Antiviral Activity of Monoterpenes Beta-Pinene and Limonene Against Herpes Simplex Virus in Vitro
Antiviral Activity of Monoterpenes Beta-Pinene and Limonene Against Herpes Simplex Virus in Vitro
Antiviral Activity of Monoterpenes Beta-Pinene and Limonene Against Herpes Simplex Virus in Vitro
Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran. 2Department of Infectious Diseases, Virology,
University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.
Background and Objectives: Essential oils are complex mixtures containing compounds of several different functional-
group classes. Depending on the structure, we can distinguish monoterpenes, phenylpropanes, and other components. Here in
this study two monoterpene compounds of essential oils, i.e. -pinene and limonene were examined for their antiviral activity
against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in vitro.
Material and Methods: All antiviral assays were performed using RC-37 cells. Cytotoxicity was determined in a neutral
red assay, antiviral assays were performed with HSV-1 strain KOS. The mode of antiviral action was evaluated at different
periods during the viral replication cycle. Acyclovir was used as positive antiviral control.
Results: Beta-pinenene and limonenen reduced viral infectivity by 100%. The mode of antiviral action has been determined,
only moderate antiviral effects were revealed by monoterpenes when these drugs were added to host cells prior infection or
after entry of HSV into cells. However, both monoterpenes exhibited high anti-HSV-1 activity by direct interaction with free
virus particles. Both tested drugs interacted with HSV-1 in a dose-dependent manner thereby inactivating viral infection.
Conclusions: These results suggest that monoterpenes in essential oils exhibit antiherpetic activity in the early phase of viral
multiplication and might be used as potentialantiviralagents.
Astani ET AL .
Table 1. Cytotoxicity of selected monoterpenes on RC-37 cells. Viability of the drug-treated cells was determined in a
standard neutral red assay. Results are given in % compared to untreated controls and represent the mean of three independent
concentration (g/ml) 10 25 50 75 100
-pinene 100.0 2.7 95.5 8.4 99.8 1.0 61.0 9.9 5.4 0.7
limonene 100.0 3.5 98.4 6.2 81.8 6.6 18.1 15.3 15.1 6.5
maximum noncytotoxic concentration of each drug of herpes simplex virus with drugs, about 2 103 pfu
was determined. of HSV were incubated in medium containing the
maximum noncytotoxic concentration of the drugs for 1
Dose-response assays. Inhibition of HSV h at room temperature prior to infection of RC-37 cells.
replication was measured by plaque reduction
assay. Usually 2 103 plaque forming units (pfu) Addition of drugs during viral intracellular
were incubated with different concentrations of replication. The effect of components against
monoterpene compounds for 1 h at room temperature, HSV was also tested during the replication period by
then virus was allowed to adsorb to the cells for 1 h addition of drugs after cell infection to the overlay
at 37oC. The residual inoculum was discarded and medium, as typical performed in antiviral susceptibility
infected cells were overlaid with medium containing studies. Each assay was run in three replicates. Plaque
0.5% methylcellulose. Each concentration was reduction assays were carried out as described above
performed in three replicates; virus-infected cells in and number of plaques of drug-treated cells and viruses
wells containing medium with 1% ethanol but no were compared to untreated controls. Wells containing
drug were also included on each plate as controls. medium with 1% ethanol but no drug were also included
After incubation for 3 days at 37oC, monolayers were on each plate as controls.
fixed with 10% formalin. The cultures were stained Viruses are synchronized at each stage of infection.
with 1% crystal violet and subsequently plaques The drug-pretreated cell free viruses are added at
were counted. By reference to the number of plaques the same time to host cells, thus infection starts at
observed in virus control monolayers (untreated the same time. When intracellular viruses are drug-
cultures), the concentration of test compound treated, the infection had started simultaneously, all
which inhibited plaque numbers by 50% (IC50) was non-infecting virus particles had been washed off
determined from dose-response curves. and all intracellular viruses are in the same phase of
Time of addition assay. In order to determine the
mode of antiviral action for compounds, cells were RESULTS
pretreated with monoterpenes before viral infection,
viruses were incubated with drugs before infection Cytotoxicity. Selected monoterpenic compounds
or infected cells were incubated with monoterpenes beta-pinene and limonene were serially diluted in
immediately after penetration of the virus into cells. ethanol and added to cell culture medium to examine
Components were always used at the maximum the effect on the growth and viability of tissue culture
noncytotoxic concentration. cells, always resulting in an ethanol concentration
below 1% which had no effect on cells and viruses.
Pretreatment of cells with drugs. Cell monolayers Cell monolayers were grown in medium containing
were pretreated with drugs prior to inoculation different concentrations of these drugs. After 3 days
with virus by adding the components to the culture of incubation, cell viability of RC-37 cells was
medium followed by incubation for 1 h at 37oC. The determined with the neutral red assay (Table 1).
drugs were aspirated and cells were washed before The maximum noncytotoxic concentrations of these
the HSV inoculum was added. drugs were determined at 60 g/ml and 40 g/ml for
-pinene and limonene, respectively (Table 2). These
Pretreatment of viruses with drugs. For pretreatment monoterpenes revealed low cytotoxicity.
Table 2. Antiviral effect of serial dilutions of monoterpenes against herpes simplex virus type 1. Results are given in %
compared to untreated virus controls and represent the mean of three independent experiments.
-pinene 82.3 18.0 67.5 26.9 23.1 6.2 6.1 12.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Limonene 94.7 8.5 99.0 9.6 64.3 16.1 27.8 19.8 8.2 13.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Antiherpetic activity. The potential antiviral effect infection caused a significant reduction in plaque
of selected components was determined against formation. At maximum non-cytotoxic concentrations
herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in vitro. HSV-1 of the tested compounds, infectivity was reduced by
was incubated for 1 hour at room temperature with 100% (Fig. 3). Acyclovir showed the highest antiviral
various concentrations of -pinene and limonene. In activity when added during the replication period
all assays untreated virus-infected cells were used with inhibition of the viral replication of 98.6% (Fig.
as a control. Subsequently, aliquots of each dilution 4). This drug inhibits specifically the viral DNA
were added on the cells for 1h, afterwards cells were polymerase during the replication cycle when new
washed and overlaid with drug-free medium and viral DNA is synthesized. However, only minor
incubated for 3d at 37C. The results are presented effects on viral infection were detected when cells or
as virus reduction and represent the average of viruses were pretreated with acyclovir. In contrast,
three independent experiments. In plaque reduction when the compounds were added to the overlay
assays, these compounds exhibited a concentration- medium after penetration of the viruses into the host
dependent antiviral effect. Both compounds were able cells, plaque formation was not significantly reduced
to suppress viral multiplication completely (Table 2). (Fig. 4).
The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) for HSV-1
were determined 3.5 g/ml for -pinene and 5.9 g/ DISCUSSION
ml for limonene. Selectivity indices for compounds
were calculated as the TC50/IC50 ratio (Table 3). In the present study, the inhibitory effect of two
compounds against herpes simplex virus infection
Mode of antiviral action. Herpesvirus replication was analysed. Experiments to assess the cytotoxicity
is characterized by a complex sequence of different of monoterpenes for cultured eucaryotic cells indicate
steps at which antiviral agents might interfere. In order a moderate toxic behaviour in cell cultures according
to investigate the inhibitory effects on herpes simplex to Halle and Gres (33). Both tested monoterpenes
virus in detail, compounds were added at different exhibited high levels of antiviral activity against HSV-
stages during viral infection. For comparison, all 1 in viral suspension tests. At maximum noncytotoxic
untreated controls contained the same concentration concentrations plaque formation was reduced by
of ethanol as the drug-treated viruses, in order to 100% for -pinene and limonene.
exclude any influence of ethanol. When host cells In order to determine the mode of antiviral action,
were pretreated with drugs prior to infection, both either cells were pretreated before viral infection
tested drugs showed minor effects on viral infection or viruses were incubated with noncytotoxic
(Fig. 2). On the other hand, pretreatment of HSV-1 concentrations of drugs before infection, or after
with the monoterpenic compounds for 1h prior to penetration into the host cells. Pretreatment of the cells
Table 3. Selectivity indices (SI) of monoterpenes for HSV-1. Experiments were repeated independently two times and data
presented are the mean of three experiments.
max. noncytotoxic TC50 IC50 selectivity
concentration ( g/ml) SD ( g/ml) SD ( g/ml) SD index (SI)
-pinene 60 6.9 85 5.3 3.5 4.0 24.3
120 120
100 100
plaque reduction (%)
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
Fig 2. Pretreatment of cells. Antiviral activity of selected Fig 3. Pretreatment of virus. Antiviral activity of selected
monoterpenes against herpes simplex virus type 1 after monoterpenes against herpes simplex virus type 1 after
pretreatment of cells with drugs. Prior to viral infection, cells incubation of HSV with drugs. HSV was incubated for
were incubated with maximum noncytotoxic concentrations 1 h at roomtemperature with maximum noncytotoxic
of drugs for 1h at 37C. Number of virus plaques was concentrations of drugs. Number of virus plaques was
determined 3 d after infection and compared to untreated determined 3 d after infection and compared to untreated
control. Results are expressed as percentage of plaque control. Results are expressed as percentage of plaque
reduction. These experiments were repeated independently reduction.
These experiments were repeated independently
and data presented are the mean of three experiments. and data presented are the mean of three experiments.
with these drugs had no or only minor effect on the with HSV must be different. Acyclovir inhibits
production of infectious virus and plaque formation. virus replication by interference with the DNA
The same results were found when the monoterpenic polymerase inside the cell, whereas monoterpenes
compounds were added during the replication period probably inactivate HSV before it enters the cell.
of the infection cycle. However, high antiviral activity Astani et al. (26) also showed high antiviral activity
was observed for monoterpenes when Fig. herpesvirus
for essential oils and isolated monoterpenes when
was incubated with these drugs prior to host cell herpesvirus was incubated with these drugs prior
infection. These results suggest that the investigated to host cell infection. Viral resistance to acyclovir
drugs directly inhibit herpes virus infection and might represents a particular problem; the prevalence of
interfere with virion envelope structures or mask viral Replication
resistance in acyclovir-treated immunocompromised
structures which are necessary for adsorption or entry individuals is approximately 4 to 7% (34). Therefore
into host cells. The inhibition of HSV by the tested
monoterpenes appears to occur before adsorption
but not after penetration of the virus into the cell. It 100
plaque reduction (%)
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