The document outlines a checklist of procedures for various stages of flight including after takeoff, during approach, landing, and after landing such as configuring flaps, gear, and lights as well as checking systems like engines, APU, and isolations. It also lists actions to be performed at certain distances from the destination such as setting radios and autopilot, briefing procedures, and checking equipment. The checklist provides a step-by-step process for pilots to follow from 10,000 feet until shutdown to ensure a safe flight.
The document outlines a checklist of procedures for various stages of flight including after takeoff, during approach, landing, and after landing such as configuring flaps, gear, and lights as well as checking systems like engines, APU, and isolations. It also lists actions to be performed at certain distances from the destination such as setting radios and autopilot, briefing procedures, and checking equipment. The checklist provides a step-by-step process for pilots to follow from 10,000 feet until shutdown to ensure a safe flight.
The document outlines a checklist of procedures for various stages of flight including after takeoff, during approach, landing, and after landing such as configuring flaps, gear, and lights as well as checking systems like engines, APU, and isolations. It also lists actions to be performed at certain distances from the destination such as setting radios and autopilot, briefing procedures, and checking equipment. The checklist provides a step-by-step process for pilots to follow from 10,000 feet until shutdown to ensure a safe flight.
The document outlines a checklist of procedures for various stages of flight including after takeoff, during approach, landing, and after landing such as configuring flaps, gear, and lights as well as checking systems like engines, APU, and isolations. It also lists actions to be performed at certain distances from the destination such as setting radios and autopilot, briefing procedures, and checking equipment. The checklist provides a step-by-step process for pilots to follow from 10,000 feet until shutdown to ensure a safe flight.
Eng. Bleed On PM - Le App Check Apu, Eng Start Off Approach Flap Up, no light Gear Down Landing Glear Off Flap 15 Ler Check List PF Speed Brake Arm 10.000 ft PM Start Cont Landing light Off After Land LSP seat Off Speedd Brake Down Nivelamento After Land RSP Turn off Off Flap UP N1 CRZ Window heat off GMORA Probe heat off Fuel Apu Start RVSM Engine Start Off -200NM to DST MCP Speed 100 ATIS, NOTAM FD Off FMS SET ARR, VREV Autobrake Off Autobrake SET Trim 5 PF faz brieffing Transponder STBY 10 NM to TOD ILS Frequency OFF Solicita descida Apu On bus PF - Solicita check Shutdown LSP PM Turnoff On Parking barke ON PM- L o Check Start levers Cutoff 40NM to DST Anti Col. Off PF solicita Set radios for approach Seat Off PM ILS Freq, MCP course Shutdown RSP 10.000ft Isolation Open Landing light ON APU Bleed On Seat Auto LSP Solicita Shutdown Check