Answer 2
Answer 2
Answer 2
:The primary lymph node drainage site for the right testis -5
a- Superficial right inguinal lymph nodes
b- Deep right inguinal lymph nodes
c- Interaortocaval lymph nodes
d- Right common iliac lymph nodes
:All of the following are secreted by the adrenal gland except -11
a- Angiotensin
b- Aldosterone
c- Catecholamins
d- Glucocorticoids
The most appropriate method to evaluate the urinary tract in patient -25
:with microhematuria and thoracic gunshot injury is
a- One shot IVP
b- Abdominal ultrasound
c- Clinical observation
d- Immediate CT
The best option for the repair of mid-ureteral transection after stab -27
:wound is
a- Transuretero-ureterostomy
b- Uretero-ureterostomy
c- Ureteral stent
d- Psoas hitch reimplant
In a blunt trauma patient with pelvic fracture, the best method to -31
:evaluate urethral injury is
a- Retrograde urethrography
b- Antegrade urethrography
c- Flexible cystoscopy
d- CT with intravesical contrast
Three months after urethral injury, a 2cm urethral stricture was -32
:developed, which of the following is true about surgical repair
a- Good result can be achieved with one stage urethroplasty
b- Two-stage repair is required
c- The patient will be incontinent after any surgical repair
d- Use of UroLume endoprosthesis is the best method
The primry goal when evaluating a patient with genital gunshot -34
:wounds is to determine the presence or abcence of
a- Major associated injury
b- Associated urethral injury
c- Rectal injury
d- Testicular disruption
A 56 year old diabetic female presents with anuria, fever and -38
vomiting, U/S reveals single Rt hydronephrotic kidney with mid-ureter
:stone, her serum creatinin was 5, the first step to treat this patient is
a- Placement of ureteric catheter
b- Urgent ureterolithotomy
c- IV fluids and antibiotics
d- Percutaneous nephrostomy
:The stone free rate of 1cm renal stone treated by ESWL is -39
a- 88%
b- 74%
c- 63%
d- Less than 50%
:Absolut contraindication for ESWL includs all the following except -40
a- Coagulopathy
b- Pregnancy
c- Previous pyelolithotomy
d- UPJ obstruction
A 48 year old woman with history of seizure disorder presents with -46
gross hematuria, CT shows a huge left perinephric hematoma associated
:with 8 cm renal angiomyolipoma, the best immediate management is
a- Selective embolization
b- Nephrectomy
c- Observation
d- Partial nephrectomy and evacuation of hematoma
Upon the WHO classification, low grade urothelial carcinoma is the -53
: same as
a- Urothelial papiloma
b- Grade 1 TCC
c- Grade 2 TCC
d- Grade 3 TCC
When high grade PIN is found by prostatic biopsy, the probability to -64
:find carcinoma in subsequent biopsies is
% a- 5
% b- 10
% c- 30
% d- 50
:The most useful first-line test for diagnosis of prostate cancer is -65
a- Digital rectal examination
b- PSA assay
c- Transrectal ultrasound
d- Combination of DRE and PSA
A68 year old man presents with obstructive symptoms, PR reveals a -68
stony Rt lobe, PSA was 182, biopsy by guided U/S confirmed a Gleason
:4+5 carcinoma, the best treatment for this patient is
a. Brachioterapy
b. External beam radiation
c. Maximal androgen blockage
d. Radical prostatectomy
All the following statements about retroperitoneal fibrosis are true -72
a. Leads to hydronephrosis and varying
degrees of renal failure
b. Arterial obstruction is frequently seen
c. Medial deviation of the ureter
.d. Gastrointestinal symptoms are common
A young adult man presents with a Rt testicular mass after having -76
bilateral orchidopexy as a child. After Rt orchidectomy and Lt testicular
biopsy he was found to have Rt embryonal carcinoma with vascular
invasion and Lt intratubular neoplasia. CTS was normal. The appropriate
:management of this patient is
a- Lt orchidectomy and 2 cycles of BEP chemotherapy
b- 4 cycles of chemotherapy
c- Lt radical orchidectomy and survival protocol
d- Modified Rt side retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy
All the following features of urinary tuberculosis can be seen on IVP -89
a- Vesicoureteral reflux
b- Infundibular stenosis
c- Ureteral stricture
d- Renal calcifications
a. Testis
b. Bladder
c. Epididymis
d. Kidney
There is a direct relationship between AIDS and all of the following -93
:malignancies except
a. Kaposi sarcoma
b. Testicular cancer
c. B. cell lymphoma
d. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
All the following are used in the conservative treatment of stress -114
:incontinence Except
a. Physiotherapy/Biofeedback
b. Vaginal electrostimulation
c. Anticholenergic agents
d. Tricyclic psychomotor drugs
A 72 year old man known to have BPH and D.M, presents with -115
:urinary incontinence, most appropriate cause on his condition is
a- Diadetic neuropathic bladder
b- Over-flow incontinence
c- Secondary urinary infection
d- Associated bladder tumor
A 32 year old female presents with total urinary incontinence since 3 -116
months after traumatic delevary. What is the modality of choice to
:evaluate her in order to diagnose the cause of incontinence
a- Pelvic CT
b- Urodynamic study
c- Cystoscopy
d- Cystourethrography
When should an infant with ambigous genitalia undergo testing for -117
:congenital adrenal hyperplasia
a- At the first well-child visit
b- Befor discharge from the newborn nursery
c- At 6 weeks of age
d- At 12 weeks of age