Reflection Gen Math
Reflection Gen Math
Reflection Gen Math
Compound interest is another application of exponential
growth. Compound interest will allow my interest earn an
interest which is pretty swag. It’s much better than simple
interest because in compound interest, as I said, my interest
earns interest. Compound interest has formulas, terms and
notations. The main thing to do in order to answer problems
involving compound interest is to know the formula and
notations as well as the terms used in a word problem. It is
also used on banks so it’s essential to life. In this lesson, I
understood it very well and that’s why I actively participate in
the discussion about compound interest. Once you get the
hang of it, it gets easy.
Basic annuity has a lot of concepts and can be classified
in different ways. Annuity is a sequence of payments that you
made at fixed intervals or period of time to get a maturity
value in a given time. Now classifications of annuity can be a
little confusing if you don’t know their descriptions. It is
important to know which type of annuity you’re going to solve
because different annuities have different formulas. My
thoughts is learn to differentiate and know the diff types of
annuity for you to be able to learn faster and understand the
lesson. In this lesson, I thought about depositing money in a
bank for my future so that my money will get interest as I
deposit money for a period of time.
Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company. In
stocks, there are computations for the dividend, dividend per
share, par value and stock yield ratio. In stocks you get a part
in the money that the company gets. Buying stocks is a pretty
good idea if you want to earn money by investing but if you’re
not a major shareholder, you might not get your share in the
company or you might not be prioritized. So, my reflection on
this is that stocks can be risky because your money or
investment and par value depends on the company’s luck if
you’re not a fixed holder. Also, you can compute your dividend
per share, par value because it has formulas.
Bonds are interest bearing security which promises to
pay. Bondholders are usually lenders of money to a
corporation or cooperation. If you want to be a bondholder,
you need to be a lender of money to corporations.
Bondholders are prioritized that’s why they are usually the one
who is being payed in a fixed time interval. Stocks and bonds
aren’t that discussed deep enough only introduction and a
little problem solving is done in the lesson’s stocks and bonds.
In this lesson I’ve learned about that stocks and bonds are
different. Stocks are like investments in a company and bonds
are like the loans of a company.
Ordinary annuity is a sequence of equal periodic
payments at the end of each period. In our lesson ordinary
annuity, the lesson is easy with the help of scientific calculator
and the formulas. The lesson isn’t hard if you follow the
formula and know the value of the notations and terms.
The lesson in general annuity is pretty much the same as
the ordinary annuity. The only difference is the formulas and
the problems. The general annuity has formulas and is easy
with the help of sci-cal the only thing I do not get is j which is
the nominal rate.
The lesson about propositions and tautology is pretty
simple. Just analyze the statements and determine whether
the statement is a proposition or It is not a proposition when
the statement asks questions, commands and etc. In
tautology, in order to prove that a compound proposition is a
tautology, the truth values must be all true. To find the truth
values, we must first create a truth table for the statement or
proposition. The lesson in tautology and proposition is quite
easy especially if you correctly do the truth table and the
forms of proposition.
A fallacy is an error in logic or reasoning. The lesson
about fallacies is pretty easy because you can identify the type
of fallacy based on the description that is stated and written
in our notebook. Each fallacy can be easily identified because
of its characteristics and the form of the statement. In this
lesson we learned about recognizing and knowing the
different types of fallacy in a statement of argument.
Summary of scores
General mathematics
Polar Coordinates
This is the last lesson we’ve tackled in the 2nd Quarter,
1st Semester of the school year 2019-2020. I learned lot
things in this topic. The polar coordinate system is a two-
dimensional coordinate system in which each point on a
plane is determined by a distance from a reference point and
an angle from a reference direction. This lesson is the last
lesson for the 1st semester.
Summary of scores
Pre- calculus