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Dungeon of The Dreamdrinker

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Solo Module #15:

Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker

by Mike Brannon

Solo Adventure for Fighter, level 3-4, any race.

This module is not for retail sale, and is public domain. Please distribute this file as much as possible.

GenCon 2004 Edition

(Revised 2nd Edition, 01-30-05)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................................. 1
Copyright Notice ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Search for the Shadow Lord Adventure Modules .......................................................................................... 2
GenCon 2004 Signature Page......................................................................................................................... 3
Preface............................................................................................................................................................ 4
DMs Notes...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Setup........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Scope of Module......................................................................................................................................... 5
Estimated Playing Time.............................................................................................................................. 5
Considerations ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Experience Points ....................................................................................................................................... 5
The Haul ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
The Bards Sheet ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Prologue: The Audition .................................................................................................................................. 6
Prologue: The Audition .................................................................................................................................. 6
Episode 1: Meeting the Marquis..................................................................................................................... 8
Episode 2: Mendawins Apothecary .............................................................................................................. 11
Mendawins Advice about The Bastellus ................................................................................................. 13
Episode 3: Arriving at the Dungeon ............................................................................................................. 15
Overview: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker .................................................................................................... 16
Dungeonmasters Plot Brief: .................................................................................................................... 16
Recurring Monster Stats: .......................................................................................................................... 16
The Dreamdrinker .................................................................................................................................... 17
Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker, Level 1 ........................................................................................................ 18
Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker, Level 2 ........................................................................................................ 29
Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker, Level 3 ........................................................................................................ 36
Epilogue ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
Taking it Further....................................................................................................................................... 45
End Notes ..................................................................................................................................................... 46
Afterword ................................................................................................................................................. 46
Creative Credits ........................................................................................................................................ 46
Next Issue ................................................................................................................................................. 46
Dungeonmasters Corner ............................................................................................................................... 47
Module Prop A: Cuthberts Note................................................................................................................... 48
Module Prop B: Ancient Note ...................................................................................................................... 49
Module Prop C: Cuthberts Final Note .......................................................................................................... 50
Module Prop D: Altar Tiles .......................................................................................................................... 51

Copyright Notice
This module is strictly meant for recreational reading and/or private role-playing sessions. This module is
not to be used at public gaming sessions (such as at conventions), competitions or the like.

Under no circumstances shall this module, or any material herein contained, be used for any sort of sale or
credit. This module is meant strictly as a means to share gaming session ideas between my fellow fantasy
roleplayers. The author is discharging any personal rights of ownership for this document, and cannot be
held accountable for copyright violations perpetrated by others.

This module was written in honor of GenCon 2004, but does not own, sanction or endorse this module. The
GenCon name is copyright and is used with permission.

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
Page 1
Search for the Shadow Lords Adventure Modules
Alas, even computers are apt to fail saving throws every now and then.

The Shadow Lords Adventure Modules Series of amateur adventure

modules was lost when my computer got fried back in 1998 or so.

Absently sure that I backed up these modules, and since I was no

longer actively writing the SLAM series, I did not give it another
thought. I found the cold truth when I was going to present some
writing samples for an RPG magazine. They were not backed up, and
my many modules have gone up to those Silicon Elysium Fields with
the rest of the data.

From 1992-1996, I wrote about 30 modules, distributed on every major

RPG BBS in the (713) Texas area code. I know someone must still
have copies of my work. Please, email me at
evilwillhunting@gmail.com if you have any of these modules!

The Shadow Lords AD&D Modules sets were each sent with an ANSI
picture (module cover), an ASCII text file containing the adventure
module, an ASCII text file with general Dungeonmastering Tips, and
an ASCII text file advertising all of my distribution sites, all wrapped
up in a ZIP file.

It has been a while since I have even thought about these modules, and
I fear that I do not remember all of the titles. Here are the ones I recall:

Solo Adventure Modules Campaign Adventure Modules

The Apothecary The Hamlet of Horrors

Hell Hath No Fury Revenge of Kalaman DAri
The Dark World of Cromwytch-Sands Trusting Fools
Tempus Fugit Snowblind!
Rumships Arena Knight Forever, Hero Forever
A Friend In Need
Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle O Rum
The Voice of Lolth

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
Page 2
GenCon 2004 Signature Page
These signatures were collected at the GenCon 2004 Forum Stink, held in the Indianapolis Convention
Center on Wednesday, August 18th, 2004. Good times!

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
Page 3
Seven years. Its been seven years since I have written any of these modules. God, Im old. When did I go
from that young man half-buried in my campaign maps and dice, to a 30-year-old member of the white-
collar rat race? Tempus fugit, indeed.

Well, here I am, about to start a new module after years of being out of practice. Of course, technology has
changed. Like with my ANSI C skills, I have since learned that my skills from the early 90s are pass.
Cant have that SPLASH.ANS 80x80 ANSI Block Page depicting the adventure to come. The text files
with the ASCII maps wont pass muster in this day and age. So, its time for the ol scanner and PDF

So, what has prompted me to revive a dead, buried and probably permanently obliterated series? Well, one
reason is to locate my old work, in the hopes someone has it in the hidden recesses of their hard drive (see
The Search for Shadow Lords Adventure Modules). But it is also a chance for me to get back into the
groove of the whole RPG experience for GenCon.

But the primary reason is the same one it has always been: if it adds zest to your campaign, hell, even if
you have a fun time reading it to yourself, it easily makes all of the time worth it.

Id like to give a shout out to all the GenCon Forum Regulars: Blackrider23, Spicer, Ethan Parker,
InfoGoddess, jtotheb, Pyromancer, Kasha Windsong, marimacc, Bob, Garth The Wimp, foXXtail, Mock26,
LadyTrek, lunae, and all the others. Thanks for the camaraderie and the many fun times on the message
board, and I dedicate this module to you all.

And to all the gamers out there, no matter what RPG system, keep the dream alive! If you do not keep
fantasy and play in your life, you become another cog in this modern society, and your muse will begin
suffocating in that horrible mire known as conformity and conventionality.

And treasure those RPG sessions. Those all-nighters you will never have time for once you pass 25. Sitting
around with your friends, pizza cartons stacked in the corner, polyhedron dice scattered about the table, and
everyone waiting for the DM to say just what is behind that ancient, splintered iron-bound door theres
nothing is like it.

Well, lets go into that fantasy world we both know so well. A good, low-key solo dungeon romp shouldnt
be too difficult for this rusty storyteller, methinks. Lets pick up where it all left off


Mike Brannon

(once known as Shadow Lord)

Revision Notes
I am revising the module today for one key purpose: my e-mail address has changed from evilwillhunting
at comcast.net to evilwillhunting@gmail.com. Since I have still heard nothing regarding the lost SLAM
modules, Id like to put my current email address for future contact. While I was at it, I corrected some of
the typos, and took the Undead Defenses off of Halifax. Oops. Enjoy the module, and feel free to
email me with comments! [Revise date: January 30th, 2005]

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
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DMs Notes
The setup for this module is very easy. A Marquis Renyard in Crownstamp is offering a reward for a
freelance warrior for a swashbuckling adventure. The PC may find out about it via a town cryer, a poster,
or tavern talk. The actual size of the reward is not disclosed, but any applicant is told to report to the
Captain Capros in Crownstamp (or pick some other small town) for an examination of candidacy.

Scope of Module
This module begins in Crownstamp, where the PC visits Marquis Renyard and looks for the entrance to
Dreamdrinker Dungeon. The dungeon itself is filled with undead, as well as a Bastellus.

Estimated Playing Time

This module should take about an hour and a half.

In many dungeon crawls like this, battling the featured monster is usually required at some point.
However, the typical fighter of this level will have no means to effectively battle a Bastellus. Also,
given the Bastellus non-confrontive nature, the Bastellus is not such much a monster to defeat as
it is a device to keep the player moving.
The treasure items recovered from this dungeon crawl are actually stolen goods from a museum
heist. Therefore, there may be repercussions for possessing and attempting to fence these items.

Experience Points
Between the various monsters, treasure and experience awards the character may encounter in this module,
this module should award around 4,000 to 5,000 experience points.

The Haul
I have never understood why there was always so much wealth in dungeons, in fantasy role-playing. After
all, do you find fifties and twenties lying around deserted penitentiaries? Not even the craziest king would
keep his wealth in the same place he confines his foes.

At any rate, there is a plausible reason for the loot to be in this dungeon. Aside from a scattering of wealth
from former spelunkers, the bulk to the loot will be the items that Cuthbert and Roberto have stolen from a
museum. Most of it is hidden.

And of course, this missions prime objective is to recover the Talisman, which affords the biggest portion
of the possible wealth: 3,000 gold coins. The wealth in the dungeon is about 1,700 in gold, plus a magic
sword and various potions. So, altogether, the character could walk away 4,700 gold richer.

The Bards Sheet

Some suggested ambient music:

Enter Sandman by Metallica

Imagination by Clan of Xymox
Quest for the Crown by Falconer

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Prologue: The Audition
The player arrives in the City of Crownstamp, which is a medium-sized, walled city near a forest. It derives
its unusual name from the Royal Mint, which used to operate in this city centuries ago.

Inquiring to any guard about Captain Capros will lead the PC to the North Guard Post:

You arrive at The Crownstamp Northern Guard Outpost. It is an impressive structure made of granite brick, and
the Kings Banners flap majestically in the breeze.

As you approach, you tell a guardsman that you are looking for Captain Capros, to discuss the terms of The
Marquis Quest. The guard nods and leads you inside.

You are led to a clerks room, littered with paper and parchment of every kind. Sitting at a small oak desk is a
guard clerk who introduces himself as Julius Grant, this outposts scribe and Capros lieutenant.

Grant will immediately get down to business. He will begin the interview for the job by asking the PC the
following questions:

1. Have you ever slain an undead creature?

2. Do you fear dark places?
3. Have you been in the army?
4. Have you ever been imprisoned for a crime?
5. Have you ever participated in a spelunking or dungoneering adventure?

It really doesnt matter how the PC answers these questions, as it is just a formality. However, Grant will
scribble down the answers.

After these questions, Grant will conclude his notes, put them in a binder, and lead him out of the room and
down a narrow hall.

As the PC is lead through the guard outpost, they pass the training room. Inside, there is a half-orc who is
punching on a training bag. The whole building seems to shake with each blow he lands. At first glance, he
appears to be a gladiator, but he is wearing a holy symbol of Kord the half-orc paladin marks the PC with
a glare as he passes through. Grant tells the PC that the half-orc is Yael Desh, a paladin that has helped the
guards hunt a vampire recently, and is staying with the force for the time being.

A short time later, they arrive in a small room:

You are lead to a small 20 by 20 room, which has an iron door to the north, and an open archway to the south,
leading back into the outpost. Sitting in this room is a half-elf, clad in chainmail, who is polishing his shield.

Grant says, Ah, Talis. I need you to do another read for us, would you?

The half-elf sighs. I told you, he grumbles, I do not have time for this. I just want to get my bounty money
and go. Besides. You didnt pay me for the last reading.

Grant smirks. Talis Ellestar is one of our regulars around here he is not in the army, but he does do some
bounty work for us. Plus, he has a valuable talent. Grant reaches into his belt pouch, and takes out a handful of
coins, which he gives to Talis.

Talis sighs. All right. One more. The half-elf beckons you to come closer.

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
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As soon as the PC comes within a few feet, he will feel a bit light-headed. Talis is scanning his mind. After
a few minutes of this, the feeling subsides.

Talis speaks, Reading his memories, this one has had his share of adventures, and has killed a few monsters.
Hes not the Realms latest incarnation of Drake Dragonspire or anything, but he can handle himself.

Ah, great to hear! A voice exclaims from the hall. A bearded guardsman clad in platemail and a burgundy
cloak comes into the room. He strides up to you and offers his hand. I am Captain William Capros, Captain of
the Guard in Crownstamp.

Captain Capros has a pleasant demeanor, but underneath it all, he is jaded. He knows the Marquis is
corrupt, and he isnt really wild about sending fools off to die in suicide missions. However, he will go
through the motions and administer the test all the same. The test has three parts: first, Grants questions,
second, the empathic scan from Talis, to make sure the applicant has adventuring experience, and the third
is a test of combat, which will occur shortly.

Captain Capros takes the tome from Grant and reads your interview sheet. After a while he nods his head, and
looks up. You seem to be ideal for this quest, my friend. But where you will be going is dangerous. We would
like to test your combat abilities, if we could. Capros nods at Grant, who walks over to the north, iron doorway.
Grant peeks through the doors slot, and then unbars it and opens it, revealing a stairwell.

Capros gestures to the stairs. Go down to the Pit and battle Old Clatterback. We will be observing from The
Gallery, and we will have a healer on hand. Good Luck!

Heading down the twisting staircase, the PC will come into a 30 x 30 chamber, with no exits except the
stairway. High above, about 100 up, there are openings in the wall all around, and the PC can see Capros,
Grant, Talis and a cloaked cleric peering down.

Also in the room is a gnarled skeleton, which shambles towards the player and attacks.

Name: Old Clatterback

Skeleton (Human) 6 hitpoints CE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-4 Weapon: Claw, bite or weapon
Armor Class: 7 THAC0: 20 Morale: -
Special Attacks:
Special Defenses: Undead defenses, never check morale, bladed weapons do half damage.
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 50

The player should dispatch this foe pretty handily. If, for whatever reason, the PC gets in trouble, the Cleric
will turn the skeleton, and some guards will escort the character out and then thank him for his time but
decline him for the job.

If the player wins, Grant will come escort the player back up to Captain Capros office. The cleric will
apply any healing needed, and Capros will congratulate the character on his win and tell him that he has
passed the candidacy test. An appointment will be arranged for the character to meet with Marquis Boris
Renyard, at his Estate, at dusk that evening to discuss the upcoming adventure (Capros will give
directions). Award the player 100 XP for getting the job, and proceed to Episode 1 when the player arrives
at the Estate.

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Episode 1: Meeting the Marquis
At dusk, as requested, you arrive at Marquis Boris Renyards lavish estate. It is a three-story mansion, with a
trickling fountain in the courtyard. The oak trees rustle in the breeze, and the setting sun paints long shadows
against the walls of the elegant dwelling.

As you approach the large oak door, it opens, and standing before you is a bespectacled halfling in a butler suit.
Hes even wearing boots! He nods and says, Good evening. I am Shackleton, butler for his Excellency, Marquis
Renyard. Please, follow me!

Shackleton cordially leads you into a dismal study, which is crammed with bookcases and various desks. There
is a large chair here, and the he bids you to sit, facing two large, oak doors. His Excellency will be with you
shortly, Shackleton says. He then strides out of the room.

In the corner stands a black-clad warrior who does not look at all friendly. He is not threatening, but the look he
gives you is sour indeed.

Name: Tarteum, Human Fighter

Human 4 3 15 LN 14 16 10 11 13 6
Attacks/Round: 3/2 Dmg/Attack: 2d4 Weapon: Broadsword
Special Attacks: None
Special Defenses: Call Guards
Treasure Type: 5 Gold XP Award: 100

Character Notes: Tarteum, sometimes called Tantrum behind his back, is unfriendly, unsocial and
impatient. Clad in black chainmail, with dark hair, darker eyes and an even darker perpetual sneer, his
appearance does little to improve his magnetism. A decorated ex-soldier in the Kings Army, he is a
competent bodyguard and extremely loyal, which make up for his terrible disposition. Tarteum will ignore
any small talk, staring disinterestedly into a dark corner if spoken to. Tarteum is anxious for the PC to
misbehave and will attack with little provocation.

The doors open and a large nobleman enters the

room. He has a strong build that reminds you more
of a warrior than a noble. His inky black hair is
poorly kept, yet he has an impeccably groomed
moustache. He is dressed in a blue tunic and many
amulets and medallions festoon his neck. A garishly
jeweled short-sword hangs from his belt; his fingers
sparkle with several rings.

He grins broadly, in a manner that reminds you

much more of a gruff laborer than a refined noble.
Welcome, welcome, he booms affably. I am
glad you are here, my friend. I have a wonderful
proposition for you, that will make you rich and
me even more rich, eh? He shakes your hand

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
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The Marquis Boris Renyard, steward of the city of Crownstamp, has arrived. After some small talk, he will
invite the PC to join him for dinner.

Name: Marquis Boris Renyard, Human Fighter (retired)

Human 8 3 21 LN 15 9 13 9 11 10
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: (1-6)+1 Weapon: Short Sword +1
Special Attacks: None
Special Defenses: Call Guards
Treasure Type: 33 Gold, 42 Silver XP Award: 200

Character Notes: Marquis Boris Renyard is not a typical nobleman. He was not born royal: in fact, he was a
sergeant for the town watch of Treplac until he was given the title after saving the Kings young son from
kidnappers. By keeping the King happy, and a big helping of pure dumb luck, he has succeeded as a noble
and landed the relatively cushy job of Marquis of Crownstamp.
However, he is not as cultured as some nobles, and he is rather a chatterbox. Bow hunting and wine are two
key areas of interest that will start him prattling for hours on end. He will also feign to be a retired
dungeon-crawling fighter, but his shoddy stories quickly belie his fraud.

The Marquis will treat the player to a large banquet. He gets to business after the repast:
After an agreeable meal of roast pheasant and several tankards of ale, the Marquis shows you into his parlor,
where a flickering fire crackles in the fireplace. As you both sit down in large chairs in front of the fireplace, the
Marquis tells you about the mission.

The mission I have for you is very straightforward. I need you to recover an artifact that was stolen from the
Tarancourt Royal Museum. It is the Talisman of the Rakshasa, an artifact on loan from a sultan, in a land far, far
to the east. It has caused a bad stir with The King, as you may imagine.

I have recently found, through my spy network, that the thief and his accomplices have hidden themselves
nearby. Near some ruins in a thicket near town, there are the shambling ruins of what once was a huge castle, of
some tyrant king of hundreds of years ago. He had a dungeon, eloquently called The Dungeon of Eternal
Midnight, where he kept his, erm least favorite offenders.

The Marquis chuckles and rubs his hands. This King. Romalak was his name, was a bit of a sadist. He loved
making his enemies pay. He even arranged to have some warlock to summon this ghost called The

He seems unusually animated as he continues, This spirit is so named because it causes nightmares, and feeds
off the victims soul. Not many have seen it and lived to tell the tale, but they say it looks like the shadow of a
very stout man, with glowing eyes. Im sure its nothing you cant handle, if you run into the thing! If its even
still down there which I doubt.

But, let us take no chances. This creature can only victimize you while you sleep, I believe. I have arranged for
you to receive some countermeasures against this ghost, should it still be lurking about. An expert druid, who
runs the town alchemy shop, will assist you. Her name is Mendawin, and she has a shop on Crumblecross

The Marquis rises, and stokes the fire with a poker. Now, back to business. I would like you to go to this
Dungeon, locate this thief, and retrieve the Talisman by any means necessary, and bring it back here. Your
reward. The Marquis reaches into his belt pouch and pulls out a shiny gold coin. shall be three thousand
of these, my good friend!

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
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The Marquis, naturally, is reluctant to give all details to a stranger. It is up to you to field the questions the
player may have for the Marquis. The following points are things that the Marquis will not willingly share
with the player, but will give you the insight for his motives:

The Marquis is doing this to increase his standing at the court. A marquis in a different town, and
the same court, was responsible for allowing the Talisman to be stolen in the first place. This is a
noble that the Marquis dislikes, so the reason is twofold.
The Marquis is not going after it himself because he feels this plan is not worth risking his own
life for.
The Marquis is not sending subordinates to go do it, because their deaths will raise too many
questions to his superiors. It is forbidden to waste the lives of the Kings soldiers for quests for
personal gain.
The Marquis received the information about the Talisman being in The Dungeon of Eternal
Midnight from an informant in the town thiefs guild. This small guild operates freely in
Crownstamp, for generous kickbacks to the Marquis.
The Marquis has already sent three others on this mission. None have ever returned.

When the character is ready, he should then proceed to pay Mendawin a visit. It is a short distance from the
Marquis estate, through the town. When he arrives, proceed to Episode 2.

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
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Episode 2: Mendawins Apothecary
You walk into the small cottage, and scores of pungent smells fill your nostrils. The walls are packed with all
kinds of glass bottles and beakers, all filled with

You are startled by a loud chatter from the top of one of the shelves. You look up to see a white snow monkey
wearing a fez, peering over the edge of the shelf. It murmurs softly and slips out of view.

You approach the counter, which is vacant. A sharp hiss draws your attention to the left, and you see a small
viper rising out of a beaker. A voice echoes from the back of the shop. Gertrude! Down! The snake slithers
back into the beaker.

A comely half-elf comes from the back. She has light brown hair, and mesmerizing purple eyes. She is wearing a
hunters green tunic, a necklace of silver leaves, and white leggings.

She smiles and says, Welcome, milord. I am Mendawin the Druid Priestess. I have the finest potions in all of
Crownstamp. How could I help you today?

When the player mentions that Marquis Renyard sent him:

Ah, Mendawin says. I have the very thing for you. The Marquis has sent me payment. Suddenly, she shouts,
Halifax! Gee-yat!

The monkey you saw earlier flies onto the counter, holding a bottle of golden liquid. Halifax jumps up and down
and mewls. Mendawin reaches into her belt pouch and places a small velvet bag on the counter.

The potion is a Potion of Mind Shielding, and the pouch contains six Kalishimar seeds. These items are for
the character.

Kalishimar Seeds: These small, purple seeds are about the size of pumpkin seeds, and come from the
Twilight Lands far away. They have a rejuvenating effect on ones sleepiness, about equivalent to three
cups of strong coffee. If someone is lightly tired, one seed ward off sleep for at least an hour. They are only
effective for staving off sleep three times in one day.
If the player is foolish enough to take them all at once, for whatever reason, he needs to make a System
Shock roll on his Constitution or fall over dead from a heart attack. Mendawin will strongly advise the
character to take them in moderation.

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
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Potion of Mind Shielding: This potion is a viscous, bitter tasting potion, almost a gel in consistency.
However, drinking it will obstruct the characters spiritual radiance. The Bastellus cannot locate the player
while he is under such protection, nor can any undead without eyes (such as skeletons). It works for 18
turns, or 3 hours. There is enough for one dose.

Character Notes: Mendawin is a semi-retired adventuress who has found that potion creation is a lucrative
industry. While she does not live in the city, but in the forest, she runs the shop on most days. She is saving
up to buy a preserve of land from the Marquis, and this favor is actually something of a down payment. She
does not care for the Marquis, but will not share those feelings.

If the player is foolish enough to attack Mendawin for any reason, she triggers an alarm, which summons
the town guards, a bell mechanism under the counter. She then steps back and casts Entangle. She also has
a wealth of other potions, all at her disposal.

Name: Priestess Mendawin

Half Elf 6 5 21 NG 11 17 16 18 15 17
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 2-8 Weapon: Shillelagh Cudgel
Special Attacks: Druid Spells, Ring of Protection +1
Special Defenses: Call Guards
Treasure Type: 50 Gold, 44 Silver XP Award: 900

Mendwins monkey, Halifax, will instantly attack the player if his mistress is threatened. He is surprisingly
dexterous and strong, and has a good chance of disarming a one-handed weapon. Halifax will also, if the
opportunity arises, snatch up Gertrude and drop it down the PCs collar.

Name: Halifax
Snow Monkey 1 NG - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-4 Weapon: Claw, bite
Armor Class: 3 THAC0: 17 Morale: N/A
Special Attacks: Disarm player, rake eyes
Special Defenses: -1 to Hit
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 20

Gertrude will likewise attack the player with surprising speed. She may be a small and weak viper, but her
poison is quite deadly (save vs. poison or die).

Name: Gertrude
Sylvan Viper 4 hp N - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-4 Weapon: Bite
Armor Class: 8 THAC0: 19 Morale: N/A
Special Attacks: Poison (deadly)
Special Defenses: -
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 20

The player may ask Mendawin questions about the Dreamdrinker (see overleaf).

Shadow Lords Adventure Modules, Solo Adventure #15: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
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Mendawins Advice about The Bastellus
If the player asks about the Dreamdrinker:

Mendawin arches an eyebrow. Ah, the Dreamdrinker? Dont let all the foolish gossip and fancy names fool
you. Hes a garden variety Bastellus. Well, if there IS a garden variety of those wretched things. Halifax hops
and screeches in apparent agreement. Mendawin continues, A Bastellus is kind of hard to explain, they arent
from this world. In fact, Im not sure how this one got here. Or if it still really is here, for that matter.

A Bastellus is somewhat like a wraith, but rarer and certainly much more difficult to kill. It feeds on dreams.
When you sleep, and you are dreaming, it attracts the attention of a Bastellus, if one is around. Its like a blood
in the water attracting a shark. The Bastellus will then steal up to you, caress your temples, and start to drain
your life from your body. When satiated, it returns to the shadows. However, once it has a taste for you, it will
return again and again, and continuously drink from your soul until nothing is left.

If the player asks how he knows if the Bastellus has attacked him:

The druid sighs. There are many signs that you have been victimized by a Bastellus. First, and most obviously,
your dream turns into a particularly terrifying nightmare. This is a byproduct of the Bastellus feeding. Some
sages argue it is a natural mental defense mechanism, to alert you. The only thing the sages really know is, the
dream turns into a nightmare the instant the Bastellus touches you.

The nightmare will always have a personal significance. For example, a vain young princess may dream that
her beautiful face has turned into a hideous, rotted hags visage. I knew of a knight named Sir Tavis Timothy
who was a fearless warrior and a very devoted father. He had a horrible nightmare of a pack of ghouls
descending on him and his children. The ghouls paralyzed him in his tracks, and then proceeded to devour the
children before his eyes. He stood unable to move, while his children screamed for help in their agonizing death
throes. He had this horrible nightmare while being attacked by a Bastellus, as he slept in his bunk. Fortunately,
one of the paladins in his order witnessed this occurring and drove off the beast.

There are also the secondary symptoms. You usually will feel very sick, and covered in a sweat. You will also
experience a cold sensation in your temples, where the Bastellus touched, for an hour or two.

If the player asks how to repel the Bastellus:

As you ask, Halifax coos and looks questioningly up at Mendawin. She rubs his head.
The Bastellus is a nasty weed to pull, friend. There are a few things you could try. First, they do not like light,
even though they are able to extinguish it. A Negative Plane Protection Spell gives your soul an extremely sour
taste, and it may dissuade the beast from drinking from you. A Protection from Evil Spell keeps it from touching
you, but it can still follow you about. Also, there was a dust made of fine silver flakes, called Benediction
Powder., specifically to repel a Bastellus. If you rub it into your head, the Bastellus will be burned when it tries
to touch you. At least, until you sweat off the powder, which takes about half a day.

And, of course, you could drink the Potion of Mind Shielding I have given you to mask your presence for a few
hours. And use the Kalishimar Seeds to ward off sleep as much as possible!

If the player asks how to destroy the Bastellus:

Mendawins eyes drop, and she sighs and shakes her head. Forgive me, friend, but I do not think you are
capable of such a titanic feat. You would need an extremely mighty magic weapon to even scratch the thing. I
have heard that a Dispel Evil spell from a devout cleric would destroy it once and for all. You would do best to
avoid this creature, and complete your mission without delay.

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Mendawin knows nothing about the Dungeon of Eternal Midnight, but she will offer a side quest if the PC
reveals that he is going there.

Mendawin smiles. If you are going to this dungeon, I was wondering if you could help me with a hard-to-find
ingredient. There is a variety of mushroom that grows relatively deep underground, and a dungeon would be a
perfect place to find it. It is a variety of cave toadstool called The Amcartha Mushroom. It was discovered by an
albino mage named Drendan Amcartha when he was in that detestable Underdark. Drendan himself still lives
even though he is an abomination in the eyes of nature.

Even though I loathe touching this thing, it does make a potent ingredient for Detect Traps potions. If you could
find six or more good specimens, I can pay you a hundred gold for the each set of six.

If the player wishes to buy more potions for Mendawin, she does cut her prices a bit for him if he makes a
good impression (successful reaction roll, and Charisma over 12):

Potion Price
Potion of Healing (1d6+2) 100 gp
Potion of Speed (double rate for 10 rounds) 120 gp
Potion of Sweet Water 100 gp
Potion of Plant Control 300 gp
Potion of Extra Healing (2d8) 200 gp
Holy Water (1 vial) 50 gp
Potion of Fire Resistance (10 rounds) 100 gp

Mendawin knows nothing about The Dungeon of Eternal Midnight. She does know the location of the ruins
of King Romalaks Castle, and will tell the PC how to get there.

Mendawin has nothing further to aid the PC at this time. He may continue on to the ruins, or return to the
streets of Crownstamp to resupply before heading out.

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Episode 3: Arriving at the Dungeon
The Ruins are located about half a days journey away from Crownstamp. It is at the edge of a thicket, at
the foot of a small mountain. This once-proud fortress has been reduced to a pile of rubble, where very few
walls are still standing, and heaps or rocks are everywhere.

Not much is left of the Castle. Only a few walls remain standing the outside walls are made of a black
stone, while the inner walls are gray. Not a room remains standing, and there is nothing but broken refuse
and rubble inside the castle itself. There is only a crumbling remnant of the northwest tower, standing no
higher than 10. The Dungeon Entrance, in the center of the castle ruins, has been walled over. The
character cannot go down this entrance.

However, at the northwest edge of a huge pile of rubble, marked by an X on the map, is a tunnel that leads
underground, towards the castle. It is an engineers tunnel used against the castle during some siege ages
ago. The earth has collapsed at the end of the tunnel, and the character can climb down to find a secret
entrance to the dungeon: a rusty ladder leading 60 feet straight down.

The character must descend this ladder to enter the dungeon. As he climbs down:

You grab the rusty iron rungs, and start to gingerly descend into the darkness. Your own labored breathing
echoes in your ears, as you work your way down into the darkness. The ladder starts to make a clattering noise
and tremble, and you stop, holding your breath.

After a moment, the ladder stops trembling. You sigh in relief. A split second later, you hear a loud clatter and
snap, and you are falling through the darkness, fragments of the ladder raining about you.

You crash down into a large pile of hay. After a moment, you realize it is not a pile but a series of straw
mattresses piled. It is very, very dark in here.

The character has entered the Dungeon of Eternal Midnight.

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Overview: Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker
As this dungeon has been sealed off for decades, there are few monsters that could have survived therein.
Thus, the character is going to run into undead almost exclusively, mostly zombies and skeletons. These
will be ex-prisoners and guards slain in the dungeon.

All of the cells in this dungeon may be opened with the Skeleton Key. There are certain doors that may
only be opened by the Wrought Iron Key.

Dungeonmasters Plot Brief:

These are omniscient history that you will need to keep in mind, to better flow out the story. You are NOT
to share these with the player!

The dungeon does indeed contain a Bastellus, but it only awakens when the character is nearby or
the character sleeps without the proper wards. (Stats overleaf)
The Brotherhood occupies the dungeons third level four ghouls who are ex-prisoners.
Cuthbert and his accomplice Roberto are both dead.
Cuthbert was ambushed and devoured by The Brotherhood.
The Dreamdrinker drained Roberto to death.
Sir Royce, one of The Brotherhood, has the Talisman on level 3.
The loot in this dungeon is almost entirely composed of Cuthbert and Robertos heist stash, on
levels 1 and 2.
The Disks of Saint Grall are broken. The Brotherhood stole them from Cuthbert and smashed

Recurring Monster Stats:

Whenever a monster name is underlined, italicized and bold, that means to refer to these recurring stats:

Name: Zombie
Various 2 CE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-4 Weapon: Claw, bite
Armor Class: 8 THAC0: 20 Morale: -
Special Attacks:
Special Defenses: Undead defenses never check morale.
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 200

Name: Skeleton
Various 1-2 CE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-4 Weapon: Claw, bite or weapon
Armor Class: 7 THAC0: 20 Morale: -
Special Attacks:
Special Defenses: Undead defenses, never check morale, bladed weapons do half damage.
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 150

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The Dreamdrinker
The Dreamdrinker is a Bastellus, an offshoot of a wraith,
but much more powerful, and much more evil, if that is

The Bastellus is rarely seen, as it stays in the shadows,

hidden for 95% of the time. When it is visible, it appears as
a hulking shadow, trailing shadows like spikes, and with
cold, pale amber eyes.

The Bastellus is drawn by a mortals dreams, which it can

sense within 500. Once it finds a victim, it can extinguish
normal lights, around the sleeper. It then extends two long
arms and places shadowy hands against the temples of the
victim. The Bastellus then starts to drink the soul of the
victim, draining 1 level (no saving throw).

If the victim is drained to level 0, he is slain and cannot be raised. The Bastellus never attempts to
communicate. However, a Bastellus is non-confrontive and will not attack when discovered, if escape is an

Name: The Dreamdrinker

Bastellus 4 22 NE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-3 Weapon: Touch
Armor Class: 0 THAC0: 17 Morale: 7
Special Attacks: Level drain, extinguish light, sleep [as the spell].
Special Defenses: +3 or better required to damage, undead defenses, see below.
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 6,000

Neither normal weapon nor any magic weapon under a +3 enchantment can harm a Bastellus.
Spells based on cold, heat, electricity do not harm a Bastellus.
Poisons and holy water do not affect a Bastellus.
Undead protections: immune to charm, sleep and hold spells.
Moves undetected through the shadows 95% of the time.

Protection from Evil will keep a Bastellus away from the subject, but does not harm the Bastellus
or dissuade him from attacking the same subject later.
Negative Plane Protection spells are effective against a Bastellus, and they evidentially leaves a
bad taste in its mouth: it will not try to attack that subject again, unless there are absolutely no
other targets available.
A dispel evil spell cast directly at a Bastellus will destroy it (saving throw entitled).
The Bastellus will stay away from magical light, even though it may follow the player. Note,
however, it could still use its sleep power on the character.

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Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker, Level 1

Notes on this Level:

This level contains many undead (zombies and skeletons), and a giant spider. There are also four
wandering zombies (attire: three prisoners, one guard) wandering the halls. Check for random encounters
every three turns. Note that the guard zombie has a Skeleton Key hanging from his belt. Whenever all four
wandering zombies are dead, there are no further random encounters on this level.

As indicated in the dungeon notes, the Bastellus does not wander this level. However, if a character sleeps
without using the Benediction Powder or the Potion of Mind Shielding, the Bastellus will probably (75%
chance) be attracted and attack.

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1. Damp Cave

You are in a dark, damp cave. The cave continues to the north, and there is some writing
scrawled on the west wall, in chalk.

The mattress that saved you from the fall lies in the corner, next to a rotted backpack, and a
small wooden crate covered in black mold.

You a sound like distant whispering echoing from the walls to the north.

This room contains the shattered remnants of the ladder, crumbled to a ferrous heap. The backpack
contains sixteen torches, flint, a nub of chalk, and several rotted apples and a damp, moldy, crust of
bread. The crate contains a threadbare blanket and a canteen of water.

The writing on the walls says, R., P. Look for the Black Cross. Cuthbert.

Searching the cave carefully will turn up a pack of playing cards, and 12 silver coins in a leather
pouch, hidden in a crack in the southeast corner of the cave.

This cave also contains the only escape from the dungeon. Due to the slope of the ceiling hole, a
grapnel cannot be thrown up and connect to the ledge. It cannot be climbed. The player has two ways
to escape. First, he could use the Potion of Spider Climbing, or he could use the Iron Ladder. If the
player returns with the Talisman, skip to Epilogue.

2. Dank Corridor

You step out of the cave and into a crumbling hallway. This must be the Dungeon of Eternal
Midnight. The walls are made of granite, and rotting timbers buttress the high ceiling. The entire
dungeon smells of decay, mildew and twisted fear.

The corridor branches to the northwest, and also empties to the immediate east into a cellblock.
You hear the sounds of noisy eating coming from the northwest.

The player has entered the Dungeon. Remember to check for random encounters ever 3 turns. The
Bastellus is on level 2, and remains there unless the player sleeps.

Unless the player has infravision, he will need the torches to proceed.

3. West Cell Block, Upper Level

Following the corridor to the northeast, the disgusting rending noises get louder and louder. The
corridor empties into a four-cell block. Peeking around the corner, you see two figures squatting
with their backs to you, dark blood oozing across the floor.

If the player makes noise, the two abominations will rise, and turn. Their horribly decomposing bodies
and disjointed shuffle instantly reveal them as zombies. Both of them are dressed in gray shirt, gray
breeches, and have iron collars around their neck.

The zombies gruesome feast is a giant rat. It is dead, and badly chewed up.

The north entrance is closed with an avalanche, caused by the collapse of the northeastern corridor. If
the player digs through the rubble, he will find an oil painting, rolled up and stuffed in a canvas sack

The cellblock contains four cells. Each is 10x10.

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Northwest cell [Closed, unlocked] Contains a straw mattress, a tattered gray shirt, a broken
iron collar and a chewed femur.
Northeast cell [Closed, unlocked] The room contains the mattress, some broken bones,
and a stack of parchment all blank.
Southwest cell [Closed, unlocked] The room contains a mattress, a heap of filth and straw.
Underneath this heap is a small silver statue, worth 30 gold.
Southeast cell [Closed, unlocked] This cell contains a straw mattress and nothing else.

4. Southwest Cell Block, Upper L


You feel particularly cold as you enter into this cellblock. In the northwest cell, a thin young man
with a crude bandage over his head approaches the bars and smiles at you, and then disappears
before your eyes.

The cellblock empties further to the east into a four-way junction. From the hallway to the north,
you hear a bloodcurdling scream and the sounds of chains clinking!

The young man is an apparition that may or may not re-appear. While he is a ghost, he is too much on
the negative material plane to do anything to the player. He will not communicate nor will he do
anything different other than approach the bars, look out, give the enigmatic smile, and disappear.
Drawn on the floor in front of the southeast cell is a Black Cross.

Northwest cell [Closed, locked] The ghost of the young man may periodically reappear
here (see above). The room is very cold, and the young mans bones are scattered in a corner.
The mattress has been bloodied and ripped apart a long time ago.
Northeast cell [Closed, locked] Nothing in this cell of any interest other than the usual
straw mattress and a few handfuls of straw on the floor.
Southwest cell [Open, unlocked] This cells door is hanging open. Inside, along with the
usual straw mattress, is bedroll, four spent candles, and an empty biscuit tin. There is a name
scrawled on the wall here: Roberto.
Southeast cell [Closed, unlocked] Underneath the mattress in this otherwise empty cell is
Cuthberts Note. Give (or read) Prop A to the player.

5. Southeast Cell Block,

Block, Upper Level

You enter yet another cellblock. All four cell doors stand ajar, creaking back and forth in the
occasional draft. There is a parchment fastened to the wall next to each of the cells.

All four notes say the same thing: NOTICE! DO NOT ENTER CELL FOR ANY REASON.

Northwest cell [Open, unlocked] Contains a straw mattress, a tattered gray shirt, a broken
iron collar and a chewed femur.
Northeast cell [Open, unlocked] This room is completely, and totally empty. There is not
even the straw mattress inside.
Southwest cell [Open, unlocked] The mattress has a small coffer lying in the center of it.
The minute the player tries to take it, a giant centipede zips out from under the mattress and
gets a surprise attack!

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Name: Giant Centipede
-- 3hp N - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-2 Weapon: Bite
Armor Class: 9 THAC0: 20 Morale: -
Special Attacks: Inject Poison (+4 to save, if failed 3 Str and 5 pts of damage for 24 hours.)
Special Defenses: --
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 33

Inside the coffer is a silver medallion, worth 10 gold.

Southeast cell [Open, unlocked] This cell contains a straw mattress, an earthenware jug,
and a badly rusted iron dipper.

6. Torture
Torture Chamber

The corridor gives way into a large, 50x 60 foot chamber. Your eye is immediately drawn to a
large iron sarcophagus in the northwest corner, which seems to be trembling slightly. There is
also an ancient rack dominating the room, its splintered wood rotted and chain mechanisms
ravaged by rust.

There is a large granite table in the middle of the room, a small 5x5 cage, containing a skeleton,
a weapons rack against the southeast wall, a dust-covered forge in the southwest corner, an
ancient iron-bound wooden chest against the north wall, and a large marble staircase sinking
down into the darkness of the second level of the dungeon. There are also four small alcoves, two
on either side of the room, containing chains and shackles.

You hear the faint echo of the rack clamoring and a scream of agony, even though the rack is
perfectly still. This room speaks of pain, fear and extreme evil.

Iron Maiden
The iron sarcophagus is actually an iron maiden. It has been closed and jammed with an iron spike, but
the player can hear something scratching inside and rasping. Opening the sarcophagus will reveal an
extremely damaged zombie, who will attack the player immediately. However, due to his badly
damaged state, he only has 3 hit points and attacks with a 3.

The Rack
The rack is non-functional, and rusted very badly. Aside from a grotesque centerpiece for this room of
evil memories, it serves no purpose. The player could, if desired, hack it apart and get 6 serviceable
torches from it.

Weapon Rack
The rack contains all manner of torture devices, including pokers, tongs and awls. All of them have
been badly rusted and are not usable. Underneath the weapon rack is a copper scroll case worth 5 gold.

Granite Table
The table is bare. However, behind the table (north side) is a small recess, with a small book concealed
within. The pages crumble to the touch, and many of the entries are illegible, due to smudge and the
advanced decay. It appears to be the torturers journal. The following entries are legible:

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322 SR
Used the heated clamps on the heretic, Brother Johann. He didnt even flinch as his body
burned. I must admire his incredible conviction. Still, I must find out where he hid the
Emerald of Azaroth. He refuses to speak.

388 SR
Scalded the hands of Plobard the Thief, and then gave him twenty lashes as my special little
welcome to our dungeon. Thatll teach the cur to steal.

411 SR
A quandary today. The King has requested that those four detestable monsters from the
southeast block (Haldrick, Percell, Heinman and Royce) be tortured. However, the guards are
afraid to bring them from their cells. Cannot say I blame them after poor Corporal Minter
was killed and partially devoured by Percell last month. Ill defer the order. Hopefully, all
four will die soon. I can only hope it is not true, that those humans who savor flesh rise again
as. No. It cannot be true.

The character may take the book if he wishes. However, the more it is handled and read, the worse it
deteriorates. Eventually it will fall to pieces.

Iron Bound Wooden Chest

This chest is locked. It is also trapped with a shocking ward, if it is forced. If so, it electrocutes the
character for 1d6 of damage. The trap only works once.
The chest can be forced open with a successful strength check of Strength 12 and higher. It may also
be hacked open, after absorbing 22 hit points of damage, but each item inside must save vs. crushing
blow for each blow, or shatter.

Inside the chest: a set of three silver-colored potions in glass bottles, and a small piece of parchment.
The potions are healing potions that taste bitter and smell like sour wine. Bad taste aside; they heal 1d8
points of damage, instantly.

The parchment contains the following brief note:

Marxus: Enclosed is the set of potions you requested. Use elixirs on the prisoners as you ply your
trade. It will keep them alive far longer than they wish, I imagine. Cedric

Holding Cage
This small cage contains a skeleton, dressed in the tattered prisoner garb, with an iron collar around his
neck. The skeleton is not undead, and bears nothing of interest or use. The cage is locked, but the
enfeebled lock is easily forced.

In the corner is a small stone forge that was used to heat torture instruments in years long gone. The
forge is filled with ash, and sifting through the ash will turn up a small silver signet ring, bearing a
royal seal of some kind (worth 30 gold).

Holding Alcoves
The alcoves are really more like sconces, as they are only about three feet sunken into the walls. All
four alcoves contain holding shackles, all of which are empty and unlocked. There is nothing of
interest in any of the alcoves.

Loose Tile
10 feet into the room, and 5 feet over, is the access panel to the fountain works. Moving aside a loose
tile, the character discovers an iron valve and a pipe. The pipe has been rotted out, and must be
replaced. If the pipe is replaced (with the bronze pipe), the valve oiled (with the iron oilcan), and the
reservoir in area 5 (first level) filled, the fountain will work for 15 turns.

Marble Staircase
The staircase leads down to Level 2.

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7. East Cell Block, Upper Level

You brush past a cobweb as you enter the East Cell Block. The four cell doors are all closed, and
a black mold covers most of the floor. In the southwest cell, you hear the sound of low muttering.

The mold is harmless a dead patch of algae. Each of the doors in this cellblock is locked, and must
be forced, picked or opened with the skeleton key.

Northwest cell Inside this cell, a skeleton hangs from a makeshift rope made from shreds of
the mattress. The occasional draft makes the bones rattle against the iron bars, but the skeleton
is not undead. The cell contains nothing else of interest.
Northeast cell This contains the skeleton of a goblin, lying on the straw mattress. Like the
skeleton across the way, this prisoner has departed this plane and is not undead. There is a
bucket in the corner, which contains nothing but dust. Underneath the mattress is a clay tablet
with a goblin burial rite written on it (20 XP).
Southwest cell Inside this cell, along with the straw mattress, is a figure in a black cassock,
which is kneeling against the west wall, and muttering something that sounds like a prayer.
He will not respond to any communication, nor will he take notice of anything the character
does. However, if the character touches him in any way, he will emit an ear-slipping shriek,
and jump to his feet. He will then turn, revealing a half-skeletal face and burning red eyes.

Name: Brother Johann

Zombie 13hp N - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-6 Weapon: Bite
Armor Class: 9 THAC0: 20 Morale: -
Special Attacks: Cast Curse
Special Defenses: Undead defenses
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 250

Around Brother Johanns neck is a clay holy symbol. Hidden inside the holy symbol is a small but
exquisite emerald (100gp): the player must break it to get it. A character with the Pottery non-
weapon proficiency will immediately detect that something is inside the symbol.

There is nothing else of interest in the room, except a phrase scrawled on the north wall: Pain This
Life, Sanctity In The Next.

Southeast cell The cell to the southeast contains the usual straw mattress, and nothing else of

8. West Guard Room

You enter a large clammy chamber, about 30 by 15. Against the north wall is a mural of King
Romalak, sitting in a golden throne, looking to the east, with a smile. Something is very
disturbing about this mural.

There are the fragments of a shattered table here, and a rotted pike leaning against the west

This guardroom is empty. The mural does not have any magical properties nor anything valuable. It is
made of flaking ceramic chips, nothing more.

The broken table can be used to make 4 torches.

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9. East Guard Room

You enter a large clammy chamber, about 30 by 15. Against the north wall is a mural of a
skeleton holding up a bastard sword with two bony hands, looking towards the west, as if
offering the sword to someone.

The room is deep with tattered curtains, which, upon closer inspection, turn out to be massive
cobwebs. You suddenly feel very ill-at-ease here

The character has stumbled into the lair of a black harlequin, a rather deadly variety of giant spider.
The spider has managed to survive in this shut-off environment by devouring undead.

Name: Black Harlequin

Giant Spider 20hp (4HD) N - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 4 Dmg/Attack: 2-8 Weapon: Bite
Armor Class: 9 THAC0: 17 Morale: -
Special Attacks: Poison (Deadly)
Special Defenses: --
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 200

The character should not be forced into a fight with this dangerous foe, but if he tarries, and especially
if he touches the web or searches the room, the spider will spring a surprise attack within 10 rounds.

While searching the web, the player should make a Dexterity check each round. If he fails, he needs to
make a Saving Throw vs. Paralysis, or become tangled in the web. The spider will immediately attack
if this happens. If this happens, the player is stuck, negating any dexterity AC bonus. The player needs
a Strength check to break free.

This foe is particularly dangerous because of its potent venom. If the player fails the Save vs. Poison,
his head swims, he staggers about briefly, and falls to the cold floor, joining the many departed souls in
this dungeon.

If the spider is reduced to 5 hit points or less, it will try to retreat into the upper northeast corner of the
chamber. If it is still subject to attack, it will drop to the floor and flee into the dungeon, abandoning its

Hidden in the back of the room, amongst the webs, is 50 copper, 33 silver, 14 gold and 2 platinum, all
wealth of former victims. There is also a silver-edged dagger in an ornate sheath, still attached to a
half-devoured, web-wrapped corpse.

As with the previous room, the mural is a curious work of the macabre, but not of any enchantment or
significance to the player.

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10. Entrance Landing

You walk into the foyer of the dungeon. Dominating

the room is a disturbing statue of a crawling man. A
cloaked Death stands over him, scythe ready to
strike. A grim legend on the base of the statue reads

There is a grand marble staircase going up against

the north wall, but even from here you can see that
the way up has been walled over. There is a large
stone basin against the west wall of the foyer.

The corridor continues to the north, and an iron

door is to the east.

The gruesome statue does nothing, aside from creating

an unnerving atmosphere. The staircase once led up to
Romlaks Castle, but when the Castle was demolished,
the dungeon entrance was simply mortared over.
Therefore, the staircase leads up to the ceiling. The iron
door to the East is yet stout, despite the bad rust. The
door can be opened by the Skeleton Key. It will take a
Strength score of no less than 17 to force it.

The basin in the corner is the reservoir for the fountain on the second level. Naturally, it is dry. To
activate the fountain, the character must repair the fountain works in the torture chamber, and he must
also re-supply this reservoir. The character may do this by using the Scroll of Umberlee. If the player
reads the scroll, relate the following:

You unfurl the aqua scroll. You clear your throat and start to read.

Umberlee, Mistress of the Oceans, Goddess of the Tides, grant me this boon. Impart your magic upon me,
unleash a torrent of your lifeblood, the chilly waters from the deepest oceans, purified to sustain me, a humble
pilgrim upon thine gentle seas

As you speak these words, your head starts to feel light, and the sounds of an ocean roaring echoes in your ears.
As you finish, you lower the scroll to see the basin is now overflowing with water!

The player gets 200 XP for filling the reservoir.

The water is sweet water, not seawater. Drinking the water will slake thirst, but nothing else. To imbue
the water with the healing power, it must be channeled through the fountain works.

11. Evidence Room

The heavy iron door opens with a hideous creak. You step into the clammy room, to see two
large stone tables, flanked by rotting chairs.

There is a set of 5 lockers lining the east wall, and they are all apparently held shut by a
continuous, stout iron bar, which has miraculously survived rust and age. Following the iron bar,
you see that it is connected to a dusty panel on the north wall. The dust-choked panel contains
three dials and a lever.

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Locker Dials
The lockers will open if the dials are first set in the proper sequence. The three dials go from 0-70.
The proper sequence is: Dial 1:60; Dial 2: 13; Dial 3: 28. Once the dials are properly set, the character
will hear the heavy thud of a tumbler falling. The lever will now work. Pulling the lever down will
make the iron bar retract into the north wall. Award the player 200 XP for opening the lock.

Evidence Lockers:
These five lockers will only open if the iron bar has been retracted (see above). There are five lockers,
containing evidence from several prisoners. Each locker has a parchment affixed on the inside,
identifying the prisoner who possessed the contents. The contents are (lockers identified from north to

Locker 1 Brother Johann (Theft) A wooden cudgel, too rotted for use, wooden sandals.
Locker 2 Freydis Ardglass (Heresy) A crumbling warhammer, a holy symbol with a brilliant
sun made of topazes (30 gold).
Locker 3 Haldrick (Murder, Cannibalism) A Town Guard signet ring, a badly rusted suit of
chainmail splattered with dried blood, a brittle bronze short sword, and a set of scrolls. The scrolls
are a collection of records describing how town guardsman Michael Haldrick slew a town prisoner
in the streets at night. There is also an account from many eyewitnesses that attest that he was then
caught devouring the corpse.
Locker 4 Rokeman Boneflail (Animating Dead) A canvas sack containing a partial skeleton,
which has been broken apart by a crushing weapon of some kind, a crumbling map of a cemetery
(with Xs over some of the plots) and 3 vials of holy water, which have evaporated over time.
Locker 5 Mordus (Murder) In a canvas sack is a sword wrapped in brown paper. The short
sword is clean and rust-free, if a bit tarnished. [500 XP]

Magic Weapon Name Type Magic Bonus Speed Damage

Goblincleaver Short Sword +1 3 1d6+1
Special Attributes
+2 damage to goblins and hobgoblins.
A monastery of cloistered monks were constantly harassed by a tribe of goblins in a nearby cave, who
would arrive and demand tribute. The goblins became more and more aggressive, led by a war chief named
Gorak the Vermin.

Gorak himself arrived at the monastery and demanded that his short sword be imbued with magical powers.
Despite the Brother Superiors assertion that their God was peaceful and would not grant such an
enchantment, Gorak left the sword and advised the monks to finish the job by the next day, or else.

Gorak returned the next morning, and despite a night of the monks prayers, the sword was unchanged.
Gorak stormed over to a statue of the god and spat at it. At once, the sword glowed, burning Goraks hands.
The statues eyes glowed. Gorak backed away in terror. The goblins then prudently left, and never returned.

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12. First Storage Room

The hinges on the iron door have rusted, leaving the door permanently open.

You are standing in a long chamber, about 70x 30. An unusual chair is bolted to the floor near
the north wall. Various shackled chains are attached to the chair: it appears that this chair was
some sort of restraining device.

In the northwest corner of the room is a rather large pile of rags. Other than those two items,
this room is absolutely bare.

There is another iron door to the west, and you can exit through the ajar door to the east.

Tucked underneath the chair, wrapped in cheesecloth, are a silver ruby-encrusted brooch (50 gp) and a
regular dagger.

The pile of rags is actually a large pile of prisoner uniforms: gray shirts and breeches.

The door to the west may be opened with the skeleton key, or forced open (Strength of 17 required).

The hanging tapestry was once a proud banner for King Romalak, woven for his 40th birthday by the
members of a local tailors guild. However, now, it is nothing but a collection of mold and mildew, far
from being of any monetary or aesthetic value. Growing on the tapestry is a weak variety of yellow
mold, which will discharge a noxious gas (1-4 points of damage per round in the 3x 3 cloud).

13. Main Storage Room

The door screeches with age as you push it open.

You are standing in a long chamber; almost

identical to the one you were just in. A large rock
pile engulfs the west side of the room, obviously
the result of a collapse.

There is a large tapestry in the southeast corner,

and two chests in the room. However, you
attention is drawn immediately to a tattered,
hunched guardsman who stands in the middle of
the room. He glares at you through a lone misty,
rotted eye, and he shambles towards you, reaching
towards your face with his long, filthy claws

Name: Captain Phillip Ironquiver

Zombie 22hp NE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-6 Weapon: Bite
Armor Class: 5 THAC0: 20 Morale: -
Special Attacks: -
Special Defenses: Undead defenses
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 300

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Phillip is still wearing his chainmail armor that served him in life, even though it is quite worn and
rusted. Once a fanatical crusader against those he considered evildoers, he was tragically turned into
this creature of the darkness many, many years ago. Tucked in his belt is the note to Corwin (Prop B),
and he is also carrying the Wrought Iron Key.

Chest 1 (North Wall)

This chest is unlocked. Inside the chest are several sprockets and gears, all worn and broken. There is
also a copper pipe suitable for repairing the Fountain Works in the Torture Chamber. There is also a
note tucked inside the pipe.

Here is the pipe you requested. Milord, I have a feeling that the reason the fountain access pipe keeps
cracking is because your access panel to fountain works is in a bad location. With all of the chaos
happening in a typical torture chamber, how can you expect a floor access panel to protect pipe just
inches below? Guyeman the Tinker

Chest 2 (South Wall)

The chest is trapped with a one-time electric current trap (1d6+2) if the copper key is not used. It may
be forced open with a Strength check (15 minimum) or after taking 30 hit points of damage.

The chest contains confiscated wealth. There is a total of 100 copper, 40 silver, 22 electrum and 20
gold. There is also a small pouch containing 12 garnet gems, worth 2gp each.

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Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker, Level 2

Notes on this Level:

There are three wandering skeletons (attire: all guards) wandering the halls. Check for random encounters
every three turns. Whenever all four wandering skeletal guards are dead, there are no further random
encounters on this level.

The Bastellus is on this level. As in the level above, the player risks being drained by the Bastellus if he
sleeps without the proper wards. Also note that the Bastellus is in Cell 4-H, and it will awaken if the
character tarries nearby.

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1. Stairwell

You descend the marble staircase and into the second level of the Dungeon. The clammy air
seems a bit heavier down here. At the landing, you see a roughly mortared patch covering where
the stairs leading to the third floor once existed. There is a scrap of paper on the floor.

The room has a corridor exiting to the east, and to the south.

If the player has activated the fountain, he will hear splashing coming from the west. The scrap of
paper is Cuthberts final note (see Prop C).

2. Fountain Room

You enter a dusty chamber, which is dominated by a large stone fountain. The fountain is three
tiers high, and is covered with an ornate pattern of vines and grapes. Some sort of symbol is in
the very front of the base.
(if the fountain is activated)
Water cascades from the top tier, and it is glowing with a strange pale amber light, illuminating
the room.

If the fountain is activated, water will be gushing forward from the fountain. The player may drink
from the fountain to recover 1d6 hitpoints, which works once every 6 turns. One time it will restore a
drained level. After 10 hours of operation, the fountain will cease to function.

3. West Cellblock, Second Level

You enter and extremely long cellblock, with five cells against the west wall and four cells against
the east wall. The corridor is abruptly walled off to the west, about 20 down, and walled off to
the south 70 down.

This cellblock contains the following cells:

Cell A [Closed, locked] Contains the Iron Oilcan, resting on the tattered mattress.
Cell B [Open, unlocked] Contains a skeleton, clad in prisoner clothes and fitted with an
iron collar, who is tearing at the mattress. It turns and attacks as the player passes by.
Cell C [Closed, locked] Contains a mattress, and a chalk drawing of a deeply disturbing
image of demons against the north wall. The cell smells slightly of brimstone, but nothing
harmful is in the room. Hidden behind a loose brick in the west wall is a silver goblet worth
10 gold.
Cell D [Closed, unlocked] This room contains a dead skeleton, resting on the mattress.
Hidden in the hay is a Silver Medal of Fantasia, worth 30 gold.
Cell E [Open, unlocked] There is a tattered bedroll here, and a big bloody mess. These are
the remains of Roberto, Cuthberts accomplice. There are some burnt down candles and tapers
all over the room, as if he was attempting to make the room as bright as possible. There is also
a small pouch of 3 Kalishimar Seeds here. [DMs Note: The Bastellus killed Roberto, and the
zombies and ghouls did this to the corpse.]
Cell F [Closed, locked] Contains nothing but the tattered mattress.
Cell G [Open, unlocked] This cell has been recently occupied, as there are several torches
tucked in the corner, a bedroll, 5 iron spikes wrapped in a cloth, and a small, unopened
package of iron rations. Also on the wall is the Skeleton Key hanging by a spike.
Cell H [Open, unlocked] This cell is swept out and empty.
Cell I [Closed, unlocked] This cell contains a burnt mattress, and several burn marks all
over the walls.

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4. North Cellblock, Second Level

You enter and extremely long cellblock, with five cells against the west wall and four cells against
the east wall. The corridor is abruptly walled off to the north, about 40 down, and walled off to
the south 100 down. You hear rattling and clamoring coming from east.

This cellblock contains the following cells:

Cell A [Open, unlocked] Contains a mattress and a mold-covered bucket. The bucket is
Cell B [Open, unlocked] Empty, except for a thick layer of dust.
Cell C [Closed, locked] Contains a mattress and a several crumbling pieces of parchment
tucked into the northwest corner. All of the pages are blank.
Cell D [Closed, locked] This room is filled with a bunch of broken crates and empty
bottles. Inside one of the bottles is a Potion of Level Restoration.
Cell E [Open, unlocked] Contains nothing but the tattered mattress.
Cell F [Closed, locked] This cell is empty.
Cell G [Closed, locked] This cell contains the source of the racket: an undead skeleton is
beating and biting on the cell bars. Opening the cell will result in a prompt attack. In the back
of the cell is a spent Wand of Magic Missles, without any charges. On the wand is emblazed
on the name Galstaff. [30 XP]
Cell H [Open, unlocked] This very dark chamber has a very ominous feel to it. The
character gets the feeling that there is imminent danger in this empty cell. The Bastellus is in
hibernation here, but will awaken if the PC says within 10 for more than a few moments. If
this occurs, read the following:

An icy chill dances down your spine. A loud, baritone, echoing moan rattles through your head. In the darkest
corner of the room, you see two pale while eyes appear in the shadows. They snuff out as you approach.

You feel as if something has awakened.

The Bastellus will not attack the character at this time, but it will stalk the character. See the
page on The Bastellus for more information.

Cell I [Open, unlocked] The cell contains a straw mattress and a stringy mop. Written on
the floor in charcoal are the words: Aksos Delmar Eorishamarr.
Cell J [Closed, locked] The cell is empty, except for a flyblown corpse laying in the middle
of the cell, clutching a bottle. If the character opens the cell door, the zombie rises at attacks.
The bottle is empty.
Cell K [Closed, unlocked] This cell contains the usual straw mattress. Underneath the
mattress is a worn pair of old, green boots. They are not magical or in any way notable, other
than being in very bad repair.
Cell L [Closed, locked] Contains a straw mattress, and a crumbling 1 hole in the southeast
corner of the cell. The hole is dark, and big enough for the character to reach into. If he does,
a trap, rather like a mousetrap, will spring, doing 1d4 points of damage. Also in the hole is a
small iron rations package, which contains a small sapphire, worth 30 gold.
Cell M [Closed, unlocked] Inside this cell is the usual straw mattress, a broken wooden
bowl, and some broken shackles, and nothing else.
Cell N [Open, unlocked] This cell contains a straw mattress, and a dead skeleton lying in
the corner. The skeleton is wearing natty breeches. If searched, the character finds a small
Iron Token, inside a secret pocket sewn into the inside of a pant leg.
Cell O [Closed, locked] Nothing of interest in this cell except the gnarled mattress.

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5. Interrogation Chamber

[Note: The Wrought Iron Key is required to open the door to this room]

You enter into a spacious 40 x 30 chamber, which smacks of bad memories and pain. There is a
huge stone desk in the middle of the room, and one chair on either side. The chair on the west
side is a normal chair, but the chair on the right is fitted with restraining shackles. There is a big
leather-bound book on the desk, and a cobweb-covered inkwell and crumbling quill as well.
There are pegs along the northeast portion of the room, one holding a whip, and another holding
a club.

A chilly corridor exits to the north, and a large iron door affords exit to the west.

This was the interrogation chamber, where many of King Romalaks enemies spent hours under
questioning, after a stint in the Torture Chamber.

The book is a journal of criminals and confessions (some true, some forced). You can make up as
many as youd like, but none of them have any bearing on this adventure. The whip is falling apart and
is no longer useful. The club is still stout enough to use, if the character would like to take it.

As noted above, the rooms west door is locked, and cannot be forced. Only Phillip Ironquivers
Wrought Iron Key works on this door.

There is a secret passage in the center of the south wall. It is on a simple swivel, so the character only
needs to push it to access the Secret Room.

6. Dungeon Chapel

The door opens with a hideous creak, and you enter a strange chapel. A stone altar stands atop a
four-step dais. There are two statues that flank the entrance, of two cloaked figures. The altar
has a white cloth over it, and two candlesticks. There is a groove in the top of the altar, and a
collection of tiles.

Against the south wall, behind the altar, scratched of the wall is a message:

There are six tiles, and there is room for

five tiles on the altar groove. Give the
player the Tiles (Prop D) to try
combinations. If the character arranges the
tiles in the proper series, a compartment
slides open, revealing a stack of silver coins
and a small bag of silvery powder.

The proper series is:

There are six tiles, and there is room for

five tiles on the altar groove. If the
character arranges the tiles in the proper
series, a compartment slides open, revealing
a stack of silver coins and a small bag of
silvery powder.

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The silver powder is the Benediction Powder, which will allow the character to sleep hidden from the
Bastellus. The 12 silver coins are actually small ceremonial disks, worth about 20 gold altogether.

7. Secret Room

The walls swivels and you are pushed into a small room. In the room is an ironbound chest and a
large parchment reading Make Sure Bodies Fall Down All The Way! The room has no
discernable exits.

The ironbound chest is not locked, and contains shackles and ropes. There is also a rope ladder at the
bottom. There are secret passages to the north and east: both are swivel mechanisms.

8. Holding Cell

You enter a room that is bisected by a set of iron bars and an iron gate. The back of the room is
covered with dirt and straw, and there is a wooden chair propped up against the west wall.
Standing in the holding area of the room is a man in tattered clothes, with a blank look on his
face. As you approach, he points at the gate.

The man will not respond at all to any communication. However, once the player attempts to open the
gate, the zombie attacks immediately.
Name: Holding Cell Captive
Zombie 12hp NE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-6 Weapon: Bite
Armor Class: 7 THAC0: 20 Morale: -
Special Attacks: -
Special Defenses: Undead defenses
Treasure Type: 6 gold XP Award: 200

9. Lower Level Pit

You proceed down a dank cave corridor, and come to a cave. In the center of the cave is a large,
circular iron grate, attached to a chain. The chain goes to the ceiling and is attached to a winch
on the east side of the cave.

The corridor continues to the north, and to the west.

The ironbound chest is not locked, and contains shackles and ropes. There are secret passages to the
north and east: both are swivel mechanisms.

If the player works the winch:

With an echoing clanking and clanging, the chain wraps around the winch, and the iron grate is slowly raised
upward. A foul wind rises from the lower level of the Dungeon. What horrors wait down in the depths?

The character can descend in many ways. He could simply jump down (suffering 1d10 points of falling
damage, unless the player has Acrobatics as a nonweapon proficiency), he could use the rope ladder, or
he could attempt to climb down (Climbing Check).

There are secret passages to the west, and to the north, which return to the dungeon.

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10. Trophy Room

You open the door and enter a bizarre room with many alcoves. In the center of the room are
two stone sarcophagi, and chained up in each alcove, two to the south, two to the west, and two to
the north, are bodies in various states of decomposition. Two zombies shuffle about the room,
and turn towards you, gurgling and mewling.

The two zombies attack at once. This room is a display area for the bodies of King Romalaks most
hated prisoners. The prisoners are identified as:
[Shackled to the North Alcoves]
Tom Rapier, Highwayman
Orc Chieftain Marrowsuck
[Shackled to the West Alcoves]
Avanash DAri, Elf Renegade
Lothar Grumbledook, Warlock
[Shackled to the South Alcoves]
Gorgon, Insolent Fighter
Robin of Gastonbury, Outlaw
The two sarcophagi are sealed in a way they cannot be opened by the character. The two sarcophagi
contain Rexor and Baroness Lashaman, according to the plaques.

Aside from the gruesome displays, nothing in this room is of any value or interest to the character.

11. Hall of Records

This room has been completely cleared out, except for a shambling pile of wood in the corner,
which appeared to once be a bookcase.

The room is otherwise empty.

Searching the wood pile will reveal a few books too damaged to read. However, buried deep is a book
labeled Dungeon Expansion Project, which is relatively intact, but badly smudged.

If the player reads the book, he will note the following interesting logs:

MR 200 His Majesty has decreed that we build another level to the Dungeon. We have hired a
group of dwarven engineers to take up this task.

MR220 The dwarves have begun the construction of the third dungeon level. The chief engineer, a
stout dwarf named Gunther Greyaxe, is very good at his job if a bit lacking on personality.

MR240 Trouble. There is a dispute about the compensation. It seems that the royal coffers were a
bit drained by the Summer Invasion of Florin. The project is put on hold, with the northeast and central
portions of the third level complete.

MR260 Formal complaint, filed by Castle Steward Breegburg. Lunacy! Sir Yareth has convinced
his majesty to complete the lower levels by using filthy Umber Hulks to burrow passages. These beasts
are horrifically dangerous! Not to mention impossible to control.

MR261 Two of those horrid Umber Hulks were herded down the steps by a contingent of guards.
Many of the guards, gazing into the eyes of the beasts, dropped their halberds and wandered around in
a stupor. They were led to the third level landing, and the stairs have been boarded over. Condemned
prisoners have been shackled to the walls we anticipate the Umber Hulks to burrow through.

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MR265 Matthew Grey replacing Castle Steward Breegburg, who met with a gruesome end
yesterday. It appears the Umber Hulks are causing more damage than building straight passageways. It
is making the second level flooring unstable. Sections have begun to collapse!

MR266 Twelve sheep, with Phase Spider venom soaked on their wool, were led down to the third
level. This should take care of our Umber Hulks.

MR268 [Entry is stricken out entirely. The player can make out the phrase deadlier than the
Umber Hulks in the marked out text.

MR269 By Royal Decree, the third level has been mortared over, and will never be accessed again.
The King himself has advised everyone to never return to the aborted third level of The Dungeon of
Eternal Midnight.

12. Meditation Chamber

The door only opens with tremendous effort, screeching horribly. Inside this small chamber are
two simple, yet large, wooden chairs, and two ironbound chests. There are various candles and
tapers littering the room.

Two figures, clad in brown cassocks, stride out of the darkness and attack you!

The two ex-monks are skeletons, forever bound to guard this room. However, they will pursue if the
character flees.

The chests are both trapped with electrical charges that do 1d4 points of damage. However, it is a
sloppy trap, and there are wires sticking from the back of the chest. Cutting the wires will disarm the

Inside the first chest is a lot of crumbling incense, and a holy symbol bearing the strange symbols of:

(write them on a piece of scratch paper for the player)

Inside the second chest is a ceremonial dagger (too rusted for use or value), some kind of ceremonial
robe, and a small tin containing 20 gold coins.

13. Arena

The smell of blood seems fresh in the air as you enter this odd 40 x 40 chamber, which seems to
have a cage set on the inside 30 x 30 area. There are broken benches on either side of this cage,
and a few bones and broken weapons lying inside the cage. This must have been some sort of
arena for prisoners to battle.

The only exit out of the room is the corridor to the south.

Yet, this room is filled with secret passages. A portion of the southwest wall swivels, affording passage
down a cave to the Lower Level Pit. Behind the cage are two secret doors, which lead to a cache of
weaponry. There are 3 pikes, 2 short swords, one net and, for some reason, a folded-over, extendible
ladder: The Iron Ladder

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Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker, Level 3

Notes on this Level:

There are no random encounters on this level. However, if the character tarries overlong, some of The
Brotherhood may run into him except for Royce and Percell, who stay in area 15. The Umber Hulks
trapped on this level are, naturally, long dead.

The Bastellus is fully capable of coming down to this level, stalking the PC.

Aside from the usual undead, there are piercers, rot grubs, and even a young purple worm hidden in various
places on this level. Also, the toadstools Mendawin needs are present on this level.

Last, but certainly not least, the Talisman of The Rakshasa is down here.

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1. Damp Room

You arrive on the Third Level of the Dungeon. You are currently in a 40 x 40 chamber, and
many bones are scattered about. The walls on this level do not appear to be mortared stone, but
hewn rock, as if it was mined out of bedrock. A well-constructed corridor runs to the north,
while a crude corridor, which almost looks as if it was pulverized through, snakes off to the

There is an arrow, drawn in chalk, pointing to the North, with the writing: CUTHBERT, THIS

There are all manner of bones here, many of them broken and very badly chewed. If the character has
the Anatomy non-weapon proficiency, he will note that the marrow has been sucked from many of
these bones, and that long teeth cracked many of them.

Inside a shattered skull, there is an Electrum Pendant, worth 40 gold. A careful search will find the
fragments of two clay disks, which are all that remains of The Disks of Saint Grall. They do not
function any more, nor may they be repaired. The character cannot tell if these disks were broken by a
fall of if someone shattered them. Award a 100 XP bonus for finding the Disks, even though they do
no good.

2. Dead Umber Hulk

You follow the corridor to the north, and while it turns sharply to the left, the north wall has
been demolished, creating a small cave to the north.

There is a large heap of shields almost blocking the way north. Upon closer inspection, you see it
is the badly decomposed body of a huge insect-like creature, with huge, heavy arms, two
compound eyes and two normal eyes. It is quite dead.

There is another arrow, drawn in chalk, pointing to the west chamber, with the writing: CUTH,
SALVATION AWAITS. In that direction, you hear nauseating slurping.

This Umber Hulk has been dead for a very long time. Inspection of the corpse reveals that some kind
of man-sized creature has been chewing on it. Something with very sharp teeth.

3. Bloody Stairwell

You come into the Third Level landing, with another marble staircase, which ascends grandly
into an opening that has been thickly mortared over and closed up long, long ago.

The room has a foul, rotting stench, and you see a half-devoured corpse of a middle-aged man,
lying in a sprawling pool of blood, which is mostly dried.

Squatting next to the dead man in a figure clad in the prisoner attire of gray tunic, breeches and
an iron collar. It appears the slurping noises are coming from him. His back is to you.

As soon as the character makes noise or enters the room, he is discovered:


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Suddenly, the hunched figure turns and locks eyes with you. You feel a cold chill shake your very soul. His eyes
are striking yellow, and his pupils wide and demonic. He is chewing on a blood-caked bone, and you spy sharp
fangs, and its grotesquely long, scaly tongue lashing around the bone. Its chalk-white face is decayed and the
stuff of nightmares.

It jumps to its feet quickly, and drops the bone. It starts towards you rasping, Fresh, warm blood Heinman is
always last when sharing with The Brotherhood, but now now he shall be the first. Come. Let me sink
my fingers in your hot blood, my taaasty friennnndd.

The abomination howls and charges you, strings of rancid saliva streaming from its horrific maw.

This is the first of The Brotherhood, the cursed cannibals that escaped from the second level cell-
block. Due to their horrid crimes in life, they received a taste for flesh that death has only
intensified. They are ghouls.

Name: Richard Heinman

Ghoul 8hp CE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 3 Dmg/Attack: 1-3/1-3/1-4 Weapon: Claw/Claw/Bite
Armor Class: 7 THAC0: 20 Morale: -
Special Attacks: Paralysis
Special Defenses: Undead defenses
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 300

Heinmann is, as in life, impulsive to a fault. As such, he gets a 2 to his attack roles, due to his total
zeal and lack of precision. You may want to fudge a few special attacks rolls lets face it if a non-
elf character gets paralyzed the adventure is over.

The body on the floor is Cuthberts corpse. Obviously, Cuthbert had given up on his corrupt
guardsman comrades, and had tried to contact his mysterious benefactors. The decision, obviously,
was not wise.

Searching Cuthbert finds 44 Gold, 33 Silver, a short sword, a half-full water skin, and a platinum ring
(30 Gold) but no Talisman. Award 100 XP for finding Cuthberts corpse.

4. Corridor

The corridor is partially demolished here, revealing a crudely-hewn cave corridor to the North.
At the base of the cave corridor, there is a severed hand, half-skeletal and badly chewed. There is
seems to be a copper ring on one finger

The ring is worthless. Searching the corridor closely, the character will find a tiny pouch, containing
three platinum pieces, under a rock.

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5. Incomplete Cell Block

A foul draft wafts past you as you arrive at the northern cellblock, which has only four cells.
However, the cells are incomplete: there are no bars, locks or shackles, just empty rooms as
far as you can tell from here.

You hear a loud clanging coming from the west corridor.

There is nothing at all of interest in these cells. They are all empty.

6. Guard Post and West Cell Block

The corridor widens considerably into a Guard Post. In the inky darkness, there is a worn
training dummy being beat on by a fighter. The warrior slowly turns and you can see he has the
yellow eyes, sharp teeth and tattered tongue of a ghoul. However, he is dressed in a patchwork of
armor, and it appears gauntlets cover his claws. He holds a battered sword which he
brandishes as he charges you.

Name: Michael Haldrick

Ghoul 15hp CE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 3 Dmg/Attack: 1-6/1-4 Weapon: Sword/Bite
Armor Class: 5 THAC0: 18 Morale: -
Special Attacks: Paralysis
Special Defenses: Undead defenses
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 400

The second of The Brotherhood, Haldrick was once a town watchman. Strangely, he retains a drive
to pursue his martial career, despite being undead, hence he has made himself a patchwork of armor,
and still attacks with a weapon. However, the drive to drink mortal blood compels him, so he attacks at
once, with a sword/bite combination.
The corridor continues down into a cellblock, which appears to have been used at one time.
Cell A [Open, unlocked] Contains a mattress and a large pick-axe. The pick-axe has the
name Keldorn carved into it.
Cell B [Closed, locked] This cell contains a mattress, some straw, and the skeletons of two
goblins (dead)
Cell C [Closed, locked] Contains a mattress and a several crumbling pieces of parchment
tucked into the northwest corner. All of the pages are blank.
Cell D [Closed, locked] This room is filled with a bunch of broken crates and empty
bottles. Inside one of the bottles is a Potion of Level Restoration.
Cell E [Open, unlocked] Contains nothing but the tattered mattress.

7. Tunneled Cell

The barred door to this cell is hanging by a hinge, creaking hideously. The cell walls have been
apparently smashed, and something has burrowed to the east, creating a 10 passage. There is all
manner of rubble scattered across the floor.

This was a room where one of the Umber Hulks was retained and not for long. Searching the rubble
in the room will turn up nothing.

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8. Demolished Cell

The end of the corridor yields to a shattered wall, and to the west, a cell has sustained extremely
heavy damage. The apparent burrowing of a massive creature has expanded the walls of the cell,
and created a cave passage to the southeast.

As above, this room contains a grim lesson about trying to imprison Umber Hulks by conventional
means and little else.

9. Dead Adventurer

Within the meandering corridors, you come across a shape slumped on the floor. Upon closer
inspection, it is a very badly chewed human corpse, wearing broken armor and wearing a
tattered cape. The smell is putrid and very difficult to bear. You notice a bunch of small worm-
like creatures crawling on the flesh and burrowing before your eyes.

The character had better not touch the dead body, or the rot grubs infesting it will go after the fresher

Name: Rot Grubs (20)

Rot Grubs 1hp N - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: See Below Weapon: Burrow
Armor Class: 9 THAC0: 20 Morale: -
Special Attacks: On successful hit on skin, burrow into the character, save vs. poison or die.
Special Defenses: -
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 200

If the character manages to kill the rot grubs, and inspects the adventurers body, he will find 6 gold,
and a golden Wolf Figurine (80 gold). This is the remains of one of the other adventurers that the
Marquis sent down. One of The Brotherhood put an end to his life and mission.

10. Stalactite Cave

The corridor empties out into a vacant, but large circular cave. There are many stalactites
hanging from the ceiling, covered with algae and occasionally dripping water. There appears to
be a necklace of some kind in the middle of the room.

There are two exits to the east, one slightly northeast and one slightly southeast, and a corridor
continues to the northwest.

When the character enters the room, make a Wisdom check. If the character has the Observation
Nonweapon Proficiency, the check is automatically made.

If the check is successful, point out to the player that his character notices these caves were made by
artificial means. Burrowed out, not made by erosion. Therefore, these stalactites should not be here.


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If a greedy character tries to rush the necklace, down they come.

Name: Cave Piercers (3)

Piercer 2 N - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-6 Weapon: Drop Attack
Armor Class: 3 THAC0: 19 Morale: -
Special Attacks: Drop
Special Defenses: -
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 300

The jade necklace is worth 60 gold, if the character can manage to get it.

11. Grisly Chamber

This chamber appears to have once been a guard post. There are empty, rotting weapon racks
against the walls, and a few chains hanging from the ceiling.

In the center of the room is a large pile of bloody, broken and chewed bones. There is a cloth
sack in the corner, soaked with blood.

If the character searches the pile, 1 or 2 skeletons will rise from the pile and attack. Also inside the pile
is a broken golden brooch (20 gold), two platinum coins, and ruby ring (40 gold). There is also a Scroll
of Melfs Acid Arrow, which has been torn and soaked in blood, rendering it useless.

In the back of the chamber is the tattered remnants of a journal. It belonged to a wizard named Olaf
who was studying a hybrid of monster called a Broken One, which is made by grafting monster flesh
to humans. The chief study in the book talks about a herbalist named Volkhart, who was captured by a
vampire and subjected to mutation of this sort. Aside from being a grisly curiosity, this book has no
bearing on this adventure.

12. Pit

The cave corridor starts to decline sharply downward. You come into a large cave, with exits to
the west, northwest and north. The room has a large pit against the east of the room, going
straight down. The pit is about 50 in diameter.

If the character makes an Observation Check, he will notice that this pit has been dug upward, not
downward. There is nothing in the cave, but the pit falls 100 straight down. The player can climb
down (make Climbing Checks), use the Iron Ladder, or use the Potion of Spider Climbing.

If the character goes to the bottom of the pit:

You manage to reach the bottom of the pit. Rocks and rubble are everywhere, and the tunnel
meanders back and forth every few feet. You have a very, very bad feeling about this tunnel

If the player continues down the corridor, it goes for about 20 more feet. Read the following:


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You proceed down the corridor. It appears something
massive created this corridor, but not by bashing it, but
by consuming it.

After about 20, the corridor comes to a dead end.

Whatever dug this hole must have continued through an
area that a collapse sealed many years ago.

As you ponder this, the wall to the right of you

explodes, and a 20 Purple Worm snakes up into the air
from the hole dug in the corner. It screeches and squeals,
and comes it you with its gigantic maw!

Name: Young Purple Worm

Purple Worm 25 hp (4HD) N - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 1 Dmg/Attack: 1-6 Weapon: Bite
Armor Class: 3 THAC0: 16 Morale: -
Special Attacks: -
Special Defenses: -
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 500

This young purple worm is the ancestor of the full sized terror that necessitated the sealing off of this
dungeon level. Fortunately, this one is not nearly as monstrous, and it attacks from its place in the wall,
so it cannot use its poison stinger.

If the PC can defeat the purple worm, he will find a tattered bag of coins in the tunnel it appeared from.
Inside the bag of coins are 50 gold coins, and a large sapphire (100 gold).

13. Amcartha Mushroom Patch

The cave corridor here is cold and slimy, and several mushrooms have grown in a patch here.
They are a dull ivory color, and smell sour. There are about 30 of them, and they cover about 5
of area across the cave corridor.

These are the Amcartha Mushrooms, so they should be gathered if the character is collecting them for
Mendawin. These mushrooms are toxic when not prepared, so if the PC eats one, he must save vs.
poison or be violently ill for the next 50 turns (-3 to Constitution, -2 to attack rolls, -3 on skill checks).

Most of the mushrooms are too small to collect, and will crumble when pulled. The PC may pick 13
good samples, and 18 if he has the Agriculture nonweapon proficiency. The mushrooms must be
collected and placed in an area where they will not be crushed. If they take any crushing damage, they
turn black and unusable. Award 200 XP if the player gets these back to Mendawin.

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14. Rocky Cavern

You come into a large cavern, with exits to the southwest and southeast. The cavern floor is
uneven, and is much more akin to a jagged rock bed than an actual floor. In the northeast corner
of the room, there is a ledge jutting out, 30 above the cavern floor. There appears to be some
sort of crate or box up there.

It is very slow going to get to that corner, as the PC has to climb and drop down in many places across
the floor of the cave. Also, hidden near one of the dark pits is an orc skeleton, which will attack as
soon as the PC comes near.

The player can use the Iron Ladder to reach the ledge, he could try to climb to the top (do a Climbing
Check, with a semi-sheer rock face), or if he is under the effects of the Potion of Spider Climbing, he
could simply walk up to the top.

The crate is locked, but will open after absorbing 10hp of damage, or being forced with a strength
score of 12 or higher. The chest contains a crossbow, 12 +1 Bolts, and 100 silver (250 XP altogether).

Lying beside the crate is an ancient scroll. It reads as follows:

The Bastellus has been released as you have ordered, your majesty. I have imported it from another
realm, whose name I dare not utter here. I hope those dead orphans will not cause much of a fuss, but I
did need the dream radiance of mortals to coax it through the portal. Of what consequence would their
lives have been anyway?

The wards shall keep it in the dungeon, but it is angry indeed to be trapped. I would not advise any
guards or yourself to tarry down here if tired. I am sure this fiend will suit your purposes and cause
much grief to those who have crossed you. Thank you for your business, your majesty; payment has
been received. Kir-Tak shall get his cut for facilitating our contact: he is an artful agent, despite the
obvious handicap of being born a kobold. Hans Vermillion of Thay

15. Sanctum of The Brotherhood

You enter a large cave, and the air seems even heavier still here. The cave walls are streaked
with dried blood, sometimes in elaborate, gruesome patterns. Two gnarled men are in the center
of the room, hunched over a chest, hissing whispers back and forth.

The player has found the Sanctum of The Brotherhood. The two ghouls immediately get wind of the
characters presence

With a slam, the chest is closed. The two men rise and
turn towards you. You see these two damned souls are
ghouls, by their bulging yellow eyes, jagged teeth, and
ribbon-like tongues.

Ahhhh, one of them rasps. Like a tender, juicy lamb

to the slaughter, another mortal has come to warm our
bellies with his rich, hot blood. My mouth already

The two ghouls break into a lumbering run towards you,

a ravenous gleam in their repulsive eyes!!

The PC must fight them simultaneously. They will flank him if they can.

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Name: Sir Edward Royce
Ghoul 18hp CE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 3 Dmg/Attack: 1-3/1-3/1-4 Weapon: Claw, Bite
Armor Class: 6 THAC0: 19 Morale: -
Special Attacks: Paralysis
Special Defenses: Undead defenses
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 400

Name: Nathan Percell

Ghoul 13hp CE - - - - - -
Attacks/Round: 3 Dmg/Attack: 1-3/1-3/1-4 Weapon: Claw, Bite
Armor Class: 7 THAC0: 19 Morale: -
Special Attacks: Paralysis
Special Defenses: Undead defenses
Treasure Type: - XP Award: 400

They will try to paralyze the character and devour him. The two ghouls will not run away, nor will
they allow the PC to escape, as they will give chase. This fight is to the death.

If the PC wins, and opens the chest:

You open the chest, and the hinges crumble and break, making the top fall off with a thud. Inside the
chest is a miscellany of items, apparently all trinkets taken from victims of the ghouls.

The things of interest you find are: a quiver of arrows, a small iron mirror, six torches, a battered helmet,
a small purse containing a few gems and mage reagents, and, of course, the Talisman of the Rakshasa.

The Talisman is a gold medallion, featuring a tigers head, with two beautiful emeralds twinkling in the
eyes. There are many phrases etched into the medallion, but you cannot read them. The medallion is on a
long, scarlet ribbon, and is smudged a bit with blood.

Award the PC 300 XP for finding the Talisman, the object of his quest. However, the Talisman is not
magical: it is simply an expensive trinket. The gems are very valuable and worth 400 gold altogether,
the reagents are worthless to the player, and the rest of the equipment is strictly ordinary.

16. Alchemy Bag

The corridor abruptly comes to a dead end here. There is a pile of rags in the corner of the
corridor upon closer inspection; you find that it is a skeleton in a tattered cloak. Clutched in
his bony hands is a large leather pack.

The skeleton is dead: the remains of a foolish alchemist looking for Almerca Mushrooms. Inside his
pack are two Potions of Healing (1d6) [50 XP] and a Potion of Spider Climbing [100 XP]. There is
nothing else of interest here.

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When the player arrives back in Crownstamp, at the Marquis residence:

You return to the estate of Marquis Renyard. Shackleton looks surprised as he answers the door, and then
smiles broadly. Ah, you have returned! His Excellency will be most pleased. Please, follow me.

You are led back into the study, where the Marquis is sitting, sipping brandy. As Shackleton announces you,
the Marquis stands and grins, and sets aside his glass. Tarteum stands in the shadows, sour-faced as ever.

Ah! The Marquis exclaims, I see you have returned already. You have good news for me, I hope?

If the player has returned empty-handed, the Marquis humor will darken considerably. He will not be
pleased for wasting his money on the supplies garnered from Mendawin. He will then furiously tell the
PC to leave and never come back, and Tarteum will attempt to remove the PC, as Shackleton goes for the
town guards.

If the PC does return with the Talisman:

You produce the Talisman, and the Marquis is happy indeed. Well done! Excellent work, my friend! The
King will be most pleased that this priceless artifact has been recovered!! He shakes your hand firmly, and
takes the Talisman, and holds it up for inspection. It sparkles majestically.

Shackleton, take our stalwart friend to the Bank and withdraw 3,000 gold on his behalf, The Marquis
instructs his butler. Tarteum, start making arrangements for a trip to The Kings Castle. We have some
wonderful news for him!

The Marquis is on his way to return the Talisman to the King, and to claim all of the credit for its recovery.
The PCs role will not be mentioned, as the Marquis plans to claim that it was he who delved into the
dungeon and recovered it.

However, the reward is genuine. The character may elect to have all of the gold paid out at the bank, or
moved into his account. When their business is concluded, Shackleton thanks the PC and returns to the

The Adventurer has completed this solo adventure!

Taking it Further
This does not have to be the end of the adventurers involvement with this storyline. Here are some
possible quests you can DM to tie into his adventures in The Dungeon of the Dreamdrinker:

Returning the loot to the museum or being hunted for claiming it as his own.
Returning to The Dungeon at a later level to kill The Bastellus once and for all.
A mission from an assassin guild: trap the Bastellus in a Gem of Life Trapping, to use as an
assassination tool.

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End Notes
Well, that took a lot longer than I thought! A simple 3-level dungeon isnt as simple as I remembered. I do
think I may have gone overboard with the undead, but hey, they add atmosphere.

I had a wonderful time at GenCon, and fully intend to return each and every year. Let us never forget that
play is extremely important in life, and that we should never be too busy to take time to enjoy things. It was
great meeting Walter Koenig and Virginia Hey (shes drop dead beautiful and one of the sweetest people
Ive ever met), sampling the new games, and generally spending several days with thousands of kindred

Heres hoping someone out there has my modules. If you do not, please do me a huge favor and upload this
module anywhere and everywhere! Drop me a line if youd like to suggest an upcoming module at

Take care, and keep the dice rolling, the Players Handbook open, and save the last slice of pizza for me!


Creative Credits
I would like to give a big thanks to the GenCon Forum folks for contributing some of their favorite
characters to the story! Big thanks to:

marimacc for Mendawin, Halifax and Gertrude!

Talis Ellestar for use of his character.
Bob for Corwin.
Ethan Parker for Yael Desh
Anthony Lemus for Volkhart
Ben Kappen for Olaf
Robin Sullivan for Freydis Ardglass.
Jeremy Putnam for Gorek Stonefist
James Journey for Drendan Amcathra
Michael Garner for Kir-Tak
A big thanks to Pyromancer for helping me with the Bastellus history and storyline.

Last but not least, thank you to everyone at GenCon. I will never leave you again, my brothers and sisters!

Next Issue
The next issue of SLAM will be a Boot Hill Campaign Adventure, and I am definitely doing one for
Halloween a Ravenloft one. Aside from these, there will be at least one more before GenCon 2005.

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Dungeonmasters Corner
Dungeonmasters Corner is a one-page addition to the module, to provide the DM with tips and ideas for
his or her own campaign.

Random Adventure Locales

Sometimes it is difficult to come up with a locale for a random adventure. If you use the same one over and
over, your campaign could get stale. Here is a quick alphabetized list suggesting several locales you could
use for spur-of-the-moment adventures:

Abandoned Temple
Ankhegs Caverns
Brigand Camp
Creepy Asylum
Cursed Monastery
Desert Brigands Hideout
Dijinnis Bottle
Druids Thicket
Dwarven City
Elf Glen
Floating Castle
Frost Giants Castle
Ghost Ship
Ghostly Woods
Gladiator Arena
Goblin Caves
Haunted Mansion
Headhunters Village
Ice Caverns
Jungle Temple
Leucrottas Deserted Plains
Mad Wizards Tower
Mountain Fortress
Ogrillon Camp
Orc Stronghold
Pirate Ship
Seaside Ghost Town
Suboceanic Castle
Sultans Palace
Thief Guildhouse
Underground Cavern
Werewolf-Plagued Village
Wizard Academy
Vampires Castle
Village of Cannibals
Volcanic Caves
Yaun-Ti Temple

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Module Prop A: Cuthberts Note
This message is scrawled on vellum sheet, which was probably ripped from a grimore of some kind.

Rollo, Pringle.

Hows goes it, old friends? Things are well with me. Nice and profitable, in fact. Got a nice haul!
Enough for the four of us to live like Kings!

We dont want Guido Monteferro or any of those other bloodsuckers from my old guild getting
a cut. I also am going to level with you I do not trust your captain, and I dont want to be
pulled out of this cold, dark purgatory just to be arrested by Captain Drake and some waiting

So Ive decided to play it safe. Ive taken the entire haul and stashed it through this dungeon.
Youre going to need me to find it all. Good incentive to keep me safe, right, friends?

But not the Talisman. Im keeping that with me.

There are many walking dead in this dungeon. I suppose they are victims of this place, its had a
troubled history. Fortunately, we have the Disks of Saint Grall, so they take no notice of either of

Roberto and I will be waiting at the chapel downstairs.


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Module Prop B: Ancient Note
This message is written on a crumpled piece of parchment.

Welcome, Corwin.

We are most pleased to have you on the team. Your exploits in capturing larcenous thieves
have reached us well before you arrived. The weapons master has also told me that you have a
particular specialty for knives. A man after my own heart!

There are three numbers that must be set to open the evidence lockers. As you know, we
cannot speak the combination nor may we even write down the numbers. I hear you have a keen
wit for word puzzles, so why not make the adherence to regulations enjoyable? The three
numbers are the answers to the following riddles.

A knavish baker has only six currants to cook the kings pie, and the recipe calls for eight.
Now, the baker has two figs, three of which can substitute for one currant. Twelve raisins can
substitute for one fig. The baker has twenty raisins. How many more raisins will he need to do
the job?

A bunch of adventurers have done well on a dungeon adventure. Ridley the Fighter,
Drendan Amcathra the Mage, Gorek Stonefist the Barbarian, and Sir Garthog the
Cavalier all agree that Struchart, the party thief, deserves a double share for saving the
party from a beholder. The party ended up with 900 gold, which they convert into platinum at
the bank. How much platinum does Stuchart get?

A witch, burned at the stake, places a horrible curse on the village of Regalhelm. The curse
will double those afflicted on each day. It takes a fortnight [two weeks] to curse the entire
populace. On which day was half of Regalhelm cursed?

The order will be: elder, squire and bridegroom.

Destroy this note as soon as you have committed these numbers to memory. Show this note to
no one!

And again, we look forward to punishing evil beside you.

Watch Captain and Master Turnkey,

Phillip Ironquiver

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Module Prop C: Cuthberts Final Note
This message is scrawled on vellum sheet, which was probably ripped from a grimore of some kind.

I dare not sleep, yet fatigue tugs at my mind. I do not know how much longer I can last.

It has stalked me, it has taken Roberto and now it certainly comes for me. The Disks do
nothing to save me.

The other night I was in its unmistakable embrace. I dreamt of being home at Wolfspaw
Thicket, my beloved family cottage. I ran towards it, but it kept getting further away as I should
have closed. Then, the sky soured into an unholy dark, and the ground erupted with the
undead, pulling themselves from the soil. However, these undead I recognized as everyone I
had held dear in my life: my mother, my lost love, Hilde, and my brothers. They pulled me
down into the cold earth, rasping with their rotted, tattered tongues. I screamed and struggled,
but to no avail.

And it was with a trailing scream that I awoke, to see all the lights I had set about my camp to
be extinguished. I was nauseous, covered in a cool sweat and felt a tingling chill on my
temples. A shadow melted into the darkness.

It was the Dreamdrinker. The attack was several hours ago, but the need to sleep is flooding
my mind, and the horrible fiend is surely waiting within one of the shadows nearby.

Dearest Viasanctus, most Holy Goddess of Right, I turn to you in this, my darkest hour. Deliver
a lowly thief from this abomination. For I fear it will consume my soul as well.

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Module Prop D: Altar Tiles
You can cut out these tiles for use of the Altar Puzzle, or simply give this sheet to the player, and he can
write out 5-tile combination attempts.

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