housing timing hole. Remove the engine turning the chart. This will make sure that the pushrod
pinion. Install the cover and the gasket. lifters are off of the lobes and on the base circles
of the camshaft.
15. Be certain that the rocker arms are correctly
engaged with the pushrods. Tighten the bolts in Before a check or an adjustment can be made,
order to hold all of the rocker shafts in position. the tooling must be set to the correct dimension.
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 44
(1) 9U-5137 Magnetic Fixture
(2) 122-0451 Timing Fixture Rod
(3) 122-0449 Rod Sleeve Extension
(4) 9U-5138 Setting Gauge
(5) 6V-3075 Dial Indicator
(6) 8S-3675 Indicator Contact Point
Note: Gauge (4) has two steps. Make sure that the
step designation is for the 64.34 mm (2.53 inch)
Illustration 47
The installed timing and fuel setting tool group
Table 6
Counterclockwise rotation (Standard) from the flywheel end of the engine
Cylinders to Check/Adjust
Correct Stroke For
Engine No. 1 Piston At Top Inlet Valves Exhaust Valves Injectors
Center Position(1)
Compression 1-2-6-8 1-2-3-7 3-4-5-7
Exhaust 3-4-5-7 4-5-6-8 1-2-6-8
Compression 1-3-6-7-10-12 1-4-5-6-9-12 2-4-5-8-9-11
Exhaust 2-4-5-8-9-11 2-3-7-8-10-11 1-3-6-7-10-12
Compression 1-2-5-7-8-12-13-14 1-2-3-4-5-6-8-9 3-4-6-9-10-11-15-16
Exhaust 3-4-6-9-10-11-15-16 7-10-11-12-13-14-15-16 1-2-5-7-8-12-13-14
(1) Put the No. 1 Piston at the top center (TC) position and identify the correct stroke. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, Finding the Top Center
Position for the No 1 Piston. Find the top center position for a particular stroke and make the adjustment for the correct cylinders. Remove
the timing bolt . Turn the flywheel by 360 degrees in the direction of normal engine rotation. This will put the No. 1 piston at the top center
(TC) position on the other stroke. Install the timing bolt in the flywheel and complete the adjustments for the cylinders that remain.
Table 7
Air Inlet and Exhaust A difference in fuel density will change horsepower
(stall speed) and boost. If the fuel is rated above 35
System API, the pressure in the inlet manifold can be less
than the pressure that is given in the TMI. If the
fuel is rated below 35 API, the pressure in the inlet
i02006852 manifold can be more than the pressure that is given
SMCS Code: 1050-040
Note: The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) may
There will be a reduction in the performance of the be used to check the pressure in the inlet manifold.
engine if there is a restriction in the air inlet system
or in the exhaust system.
The air flow through the air cleaner may have a Measuring Exhaust
restriction. The maximum inlet air restriction is
6.2 kPa (25 inch of H2O). Temperature
Back pressure is the difference in the pressure SMCS Code: 1088-082
between the exhaust at the outlet elbow and the
Table 8
atmospheric pressure. The maximum exhaust back
pressure is 6.5 kPa (27 inch of H2O). Tools Needed Qty
4C-6090 Temperature Selector Group 1
6V-9130 Temperature Adapter 1
Measuring Inlet Manifold 237-5130 Digital Multimeter 1
Use the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to
SMCS Code: 1058-082 monitor individual cylinder exhaust temperatures, the
exhaust temperature to the turbocharger, and the
The performance of an engine can be checked. exhaust temperature after the turbocharger.
Determine the boost pressure in the inlet manifold
during a torque converter stall test. Compare this The temperatures can be verified with the 4C-6090
pressure with the specifications that are given in the Temperature Selector Group, with the 6V-9130
Fuel Setting and Related Information in the Technical Temperature Adapter, and with the 237-5130 Digital
Marketing Information (TMI). This test is used when Multimeter. Refer to Operating Manual, NEHS0537
there is an increase in exhaust temperature to the for the complete operating instructions for the
turbocharger on the engine, yet there is no real sign 4C-6090 Temperature Selector Group.
of a problem with the engine.
Pistons or rings that have damage can be the cause Note: The 145-5191 Gauge Support (4), the
of too much pressure in the crankcase. This condition 147-2057 Indicator Contact Point (7), the 147-2058
will cause the engine to run rough. There will be Indicator Extension (8), and the 147-5536 Indicator
more than the normal amount of fumes coming from Contact Point (6) are included in the 147-5482
the crankcase breather. This crankcase pressure can Valve Lash Gauge Group.
also cause the element for the crankcase breather to
have a restriction in a very short time. This crankcase Note: The 147-2056 Dial Indicator or the 147-5537
pressure can also be the cause of any oil leakage at Dial Indicator (Metric, not shown) can be used with
the gaskets and at the seals that would not normally the 147-5482 Valve Lash Gauge Group.
have leakage.
There are two different design of valve bridges that
are used. If the engine is equipped with an adjustable
valve bridge (Illustration 49), proceed to the Valve
Valve Lash and Valve Bridge Bridge Adjustment. If the engine is equipped with a
nonadjustable valve bridge (Illustration 50), proceed
Adjustment to the Valve Lash Adjustment.
Illustration 48
(1) 147-2060 Wrench
(2) 147-2059 Torque Wrench
(3) 148-7211 Bridge Nut Socket
(4) 145-5191 Gauge Support
(5) 147-2056 Dial Indicator g01034327
Illustration 49
(6) 147-5536 Indicator Contact Point
(7) 147-2057 Indicator Contact Point Adjustable valve bridge
(8) 147-2058 Indicator Extension
Table 9
Tools Needed Quantity
147-2060 Wrench 1
147-2059 Torque Wrench 1
148-7211 Bridge Nut Socket 1
145-5191 Gauge Support 1
147-2056 Dial Indicator 1
147-5536 Indicator Contact Point 1
147-2057 Indicator Contact Point 1
147-2058 Indicator Extension 1
147-5537 Dial Indicator (not shown) 1
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 51
145-5191 Gauge Support
(1) Knurled knob
Illustration 50
Nonadjustable valve bridge
1. Assemble the 147-2058 Indicator Extension and
the 147-5536 Indicator Contact Point on the
147-2056 Dial Indicator or on the 147-5537
Dial Indicator.
Illustration 53
(3) 147-5536 Indicator Contact Point
(4) Top edge of the valve bridge
g00286283 Table 10
Illustration 54
(5) Adjustment screw
Valve Lash Setting: Engine Stopped
Valves Gauge Dimension
3. Loosen the locknut for the adjustment screw.
Loosen the adjustment screw (5) by several turns. Inlet 0.50 mm (0.020 inch)
Exhaust 1.00 mm (0.040 inch)
4. Apply a force of 5 N (1 lb) to 45 N (10 lb). Push
down on the top contact surface of the valve
bridge. Zero the indicator. 1. Ensure that the number 1 piston is at the top
center position. Refer to Testing and Adjusting
5. Turn adjustment screw (5) in the clockwise , Finding the Top Center Position for the No. 1
direction until the dial indicator reads 0.038 mm Piston.
(0.0015 inch). This measurement is equal to
turning the adjustment screw 20 to 30 degrees 2. The number 1 piston should be at the top center
clockwise after the screw contacts the end of the position of the correct stroke. Make adjustments
valve. to the valves according to the chart: Refer to
Testing and Adjusting, Crankshaft Positions for
Fuel Injector Adjustment and Valve Lash Setting.
Illustration 55
(6) 148-7211 Bridge Nut Socket
Illustration 57
(3) 147-2060 Wrench
(4) 147-2059 Torque Wrench
Illustration 58
(3) 147-2060 Wrench
(4) 147-2059 Torque Wrench
Worn Components
Excessive clearance at the crankshaft or camshaft
bearings will cause low engine oil pressure. Also,
inspect the clearance between the rocker arm shafts
and the rocker arms. Check the engine components
for excessive clearance.
General Information (Cooling Testing the Cooling System
SMCS Code: 1350-081
SMCS Code: 1350
Visual Inspection Illustration 60
Boiling point of water
g00286267 g00286276
Illustration 61 Illustration 63
4C-6500 Digital Thermometer 9U-7400 Multitach
The 4C-6500 Digital Thermometer is used in the The 9U-7400 Multitach is used to check the fan
diagnosis of overheating conditions or overcooling speed. Refer to the testing procedure in Operator
problems. This group can be used to check Manual, NEHS0605.
temperatures in several different parts of the cooling
system. Refer to the testing procedure in the
Operating Manual, NEHS0554.
Illustration 64
9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump
Illustration 62 The 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump is used to test
8T-2700 Blowby/Air Flow Indicator pressure caps. The 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump is
used to pressure check the cooling system for leaks.
The 8T-2700 Blowby/Air Flow Indicator is used
to check the air flow through the radiator core.
Refer to the testing procedure in Special Instruction,
Steam or hot coolant can cause severe burns.
Table 12
Tools Needed Quantity
9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump 1
Illustration 66
9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump
(3) Release valve
(4) Adapter
(5) Hose
Illustration 65
Typical pressure relief valve system
(1) Pressure relief valve
(2) Stud for filler cap
13. Remove hose (5) from the pressure test location If you suspect that the coolant temperature sensor is
on the radiator. inaccurate, perform the following procedure:
14. Install the plug in the pressure test location. Note: Ensure that the coolant level is at the correct
level before performing this test.
i02005947 1. Remove plug (1).
Coolant Temperature Sensor - 2. Install the 4C-6500 Digital Thermometer or the
Test 2F-7112 Thermometer. Also install the 6B-5072
Terminal Bushing.
SMCS Code: 7453-081
3. Connect the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET)
to the service tool connector. Start Cat ET.
Personal injury can result from escaping fluid un- 4. Start and run the engine until the temperature
der pressure. reaches the desired range according to the test
If a pressure indication is shown on the indicator,
push the release valve in order to relieve pressure 5. Monitor the coolant temperature on Cat ET.
before removing any hose from the radiator. Monitor the coolant temperature on the test
Table 13 6. Compare the coolant temperature on Cat ET to
Tools Needed Quantity the coolant temperature on the test thermometer.
If the two measurements are approximately equal,
4C-6500 Digital Thermometer 1 the sensor is okay. If the two measurements are
or not approximately equal, there may be a problem
with the sensor. Install a new sensor and verify
2F-7112 Thermometer 1 that the problem is resolved.
6B-5072 Terminal Bushing 1
Testing and Adjusting Section
Basic Engine
g00285313 g00285687
Illustration 70 Illustration 71
5P-3536 Valve Guide Gauge Group Measuring the cylinder liner projection
(1) 3H-0465 Push-Puller Plate
Bridge Dowels (2)
1P-2403 Dial Indicator
1P-2402 Gauge Body
(4) 0S-1575 Bolt and 3B-1925 Copper Washer
Use a 5P-0944 Dowel Puller Group and a 5P-0942 (5) Spacer plate
Dowel Extractor. Remove the bridge dowels. Install a (6) 1U-9895 Crossblock
new bridge dowel with a 6V-4009 Dowel Driver. This
dowel driver installs the bridge dowel to the correct 2. Install a new gasket and spacer plate (5) on the
height. cylinder block.
Table 14
a. Install four 3B-1925 Copper Washers and four
0S-1575 Bolts(4) around the spacer plate (5).
Tools Needed Quantity Tighten the bolts evenly to a torque of 95 Nm
1U-9895 Crossblock 1 (70 lb ft).
1. Make sure that the top surface of the cylinder c. Check the distance from the bottom edge of
block, the cylinder liner bores, the cylinder liner 1U-9895 Crossblock (6) to the top edge of
flanges, and the spacer plates are clean and dry. spacer plate (5). The vertical distance from
both ends of the 1U-9895 Crossblock must
be equal.
6. Mount 1P-2403 Dial Indicator (2) in 1P-2402 Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) Of
Gauge Body (3). Use the back of the 1P-5507
Gauge Block to zero dial indicator (2).
The Flywheel
7. The cylinder liner projection must be
0.059 to 0.199 mm (0.0023 to 0.0078 inch). Read
the measurement on the outer flange of the
cylinder liner at four equally distant positions. Do
not read the measurement on the inner flange.
The maximum allowable difference between the
high measurements and the low measurements
at four positions around each cylinder liner is
0.05 mm (0.002 inch). The maximum allowable
difference between the four measurements must
not exceed 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) on the same
cylinder liner.
Illustration 74
Flywheel clutch pilot bearing bore
Illustration 73
Checking bore runout of the flywheel
(1) 7H-1945 Holding Rod Flywheel Housing - Inspect
(2) 7H-1645 Holding Rod
(3) 7H-1942 Dial Indicator SMCS Code: 1157-040
(4) 7H-1940 Universal Attachment
Table 16
1. Install the 7H-1942 Dial Indicator (3). Make an
adjustment of the 7H-1940 Universal Attachment Tools Needed Quantity
(4) so that the dial indicator makes contact on 8T-5096 Dial Indicator Group 1
the flywheel.
2. Set the dial indicator to read 0.0 mm (0.00 inch). Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) Of
3. Turn the flywheel at intervals of 90 degrees and
The Flywheel Housing
read the dial indicator.
Illustration 75
Checking face runout of the flywheel housing
Illustration 78
3. Turn the flywheel while the dial indicator is set at Note: Write the measurements for the dial indicator
0.0 mm (0.00 inch) at location (A). Read the dial with the correct notations. This notation is necessary
indicator at locations (B), (C) and (D). for making the calculations in the chart correctly.
4. The difference between the lower measurements 3. Divide the measurement from Step 2 by two. Write
and the higher measurements that are performed this number on line 1 in columns (B) and (D).
at all four points must not be more than 0.38 mm
(0.015 inch), which is the maximum permissible 4. Turn the flywheel in order to put the dial indicator
face runout (axial eccentricity) of the flywheel at position (A). Adjust the dial indicator to 0.0 mm
housing. (0.00 inch).
Illustration 79
Checking bore runout of the flywheel housing
1. Fasten a dial indicator to the flywheel so the anvil 6. Turn the flywheel counterclockwise in order to
of the dial indicator will contact the bore of the put the dial indicator at position (C). Write the
flywheel housing. measurement in the chart.
Testing and Adjusting Section
7. Turn the flywheel counterclockwise in order to Replace the damper if the damper is bent or
put the dial indicator at position (D). Write the damaged. Replace the damper if the bolt holes are
measurement in the chart. oversize. Replacement of the damper is also needed
at the time of a crankshaft failure due to torsional
8. Add the lines together in each column. forces.
Illustration 80
Graph for total eccentricity
(1) Total vertical eccentricity
(2) Total horizontal eccentricity
(3) Acceptable value
(4) Unacceptable value
Vibration Damper
SMCS Code: 1205-535
This starting system uses an electric solenoid to b. A ZERO reading shows that the problem is in
position an air valve in order to activate the air the control switch or the problem is in the wires
starting motor. If the starting motor does not function, for the control switch.
do the procedure that follows:
3. Fasten the multimeter lead to the start switch at
1. Check the indicator reading for the air pressure. the terminal for the wire from the battery. Fasten
the other lead to a good ground.
2. If the reading is not acceptable then use a remote
source to charge the system. a. A ZERO reading indicates a broken circuit
from the battery. With this condition, check the
3. If the reading is acceptable then open the main circuit breaker and wiring.
tank drain valve for a moment. Verify the pressure
that is shown on the pressure indicator. Listen for b. The problem is in the control switch if either a
the sound of the high pressure from the discharge. voltage reading is found at the control switch or
if a voltage reading is found in the wires from
the control switch to the control valve.
Electrical Side Of The System
1. Turn the control switch to MANUAL START Air Side Of The System
position. Listen for the sound of the engagement of
the air starter motor pinion with the flywheel gear.
Illustration 82
Air Starting System
Typical Example
(1) Control valve. (2) Connector. (3) Connection. (4) Air hose. (5)
Relay valve.
Electrical System
Note: Do not use the belt tension charts for belts with
tensioners that are spring loaded.
Table 17
Belt Tension Chart
Kent-Moore Gauge
Gauge Reading
Size Numbers
of Width of Belt Number Number of
Belt Belt Tension Belt Tension
of the Old the New
Initial(1) Used(2)(3)
Gauge Gauge
3/8 10.72 mm (0.422 inch) 534 111 N (120 25 lb) 400 22 N (90 5 lb) BT-33-97 BT 3397
1/2 13.89 mm (0.547 Inch) 578 111 N (130 25 lb) 445 44 N (100 10 lb) BT-33-97 BT 3397
5V 15.88 mm (0.626 Inch) 712 111 N (160 25 lb) 445 44 N (100 10 lb) BT-33-72C BT 3372C
11/16 17.48 mm (0.688 Inch) 712 111 N (160 25 lb) 445 44 N (100 10 lb) BT-33-72C BT 3372C
3/4 19.05 mm (0.750 Inch) 712 111 N (160 25 lb) 445 44 N (100 10 lb) BT-33-72C BT 3372C
15/16 23.83 mm (0.938 Inch) 712 111 N (160 25 lb) 445 44 N (100 10 lb) BT-33-77 BT 3372C
8PK 27.82 mm (1.095 inch) 1068 111 N (240 25 lb) 890 44 N (200 10 lb) BT-33-109 BT 33109
6PK 20.94 mm (0.824 Inch) 801 111 N (180 25 lb) 667 44 N (150 10 lb) BT-33-109 BT 33109
Measure the tension of the belt that is farthest from the engine.
(1) Belt tension Initial is for a new belt.
(2) Belt tension Used is for a belt that has operated for 30 minutes or more of operation at the rated speed.
(3) If a belt falls below the Used belt tension, the belt should be tightened again to the high side of the Used belt tension.
Testing and Adjusting Section
Table 18
DAYCO Supplied Belts Only
Belt Tension Belt Tension
Size of Belt
Initial Used(4)
0.380 (V-Belt) 623 22 N (140 5 lb) 245 - 534 N (100 5 lb)
0.440 (V-Belt) 667 22 N (150 5 lb) 245 - 534 N (100 5 lb)
0.500 (V-Belt) 712 22 N (160 5 lb) 245 - 534 N (100 5 lb)
0.600 (V-Belt) 779 22 N (175 5 lb) 245 - 534 N (100 5 lb)
0.660 (V-Belt) 890 22 N (200 5 lb) 245 - 534 N (100 5 lb)
0.790 (V-Belt) 890 22 N (200 5 lb) 245 - 534 N (100 5 lb)
4 - RIB PVK 623 22 N (140 5 lb) 267 - 445 N (90 5 lb)
5 - RIB PVK 779 22 N (175 5 lb) 334 - 556 N (100 5 lb)
6 - RIB PVK 934 22 N (210 5 lb) 400 - 667 N (130 5 lb)
8 - RIB PVK 1157 22 N (260 5 lb) 534 - 890 N (180 5 lb)
10 - RIB PVK 1557 22 N (350 5 lb) 667 - 1112 N (230 5 lb)
12 - RIB PVK 1869 22 N (420 5 lb) 800 - 1335 N (270 5 lb)
15 - RIB PVK 2336 22 N (525 5 lb) 1000 - 1669 N (350 5 lb)
(4) If a belt falls below the Used belt tension, the belt should be tightened again to the Initial belt tension.
Table 19
Tools Needed Quantity
4C-4911 Battery Load Tester 1
225-8266 Ammeter Tool Gp 1
146-4080 Digital Multimeter 1
The 4C-4911 Battery Load Tester is a portable unit A lever is used to open the jaw over the conductor
in a metal case. The 4C-4911 Battery Load Tester up to a diameter of 23 mm (0.90 inch). The spring
can be used under field conditions and under high loaded jaw is then closed around the conductor for
temperatures. The tester can be used to load test the measurement of current. The selector switch is
all 6, 8, and 12 Volt batteries. This tester has two rotated to the appropriate range. A HOLD button
heavy-duty load cables that can easily be fastened allows the last reading to be sustained on the display.
to the battery terminals. A load adjustment knob is This allows measurements to be taken in limited
located on the top of the tester. The load adjustment access areas. Power for the ammeter is supplied by
knob permits the current that is being drawn from batteries which are located inside the tool.
the battery to be adjusted to a maximum of 1000
amperes. The tester is cooled by an internal fan that Note: Refer to the Users Guide for more complete
is automatically activated when a load is applied. information for the use of the ammeter. The guide is
packaged with the unit.
The tester has a built-in LCD. The LCD is a digital
voltmeter. The LCD is a digital meter that will
also display the amperage. The digital voltmeter
accurately measures the battery voltage at the
battery. This measurement is taken through tracer
wires that are buried inside the load cables. The
digital meter, that displays the amperage, accurately
displays the current that is being drawn from the
battery which is being tested.
Illustration 85
146-4080 Digital Multimeter
Tightening The Alternator Pulley The solenoid operation also closes the electric circuit
to the motor. Connect one lead of the multimeter to
Nut the solenoid connection (terminal) that is fastened
to the motor. Fasten the other lead to a good
ground. Activate the starting solenoid and look at the
multimeter. A reading of the battery voltage shows
that the problem is in the motor. The motor must
be removed for further testing. A zero reading on
the multimeter shows that the solenoid contacts do
not close. Repair the solenoid if the contacts do not
close. The clearance for the starter motor pinion gear
may also need adjusting.
Move the start control switch in order to activate the Pinion Clearance Adjustment
starting solenoids. The starting solenoids operation
can be heard as the pinions of the starting motors are SMCS Code: 1454-025
engaged with the ring gear on the engine flywheel.
When the solenoid is installed, make an adjustment
If a solenoid for a starting motor will not operate, it of the pinion clearance. The adjustment can be made
is possible that the current from the battery did not with the starting motor removed.
reach the solenoid. Fasten one lead of the multimeter
to the connection (terminal) for the battery cable on
the solenoid. Put the other lead to a good ground. A
zero reading indicates that there is a broken circuit
from the battery. More testing is necessary when
there is a voltage reading on the multimeter.
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 87
Connection for checking pinion clearance
(1) Ground terminal
(2) SW terminal
(3) Connector
Illustration 88
Pinion clearance adjustment
(4) Shaft nut
(5) Pinion
(6) Pinion Clearance
Numerics E
100 Hour Free Configuration on Engine Start-up .. 16 ECM Hour Increment Adjustment.......................... 18
ECM Total Fuel Consumption Adjustment............. 18
Electric Starting System ........................................ 74
A Electrical System ............................................. 34, 70
Electrical System Operation .................................. 34
Aftercooler ............................................................. 21 Electronic Circuits.................................................. 35
Air Inlet and Exhaust System .......................... 20, 49 Electronic Control Module (ECM) .......................... 15
Air Inlet and Exhaust System Operation................ 20 Electronic Control System ................................. 8, 38
Air Starting System................................................ 33 Electronic Control System Components................. 11
Air/Electric Starting System ................................... 68 Electronic Control System Operation .................... 12
Alternator Regulator .............................................. 73 Electronic Controls............................................. 12
Tightening The Alternator Pulley Nut ................. 74 Fuel Injection...................................................... 13
Passwords ......................................................... 13
Programmable Parameters................................ 13
B Electronic Control Terms ......................................... 8
Emergency Override Switch (Marine Propulsion
Basic Engine.................................................... 30, 62 Only) .................................................................... 17
Battery ................................................................... 73 Engine Design ..................................................... 56
Belt Tension Chart ................................................. 70 Engine Monitoring System..................................... 16
Engine Oil Pressure - Test..................................... 54
Engine Oil Pressure is High................................... 56
C Engine Oil Pressure is Low ................................... 55
Contaminated Engine Oil ................................... 55
Calibration ............................................................. 38 Engine Oil Pressure Gauge ............................... 55
Calibration for Electronic Injection Timing with the Improper Circulation of the Engine Oil ............... 55
Electronic Service Tool..................................... 38 Low Engine Oil Level ......................................... 55
Camshaft ............................................................... 32 Worn Components ............................................. 56
Camshaft Timing ................................................... 43 Engine Operation..................................................... 7
Timing Adjustment ............................................. 44 Engine Rotation ..................................................... 42
Timing Check ..................................................... 43 Engine Speed Sensor............................................ 36
CAT Data Link ....................................................... 13 Ether Control System .............................................. 7
Charging System ............................................. 35, 73 Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect......................... 54
Alternator ........................................................... 35 Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect........ 54
Checking Engine Cylinders ................................... 40 Engine Oil Leaks into the Combustion Area of the
Checking Engine Cylinders with an Electronic Service Cylinders .......................................................... 54
Tool ...................................................................... 40 Engine Oil Leaks on the Outside of the Engine.. 54
Circuit Breaker....................................................... 37
Cold Cylinder Cutout ............................................... 8
Configuration Parameters...................................... 38 F
Connecting Rod Bearings...................................... 62
Coolant Temperature Sensor - Test....................... 60 Finding the Top Center Position for the No. 1
Cooling System ............................................... 28, 57 Piston................................................................... 42
Crankcase Pressure .............................................. 49 Flywheel - Inspect.................................................. 64
Crankshaft ............................................................. 32 Bore Runout (Radial Eccentricity) Of The
Crankshaft Position for Fuel Injector Adjustment and Flywheel ........................................................... 65
Valve Lash Setting ............................................... 48 Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) Of The
Cylinder Block........................................................ 62 Flywheel ........................................................... 64
Cylinder Block, Liners and Heads ......................... 30 Flywheel Housing - Inspect ................................... 65
Cylinder Head........................................................ 62 Bore Runout (Radial Eccentricity) Of The Flywheel
Bridge Dowels.................................................... 63 Housing ............................................................ 66
Checking Valve Guide Bores ............................. 62 Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) Of The Flywheel
Valve Guides...................................................... 62 Housing ............................................................ 65
Valve Seat Inserts .............................................. 62 Fuel Injector........................................................... 20
Valves ................................................................ 62 Fuel Injector Adjustment........................................ 45
Cylinder Liner Projection ....................................... 63 Fuel Injector E-trim ................................................ 42
Fuel Injector Mechanism ....................................... 19
Index Section
General Information................................................. 7
General Information (Air/Electric Starting Radiator and Cooling System - Test ...................... 59
System)................................................................ 68 Restriction of Air Inlet and Exhaust ....................... 49
Air Side Of The System ..................................... 68
Electrical Side Of The System ........................... 68
General Information (Cooling System) .................. 57 S
General Information (Fuel System) ....................... 39
General Information (Lubrication System)............. 54 Secondary CAT Data Link ..................................... 14
Grounding Practices .............................................. 34 Separate Circuit Cooling System........................... 29
Starting System ..................................................... 35
Starting Motor .................................................... 36
H Starting Motor Protection ................................... 36
Starting solenoid ................................................ 35
Histogramming ...................................................... 17 System Configuration Parameters......................... 16
Systems Operation Section ..................................... 5
Important Safety Information ................................... 2
Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect ......... 55 Table of Contents..................................................... 3
Indicators for Engine Oil Pressure......................... 56 Test Tools for the Cooling System ......................... 57
Test Tools for the Electrical System....................... 71
Testing and Adjusting Section ............................... 38
J Testing the Cooling System ................................... 57
Turbocharger ......................................................... 23
Jacket Water Cooling Circuit ................................. 28 Center Mounted ................................................. 23
Rear Mounted .................................................... 23
Load Feedback Capability (Marine Propulsion
Only) .................................................................... 14 Valve Lash and Valve Bridge Adjustment .............. 50
0 to 200 mA Output............................................ 14 Installation.......................................................... 51
Lubrication System .......................................... 24, 54 Valve Bridge Adjustment.................................... 51
Lubrication System Operation ............................... 24 Valve Lash Adjustment ...................................... 52
Valve Mechanism .................................................. 21
Type 1 ................................................................ 21
M Type 2 ................................................................ 22
Vibration Damper................................................... 67
Main Bearings........................................................ 62 Visual Inspection ................................................... 57
Measuring Exhaust Temperature........................... 49
Measuring Inlet Manifold Pressure ........................ 49
Monitoring System Parameters ............................. 38 W