A Note On Slavic Loans in Romanian: (L) Revisited
A Note On Slavic Loans in Romanian: (L) Revisited
A Note On Slavic Loans in Romanian: (L) Revisited
Brian D. Joseph
It is my great pleasure to offer this small piece in recognition of the fine scholarship
through which Marius Sala has contributed to our understanding of Romanian, Judeo-Spanish,
and the Balkan linguistic situation more generally. My topic concerns a detail of contact
phonology in the Balkans specifically involving Slavic and Romanian and focuses ultimately on
the development of one word. It is thus a minor contribution, to be sure, dwarfed by the
voluminous work of Professor Sala, but it is nevertheless offered in a spirit of respect and
As is well-known (and one can consult a work such as Sala 1998:152 for confirmation of
the basic facts), the regular and most general outcome in Romanian of a Latin single (i.e.,
nongeminate) intervocalic [l] is [r]. This development is shown by such cases as Lat. basilica >
Rmn. biseric 'church', caelum > cer 'sky', dolere > durea hurt, exvolre > zbura 'soar', qualem
> care which, and solem > soare 'sun', among many others. In initial position or before
consonants, Latin [l] is regularly retained, though adjacent vowels can determine other outcomes;
relevant examples include Lat. laudre > Rmn. lavda 'praise', lingua > limb language, or
saltare > slta hop. These treatments of Latin [l] have all the hallmarks of language-internal
conditioning, but nonetheless the claim has been put forth that there is a contact-related
substratum may have played a role in the development of Latin [l] into Romanian. For Hamp,
as noted in Hamp 1989 for instance, the emergence of Romanian as a distinct language was the
Albanian) shifting to Latin and thus creating Romanian. Drawing then on the fact that Romanian
alters earlier [l] systematically only in intervocalic position, and further that in intervocalic
position, Albanian shows its own special development of early [l], changing it to the velarized
lateral now written in the standard orthography as ll (Hamp 2002:245), Hamp suggests that the
Albanoid speakers who shifted to Latin and thereby created Romanian brought to the language
shift their own characteristic treatment of intervocalic [l]; that treatment, in his view, carried over
into their pronunciation of their adopted Latin and ultimately led to the Romanian [r] in that
position. The shared restriction of a particular outcome of a lateral in intervocalic position is the
key in his account to understanding the relationship between the Albanian development and the
Romanian one. The Albanian velar [] gives a wide range of reflexes in regional Albanian
dialects, so it is conceivable that one such outcome could have led eventually to [r], especially
since perhaps as much as a millennium, or even more, passed from the time of the presumed shift
On the face of it, given other ancient parallels between Albanian and Romanian,1 Hamps
proposal is intriguing and worthy of consideration; Sala (1998: 152) does express some doubts
I have in mind here the 70 or so old shared vocabulary items between Albanian and Romanian, e.g. Alb. mal
mountain / Romn. mal mountain, river bank, Alb. sorr /Romn. cioara blackbird, Alb. mosh age Romn. mo
old man (cf. Katii 1976:152, Sala 1998:81), though Hamp 1989 has drawn attention to parallels in stress rules,
and Joseph 1999 discusses parallels in the syntax of the preposition with (Alb. me / Romn.. cu, both requiring an
particular proposal.2 Still, whatever the assessment of Hamps hypothesis, there is another
aspect to the development of l in Romanian where language contact of a different sort is involved
but where some details remain to be explained. It is one such detail that I hope to illuminate
Romanian experienced contact with speakers of Slavic at a period after the developments
with Latin [l] had run their course. The dating of this contact is shown by several considerations,
but among them is the fact that [l] is retained in Slavic loanwords into Romanian, even in
intervocalic position. Examples that show this retention include lopata > lopat shovel, kobyla
> cobil plow line, and pola > poal lap, among others. Following Petrucci (1999), one can
note a single apparent exception to this otherwise simple adoption by Romanian of Slavic [l]
without alteration, namely mgur hillock, borrowed from Proto-Slavic *magula 'hillock'. It is
often assumed, as noted by Petrucci, that this word may have been borrowed at an earlier stage
than the other Slavic words in Romanian, at a time when the l > r change was still alive or even
before it happened. Such a hypothesis certainly gives the right results for this word, although it
might be hard to reconcile it with Hamps view of why Latin intervocalic [l] was altered, since in
his account it is not necessarily the case that the Slavic intervocalic [l] would have been
phonetically identical with what the Latin sound had become in proto-Romanian. Moreover,
assuming hillock to be an early loan word is a rather ad hoc assumption, without independent
support, and raises the question of why this word alone should have been borrowed so early.
Another approach, then, to an explanation of mgur would be to look to a different source for it
Sala is somewhat skeptical, as he says Nici n acest caz nu este nevoie s se explice transformarea lui l- n r prin
In particular, it turns out that there is a Latin word that has an appropriate shape and
meaning to have provided some relevant input affecting Romanian mgur. This word is
magalia, glossed in the Oxford Latin Dictionary (Glare 1968, s.v.) as huts, tents; it appears to
be a Punic word, and quite possibly is related to another Punic loanword into Latin, mapalia,
also meaning huts. This latter Punic word is said to be cognate with a Hebrew form mappalah
meaning ruins. Taking all this together, it seems reasonable to suppose that underlying this
etymon there could well have been a form with a meaning of something like heaps. If such a
form, especially if the Hebrew ending ah is taken as basic, had been brought over into Latin and
had led to a (presumably plural) *magala, from which magalia could have been derived, then the
elements needed for an account of Romanian mgur are present. In particular, this presumed
Latin *magala, with an original meaning of *heaps (from which the denotation huts and then
tents could easily have developed), would be expected to have produced a Romanian form
*mgar- (or the like).3 Given an assumption of an original sense of heaps, this word can be
said to have had mound-like semantics, and as such, it could well have impinged on or
influenced the form that the semantically and formally similar Slavic *magula took in Romanian.
That is, a cross of a *mgar- heap, mound, from the presumed Latin *magala, with *mgul
hillock, from Slavic *magula, could well have yielded the attested Romanian mgur hillock.
This form was thus a loanword from Slavic but not an early loan; rather, it was a loanword
The presumed *magala offers a better source for the accentuation of mgur. I thank Dr. Catalin Anghelina of The
Ohio State University for help with details of the historical phonology involved here.
My specific suggestion, then, for explaining the r- in mgur is that Romanian
borrowed Slavic *magula in the usual way for Slavic words, giving Romanian *mgul, but that
this form was blended with (crossed with or contaminated by) *mgar-, the outcome of the
predecessor to attested Latin magalia, aided by the fact that magalia was a word with similar
semantics and a similar phonic form. This semantically and phonically based blending thus
enhancing the plausibility of such an account, let me conclude by mentioning a possible parallel
for the sort of mixing envisioned here in which there is interaction between a word inherited
from Latin and a loan word. That is, the long-standing problematic outcome negur, ostensibly
from Latin nebula cloud, where the g- is unexpected,6 may well reflect influence from Slavic
mbgla fog, a word in a similar semantic sphere that has as well a medial g- and a liquid; that
is, attracted by the similar semantics and phonic shape, a Latinate *nebur in Romanian and a
Under the view that analogy represents the influence of one form over another, such a blend or contamination
would be a type of analogy. Note also Jeffers & Lehiste 1979, who treat contamination as leveling within a
semantic paradigm.
It is perhaps no more speculative than the suggestion of Cioranescu 1966: s.v. that mgur is a creacin
expresiva; Cioranescu also reviews some of the other suggestions made in the literature for the etymology of
language change (borrowing and contamination) and thus, I would argue, it cannot be dismissed
out of hand. That it provides an explanation for this otherwise difficult detail about the outcome
Glare, P. G. W. 1968ff. Oxford Latin Dictionary. New York : Oxford University Press.
Hamp, Eric P. 2002. On Serbo-Croatians Historic Laterals. Of All the Slavs My Favorites:
Studies in Honor of Howard I Aronson on the Occasion of his 66th Birthday, ed. by Don
Dyer, et al. (= Indiana Slavic Studies, 12.) Bloomington, IN: Slavica, pp. 243-50.
Jeffers, Robert & Ilse Lehiste. 1979. Principles and methods for historical linguistics.
Joseph, Brian D. 1999. Romanian and the Balkans: Some Comparative Perspectives. The
Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences. Studies on the Transition from Historical-
Katii, Radoslav. 1976. The Ancient Languages of the Balkans. The Hague: Mouton.
Petrucci, Peter R. 1999. Slavic features in the history of Romanian. Munich: LINCOM Europa
Authors address:
Department of Linguistics
e-mail: joseph.1@osu.edu